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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CHEN, HONG 16 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Governance of sustainable event-led regeneration : the case of London 2012 Olympics

Edizel, Hayriye Özlem January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to understand the interface between the governance of event-led regeneration and sustainable development by taking the London 2012 Olympic Games/Lower Lee Valley area regeneration process as a case study. Since the early 1990s, there is a widespread trend towards the use of mega-events to promote a city, stimulate the local economy and regenerate rundown post-industrial areas and communities. The importance of mega-events in destination development has gained increasing attention and they are also considered as a catalyst for city regeneration. The emphasis in the aims of event-led regeneration has changed over the time and the sustainability in terms of economic, physical, social and governance dimensions has gained significant attention from both organisers and researchers. In the context of sustainable event-led regeneration, multiple stakeholder perspectives are essential and it is important to know how different actors are involved and interact in an event-led regeneration. London used 2012 Olympics to regenerate East London, one of the most deprived parts of the city. It is taken as an opportunity to explore new frontiers of interaction and cooperation between the local, regional and national stakeholders. This research adopts an integrative approach, which evaluates the changes in the built environment, social structure and stakeholder organisation together to evaluate the sustainability of the event-led regeneration governance. Data collection methods include interviews with stakeholders of London 2012 planning and organization, focus group meetings with residents living in and around the fringe of the London 2012 Olympic Park, secondary data analysis and document analysis. The research provides a sound base from which the planning of more sustainable mega-events can be undertaken by using the epistemological framework for sustainable event-led regeneration and the evaluation of their impact more fully measured across a wider stakeholder community. The conclusion emphasises the importance of the collaborative approach for the governance and resilience as critical for sustainable event-led regeneration.

The Price of Glory: A Socio-Economic Analysis of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Fortaleza, Brazil

Alvarez, Robert January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the social and economic impacts of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Fortaleza, Brazil. The study used a budget analysis, and in depth interviews to ascertain the economic impact of the world cup games and the distribution of revenue across different sectors and socio-economic divisions within the local economy. A historical and vulnerability analysis was conducted through the examination of secondary sources (historical documents, census data, previous research on vulnerable populations) to identify groups and spaces of high social vulnerability. Qualitative data was then collected through in depth interviews with sources from all facets of society during the World Cup games and the following summer to identify the social impacts on these vulnerable groups and spaces. The thesis found that the final economic costs for infrastructure and stadium refurbishments associated with the World Cup in Fortaleza far exceeded the projected costs and the final economic impact on the local economy was half of projected estimates. While the city saw social benefits in the celebratory atmosphere and public security provided during the World Cup, there were also negative impacts on socially vulnerable groups and spaces including forced community relocations, increases in cases of commercial sexual exploitation, and rises in violent crime.

The Impact of Mega Sporting Event Host Country Selection on Construction and Industrial Sectors of Stock Markets: An Event Study

Kapur, Arjun 01 January 2013 (has links)
Nations have always competed vigorously during the bidding process to host mega sporting events. The selection of the host nation is a much anticipated decision that results in the promotion of a country on a global platform. In this paper, I use a market adjusted return (index) model to conduct an event study in order to examine abnormal returns in the stock market surrounding the selection of a nation for the Summer Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. I also focus specifically on the construction and industrial sectors, as well as analyze the impact of selection on the nation emerging as the runner up in the bidding process. The research finds that the outcome of the selection process is partially anticipated by investors, resulting in a market reaction that does not accurately measure the financial impact of hosting the event. As developing nations have demonstrated an increased interest in the hosting of events over the years, this paper also addresses the resulting policy implications, as well as the opportunity cost and the economic effects of crowding out and substitution.

