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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento mecânico de um solo residual de dacito na área urbana de Caxias do Sul, RS / Mechanical behavior of a dacite residual soil from Caxias do Sul

Thier, Luís Henrique January 2017 (has links)
O município de Caxias do Sul está inserido em um importante contexto geológico-geotécnico do estado do Rio Grande do Sul e, em sua área urbana, são observados vários acidentes de ordem geotécnica. O conhecimento dos solos e das rochas que constituem os perfis da área urbana carece de uma caracterização mecânica que, diante de qualquer acidente geotécnico, possa servir como ponto de partida para a solução de tal evento. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo a respeito do comportamento mecânico de um solo residual de Dacito Canyon encontrado na área urbana do município de Caxias do Sul – RS. Foram realizados ensaios de cisalhamento direto e compressão triaxial com corpos de prova indeformados e reconstituídos e também foram executados um ensaio edométrico com um corpo de prova remoldado com a umidade próxima ao limite de liquidez. Os resultados obtidos com a realização dos ensaios mostraram que o material possui uma forte influência da estrutura do solo que foi especialmente evidenciada nos resultados dos ensaios de cisalhamento Foi possível estabelecer, com base em ensaios remoldados, uma curva NCL coerente com os parâmetros N da ordem de 2,1452 e e λ similar a 0,135. Entretanto não foi possível a definição de uma CSL pelo fato do material apresentar uma forte estrutura e os ensaios em amostras remoldadas e indeformadas não indicaram uma estabilização dos índices de vazios finais. O comportamento mecânico dos ensaios indeformados varia de acordo com o nível de deformação e de acordo com os ensaios. Nos ensaios de cisalhamento direto houve uma redução da coesão (de 50kPa para ~24kPa) e aumento do ângulo de atrito com as deformações (de 23 para 24 graus). Com a remoldagem esta tendência aumentou (o ângulo de atrito alcançou 28,5 graus). Já no ensaios triaxiais, o ângulo de atrito se manteve em torno de 29-30 graus e a coesão reduziu de 26kPa para 15kPa para grandes deformações. / The municipality of Caxias do Sul is part of an important geological-geotechnical context in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and several geotechnical accidents have been observed in its urban area. The knowledge of the soils and rocks that make up the profiles of the urban area lacks a mechanical characterization which, in the face of any geotechnical accident, can serve as a starting point for the solution of such an event. This dissertation presents a study about the mechanical behavior of a residual soil of Dacito Canyon found in the urban area of the city of Caxias do Sul - RS. Direct shear and triaxial compression tests were carried out with undisturbed and reconstituted test specimens and an edometric test carried out with a test specimen remolded with humidity close to the liquidity limit. The results obtained with the tests showed that the material has a strong influence of the soil structure that was specially evidenced in the results of the shear tests It was possible to establish on the basis of remolded tests an NCL curve coherent, with the N parameter of the order of 2.1452 and λ similar to 0.135. However, it was not possible to define a CSL because the material had a strong structure and the tests on remolded and undisturbed samples did not indicate a stabilization of the final void ratios. The mechanical behavior of the undeformed tests varied according to the level of deformation and according to the test type. In the direct shear tests there was a reduction of cohesion (from 50kPa to ~ 24kPa) and an increase in the angle of friction with the deformations (from 23 to 24 degrees). In tests with the remolded soil this trend increased (the angle of friction reached 28.5 degrees). In the triaxial tests on undisturbed specimens the friction angle remained around 29-30 degrees, similar to peak, and the cohesion reduced from 26kPa to 15kPa for large deformations.

Reciclagem de pavimentos semirrígidos com adição de cimento : contribuição ao desenvolvimento de um método de dosagem / Full-depth reclamation of semi-rigid pavements with cement : contribution for the development of a mix design method

