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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing resources of actively involved exporters

Angelis, Ioannis A. January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the impact of the market orientation and market based resources of actively involved exporters and their distributors on export venture performance. Previous literature in marketing channels has examined the effect of the market orientation of suppliers and their distributors on supplier-distributor relationships, mainly in a domestic context, as well as the impact of the quality of their relationship on business performance in domestic and international contexts. Little or no research focuses on the interplay between the relevant marketing resources, such as market orientation, proactive market orientation, selling, pricing reputation, and market innovation, of an export venture and their distributor, and consequently on export venture performance. This dissertation is mainly a quantitative study using a mail survey among Greek exporting firms in various industries. The final sample comprised 190 exporting ventures. The survey was enhanced through open interviews with export venture managers and their respective distributors and was pre-tested with a small-scale dyadic survey. Survey data were analysed using structural equation modelling. The main research objective was to assess the impact of marketing support resources, namely market orientation and proactive market orientation, and market-based resources of an export venture and its distributor on export performance. In addition, the relationship of marketing support resources of the export venture and those of the distributor was examined. Some of the relationships examined are a migration of traditional domestic theory (Hooley et al. 2005), to an exporting context, testing whether there are differences in the relationships in a different context. This study contributes to the resource-based view, marketing, and export business literature, as findings indicate that high levels of export venture proactive market orientation lead to distributors with high levels of market orientation. In line with findings of domestic context research, the proactive market orientation of the venture renders its market orientation statistically not significant.

Marketing slaughter steers by carcass grade and weight

Allen, Glen Gene January 2011 (has links)
Typescript, etc.

The route system of cream gathering in Kansas

Jouno, Russell John January 2011 (has links)
Typescript, etc.

Favorable seasons of the year for marketing creep-fed calves

Atzenweiler, Walter Henry January 1932 (has links)
No description available.

A study on certain determinants of export performance in a particular market

28 October 2015 (has links)
D.Com. (Economics) / Chapter 1 defines the investigated problem and presents the methodology of the study. The phenomenon studied (the dependent variable) is the export performance (as defined in the study) of country A's products in country B's market. The independent variables are the following characteristics : Capital intensity, unskilled labour intensity, skilled labour intensity, use of local raw materials, marketing mix variables, total marketing efforts, size of production & marketing which products have gained, size of foreign agents, type of ownership, demand similarity, duration of existence of exporting firms, duration of activity in the market, product quality ...

Kleinhandelsbemarking van petroleumprodukte, in geselekteerde gebiede aan die Witwatersrand, met spesiale verwysing na die vestigingsprobleme van vulstasies

25 March 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Economics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

La sensorialité de marque : conceptualisation et relation avec la personnalité de marque / Brand sensoriality : conceptualization and relationship with brand personality

Petit, Michaël 08 July 2016 (has links)
L’objectif d’une offre commerciale est d’être représentatif au mieux de sa population cible. Au cœur d’un même projet, les centres d’intérêts divergent au sein des ingénieries de marketing, design, finance, recherche et développement. Chacun cherche à partager ses besoins en justifiant ses choix par un argumentaire objectif et intelligible par tous. Ce travail développe une méthodologie expérientielle permettant de capter les perceptions sensorielles vécues par les individus. L’approche positionne les attributs sensoriels au niveau de la marque et étudie leurs interactions avec la personnalité. Cet apport à destination des marketers complète les outils des designers sans les remplacer, uniquement en précisant les traits sensoriels à privilégier d’un point de vue des consommateurs. Ce langage commun permet d’encadrer la création d’une valeur ajoutée par la sensorialité de marque. Au final, cette dynamique incarnée par les sens permet de réduire le risque de dissonance entre l’offre voulue par l’entreprise et celle perçue par son utilisateur. / A commercial offering aims to fit at best its target population. The core interests of the same project differ according to marketing, design, finance, research and development engineering perspective. Each one of these fields seeks to share its needs justifying the choices through an objective pitch understandable by all. The present research work develops an experiential methodology enabling to capture the sensory perceptions experienced by people. This approach positions the sensory attributes at the level of the brand and studying their interactions with personality. This contribution targeting marketers completes the designers’ tools without substituting them, but by simply precising the sensory traits to be privileged from a consumer perspective. Thanks to this common language, managing the creation of an added value through brand sensoriality is thus attained. Finally, this senses embodied dynamic reduces the risk of dissonance between the supply intended by the company and the one perceived by its end user.

