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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The potential of internal audit to enhance public supply chain management outcomes

Matthee, Craig Ashley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Public sector reform in South Africa became a reality with the change in political dispensations in 1994. In South Africa the transformation of the public sector became critical in order to provide for a better life for all. This required regulatory frameworks that could establish good governance and a holistic transformation of the public sector. Similar, to other countries financial management reform became critical to establish high performance public sector institutions, but specific to South Africa, to support equity in society. In this study the assumption is made that Internal Audit has a critical role toward the supply chain management framework, especially in relation to the two broad underlying motivations for procurement reform in South Africa. These are good governance and preferential procurement toward socio-economic empowerment. Both Internal Audit and supply chain management are private sector management methodology that forms part of the financial management reform of the public sector.

Electronic performance assessment : applying microsoft business scorecards accelerator in a small public sector serving organisation

Rabie, Jaco 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Public and Development Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Since the vogue of the New Public Management, public sector organisations pursue solutions to analyse, measure, plan, and manage performance in order to meet the objective of outcomes-based governance. Performance management is a complex and intensive undertaking that emphasise the value of electronic support to establish and sustain performance standards within modern public organisations. Software based on performance management models, such as the balanced scorecard, is globally used to provide a balanced analysis across the scope of an organisation’s functions and processes. The study explores and provides viable options for utilising performance management with electronic support in a public sector organisation. The Microsoft Business Scorecards Accelerator is applied to compare theoretically the software results with current organisational outputs established without electronic aid. The research provides a summary of the benefits and weaknesses. It also emphasises the advantages of an electronic system over a manual performance management system to reduce errors and benefit business performance in both public and private sector organisations.

Efficiency in the public sector : an analysis of performance measurements employed by the Western Cape Provincial Treasury

Bester, Albertus Viljoen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Efficiency is an important measure to determine to what extent government achieved its goals. In this thesis various definitions of efficiency are discussed, the relationship between efficiency and performance, as well as performance measurement techniques. The objective of this document is to analyse the following four subject matters:- 􀁸 What is meant by “efficiency” in the public sector. For the purpose of this discussion the definition of Gershon in his report for the British Treasury (2004: 6) is accepted and adapted. 􀁸 To learn about the different techniques in performance measurement available to measure efficiency or performance. The measurement of performance is mostly used to determine the level of efficiency. Techniques available to measure performance are discussed, namely benchmarking analysis, which is subdivided into parametric or regression based estimators and non-parametric or mathematically programming estimators, as well as economic analysis...

Critical assessment of the management practices of Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Hospital

