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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dyslexia : an investigation of teacher awareness in mainstream high schools

Thompson, Lynette Sharon 04 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to assess teachers’ awareness levels of dyslexia, their perceptions of their ability to identify and manage dyslexia, and their perceptions of the adequacy of their pre-service and in-service training in dyslexia. The sample comprised teachers at 16 mainstream high schools in the Western Cape. A Likert type scale questionnaire was used to collect data that were analysed by means of a sign test of difference and a Kruskal-Wallis test of variance. The results indicated that teachers had adequate knowledge of dyslexia, believed they are able to identify and manage dyslexia, and believed that they received little or no pre-service and in-service training in dyslexia. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that teachers need on-going adequate pre-service and in-service training in the field of dyslexia. / Department of Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Assisting teachers to support mildly intellectually disabled learners in the foundation phase in accordance with the policy of inclusion

Sethosa, Mosima Francisca 06 1900 (has links)
Mildly intellectually disabled (MID) learners, in South Africa, experience a great deal of discrimination. For the Black MID learner, the situation has been the worst in that even at a time when their white counterparts received education in separate schools, nothing of the sort existed for them. Most of them found themselves in ordinary schools, a situation described by many authors as "mainstreaming by default". The new education dispensation of 1994 brought along with it the need to begin looking at ways in which these learners are to be accommodated in the education system. However, such accommodation is made difficult by the fact that teachers are not familiar with ways of catering for diversity in the classrooms. An investigation was undertaken of the phenomenon mild intellectual disability. The characteristics of these learners were studied, in order to understand how these characteristics impact on their learning. The teaching principles and learning principles that make it easier for them to learn were studied. Most of these learners experience problems with reading, writing and mathematics. Existing educational programmes in developed and developing countries were examined, together with aspects of those programmes that might be of use in South Africa. A closer look was taken at provisions for these learners in South Africa before the new dispensation. An empirical study was undertaken to investigate what manifestations these learners display, how they are assisted once they are identified and to establish if teachers receive any support from parents, school management teams and the Department of Education. Finally, it was investigated if methods used for Outcomes-Based Education can be used to accommodate MID learners. Implications were then tabled on three levels, namely, the macro level, which is the provincial level, where decisions regarding educational policy and legislation for the Province are made, the meso level, which concerns implementation at the district level, and the micro level, which is the school itself. This level concerns the teacher's task in the classroom. Finally, a training manual for school support teams was designed, tested and finalised as a document to be used in assisting teachers to support MID learners / Early Childhood Education and Development / D. Ed. (Special Needs Education)

Teachers’ perspectives on addressing barriers to learning in learners in an independent mainstream high school in Gauteng province

Pillay, Renel 05 January 2021 (has links)
