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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Mentorskap as metode van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling : met spesiale verwysing na die toepassing daarvan binne die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika

Botha, Deonie Francesca 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in Afrikaans and English / Die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika ervaar 'n behoefte aan 'n metode van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling waarvolgens die vaardighede van werknemers ontwikkel kan word sodat die organisasie kan aanpas by plaaslike en globale veranderinge. Gestruktureerde mentorskap is vervolgens geidentifiseer as 'n geskikte metode om in die bestaande behoefte te voorsien, aangesien mentorskap se loopbaan- en psigo-sosiale funksies die ontwikkeling van die professionele en persoonlike vaardighede van die werknemer moontlik maak. Daarby is mentorskap nie net voordelig vir die betrokkenes nie, maar dit hou ook besliste voordele in vir die organisasie en die sektor waarbinne die organisasie werksaam is. Die suksesvolle toepassing van gestruktureerde mentorskap is egter daaraan onderhewig dat die kontekstuele omgewing waarbinne dit toegepas gaan word, geskik moet wees, en werknemers moet bereid wees om betrokke te raak by so 'n program. 'n Konseptuele raamwerk vir die bestudering van mentorskap soos opgestel deur David Marshall Hunt en Carol Michael is derhalwe aangepas om die verskynsel "mentorskap" deur middel van 'n verkennende literatuuroorsig te bestudeer. Die bevindinge van die literatuuroorsig word ondersteun deur 'n empiriese ondersoek van die geskiktheid van die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika as kontekstuele omgewing vir die toepassing van mentorskap en die bereidwilligheid van die werknemers van hierdie biblioteekorganisasie om betrokke te raak by die mentorskapproses. Die data wat ingesamel is, word ontleed en die gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak word oor bogenoemde twee vereistes vir die suksesvolle toepassing van mentorskap word uiteengesit. Die studie word afgesluit deur aanbevelings wat gemaak word oor aspekte van die toepassing van mentorskap wat verdere navorsing regverdig, maar wat nie binne die bestek van hierdie studie na behore aangespreek kon word nie. / Structured mentoring was identified as a method to develop the professional and personal skills of the employees of the National Library of South Africa in order to adjust to local and global changes. A conceptual framework for the study of mentoring, as developed by Hunt and Michael, was therefore critically adapted in order to investigate fully the phenomenon of "mentoring" by means of an exploratory literature review. The findings of the literature review are supported by an empirical survey to test the suitability of the National Library of South Africa as contextual environment for the application of mentoring, as well as the willingness of its employees to participate in mentoring. This culminated in an analysis and interpretation of the findings and formulation of conclusions regarding the two abovementioned requirements for the successful application of mentoring. The study ends with recommendations for further investigation into aspects of mentoring which could not be covered in this study. / Information Science / M. Inf.

The experiences of critical nurses regarding staffing management in critical care units in private hospitals of the Cape Metropole

Anthonie, Ramona F. G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nurse managers are responsible to staff different hospital units and departments with sufficient, trained and experienced personnel. Most critical care units in the private healthcare in South Africa are staffed below maximum workload levels and additional staff is supplemented when needed. Current staffing management strategies comprises the application of the patient acuity score, the utilisation of contracted agency staff and ward staff who assist occasionally in the critical care unit (CCU). The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of critical care nurses regarding staffing management within critical care units in private health care institutions in the Western Cape. The following objectives were set to: - explore the experiences of CCNs regarding staffing management strategies such as o the patient acuity score o the employment of ad hoc agency staff and o the utilization of ward staff A descriptive design with a qualitative approach was applied. A sample size of n=15 was drawn from a total population of N=377, using purposive sampling technique. A pilot-test was also completed. The trustworthiness of this study was assured with the use of Lincoln and Guba’s criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. All ethical principles were met. The findings of the study demonstrated that nurses perceive the workload in critical care units as heavy. The utilisation of the acuity score does not really assist in relieving the workload as managers tend not to consider the staffing requirements as predicted by the acuity score due to budget constraints. The enrolled nurses who assist occasionally in the critical care unit require supervision as well as ongoing development to ensure safe and quality patient care. Yet agency nurses were perceived as either extraordinary good or incompetent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verpleegbestuurders het die verantwoordelik om verskillende hospitaaleenhede en departemente met voldoende opgeleide en ervare personeel te voorsien. Die meeste kritieke sorgeenhede in Suid-Afrika word met minder as dan die maksimum werkladingsvlak beman en addisionele personeel word aangevul wanneer nodig. Huidige personeelbestuurstrategieë behels die toepassing van die pasiënt akuïteit telling, die gebruik van ingekontrakteerde agentskap-personeel en saalpersoneel wat per geleentheid in die kritiekesorgeenheid help. Die doel van die studie was om die ervaringe van kritieke-sorgverpleegsters ten opsigte van personeel bestuur binne die kritiekesorgeenhede in die privaat gesondheidsorginstellings in die Weskaap, te ondersoek. Die volgende doelwitte is gestel: - Om die ervaringe van kritieke-sorgverpleegsters aangaande personeelbestuur-strategieë te ondersoek, soos: o die pasiënt akuïteit telling o die gebruik van agentskapverpleegpersoneel en o die gebruik van saal personeel, te ondersoek ’n Beskrywende kwalitatiewe studie is toegepas. ’n Steekproef van n=15 is uit ’n totale populasie van N=377 getrek deur die doelgerigte steekproeftegniek te gebruik. ’n Loodstoetsing van die semi-gestruktureerde vraelys is ook gedoen. Die betroubaarheid van hierdie studie was verseker deur van Lincoln en Guba se kriteria vir geloofwaardigheid, oordraagbaarheid, betroubaarheid en bevestigbaarheid gebruik te maak. Daar is aan alle etiese vereistes voldoen. Die bevindings van die studie toon dat die verpleegpersoneel die werklading in die kritiekesorgeenheid as veeleisend ervaar. Die aanwending van die pasiënt akuïteit-telling dra nie werklik by tot verligting van die werklading nie, aangesien bestuurders weens begrotingsbeperkings neig om nie die personeelbenodigdhede soos deur die akuïteit-telling voorspel in ag neem nie. Die ingeskrewe verpleegsters wat per geleentheid in die kritieke-sorgeenheid hulp verleen, benodig toesig asook volgehoue ontwikkeling ten einde veilige en kwaliteit pasiëntsorg te verseker. Die agentskapverpleegpersoneel is egter as baie bekwaam of onbevoeg beskou.