Sofohlo, Patrick Mbeko 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to critically assess the management practices of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital in terms of the five public management functions, namely: policy-making, planning, organising, leading and controlling. From the study it is evident that managers of the public hospitals work in a complex and dynamic environment. This is as a result of the pressure felt due to expectations of the public on the quality of service rendered in the hospitals. The primary function of public managers is to ensure that efficient and effective services are rendered to the public. Therefore, all public managers are subject to compliance to the unique guidelines of the relevant legislative framework. In the study, the five public management functions were explained in terms of the broad theoretical framework on management practices on the part of the public sector. The research approach was qualitative and the diagnostic evaluation design was used. The target population for the study included all 48 managers of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital who occupy supervisory and higher positions. From the results in the analysis of the questionnaire it is evident that the five public management functions, namely, policy-making, planning, organising, leading and controlling were satisfactory - except the leadership function that needed attention. Public managers of hospitals are an important link between the legislature and the community who are the recipients of policy and are involved at the ground level in the execution of policy. These managers are at an advantage to identify the shortcomings in the existing policy and bring them to the attention of policy-makers. Policies and procedures at Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital were developed, interpreted and implemented. When discipline on employees was taken, relevant policies as stipulated in the Labour Relations Act, no 66 of 1995, were followed. Policies that support personal development through training and development were not implemented satisfactorily. The existing updated policy manuals were not adequately available to all the employees of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital. The function of planning at the hospital referred to the planning processes and mechanisms that were designed to facilitate the planning work. The purpose of planning as a management function was to give guidelines to the managers of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital on what they would do in the future. Management of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital ensured that employees understood the vision and mission of the hospital. These employees were involved in developing the operational plan of the hospital. Management of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital also ensured that operational plans of the employees supported the overall goals of the hospital. Recruitments, selections and appointments were done by human resource department, as was the orientation of new employees to the job. The organisational structure gave employees a clear idea of their responsibilities, the authority they had, and the person to whom they had to report. The functional structure of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital grouped together similar or related occupational classes. Expectations were clearly explained by supervisors to subordinates when assigning tasks. Activities and functions were organised and managers allocated responsibility commensurate to authority when delegating tasks to subordinates. Personnel expenditure at Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital did not impede service delivery. The hospital needed strong leadership to survive and overcome challenges that managers faced. The leadership function at Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital related to the way management defined what the future of the hospital would look like, to align people with the vision and inspire them to make things happen. Not enough was done by the management of the hospital in this area. The management of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital should do everything it could to train and develop managers and those employees who show potential in this area. The five public management functions, namely, policy-making, planning, organising, leading and controlling are executed in a complex and dynamic environment. It is necessary to assess, regularly, the management practices of public hospitals, focusing on the five public management functions. It is also necessary for public managers of Dr Yusuf Dadoo Public Hospital to ensure that the public management functions are carried out, to realise the set goals of the hospital. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die bestuurspraktyke van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal krities te assesseer in terme van die vyf openbare bestuursfunksies, naamlik beleidmaking, beplanning, organisering, leiding en beheer. Uit die studie is dit duidelik dat bestuurders van openbare hospitale in ’n komplekse en dinamiese omgewing werk. Dit is die gevolg van die druk wat ervaar word vanweë verwagtinge van die publiek ten opsigte van die gehalte van dienslewering in die hospitale. Die primêre funksie van openbare bestuurders is om te verseker dat doeltreffende en effektiewe dienste aan die publiek gelewer word. Derhalwe is alle openbare bestuurders onderworpe aan voldoening aan die unieke riglyne van die betrokke wetgewende raamwerk. In die studie is die vyf openbare bestuursfunksies verduidelik in terme van die breë teoretiese raamwerk vir bestuurspraktyke aan die kant van die openbare sektor. Die navorsingsbenadering was kwalitatief en die diagnostiese evalueringsontwerp is gebruik. Die teikenpopulasie vir die studie het al 48 bestuurders van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal wat toesighoudende en hoër posisies beklee, ingesluit. Uit die resultate van die ontleding van die vraelys het dit geblyk dat die vyf openbare bestuursfunksies, naamlik beleidmaking, beplanning, organisering, leiding en beheer, bevredigend is – behalwe die leierskapsfunksie wat aandag moet geniet. Openbare bestuurders van hospitale is ’n belangrike skakel tussen die wetgewer en die gemeenskap wat die ontvangers van beleid is en op grondvlak betrokke is by die uitvoering van beleid. Hierdie bestuurders het die voordeel dat hulle die tekortkominge in die bestaande beleid kan identifiseer en onder die aandag van beleidmakers kan bring. Beleide en prosedures by Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal is ontwikkel, vertolk en geïmplementeer. Wanneer dissiplinêre stappe teen werknemers gedoen is, is toepaslike beleide gevolg soos voorgeskryf in die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, no. 66 van 1995. Beleide wat persoonlike ontwikkeling deur opleiding en ontwikkeling ondersteun, is nie bevredigend geïmplementeer nie. Die bestaande bygewerkte beleidshandleidings is nie toereikend vir al die werknemers van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal beskikbaar nie. Die funksie van beplanning by die hospitaal verwys na die beplanningsprosesse en meganismes wat ontwerp is om die beplanningswerk te vergemaklik. Die doel van beplanning as bestuursfunksie is om riglyne aan die bestuurders van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal te verskaf oor wat hulle in die toekoms sal doen. Die bestuur van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal het seker gemaak dat werknemers die visie en missie van die hospitaal verstaan. Hierdie werknemers was betrokke by die ontwikkeling van die bedryfsplan van die hospitaal. Die bestuur van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal het ook seker gemaak dat bedryfsplanne van die werknemers die oorkoepelende doelwitte van die hospitaal ondersteun. Werwing, keuring en aanstelling word deur die menslikehulpbron-departement gedoen, asook die oriëntering van nuwe werknemers. Die organisasiestruktuur gee aan werknemers ’n duidelike idee van hul verantwoordelikhede, hul gesag en die persoon aan wie hulle moet rapporteer. Die funksionele struktuur van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal groepeer soortgelyke of verwante beroepsklasse saam. Verwagtinge word duidelik deur toesighouers aan ondergeskiktes verduidelik wanneer take toegewys word. Aktiwiteite en funksies is georganiseerd en bestuurders wys verantwoordelikheid in ooreenstemming met gesag toe wanneer take aan ondergeskiktes gedelegeer word. Personeeluitgawes by Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal belemmer nie dienslewering nie. Die hospitaal het sterk leierskap nodig om uitdagings waarmee bestuurders te doen het, te oorleef en te oorkom. Die leierskapsfunksie by Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal hou verband met die manier waarop die bestuur die toekoms van die hospitaal gedefinieer het, die belyning van mense met die visie en die inspirasie van mense om dinge te laat gebeur. Nie genoeg is deur die bestuur van die hospitaal op hierdie gebied gedoen nie. Die bestuur van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal moet alles moontlik doen om bestuurders en daardie werknemers wat potensiaal op hierdie gebied toon, op te lei en te ontwikkel. Die vyf openbare bestuursfunksies, naamlik beleidmaking, beplanning, organisering, leiding en beheer, word uitgevoer in ’n komplekse en dinamiese omgewing. Dit is noodsaaklik om die bestuurspraktyke van openbare hospitale gereeld te assesseer deur op die vyf openbare bestuursfunksies te fokus. Dit is ook noodsaaklik dat openbare bestuurders van Dr. Yusuf Dadoo Openbare Hospitaal verseker dat die openbare bestuursfunksies uitgevoer word om die gestelde doelwitte van die hospitaal te verwesenlik.

