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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura organizacional e gestão do conhecimento / Organizacional Design and Knowledge Management

Perrotti, Edoardo 30 June 2004 (has links)
Determinar quais os efeitos dos subsistemas componentes da estrutura organizacional na geração e disseminação do conhecimento é o objetivo principal proposto nesta pesquisa. Para isto há necessidade de entender como o conhecimento e as informações circulam dentro das organizações, quais tipos de conhecimento são estes, quais processos são utilizados para disseminação dos novos conhecimentos adquiridos, como são gerados os conhecimentos nas organizações, como a empresa está estruturada, dentre outros temas relevantes para o estudo. Com os dados gerais obtidos através da aplicação das entrevistas, foi elaborada uma análise qualitativa para detecção de correlação efetiva entre questões e variáveis. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que a Estrutura Organizacional pode ter efeito substancialmente positivo sobre a Gestão do Conhecimento, principalmente quando adotadas as práticas de trabalho com equipes multidisciplinares para resolução de problemas ou projetos de melhoria e quando coexistirem sistemas de comunicação e ambiente propícios para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura de aprendizagem e compartilhamento do conhecimento através do contato pessoal, com adequado suporte de tecnologia. / The main goal of this research is to determinate how the Organizational Design Systems can impact the generation and dissemination of knowledge. It is necessary to understand how the information and knowledge flow within the organizations, which types of knowledge are that, which processes are used to disseminate the new generated knowledge, how the knowledge is generated within the organizations and how the organization is designed, among other relevant matters. The raw data obtained through interviews were analyzed in order to detect an effective correlation between questions and variables. The current study allows the conclusion that the Organizational Design have positive effect on Knowledge Management, mainly when practices of working with multidisciplinary teams are adopted to solve problems or to develop innovation projects and when suitable communication systems and environment for the development of a learning and knowledge sharing culture through face to face contacts – supported by appropriated technology – coexist.

Transformações contemporâneas e suas implicações nos processos de aprendizagem de gestores

Closs, Lisiane Quadrado January 2009 (has links)
A aprendizagem torna-se vital para gestores que atuam em ambientes organizacionais envoltos em mudanças, complexidade, paradoxos e incertezas, permeados por inovações tecnológicas e desafiados por questões éticas, políticas, ambientais e econômicas. Este estudo propõe-se compreender os processos de aprendizagem de gestores e as implicações destas transformações em suas aprendizagens, nele integrando-se a teoria da aprendizagem transformadora, que enfatiza a reflexão crítica e o pensamento autônomo para analisar estas questões. Investigam-se, pela abordagem de história de vida, processos de aprendizagem de sete gestores e suas coletividades, em macrocontextos e em contextos específicos, integrando níveis de interação, aspectos objetivos e subjetivos. Os resultados revelam a interligação entre as aprendizagens ocorridas nos âmbitos profissional, pessoal e familiar, bem como entre desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, ao longo da vida. Destacam-se as aprendizagens envolvendo mudanças de esquemas de significados e transformações de perspectivas em mudanças profundas, além do papel da intuição e da emoção nesses processos. As mudanças contemporâneas que demandam aprendizagens incluem globalização e seus reflexos no contexto brasileiro; novas tecnologias; maior participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho; responsabilidade sócio-ambiental. A análise das entrevistas dos sujeitos pesquisados evidenciou que estas mudanças implicam novos pensamentos, atitudes e sentimentos, nas carreiras e nos arranjos familiares. Neste movimento, são relevantes aprendizagens autodirigidas, constantes reciclagens de conhecimentos e superação de expectativas para o crescimento profissional. As carências de aprendizagem centram-se na ampliação de competências sociais relacionadas às interações (na gestão de pessoas, na criação e manutenção de networks e no equilíbrio entre as suas esferas de vida); à percepção de mudanças e previsão do futuro; ao autodesenvolvimento de paciência, de tolerância, de confiança e do controle da ansiedade, entre outros aspectos pouco contemplados pela educação gerencial. / Due to change, complexity, paradox and uncertainty in the organizational context, faced with technological innovations and with global ethical, political, environmental and socioeconomic problems, managerial learning becomes vital. The study aims to understand management learning processes and the implications of these transformations in their learning, integrating transformative learning theory, which emphasizes critical thinking and independent thought to analyze these issues. The life history approach is used to investigate processes of learning in macro contexts and in specific contexts, including levels of interaction, objective and subjective aspects of seven managers and their communities. The results show the link between learning occurring at the professional, personal and family levels as well as between development and lifelong learning. The study highlights learning process involving changes in meaning schemes and perspective transformation in deep changes, the role of intuition in complex problems and of emotion in these processes. Contemporary changes that require learning include globalization and its consequences in the Brazilian context, new technologies, the increased participation of women in the labor market and socio-environmental responsibility. These changes involve new thoughts, attitudes and feelings, in careers and family arrangements of the subjects studied. They also emphasize selfdirected learning, constant recycling of knowledge and the overcoming of expectations for professional growth. The learning needs focus on the development of social skills related to interactions (in the management of people, in the creation and maintenance of networks, and in the balance between their spheres of life); to the perception of changes and prediction of the future; to the self-development of patience, tolerance, control of anxiety and selfconfidence among other issues lacking in management education.

