Spelling suggestions: "subject:"managemement control package"" "subject:"managementment control package""
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The management control package and its relation to job satisfaction : A CASE STUDY AT SANKT KORS FASTIGHETS ABWesslander, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
Job satisfaction or dissatisfaction stems from the value alignment of a person's work-related needs and what the organization is offering. To increase job satisfaction can be seen as something worth pursuing in its own right, but it also has societal benefits in how it affects the health of employees. For organisations, job satisfaction is associated with lower levels of absenteeism and employee turnover, as well as better financial performance. The relation between the management control package and its effect on job satisfaction has not been studied to any great extent. Most studies in the management field have focused on one management control system or management control practice at the time. Yet most practices and systems are working together as a package with different levels of dependencies. The thesis of the paper is to explore how configurations of the management control package can explain differences in job satisfaction between organizations, by comparing a highly successful organization in regard to job satisfaction to a more normal performing. To answer the question a case study was conducted with the company Sankt Kors Fastighets AB and their equally sized subsidiary Dukaten. Sankt Kors is an estate company that has had a very high level of job satisfaction in recent years, while Dukaten, which mainly manages parking lots and car parks, has had lower and more standards levels of job satisfaction. The cases companies’ management control (MC) package configurations were compared to Bedford & Malmi’s (2015) configurations, and then the configurations were compared to MC package characteristics that the literature review found should be associated with higher levels of job satisfaction. The characteristics were high autonomy, nonbureaucratic, high participation in decision making, emphasis on values, and knowledge sharing. The devolved MC package configuration that Sankt Kors has, is characterized by a flat organization structure, a governance structure where authority is decentralized, a high degree of horizontal communication in the origination, and autonomy in the work processes. These characteristics responds to the MC package characteristics associated with higher levels of job satisfaction the most compared to the other MC package configurations, and therefor the devolved MC package configurations is suggested to be associated with higher levels of job satisfaction. The characteristics of the devolved MC package of Sankt Kors were also found to be enablers of self-leadership that were strongly expressed to be important for the job satisfaction of Sankt Kors. The result indicates that the MC package characteristics that were found associated with job satisfaction, are characteristics of the MC package designed around self-leadership, indicating designing an MC package around self-leadership is associated with higher levels of job satisfaction.
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The Role of Informal Controls in the Management Control Package : A Case Study of a Hybrid OrganizationSavklint, Oliver F. January 2022 (has links)
Purpose – This thesis aims to investigate the use and design of informal controls inan organization’s management control package (MCP). Informal controls areoperationalized as the intra-organizational social network. Design/methodology/approach – An inductive case study is used to investigate ahybrid organization. The thesis uses data from interviews, documents, and a surveyto gather information about the organization’s MCP and intra-organizational socialnetwork. Findings – It was found that the use of informal controls in the case organizationwas related to the spreading of clans and beliefs. The intra-organizational socialnetwork acts as conduits for clans, while the social network at the individual levelrelates to the spreading of certain beliefs. Furthermore, it was found that informalcontrols play a part in the design of different groups’ MCPs. Specifically, thatcertain groups use informal controls differently depending on whether theycoordinate other groups or directly work with the ongoing operations. Research limitation/implications – This study has implications for the MCPresearch, as it is the first empirical study to operationalize informal controls associal networks in an MCP. It shed light on the role of informal controls in theMCP. A limitation is that no observational data has been used to analyze theorganizational culture, which may have affected the conclusions. Originality/value – This is the first empirical study that operationalizes informalcontrols as social networks in an MCP. The study also presents the MCPs of 38intra-organizational groups and classifies them according to configurations. / Syfte – Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka användandet och designen avinformell kontroll, i form av ett intra-organisatoriskt social nätverk, i enorganisations styrpaket. Metod – En induktiv fallstudie har