Kleinert, Thaís Radünz January 2016 (has links)
O final da vida útil de pavimentos com bases rígidas se caracteriza pelo aparecimento de trincas de blocos e de fadiga. Neste cenário, a reciclagem das camadas de base e revestimento asfáltico, com adição de cimento, surge como técnica importante para reabilitação dessas estruturas. Além de se tratar de uma solução vantajosa do ponto de vista técnico, é competitiva em termos econômicos, além de sustentável. Entretanto, a escassa normatização nacional dificulta sua aplicação, destacando-se a falta de um procedimento de dosagem. Objetivando contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um método de dosagem de camadas recicladas com cimento, desenvolveu-se um programa experimental, contemplando a caracterização mecânica (resistência e rigidez), a variação volumétrica e a erodibilidade de misturas contendo fresado asfáltico, materiais de bases rígidas (brita graduada tratada com cimento e solo-cimento) e cimento Portland. Foram analisados os efeitos da porcentagem de fresado, do teor de cimento e do tempo de cura, compactando-se os corpos de prova na energia Modificada. Com auxílio de um software estatístico, foi elaborado um planejamento experimental para definição das misturas analisadas, contemplando-se diversos níveis para as variáveis independentes (teores de cimento entre 1% e 7%, e porcentagens de fresado variando entre 8% e 92%, aproximadamente). Os tempos de cura considerados foram extrínsecos ao planejamento e variaram de acordo com o ensaio, sendo de 3, 7 e 14 dias para os ensaios de comportamento mecânico e de 7 dias para os demais ensaios. Obtiveram-se modelos com efeitos estatisticamente significativos, com exceção da expansão. Os demais modelos apresentaram coeficientes de determinação de médios a elevados, tendo em vista a heterogeneidade dos materiais estudados, além do tamanho amostral considerável. Foi verificado que todas as variáveis afetam as propriedades analisadas, sendo que o teor de cimento demonstrou maior efeito, sendo que sua adição melhora consideravelmente o comportamento das misturas empregadas, frente à ação do tráfego e da água. Foram alcançados resultados bastante elevados de resistência à compressão simples (1,00 MPa a 6,49 MPa) e resistência à tração na compressão diametral (0,17 MPa a 1,22 MPa); já a rigidez das misturas apresentou uma ampla variação de resultados (484 MPa a 20.031 MPa). Com relação aos materiais de base empregados (brita graduada tratada com cimento e solo-cimento), não se observou uma tendência única; as misturas com solo-cimento apresentaram maior resistência, entretanto, com comportamento ligeiramente inferior quanto à variação volumétrica e à erodibilidade. Na análise da rigidez, os materiais de base mostraram comportamento bastante similar. Para concluir, foi verificado que o procedimento proposto por Fedrigo (2015) também é satisfatório para a dosagem de misturas recicladas constituídas por antigas bases cimentadas e fresado asfáltico, restando ainda quantificar a possível retração por secagem das misturas estudadas. / The end of the useful life of pavements with rigid bases characterizes by the appearance of block and fatigue cracking. The full-depth reclamation with cement (FDR-C) of this layer combined with the asphalt layer seem to be a good choice for the rehabilitation of the pavement structure. Besides being an advantageous solution from a technical point of view, it is competitive in economic terms, besides being sustainable. However, the Brazilian standards are scarce thus limiting its application, highlighting the lack of an appropriated mix design method to this technique. In order to contribute for the development of an FDR-C mix design method, an experimental program was developed aiming to test the mechanical characterization (strength and stiffness), volumetric variation and the erodibility of mixtures made of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), rigid base materials (cement treated crushed stone and soil-cement) and Portland cement. There were analyzed the effects of the RAP percentage, the cement content and the curing time of the specimens. For that, the compaction effort used was the Brazilian Modified one. Through a statistic software, an experimental planning was prepared for mixtures determination, with several levels for the independent variables (cement content between 1% and 7%, and RAP percentage varying by 8% up to 92%, approximately). The curing time analyzed was outward of experimental planning and it varied according to the kind of test. The specimens of mechanical performance were cured for 3, 7 and 14 days, and the other tests were examined at the 7th day of curing time. Models with statically significant effects were obtained, except the swell one. The others had medium and high coefficients of determination, given the heterogeneity of the studied materials, in addition to considerable sample size. It was found that all variables affect the analyzed properties, and the cement content proved to be with the greatest effect among the analyzed factors. Cement addition improves considerably the behavior of the mixtures for the traffic and water actions. Moreover, higher results were achieved for UCS (1.00 MPa up to 6.49 MPa) and ITS (0.17 MPa up to 1.22 MPa) tests. While the mixtures stiffness presented a wide range of results (484 MPa up to 20,031 MPa). Regarding the studied materials, it was observed that they do not have a single trend. The mixtures with soil-cement presented stronger, but with slightly lower behavior for volumetric variation and erodibility. At the stiffness analysis, different materials showed very similar behavior. All in all, it was found that the mix design method proposed by Fedrigo (2015) is also suitable for employment in semi-rigid FDR-C, still remaining to measure the possible drying shrinkage of specimens.

Estudo do comportamento mecânico na usinagem de aços inoxidáveis. / Study of mechanical behavior in stainless steel machining.