O uso de cenários em marketing / Using Scenarios in Marketing

Trombin, Vinícius Gustavo 23 April 2014 (has links)
O ritmo acentuado e a magnitude das mudanças desafiam a estabilidade em diversos setores da economia, sem indícios que o mundo amanhã será menos instável e complicado. Por isso, as informações acerca do que se conhece hoje já não são suficientes para que se tome uma boa decisão: os gestores precisam antever, de modo sistemático, o que irá acontecer para que possam administrar os efeitos da mudança ou, se possível, antecipá-los, construindo assim o futuro e não somente respondendo a ele quando este mudar. Desde o surgimento dos estudos do futuro no meio empresarial na década de 1970, houve um crescimento da utilização dos cenários. Tal crescimento não afastou, contudo, discussões que abordassem a sua real contribuição, apoiadas principalmente nas seguintes idéias: muitas previsões feitas não se tinham concretizado, eventos inesperados alteram o que se conhece; e eventos acontecem aleatoriamente. Porém, tais idéias foram contestadas considerando que não é possível saber se as previsões falharam, ou o curso da história foi alterado pelo homem ao tomar conhecimento prévio dos problemas; os eventos inesperados não alteram permanentemente todos os sistemas e costumes; e, eventos aparentemente aleatórios possuem uma longa acumulação de tendências na superfície. Portanto, embora, não seja possível conhecer plenamente o futuro, pode-se reconhecer ou, pelo menos, ter uma indicação do que vai acontecer. Uma analogia pode ser feita comparando os cenários ao funcionamento dos faróis de um carro à noite. Embora não revelem tudo o que virá à frente, é impossível guiar o carro com os faróis apagados. Nesse sentido, esta tese buscou compreender como os cenários podem ser usados para a tomada de decisão em marketing. A partir do refinamento deste problema de pesquisa, chegou-se ao objetivo de analisar a elaboração de cenários, como um dos produtos possibilitados pelo Sistema de Informação de Marketing (SIM), para fins de aplicação em marketing. Para atingi-lo, inicialmente foi realizada uma revisão teórica do SIM e de cenários - congregando mais de 25 métodos - estes dois corpos teóricos foram aproximados, o que contribuiu por trazer para o centro das discussões a teoria de cenários, que até então era discutida de forma pouco aprofundada na literatura especializada de marketing. Na sequência, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo, de caráter exploratório e qualitativo, utilizando-se o método de estudo de casos múltiplos. Participaram da pesquisa 3 empresas de grande porte, com atuação em setores diferentes e presença em mais de 90 países. Concluiu-se que o SIM não pode mais ser entendido como o foi no passado, ou seja, como um sistema separado, pois agora ele é uma parte conectada ao sistema que auxilia a gestão da empresa como um todo. Os cenários, que são elaborados para serem utilizados na tomada de decisão de marketing, são um produto do Sistema de Apoio a Decisões de Marketing e são elaborados a partir da interpretação dos dados e das informações fornecidas pelos demais componentes do SIM: Registros Internos, Inteligência de Marketing e Pesquisa de Marketing. As informações originadas de cada um dos componentes se materializam como insumo principal ou secundário para a elaboração dos cenários, dependendo do tipo de pergunta que se coloca em relação ao futuro, ou seja, se o tomador de decisão quer saber \"o vai acontecer\", então são elaborados cenários preditivos, e os registros internos são o insumo principal para isso; já se a questão colocada for \"o que pode acontecer?\", o insumo principal são as informações originadas no Sistema de Inteligência de Marketing; por fim, se a questão é \"como uma meta específica pode ser alcançada?\", o insumo principal são os registros internos. A tese mostrou que os cenários podem ser usados em marketing para apoiar uma série de decisões que requerem uma melhor compreensão do comportamento futuro tanto do consumidor quanto da concorrência, com a finalidade de identificar oportunidades e riscos de mercado. Enfim, os cenários ajudam os gestores de marketing a estarem mais atentos a temas emergentes. / The sharp pace and magnitude of change in business and the economy defies stability in diverse industries, and there are no evidences that the world tomorrow will be less volatile and complicated. Therefore, information about what is known today is not sufficient for making good decisions: managers need to predict what will happen in a systematic way, so that they can manage the effects of change or, if possible, anticipate them, thereby shaping the future and not just responding to it when it changes. Since the emergence of future studies in business in the 1970s, there was a growth in using scenarios. However, this growth not departed discussions that addressed their actual contribution, supported on the following ideas: many forecast had not materialized, unexpected events change what is known; events happen randomly. However, such ideas were challenged whereas that it is not possible to know if the predictions failed, or the course of history was changed by man for having prior knowledge of problems; unexpected events not alter permanently all systems and customs; and apparently random events have a long accumulation of trends in surface. Therefore, although it is not possible to fully know the future, it can be recognize or at least have an indication of what will happen. An analogy can be made comparing the scenarios with the operation of the headlights of a car at night. Although not show everything that will come forward, it is impossible to drive the car with the headlights off. In this sense, this thesis asks how scenarios can be used for decision making in marketing, from the refinement of this research problem, the goal of analyzing the scenario development, as one of the products made possible by Marketing Information System (MIS), was reached. To achieve this, initially a theoretical review of the MIS and scenarios was conducted; these two theoretical bodies were approximate, which contributed to bringing the theory of scenarios to the center of the discussion, which until then was little discussed in the marketing literature. Qualitative and exploratory field research was carried out, using the method of multiple case studies. It was concluded that the MIS cannot be understood as it was in the past, as a separate system, because now it is connected to the system that assists the management of the company as a whole. The scenarios, which are designed to be used in marketing decision making, are a product of the Marketing Decision Support System and are drawn from the interpretation of the data and information provided by other components of the MIS: Internal Database, Marketing Intelligence, and Marketing Research. The information derived from each component materializes as primary or secondary input to the scenario\'s development, depending on the type of question that arises for the future, i.e., if the decision maker wants to know \"what will happen\", predictive scenarios are then elaborated, and the internal database is the main input for this; if the question is \"what can happen\", the main input is the information originating in the Marketing System and finally, if the question is \"how a specific goal can be achieved\", the main input is Internal Database. The literature and field research showed that scenarios can be used in marketing to support a series of decisions that require a better understanding of both the consumer and competitive future behavior, in order to identify opportunities and market risks. Finally, the scenarios help marketing managers\' attend to the emerging themes.

