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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of packaging and freezing and thawing rates on the shelf-life stability of ostrich meat

Leygonie, Coleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Food Sc))--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ostrich meat has become increasingly popular in South Africa and abroad, driven by the health conscious trend and ostrich meat’s natural low intramuscular fat, high polyunsaturated fatty acid and low cholesterol content. This increased demand led to the investigation of novel packaging regimes to improve its attractiveness and shelf-life. Different modified atmospheric packaging regimes were studied for fresh and frozenthawed ostrich M.iIliofibularis steaks stored at ±4°C for 10 days. Oxygen MAP (30 CO2:70 O2) was applied with great success to fresh steaks, and resulted in significantly improved colour stability, decreased drip loss and a 10-day shelf-life. Oxygen MAP of frozen-thawed ostrich steaks was not successful as the colour deteriorated within 3 days, coupled with high lipid and protein oxidation. The microbial shelf-life was not influenced by freezing and thawing. The use of nitrogen MAP (30 CO2:70 N2) as an alternative to vacuum packaging for fresh and frozen-thawed ostrich meat was inconclusive due to trace amounts of residual oxygen in the headspace accelerating myoglobin oxidation by depleting the metmyoglobin reducing activity. The differences in oxidative stability of the fresh and frozen-thawed ostrich meat led to the investigation of the source of these differences and a system that would allow control over the freezing and thawing practice. This was supported by the industry that is under increasing pressure to reduce the excessive (15-20%) thaw weight loss that is continually reported. Subsequently, a mathematical prediction model based on the control volume approach was developed that predicted the rate of freezing and thawing of intact whole vacuum-packed ostrich muscle. The model predicted with greater accuracy than existing models, and can be used successfully by the industry to optimally design, control and operate their systems. Furthermore research was conducted to investigate the effect of different freezing and thawing rates on the ice crystal formation and the quality of ostrich M. femorotibialis stored at ±4°C post freeze/thaw. Five characteristic freezing rates (FR (time from 0°C to -7°C): 1, 2, 4, 8, 24h) were paired with five characteristic thawing rates (TR (time form -7°C to 0°C): 1.5, 3, 6.5, 14, 21h) in a completely randomised block design. Results showed that thawing had no impact on any of the tested quality parameters, including thaw loss. Freezing rate however did influence the ice crystal formation and at a characteristic freezing rate of one hour (FR_1h) only intracellular ice crystals were observed throughout the M. femorotibialis leading to the lowest thaw loss (2.57%) and highest shear force. Freezing rate of 2h, 4h and 8h (FR_2h, FR_4h and FR_8h) were dominated by extracellular ice crystals. FR_2h and FR_8h showed major dehydration of the muscle fibres and excessive distortion of the muscle fibre matrix that led to significantly lower oxidative stability. FR_24h (approximately commercial rates) formed columns of ice from the surface to the centre of the meat resulting in the highest thaw loss (6.24%). FR_4h was judged to deliver the best quality product with moderate thaw (3.93%) and drip loss, low cooking loss, good colour stability and extremely low TBARS. FR_4h is an achievable rate of freezing for the industry and if implemented should decrease the thaw loss problem as well as increase revenue and throughput in the processing facility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Hedendaagse strewe na ‘n gesonde lewenstyl tesame met die natuurlike lae vetinhoud (d.i. hoë poli-onversadigde vetsure en lae cholesterolvlak) van volstruisvleis het gelei tot ‘n toename in die nasionale en internasionale