Patrícia Alves Barbosa 28 January 2014 (has links)
A usinagem é caracterizada pela grande quantidade de deformação plástica localizada no material devido à formação do cavaco, de forma que existe um compromisso entre o processo de deformação, encruamento e amolecimento, pelo aumento da temperatura, gerando bandas de cisalhamento. A compreensão destas zonas cisalhamento se faz importante, por conter informações que podem ser aplicadas ao aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de usinagem relacionadas à melhoria do processo e a e à busca da inovação em materiais e ferramentas. Nesse contexto, os aços inoxidáveis, que em geral, são caracterizados como materiais de baixa usinabilidade, em consequência do elevado grau de encruamento e baixa condutividade térmica durante a usinagem, podem facilitar investigações da formação do cavaco pós-processo em razão da morfologia segmentada de seus cavacos. Para tanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi abordar a usinagem sob a ótica da ciência do comportamento mecânico dos materiais através da avaliação das características e propriedades de três classes de aços inoxidáveis com diferentes estruturas cristalianas e microestruturas. A análise foi feita utilizando respostas de deformação, taxa de deformação, tensão, encruamento e temperatura na zona de cisalhamento primária, determinados a partir do monitoramento das forças de usinagem e caracterização do cavaco (morfologia e microestutura) em ensaios de torneamento semi-ortogonal, visando o levantamento e a relação dos parâmetros fundamentais do sistema de corte, que possam ser fatores significativos na modelagem do processo de usinagem. Os resultados mostraram que aços inoxidáveis apresentaram comportamentos distintos na usinagem, mostrando uma grande dependência da estrutura cristaliana, responsável pelos planos de deslizamento preferenciais, contribuindo para uma maior deformação e reduzindo a tensão de cisalhamento, além da difusividade térmica e dureza do material, que foram fortes indicadores da susceptibilidade dos aços inoxidáveis ao cisalhamento adiabático com formação de cavaco contínuo ou segmentado. A resposta à tensão e deformação dos aços inoxidáveis austenítico e duplex mostraram similaridade quando comparados com a classe martensítica. Não foi evidenciada presença de martensita induzida por deformação na usinagem do aço inoxidável austenítico. Por meio do planejamento composto central foi possível gerar modelos empíricos para cada classe de material relacionando as respostas de deformação, taxa de deformação, tensões, encruamento e temperatura na zona de cisalhamento primária com as condições de corte. / Machining is characterized by large amount of located plastic strain on material due to chip formation, so that there is a link between strain process, strain hardening, and heat softening, thus generating shear bands. Understanding these shear zones becomes important because it contains information that can be applied to machining technique improvements related to process optimizing, and the materials and tools innovations. In this context, stainless steels are regarded as poor machinability materials, due to high work hardening and low thermal conductivity; however, their segmented chip morphology is helpful for facilitating the post-process chip formation researches. Therefore, the aim was to approach machining from the viewpoint of the mechanical behavior science by comparing three stainless steels grades with dissimilar crystalline structures and microstructures during cutting. Strain, strain rate, stress, strain hardening, and primary shear plane temperature were the output variables analyzed. These output variables were determined from cutting forces monitoring and chip characterization (morphology and microstructure) in semiorthogonal turning tests. The results showed the stainless steels machining behavior was different depending on the lattice structure, which is responsible for preferential slipping planes, contributing to amount of strain and reducing the shear stress. Thermal conductivity and hardness were also strong indicators of stainless steels adiabatic shear susceptibility by continuous or segmented chip formation. The stress and strain response of austenitic and duplex stainless steel grades were similar compared to martensitic grade. Strain-induced martensite formation was not evidenced in austenitic stainless steel machining. Empirical models of strain, strain rate, stress, strain hardening and primary shear plane temperature as a function of cutting conditions were obtained by means of the central composite design.

Estudo comparativo do efeito da aplicação de zinco como camada intermediária em soldas dissimilares produzidas por soldagem a ponto por fricção (FSpW) entre as ligas AA5754 E AZ31