Limited research is available on teachers’ perspectives on addressing barriers to learning in learners in low to middle-income countries, such as South Africa. The main aim of the current research was to describe teachers’ perspectives on addressing barriers to learning in learners in an independent mainstream high school in Gauteng province. The study adopted a qualitative approach and data was collected by means of interviews, document analysis, and observations with 12 teachers in the school. The results of the study indicate that there are various challenges when addressing barriers to learning in learners. Furthermore, teachers respond to the diverse needs of learners by identifying the needs of learners and differentiating the curriculum. Lastly, teachers mentioned various forms of support that could help them effectively address the barriers to learning in learners in inclusive settings. Future countrywide research should focus on teachers’ perceptions when addressing barriers to learning in independent mainstream schools in South Africa. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Teachers' experiences of the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in an ordinary foundation phase classroom / Ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere lokha ngokufakaw kwabafundi abaneenkhinyabezo ezahlukahlukeneko zokufuna etlassini yesikolo esijayelekileko sebanga elisisekelo / UlwaziI othisha abahlangabezana nalo ohlelweni lwemfundo oluhlanganisa ndawonye abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda kwigumbi elejwayelekile lokufunda kwibanga lesikole eliyisisekelo / Tshenzhelo dza vhadeddzi dza u katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha kilasirumu zwayo ya vhuimo ha fhasi

Kasikako, Similo 25 April 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Ndebele, Zulu and Venda / The study aimed to explore teachers’ experiences and to discover challenges encountered by mainstream teachers in the inclusion of learners with diverse barriers to learning in the Foundation Phase mainstream classrooms in the Vaal, Gauteng region. The study provides strategies that can be utilised by the teachers to enhance inclusive education practice in mainstream classrooms. Ten teachers were purposively selected from five mainstream primary schools with two participants from each school. All participants were grade three Foundation Phase teachers. Data were collected through in-depth interviews that enabled the researcher to delve deeply and find rich and relevant information for the study. For triangulation purposes, the researcher made use of document analysis as a second method of collecting data for this study. The study followed a qualitative data analysis method which derived the information from the perceptions of the informants and formed significant themes. The study revealed that teachers are challenged greatly by a lack of knowledge and skills to address diverse learning disabilities adequately; initial training that is ineffective in dealing with learners with diverse barriers to learning; a gap of knowledge that exists between theory and practice; a lack of adequate resources; poor infrastructure; large numbers of learners in a class; a lack of support from District Based Support Teams; and an inflexible curriculum. The study recommends collaborated teaching where teachers learn from each other; peer teaching; teacher exchange programmes; curriculum modification that caters for learners with barriers to learning; and workshop training that focuses on practical skills that will enhance inclusive education in mainstream schools. / Irhubhululo belinqophe ukuphenya ilwazi elihlangabezana nabotitjhere kanye nokuveza iintjhijilo ezihlangabezana nabotitjhere bomkhakha wefundo omkhulu lokha nakufakwa abafundi abaneenqabo ezahlukahlukeneko eziphazamisa ukufunda ematlasini weSigaba esisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) eLigwa (Vaal), esiyingini esise-Gauteng. Irhubhululo linikela amano lawo angasetjenziswa botitjhere ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi ematlasini womkhakha wefundo omkhulu. Abotitjhere abalisumi bakhethwe ngehloso eenkolweni zomkhakha omkhulu, eenkolweni ezihlanu zamabanga aphasi, kanti zinabadlalindima ababili abavela kuzo zohlanu iinkolo. Boke abadlalindima bekubotitjhere abaphuma kuGreyidi 3 wesikolo esisesiGabeni esisiSekelo. Idatha ibuthelelwe ngokusebenzisa iinhlolombono ezidephileko ezisize umrhubhululi bona angene atjhinge bese athole ilwazi lesifundo elinothileko nelifaneleko. Ngokulandela iinzathu zokusebenzisa iindlela ezinengi zokubuthelela