Comportamento do consumidor: um estudo de decisão de compra de artigos esportivos / Consumer behavior: a study of purchase decision of sporting articles

Rossini, Fernando Henrique 10 October 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação estudou o comportamento do consumidor esportivo, mais especificamente o consumidor de produtos ligados ao futebol, torcedores de Corinthians, São Paulo e Palmeiras. Após um referencial teórico que buscou as principais teorias de comportamento do consumidor e apontou as especificidades do mercado futebolístico, os resultados apontaram que os consumidores têm preferência por alguns atributos como a marca e a durabilidade do produto, em detrimento da distribuição e comunicação, que da forma como são feitas hoje não possuem importância significativa junto ao mesmo. A pesquisa ainda relatou que o consumidor tem dificuldade em identificar o produto licenciado em relação ao pirata e que quando a escolha é feita para presente e não para utilização própria, o produto licenciado tem uma participação maior na escolha. / This dissertation studied the behavior of the sport\'s consumers, more specifically the consumer products linked to football fans of Corinthians, Palmeiras and São Paulo. After a theoretical framework that sought the main theories of consumer behavior and pointed out the specifics of the football market, the results showed that consumers have a preference for certain attributes such as brand and product durability at the expense of distribution and communication, so that the how they are made today do not have significant importance next to it. The survey also reported that consumers have difficulty identifying the licensed product relative to the pirate and that when the choice is made for this and not for their own use, the licensed product has a larger share in the choice.