Leal, Letícia Pegoraro January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre juntas dissimilares produzidas pelo processo FSpW sem e com a utilização de Zn como metal intermediário tendo a finalidade de investigar a eficácia da adição deste metal no comportamento mecânico das juntas, bem como avaliar sua influência nas características microestruturais das juntas soldadas. As juntas foram produzidas com ligas de Al AA5754-H24 e Mg AZ31-O, de particular interesse do setor automotivo. Nas condições de soldagem com metal intermediário, chapas de Al revestido com Zn por galvanização foram usadas. As propriedades mecânicas das juntas foram avaliadas através de ensaios com carregamento quasi-estáticos e dinâmicos, sendo então correlacionados com as características microestruturais. Através das análises constatou-se que a aplicação de Zn como metal intermediário mostrou-se efetiva na redução do volume de compostos intermetálicos formados na interface da solda e consequentemente, obteve-se um aumento do desempenho mecânico de cerca de 48 % no ensaio de cisalhamento por tração, 230% no ensaio de tração cruzada e de 35,31 % no ensaio de fadiga quando em comparação a juntas soldadas diretamente entre as chapas de AA5754-H24 e AZ31-O. / In this research was carried out a comparative study between dissimilar joints produced by means of the process FSpW without and with applying Zn as an intermediary metal with the purpose of investigating the effectiveness of the addition of this metal in the mechanical behavior of joints, as well as to assess its influence on the microstructural characteristics of the welded joints. The joints were produced with the AA5754-H24 Al alloy and the AZ31-O Mg alloy, materials of particular interest to the automotive industry. For the welding conditions with the Zn interlayer Al sheets coated by hot deep galvanizing were used. The mechanical properties of the welded joints were evaluated in terms of quasi-static and dynamic load and then correlated with the microstructural features. Through the analyzes it has been verified that the addition of Zn as an intermediary metal proved to be effective in reducing the amount of the intermetallic compound formed at the weld interface and consequently the mechanical performance increased about 48 % in the lap shear strength test, 230 % in the cross tensile strength test and 35,31 % in the fatigue test when compared to the welded joints produced by the direct contact among the AA5754-H24 and the AZ31-O sheets.

Mechanical Behavior and Microstructural Evolution in Metastable β Ti-Mo Based Alloys with TRIP and TWIP Effects / Comportement mécanique et évolution microstructurale d'alliages de titane B métastables présentant des effets TRIP et TWIP

Zhang, Jinyong 26 September 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, basé sur une approche semi empirique de conception d’alliages de titane à propriétés mécaniques contrôlées, un alliage modèle binaire Ti-12Mo (% massique) et des alliages ternaires sur la base du système Ti-Mo ont été élaborés, combinant des effets TRIP et TWIP lors de la déformation. (TRIP – Transformation Induced Plasticity : plasticité induite par transformation ; TWIP – Twinning Induced Plasticity : plasticité induite par maclage).Les résultats des essais mécaniques montrent que ces alliages présentent une haute résistance mécanique (1000-1200 MPa), une grande plasticité (entre 0,3 et 0,4) et un écrouissage amélioré grâce aux effets simultanés TRIP/TWIP. Différentes techniques de caractérisation telles que la diffraction de rayons X conventionnelle (XRD), la diffraction in-situ sur Synchrotron (SXRD), la diffraction d’électrons rétro-diffusés (EBSD), les mesures de résistivité électrique (ERM), la microscopie électronique en transmission (TEM) et les mesures et traitements automatiques des orientations cristallographiques associées (ACOM/TEM), ont été mis en œuvre pour étudier les mécanismes de déformation, les transformations de phases et l’évolution microstructurale.Différents mécanismes de déformation, tels que le maclage mécanique {332}<113> et la transformation martensitique induite sous contrainte α˝ ont été identifiés à l’issue des essais mécaniques, permettant d’expliquer l’excellente combinaison de propriétés mécaniques obtenue. L’optimisation microstructurale de ces alliages a été conduite à partir de recuits basses températures dans le domaine de précipitation de la phase ω avec pour objectif d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques afin de contrôler la formation de la phase ω sans modifier de manière excessive la composition chimique de la matrice β, et conserver les effets combinés TRIP/TWIP. / In this work, based on combination of the ‘d-electron alloy design method’ and controlling of electron/atom ratio (e/a), a model of binary Ti-12Mo (wt. %) and ternary Ti-Mo based alloys were designed, induced combined TRIP and TWIP effects (TRIP for Transformation Induced Plasticity and TWIP for Twinning Induced Plasticity). The tensile results show that so-designed alloys exhibit true stress-strain values at uniform plastic deformation, of about 1000-1200MPa and between 0.3 and 0.4 of strain, with a large strain-hardening rate. Several characterization techniques, such as conventional X-ray diffraction (XRD), In-situ Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), electrical resistivity measurements (ERM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and automatic crystal orientation measurements (ACOM) TEM, were carried out to to investigate the deformation mechanisms and microstructure evolution sequence. Various deformation mechanisms, i.e. {332}<113> mechanical twinning, deformation induced ω phase and stress-induced α’’ martensite, were identified after mechanical testing, resulting in a combination of high strength, large ductility and improved strain-hardening rate. Furthermore, low temperature aging (LTA) treatments were performed on the Ti-12Mo alloy to improve the mechanical property through controlling the ω phase transformation without excessive modification of β matrix chemical composition, keeping the possibility for combined TRIP and TWIP effects to occur. The influence of LTA treatment on the mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of Ti-12Mo alloy was discussed in detail.

