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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen – en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process – an Implement of SPC.

Åklint, Peter January 2007 (has links)
Quality was earlier only an issue for the company’s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created. With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable. Examples of tools that can be used are the seven QC – tools and the PDCA – cycles, which are presented more detailed in the report. By using SPC and the information given by it, a measure of the process capability within fixed tolerances on the produced parts can be achieved. The analysis in this report has been made in order to verify the capability and variations in the measuring system used within a selected production sector.

Just-In-Time-aspekter: Scania

Pihl, Joakim, Stenman, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats har för avsikt att utreda begreppet Just-In-Time (JIT) och dess komponenter för att sedan försöka finna dessa i den svenska lastbilstillverkaren Scanias produktionssystem. Litteratur har bidragit med en definition av JIT som sedan har jämförts med hur Scania arbetar inom produktionen. Empiri har erhållits genom intervjuer med berörd personal samt observationer på plats i Oskarshamn och i Södertälje. För japanerna är inte Just-In-Time-tänket en ny företeelse utan det är något de har arbetat efter en längre tid. Denna uppsats har valt att utgå från Jeffrey K. Likers (2004) definition i The Toyota Way. Liker delar upp filosofin i fyra stycken sektioner. Uppsatsen fokuserar på två av dessa som behandlar arbetsprocessen och ständiga förbättringar. Scanias produktionssystem bygger till stor del på Toyotas. Denna uppsats kommer att påvisa likheter och skillnader mellan teorins JIT och Scanias produktionssystem (SPS).

Ytstrukturer och processer för hårdbearbetning av kugghjul och axlar / Surface texture and processes for hard part machining of coggwheels and shafts

Hjertstedt, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts vid Linköpings universitet i samarbete med Scania Transmission i Södertälje och behandlar kravsättning av ytstrukturer samt processer för hårdbearbetning av kugghjul och axlar. Aktuella artikelritningar innefattar endast krav för Ra-värde, den aritmetiska medelavvikelsen för ytjämnhetsprofilen (R-profilen). Förslag på nya parametrar enligt av Scania tillämpade SS-EN ISO standards har tagits fram, detta för att ge en noggrannare beskrivning av vilken ytstruktur som skall uppnås. Resultatet är generellt tillämpningsbart men fokuseras mot kugghjulens hål, plan och diametrar. Vidare presenteras en jämförelse mellan metoder så att transmissionsverkstäderna kan tillverka kugghjul/axlar på ett kostnadseffektivare sätt. Arbetet grundas på en litteraturstudie av handböcker och standards kompletterat med kartläggning av nuläget genom insamling av mätdata. En omvärldsanalys och några bearbetningsprover med hårdsvarvning har också utförts. Till skillnad från nuläget föreslås en övergång från att ange Ra-värde på ritningarna till att ange en övre gräns för Rz-värde som en begränsning av amplituden. Ytor i relativ rörelse och ytor som ingår i pressförband föreslås kompletteras med en undre gräns för Rz-värde samt en undre gräns för relativ bärighet. Med införandet av ett bärighetskrav ges även en specifikation för profilens fördelning. Angivelse av bearbetningsmetod och eventuellt bearbetningsmönster föreslås att anges i klartext på ritningen då parametrar som beskriver karakteristiska drag för olika bearbetningsmetoder visat sig väldigt variationsbenägna i nulägesanalysen. Jämförelse av hårdbearbetningsmetoder har visat att det i kombinationsmaskiner, hårdsvarvning och slipning, vore intressant att enbart hårdsvarva kugghjulens glidlagerytor, något som enligt bearbetningsprover och omvärldsanalys verkar rimligt. Detta bör efter godkännda riggprover anammas som ett första optimeringssteg. Fler intressanta koncept för framtida bearbetningsalternativ finns att studera i rapportens resultat och diskussionskapitel. / This master thesis report was performed at Linköpings University in cooperation with Scania Transmission in Södertälje and deals with specification of surface textures and processes for hard part machining of cogwheels and shafts. Present blueprints only include requirements for Ra-values, arithmetic mean deviation of the roughness profile (R-profile). Suggestions of new parameters according to SS-EN ISO standards used by Scania have been compiled with the aim of providing a more accurate description of the surface texture that is to be achieved. The result can be applied in general but are focused towards holes of cogwheels, planes and diameters. Furthermore a comparison between different methods is presented so that the transmission workshops can manufacture cogwheels and shafts in a costefficient manner. The work is based on a comparative literature study of handbooks and standards with complementary documentation of the present situation through collecting of measurements. A reference analysis and a few manufacturing tests of hard turning have also been performed. In difference from the present situation a transition from providing Ra-values on the blueprints to specify an upper limit for Rz-value to restrict the amplitude is recommended. Surfaces in relative motion and surfaces in heavy force fit are suggested to be complemented with a lower limit for Rz-values and a lower limit for relative material ratio. With an introduction of material ratio requirements the profiles distribution are also specified. Denunciation of manufacturing method and surface lay if any is suggested to be stated en clair on the blueprint being so that parameters describing characteristic features for different manufacturing methods have shown a wide range of distribution in the present state analysis. Comparison of hard part machining methods have shown that in combination machines, hard turning and grinding, solely hard turning of the cogwheels slide bearing surfaces would be interesting, which also seems plausible due to manufacturing samples and the reference analysis. After approved rigg tests this method can be adopted as a first step of optimization. More interesting concepts for future manufacturing alternatives are provided in the reports result and discussion chapters.