använts för att studera en hybrid-organisation.Studien använder data från intervjuer, dokument och en enkät för att kunnakonstruera organisationens styrpaket och intra-organisatoriska sociala nätverk. Slutsats – Studien visar på att användandet av informell kontroll inomorganisationen är relaterat till sprdiningen av klaner och övertygelser. Det intraorganisatoriska sociala nätverket agerar som ledningar för spridningen av klaner,medan det sociala nätverket mellan individer är relaterat till vissa övertygelser.Utöver detta, så visar även studien på att informell kontroll har en roll i designen avolika gruppers styrpaket. Mer specifikt, att grupper använder informell kontroll påolika sätt beroende på om de kordinerar andra grupper eller själva utför aktiviteter iden dagliga verksamheten. Begränsingar & Implikationer – Denna uppsats har implikationer för litteraturenom styrpaket. Det är den första empiriska studien som operationaliserar informellkontroll som ett socialt nätverk vid studie av ett styrpaket. Uppsatsen belyser däravrollen av informell kontroll i styrpaketet. En av studiens begränsningar är att ingenobservationsdata har använts för att analysera verksamhetens organisationskultur,detta kan möjligen fått konsekvenser för slutsatsen Originalitet – Detta är den första empiriska studien som operationaliserar informellkontroll som ett social nätverk vid stidue av ett styrpaket. Denna uppsats presenteraräven styrpaketen hos 38 styckna intra-organisatoriska grupper och klassificerar demi enlighet med styrkonfigurationer
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Le contrôle capacitant : le cas du réseau de coopération et d'action culturelle français à l’étranger / Enabling Control : the case of the French cooperation and cultural network abroadBenoit, Benjamin 25 November 2016 (has links)
Le réseau de coopération et d’action culturelle français à l’étranger (RECAC), qui relève du ministère des Affaires étrangères, est une organisation publique opérant dans le monde entier depuis la première partie du XXème siècle. Objet de nombreuses réformes, il est confronté depuis le début des années 2000 à de fortes restrictions. Pourtant, cette organisation menacée dans sa pérennité et dont le champ d’activité n’a cessé de s’élargir parvient toujours à remplir sa mission dans un contexte incertain et concurrentiel. Il ressort de cette étude que le sommet stratégique du RECAC a actionné le levier organisationnel en mettant en place une démarche nouvelle de contrôle de gestion. Pour saisir cette démarche, cette recherche déploie une méthodologie mixte à dominante qualitative en s’inscrivant dans le courant épistémologique interprétativiste. Elle mobilise le modèle du contrôle capacitant (Ahrens et Chapman, 2004), adapté de recherches réalisées par Adler et Borys (1996), autour de l’idée de « permettre aux employés de mieux maîtriser leur mission ». À partir de données secondaires produites pour le RECAC, de données primaires issues de 66 entretiens semi-directifs mobilisant le cadre étendu proposé par Ferreira et Otley (2009) avec l’application NVivo10, d’une description épaisse et d’une analyse factorielle des correspondances, la construction de l’assemblage d’un « système de maîtrise de gestion » (SMG) est analysée au travers des interactions SMG—manager-utilisateur. Basée sur une compréhension fine d’une organisation peu explorée en sciences de gestion, cette recherche doctorale, au travers de son guide d’entretien appréhendé comme un « point de rencontre » entre les acteurs, propose un « remodelage » du modèle du contrôle capacitant perçu comme un méta-contrôle de gestion. / The French cooperation and cultural network abroad, which operates under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is a public entity that has been operating globally since the early 20th century. Subject to numerous reforms, it has suffered from major budget cuts and downsizing since the early 2000s. However, this organization, whose very existence has been threatened and whose field of activity has nevertheless continued to widen, manages to fulfill its mission in an uncertain and competitive environment. This study shows that its senior leadership responded by an organization redesign that introduced a new approach to management control. This interpretive research uses a predominantly qualitative mixed methodology to assess this new approach. It mobilizes the enabling control model (Ahrens and Chapman, 2004) adapted from the research of Adler and Borys (1996). This model characterizes the systems that enable employees better to master their tasks. The nature of the organization’s management control seen as a package is analyzed through an investigation of the users’ experience, using secondary data produced for the organization, primary data from 66 semi-structured interviews that put into practice the extended framework proposed by Ferreira and Otley (2009) and exploits NVivo10 software, a thick description and a correspondence analysis. This doctoral research is based on a thorough understanding of an organization that has not been studied much in management science. Through its interview guide perceived as a "meeting point" between the actors, it offers a refinement of the enabling control model seen as a meta-management control.