Organizational Learning Assessment In Software Development Organizations

Chouseinoglou, Oumout 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Knowledge is one of the most important assets of an organization that directly affects business success, and its importance increases for organizations that use knowledge-intensive processes such as the software development industry. In an industry in which technological developments are rapid, in order to keep up with the continuously increasing competition and to obtain competitive advantage the software organizations need to obtain the correct knowledge, use it efficiently and pass it to future projects evolving it accordingly. The major aim of this research is to propose a novel model, namely AiOLoS, for assessing the level of organizational learning and learning characteristics in software development organizations. The primary contributions of this two-legged AiOLoS model are the identification of the major process areas and the core processes that a learning software organization follows during its organizational learning process and to provide the necessary measures and metrics and the corresponding definitions/interpretations for the assessment of the learning characteristics of the software development organization. The research is supported with a multiple case-study work conducted in software development teams in order to identify the mapping of the core processes and the applicability of the AiOLoS model to software development organizations, its utilization as a tool for assessing organizational learning and providing a basis for software process improvement.

"I sometimes question myself" : the learning trajectories of four senior managers as they confronted changing demands at work

Leal, Tatiana Rodriguez January 2016 (has links)
This study explores the learning trajectories of four senior managers at the Royal Mail as they confronted new demands at work. These four managers worked at the Royal Mail during the years prior to, and during its privatisation, when it was also undergoing an intense modernisation. Theoretically, I took a sociocultural approach, drawing on Vygotsky (1998), Edwards (2010), Holland et al. (1998), and Sfard and Prusak (2005), among others. I was also provoked by Alasdair MacIntyre's characterisation of the manager and his understanding of practice, which emphasises human ourishing. Data was collected through iterative unstructured and semi-structured interviews, and by work shadowing the managers. Methodologically, I developed a useful interview protocol to capture stories about work and a more nuanced understanding of what mattered to participants. I also built a conceptual framework that draws theoretically from a sociocultural understanding of learning and development, as well as from MacIntyre (2013) and Taylor (1989). e model emerged from the dialectics of theory and empirical data. The research shows that as the Royal Mail underwent organisational change, the managers had to navigate situations of misalignment between what mattered to them and what mattered to other members of the organisation. Such situations of misalignment brought about new demands. As they confronted the demands, the managers realised the need to close a gap between who they were and who they were expected to become. Gap-closing efforts were characterised as a process of learning and development that involved intense identity work. In the process, the managers had to work through a series of contradictions, which can be expressed in the form of questions: Who am I really? Who should I no longer be? Who do I resist becoming? And, who do I struggle to become? Gap-closing was given by a dialectic between the managers' commitments and identi cations, and the stories of what was good in the gured world of managing at the Royal Mail. Contrary to some of MacIntyre's suggestions, I found that the four managers in the study, Linda, Eric, Margaret and Julian did question themselves about some of the ends they pursued. ey also exhibited varying degrees of agency, and did establish a distance with the impositions of their institutional realities. In the eld, I found instances of moral debate, the exercising of virtues and the managers' very human efforts to live a worthy life and to ourish. Yet, I also found empirical grounds for some of MacIntyre's claims. As the managers navigated misalignment, they used an array of strategies intended to persuade others in a manipulative way, sometimes treating ends as given, and sometimes eluding moral debate. The study contributes to the literature of learning and development through its original theoretical approach that draws from both sociocultural and MacIntyrean ideas.