A Preliminary Study of a Production System for Large Pumps in China

Björnsson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
ITT Flygt är ett internationellt bolag som producerar mixers och dränkbara pumpar för den globala marknaden. Den största produktionsanläggningen är placerad i Sverige men det finns ett flertal fabriker runt om i världen, till exempel i Kina. Den kinesiska fabriken i Shenyang producerar pumpar som tillhör det lilla och mellanstora sortimentet. För att vinna fördelar på den kinesiska marknaden har ett projekt startas med målet att komplettera den befintliga tillverkningen i Kina med tillverkning av de största pumparna. Denna rapport beskriver en förstudie av ett produktionssystem anpassat för tillverkning av stora pumpar i Kina. En studie av det befintliga produktionssystemet för stora pumpar i Sverige ger en möjlighet att dela in tillverkningen i olika mindre delar, processer. Innehållet i varje process, gränssnitten mellan dem och de resurser som behövs för varje process kartläggs. Dessa parametrar tillsammans med en lista över befintliga resurser i Kina utgör grunden för att ta fram alternativ för det nya produktionssystemet i Kina. De befintliga resurserna i Kina kartläggs med hjälp av intervjuer och studiebesök till fabriken i Shenyang. Det finns ytterligare en fabrik i Kina som kan användas för tillverkningen av stora pumpar. Den är belägen i Nanjing och erbjuder en möjlighet att prova pumpar med befintlig utrustning. Bland de möjliga alternativen för ett nytt produktionssystem finns en lösning där alla processer görs i Shenyang men även flera alternativ där tillverkningen delas mellan de två fabrikerna för att utnyttja befintliga resurser så effektivt som möjligt. I jämförelsen mellan de olika alternativen belyses de möjliga lösningarnas fördelar och nackdelar för att ge en så god jämförelse mellan alternativen som möjligt. Rekommendationerna är baserade på praktiska aspekter och de teorier som presenteras i rapportens teoridel. Stor vikt har lagts vid förmågan att utnyttja befintliga resurser för att minimera investeringsbehovet och därigenom kompensera för de låga produktionsvolymer som blir aktuella för tillverkningen av stora pumpar i Kina. Det rekommenderade förslaget utnyttjar båda fabrikerna i Kina. Bearbetning och huvudmontering kan göras i Shenyang medan provning och de processer som kommer efter provningen bör göras i Nanjing. Målningens placering bör utredas ytterligare genom att jämföra kostnaderna för de investeringar som måste göras i de olika fabrikerna och väga dem mot fördelarna med att måla pumparna i Shenyang. Den rekommenderade lösningen beskrivs på en övergripande nivå där fokus lagts på ordningen i vilken de olika processerna utförs samt var processerna placeras. Nästa steg för företaget är att gå igenom förslaget på en mer detaljrik nivå och designa produktionssystemet mer i detalj för att förbereda för produktionen av stora pumpar i Kina. / ITT Flygt is an international company that produces mixers and submersible pumps for a global market. The main production site is located in Sweden but there are other production plants all over the world, for instance in China. The plant in Shenyang, China, manufactures small and midsize pumps but in order to gain advantages on the Chinese market a project to start production of the largest pumps in China has been initiated. This thesis describes a study of possible alternatives for a production system dedicated to the production of large pumps in China. A study of the existing production system for large pumps in Sweden gives a chance to divide the production into smaller parts, processes, to facilitate the future work. The content of each process, the interfaces between the processes and the resources needed for each process are examined. These parameters and the list of existing resources in China are used in the process of generating alternatives for the new production system in China. The list of existing resources in China is created by the means of interviews and studies of Flygt’s factory in Shenyang. There is also another factory in China that can be used for the new production system. This plant, located in Nanjing, can also be used for testing pumps and for other processes, but it has not been visited. The possible alternatives include a solution where all the processes are performed in Shenyang and several different options where the work is divided among the two plants in order to utilize the existing resources in the best possible way. In the discussion of possible alternatives their strengths and weaknesses are discussed so that all the proposed ideas are compared relative to each other. The recommendations are based on practical aspects as well as theories presented in the theoretical framework. Much emphasis is given to the ability to use existing knowledge and resources in order to minimize the need for investments to compensate for the low volume of large pumps that initially will be produced in China. The recommended system is a solution where both plants are used. The machining and main assembly should be located in Shenyang and the testing and all the processes following the testing should be located in Nanjing. The location of the washing and painting process has to be analyzed further by comparing the costs for needed investments. The costs should also be compared to the advantages of locating the washing and painting process in Shenyang. The recommended solutions are discussed on a comprehensive level, mainly focusing on the location and the order of the processes. The next step for the company is to design the processes in detail in order to prepare for the production of large pumps in China.