idatha, umrhubhululi usebenzise ihlelo lokutsenga umtlolo (document analysis) njengendlela yesibili yokubuthelela idatha yaleli rhubhululo. Irhubhululo lilandele indlela yokutsenga enamathele kwingcoco, mayelana nokuhlukanisa ngeengaba kwedatha etloliweko, okuyidatha leyo umcwaningi ayisusele emiqondweni yabadlalindima begodu yakha iindikimba eziqakathekileko. Irhubhululo liveze ukuthi abotitjhere bahlangabezene neentjhijilo eziqakathekileko ezimalungana nokulandelako: Ukutlhayela kwelwazi namakghono ukulungisa ngokwaneleko iinkhinyabezo zokukhubazeka ezihlukahlukeneko; ibandulo lokuthoma elingasebenzi kuhle malungana nokuqalana nabafundi abanokukhubazeka okusiqabo eziphazamisa ukufunda; isikhala selwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nokwenza; ukutlhayela kwemithombo eyaneleko; umthangalasisekelo omumbi; imbalo ephezulu yabafundi abagcwele ngetlasini; ukutlhayela kwesekelo elivela eenqhemeni ezidzimelele kudistriki; kanye nekharikhyulamu e ngatjhugutjhugulukiko. Irubhululo lincoma ihlelo lokufundisa elitjhebisanako, lapho abotitjhere bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; amaphrogremu wokutjhentjhisana ngabotitjhere; ukutjhugululwa kwekarikhyulamu efaka abafundi abaneenqabo ezibavimbela ukufunda; kanye nesifundobandulo esiqale ekufundiseni amakghonofundwa wokusebenza azokusiza ukuqinisa ihlelo lefundo efaka woke umfundi eenkolweni zomkhakha wefundo omkhulu. / Ucwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya izinto ezihlangabezana nothisha kanye nokuveza izinselele ezihlangabezana nothisha abakwingxenye enkulu yemfundo kanti kuxutshwa phakathi abafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene eziphazamisa ukufunda emagunjini okufunda aseSigabeni esiyisiSekelo (Foundation Phase) ngase-Vaal, esifundeni sase-Gauteng. Ucwaningo lunikeza amasu angasetshenziswa wothisha ukuqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi emagunjini okufunda. Othisha abayishumi bakhethwe ngenhloso kwizikole zemfundo esebangeni eliphansi, kanti abadlalindima ababili bavela kuzo zonke lezo zikole. Bonke abadlalindima abangothisha ababekwiGreyidi 3 ye-Foundation Phase. Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezijulile ezasiza umcwaningi ukuba agxile ngokujulile futhi athole ulwazi olunothile nolufanele lwalesi sifundo socwaningo. Ngenhloso yokusebenzisa izindlela eziningi zokuqoqwa kwedatha, umcwaningi wasebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya umbhalo njengendlela yesibili yokuqoqa idatha yalolu cwaningo. Ucwaningo luye lwalandela uhlelo lokuhlaziya idatha olugxile kwingxoxo (qualitative data analysis method), mayelana nokwehlukanisa ngezigaba kwedatha ebhalwe phansi, okuyidatha umcwaningi ayisusele kwimiqondo yabadlalindima kanti futhi iye yakha izindikimba ezisemqoka. Ucwaningo luveze ukuthi othisha bahlangabezene nezinselelo ezisemqoka mayelana nalokhu okulandelayo: ukusweleka kolwazi kanye namakhono okulungisa ngokwanele izihibhe eziphazamisa ukufunda; ukuqeqeshwa kokuqala okungenamthelela omuhle ekubhekaneni nabafundi abanezihibhe ezahlukahlukene zokufunda; isikhala solwazi esikhona phakathi kwethiyori kanye nalokho okuyizenzo eziphathekayo; ukusweleka kwemithombo yolwazi eyanele; ukwentuleka kwemithombo eyanele; ingqalasizinda engathokozisi; inani eliphezulu labafundi emagumbini okufunda; ukusweleka koxhaso oluvela kumaqembu axhasayo esifundazwe; kanye nohlelo lwemfundo oluqinile. Ucwaningo luncoma uhlelo lokufundisa olusebenzisanayo, lapho othisha bafunda komunye; ukufundisana kwabafundi; izinhlelo zothisha zokuphakelana ngolwazi; ukuguqulwa kwekharikhyulamu efaka abafundi abanezihibhe ezibaphazamisa ukuthi bafunde; kanye nezinhlelo zokuqeqeshwa eziphokophele kuqeqesho lwamakhono okukhombisa ngezenzo, okungamakhono azoqinisa uhlelo lwemfundo oluxuba wonke umfundi kwizikole zengxenye yomkhakha wemfundo omkhulu. / Ṱhoḓisiso yo livhiswa kha u wanulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi na u wanulusa khaedu dzine dza ṱangana na vhadededzi vhane vha funza kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha re na tshumelo dzo khetheaho musi vha tshi katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho kha u guda kha Vhuimo ha Fhasi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khethea ngei Vaal, kha dzingu ḽa Gauteng. Ṱhoḓisiso yo ṋetshedza zwiṱirathedzhi zwine zwa nga shumiswa nga vhadededzi u khwinisa maitele a pfunzo nyangaredzi kiḽasini dza vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadededzi vha 10 vho nangwa ho sedzwa vhukoni u bva kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari zwiṱanu zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. Vhadzheneleli vhoṱhe vho vha vhadededzi vha Gireidi ya 3 ya Vhuimo ha Fhasi. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho ine ya konisa muṱoḓisisi u ṱoḓisisa nga vhudzivha na u wana mafhungo o pfumaho o teaho kha ngudo. Kha ndivho tharu, muṱoḓisisi o shumisa u saukanya ḽiṅwalwa sa ngona ya vhuvhili ya u kuvhanganya data ya ṱhoḓisiso iyi. Ngudo yo tevhedza ngona ya u saukanya ya khwanthithathivi data, u ya nga khethekanyo ya data yo ṅwalululwaho ye muṱoḓisisi a i bvisa kha kuvhonele kwa vhadzheneleli na u vhumba thero dza ndeme. Ṱhoḓisiso yo wanulusa uri vhadededzi vha tshenzhela khaedu dza ndeme musi zwi tshi ḓa kha zwi tevhelaho: u sa vha na nḓivho na zwikili u amba nga ha zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho nga nḓila yo teaho, vhugudeli thangeli vhu songo teaho kha u shumana na vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda zwo fhambanaho; phambano ya nḓivho ine ya vha hone vhukati ha thiori na nyito; ṱhahelelo ya zwishumiswa zwo teaho; ṱhahelelo ya themamveledziso; tshivhalo tshinzhi tsha vhagudiswa kiḽasini; u sa wana thikhedzo u bva kha thimu dza thikhedzo dza tshiṱiriki; na kharikhuḽamu ine ya thivhela u swikelela ṱhoḓea dzo fhambanaho dza vhagudiswa. Ngudo yo themendela tshumisano kha u funza, hune vhadededzi vha guda u bva kha muṅwe, pfunzo ya thangana ya murole, mbekanyamushumo dza u tshintshisana ha vhadededzi; u khwinisa kharikhuḽamu dzine dza katela vhagudiswa vha re na zwithivheli zwa u guda; na vhugudisi ha u pfumbudzwa ho sedzaho kha zwikili zwine zwa ḓo khwinisa pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa vhagudiswa vha si na tshumelo dzo khetheaho. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

The impact of school management on inclusive education provision in full-service schools in North West Province

Matlhodi, Boitumelo William 14 January 2021 (has links)
The role of school management on the qualitative provision of inclusive education in designated full-service schools in North West Province is vital for optimum accommodation of learner diversity in ordinary mainstream primary schools. The school management of designated primary schools are assigned with the task of ensuring that inclusive education policy and practices are adopted and implemented by all stakeholders as prescribed by policy in their respective schools. This dissertation sought to investigate at a micro perspective the impact of school managers as individual employees and their response to the new inclusive education system in their schools. The study also identifies factors that facilitate or hinder their role. A qualitative approach and the case study design were applied in this study. Five schools were purposefully selected and total of 40 participants were involved. The participants include five principals, five deputy principals, ten heads of departments (HoDs) and 20 members of the SBST. Data were collected by conducting individual interviews for principals and deputy principals and focus group interviews for HoDs and members of SBST. The findings reveal that the school managers, SBST and stakeholders like parents do not yet understand the reasons behind expansion of inclusive education in their schools. The study reveals that the school management are still finding it difficult to fulfil their role and responsibility. This is owing to numerous challenges emanating from inadequate support from district based support teams or departmental officials, pedagogical barriers, systemic barriers, insufficient staffing, lack of human resource development through trainings, infrastructure challenges, resistance to policy such as SIAS and lack of knowledge of assistive devices. Subsequent to that, literature review reveals that studies on implementing inclusive education in schools focus largely on the plight and role of teachers and