Développement et optimisation d’un agro-composite à base de chènevotte et d’amidon / Development and optimization of hemp/starch agro-composite

Le, Anh Tuan 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’agro-composite de chanvre/amidon est un nouveau matériau 100% végétal constitué d'amidon et de chènevotte. C’est un matériau durable pour la construction et le bâtiment. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d’innover, développer et optimiser cet agro-composite ainsi que ses propriétés mécaniques, acoustiques et thermiques. Dans ce travail, des essais expérimentaux sur le comportement mécanique, acoustique et thermique sont réalisées. Un liant particulier et innovant a été préliminairement testé et analysé afin de déterminer une composition optimale. Deux paramètres prépondérants de cette étude sont : le rapport chanvre/amidon (C/A) et la taille des particules de chènevotte. Différents mélanges de particules de chènevotte 0-20 mm, 0-15 mm et 0-5 mm sont donc étudiés en faisant varier le rapport de chènevotte/amidon (C/A) de 6, 8, 10, 12 à 14. La comparaison et l’analyse des résultats permet de mettre en lumière l’influence de chacun des paramètres sur les caractéristiques de notre agro-composite chanvre/amidon. Les agro-composites chanvre/amidon avec des mélanges de particules de chènevotte 0-5/0-15 mm et 0-5/0-20 mm, montrent qu’il existe une formulation qui permet d’obtenir un comportement mécanique optimal, un meilleur comportement acoustique et un excellent comportement thermique. / The hemp/starch agro-composite is a new material consisting of 100% vegetal starch and hemp shives. It is a durable material for building and construction. The aim of this thesis is to innovate, develop and optimize the agro-composites and those properties mechanical, acoustic and thermal behavior. In this work, experimental tests on the mechanical, thermal and acoustic behavior have been carried out. A particular and innovative binder has been preliminarily tested and analyzed in order to determine optimum composition. Both parameters studied are: hemp/starch (C/A) ratio and size of hemp shives. Various mixtures of hemp shives 0-20 mm or 0-15 mm with 0-5 mm were studied by varying the hemp/starch (C/A) ratio from 6, 8, 10, 12 to 14. The comparison and analysis of results allows making the obvious influence of each parameter on the characteristics of our hemp/starch agro-composite. The hemp/starch agro-composite with mixtures hemp shives 0-5/0-15 mm and 0-5/0-20 mm, show that there is a formulation that achieves optimum mechanical behavior, better acoustic behavior and excellent thermal behavior.

Analyse numérique du comportement mécanique en temps long des composites unidirectionnels / Mechanical analysis and life prediction of unidirectional composites

