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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimates of Transportation Energy Savings with Transportation Management Measures for Varying City Size

Edaayf, Ramadan 05 1900 (has links)
Since the early 1970's, fuel consumption in the transportation sector has been one of the major issues facing planners trying to conserve energy. Generally, fuel consumption is influenced directly by the number of vehicles, the distance travelled, the operating speed and the overall population of city. Traffic engineers spent a great deal of time solving such a problem sometimes by introducing the concept of traffic management, the different actions and strategies that reduce the fuel consumption and some other times by estimating the energy saving to evaluate the effectiveness of these actions. Despite best efforts, energy savings estimation have shown wide fluctuations. This study provides a preliminary Investigation of the impact of city size, in the medium range, on potential energy savings accrued due to implementation of Transportation Energy Management Measures (TEMM's). The data sources used includes the energy savings for each of five city size groups, subjected to 23 TEMM's. These data were rearranged and regressed over city size by using the CURFIT technique. Formulae were derived for each of the TEMM's. For the purpose of verification, the Community Benefits Analysis program (CBA) was applied to test some of the obtained results. It is thus concluded that the resulting energy savings, using the regressed equations provide a reasonable way to predict potential benefits across the medium range of city sizes. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)

Lietuvos valstybės skolos valdymo priemonių analizė 2004 – 2012 metų laikotarpiu / Lithuania government debt management measures analysis of 2004–2012 period

Norvaišaitė, Sandra 21 August 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamos Lietuvos valstybės skolos valdymo priemonės atliekant jų analizę 2004 – 2012 metų laikotarpiu. Teorinėje darbo dalyje apibūdinta valstybės skolos sąvoka, jos sandara. Aptariama valstybės skolos valdymo reikšmė šaliai bei susistemintos ir apibūdintos skolos valdymo priemonės. Praktinėje dalyje detalizuota Lietuvos ekonominė padėtis 2004 – 2012 metų laikotarpiu. Pagal teorinėje dalyje apibūdintas skolos valdymo priemones, atsižvelgus į Lietuvos 2004 – 2012 metų ekonominius ciklus, atlikta Lietuvos skolos valdymo priemonių analizė. Tyrime išsiaiškinta, kad ekonomikos pakilimo laikotarpiu (nuo 2004 iki 2008 metų vidurio bei pradėjus justi pirmus ekonomikos atsigavimo požymius 2011 – 2012 metais) Lietuvos skolinimosi poreikis kilo siekiant padengti senas skolas. Nuosmukio laikotarpiu (nuo 2008 vidurio iki 2010 metų) skolinimosi poreikį lėmė biudžeto deficitas. Tyrimas padėjo atskleisti tai, kad skolos valdymo struktūra, socialinės, politinės bei ekonominės aplinkos gerinimas reikalauja didesnio skolos valdytojų dėmesio. Be to išsiaiškinta, kad tenkinant dabartinius Lietuvos valstybės skolinius poreikius mažai dėmesio skiriama jų poveikiui ateities kartoms išsiaiškinti. / The purpose of Bachelor's thesis is to structure government debt management measures and to accomplish analysis of Lithuania debt management measures of 2004–2012 period. The theoretical part of the paper describes the public debt and it’s composition, and public debt management impact on Lithuanian country. The practical part of this paper goes into details of Lithuanian economic condition of 2004-2012 period. The analysis of Lithuanian debt management measures was done on the basis of debt management measures as described in theoretical part. This study clarified that Lithuanian demand of higher debt to cover previous debt was growing in better economic times (from 2004 till the middle of 2008 and from 2011 till 2012). However, higher debt demand was also growing which was the impact of higher budget deficit (from the middle of 2008 till 2010). From the results of this paper we can conclude that the debt managers should pay more attention to debt management, social and political and moreover economic environment improvements. Also we can conclude that there is insufficient attention to future generations in contrast of current Lithuanian liabilities.