Communicating Sport Mega-Events and the Soft Power Dimensions of Public Diplomacy

Donos, Maxim 16 July 2012 (has links)
Increased international competitiveness to host sport mega-events indicates their perceived value in stimulating regional and national economic, social and cultural development. In the context of broader governmental public opinion management strategies, sport mega-events hold the potential to mobilize soft power resources of the host country, expressed in values, culture and policies, and engage with and influence the publics of other countries. This thesis investigates the significance of sport mega-events for the host country’s public diplomacy strategies and practice by exploring the concepts of public diplomacy, sport mega-events, soft power and national image within a multi-disciplinary conceptual framework. The analysis of scholarly literature, official and media reports reveals how aspects of reputation, credibility, and legitimacy guide both foreign public opinion and the practice of public diplomacy in conjunction with sport mega-events. Moreover, international reputation of the host nation, including status, prestige and image, appeared to benefit the most as a result of strategic application of sport mega-events to public diplomacy. This can be achieved by proving functional reputation though demonstration of financial and organizational success. Alternatively, social reputation of the host is at risk of sustaining considerable damage as a result of resistance from social activists groups, thus requiring extensive damage control efforts of the host country's image. The conclusions drawn from this study raise significant questions about the potential of sport mega-events being effectively used for public diplomacy and the experience of the host governments, revealing functional competence as having the greatest potential to influence public diplomacy strategy built around hosting sport mega-events.

Les favelas à l'ombre des méga-événements sportifs internationaux, confrontation d'un nouveau type : les cas de Rio de Janeiro et Curitiba au Brésil / The favelas in the shadow of worldwide sporting mega-events, a new type of confrontation. : Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba cases (Brazil)