Implications of the Employment Equity Act and other legislation for human resource planning in Telkom, Western Cape

Odendaal, Barend Röges 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The affirmative action process has accelerated dramatically since the democratisation of South Africa. After the 1994 general election equity became entrenched in legislation. The employment equity legislation together with other labour legislation is there to undo long-standing segregation policies. The Employment Equity Act, 1998, holds unique challenges for organisations to reach their employment equity goals. A limited time period has also been set for organisations to apply a temporary intervention to endeavour to correct the imbalances caused by the apartheid regime. The apartheid legislation, which resulted in 45 years of racial separation, had the adverse effect of denying certain South Africans equal employment opportunities. This caused an imbalance in the labour demographics of South Africa. This study focuses on the effects of the implementation of the Employment Equity Act, 1998, and other legislation on human resource planning within Telkom SA. Telkom SA, being the largest communications company in South Africa, has committed itself to employment equity and has already embarked on an affirmative action programme. However, the various pieces of legislation require certain criteria to be met. With the distortion of the labour demographics, Telkom SA finds has difficulty in finding suitably qualified candidates in certain race groups within the Western Cape. Perceptions of affirmative action have also been negative and this has led to resistance to the process. As soon as a commitment to the process occurs, then all human resources can be utilised effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Regstellende aksie het dramaties versnel sedert die 1994 algemene verskiesing van Suid Afrika en gelykheid het deel begin vorm van aIle wetgewing. Die wetgewing op gelyke geleentheid, tesame met ander arbeidwetsgewing is daarop gestel om rasse verwydering te beveg. Die Wet op Gelyke Geleenthede, 1998, vereis dat instansies hulle gelyksheid doelwitte bereik binne 'n gegewe tydperk. Die tydelike tussenkoms om die wanbalans te herstel, wat deur die ou regering veroorsaak is, is van kardinale belang. Die apartheids wetgewing het veroorsaak dat daar na 45 jaar steeds 'n negatiewe uitwerking is vir sekere rassegroepe. Dit het ook veroorsaak dat daar 'n wanbalans in die demografie van Suid Afrika is. Hierdie studie is gemik daarop om die uitwerking van die verskeie wetgewing se uitwerking op die beplanning van die menslikehulpbronne van Telkom SA te ondersoek. Telkom SA, is tans die grootste kommunikasie maatskappy in Suid Afrika en hulle is daarop gemik om gelyke geleenthede te bevorder en het die nodige stappe alreeds geneem ten opsigte van die regstellende aksie plan. Die verskeie wetgewing stel sekere vereistes aan Telkom SA weens die feit dat hulle deel vorm van die aangewese maatskappye soos die wetgewing bepaal. Hulle vind dit moeilik om 'n geskoolde persoon uit sekere rassegroepe te kry, weens die feit dat hulle nie gelyke geleentheid gehad het om te ontwikkel nie. Regstellende aksie is ook negatief ontvang deur sekere werknemers en dit kan die proses vertraag. Sodra persone toegewyd word aan die voordele van so 'n proses, sal die dienste van aIle Suid-Afrikaners effektief gebruik kan word.

