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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of learning and forgetting on the economic manufactured quantity (EMQ)

Jaber, Mohamad Y. January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation into the characteristics of materials and processes, for the production of accurate direct parts and tools using 3D rapid prototyping technologies

Hackney, Philip January 2007 (has links)
The work reported here reflects the fundamental research undertaken by the author into the technologies of Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Manufacturing and Rapid Tooling. This research was undertaken over 4 years, in a period when these technologies were experiencing huge change, through innovation and development, to produce viable and reliable industrial processes. The research presented here deals with the two low cost, high speed Rapid Prototyping manufacturing processes. The first technology produces concept models for verifying design intent in the early stages of the product development cycle — referred to as the Z-Corps 3D Printing, 3DP process. The second technology investigated was the EnvisionTec 3D Digital Light Manufacturing, DLM process. This is machine capable of producing final parts in real engineering materials. In both cases the default manufacturing settings and materials were evaluated for accuracy, finish and material properties and an experimental test methodology was developed. Each process was then optimised utilising Taguchi techniques and applied to industrial projects. Finite Element Analysis (FEA), has been used to predict best build orientation for these non-isotropic materials. This work investigating the Z-Corps 3D printing process has improved the accuracy by 2%, part strength by 25% using new infiltrates and has been applied to both production of polymer injection mould tool inserts and electrode manufacture. The EnvisionTec Digital Light Manufacturing build parameters have been optimised and characterised for accuracy, hardness, part strength, surface finish. The application of FEA analysis using Non-isotropic properties has been shown to improve product performance by 14% and the optimised process has been applied to Rapid Tooling applications. In all twelve case studies are presented here, several of which have been turned into successful commercial products, and for one case over 1 million products have been sold.

Elastohydrodynamic studies using thin film transducers

Safa, M. M. A. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Computer controlled inspection for operation of plastic molding machine

Costello, John T., Dorf, Roger A. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis (M.E.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / This report involves the overall design of a closed loop computer control plastic injection molding system and detailed design of the inspection portion of the system for a specific part. This project is concentrated on the inspection portion of the system. A part and its print specifications were provided. Design requirements called for 100% inspection of the critical part dimensions which were most subject to change. The main system constraints influencing the design were inspection accuracy and speed. The system also had to be designed using available hardware. A gaging system was designed to be used in conjunction with a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-8/I computer to inspect plastic parts produced by an Allrounder 100 injection molding machine. The design of a gage system that allows fast and automatic checking of the part requires sensitive instruments. Linear transducers were used in order that fast checking would be accomplished and allow the gage to be paced with the plastic molding machine. After the checking fixture design was completed and components ordered, a work station design was made in order to fully utilize the check fixture. Two designs were completed with one under an inspector's control and the other completely mechanized for future hookup with a computer controlled robot. A computer program was written to accept voltage signals from the transducers, convert them to part deviations, compare them to specified tolerances, and make an accept/reject decision on each part. The design is limited to one specific part, but that does not decrease the importance of the project because the parameters worked with are measured in all parts. The checking method may vary somewhat for different parts, but the basic concept will not change. The design phase is complete. It was planned that the building of the system should be completed in two successive phases and a third phase used for a critical evaluation of the system. In phase 1 the system should be completed, the computer software developed and tested, the checking fixture completed and checked out, and the manual work station designed in detail. Phase 2 would involve a balance of the work and decision making between the computer and the operator. The necessary computer hardware and software would be developed and debugged and the work station changed to allow automatic operation, thus saving an inspector's time. The final stage will be an analysis of phases 1 and 2 and possible further extension of the system to other parts so that it is more universal. The analysis will be directed at determining the economic feasibility of the system for industrial applications. / 2999-01-01

Förmontering av lyftramverk

Olsson, Erik, Jonsson, Christian January 2007 (has links)
<p>Volvo Hauler & Loader Division in Arvika produces wheel loaders which they deliver</p><p>throughout the world. The factory which is situated in Arvika is the largest wheel loader plant in the whole world, with its 1 100 employees. The different models stretch from L60E all the</p><p>way up to the brand new L350F, with a loader capacity from six tons up to a staggering 35.</p><p>The assembly of the different models are divided into three different assembly lines, Small</p><p>(L60-L90), Medium (L110-L120) and Large (L150-L220). The assembly of Heavy (L350)has just been started with an upcoming pre series.</p><p>This examination paper gives recommendations of improvements and necessary modifications to rationalize the pre-assembly of boom units. Three different scenarios are presented in the paper. One scenario, where the work-station resembles the current workstation,</p><p>but with a improved layout and safer working environment.</p><p>The second scenario states a working-station where fully pre-mounted boom units should be produced, although this station requires some alterations in the construction which are mentioned in the paper.</p><p>The last scenario is a vision of the future, where all three lines are gathered into one big line, accordingly with the visions of the company outline.</p>

