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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño estructural de viviendas de albañilería confinada mediante el uso de redes neuronales artificiales en distritos de Lima con perfil de suelo tipo S1 / Structural design of confined masonry buildings using artificial neural networks in Lima districts with soil profile type S1

Molina Ramirez, Alexander, Sicha Pillaca, Juan Carlos 31 March 2021 (has links)
Las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) se han desarrollado en el campo de ingeniería estructural cada vez más con el paso de los años, esta herramienta trata de simular el comportamiento de las neuronas biológicas permitiendo adaptarse a cualquier entorno y resolver diferentes tipos de problemas. En la presente investigación, se aplica al diseño estructural de viviendas de albañilería confinada a estructuras regulares con una geometría rectangular en planta. La aplicación de la red neuronal en este campo nos permite ahorrar tiempo y costos de diseño, así mismo, solo se requiere de personas con un conocimiento básico de manejo de computadoras o aplicativos móviles para la operación de la red neuronal. De este modo, es más sencillo poder otorgar diseños estructurales preliminares a usuarios con escasos recursos económicos que deseen construir viviendas de albañilería confinada. En la presente investigación, se aplican las redes neuronales para el diseño estructural de viviendas de albañilería confinada de 1 a 4 pisos ubicadas en los distritos de Lima con perfil de suelo tipo S1. Para ello, se realizó el diseño de 33 viviendas que cumplen con las especificaciones del Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones (E020, E030 y E070), estos diseños se usaron como modelos de entrenamiento para el proceso de aprendizaje de la red neuronal y de esta manera se obtuvo un modelo de RNA capaz de diseñar viviendas de albañilería confinada con un error menor al 10%. / Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been developed in the field of structural engineering more and more over the years, this tool tries to simulate the behavior of biological neurons allowing to adapt to any environment and solve different types of problems. In the present research, it is applied to the structural design of masonry houses confined to regular structures with a rectangular geometry in plan. The application of the neuronal network in this field allows us to save time and design costs. Likewise, it only requires people with basic knowledge of computer handling or mobile applications for the operation of the neuronal network. In this way, it is easier to provide preliminary structural designs to users with limited economic resources who wish to build confined masonry housing. In the present investigation, the neural networks are applied for the structural design of confined masonry houses from 1 to 4 floors located in in Lima districts with soil profile type S1. For this, the design of 33 houses that meet the specifications of the National Building Regulations (E020, E030 and E070) was carried out, these designs were used as training models for the learning process of the neural network and in this way obtained an RNA model capable of designing confined masonry houses with an error of less than 10%. / Tesis

Propuesta de adición de perlitas de poliestireno en unidades de albañilería y mortero para incrementar la durabilidad en muros no portantes frente a las heladas en la ciudad de Cusco / Proposal of addition of polystyrene beads in masonry and mortar units to increase the durability in non-frost bearing walls in the city of Cusco

Lopez Castañeda , Luis Antonio, Morriel Quispe, Miriam Inés 03 March 2022 (has links)
El problema más frecuente en los muros de albañilería se presenta en su deterioro debido a la exposición prolongada a la humedad que se manifiesta mediante daños drásticos en las unidades de albañilería sin recubrimiento, los cuales pueden ser pulverización, descamación y agrietamiento. En la actualidad, en la ciudad de Cusco, el sistema estructural de albañilería es el más empleado con un 96.67% de edificaciones usándolo. Estos se exponen a la humedad cuando la temperatura fluctúa entre congelamiento y descongelamiento, generado durante la temporada de lluvias y heladas manifestadas en la ciudad. Esta investigación se realizó mediante un proceso de cuatro fases. Primero, se realizaron los diseños de las mezclas de mortero de junta y revestimiento con proporciones de 5%, 7%, 10% y 30%, 40% y 50% de sustitución de agregado fino por perlas de poliestireno expandido, respectivamente. Segundo, se determinó la durabilidad de los morteros por medio de la resistencia a compresión de las muestras sometidas a heladicidad. En la tercera fase, luego de determinar los morteros con porcentajes adecuados, con la finalidad de validar las características de la propuesta, se elaboraron pilas de ladrillos para someterlos a ensayos de heladicidad y analizar el comportamiento en conjunto de los elementos de un muro de albañilería. Por último, se propuso un proceso constructivo para lograr rendimientos similares a los ya existentes en obra y se realizó un análisis de costo – beneficio, el cual compara la aplicación del mortero modificado y convencional en un muro de albañilería. Los resultados indican una disminución en la resistencia a compresión de 14.76 kg/cm2 en los prismas convencionales y un aumento de 1.88 kg/cm2 en prismas con mortero modificado. Lo cual indica que los prismas modificados, en ladrillo y mortero, incrementan su resistencia en un 4%. / The most frequent problem in masonry walls is in their deterioration, due to the prolonged exposure to moisture, that is manifested by drastic damage in the uncoated masonry units, which can be pulverized, flaking and cracking. Currently, in the city of Cusco, masonry constructions represent 96.67% of the total of constructions, and the presence of moisture in the walls occurs when there is variation of temperatures between the freezing and thawing cycles, generated by the rainy and freezing season that manifests in the city. This research was conducted through a four-step process. First, we made the designs of the joint and coating mortar mixtures with ratios of 5%, 7%, 10% and 30%, 40% and 50% substitution of fine aggregate with expanded polystyrene beads, respectively. Second, the durability of the mortars was determined by the compressive strength of the samples subjected to frost. In the third stage, after determining the mortars with appropriate percentages, to validate the characteristics of the proposal, Bricks piles were developed for ice-freezing testing and for analyzing the behavior of the elements of a masonry wall. Finally, a constructive process was proposed to achieve yields like those already existing on site and a cost - benefit analysis was carried out, which compares the application of modified and conventional mortar on a masonry wall. The results indicate a decrease in compressive strength of 14.76 kg/cm2 in conventional prisms and an increase of 1.88 kg/cm2 in prisms with modified mortar. This indicates that the modified prisms, in brick and mortar, increase their resistance by 4%. / Tesis