that little attention was paid to the role of school management on the provision of inclusive education. To enhance the impact of school management on provision of inclusive education and to address prohibiting factors noted form the findings, the study recommends to the department an intensive and structured capacity building programmes for departmental officials, school management, curriculum specialists, senior managers with specific reference to inclusive teaching strategies, admission within protocol of SIAS policy, and curriculum differentiation using assistive devices. A proposed model to improve the impact of school management on the provision of inclusive education with specific reference to administer admission within SIAS protocol is presented. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province

Ngulani, Gugulethu 04 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English and Nyanja / According to the Department of Education White Paper 6 of 2001, all learners have the right to learn at any school of their choice without being discriminated because of their barriers to learning. The aim of this study was to investigate teachers’ experiences in implementing inclusive education in primary schools in Johannesburg East district, Gauteng Province. The study sought to establish the teachers’ experiences in the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools. The researcher used qualitative method to conduct the study to get in-depth information on the teachers’ experiences in the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools. Five level 1 teachers and five Heads of Departments (HODs) were purposively sampled for the study in five different schools in the Johannesburg East district, Gauteng. Data were collected through in-depth interviews as this allowed participants to elaborate on their responses. Participants were also observed in their respective classrooms. Data was analysed to identify recurring themes. It emerged from the study that many teachers have not been adequately trained on implementing inclusive education in primary school classrooms; many schools do not have adequate resources and there is very little support from the relevant stakeholders. The study makes recommendations for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to workshop teachers more often on inclusive education, to supply more resources in schools and for relevant stakeholders to support teachers at schools. / U ya nga ha Nḓivhadzamulayotibe ya Muhasho wa Pfunzo ya vhu 6 ya 2001, vhagudiswa vhoṱhe vha na pfanelo ya u guda kha tshikolo tshiṅwe na tshiṅwe tshine vha funa vha sa khethululwi nga nṱhani ha zwithivhela ngudo zwavho. Ndivho ya ngudo iyi ho vha u sengulusa tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi kha u shumisa pfunzonyangaredzi zwikolo zwa phuraimari kha tshiṱiriki tsha Vhubvaḓuvha ha Johannesburg, Vundu ḽa Gauteng. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa ngona yo khwaḽithethivi u ita ṱhoḓisiso u itela u wana mafhungo a vhudzivha nga ha tshenzhelo dza vhadededzi kha tshumiso ya pfunzonyangaredzi kha zwikolo zwa phuraimari. Vhadededzi vhaṱanu vha ḽevele 1 na ṱhoho dza muhasho (dzi HOD) ṱhanu vho nanguludzwa u ya nga vhukoni u itela ngudo kha zwikolo zwiṱanu zwo fhambanaho kha tshiṱiriki tsha Vhubvaḓuvha ha Johannesburg, Gauteng. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu dzo ṱanḓavhuwaho, saizwi zwi tshi tendela vhadzheneleli u ṱanḓavhudza phindulo dzavho. Vhadzheneleli vho lavheleswa hafhu kiḽasini dzavho dzo fhambanaho. Data yo saukanywa u itela u vhona thero dzi dovhololaho. Ho wanala u bva kha ngudo uri vhunzhi ha vhadededzi a vho ngo gudiswa zwavhuḓi kha kushumisele kwa pfunzonyangaredzi kiḽasini dza tshikolo tsha phuraimari; vhunzhi ha zwikolo a zwi na zwishumiswa zwo linganaho, nahone hu na thikhedzo ṱhukhu u bva kha vhadzhiamukovhe vho teaho. Ngudo dzo themendela Muhasho wa Pfunzo ya Mutheo (DBE) uri u pfumbudze vhadededzi tshifhinga tshoṱhe kha pfunzonyangaredzi, u ṋekedza zwishumiswa zwinzhi na u wana thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi na vhadzhiamukovhe vho teaho. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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