aanvraag. Hierdie het ook die behoefte laat ontstaan om nuwe verpakkingstegnieke te ondersoek om sodoende die aanvaarbaarheid en rakleeftyd van die produk te verleng. Die invloed van verskeie gewysigde atmosferiese verpakkingsmetodes (GAV) op die kleurstabiliteit, drupverlies en rakleeftyd van vars en bevrore/ontdooide volstruisvleis (spesifiek M. Iliofibularis), gestoor by ±4°C vir 10 dae, is ondersoek. Die suurstof GAV (30 CO2:70 O2) van vars volstruisvleis het ‘n verbetering in kleurstabiliteit, verlaagde drupverlies en 'n verlengde mikrobiese rakleeftyd (10 dae) tot gevolg gehad. Die suurstof GAV van bevrore-ontdooide volstruisvleis het geen voordelige effek op kleurstabiliteit en rakleeftyd getoon nie. Die bevrore/ontdooide monsters het totaal verkleur na 3 dae en ‘n hoë vlak van lipied- en proteïenoksidasie is waargeneem. Die bevriesing en ontdooiing het geen invloed op rakleeftyd gehad nie. Die moontlikheid om stikstof GAV (30 CO2:70 N2) as 'n alternatief tot vakuumverpakking vir vars en bevrore/ontdooide volstruisvleis te gebruik, is beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid van oorblywende suurstof in die lugruimte van die GAV, met ‘n gevolglike toename in die tempo van mioglobien oksidasie as gevolg van ‘n afname in die metmioglobien reduksie aktiwiteit. Die verskil in die oksidatiewe stabiliteit van vars en bevrore/ontdooide volstruisvleis het gelei tot ‘n verdere ondersoek na die oorsaak van die verskille en die ontwikkeling van ‘n moontlike protokol om die oksidatiewe stabiliteit en dus rakleeftyd van volstruisvleis, te verbeter en bestuur. Die behoefte aan so ‘n protokol is beklemtoon deur die bedryf wat onder toenemende druk verkeer om buitensporige ontdooiingsverliese (15-20%) te verminder. ‘n Wiskundige voorspellingsmodel, gebaseer op die beheer-volume benadering, is ontwikkel om die tempo van bevriesing en ontdooiing van vakuumverpakte heel volstruisspiere te voorspel. Die model het tempo van bevriesing en ontdooiing met groter akkuraatheid as die bestaande modelle voorspel en kan suksesvol gebruik word in die bestuur van slagpale. Verder navorsing is onderneem om ondersoek in te stel na die effek van die tempo van bevriesing en ontdooiing op die kwaliteit van die bevrore-ontdooide volstruisvleis tydens berging by ±4°C. Die invloed van die kombinasie van vyf bevriesingstempo’s (FR (tydsverloop 0°C tot -7°C): 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 h) met vyf ontdooiingstempo’s (OT (tydsverloop -7°C to 0°C): 1.5, 3, 6.5, 14, 21 h) is ondersoek. Die resultate het getoon dat ontdooiingstempo geen beduidende invloed op enige van die kwaliteit kriteria, insluitend ontdooiingsverlies, gehad het nie. Bevriesingtempo het egter ‘n groot rol ten opsigte van yskristalvorming gespeel. Teen ‘n kenmerkende bevriesingstempo van een uur (FR_1h) was slegs intrasellulêre yskristalle waargeneem dwarsdeur die M. femorotibialis wat gelei het tot die laagste ontdooiingsverlies (2.57 %). Die ander bevriesingstempo’s, d.i. FR_2h, FR_4h en FR_8h, het gelei tot die vorming van meestal ekstrasellulêre yskristalle. Bevriesingstempo’s van FR_2h en FR_8h het beduidende dehidrasie van die spiervesels en vervorming van die spiervesel matriks tot gevolg gehad, wat tot verhoogde oksidasie gelei het. ‘n Bevriesingstempo van FR_24h (d.i. kommersieële tempo), het gelei tot die vorming van yskolomme van die oppervlak na die middelpunt van die spier, wat gevolglik die grootste ontdooiingsverlies (6.24%) tot gevolg gehad het. ‘n Bevriesingstempo van vier ure (FR_4h) is bestempel as die mees geskikte bevriesings tempo as gevolg van ‘n matige ontdooiingsverlies (3.93%), drupverlies, lae kookverlies, goeie kleur stabiliteit en uiters lae lipiedoksidasie te verseker. Die FR_4h bevriesingstempo is haalbare in die bedryf. Indien dit geïmplementeer word, sal dit waarskynlik die deurset van die slagpalesiklus asook die kostedoeltreffendheid van die volstruisbedryf vebeter, deur die vermindering van ontdooiingsverlies en verbetering van die algehele kwalitiet van die vleis.