Whale and small vessel interactions: exploring regulatory compliance and management implications in the Salish Sea

Fraser, Molly 28 August 2020 (has links)
Compliance is a key feature for the management of non-consumptive wildlife viewing, as it can link management measures to performance and aid in developing recommendations that promote sustainable practices. Whale watching is a prominent wildlife viewing industry that is steadily rising in demand around the world. Managing vessel-cetacean encounters and operator behaviour (both commercial and recreational) is key to limiting impacts on cetaceans, yet the scale of regulatory compliance is often poor or unknown. Although efforts exist to regulate whale watching, challenges arise for the assessment of compliance in marine environments, as they are inherently spatially vast, lack physical boundaries, and can involve mobile stressors (i.e. vessels) and species. Chapter 1 reviews the shift in paradigms from consumptive to non-consumptive activities and highlights challenges for those tasked with managing the growing wildlife tourism industry, and in particular, whale watching. After reviewing a suite of measures prevalent around the world, this chapter then focuses on the Salish Sea’s approach to managing whale watching. This area epitomizes a major whale watching hub and displays complex, multi-jurisdictional and constantly evolving measures. Due to a lack of knowledge in this region, Chapter 2 shifts from theory to practice and assesses regulatory compliance with marine mammal distance regulations from 2018 to 2019 in the Salish Sea. Although compliance was nearly 80%, key drivers including vessel and species type were found to significantly influence non-compliance. Recreational vessels were non-compliant 41.9% of the time and 74.2% of non-compliant encounters occurred around killer whales across both years. The findings of the study demonstrate that case-specific investigation of compliance is necessary as each region is unique in its approach to management. Lastly, recommendations are proposed that can benefit marine managers and policymakers to enhance the performance of measures and subsequently minimize risk to cetaceans. / Graduate

Verbundprojekt WASA-BOSS: Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung von Severe Accident Codes – Bewertung und Optimierung von Störfallmaßnahmen; Teilprojekt B: Druckwasserreaktor-Störfallanalysen unter Verwendung des Severe-Accident-Code ATHLET-CD

Jobst, M., Kliem, S., Kozmenkov, Y., Wilhelm, P. 09 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Innerhalb des Vorhabens wurde ein ATHLET-CD-Eingabedatensatz für einen generischen deutschen DWR vom Typ KONVOI entwickelt. Das ATHLET-CD-Modell wurde für die Simulation schwerer Störfälle aus den Störfallkategorien Station Blackout (SBO) und Kühlmittelverluststörfällen mit kleinen Lecks (SBLOCA) eingesetzt. Dabei ist die vollständige Störfalltransiente für den Zeitbereich zwischen dem einleitenden Ereignis bis zum Versagen des Reaktordruckbehälters (RDB) abgedeckt und alle wesentli-chen Phänomene schwerer Störfällen werden abgebildet: Beginn der Kernaufheizung, Spaltproduktfrei-setzung, Aufschmelzen von Brennstoff- und Absorbermaterialien, Oxidationsprozesse mit Freisetzung von Wasserstoff, Verlagerung von geschmolzenem Material, Verlagerung in das untere Plenum, Schä-digung und Versagen des RDB. Das Modell wurde für die Analyse möglicher präventiver und mitigativer Notfallmaßnahmen für SBO und SBLOCA angewandt. Dafür wurden die Notfallmaßnahmen primärseitige Druckentlastung (PDE), primärseitiges Einspeisen mit mobilen Pumpensystemen sowie für SBLOCA das verzögerte Einspeisen der kaltseitigen Druckspeicher untersucht und die Eigenschaften und Einleitekriterien der Maßnahmen variiert. Es wurden die Zeitverläufe der Unfallszenarien analysiert und die verbleibenden Zeitspannen für die Einleitung zusätzlicher Maßnahmen ermittelt. Für ein SBO-Szenario mit PDE wurde für die Frühphase der Transiente (bis zum Beginn der Kernschmelze) eine Unsicherheits- und Sensititvitätsanalyse durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurde für ein SBLOCA-Szenario ein Code-zu-Code-Vergleich zwischen ATHLET-CD und dem Störfallcode MELCOR erarbeitet.