Solar roof tiles : towards a macro-economic model

Mokheseng, Motale Ben 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis examines whether a residential solar power system (comprising a solar photovoltaic [PV] system and a solar water heater [SWH]), a demand-side option, has a lower life-cycle cost than a coal-fired power plant, a supply-side option, or vice versa. It also investigates whether a million residential solar power systems could potentially replace a 4 800 MW coal-fired power plant in South Africa. The study also explores, should a million solar power systems be installed on residential units, what the total energy output, the equivalent in coal-fired generation capacity, and the comparative costs of the two power systems would be. The common belief is that solar PV technology is unviable for electricity production because it is too expensive compared to coal-based electricity. Statements such as these are made because the initial capital costs (procurement costs) are often used as the primary (and sometimes only) criterion for project, equipment or system selection based on a simple payback period. Due to life-cycle stages, often the real costs of the project or equipment are not reflected by the upfront capital costs. In this thesis, a methodology is developed to investigate the life-cycle cost effectiveness of a residential solar power system (comprising a 5 kW PV roof tile system and a 300 litre SWH) and a 4 800 MW coal-fired plant in order to choose the most cost effective alternative in terms of the project‟s functional unit (kWh). A 5 kW solar PV roof tile system and a 300 litre SWH system have been installed at Lynedoch Eco-village. The operational results from this experiment was used as a basis for developing a model for a million residential rooftops that will have a 5 kW PV roof tile system plus a 300 litre SWH system. The focus of the million rooftops model is operating costs over the lifetime of the solar power system, on the assumption that the capital costs will be financed from coal-fired generation capacity that will no longer be needed. The results of the study indicate that a residential solar power system is most cost effective over a 40-year life-cycle period in terms of the project‟s functional unit (kWh). The thesis also finds that a million residential solar power systems (comprising a 5 kW PV system and a 300 litre SWH) could potentially replace 40% of a 4 800 MW coal-fired generation capacity. In total, 2.3 million residential solar power systems are needed to replace a 4 800 MW coal-fired generation capacity. Emissions of 37 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year could be avoided if 2.3 million residential solar power systems were to be installed. However, the investment needed to install Lynedoch solar power systems (comprising a 5 kW PV roof tile system and a 300 litre SWH) on 2.3 million residential rooftops is fifteen times more than the investment needed to build a 4 800 MW coal-fired power plant. The investment needed to install 2.3 million Lomold residential solar power systems (comprising a 5 kW Lomold PV roof tile system and a 300 litre SWH) is six and half times more than the investment needed for a 4 800 MW coal-fired power plant. It was established during the study that if Lynedoch residential solar power systems were to be installed on the roofs of a million South African households, 152 308 jobs would be created in the manufacturing and installation supply chain. For the 2.3 million Lynedoch residential solar power systems needed to replace an entire 4 800 MW of coal-fired generation capacity, 340 690 jobs would be created in the manufacturing and installation supply chain. Installation of a million Lomold residential solar power systems would create 63 929 jobs in the supply chain. Installation of 2.3 million Lomold residential solar power systems would essentially create 147 298 jobs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis stel ondersoek in na die vraag of ʼn residensiële sonkragstelsel (bestaande uit ʼn fotovoltaïese (FV) stelsel en ʼn sonwaterverhitter [SWV]), ʼn vraagkant-opsie, ʼn laer