Comparative analysis of Navy and Marine Corps planning, programming, budgeting and execution systems from a manpower perspective

Barry, John C., Gillikin, Paul L. 03 1900 (has links)
"S. Dooley: Tertiary Reader" / Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This study provides analysis, conclusions and recommendations to assist the Deputy Commandant (DC), Manpower and Reserve Affairs Department (M&RA) and DC, Programs and Resources Department (P&R) in structure and process decisions concerning Marine Corps Manpower budget execution. DC, M&RA is the owner of the Marine Human Resource Development Process (HRDP) and the Military Personnel Marine Corps (MPMC) appropriation sponsor, while the DC, P&R has budgetary (1517) authority for MPMC budget execution. In contrast, the Navy has both sponsorship and 1517 authority within one cell at N1. By comparing these two services' organizational factors and Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Systems (PPBES), relevant differences surface, conclusions are drawn, and recommendations offered for improvements. Recommendations include realignment of 1517 authority within MPMC execution, and the melding of the Programs and Budget Branch of Manpower Plans Division, M&RA with the Military Personnel Branch, Fiscal Division, P&R (RFM). This new office will be responsible for all facets of MPMC programming, budgeting, and execution. / Captain, United States Marine Corps

Evaluating human resource policy in managing absenteeism : a case of the City of Tshwane

Moletsane, Mphacha Innocentia 01 1900 (has links)
Absenteeism in the workplace is a longstanding challenge practised by employees for various reasons. It persists despite the numerous efforts undertaken to curb it. The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality is concerned with excessive employee absenteeism. Present research evaluates the City of Tshwane’s human resources policy for managing absenteeism. Causes of absenteeism are critically examined, particular attention being paid to the different leave-types that impinge on service delivery within the City of Tshwane. Within a qualitative research framework, personal semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from staff members of the Leave Capturing Office of the City of Tshwane. The targeted office is responsible for leave management, which includes capturing, recording and encashment of leave. In addition to the questionnaire, the leave management policy as well as sick-leave statistics were brought to bear on this study of absenteeism at the City of Tshwane. Study findings highlighted factors such as job dissatisfaction, unpleasant working relations, favouritism, low wages, lack of resources, stress at the workplace alongside boredom with routine unchallenging tasks as significant causes of absenteeism. The study also found sick-leave to be the form of reported absence most misused by employees. In general, employees take two days sick leave, which is the maximum an employee can take without requiring a medical certificate. Recommendations include that management should invest in a total process that can control and mitigate absenteeism related risks that may adversely affect operations at the City of Tshwane. / Public Administration / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

Mentorskap as metode van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling : met spesiale verwysing na die toepassing daarvan binne die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika

Botha, Deonie Francesca 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in Afrikaans and English / Die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika ervaar 'n behoefte aan 'n metode van menslikehulpbronontwikkeling waarvolgens die vaardighede van werknemers ontwikkel kan word sodat die organisasie kan aanpas by plaaslike en globale veranderinge. Gestruktureerde mentorskap is vervolgens geidentifiseer as 'n geskikte metode om in die bestaande behoefte te voorsien, aangesien mentorskap se loopbaan- en psigo-sosiale funksies die ontwikkeling van die professionele en persoonlike vaardighede van die werknemer moontlik maak. Daarby is mentorskap nie net voordelig vir die betrokkenes nie, maar dit hou ook besliste voordele in vir die organisasie en die sektor waarbinne die organisasie werksaam is. Die suksesvolle toepassing van gestruktureerde mentorskap is egter daaraan onderhewig dat die kontekstuele omgewing waarbinne dit toegepas gaan word, geskik moet wees, en werknemers moet bereid wees om betrokke te raak by so 'n program. 'n Konseptuele raamwerk vir die bestudering van mentorskap soos opgestel deur David Marshall Hunt en Carol Michael is derhalwe aangepas om die verskynsel "mentorskap" deur middel van 'n verkennende literatuuroorsig te bestudeer. Die bevindinge van die literatuuroorsig word ondersteun deur 'n empiriese ondersoek van die geskiktheid van die Nasionale Biblioteek van Suid-Afrika as kontekstuele omgewing vir die toepassing van mentorskap en die bereidwilligheid van die werknemers van hierdie biblioteekorganisasie om betrokke te raak by die mentorskapproses. Die data wat ingesamel is, word ontleed en die gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak word oor bogenoemde twee vereistes vir die suksesvolle toepassing van mentorskap word uiteengesit. Die studie word afgesluit deur aanbevelings wat gemaak word oor aspekte van die toepassing van mentorskap wat verdere navorsing regverdig, maar wat nie binne die bestek van hierdie studie na behore aangespreek kon word nie. / Structured mentoring was identified as a method to develop the professional and personal skills of the employees of the National Library of South Africa in order to adjust to local and global changes. A conceptual framework for the study of mentoring, as developed by Hunt and Michael, was therefore critically adapted in order to investigate fully the phenomenon of "mentoring" by means of an exploratory literature review. The findings of the literature review are supported by an empirical survey to test the suitability of the National Library of South Africa as contextual environment for the application of mentoring, as well as the willingness of its employees to participate in mentoring. This culminated in an analysis and interpretation of the findings and formulation of conclusions regarding the two abovementioned requirements for the successful application of mentoring. The study ends with recommendations for further investigation into aspects of mentoring which could not be covered in this study. / Information Science / M. Inf.

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