Análise de medidas de controle de inundações a partir da avaliação de cenários de uso e ocupação do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, São Carlos - SP / Analysis of flood control measures from the assessment of land use scenarios in the Gregorio stream basin, São Carlos - SP

Decina, Thiago Galvão Tiradentes 15 June 2012 (has links)
O processo de urbanização vem ocorrendo na maioria das cidades brasileiras de forma desorganizada. Desse modo, um problema recorrente que afeta diversos municípios brasileiros são as inundações. A falta de um planejamento que levasse em consideração a drenagem urbana no início do desenvolvimento das cidades acaba criando condições para que as inundações sejam deflagradas a cada época chuvosa. Assim, mostra-se necessária a planificação de medidas preventivas e corretivas que abordem essa questão, a fim de que os prejuízos causados pelas inundações sejam minimizados. Dessa forma, a modelação hidrológica aparece como uma poderosa ferramenta, ao tornar possível uma análise das medidas de controle, através da criação de cenários e simulação de eventos hidrológicos. Nesse contexto o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, por meio de simulação hidrológica e hidráulica, o desempenho de algumas medidas de controle de inundação, estruturais e não-estruturais. Para tanto, com o auxílio do programa ArcGIS 9.3 e imagens de satélite de alta resolução, a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, em São Carlos SP, foi digitalizada e foram criados cenários alternativos que incorporaram as medidas de controle. Através da utilização dos softwares HEC-HMS e HEC-RAS foram realizadas as modelações hidráulica e hidrológica, utilizando tempos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos para a chuva de projeto. Com os resultados obtidos (hidrogramas de cheia e manchas de inundação referentes a cada tempo de retorno), foi possível analisar as medidas comparando-se os diferentes cenários, e concluiu-se, para este caso, que os melhores resultados correspondem à associação das medidas estruturais e não-estruturais. Contudo, também foi verificado que, mesmo com a concretização do cenário mais favorável, o problema das inundações não seria satisfatoriamente equacionado, o que revela a necessidade de se considerar outras medidas para minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes das inundações, tais como medidas de controle na fonte, seguros contra inundações e sistemas de alerta antecipados. / The urbanization process has taken place in most Brazilian cities in a disorganized way, and floods are a recurring problem that has affected many municipalities. The lack of a planning that takes into account the urban drainage in the early development of the cities creates conditions for floods to occur in every rainy season. Therefore, the planning of preventive and corrective measures is necessary to address this issue in order to minimize the flood damages. Hydrological modeling appears as a powerful tool, as it enables the analysis of the flood management measures through the creation of scenarios and simulations of hydrological events. In this context, this dissertation analyzes the performance of some structural and nonstructural flood control measures by means of hydrologic and hydraulic simulations. The basin of the Gregório Stream, in São Carlos - SP, was scanned and scenarios that incorporate the management measures were created, both with the aid of software ArcGIS 9.3 and highresolution satellite images. Hydraulic and hydrologic modelings were performed by HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software programs using return periods of 25, 50 and 100 years for the design storm. The results (flood hydrographs and flooding areas for each return period) allowed analyzing the measures by comparing the different scenarios and the best results corresponded to the association of structural and nonstructural measures. However, even by implementing the best scenario, the problem of flooding would not be satisfactorily solved, revealing the need to consider other measures to minimize flood damage, such as runoff source control measures, flood insurance and early warning systems.

Análise de medidas de controle de inundações a partir da avaliação de cenários de uso e ocupação do solo na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, São Carlos - SP / Analysis of flood control measures from the assessment of land use scenarios in the Gregorio stream basin, São Carlos - SP