Análisis de errores constructivos y propuesta de reforzamiento con malla de alambre galvanizado en viviendas de albañilería confinada en sectores con alto riesgo sísmico del distrito de Villa El Salvador – Lima / Analysis of constructive errors and proposal of reinforcement with galvanized wire mesh in masonry houses confined to sectors with high seismic risk in the district of Villa El Salvador – Lima

Goñi Paulino, Wilder Brayan, Maquin Damazo, Nehemias Isaias 13 September 2020 (has links)
En la investigación se analiza el estado de las viviendas de albañilería confinada construidas sin asistencia profesional en zonas con alto riesgo sísmico del distrito de Villa El Salvador. Se estudian los errores constructivos mediante la inspección visual de las casas autoconstruidas, las cuales presentan una alta vulnerabilidad frente a un terremoto de gran magnitud, en los sectores I (zona 1) y III (zona 2) del distrito. El error constructivo más frecuente que se ha podido identificar es el uso de ladrillos tubulares (ladrillo pandereta) con un fin estructural. Frente a este problema, la propuesta para mejorar la resistencia a la compresión y fuerzas cortantes de los muros de albañilería de pandereta es reforzarlos con malla de alambre galvanizado recubierta con mortero. Lo que se busca es proporcionar, por lo menos, un área segura dentro de las viviendas para que las familias puedan salvaguardar la vida de sus ocupantes frente a la ocurrencia de movimientos telúricos. En ese sentido, mediante ensayos de laboratorio se verifica que el reforzamiento con malla galvanizada mejora, en gran medida, la resistencia a la compresión y al corte de los muros. Además, su implementación resulta ser más económica frente a otras técnicas de reforzamiento como el refuerzo con mallas electrosoldadas. Esto es importante, porque la población beneficiaria pertenece a los niveles socioeconómicos C y D (bajo nivel socioeconómico). / The research analyzes the state of confined masonry houses built without professional assistance in areas with high seismic risk in the district of Villa El Salvador. Constructive errors are studied by visual inspection of self – constructed houses, which have a high vulnerability in the face of a large earthquake, in sectors I (Zone 1) and III (Zone 2) of the district. The most frequent constructive error that has been identified is the use of tubular bricks (pandereta brick) with a structural purpose. In the face of this problem, the proposal to improve the compression resistance and cutting forces of the pandereta masonry walls is to reinforce them with galvanized wire mesh coated with mortar. What is sought is to provide, at least, a safe area within homes so that families can safeguard the lives of their occupants in the face of the occurrence of telluric movements. In this sense, through laboratory tests it is verified that the reinforcement with galvanized mesh improves, to a large extent the resistance to the compression and the cutting of the walls. In addition, its implementation turns out to be more economical compared to other reinforcement techniques such as reinforcing with electro welded meshes. This is important, because the beneficiary population belongs to the socioeconomic levels C and D (low socioeconomic level). / Tesis

Dětský domov / Children's Home

Chrbolková, Erika January 2022 (has links)
The thesis focuces on project documentation for a construction project with the aim to design home for children under institutional care. Located on the outskirts of Skuteč, the building is three-storey, detached and partially basemented. The basement area lays on the slab foundations and the first floor on strip foundations. Vertical structures are made of ceramic blocks and local reinforced concrete columns while horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete slabs and wooden trusses over the gym. The building is covered by a vegetated flat roof. The building houses six residential units for six family groups with a total capacity of 43 children. The basement includes gym and fitness with technical facilities. The first floor consists of three residential units, changing rooms for the gym and kitchen with facilities. The second floor houses remaining three residential units, offices and the refectory. The upper floor is used for children´s education and entertainment.