Métricas de desempenho de marketing em empresas brasileiras / Performance metrics for marketing in business Brazilian

Queiroz, Mauricio Jucá de 05 March 2009 (has links)
A importância crescente das atividades de marketing e a conseqüente ampliação dos investimentos na área justificam a cobrança exercida pela alta administração para a avaliação de desempenho e a mensuração dos resultados de marketing. A pressão acentua-se em ambientes econômicos adversos, nos quais a alocação de recursos escassos entre diferentes projetos pela direção das empresas torna praticamente mandatória a justificativa do investimento a partir de estudos de previsão do retorno do investimento. É a partir deste contexto que alguns centros de pesquisa na Europa e nos Estados Unidos têm exortado a investigação de temas relacionados ao desempenho de marketing. A tese tem por objetivos identificar o atual estágio de utilização e importância utilizando como referência as métricas de desempenho de marketing, além de comparar os resultados com estudos conduzidos em outras regiões do mundo. Como objetivo específico buscou-se identificar os fatores influenciadores no processo de mensuração de desempenho em empresas brasileiras. A revisão teórica apresenta a evolução dos sistemas de mensuração de desempenho em marketing e suas relações com os sistemas de avaliação de desempenho empresarial. Em seguida, são apresentados modelos teóricos e pesquisas que buscam relacionar as atividades de marketing e o desempenho financeiro. A última etapa do referencial teórico apresenta as principais pesquisas conduzidas em diversos países relacionadas às métricas de desempenho de marketing. Esse referencial teórico foi utilizado para a elaboração de uma pesquisa empírica, conduzida em 148 empresas que atuam no Brasil em diversos setores da economia. As análises indicam que as métricas financeiras são as mais utilizadas para mensurar o desempenho de marketing e as mais importantes para a alta administração destas empresas. A freqüência de utilização de métricas de desempenho de marketing é maior em empresas de grande porte e em empresas de bens de consumo. Testes estatísticos indicaram que as métricas são mais utilizadas em empresas que possuem sistemas de avaliação de desempenho organizacional, em empresas que possuem maior alinhamento da área de marketing à estratégia e em empresas que a área de marketing é considerada como de alta importância para o sucesso da estratégia e para o desempenho financeiro. A mensuração do desempenho das atividades de marketing é importante para obter o alinhamento de marketing à estratégia, ampliando a credibilidade da área perante a alta administração. Este alinhamento permitirá a intensificação do uso de métricas não financeiras para avaliar o desempenho das atividades de marketing, cujos impactos são observados no longo prazo. As relações entre as métricas de marketing e o desempenho financeiro devem ser consideradas como prioridade para os profissionais de marketing e de finanças, bem como para os acadêmicos das duas áreas. / The increasing importance of marketing activities and the resulting expansion of investments in the area justify the top management´s demands for a performance assessment and for a marketing results measurement. The pressure is emphasized in adverse economic environments, in which the allocation of scarce resources by companies management among different projects makes the investments justificative practically mandatory, based on prevision studies about return on investments. Based on this point of view, some research centers in Europe and United States have been exhorting the investigation of themes related to marketing performance. This thesis aims at identifying the present phase of usage and importance, referencing to performance metrics in marketing, as well as at comparing the results with other studies carried out all around the world. The thesis´ specific objective is to show the effort made to identify the influencing factors over the Brazilian companies´s performance measurement process. The theoretical review focus on the evolution of performance measurement systems in marketing and their relationships with companies´ performance assessment systems. Following, theoretical models and researches that try to connect marketing activities to financial performance are introduced. The last phase of the theoretical review introduces the main researches carried out in several countries, related to marketing performance metrics. This theoretical referential has been used to elaborate an empirical research, carried out in 148 companies operating in Brazil, in several economic sectors. The analysis indicate that the financial metrics are the most used overall to measure the marketing performance and the most relevant according to top management´s view. The frequency of performance metrics usage in marketing is greater in big companies and in consumer goods companies. Statistic tests have indicated that the metrics are most used in companies that have organizational performance assessment systems, in companies that have higher alignment of marketing area with strategy and in companies in which marketing area is considered of fundamental importance for the success of strategy implementation and for the financial performance. The performance measurement of marketing activities is important to obtain the marketing alignment with strategy, thus increasing the credibility of the area before the top management. This alignment will allow the intensification of non-financial metrics usage to assess marketing activities performance, and to check the impacts observed in the long term. The relationships between the marketing metrics and the financial performance must be considered as priorities for marketing and finance professionals, as well as for academics in both areas of study.

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