lewensikluskoste as ʼn steenkoolkragsentrale, ʼn aanbodkant-opsie, het of omgekeerd. Daar word ook ondersoek of ʼn miljoen residensiële sonkragstelsels potensieel ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale in Suid-Afrika kan vervang. Verder word daar ondersoek, indien ʼn miljoen sonkragstelsels op residensiële eenhede aangebring word, wat die totale energie-uitset, die gelykstaande uitset van steenkool-opwekkingskapasiteit en die vergelykende koste van die twee kragstelsels sal wees. Die algemene oortuiging is dat sonkrag- FV tegnologie ongeskik is vir elektrisiteitsopwekking omdat dit te duur is in vergelyking met steenkoolgebaseerde elektrisiteit. Sodanige stellings word gemaak omdat die aanvanklike kapitaalkoste (aankoopkoste), gegrond op ʼn eenvoudige terugbetalingstydperk, dikwels as die primêre (en soms selfs die enigste) maatstaf tydens die keuse van ʼn projek, toerusting of stelsel dien. Die werklike kostes van ʼn projek of toerusting word egter dikwels nie in kapitaalkostes weerspieël nie, omdat hierdie maatstaf nie totale lewensikluskoste in ag neem nie. In hierdie tesis word ʼn metodologie ontwikkel om die lewensiklus-kostedoeltreffendheid van ʼn residensiële stelsel (bestaande uit ʼn 5 kW FV-dakteëlstelsel en ʼn 300 liter-SWV) en ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale te bereken sodat die kostedoeltreffendste opsie in terme van die projek se funksionele eenheid (kWh) gekies kan word. ʼn Residensiële sonkragstelsel bestaande uit ʼn 5 kW FV-dakteëlstelsel en ʼn 300 liter-SWV is in Lynedoch Eco-village geïnstalleer. Die operasionele resultate van die eksperiment is gebruik as grondslag vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn model vir die installering van ʼn 5 kW sonkrag-FV-dakteëlstelsel en ʼn 300 liter-SWV op ʼn miljoen residensiële dakke. Die fokus van die hierdie model is die operasionele koste oor die leeftyd van die sonkragstelsel, gegrond op die aanname dat die kapitaalkoste gefinansier sal word deur fondse wat nie meer vir die oprig van steenkoolkragsentrales benodig word nie. Die tesis se bevindinge dui daarop dat ʼn residensiële sonkragstelsel die kostedoeltreffendste is oor ʼn lewensiklustydperk van 40 jaar in terme van die projek se funksionele eenheid (kWh). Daar is ook gevind dat ʼn miljoen residensiële sonkragstelsels (bestaande uit ʼn 5 kW FV-dakteëlstelsel en ʼn 300 liter-SWV) potensieel 40% van ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale se kapasiteit kan vervang. Altesaam 2.3 miljoen residensiële sonkragstelsels is nodig om die kapasitiet van ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale ten volle te vervang. Gasvrystelling van 37 miljoen ton CO2-ekwivalent per jaar kan vermy word as 2.3 miljoen residensiële sonkragstelsels geïnstalleer word. Die belegging wat benodig word om Lynedoch-sonkragstelsels (bestaande uit ʼn 5 kW FV-dakteëlstelsel en ʼn 300 liter-SWV) op 2.3 miljoen residensiële dakke te installeer, is egter vyftien keer groter as die belegging wat benodig word om ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale te bou. Die belegging wat benodig word om Lomold- residensiële sonkragstelsels (bestaande uit ʼn 5 kW Lomold-FV-dakteëlstelsel en ʼn 300 liter-SWV) te installeer, is ses en ʼn half keer groter as die belegging wat nodig is om ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale op te rig. Die studie het bepaal dat as Lynedoch- residensiële sonkragstelsels op die dakke van ʼn miljoen Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings geïnstalleer word, 152 308 werksgeleenthede in die vervaardigings- en installeringsaanbodketting geskep sal word. Met die 2.3 miljoen Lynedoch- residensiële sonkragstelsels wat benodig word om ʼn 4 800 MW-steenkoolkragsentrale te vervang, sal 340 690 werksgeleenthede in die vervaardigings- en installeringsaanbodketting geskep word. Die installering van ʼn miljoen Lomold- residensiële sonkragstelsels sal 63 929 werksgeleenthede in die voorsieningsketting skep, terwyl die installering van 2.3 miljoen Lomold- residensiële sonkragstelsels 147 298 werksgeleenthede sal skep. / Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies

