Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ediation tct"" "subject:"ediation tact""
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Nové možnosti mediace v civilních věcech / New opportunities for mediation in civil casesRůžička, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The submitted thesis describes mediation in civil matters - settlement solution carried out of court - under legislation newly enacted in Czech Republic. After years without concrete legal regulation the lawmakers were forced by the European Union legislation represented by the Directive 2008/52/EC on mediation to respond with special national legislation. Adoption of the Act no. 202/2012 Coll. (Mediation Act) brought a substantial development in this area of Czech legal environment. The author focuses on analysis of the process of mediation and how the legislation is reflected in its individual elements. The work consists of four related chapters. The first chapter describes mediation as one of out-of-court settlement methods, principles of which have been applied thorough history but which has been going through its renaissance in the last decades. The second chapter contains analysis of mediation process, its types and suitability of their use. Here the author describes psychological elements which affect the course of the mediation and their impact on the whole process. The subsequent chapters are crucial for the aim of the work. The third one analyses the former and mainly the recent regulation relating to mediation in civil matters and certain essential institutes that are affected by the new...
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Mediace jako metoda alternativního řešení sporů / Mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolutionKotyzová, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
Mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolution The purpose of this thesis is to introduce mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolution and point out its potential. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents various methods of ADR including so-called hybrid forms. There is also a summary of advantages and disadvantages that are associated with these forms of dispute resolution. The second chapter starts with the historical development of the institute of mediation and continues with the presentation of various forms of mediation. This chapter also discusses a mediator, his role and aspects that should be taken into account when parties want to choose a suitable person. Then particular phases of the mediation process are analysed. The third chapter is concerned with the international regulation of mediation. It is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on mediation regulation contained in the mediation rules of particular international institutions. To ensure better clarity and mutual comparison the most important information are presented in tables attached to this thesis. The second part relates to the European regulation of mediation. It mentions the most important documents adopted by the EU in order to develop this amicable dispute...
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Medling i dispositiva tvistemål : En kritisk utvärdering av det svenska systemetEriksson, Sverker January 2014 (has links)
This paper is a critical evaluation of the Swedish system with special mediation. The district court has the opportunity, in cases that are amenable to out-of-court settlements, to refer the dispute to special mediation. However, this is extremely rare, even though the legislature expressed a desire to increase the use of alternative dispute resolution. In 2011, a series of measures were taken to increase the use of mediation and strengthen mediation attractiveness. What effect can be inferred from these actions today, over three years after their introduction? This study analyses the main reasons offered for why mediation is not used more, and what should be done to increase the use of mediation. Is the court-annexed mediation an appropriate way forward for Sweden? To answer these problem formulations I studied statistics from the Swedish National Courts Administration (Domstolsverket). In order to investigate how the Swedish mediators experience the practice, I did a survey that was sent to the mediators listed on the Swedish National Courts Administration´s catalogue on mediators. To deepen the knowledge of mediation as a practice and get a perspective on the special court mediation, I conducted an in-depth interview with Nicklas Söderberg, Head of Administration of the Court of Appeal in Skåne and Blekinge. My material shows that the Court's duty to promote conciliation was strengthened by the government's measures in 2011. However, the Mediation Act (Lag om medling i privaträttsliga tvister), according to the material, did not have the intended impact on the use of mediation; special mediation is very rarely used. The reason to the meagre effects is that the measures do not address the three largest mediation hindering factors; regulatory barriers, cost considerations and lack of knowledge and foundation in the Swedish legal culture. To increase the use of mediation and reach all of its benefits, I believe, in the light of the material in this paper, a new system that addresses the needs of those hindering factors is necessary. The legislation provides opportunity for broad discussions with the parties during the initial Court preparations. However, the process could be more clear, effective and legally certain by developing Court-annexed mediation. Court-annexed mediation can reduce the courts caseload, save time for the parties and provide more sustainable and appropriate solutions to the parties' disputes. To anchor mediation in Swedish legal culture and increase the use of the procedure, I advocate that Court-annexed mediation should be introduced. / Denna uppsats är en kritisk utvärdering av det svenska systemet med särskild medling. Tingsrätten har möjlighet att i dispositiva tvistemål hänvisa tvisten till särskild medling. Detta sker dock ytterst sällan, trots att lagstiftaren uttalat en vilja att öka användandet av alternativa tvistlösningsmetoder. År 2011 genomfördes en rad åtgärder för att öka användningen av medling samt stärka medlingens attraktionskraft. Vilken effekt kan