Cognoscitividade do agente e produção de conhecimento especializado : uma análise do processo de aprendizagem em alunos de programas de MBA Executivo

Vazquez, Ana Claudia Souza January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender a relação entre Cognoscitividade do Agente e Produção de Conhecimento Especializado na experiência de formação gerencial de alunos de MBA. Sem partir de proposições estabelecidas, a pesquisa de campo se concentrou em aprofundar as categorias da literatura e as que emergiram durante o processo de investigação com objetivo de produzir teoria fundamentada acerca da aprendizagem gerencial em cursos de MBA (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). Participaram da pesquisa 48 alunos provenientes de dois programas de MBA Executivo no Brasil, com idades entre 27 e 54 anos (M=38,1/DP=7,15). Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal, em que a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da observação participante e da triangulação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos e de dados coletados em fontes primárias e secundárias (Gray, 2012). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de: (a) pesquisa documental, (b) entrevistas com alunos, (c) dois questionários aplicados em momentos distintos da pesquisa, e (d) escalas validadas e padronizadas para população brasileira para mensurar Otimismo, Esperança Cognitiva, Autoeficácia e Autoestima; (e) diário de campo. Três Estudos Pilotos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de validação dos instrumentos de coleta com as fontes primárias; quais sejam: os dois questionários e o roteiro semiestruturado de entrevista com os alunos. Para validação das interpretações realizadas no decorrer da pesquisa foram aplicadas técnicas de validação comunicativa, pragmática e transgressiva (Sandberg, 2005). Os dados qualitativos foram analisados por meio de técnicas de codificação e interpretação de conteúdo da Teoria Fundamentada (Strauss & Corbin, 2009) e os dados quantitativos foram analisados pela estatística de tabulação cruzada para comparação das categorias pelo Teste t (Gray, 2012; Hair et al, 2007). Os resultados demostram associações significativas entre propriedades e dimensões específicas ao processo cognoscitivo dos alunos e à produção de Conhecimento Especializado nos programas de MBA investigados. A monitoração reflexiva dos alunos e sua relação dialética de poder nas transações com as propriedades estruturais do curso foram analisadas à luz de uma matriz interpretativa proposta nesta pesquisa para compreensão do processo de aprendizagem individual. Foram identificadas e descritas influências da Propriedade Estrutural do curso de MBA no engajamento do aluno, na articulação de conteúdos e experiências em conhecimento especializado e no desenvolvimento da Autoestima e Autoeficácia. Também foram identificadas e descritas influências dos modos e estratégias de aprendizagem aplicados pelos alunos-agentes na atribuição de valor e reconhecimento de contribuições efetivas do curso para sua prática profissional e o desenvolvimento de carreira. A partir das evidências obtidas é proposto um modelo teórico compreensivo do processo de aprendizagem individual em alunos de MBA. Limitações do estudo são discutidas e pesquisas futuras são sugeridas ao final do trabalho. / The objective of this research was to understand the relationship between the Cognoscitivity of the Agent and the Specialized Knowledge Production in experience of managerial formation of students of the MBA Executive. The present research did not start from previous established propositions. Actually, field research focused on deepening the categories of literature and those that emerged during the research process in order to produce grounded theory about learning management in MBA courses (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). Participants were 48 students from two Executive MBA programs in Brazil, aged between 27 and 54 years (M=38,1/SD=7,15). This is a longitudinal study, in which data collection was conducted through participant observation and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods and data from primary and secondary sources (Gray, 2012). Data were obtained from: (a) documentary research, (b) interviews with students, (c) two questionnaires applied at different times of the research, and (d) standardized and validated scales for the Brazilian population to measure Optimism, Cognitive Hope, Self-efficacy and Self-esteem, and (e) a field diary. Three Pilot Studies were conducted for the purpose of validation of data collection instruments with the primary sources (i.e., the two questionnaires and the script of the semi-structured interviews with students). To validate the interpretations made during the research communicative, pragmatic and transgressive validation techniques were applied (Sandberg, 2005). Qualitative data were analyzed using coding techniques and content interpretation of Grounded Theory (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). and quantitative data were statistically analyzed by cross-tabulation for comparison of categories through the t test (Gray, 2012; Hair et al, 2007). The results demonstrate significant associations between specific properties and dimensions of the cognoscitive process of students and to the production of Specialized Knowledge in the Executive MBA programs investigated. The reflexive monitoring of students and their dialectical relationship of power in transactions with the structural properties of the course were analyzed in the light of an interpretative matrix proposed in this research for understanding the process of individual learning. Influences of the Structural Property of the MBA course in student engagement, articulation of content and experiences, and expertise in the development of Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy were identified and described. The influences of the modes and learning strategies applied by the agency of the students in the value assignment and recognition of effective contributions of the course to their professional and career development were also identified and described. From the evidence obtained, a comprehensive theoretical model of the individual learning process in MBA students is proposed. Limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented at the conclusion.