Dib, Elias 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les matériaux composites jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans notre société et dans de très nombreux domaines (aéronautique, naval, génie civil…), grâce à leurs avantages en terme de légèreté, d’inaltérabilité et de rigidité. Cependant, ils présentent des faiblesses qui peuvent poser des problèmes au niveau de leur utilisation pour les ouvrages de génie civil. Ces faiblesses concernent notamment leur durabilité. A cause des phénomènes viscoélastiques, les propriétés mécaniques des structures en composites évoluent dans le temps. Le fluage et/ou la relaxation sont des facteurs importants qui peuvent considérablement affecter l’application des composites aux structures. Dans ce travail de doctorat, on effectue une analyse sur le comportement à court et à long terme des composites unidirectionnels renforcés par des fibres de verre/carbone. Afin d’obtenir des résultats quantitatifs sur le comportement mécanique de ces composites, différents types des sollicitations mécaniques seront considérés (ex. compression, cisaillement, tension, flexion). Les analyses sont basées sur deux modèles micromécaniques développés par l'équipe MSA. Le premier modèle est de type shear-lag viscoélastique et le deuxième utilise le logiciel éléments finis Abaqus. Ces deux modèles prennent en compte les différents micro-mécanismes de rupture comme la rupture des fibres, la décohésion des fibres/matrice et le fluage de la résine. Plusieurs analyses numériques sont faites afin de valider les différentes hypothèses de la théorie shear-lag. A partir des analyses menées, des améliorations sont apportées sur le modèle type shear lag. Une étude comparative avec les éléments finis a permis de bien valider les résultats obtenus par la méthode shear-lag. Ayant calibré nos modèles type shear-lag et éléments finis, des simulations types court et long terme sont faites sur des composites unidirectionnels renforcées par des fibres de verre et de carbone. Les analyses sont réalisées sur plusieurs échantillons pour chaque type de fibre (Simulation de Monte-Carlo) / Fiber Reinforced Plastic materials (FRP) are beginning to find more and more applications in the civil engineering domain. Besides the use of FRPs for the reinforcement of existing structures, these materials are utilized quite often today for the construction of bridges and even for new buildings made entirely of FRPs. At the matter of fact, the light weight of composite materials is a considerable advantage compared to conventional materials such as steel or concrete. Another advantage is that they have outstanding fatigue and durability potential and that they are in general very tolerant to environmental effects such as UV radiations, moisture, chemical attack and extreme temperature variations. However, the lack of a comprehensive, validated, and easily accessible database for the durability of fiber-reinforced polymer composites as related to civil infrastructure applications is a critical barrier to their usage as main load bearing systems. The creep behavior of these materials and their failure under sustained loads remains an open research topic. This study gives a detailed analysis on the mechanical behavior of unidirectional fiber reinforced composites (UD FRP) subjected to different loading patterns (tension, compression, shear, and flexure). We develop two micromechanical models that allow us to analyze the instantaneous and the long term response of UD composites subjected to different load patterns. The first model is based on the shear-lag theory and the Beyerlein et al.[1998] developments while the second one is established using the finite element software Abaqus. A Comparative study between the two models allowed to validate the fundamental assumptions of the shear-lag theory (first model) as well as several numerical issues related to time integration and spatial discretization. The Monte Carlo method is used in order to account for the stochastic fiber strength and its impact on the ultimate tensile strength (short term) and creep (long term). A parametric investigation on the fiber type and load level/type on the short/long term behavior of UD composites is also presented

Comportamento mecânico e análise dimensional de parafusos corticais de aço inoxidável e liga de titânio submetidos a ensaios de torção / Mechanical behavior and dimensional analysis of the stainless steel and titanium alloy córtex screws, undergone torsion testing

Suraya Gomes Novais Shimano 21 December 2005 (has links)
Parafusos corticais são uns dos implantes mais utilizados na prática cirúrgica e são normalmente compostos por ligas metálicas como o aço inoxidável F-138 e a liga de titânio 6Al-4V e, quando inseridos no organismo humano, são submetidos a diversos esforços mecânicos. Assim, é necessário avaliar as propriedades mecânicas desses implantes. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o comportamento mecânico de parafusos corticais de aço inoxidável e de liga de titânio, de fabricação nacional, em ensaio de torção. Vinte parafusos de aço inoxidável foram divididos em quatro grupos (1,2,3,4) e o mesmo foi feito com os parafusos de liga de titânio. Primeiramente, suas medidas-padrão foram analisadas de acordo com a Norma Brasileira NBR ISO 5835:1996. Nos dois grupos 1 (de aço inoxidável e de liga de titânio), o ângulo de rotação foi mensurado por um goniômetro e o ensaio de torção foi manual. Já os parafusos dos dois grupos 2 foram ensaiados em uma máquina de torção. Os parafusos dos grupos 3, primeiramente, foram inseridos em cortical óssea suína e, posteriormente submetidos à torção. Nos dois grupos 4, os parafusos foram submetidos à torção sucessiva e, posteriormente submetidos à torção na máquina. Na análise estatística das propriedades mecânicas, os resultados apresentaram diferença significativa no torque no limite de proporcionalidade entre o grupo 1 e os demais grupos de aço inoxidável e entre o grupo 1 e os demais grupos de liga de titânio, sugerindo um possível erro metodológico no ensaio de torção manual. No torque no limite máximo houve diferença significativa entre o grupo 4 de liga de titânio e os grupos 2 e 3, mostrando que a torção sucessiva pode comprometer esta propriedade. Na rigidez torcional, foi demonstrada diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos 1 e 3 de liga de titânio. Na tenacidade torcional, houve diferença significativa entre o grupo 1 e os demais grupos de liga de titânio, entre o grupo 2 e os grupos 3 e 4 de aço inoxidável e entre todos os grupos de aço inoxidável e todos os grupos de liga de titânio. Conclui-se que, em geral, os parafusos de aço inoxidável apresentaram tenacidade torcional superior aos parafusos de liga de titânio, mas nas demais propriedades estes dois biomateriais apresentaram resultados semelhantes / Cortical bone screws are one of the most used implants in the surgical practice and the stainless steel (ASTM F-138) and titanic (6Al-4V) are the most common alloys used to manufacture them. When inserted into the bone such implants undergo several types of mechanical stress and, therefore, it is very useful to know their mechanical behavior. The purpose of the present study was to compare the mechanical properties of cortical bone screws made up of stainless steel and titanic alloy as tested in torsion. Twenty stainless steel screws were divided into four groups (1,2,3,4) and the same was made for the titanic alloy screws. First, the screw dimension were checked in accordance to the brazilian standard regulations. In groups 1 (either stainless steel or titanic alloy) the angle of rotation was measured with a goniometer and the torsion test was manual. For groups 2 the screws were tested in torsion in a testing machine. In groups 3, firstly, the screws were inserted into suine bone and, later, removed and submitted to torsion. In groups 4 the screws were tested in successive loading and unloading cycles in torsion and, later, submitted to torsion. The results showed statistically significant difference for the yield torque among the group 1 and the other groups of stainless steel and among the group 1 and the other groups of titanic alloy, which suggest a possible methodological error in manual torsion. For the ultimate torque there was difference among titanic groups 4, 2 and 3, showing that repeated torsion can affect such property. For the torsional stiffness there was statistical difference between titanic groups 1 and 3. The torsional tenacity was different among the 1 and the other titanic groups, also there was difference among stainless steel groups 2, 3 and 4. Finally, there was statistical difference among all stainless steel and titanic alloy groups, that, in general, the stainless steel screws showed greater torsional tenacity in comparison with the titanic alloy screws, but for the other torsional properties they displayed a similar behavior