Effektiv provningsmetodik för växelföringsdamasker

Stigermark, Johan, Åkesson, Tommie January 2008 (has links)
Completed durability testing of gearshift gaiters at Kongsberg Automotive in Mullsjö, is sometimes leading to discussions regarding whether or not a gaiter is supposed to be a pass or a fail. That is because the current pass/fail-criterion are a bit vague. A durability test takes around 4-5 weeks to complete which is a long time if the tested material does not pass the test and a new material has to be tested instead. Stricter pass/fail-criterions and a faster testing method for the materials are therefore desired. In order to develop a durable pass/fail criteria, seven already judged gaiters were chosen. Every one of the gaiters was put through detailed analysis, after which there were a new assessment of the gaiters. We let the development department control the gaiters once more and give a new verdict. On the basis of the reiteration and divergency of these results the source of error in the earlier results could be tracked. A proposition of new pass/fail criteria where made based on these results. In order to develop a testing device for gear shift gaiters, the first step was choosing a selection of interesting damage cases. A few gaiters with this kind of wear were then analyzed under realistic conditions so that angle changes and movements in the creases were measured. With the aid of these measurements we were able to develop a solution for replication of the damages under more controlled circumstances. After perfecting the solution, blueprints were made by drawing a model in the CAD program Pro-Engineer. These blueprints were given to the production workshop at Linköpings University so that a prototype could be made. / Efter genomförda livscykeltester av växelspaksdamasker vid Kongsberg Automotive i Mullsjö, förekommer det emellanåt diskussioner om vad som är godkänt och icke godkänt. Dessa diskussioner uppkommer eftersom godkänt/underkänt kriterierna är vagt formulerade. Livscykeltesterna innan bedömningarna tar 4-5 veckor att genomföra, vilket medför långa utvecklingscykler om nytt material skall provas fram. Det är därför önskvärt att utveckla en mer effektiv provningsmetodik som omfattar en stramare bedömningsmall för godkänt/underkänt kriterier samt en testmetod där accelererade livscykeltester kan genomföras. För att utveckla ett hållbart godkänt/underkänt kriteria valdes sju tidigare bedömda damasker ut. Damaskerna analyserades noggrant, därefter genomfördes en ny bedömning. Vid denna bedömning fick utvecklingsavdelningens personal på nytt bedöma damaskerna. Utifrån resultatets repeterbarhet och dess avvikelser kunde de gällande felkällorna lokaliseras. Från dessa utformades ett förslag till en mer styrd bedömningsmall. För att sedan utveckla en testrigg valdes först intressanta skadefall ut. Därefter testades några damasker med dessa skador i verklighetstrogna förhållanden så att vinkelförändringar samt rörelser kunde mätas upp. Med hjälp av måtten utvecklades en lösning på hur skadefallen kunde återskapas under mer styrda former. När lösningen finslipats togs ritningsunderlag fram genom att rita upp en CAD-modell. Detta underlag lämnades sedan in till produktionsverkstaden på Linköpings Universitet så att en prototyp kunde tillverkas.