Användning av CAD-data vid NC-programmering

Andersson, Björn, Fransson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>The degree project is performed at Metso Kamfab. The production is aimed on machines everything from handling of fiber to paper pulp. Metso Fiber and Kamfab are using Pro/Engineer for design and blueprint production. The processing department types the NC-programs in notepad on the basis of the blueprints, the CAD-dates that already is there are not used. The aim with the work is to study if Kamfab can use CAM-system for processing and production of programs for their NC-machines. The objective in this project is to make NC-programs that functions in three special machines.</p><p>CAD/CAM forms the link between design and production. In a CAD/CAM-system the geometry is created in CAD and can be used directly in CAM for processing. In CAM CL-data is created and after that translated with a postprocessor to NC-code. The postprocessor is used also as a watch over function.</p><p>Three machines were chosen as experiment items for introducing of CAD/CAM. These are a 7-axis mill, a combined mill/turn and a 3-axis mill. The 7-axis mill and the mill/turn were chosen because they are the most advanced machines. The 3-axis mill was chosen because there was available time in it. Products that were tested were trough, pillar, housing and a part for a toolchanger.</p><p>When processing the trough ”Surface-Mill” was chosen and a lead-angle was set in the parameters. It was most drilling and a little face milling on both the pillar and the housing.</p><p>In order to test programs a postprocessor was borrowed that translated CL-data to Heidenhain code. During the test run errors were detected in the programs. This depends on that the postprocessor not where customized for the machine. A postprocessor developed by ourselves was also tested, this one didn’t work because the machine's NC-system couldn’t read ISO standard code.</p><p>A study visit was done at Structo in Kristinehamn where EdgeCAM is used for NC-processing. It works well and it allows quicker and safer programming.</p><p>Pro/Engineer is powerful and has a lot of possible adjustments. This makes it complex and takes time to learn. To use Pro/Engineer´s CAM-part it is necessary to have basic knowledge about the CAD-part. Depending on this many companies uses for example EdgeCAM that almost is a pure CAM-system.</p><p>The processing of the three components functioned well in Pro/Engineer, we could process the components after demands. The problem was to get working programs. An advantage with using CAM is that you can simulate toolpaths. Through this you can see if the tool collides and it also makes it possible to optimize toolpaths. Today, it is a lot of waiting time in the milling machine FPT34 because programs are not completed. This waiting time would be reduced or even eliminated with the aid of CAM.</p> / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört på Metso Kamfab. Deras tillverkning är inriktad på maskiner allt från hantering av flis till framställning av pappersmassa. Metso Fiber och Kamfab använder Pro/Engineer för konstruktion och ritningsframtagning. Vid maskinberedning skrivs sedan NC-program utifrån ritningen, alltså används inte de CAD-data som redan finns. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka om Kamfab kan använda CAM-system för beredning och framtagning av program till deras NC-maskiner. Målet i detta projekt är att ta fram NC-program som fungerar i tre speciella maskiner. Dessutom skall två CAM-system jämföras, dessa är Pro/Engineer´s CAM-system och EdgeCAM.</p><p>CAD/CAM bildar kopplingen mellan konstruktion och produktion. I ett CAD/CAM-system kan geometrin som skapats i CAD-delen direkt användas i CAM-delen för beredning. Vid CAM beredning skapas CL-data som översätts med en postprocessor till NC-kod. Postprocessorn används också som en övervakande funktion.</p><p>Tre maskiner har valts ut som försöksobjekt för införande av CAD/CAM. Det är en 7-axlig NC-fräs, en kombinerad svarv/fräsmaskin och en 3-axlig fräs. Anledningen till att den 7-axliga maskinen och svarv/fräsmaskinen valdes var att de betraktas som de mest avancerade maskinerna. Den enklare 3-axliga maskinen valdes för att det fanns ledig tid i den. Produkter som testades var tråg, pelare, kikhus och en detalj till en verktygsväxlare.</p><p>Vid beredning av tråget valdes ”Surface-Mill” och i parametrar ställdes en framlutning av verktyget in. Denna metod kallas skränkfräsning. Både för pelare och kikhuset var det främst borrning och lite planfräsning.</p><p>För att kunna testa program lånades en postprocessor som översatte CL-data till Heidenhain kod. Under testkörningen upptäcktes fel på programmen. Detta berodde på att postprocessorn inte var anpassad till maskinen. En egenutvecklad postprocessor testades också, denna fungerade inte pga. att maskinens styrsystem inte klarade ISO-standard kod.</p><p>Ett studiebesök gjordes hos Structo i Kristinehamn där EdgeCAM används för NC-beredning. Det fungerar bra att få fram program, det medför snabbare och säkrare programmering.</p><p>Pro/Engineer är kraftfullt då det finns oerhört många inställningar och justeringar att tillgå. Samtidigt är det ganska komplext och det tar tid att lära sig. För att använda Pro/Engineer´s CAM-del krävs det att man är kunnig i CAD-delen. Beroende på detta så använder många företag exempelvis EdgeCAM som i princip är ett rent CAM-system.</p><p>Beredningen av de tre komponenterna fungerade bra i Pro/Engineer, man kunde bearbeta komponenterna efter önskemål. Problemet var att få fram fungerande program. En fördel med att använda CAM är att man kan simulera verktygsvägar. Genom detta kan man se om verktyget krockar och det möjliggör också optimering av verktygsvägar.</p><p>Idag är det en hel del väntetid i fräsverket pga. att program inte finns färdiga. Denna väntetid skulle kunna reduceras eller till och med elimineras med hjälp av CAM.</p>