Comportamento mecânico e análise dimensional de parafusos corticais de aço inoxidável e liga de titânio submetidos a ensaios de torção / Mechanical behavior and dimensional analysis of the stainless steel and titanium alloy córtex screws, undergone torsion testing

Shimano, Suraya Gomes Novais 21 December 2005 (has links)
Parafusos corticais são uns dos implantes mais utilizados na prática cirúrgica e são normalmente compostos por ligas metálicas como o aço inoxidável F-138 e a liga de titânio 6Al-4V e, quando inseridos no organismo humano, são submetidos a diversos esforços mecânicos. Assim, é necessário avaliar as propriedades mecânicas desses implantes. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o comportamento mecânico de parafusos corticais de aço inoxidável e de liga de titânio, de fabricação nacional, em ensaio de torção. Vinte parafusos de aço inoxidável foram divididos em quatro grupos (1,2,3,4) e o mesmo foi feito com os parafusos de liga de titânio. Primeiramente, suas medidas-padrão foram analisadas de acordo com a Norma Brasileira NBR ISO 5835:1996. Nos dois grupos 1 (de aço inoxidável e de liga de titânio), o ângulo de rotação foi mensurado por um goniômetro e o ensaio de torção foi manual. Já os parafusos dos dois grupos 2 foram ensaiados em uma máquina de torção. Os parafusos dos grupos 3, primeiramente, foram inseridos em cortical óssea suína e, posteriormente submetidos à torção. Nos dois grupos 4, os parafusos foram submetidos à torção sucessiva e, posteriormente submetidos à torção na máquina. Na análise estatística das propriedades mecânicas, os resultados apresentaram diferença significativa no torque no limite de proporcionalidade entre o grupo 1 e os demais grupos de aço inoxidável e entre o grupo 1 e os demais grupos de liga de titânio, sugerindo um possível erro metodológico no ensaio de torção manual. No torque no limite máximo houve diferença significativa entre o grupo 4 de liga de titânio e os grupos 2 e 3, mostrando que a torção sucessiva pode comprometer esta propriedade. Na rigidez torcional, foi demonstrada diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos 1 e 3 de liga de titânio. Na tenacidade torcional, houve diferença significativa entre o grupo 1 e os demais grupos de liga de titânio, entre o grupo 2 e os grupos 3 e 4 de aço inoxidável e entre todos os grupos de aço inoxidável e todos os grupos de liga de titânio. Conclui-se que, em geral, os parafusos de aço inoxidável apresentaram tenacidade torcional superior aos parafusos de liga de titânio, mas nas demais propriedades estes dois biomateriais apresentaram resultados semelhantes / Cortical bone screws are one of the most used implants in the surgical practice and the stainless steel (ASTM F-138) and titanic (6Al-4V) are the most common alloys used to manufacture them. When inserted into the bone such implants undergo several types of mechanical stress and, therefore, it is very useful to know their mechanical behavior. The purpose of the present study was to compare the mechanical properties of cortical bone screws made up of stainless steel and titanic alloy as tested in torsion. Twenty stainless steel screws were divided into four groups (1,2,3,4) and the same was made for the titanic alloy screws. First, the screw dimension were checked in accordance to the brazilian standard regulations. In groups 1 (either stainless steel or titanic alloy) the angle of rotation was measured with a goniometer and the torsion test was manual. For groups 2 the screws were tested in torsion in a testing machine. In groups 3, firstly, the screws were inserted into suine bone and, later, removed and submitted to torsion. In groups 4 the screws were tested in successive loading and unloading cycles in torsion and, later, submitted to torsion. The results showed statistically significant difference for the yield torque among the group 1 and the other groups of stainless steel and among the group 1 and the other groups of titanic alloy, which suggest a possible methodological error in manual torsion. For the ultimate torque there was difference among titanic groups 4, 2 and 3, showing that repeated torsion can affect such property. For the torsional stiffness there was statistical difference between titanic groups 1 and 3. The torsional tenacity was different among the 1 and the other titanic groups, also there was difference among stainless steel groups 2, 3 and 4. Finally, there was statistical difference among all stainless steel and titanic alloy groups, that, in general, the stainless steel screws showed greater torsional tenacity in comparison with the titanic alloy screws, but for the other torsional properties they displayed a similar behavior