Transformações contemporâneas e suas implicações nos processos de aprendizagem de gestores

Closs, Lisiane Quadrado January 2009 (has links)
A aprendizagem torna-se vital para gestores que atuam em ambientes organizacionais envoltos em mudanças, complexidade, paradoxos e incertezas, permeados por inovações tecnológicas e desafiados por questões éticas, políticas, ambientais e econômicas. Este estudo propõe-se compreender os processos de aprendizagem de gestores e as implicações destas transformações em suas aprendizagens, nele integrando-se a teoria da aprendizagem transformadora, que enfatiza a reflexão crítica e o pensamento autônomo para analisar estas questões. Investigam-se, pela abordagem de história de vida, processos de aprendizagem de sete gestores e suas coletividades, em macrocontextos e em contextos específicos, integrando níveis de interação, aspectos objetivos e subjetivos. Os resultados revelam a interligação entre as aprendizagens ocorridas nos âmbitos profissional, pessoal e familiar, bem como entre desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, ao longo da vida. Destacam-se as aprendizagens envolvendo mudanças de esquemas de significados e transformações de perspectivas em mudanças profundas, além do papel da intuição e da emoção nesses processos. As mudanças contemporâneas que demandam aprendizagens incluem globalização e seus reflexos no contexto brasileiro; novas tecnologias; maior participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho; responsabilidade sócio-ambiental. A análise das entrevistas dos sujeitos pesquisados evidenciou que estas mudanças implicam novos pensamentos, atitudes e sentimentos, nas carreiras e nos arranjos familiares. Neste movimento, são relevantes aprendizagens autodirigidas, constantes reciclagens de conhecimentos e superação de expectativas para o crescimento profissional. As carências de aprendizagem centram-se na ampliação de competências sociais relacionadas às interações (na gestão de pessoas, na criação e manutenção de networks e no equilíbrio entre as suas esferas de vida); à percepção de mudanças e previsão do futuro; ao autodesenvolvimento de paciência, de tolerância, de confiança e do controle da ansiedade, entre outros aspectos pouco contemplados pela educação gerencial. / Due to change, complexity, paradox and uncertainty in the organizational context, faced with technological innovations and with global ethical, political, environmental and socioeconomic problems, managerial learning becomes vital. The study aims to understand management learning processes and the implications of these transformations in their learning, integrating transformative learning theory, which emphasizes critical thinking and independent thought to analyze these issues. The life history approach is used to investigate processes of learning in macro contexts and in specific contexts, including levels of interaction, objective and subjective aspects of seven managers and their communities. The results show the link between learning occurring at the professional, personal and family levels as well as between development and lifelong learning. The study highlights learning process involving changes in meaning schemes and perspective transformation in deep changes, the role of intuition in complex problems and of emotion in these processes. Contemporary changes that require learning include globalization and its consequences in the Brazilian context, new technologies, the increased participation of women in the labor market and socio-environmental responsibility. These changes involve new thoughts, attitudes and feelings, in careers and family arrangements of the subjects studied. They also emphasize selfdirected learning, constant recycling of knowledge and the overcoming of expectations for professional growth. The learning needs focus on the development of social skills related to interactions (in the management of people, in the creation and maintenance of networks, and in the balance between their spheres of life); to the perception of changes and prediction of the future; to the self-development of patience, tolerance, control of anxiety and selfconfidence among other issues lacking in management education.