Polyfunkční dům Cimburkova / Multifunctional building Cimburkova

Irra, Matěj January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of multifunctional building in Brno, in Cimburkova street. The building is placed on flat terrain and it has four floors. Floor plan of multifunctional building is rectangle shaped. There are three different establishments in this building. Most of space of ground floor and first floor is used as parking. Rest of space of ground floor and second floor is used as café, hairdresser and store. There are eight separate offices and sanitary facilities, break rooms, storages and servers. The supporting construction of building is made of reinforced concrete column system and ceiling slabs. The building is based on reinforced concrete slab and than there is a flat roof above the building.

Ubytovací zařízení / Accommodation

Madejewský, Radek January 2022 (has links)
The subject of the final thesis is the elaboration of design documentation for the new construction of an accommodation facility, specifically a boarding house intended for recreation. The new building is located in the cadastral area of ??the village Vernířovice. It is a building with three floors above ground and one underground floor. The building is based on foundation strips made of plain concrete and a foundation slab made of reinforced concrete. The vertical load-bearing structures are made of cley blocks and blocks of permanent formwork. Horizontal load-bearing structures are made of reinforced concrete. The roof structure is saddle with elongated dormers.

Veterinární klinika / Veterinary clinic

Mrázková, Eva January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the master´s project is to provide designs for building permission for a nearly zero-energy veterinary clinic. It is a detached building with two aboveground floors. There are three clinics, one operating rooms, laboratory and staff facilities in the building. First part presents the design of building structure, The superstructure is based on strip foundations made of reinforced concrete in combination with pre-cast permanent formwork made of concrete blocks. The structural system is designed as a masonry system from clay masonry with columns from reinforced concrete. The external walls are load-bearing and covered with thermal insulation and ventilated facade. The floor and roof bearing structure is made of prefabricated concrete slabs. The building is covered with a warm flat green roof. Second part includes the design of building services as lighting, heating, heat recovery ventilation unit. These processes are together shown in a global scheme. Third part is focused on Life cycle assessment of three different flat roof assemblies to compare how they affect the environment. It uses a functional unit 1m2 of a flat roof to define parameters and show how big impact they have on the environment. The project was elaborated using Revit, AutoCad, Deksoft, Building design, GaBi a Lumion software.

Polyfunkční dům U zvlněné krajiny / Multifunctional house U zvlněné krajiny

Uchytilová, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the processing of project documentation for the construction of a multifunctional building. The building is situated on the outskirts of the village Brod nad Dyjí, on buildings plots 4002/4, 4138/1. The multifunctional building is divided into two parts, where the main part is four-storey, partly with a basement and the other part i sone-storey. In the basement are situated cellars, bicycle room, pram room, warehouses and technical room. In the ground floor is situated rentable retail space. In the second floor is situated six rentable office spaces of various sizes. There are housing units on the third and fourth floors. On each floor there are 8 residential units od size 1+kk, 2+kk, 3+kk and 4+kk. Both floors are identical in division. Each aparment and office space has at least one loggia. Theo ne-storey part of the building is a cafe in which there is an atrium. The perimeter walls of the basement are made of reinforced concrete, the other perimeter walls are made of ground brick blocks. The building is insulated with ETICS contact thermal insulation system. The ceiling structures are cross-reinforced monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. There is an elevatorin the multifinctional house. The roof of the four-storey part is a double-skin flat roof with sheet metal roofing. The roof on the single-storey part is a flat green roof with a waterproofing layer of asphalt strips. The staircase is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab. There is wall structural system.

Administrativní objekt / Administrative building

Zajícová, Dagmar January 2022 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of administrative building in Brno. The main entrance to the building is oriented to the south-east. The building is L-shaped and it is designed as a two-storey, partly with a cellar. The perimeter bearing masonry of the above-ground floors is designed from ceramic blocks of thickness 300 mm and the internal bearing masonry of thickness 250 mm. After that the basement masonry is made of concrete blocks thickness 300 mm cast in concrete. Internal non-bearing masonry made of ceramic blocks thickness 115 mm. The insulation of the building is designed as a certified contact insulation system of EPS material. The horizontal bearing structures are designed as a ceramic prefabricated rib-and-filler floor with concrete grout. The stairs are designed as reinforced concrete monolithic. The roof is warm flat roof with an extensive vegetation layer.

Stavební průzkum a diagnostika zděné konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Brick Structure

Brothánek, Jan January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a structural and technical survey of the surviving cellar of the German House in Brno. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the theoretical description of the constructions, methods performed and their evaluation concerning the investigated space. The aim of the survey is to determine the strength characteristics of the masonry and on their basis to propose appropriate rehabilitation and structural protection.

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