Contractors management functions : an integrated approach for planning, estimating and control

Teixeira, José M. January 1993 (has links)
Planning, estimating and control management functions as performed by Portuguese construction companies were studied. For this purpose, inquiries were made into the way a set of Portuguese contractors carried out these tasks, with special reference to planning, estimating and the preparation of data for control during the pre-contract stage. There is a lack of integration among those functions in the current practice of companies surveyed. This is a problem that companies would like to see solved. Data systems analysis was used to tackle the problem. It was concluded that there is no functional dependency between planning and estimating in most construction projects. This is especially due to the form in which. data is structured in the basic documents currently used for those functions (the bill of quantities for estimating and the construction programme for planning). A possible integrated approach to planning and estimating is suggested by considering construction works assigned both to the items of the bill of quantities and to the activities of the construction programme. This facilitates the preparation of data for control on site because costs and time are closely related in this approach. A model for the integration of planning and estimating management functions during the pre-contract stage of construction projects is presented. The model also enables one to achieve efficient preparation of data for control on site. Computer support for the model is also presented. This is based on a Database Management System which provides for an adequate environment for the model. The model was tested in some Portuguese construction companies, and led to satisfactory results. Those companies highlighted the advantage of building up the model upon a relational database which makes data manipulation and retrieval easier and allows for integration among management functions.

Designing a strategic path for ministry development

Loewen, Harry Robert, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Western Seminary, Portland, OR, 2001. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-181).

Attitudes about alternate financial planning for churches

Hammon, Mat. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Oxford Graduate School, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [128]-137).

Optimization of production planning for a quota-based integrated commercial fishery : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science in the University of Canterbury /

Hasan, Mohammad Babul. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Canterbury, 2007. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references. Also available via the World Wide Web.

Organisational resilience in New Zealand : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering at the University of Canterbury /

McManus, Sonia T. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Canterbury, 2008. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (p. 139-149). Also available via the World Wide Web.

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