Konstruktion av värmeelement

Ahlgren, Dennis, Patriksson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
This report aims to describing the work behind the development of a masonry heater. The masonry heater is developed in collaboration with the company Transient Design KB that is a product development company located in Alingsås. The company sees a possibility to cover a market segment where modern technology and design are missing. The report presents those methods and approaches that have been used and gives an overview to how the project has been carried out. It describes how the ideas behind the final results have produced and how they have been developed during the project's time. In the report you can also read about the final concept with its choices of construction and materials. The report is completed with a presentation of a final concept and a ground for possible future production. / Denna rapport syftar till att beskriva arbetet bakom utvecklingen av ett värmeelement. Värmeelementet utvecklas i samarbete med företaget Transient Design KB som är ett produktutvecklingsföretag beläget i Alingsås. Företaget ser en möjlighet att täcka ett marknadssegment där modern teknik och formgivning saknas. Rapporten presenterar de metoder och arbetssätt som används och ger en överblick över hur projektets arbetsgång sett ut. Den beskriver hur idéerna bakom det slutgiltiga resultatet tillkommit och hur de har utvecklats under arbetets gång. I rapporten går även att läsa om det slutgiltiga konceptet med dess konstruktion och materialval. Rapporten avslutas med en presentation av ett färdigt koncept och tillverkningsunderlag för eventuell framtida produktion.

Direct torque control of brushless doubly-fed reluctance machines

Yu, Jian January 2004 (has links)
Theoretical and Experimental results of research on the Direct Torque Control (DTC) of the Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine (BDFRM) are presented in this thesis. The main motivation for this work has been found in the relative simplicity of the DTC strategy and attractive properties of the BDFRM drive, foremost its cost-effectiveness associated with the use of a partially rated power electronics, and reliability of brushless structure of the machine itself. It is hoped that the project outcomes will be extremely helpful to the further study of the machine in light of its application in wind power generation and/or large pump systems. The thesis is essentially divided into three main parts. The first part is the theory development, which involves the analysis of the fundamental principles of DTC and BDFRM operation. The second part presents the comprehensive simulation studies of the developed control scheme for the machine in both sensor and sensorless modes. The computer studies have been performed to examine the performance of the controller based on a linear (ideal) machine model. The parameters used for this model have been obtained by off-line testing of a small Axially Laminated BDFRM prototype at Northumbria University, UK. The third part of the thesis contains a comprehensive set of experimental results that have successfully verified the control algorithm for the machine. Based on the Simulink® program, a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) control board from dSPACE® has been used to control a conventional IGBT inverter bridge.