Effect of creep strains on the residual mechanical properties of concrete / Influence des déformations de fluage sur les propriétés mécaniques résiduelles du béton

Kammouna, Zainab 27 October 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l'influence du fluage sur les propriétés mécaniques résiduelle du béton. En effet, les sections des éléments d’une structure précontrainte sont majoritairement soumise à une contrainte de compression. En raison de la relaxation des contraintes (due au fluage du béton notamment) et de la charge appliquée, des contraintes de traction peuvent apparaitre au cours de la vie de l’ouvrage. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de connaître la valeur des propriétés mécaniques résiduelles après l'effet de fluage.Le travail se concentre sur le fluage propre (sans échange hydrique avec le milieu environnant) et il comprend une partie expérimentale et une partie numérique. Dans la partie expérimentale, des essais de fluage en compression et en traction indirect (essai Brésilien) ont été effectués sur le béton en utilisant différents niveaux de chargement appliqué à différents âges du béton. A la fin de chaque essai de fluage, un essai quasi statique a été réalisé sur le même béton pour déterminer l'effet du fluage sur les propriétés mécaniques résiduelles. Afin de vérifier l'effet d’une précharge en compression sur la résistance en traction, comme dans le cas d’une structure précontrainte vieillissante ou soumise à un chargement accidentelle, une campagne d’essai Bresilien avec un préchargement quasi statique en compression a également été réalisée. Les résultats montrent que le comportement après fluage dépend fortement de l’âge de chargement et du sens de sollicitation. Numériquement, un modèle mésoscopiques a été utilisé pour simuler le fluage et les propriétés mécaniques après fluage. En effet, sous un chargement constant seule la pâte de ciment flue tandis que les agrégats agissent comme un obstacle à ce fluage. Par conséquent, les contraintes de traction se produisent à l'interface pâte de ciment/agrégats conduisant à microfissures dans cette zone Les déformations viscoélastique sont correctement reproduite à différents niveaux de chargement mais la modification du comportement résiduel du béton ne peut pas être uniquement expliqué par la micro-fissuration / The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of creep on the concrete mechanical properties evolution. In prestress structures, in the first concrete is completely subjected to compressive stresses. With time, due to relaxation of the prestressed cables and applied load, some tensile stresses may take place in the concrete. So, it is necessary to know the value of the residual mechanical properties after creep effect.The work which concerns only with basic creep (where there is no drying), includes an experimental part and a numerical part. In the experimental part, compressive and tensile (Brazilian) creep tests were carried out on the concrete using different loading levels that applied at different ages of concrete.At the end of each creep test a strength test was carried out on the same concrete for determining the creep effect on the residual mechanical properties. To evaluate the effect of quasi-instantaneous loading in compression and then in tension, some preloading compressive tests were carried out. These tests were accomplished especially to distinguish the effect of quasi-instantaneous effect from that of creep. A quasi-instantaneous compressive test was achieved until a given level and then a Brazilian strength test was carried out to evaluate the effect of compressive preloading on the tensile strength.Numerically, a mesoscopic model was developed for simulating creep and mechanical properties after creep had taken place. The reason for which this mesoscopic technique was used is related to the fact that under the considered loading level of concrete, only the cement paste creeps while the aggregate act as an obstacle to this creep. As a result, tensile stresses arise at cement past-aggregate interface leading to micro cracks at this zone. With this technique, creep strain can generate some damage at mesoscale without any coupling between creep and damage as in sence phenomenological models.

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