Cognoscitividade do agente e produção de conhecimento especializado : uma análise do processo de aprendizagem em alunos de programas de MBA Executivo

Vazquez, Ana Claudia Souza January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender a relação entre Cognoscitividade do Agente e Produção de Conhecimento Especializado na experiência de formação gerencial de alunos de MBA. Sem partir de proposições estabelecidas, a pesquisa de campo se concentrou em aprofundar as categorias da literatura e as que emergiram durante o processo de investigação com objetivo de produzir teoria fundamentada acerca da aprendizagem gerencial em cursos de MBA (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). Participaram da pesquisa 48 alunos provenientes de dois programas de MBA Executivo no Brasil, com idades entre 27 e 54 anos (M=38,1/DP=7,15). Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal, em que a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da observação participante e da triangulação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos e de dados coletados em fontes primárias e secundárias (Gray, 2012). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de: (a) pesquisa documental, (b) entrevistas com alunos, (c) dois questionários aplicados em momentos distintos da pesquisa, e (d) escalas validadas e padronizadas para população brasileira para mensurar Otimismo, Esperança Cognitiva, Autoeficácia e Autoestima; (e) diário de campo. Três Estudos Pilotos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de validação dos instrumentos de coleta com as fontes primárias; quais sejam: os dois questionários e o roteiro semiestruturado de entrevista com os alunos. Para validação das interpretações realizadas no decorrer da pesquisa foram aplicadas técnicas de validação comunicativa, pragmática e transgressiva (Sandberg, 2005). Os dados qualitativos foram analisados por meio de técnicas de codificação e interpretação de conteúdo da Teoria Fundamentada (Strauss & Corbin, 2009) e os dados quantitativos foram analisados pela estatística de tabulação cruzada para comparação das categorias pelo Teste t (Gray, 2012; Hair et al, 2007). Os resultados demostram associações significativas entre propriedades e dimensões específicas ao processo cognoscitivo dos alunos e à produção de Conhecimento Especializado nos programas de MBA investigados. A monitoração reflexiva dos alunos e sua relação dialética de poder nas transações com as propriedades estruturais do curso foram analisadas à luz de uma matriz interpretativa proposta nesta pesquisa para compreensão do processo de aprendizagem individual. Foram identificadas e descritas influências da Propriedade Estrutural do curso de MBA no engajamento do aluno, na articulação de conteúdos e experiências em conhecimento especializado e no desenvolvimento da Autoestima e Autoeficácia. Também foram identificadas e descritas influências dos modos e estratégias de aprendizagem aplicados pelos alunos-agentes na atribuição de valor e reconhecimento de contribuições efetivas do curso para sua prática profissional e o desenvolvimento de carreira. A partir das evidências obtidas é proposto um modelo teórico compreensivo do processo de aprendizagem individual em alunos de MBA. Limitações do estudo são discutidas e pesquisas futuras são sugeridas ao final do trabalho. / The objective of this research was to understand the relationship between the Cognoscitivity of the Agent and the Specialized Knowledge Production in experience of managerial formation of students of the MBA Executive. The present research did not start from previous established propositions. Actually, field research focused on deepening the categories of literature and those that emerged during the research process in order to produce grounded theory about learning management in MBA courses (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). Participants were 48 students from two Executive MBA programs in Brazil, aged between 27 and 54 years (M=38,1/SD=7,15). This is a longitudinal study, in which data collection was conducted through participant observation and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods and data from primary and secondary sources (Gray, 2012). Data were obtained from: (a) documentary research, (b) interviews with students, (c) two questionnaires applied at different times of the research, and (d) standardized and validated scales for the Brazilian population to measure Optimism, Cognitive Hope, Self-efficacy and Self-esteem, and (e) a field diary. Three Pilot Studies were conducted for the purpose of validation of data collection instruments with the primary sources (i.e., the two questionnaires and the script of the semi-structured interviews with students). To validate the interpretations made during the research communicative, pragmatic and transgressive validation techniques were applied (Sandberg, 2005). Qualitative data were analyzed using coding techniques and content interpretation of Grounded Theory (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). and quantitative data were statistically analyzed by cross-tabulation for comparison of categories through the t test (Gray, 2012; Hair et al, 2007). The results demonstrate significant associations between specific properties and dimensions of the cognoscitive process of students and to the production of Specialized Knowledge in the Executive MBA programs investigated. The reflexive monitoring of students and their dialectical relationship of power in transactions with the structural properties of the course were analyzed in the light of an interpretative matrix proposed in this research for understanding the process of individual learning. Influences of the Structural Property of the MBA course in student engagement, articulation of content and experiences, and expertise in the development of Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy were identified and described. The influences of the modes and learning strategies applied by the agency of the students in the value assignment and recognition of effective contributions of the course to their professional and career development were also identified and described. From the evidence obtained, a comprehensive theoretical model of the individual learning process in MBA students is proposed. Limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented at the conclusion.