Simulation of manufacturing sequences for verification of product properties

Werke, Mats January 2009 (has links)
<p>The manufacturing sequence may to a large extent influence properties like residual stresses and hardness and, as a consequence, the fatigue life and shape accuracy of a component. By simulating the manufacturing sequence and extract important accumulated data, the possibilities of early analysis of a design concept of a component and optimisation of the complete manufacturing sequence may increase. An established methodology has the potential to reduce physical testing, increase the process knowledge and reduce product development time and costs. This thesis suggests principles for simulating manufacturing sequences for forged and sheet metal-formed components.</p><p>It is possible to establish virtual manufacturing sequences and connect different commercial simulation softwares into a chain with support from methods for data communication and in process modelling. However, the data communication has pitfalls and also material data, process data and material models for single processes may be insufficient in order to conduct a quantitative analysis of the accumulated properties. Thus, a thorough validation of the sequential simulation results should be performed. Further, engineering simplifications of the sequence are recommended and e.g. a combination of numerical and empirical methods may be preferable in order to predict accumulated results with high accuracy. Future development concerning standards for data communication as well as meshing, mapping and modelling technique is recommended in order to improve the quality of the accumulated results. Finally, methods for integration of sequential simulation in the overall component design process, including conventional Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA), should be developed. The main advantage of sequential simulation may be conceptual studies of process and material parameter variations and their influence on the final product properties.</p><p>Paper I describes how to select the most critical process parameters in a manufacturing sequence. Paper II describes how to establish a sequence using a combination of numerical and empirical methods and paper III describes state of the art concerning shot peening simulation.</p>

Design process enhancement

Wangenborn, Theresé January 2010 (has links)
<p>The need and demands within the automotive industry on quality systems and processes are high. The most widely spread document for quality control is the standard ISO/TS 16949. The aim with the APQP-process is to build the quality of the product and process for new designs or re-designs. The aim of this project is to find a customized, when it comes to the design process, APQP-process for Fuji Autotech with focus on the two first phases where most of the design activities are performed. This is done by studying the existing APQP-process at Fuji Autotech and comparing it with mainly the standard ISO/TS 16949, interviewing personnel at the company, and empirical studies of the process. The focus areas are therefore to find a process that suites the company and contribute to the academia by sharing experience to the University. Three issues where considered being of importance for the outcome of the project.</p><p>Question 1: Which factors are necessary to follow-up when assuring the quality of a project?</p><p>Question 2: How does the process for quality assuring a project look like today?</p><p>Question 3: How may the process for quality assurance of a project be optimized?</p><p>The result from this research project is two new process maps and a new APQP process flow for Fuji Autotech has been created. The studies performed, within this research project have identified the following key factors for obtaining a good quality.</p><ul><li>Existence of a management systems for quality</li><li>Management responsibility</li><li>Management of resources</li><li>Product design</li><li>Measure, Analyze and Improvement</li><li>Fulfilment of customer needs</li><li>Fulfilment of requirements</li></ul> / PREPARE

Förslag till framtagning av kvalitetssäkringsrutiner för induktionshärdade drivaxlar vid Volvo CE Component Division : Examensarbete, produktutveckling, 30 poäng Avancerad nivå