Kiaulienos cheminių, fizinių ir technologinių savybių kitimas giluminio užšaldymo ir laikymo metu / Meat freezing and storage influence on its physical and chemical properties

Korsukovas, Audrius 28 February 2006 (has links)
Introduction. At low temperature the preservation of foodstuffs is one of the best ways of their storage and therefore this method is widely used in meat industry. The low temperature suppresses the activity of microorganisms and tissue ferments. Therefore the meat preserved by freezing keeps for a long time its initial properties and there are only minimal changes of food value and taste. At low temperature the activity of ferments slows down but does not stop. Work object. The work object is the determination of the change of physical-chemical properties of meat during freezing and keeping in - 180 C and - 860 C temperature. Work methodics. The research as fulfilled at the laboratory of the evaluation of the cattle meat properties and the meat quality. For the rersearch taken 14 Lithuanian white pig meat samples the mean weight of which was 500 g. were taken. They were put into special freezing bags and were frozen at temperature -180 C, and -860 C. Before freezing it the physical-chemical properties of the meat were determined. Two examples from each meat samples were researched. The determination of the physical-chemical properties of the meat was fulfilled every month. Also were was taken 6 Lithuanian white pig meat samples the mean weight of which was 500 g. Before freezing it the physical-chemical properties of the meat were determined. After that was made green tea extract, 500 ml. Water ant 50 g tea. All extract was inject in to the meat samples. They were put... [to full text]

Möglichkeiten der prozessbegleitenden Charakterisierung von Fleisch auf Basis der dielektrischen Zeitbereichsreflektometrie

Herm, Cornelia 25 July 2013 (has links)
Da die dielektrischen Eigenschaften eines jeden Materials, also auch von Fleisch, charakteristisch sind und von Faktoren wie beispielsweise dem Feuchtigkeitsgehalt und der chemischen Zusammensetzung sowie der physikalischen Struktur abhängig sind, gibt es bereits seit einigen Jahren verschiedene Forschungsansätze im Bereich der dielektrischen Messmethoden. Ein neu entwickeltes Messverfahren für die Be-stimmung der Qualitätsparameter Lagerdauer und eventuell erfolgter Gefrierprozesse bei Fisch basiert auf der dielektrischen Zeitbereichsreflektometrie. Die Klärung der Frage, in wie weit dieses Verfahren auch bei Frischfleisch angewendet werden kann, ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation. In Vorversuchen wurde zunächst die generelle Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens im Fleischbereich anhand verschiedener Lager- und Gefrierversuche geprüft. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen gliederten sich die experimentellen Untersuchungen in fol-gende Abschnitte: Ermittlung der Lagerdauer von SB-verpackten Minutensteaks vom Schweinelachs (MAP) sowie von Hähnchenbrustfilets, Erkennung von Gefrierprozes-sen bei Hähnchenbrustfilets und Schweinelachsen, Gefrierlagerdauerbestimmung verschiedener Fleischsorten (Schweinelachs, Schweinebauch und Rinderbugstück) bei drei unterschiedlichen Gefriertemperaturen und Erkennung von Fremdwasserzu-sätzen bei Hähnchenbrustfilets. Die Vorversuche zeigten eine generelle Eignung des Verfahrens zur Untersuchung von Lagerzeiten und Gefrierprozessen bei Fleisch. Im Bereich der Lagerdauererkennung ist eine Anwendung, auch für SB-verpackte Produkte (in Schutzatmosphäre), denkbar, das Verfahren muss hier allerdings bezüg-lich der zu Grunde liegenden linearen Auswertungsmodelle noch optimiert werden (Kurvenanpassung notwendig). Ebenso konnten gute Ergebnisse in der Gefrierlager-dauerbestimmung erzielt werden, auffällig waren die Fleischsorten-übergreifend bes-seren Ergebnisse der Messungen an vor dem Einfrieren einige Tage gelagerten Pro-ben. Gute Ergebnisse erbrachten auch die Messungen bezüglich der Gefrierprozess-erkennung (Proben frisch, einmal-gefroren und doppelt-gefroren). Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens ist besonders im Geflügelfleischbereich denkbar und angesichts der ge-setzlichen Bestimmungen für Geflügelfleisch (keine Fleischzubereitungen aus gefro-rener und aufgetauter Ware) auch überaus wünschenswert. Die besten Ergebnisse lieferte das Verfahren bei der Fremdwassererkennung an Hähnchenbrustfilets, was auf Grund des starken Dipolcharakters von Wasser bei einem auf Dielektrizität beru-henden Messverfahren auch erklärbar ist. Selbst die zusätzlich mit Geflügelfleisch-Proteinhydrolysatpulver versetzten Proben konnten (bedingt durch die Strukturverän-derungen im Probenmaterial) eindeutig von den unbehandelten Proben abgegrenzt werden, was mittels laborchemischer Analyse über das Wasser-Protein-Verhältnis nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens für diese Anwendung erscheint besonders sinnvoll, um der Überwachung und Qualitätssicherung ein ge-eignetes Instrument für die schnelle Feststellung von Wasserzusätzen (bei unverän-dertem Wasser-Eiweiß-Verhältnis) geben zu können. Vor dem praktischen Einsatz dieser Messmethode müssen größere Validierungsver-suche durchgeführt werden, um geeignete Kalibrationssätze für die Anwendung an unbekannten Proben, besonders im Geflügelfleischbereich, zur Verfügung zu haben. Ein Einsatz des Verfahrens zur Qualitätsbestimmung im Fleischbereich ist generell möglich und wäre auf Grund der schnellen Ergebnislieferung und einfachen Handha-bung der (mobilen) Messeinrichtung für Überwachung und Qualitätskontrolle wünschenswert. / As the dielectric properties of each material, thus also for meat, are characteristically and depend on factors as for instance humidity and the chemical composite as well as physical structure there are existing different research approaches in the array of dielectric measurement methods already for many years. A new developed meas-urement method for the estimation of the quality parameters storage time and option-ally occurred freezing processes on fish is basing on the dielectric time domain reflec-tometry. The clarification of the question how far this method can also be used for fresh meat is the intention of the present graduate thesis. In preliminary tests initially the general applicability of the method in the meat sector by means of different storage and freezing examinations was reviewed. Basing on these results the experimental examinations were divided into the following parts: evaluation of the storage time of packaged minute steaks from the pork chop (MAP) as also of chicken breast filets, estimation of freezing processes of chicken breast filets and pork chops, freezing storage time recognition of different meat varieties (pork chop, pork belly and beef bow pieces) with three different freezing temperatures and evaluation of added water in chicken breast filets. The preliminary tests indicated a general ability of the method for the recognition of storage times and freezing processes on meat. In the array of storage time evaluation an appliance, also for MAP-packaged products (in controlled atmosphere), is thinkable, however the method has to be optimized concerning the underlying linear evaluation models (curve fitting is necessary). As well there could be aimed good results for the freezing storage time recognition, the meat variety comprehensive better results for measurements on pattern which were stored some days previously were flashy. Good results were also adduced by the measurements concerning the freezing process recognition (pattern fresh, once- and double-frozen). An application of the technology is notably thinkable for the poultry meat sector and, in the face of the legal requirements for poultry meat (no preparation of frozen and thawed material allowed) also exceedingly desirable. The best results were carried out using the method for the recognition of added water in chicken breast filets, what is explainable by reason of the strong dipole character of water within a measurement method based on dielectricity. Even the pattern additionally glazed with poultry hydrolyzed protein powder could definitely be differentiated from the untreated pattern, what could not be realized with the water protein percentage using a laboratory chemical analysis. After all an appliance of the method for this application seems particularly reasonable, as a suitable instrument for the fast recognition of added water (with an unmodified water-protein-ratio) could be given to the monitoring and quality assurance. Before starting the practically application of this measurement method there have to be accomplished larger validation examinations, to have suitable calibration kits for the application on unknown pattern at one´s disposal, especially in the poultry meat sector. The assignment of the method for quality evaluation in the meat sector is generally possible and would be desirable for the monitoring and quality control by the reason of its fast result delivery and easy handling of the (mobile) measurement arrangement.