Thiago Galvão Tiradentes Decina 15 June 2012 (has links)
O processo de urbanização vem ocorrendo na maioria das cidades brasileiras de forma desorganizada. Desse modo, um problema recorrente que afeta diversos municípios brasileiros são as inundações. A falta de um planejamento que levasse em consideração a drenagem urbana no início do desenvolvimento das cidades acaba criando condições para que as inundações sejam deflagradas a cada época chuvosa. Assim, mostra-se necessária a planificação de medidas preventivas e corretivas que abordem essa questão, a fim de que os prejuízos causados pelas inundações sejam minimizados. Dessa forma, a modelação hidrológica aparece como uma poderosa ferramenta, ao tornar possível uma análise das medidas de controle, através da criação de cenários e simulação de eventos hidrológicos. Nesse contexto o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, por meio de simulação hidrológica e hidráulica, o desempenho de algumas medidas de controle de inundação, estruturais e não-estruturais. Para tanto, com o auxílio do programa ArcGIS 9.3 e imagens de satélite de alta resolução, a bacia hidrográfica do Córrego do Gregório, em São Carlos SP, foi digitalizada e foram criados cenários alternativos que incorporaram as medidas de controle. Através da utilização dos softwares HEC-HMS e HEC-RAS foram realizadas as modelações hidráulica e hidrológica, utilizando tempos de retorno de 25, 50 e 100 anos para a chuva de projeto. Com os resultados obtidos (hidrogramas de cheia e manchas de inundação referentes a cada tempo de retorno), foi possível analisar as medidas comparando-se os diferentes cenários, e concluiu-se, para este caso, que os melhores resultados correspondem à associação das medidas estruturais e não-estruturais. Contudo, também foi verificado que, mesmo com a concretização do cenário mais favorável, o problema das inundações não seria satisfatoriamente equacionado, o que revela a necessidade de se considerar outras medidas para minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes das inundações, tais como medidas de controle na fonte, seguros contra inundações e sistemas de alerta antecipados. / The urbanization process has taken place in most Brazilian cities in a disorganized way, and floods are a recurring problem that has affected many municipalities. The lack of a planning that takes into account the urban drainage in the early development of the cities creates conditions for floods to occur in every rainy season. Therefore, the planning of preventive and corrective measures is necessary to address this issue in order to minimize the flood damages. Hydrological modeling appears as a powerful tool, as it enables the analysis of the flood management measures through the creation of scenarios and simulations of hydrological events. In this context, this dissertation analyzes the performance of some structural and nonstructural flood control measures by means of hydrologic and hydraulic simulations. The basin of the Gregório Stream, in São Carlos - SP, was scanned and scenarios that incorporate the management measures were created, both with the aid of software ArcGIS 9.3 and highresolution satellite images. Hydraulic and hydrologic modelings were performed by HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software programs using return periods of 25, 50 and 100 years for the design storm. The results (flood hydrographs and flooding areas for each return period) allowed analyzing the measures by comparing the different scenarios and the best results corresponded to the association of structural and nonstructural measures. However, even by implementing the best scenario, the problem of flooding would not be satisfactorily solved, revealing the need to consider other measures to minimize flood damage, such as runoff source control measures, flood insurance and early warning systems.

Verbundprojekt WASA-BOSS: Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung von Severe Accident Codes – Bewertung und Optimierung von Störfallmaßnahmen; Teilprojekt B: Druckwasserreaktor-Störfallanalysen unter Verwendung des Severe-Accident-Code ATHLET-CD

Jobst, M., Kliem, S., Kozmenkov, Y., Wilhelm, P. 09 March 2017 (has links)
Innerhalb des Vorhabens wurde ein ATHLET-CD-Eingabedatensatz für einen generischen deutschen DWR vom Typ KONVOI entwickelt. Das ATHLET-CD-Modell wurde für die Simulation schwerer Störfälle aus den Störfallkategorien Station Blackout (SBO) und Kühlmittelverluststörfällen mit kleinen Lecks (SBLOCA) eingesetzt. Dabei ist die vollständige Störfalltransiente für den Zeitbereich zwischen dem einleitenden Ereignis bis zum Versagen des Reaktordruckbehälters (RDB) abgedeckt und alle wesentli-chen Phänomene schwerer Störfällen werden abgebildet: Beginn der Kernaufheizung, Spaltproduktfrei-setzung, Aufschmelzen von Brennstoff- und Absorbermaterialien, Oxidationsprozesse mit Freisetzung von Wasserstoff, Verlagerung von geschmolzenem Material, Verlagerung in das untere Plenum, Schä-digung und Versagen des RDB. Das Modell wurde für die Analyse möglicher präventiver und mitigativer Notfallmaßnahmen für SBO und SBLOCA angewandt. Dafür wurden die Notfallmaßnahmen primärseitige Druckentlastung (PDE), primärseitiges Einspeisen mit mobilen Pumpensystemen sowie für SBLOCA das verzögerte Einspeisen der kaltseitigen Druckspeicher untersucht und die Eigenschaften und Einleitekriterien der Maßnahmen variiert. Es wurden die Zeitverläufe der Unfallszenarien analysiert und die verbleibenden Zeitspannen für die Einleitung zusätzlicher Maßnahmen ermittelt. Für ein SBO-Szenario mit PDE wurde für die Frühphase der Transiente (bis zum Beginn der Kernschmelze) eine Unsicherheits- und Sensititvitätsanalyse durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurde für ein SBLOCA-Szenario ein Code-zu-Code-Vergleich zwischen ATHLET-CD und dem Störfallcode MELCOR erarbeitet.