Knowledge retention in national agricultural research organisations : the case of Uganda

Baguma, Sylvester D. January 2016 (has links)
Organisation knowledge attrition continues to gain attention due to the increasing mobility of organisational employees. Employees leave organisations due to retirement, resignation in search for better employment opportunities, termination of employment contracts, indisposition, unofficially leaving employment, and death. When they leave organisations, they take with them tacit knowledge. Attrition of tacit knowledge leads to loss of intellectual assets and erosion of organisational memory which negatively affect learning and innovation. The knowledge can be subject matter expertise, organisational memory of why certain decisions were made, experience of past research and development projects and the social network in terms of from whom they sought out for answers or collaborated with in executing their tasks. Knowledge attrition is common in many organisations in different sectors. The literature does not show any framework that addresses knowledge attrition right from the time an employee is recruited into an organisation to when he or she leaves it. The purpose of this study was to develop an integrated knowledge retention framework for minimising organisational knowledge attrition. This was achieved by investigating how loss of organisational tacit knowledge can be minimised. The research adopted a single case study design with a concurrent parallel mixed methods research strategy informed by pragmatic philosophical assumptions. It was conducted in Uganda in a large national agricultural research organisation. Data was collected from 36 focus group discussions involving 161 participants, review of organisational documents, 35 interviews, 205 online surveys and a validation workshop by 16 top managers. The main contribution of this research is the novel framework for knowledge retention that comprehensively addresses knowledge attrition from an organisation. The framework comprises two categories of components. The first is the organisational behavioural components comprising knowledge sharing, capturing and documenting knowledge, and knowledge exploitation. This category constitutes the core components of the knowledge retention strategy. The second category is the organisational environmental components. It comprises creating organisational learning environment, having knowledge-oriented governance and leadership, providing necessary capacities and conditions, and providing strategic guidance - planning for knowledge retention. Environmental components have moderating effects on the behavioural components. In addition, it has contributed to the theoretical existing body of knowledge from the framework that was developed. This complements the reviewed literature which uncovered three conceptual categorisations of the knowledge retention strategies based on the timing of capturing knowledge from an individual. The three categories are: Reactive (short-term), Containment (medium-term) and Preventive (long-term) knowledge retention strategies. Although the concept of knowledge retention is not new, this research has contributed to the existing body of literature. Additionally, the study provides a deeper understanding of knowledge retention and opens new research areas. Perhaps this is the first study of its kind in the agricultural sector specifically focussing on agricultural research.