Efeito das variações térmicas na perda de umidade em carcaças de frango / Effect of thermal variation on the moisture loss in broiler carcasses

Franco, Fábio de Oliveira 24 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o impacto das variações térmicas durante o armazenamento de carcaças de frango sobre as propriedades funcionais, especialmente a perda de umidade no descongelamento (Drip Loss). Para avaliação destas condições, foram simuladas duas situações: uma comercial, onde um lote de aves abatidas, evisceradas e resfriadas em chiller foram congeladas até -15 (±2)°C e sofreram variações térmicas em ciclos de 8 horas com retirada das mesmas da câmara de estocagem, passando de -15 (±2)°C a -3(±2)°C, momento em que eram novamente devolvidas a câmara de congelamento (situação crítica) e outro lote mantido congelado a -15(±2)°C (situação ideal). Outra condição, chamada de ensaio modelo, foram simuladas 7 faixas de temperatura de armazenamento (0°C, -3°C, -6°C, -9°C, -12°C, -15°C e -18°C) visando definir faixas críticas, baseadas em valores de Drip Loss. Foram definidas 2 faixas: -3°C e -6°C, baseadas em sua proximidade a faixa mais crítica e com valores maiores de Drip Loss (0°C). Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio comercial, amostra (n=120) de carcaças, divididas em situação ideal (n=60) e situação crítica (n=60) foram descongeladas e submetidas às análises de pH, cor e perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma tendência (p<0,05) de aumento do Drip Loss com o aumento do tempo de armazenamento na situação crítica, com valores de 4,77(±1,24)% para 3 dias e 10,28(±0,87)% para 120 dias. A situação ideal não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os resultados encontrados, que foram de 5,19(±1,13)% para 3 dias e 4,86(±0,84)% para 120 dias. Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio modelo, amostras (n=70), em triplicata, de carcaças foram descongeladas e, após a definição das faixas críticas, submetidas às análises de perda umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), capacidade de retenção de água, análise de perda de umidade no cozimento, quantificação do gel protéico, análise do teor de proteínas no exsudato, análise do perfil protéico do exsudato e análise histológica. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) entre as faixas críticas estudadas (-3°C e -6°C) em relação às propriedades funcionais, com exceção das análises de perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), onde a mesma tendência de aumento do Drip Loss em relação ao tempo de armazenamento foi encontrada, com valores de 5,85 (±1,16)% para 0 dia e 12,33 (±1,12)% para 70 dias na faixa -3°C e 5,83 (±1,93)% para 0 dia e 10,15 (±0,15)% para 70 dias na faixa -6°C. Concluindo, existem evidências de que as variações térmicas promovem o aumento do Drip Loss em relação a um maior tempo de armazenamento. A constatação deste fato serve como base para estudos mais aprofundados sobre o impacto das condições de armazenamento sobre as propriedades funcionais da carne de frango, bem como para padronizar os processos de congelamento, transporte, distribuição e venda de carne de frango congelada. / The objective of this work was to study the impact of thermal variations during the storage of broiler carcasses on its functional properties, especially the moisture loss during thawing (Drip Loss). In order to evaluate these conditions, two situations were simulated: one called commercial, where a batch of slaughtered, eviscerated and chilled on water system broilers were frozen to -15(±2)°C and divided in two equal batches: one of these batches was called Critical Condition and was maintained in a 8 hour cycle of thermal variation ranging from -15(±2)°C to -3(±2)°C while the other, called Ideal Condition was maintained at -15(±2)°C during all the storage time. In another situation, named Model, seven ranges of storage temperature (0±2°C, -3±2°C, -6±2°C, -9±2°C, -12±2°C, -15±2°C , -18±2°C) were simulated in order to obtain