utläsas av dessa åtgärder idag, drygt tre år efter deras införande? I denna uppsats utreds vilka huvudanledningar som finns till varför särskild medling inte används mer, samt vad som bör göras för att komma tillrätta med detta. Är rättsmedling en lämplig väg framåt för Sverige? För att svara på dessa problemformuleringar studerades statistik från domstolsverket. För att undersöka hur svenska medlare upplever förfarandet gjorde jag en enkätundersökning som skickades till medlare upptagna på domstolsverkets förteckning över medlare. För att fördjupa kunskapen om medling i praktiken och få ett domstolsperspektiv på särskild medling genomförde jag en djupintervju med Nicklas Söderberg, administrativ chef för hovrätten i Skåne och Blekinge. Mitt material visar att rättens skyldighet att verka för förlikning stärkts av regeringens åtgärder år 2011. Medlingslagen har dock, enligt materialet, inte haft avsedd inverkan på användandet av medling; särskild medling används mycket sällan. Anledningen till att effekterna uteblivit är att åtgärderna inte adresserar de tre största medlingshämmande faktorerna; lagstiftningsmässiga hinder, kostnadsaspekter samt brist på kunskap och förankring i svensk rättskultur. För att öka användningen av medling och nå alla dess fördelar anser jag, mot bakgrund av materialet i denna uppsats, att en ny ordning måste till som adresserar dessa medlingshämmande faktorer. Lagstiftningen ger utrymme för att hålla breda samtal med parterna under förberedelsen, dock skulle förfarandet bli tydligare, mer ändamålsenligt och rättssäkert genom att utforma en lagstiftning gällande rättsmedling. Rättsmedling kan avlasta domstolarna, spara tid för parterna samt ge mer hållbara och ändamålsenliga lösningar på parternas tvister. För att förankra medlingen i svensk rättskultur och öka användandet av förfarandet förespråkar jag att rättsmedling borde införas.
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Mediace jako alternativní způsob řešení sporů / Mediation as an Alternative Dispute ResolutionJoklíková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly mediation activities. The aim of this thesis is to introduce mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution, that is still relatively neglected in the Czech Republic, through a summary of theoretical knowledge in terms of its practical operation. Particular attention is paid to the recent regulation relating to mediation in civil matters and certain essential institutes that are affected by the new Mediation Act. The work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter defines the general concept of ADR and outlines the different types of ADR. The next part of the thesis presents in detail the mediation, a mediator and requirements for the performance of this function. There is also clearly described the course of mediation process. The third chapter deals with the regulation of mediation in the EU, which is the starting point for each national system. The fourth chapter is devoted to the regulation of mediation in the Czech Republic. It describes the situation that prevailed during the period without comprehensive regulation of mediation in civil matters, the legislative process of preparation and adoption of the Mediation Act, newly enshrined institutes and there is also a definition of the obstacles that could hinder penetration of mediation into wider practice. Finally, there is a comparison of the situation in the Czech Republic with the application of mediation activities in the USA and in some EU countries.
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Vliv vzdělání na výkon role mediátora / The influence of education on the role of mediator performanceHájková, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
(in English): This diploma thesis deals with the issue of alternative dispute resolution, mediation in non- criminal matters. The mediation is estabilished in the Act on Mediation and amending certain other acts (the Act on Mediation) No. 202/2012 Coll. in the Legal Order of the Czech Republic, that is the main the aspect in this thesis. This actual topic, (the issue is that it is relatively a new law, which came into effect in September 2012), deals with the personality and educational attainment of registered mediators, particulary prerequisite for the performance of the profession of a registered mediator due to the mentioned law and it examines and compares effeciency in the mediators' exams in the Czech Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic according to the Ordinance No. 277/2012 Coll., about the trials and rewards of mediator. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to find out by means of quantitative research if there is a difference between registered mediators with different previous university education and how it shows in mediation process. The teoretical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to description of the mediation as an alternative dispute resolution, defining the role and duties of mediators and the system of education of mediators.
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Alternativní způsoby řešení sporů v obchodních závazkových vztazích / Alternative dispute resolution methods in business relationshipsŠteflová, Iva January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in business relationships. The goal of thesis is to determine the term of alternative dispute resolution and to compare different approaches to regulation of mini-trial and mediation. The first part of thesis presents the term ADR and identifies its key characteristics. It points out the advantages and disadvantages of ADR and introduces institutions which concern with ADR. The attention is also aimed on arbitration and its relation to ADR. The second part of thesis deals with mini-trial. The description of its features is based on comparison of model rules provided by institutions which concern with ADR. The third part of thesis is focused on the most expanded method of ADR -- mediation. The attention is aimed at regulation trend within the European Union, legislation in the Czech Republic and Mediation Act Proposal. Closing part compares regulation of mini-trial and mediation and points out some of the debatable provisions of the Mediation Act Proposal.
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