Transformações contemporâneas e suas implicações nos processos de aprendizagem de gestores

Closs, Lisiane Quadrado January 2009 (has links)
A aprendizagem torna-se vital para gestores que atuam em ambientes organizacionais envoltos em mudanças, complexidade, paradoxos e incertezas, permeados por inovações tecnológicas e desafiados por questões éticas, políticas, ambientais e econômicas. Este estudo propõe-se compreender os processos de aprendizagem de gestores e as implicações destas transformações em suas aprendizagens, nele integrando-se a teoria da aprendizagem transformadora, que enfatiza a reflexão crítica e o pensamento autônomo para analisar estas questões. Investigam-se, pela abordagem de história de vida, processos de aprendizagem de sete gestores e suas coletividades, em macrocontextos e em contextos específicos, integrando níveis de interação, aspectos objetivos e subjetivos. Os resultados revelam a interligação entre as aprendizagens ocorridas nos âmbitos profissional, pessoal e familiar, bem como entre desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, ao longo da vida. Destacam-se as aprendizagens envolvendo mudanças de esquemas de significados e transformações de perspectivas em mudanças profundas, além do papel da intuição e da emoção nesses processos. As mudanças contemporâneas que demandam aprendizagens incluem globalização e seus reflexos no contexto brasileiro; novas tecnologias; maior participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho; responsabilidade sócio-ambiental. A análise das entrevistas dos sujeitos pesquisados evidenciou que estas mudanças implicam novos pensamentos, atitudes e sentimentos, nas carreiras e nos arranjos familiares. Neste movimento, são relevantes aprendizagens autodirigidas, constantes reciclagens de conhecimentos e superação de expectativas para o crescimento profissional. As carências de aprendizagem centram-se na ampliação de competências sociais relacionadas às interações (na gestão de pessoas, na criação e manutenção de networks e no equilíbrio entre as suas esferas de vida); à percepção de mudanças e previsão do futuro; ao autodesenvolvimento de paciência, de tolerância, de confiança e do controle da ansiedade, entre outros aspectos pouco contemplados pela educação gerencial. / Due to change, complexity, paradox and uncertainty in the organizational context, faced with technological innovations and with global ethical, political, environmental and socioeconomic problems, managerial learning becomes vital. The study aims to understand management learning processes and the implications of these transformations in their learning, integrating transformative learning theory, which emphasizes critical thinking and independent thought to analyze these issues. The life history approach is used to investigate processes of learning in macro contexts and in specific contexts, including levels of interaction, objective and subjective aspects of seven managers and their communities. The results show the link between learning occurring at the professional, personal and family levels as well as between development and lifelong learning. The study highlights learning process involving changes in meaning schemes and perspective transformation in deep changes, the role of intuition in complex problems and of emotion in these processes. Contemporary changes that require learning include globalization and its consequences in the Brazilian context, new technologies, the increased participation of women in the labor market and socio-environmental responsibility. These changes involve new thoughts, attitudes and feelings, in careers and family arrangements of the subjects studied. They also emphasize selfdirected learning, constant recycling of knowledge and the overcoming of expectations for professional growth. The learning needs focus on the development of social skills related to interactions (in the management of people, in the creation and maintenance of networks, and in the balance between their spheres of life); to the perception of changes and prediction of the future; to the self-development of patience, tolerance, control of anxiety and selfconfidence among other issues lacking in management education.

Cognoscitividade do agente e produção de conhecimento especializado : uma análise do processo de aprendizagem em alunos de programas de MBA Executivo