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Relationer mellan styrsystem på IKEA : En studie om företagskulturens relation med den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen utifrån ett ledar- och medarbetarperspektiv / The relationship between management control systems at IKEA : A study of corporate culture's relationship with cybernetic and administrative control from a leader and employee perspectiveWalizai, Sunita, Lund, Thilde January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Traditionellt sett förknippas ekonomistyrning med den formella styrningen och mycket fokus har därmed lagts på den formella styrningen. Eftersom företag idag påverkas av kultur på olika sätt, kan den formella styrningen kompletteras med den informella styrningen. I styrningsarbetet blir ledarnas uppgift att reflektera på inflytande, vägleda och vidta olika åtgärder så att medarbetarna utför önskvärda ageranden. Samtidigt bör hänsyn tas till att det som kommuniceras av ledarna inte alltid uppfattas likadant av medarbetarna. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva hur företagskultur relaterar med den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen, med avseende på vilken typ av relation som är förekommande enligt ledarna och medarbetarna. Uppsatsens delsyfte är att beskriva ledarna och medarbetarnas uppfattning om den cybernetiska, administrativa och kulturella styrningen som styrmedel. Metod: Studien har genomförts på en av IKEAs organisationer i Älmhult och är därmed en fallsstudie. Undersökningen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ ansats med femton semistrukturerade intervjuer med ledare och medarbetare. Vidare har studien utgått ifrån en deduktiv ansats. Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar att företagskultur relaterar till den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen på flera olika sätt. Kulturen har en kompletterande, stödjande och samverkande effekt på den cybernetiska ochadministrativa styrningen. I vissa fall förekommer det även motsägande relationer mellan styrsystemen. Ytterligare en slutsats som kan dras är att kultur som styrmedel används i större omfång än den cybernetiska och administrativa styrningen i fallföretaget. Ledarna och medarbetarna har liknande uppfattning om den kulturella och administrativa styrningen. Uppfattningen om den cybernetiska styrningen som styrmedel varierar dock bland ledare och medarbetare. / Background: Traditionally, management accounting is associated with formal management and a lot of focus has thus been placed on formal management. Since companies today are influenced by culture in different ways, formal control can be supplemented with informal control. In the management work, the leaders' task is to reflect on influence, guide and take various measures so that the employees perform desirable actions. At the same time, it should be taken into account that what is communicated by the leaders is not always perceived in the same way by the employees. Purpose: The essay aims to describe how organizational culture relates to the cybernetic and administrative management, with respect to what type of relationship is present according to the leaders and employees. The partial aim of the essay is to describe the leaders' and employees' perception of the cybernetic, administrative and cultural management as a means of governance. Method: The study has been carried out at one of IKEA's organizations in Älmhult and is thus a case study. The survey is based on a qualitative approach with fifteen semi-structured interviews with leaders and employees. Furthermore, the study was based on a deductive approach. Conclusion: The result of the study show that corporate culture relates to cybernetic and administrative control in several different ways. Culture has a complementary, supportive and synergistic effect on cybernetic and administrative control. In some cases, there are also contradictory relationships between the control systems. Another conclusion that can be drawn is that culture as a means of control is used to a greater extent than cybernetic and administrative control in the company. Leaders and employees have a similar opinion about the cultural and administrative management. However, the perception of cybernetic governance as a means of governance varies among leaders and employees.
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