Simulation of the intermittent cutting action of a bandsaw blade

Doraisingam, Anand Raj January 2003 (has links)
Bandsawing is a preferred method used by steel stockholders and steel users in industry for cutting-off to size in the primary and secondary processes. The state-of- the-art features in current industrial bandsaw machines have transformed this method for cutting-off stock to size into a hi-tech operation capable of storage and handling. This method is particularly suitable for use in engineering factories involved in fast, highly automated mass-production techniques, providing the user with continuous batches of cut-to-length materials. Bandsaw machines have now superseded power hacksaws and circular saws in cutting rate and lower kerf loss due to better computer- controlled saw machines and improved blade designs (bi-metal HSS, carbide tipped). Although, there have been some new developments in bandsaw blades (tooth geometry, band material etc.) there are continuous new demands made on the bandsaw blades by materials engineers, challenged with introducing new materials to satisfy the needs of the design engineers, e.g. aerospace industry. There is therefore a need to improve the bandsaw blade. In order to do this we need to have an understanding of the mechanics of the cutting process associated with bandsawing and the various parameters affecting cutting forces, specific cutting energy, metal removal rates etc. One of the primary problems in evaluating metal bandsaws and developing newer variants, including new saw tooth materials, their heat treatment, or special tooth forms and quality, has been the use of costly and time consuming sawing tests. Furthermore, there are no simple ways of quantitatively evaluating the performance and life of these bands during sawing. Traditional method used by machine operators to assess the performance of blades only give global data, which is difficult to apply to individual teeth. Therefore there is a need to develop "time compression" test methods for evaluating the performance of bandsaw blades to replace full bandsaw blade testing. The work presented in this thesis is on the development of a single tooth testing method to simulate the intermittent cutting action of a bandsaw blade. Cutting tests have been performed to assess the testing method by comparing single tooth test results to full bandsaw blade test results. The test method developed is capable of producing scientific data for bandsawing associated with forces, metal removal rate and specific cutting energy when cutting a variety of workpiece materials at different speeds and feeds. Thus, it can be used as a substitute to full bandsaw blade testing. The cutting data for the workpiece materials tested using the single tooth test method was obtained in 25% of the full bandsaw blade evaluation time. This represents a significant saving in time and cost, which should prove useful to design engineers when designing and testing new prototype bandsaw blades for the future needs of the steel and manufacturing industry involved in metal cutting.

Flat Roofs : Investigation of Heat Welding Techniques for Polymer-Modified Bituminous Roofing Membranes

Oba, Koichi January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

A framework of university incubator to maintain financial sustainability

Hsiao, Yu-Chan Helen January 2008 (has links)
Business incubation is a dynamic process of business enterprise development. Incubators nurture young firms, helping them to survive and grow during the start-up period. Among various types of incubators the university-based incubators are particularly studied. Although most university incubators are quite successful in terms of the success rate and the growth rate of tenant companies, their financial contributions to the sponsoring universities, however, are still not satisfied. It is found that behind the successful history records there are still some barriers impeding the development of an efficient incubator. In this research, a new model, which integrates merits of public and private incubators into the university incubator, is proposed for the betterment of its management scheme. The goal is to develop a successful incubator, which can earn profits not only for its own financial sustainability but also be able to generate income for the university. The outcomes of this research are summarized as follows: 1. From questionnaire survey around more than 100 university incubators around the world, this research received constructive opinions from incubator experts to support the proposed concept. This inspires the author to consider the necessity of a new incubation model for long-term sustainability. 2. The method of this survey study combines the Delphi Method and Scenario Analysis, called modified Delphi method, for worldwide survey and the Microsoft Excel method for data statistic for both of the Taiwan and worldwide surveys. By breaking down long questionnaire into two successive surveys, the replied rate did significantly increase. 3. An integrative framework for the new incubation model has been proposed for the sustainable operation of university incubator. National Taiwan University has validated this model in a similar way. 4. The process of privatization of university incubator is proposed to meet the university administrative procedure. Both of the government initialized top-down and incubator initialized bottom-up processes are considered. A Business Plan to suit for the proposed incubation company is also designed in this work. The sustainability in terms of financial status has been predicted based on some reasonable assumptions. 5. In order to verify the proposed model, three case studies through on-site visits have been carried out to compare their incubation systems and financial status up-to-date. This can provide a guideline to adjust the proposed model of this work. Finally, a comprehensive conclusion and discussions are given to summarize the contribution and future work of this research.

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