the critical ranges based on the Drip Loss values. Two ranges were found based on its proximity to the most critical range and bigger Drip Loss values: -3±2°C and -6±2°C. For the functional properties studies on the commercial situation, a sample (n=120) of broiler carcasses, equally divided in Critical and Ideal were unfrozen and pH, color and Drip Loss analyzed. The results showed a statistical trend (p<0,05) of increase of Drip Loss values as time of storage increases in the critical condition, with values of 4,77±1,24% for 3 days of storage and 10,28±0,87% for 120 days of storage. The ideal condition didnt showed significant differences among the obtained results that were from 5,19±1,13% for 3 days of storage to 4,86±0,84% for 120 days. For the functional properties studies on the model situation, a sample (n=70), in triplicate, of broiler carcasses was thawed and, after the definition of the critical ranges, it was analyzed for Drip Loss, water holding capacity, moisture loss during cooking, Exudative cooking gel quantification, protein quantification on the exsudate, protein profile on the exudate and histological evaluation. The results showed that there were no statistical differences (p<0,05) between the studied critical ranges (-3±2°C and -6±2°C) in relation to its functional properties, except for Drip Loss values, where a trend of increase in Drip Loss as the time of storage increases was found, with values from 5,85±1,16% for 0 days to 12,33±1,12% for 70 days in range -3±2°C and from 5,83±1,93% for 0 days to 10,15±0,15% for 70 days in range -6±2°C. In conclusion, theres some evidence that the thermal variation can cause the increase of Drip Loss values in relation to an increase of the storage time. All these data can be useful as basis for new studies on functional properties of broiler meat regard to thermal variation during storage, as well as, to standard the processes of freezing, transport, distribution, and retail of frozen broiler meat.

Efeito das variações térmicas na perda de umidade em carcaças de frango / Effect of thermal variation on the moisture loss in broiler carcasses

Fábio de Oliveira Franco 24 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o impacto das variações térmicas durante o armazenamento de carcaças de frango sobre as propriedades funcionais, especialmente a perda de umidade no descongelamento (Drip Loss). Para avaliação destas condições, foram simuladas duas situações: uma comercial, onde um lote de aves abatidas, evisceradas e resfriadas em chiller foram congeladas até -15 (±2)°C e sofreram variações térmicas em ciclos de 8 horas com retirada das mesmas da câmara de estocagem, passando de -15 (±2)°C a -3(±2)°C, momento em que eram novamente devolvidas a câmara de congelamento (situação crítica) e outro lote mantido congelado a -15(±2)°C (situação ideal). Outra condição, chamada de ensaio modelo, foram simuladas 7 faixas de temperatura de armazenamento (0°C, -3°C, -6°C, -9°C, -12°C, -15°C e -18°C) visando definir faixas críticas, baseadas em valores de Drip Loss. Foram definidas 2 faixas: -3°C e -6°C, baseadas em sua proximidade a faixa mais crítica e com valores maiores de Drip Loss (0°C). Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio comercial, amostra (n=120) de carcaças, divididas em situação ideal (n=60) e situação crítica (n=60) foram descongeladas e submetidas às análises de pH, cor e perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma tendência (p<0,05) de aumento do Drip Loss com o aumento do tempo de armazenamento na situação crítica, com valores de 4,77(±1,24)% para 3 dias e 10,28(±0,87)% para 120 dias. A situação ideal não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os resultados encontrados, que foram de 5,19(±1,13)% para 3 dias e 4,86(±0,84)% para 120 dias. Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio modelo, amostras (n=70), em triplicata, de carcaças foram descongeladas e, após a definição das faixas críticas, submetidas às análises de perda umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), capacidade de retenção de água, análise de perda de umidade no cozimento, quantificação do gel protéico, análise do teor de proteínas no exsudato, análise do perfil protéico do exsudato e análise histológica. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) entre as faixas críticas estudadas (-3°C e -6°C) em relação às propriedades funcionais, com exceção das análises de perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), onde a mesma tendência de aumento do Drip Loss em relação ao tempo de armazenamento foi encontrada, com valores de 5,85 (±1,16)% para 0 dia e 12,33 (±1,12)% para 70 dias na faixa -3°C e 5,83 (±1,93)% para 0 dia e 10,15 (±0,15)% para 70 dias na faixa -6°C. Concluindo, existem evidências de que as variações térmicas promovem o aumento do Drip Loss em relação a um maior tempo de armazenamento. A constatação deste fato serve como base para estudos mais aprofundados sobre o impacto das condições de armazenamento sobre as propriedades funcionais da carne de frango, bem como para padronizar os processos de congelamento, transporte, distribuição e venda de carne de frango congelada. / The objective of this work was to study the impact of thermal variations during the storage of broiler carcasses on its functional properties, especially the moisture loss during thawing (Drip Loss). In order to evaluate these conditions, two situations were simulated: one called commercial, where a batch of slaughtered, eviscerated and chilled on water system broilers were frozen to -15(±2)°C and divided in two equal batches: one of these batches was called Critical Condition and was maintained in a 8 hour cycle of thermal variation ranging from -15(±2)°C to -3(±2)°C while the other, called Ideal Condition was maintained at -15(±2)°C during all the storage time. In another situation, named Model, seven ranges of storage temperature (0±2°C, -3±2°C, -6±2°C, -9±2°C, -12±2°C, -15±2°C , -18±2°C) were simulated in order to obtain the critical ranges based on the Drip Loss values. Two ranges were found based on its proximity to the most critical range and bigger Drip Loss values: -3±2°C and -6±2°C. For the functional properties studies on the commercial situation, a sample (n=120) of broiler carcasses, equally divided in Critical and Ideal were unfrozen and pH, color and Drip Loss analyzed. The results showed a statistical trend (p<0,05) of increase of Drip Loss values as time of storage increases in the critical condition, with values of 4,77±1,24% for 3 days of storage and 10,28±0,87% for 120 days of storage. The ideal condition didnt showed significant differences among the obtained results that were from 5,19±1,13% for 3 days of storage to 4,86±0,84% for 120 days. For the functional properties studies on the model situation, a sample (n=70), in triplicate, of broiler carcasses was thawed and, after the definition of the critical ranges, it was analyzed for Drip Loss, water holding capacity, moisture loss during cooking, Exudative cooking gel quantification, protein quantification on the exsudate, protein profile on the exudate and histological evaluation. The results showed that there were no statistical differences (p<0,05) between the studied critical ranges (-3±2°C and -6±2°C) in relation to its functional properties, except for Drip Loss values, where a trend of increase in Drip Loss as the time of storage increases was found, with values from 5,85±1,16% for 0 days to 12,33±1,12% for 70 days in range -3±2°C and from 5,83±1,93% for 0 days to 10,15±0,15% for 70 days in range -6±2°C. In conclusion, theres some evidence that the thermal variation can cause the increase of Drip Loss values in relation to an increase of the storage time. All these data can be useful as basis for new studies on functional properties of broiler meat regard to thermal variation during storage, as well as, to standard the processes of freezing, transport, distribution, and retail of frozen broiler meat.

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