Klimatanpassad skogsskötsel i ett förändrat klimat / Adaptation of forest management in a changing climate

Ödh, Tobias January 2023 (has links)
Klimatförändringar gör att vi kommer se en ökad medeltemperatur. Nederbörden kommer att variera mera där större mängder kommer falla under höst och vinter, medan vår och sommar blir desto torrare. Skador på skogen kommer troligtvis öka i form av torka, patogener och storm. För att skogen ska klara av dessa extremer behöver dagens skogsbruk ställa om till ett klimatanpassat skogsbruk. Eftersom stora delar av Sveriges skogar ägs privat är syftet med studien att undersöka vilka typer av klimatanpassade skötselåtgärder dagens privatägda skogar utfört eller planerat i södra Sverige. Undersökning gjordes genom intervjuer samt utskick av skriftliga frågor till olika typer av rådgivare i skogsbranschen. Öka tall-, lövandel och ståndortsanpassa var det tre högst prioriterade skötselåtgärderna. Kunskapsbrist var den största anledning till att skogsägare var osäkra på att ställa om till ett klimatanpassat skogsbruk.

Pro-environmental travel behavior : The importance of attitudinal factors, habits, and transport policy measures

Eriksson, Louise January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study determinants of a readiness for pro-environmental travel behavior in households. Four empirical studies were conducted examining reduction in car use (Study I), acceptability of transport policy measures (Study II and III), and behavioral adaptations in response to travel demand management (TDM) measures (Study IV). In Study I, the aim was to interrupt habitual car use by means of a deliberation intervention and to examine the importance of moral motivation (i.e., personal norm) for car use reduction. Results showed that, as a result of the intervention, car use was mainly reduced among car users with a strong car use habit and a strong moral motivation to reduce car use. The aim of Study II was to examine factors important for the acceptability of three TDM measures: raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, and an information campaign. The results demonstrated the importance of general environmental beliefs (i.e., pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to reduce car use) and policy specific beliefs (i.e., perceived impact on freedom to choose travel mode and own car use, perceived effectiveness, and perceived fairness) for the acceptability of the measures. Furthermore, personal norm was found to be particularly important for the acceptability of raised tax and the information campaign, whereas problem awareness was more important for the acceptability of improved public transport. Following up on Study II, the purpose of Study III was to examine the acceptability of single and combined transport policy measures, more specifically, raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, subsidies of renewable fuel, a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and improved public transport, and a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and subsidies of renewable fuel. General environmental beliefs (i.e., pro-environmental orientation, problem awareness, personal norm, and willingness to act) and policy specific beliefs (i.e., perceived effectiveness and perceived fairness) were found to be important for the acceptability of the measures. Moreover, personal norm was particularly important for the acceptability of raised tax on fossil fuel and the packages, while problem awareness was more important for the acceptability of improved public transport and subsidies of renewable fuel. The aim of Study IV was to examine the behavioral adaptations, more specifically, the expected car use reduction, in response to three hypothetical TDM measures: raised tax on fossil fuel, improved public transport, and a package of raised tax on fossil fuel and improved public transport. Furthermore, factors important for the expected car use reduction were analyzed. Results showed that a combination of the measures was expected to lead to a larger car use reduction compared to the single measures, and the most commonly chosen reduction strategies were more efficient car use and changing travel mode. Moreover, internal motivational factors, such as personal norm, and the perceived personal impact of the measures were important for expected car use reduction in response to the measures.