Kuduzovic, Lejla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete har handlar om att ta fram kvalitetssäkringsrutiner för induktiva värmebehandlingsmetoder mot det nya mätlabbet i samband att kvalitetssäkra produktionen av drivaxlar på Volvo Component Division. Uppgiften betyder att visa hur kvalitetssäkringen av både processen och tillverkningen ska ske genom att förebygga att fel uppstår. Huvudsaken är inte hur problemet blir löst, istället kommer koncentration lagts på metoden.</p><p> </p><p>Det övergripande syftet med examensarbetet är att försöka hjälpa personalen i företaget komma fram till förslag och konkreta resultat i form av kvalitetssäkringsrutiner för att förbättra både produktionen och den befintliga produktutvecklingsprocessen.</p><p>Främsta målet är att bygga upp en fungerande kvalitetssäkring av induktiv värmebehandling inom Component Division genom att ta fram kvalitetssäkringsrutiner som stödjer metoden. Dessa rutiner skall bygga på önskemål från kunden, detta framför allt i form av beställningsblanketter, instruktioner och checklistor.</p><p> </p><p>Volvo Construction Equipment AB Component Division Eskilstuna arbetar idag med en kontinuerlig process- och produktförbättring med avseende på att förebygga eventuella kvalitetsbristerna. Meningen är att man i samband med den nya utbyggnaden av fabriken, nya maskiner och ny utrustning också ska bygga ett nytt materiallabb där materialprovbitar skall kunna skickas in av operatören/teknikern för olika kvalitetsundersökningar.</p><p>I dagsläget har man börjat producera drivaxlar enligt den nya flödesgruppen vars förutsättning är att artiklarna skall tillverkas från råämne till monteringsklara detaljer. För att få ut ett smidigt produktionsflöde och optimera produktionen inom flödesgruppen måste alla parametrar och faktorer stämma på båda sidorna. Detta fås genom ständiga förbättringar samt statistiska styrningar av processen genom kontroller, underhåll och uppföljningar.</p><p> </p><p>Examensarbetet har till följd därav resulterat i instruktioner som beskriver kontrolleringar och provtagningar av värmebehandlade artiklar i cell07 som en åtgärd för att bygga en fungerande kvalitetssäkring av induktionshärdade artiklar på CMP. För att detta kvalitetsarbete skall ge resultat bör operationsbeskrivningen mätinstruktioner följas av samtliga på avdelningen.</p><p>Därför är det viktigt att när ett kvalitetsproblem väl har identifierats skall nästa steg vara att gå vidare med att försöka bena ut orsakerna till problemet och hitta lösningar till dessa för att undvika eller förebygga att samma sak händer nästa gång.</p><p> </p>

Effect of pulsed current on the electrodeposition of chromium and copper

Pearson, Trevor January 1989 (has links)
This research was concerned with the effects of pulsed current on the electrodeposition of chromium and copper. In the case of the latter metal, a novel application has been studied and a theory proposed for the ability to improve throwing power by the joint use of organic additives and pulsed reverse current. During the course of the research, several improvements were made to the pulse plating unit.Chromium. A study was made of the effect of square wave pulsed current on various physical properties of deposits from three hard chromium plating electrolytes. The effect of varying frequency at a duty cycle of 50% on the mean bulk internal stress, visual appearance, hardness, crack characteristics and surface topography of the electrodeposits was determined. X-ray diffraction techniques were used to study the phases present in the deposits. The effect of varying frequency on the cathodic efficiencies of the electrolytes was also determined. It was found that pulsed current reduced the internal stress of deposits from the sulphate catalysed electrolyte. It also reduced or eliminated cracking of deposits and reduced deposit brightness. Under certain conditions, pulsed current was found to induce the co-deposition of hydrides of chromium. Deposit hardness was found to be reduced by the use of pulsed current. Cathodic efficiencies of the high efficiency electrolytes were reduced by use of pulsed current although this effect was minimised at high frequencies. The sulphate catalysed electrolyte showed an increase in efficiency over the frequency range where hydrides were co-deposited.Copper. The polarisation behaviour of acid copper solutions containing polyethers, sulphopropyl sulphides and chloride ions was studied using both direct and pulse reverse current. The effect of these additives on the rest potentials of copper deposits immersed in the electrolyte was also studied. Hole Throwing Power on printed circuit boards was determined using a specially designed test cell. The effect of pulsed reverse current on the hole throwing power of commercially produced printed circuit boards was also studied. Polyethers were found to have an inhibiting effect on the deposition of copper whereas the sulphopropyl sulphides produced a stimulating (i.e. depolarising) effect. Studies of rest potentials made when both additives were present indicated that the sulphopropyl sulphide was preferentially adsorbed. The use of pulsed reverse current in solutions containing both polyether and sulphopropyl sulphide was found to cause desorption of the sulphopropyl sulphide at the cathode surface. Thus, at higher current densities, the inhibiting effect of the polyether produced an increase in the cathodic polarisation potential. At lower current densities, the depolarisation effect of the sulphopropyl sulphide could still occur. On printed circuit boards, this effect was found to produce an increase in the `hole throwing power' due to depolarisation of the holes relative to the surface of the boards. Typically, using direct current, hole/surface thickness ratios of 40% were obtained when plating 0.6 mm holes in a 3.2 mm thick board at a current density of 3 A/dm2 whereas using pulsed reverse current, ratios of 80% could be obtained at an equivalent rate of deposition. This was observed both in laboratory tests and on commercially plated boards.

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