Vazquez, Ana Claudia Souza January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender a relação entre Cognoscitividade do Agente e Produção de Conhecimento Especializado na experiência de formação gerencial de alunos de MBA. Sem partir de proposições estabelecidas, a pesquisa de campo se concentrou em aprofundar as categorias da literatura e as que emergiram durante o processo de investigação com objetivo de produzir teoria fundamentada acerca da aprendizagem gerencial em cursos de MBA (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). Participaram da pesquisa 48 alunos provenientes de dois programas de MBA Executivo no Brasil, com idades entre 27 e 54 anos (M=38,1/DP=7,15). Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal, em que a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da observação participante e da triangulação de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos e de dados coletados em fontes primárias e secundárias (Gray, 2012). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de: (a) pesquisa documental, (b) entrevistas com alunos, (c) dois questionários aplicados em momentos distintos da pesquisa, e (d) escalas validadas e padronizadas para população brasileira para mensurar Otimismo, Esperança Cognitiva, Autoeficácia e Autoestima; (e) diário de campo. Três Estudos Pilotos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de validação dos instrumentos de coleta com as fontes primárias; quais sejam: os dois questionários e o roteiro semiestruturado de entrevista com os alunos. Para validação das interpretações realizadas no decorrer da pesquisa foram aplicadas técnicas de validação comunicativa, pragmática e transgressiva (Sandberg, 2005). Os dados qualitativos foram analisados por meio de técnicas de codificação e interpretação de conteúdo da Teoria Fundamentada (Strauss & Corbin, 2009) e os dados quantitativos foram analisados pela estatística de tabulação cruzada para comparação das categorias pelo Teste t (Gray, 2012; Hair et al, 2007). Os resultados demostram associações significativas entre propriedades e dimensões específicas ao processo cognoscitivo dos alunos e à produção de Conhecimento Especializado nos programas de MBA investigados. A monitoração reflexiva dos alunos e sua relação dialética de poder nas transações com as propriedades estruturais do curso foram analisadas à luz de uma matriz interpretativa proposta nesta pesquisa para compreensão do processo de aprendizagem individual. Foram identificadas e descritas influências da Propriedade Estrutural do curso de MBA no engajamento do aluno, na articulação de conteúdos e experiências em conhecimento especializado e no desenvolvimento da Autoestima e Autoeficácia. Também foram identificadas e descritas influências dos modos e estratégias de aprendizagem aplicados pelos alunos-agentes na atribuição de valor e reconhecimento de contribuições efetivas do curso para sua prática profissional e o desenvolvimento de carreira. A partir das evidências obtidas é proposto um modelo teórico compreensivo do processo de aprendizagem individual em alunos de MBA. Limitações do estudo são discutidas e pesquisas futuras são sugeridas ao final do trabalho. / The objective of this research was to understand the relationship between the Cognoscitivity of the Agent and the Specialized Knowledge Production in experience of managerial formation of students of the MBA Executive. The present research did not start from previous established propositions. Actually, field research focused on deepening the categories of literature and those that emerged during the research process in order to produce grounded theory about learning management in MBA courses (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). Participants were 48 students from two Executive MBA programs in Brazil, aged between 27 and 54 years (M=38,1/SD=7,15). This is a longitudinal study, in which data collection was conducted through participant observation and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods and data from primary and secondary sources (Gray, 2012). Data were obtained from: (a) documentary research, (b) interviews with students, (c) two questionnaires applied at different times of the research, and (d) standardized and validated scales for the Brazilian population to measure Optimism, Cognitive Hope, Self-efficacy and Self-esteem, and (e) a field diary. Three Pilot Studies were conducted for the purpose of validation of data collection instruments with the primary sources (i.e., the two questionnaires and the script of the semi-structured interviews with students). To validate the interpretations made during the research communicative, pragmatic and transgressive validation techniques were applied (Sandberg, 2005). Qualitative data were analyzed using coding techniques and content interpretation of Grounded Theory (Strauss & Corbin, 2009). and quantitative data were statistically analyzed by cross-tabulation for comparison of categories through the t test (Gray, 2012; Hair et al, 2007). The results demonstrate significant associations between specific properties and dimensions of the cognoscitive process of students and to the production of Specialized Knowledge in the Executive MBA programs investigated. The reflexive monitoring of students and their dialectical relationship of power in transactions with the structural properties of the course were analyzed in the light of an interpretative matrix proposed in this research for understanding the process of individual learning. Influences of the Structural Property of the MBA course in student engagement, articulation of content and experiences, and expertise in the development of Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy were identified and described. The influences of the modes and learning strategies applied by the agency of the students in the value assignment and recognition of effective contributions of the course to their professional and career development were also identified and described. From the evidence obtained, a comprehensive theoretical model of the individual learning process in MBA students is proposed. Limitations of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented at the conclusion.

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