Der Einfluss der Hydrologie auf die Phosphor-Freisetzung und -Retention in einem teilvernässten Spreewald Polder

Gabriel, Oliver 26 March 2012 (has links)
Natürliche Niederungsgebiete wirken als effektive Phosphor Senke. Landwirtschaftliche Nutzung und Drainage führt zur Transformation zu Phosphor Quellen. Dem Spreewald, ein Feuchtgebiet und seiner Funktionsweise als Phosphor Quelle oder –Senke, kommt im Einzugsgebiet der Spree eine wichtige Rolle zu. Die vorhandenen Kenntnisse der Phosphor Umsatzprozesse und des Phosphor Austausches zwischen den Flächen und dem Fließgewässernetz sind jedoch gering. Praktikable Ansätze zur Beschreibung des Phosphor Austauschverhaltens von Nährstoffen in den ausgedehnten Polderregionen liegen nicht vor. Anhand hydrologischer, geohydraulischer und biogeochemischer Prozessuntersuchungen in einer Polderlandschaft mit typischer Stauhaltung konnten die Phosphor Freisetzungs- und Retentionsprozesse ausgewiesen werden. Unter Nutzung verschiedener Modellansätze (geohydraulische Modellierung, Stofftransportmodellierung und Statistische Modelle) und der Berechnung von Phosphor Prozessraten werden horizontale und vertikale Phosphor Fluxe in den Flächen-Wasser Übergangszonen quantifiziert. Die Ergebnisse gehen in ein Phosphor Bilanzmodell ein, das die P-Quellen und Senkenfunktion von Polder Teilflächen (überstaut, genutzt) und des gesamten Polders in Monatsschritten abbildet. Die biogeochemischen Phosphor Umsatzprozesse sowie der horizontale und vertikale Transport werden wesentlich von den hydrologischen und den klimatischen Bedingungen gesteuert. Sie stellen die primären Einflussgrößen der P Senken oder -Quellenfunktion dar. Im Polder wird die Phosphor Netto Freisetzung der genutzten Bereiche durch eine hohe Phosphor Netto Retention in den überstauten Flächen abgemindert. Szenario Untersuchungen zeigen, dass sinkende Grabenwasserstände zu einer erheblichen Erhöhung der Phosphor Emissionen aus dem Grundwasserpfad führen. Ansteigende Phosphor Fluxe bei sinkenden Wasserständen legen ein zunehmendes Eutrophierungsrisiko in den Gräben sowie für unterhalb gelegene aquatische Systeme nahe. / Natural wetlands effectively retain phosphorus. Agricultural cultivation and drainage by ditches transform them to phosphorus sources. In the Spree catchment, the Spreewald, a large scaled lowland has a strategic importance operating as a phosphorus sink or phosphorus source. Anyhow, knowledge of its phosphorus turnover processes and the phosphorus exchange behavior between the plain and the river and ditch network are marginal. Practicable approaches to reproduce the phosphorus exchange behavior in its typical polder areas are missing. Based on process investigations in a polder area with typical weir regulation, phosphorus retention and remobilization processes are characterized. Combining different model approaches (groundwater modeling, matter transport modeling and statistical models) and calculating process rates, the horizontal and vertical phosphor fluxes in the water soil/sediment transition zones are quantified. The outcomes are used as input data for a phosphorus balance model reproducing the phosphorus source and sink character of used and rewetted polder areas and for the whole polder in monthly time steps. Results from process and transport investigations point out that biogeochemical turnover processes and horizontal or vertical phosphorus transport are driven by hydrological and climatological conditions. Net phosphorus release found in the extensive used polder areas is counteracted by significant net phosphorus retention in the rewetted parts. Scenario analyses identify decreasing ditch water levels to cause a considerable increase of phosphorus emissions from the groundwater pathway. Consequently, the increasing phosphorus fluxes at decreasing water levels provoke a growing risk for eutrophication in the ditches but also in the downstream aquatic systems.

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