Chabot, Caroline 18 December 2018 (has links)
La persistance des bidonvilles en milieu urbain est un phénomène présent à l’échelle du globe et particulièrement dans les pays émergents. Elle s’affirme comme un enjeu majeur illustrant aussi bien les inégalités sociales, politiques et environnementale qu’une certaine non maîtrise de l’urbain par les autorités publiques. Au Brésil, le phénomène prend le nom de favelisation. Synonymes de pauvreté, de plaie urbaine et de violence, les favelas constituent un pan entier de la production urbaine que les politiques publiques et les acteurs privés ne parviennent pas à endiguer ou absorber. Depuis quelques années, les métropoles émergentes tentent de se distinguer par des événements à portée internationale. C’est le cas de Rio de Janeiro et de Curitiba au Brésil. La première s’inscrit dans l’agenda des méga-événements internationaux (Coupe du Monde de Football 2014, Jeux Olympiques 2016). La deuxième, intégrée dans le projet Coupe du Monde 2014, s’était déjà démarquée en devenant un modèle de développement urbain à l’échelle mondiale. La bonne réception des grands événements sportifs implique dès lors d’importantes transformations des territoires hôtes : constructions de stades, amélioration des infrastructures de transport. À Rio de Janeiro et Curitiba, où respectivement 22% et 9% de la population habite dans des favelas, la confrontation spatiale entre les deux phénomènes est inévitable. À travers cinq favelas (Vila Autodromo, Vidigal, Morro da Providência, Vila Torres, Vila Parolin) de deux métropoles différentes (Rio de Janeiro et Curitiba), la thèse montre que les interactions entre les favelas et les méga-événements sont protéiformes et dépendent fortement des contextes locaux. L’approche spatiale, articulée à la sociologie urbaine, offre une nouvelle grille de lecture à la confrontation entre méga-événements et favelas et qualifie les transformations : la favela évincée, la favela mondialisée, la favela trophée, la favela intégrée et la favela ordinaire. Au centre de cette confrontation, trois logiques apparaissent. L’invisibilisation des favelas, visuellement frappante, vise à faire disparaitre leur caractère embarrassant ; la logique de transfert évoque des déplacements de population et de modes de vie ; enfin la logique culturelle, spécificité brésilienne, renverse la dichotomie en s’appuyant sur la culture favelada pour promouvoir une certaine image du Brésil. La recherche combine de nombreuses observations et analyses spatiales in situ, une revue de presse (locale et internationale) et des entretiens semi-directifs. Les résultats montrent que la nature des confrontations dépend de la manière dont les méga-événements sont intégrés au développement urbain des métropoles-hôtes. Plus le méga-événement s’adapte au territoire dans une vision à long terme, plus la confrontation avec les favelas mène à leur intégration dans le maillage urbain. À l’inverse, lorsque c’est la ville qui s’adapte au méga-événement et coordonne ses transformations urbaines au calendrier événementiel, la nature des confrontations est plusbrutale. Les favelas sont dans ce cadre un perturbateur, mais aussi une opportunité de se distinguer positivement pour les métropoles qui parviennent à en pallier les carences. Elles interrogent profondément les ambitions et les modalités de production de la ville, tant en raison de leur persistance que par leur capacité à se transformer. / The persistence of shanty towns in urban areas is a worldwide phenomenon and more particularly in developing countries. It appears as a major issue, which illustrates both social, political and environmental inequalities and some difficulties of public authorities in mastering the development of urban background. In Brazil, the phenomenon is called « favelisation ». Synonymous with destitution, urban plague and violence, favelas constitute a whole part of urban production that city policies and economic agents fail to contain or absorb. For a few years, emerging metropolises have attempted to single out through events with a worldwide impact. This is the case of Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba in Brazil. The former is part of the agenda of global mega-events (2014 Soccer World Cup, 2016 Olympic Games). The latter, integrated in the 2014 World Cup, had already stood out by becoming a model for urban development on a worldwide scale. The good reception of major sporting events entails then significant transformations for host territories: building stadiums, improvement of transport facilities. In these metropolises, although they have different proportions of inhabitants to slum (22% in Rio de Janeiro and 9,3% in Curitiba), it's impossible to avoid spatial confrontation. Through five favelas (Vila Autodromo, Vidigal, Morro da Providência, Vila Torres, Vila Parolin) in two different conurbations (Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba ), the thesis shows that the interactions between the favelas and major woldwide events are shape-shifting and depend hugely on local backgrounds. The space approach, joined with urban sociology, provides a new reading of the confrontation between mega-events and favelas and brands the transformations: the excluded favela, the globalised favela, the trophy favela, the integrated favela and the ordinary favela. At the core of this confrontation there are three logics. That of making the favelas invisible, visually striking, aims at making their embarassing aspect disappear; the transfering logic causes people's relocation and lifestyle change; eventually the cultural logic, which is a Brazilian specificity, knocks over dichotomy by relying on the favela culture to promote a certain image of Brazil. The research combines many observations and area analysis in situ, a press review (local and global) and semi-guided interviews. The results show that the nature of the confrontations depends on the way the mega-events are integrated to the urban development of the host conurbations. The more the mega-event adapts to the territory in a long run vision, the more the confrontation with favelas leads to their integration in the city networking. Conversely, when the city adapts itself to the mega-event and ajusts its tranformations to the event agenda, the nature of confrontations is more violent. In this case favelas are a disruptive element as well as an opportunity to stand out positively for the conurbations that manage to make up for the deficiencies. They question in depth the urban ambitions and production modes, owing both to their persistence and their ability to transform.

O estádio contemporâneo:  arquitetura regeneradora de seu tecido urbano / The contemporary stadium: an urban regeneration architecture

Amaral, Gustavo Garcia do 27 May 2013 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XX, o futebol consolidou-se como um importante ramo da indústria do entretenimento no Brasil e assim sendo, deflagrou a necessidade de se projetar novos estádios, mais eficientes especialmente no que tange os processos de requalificação do seu entorno construído. O crescimento desordenado das cidades brasileiras a partir das décadas de 1960 e 1970, conjugado ao desenvolvimento da indústria do futebol expuseram a incapacidade dos grandes estádios brasileiros, construídos na sua maioria em concreto armado durante o regime militar, de se tornarem peças centrais em processos de regeneração urbana e nem mesmo de acomodar com qualidade seus espectadores. Portanto, o presente trabalho visa reavaliar o arquétipo do estádio de futebol contemporâneo verificando a presença de estratégias projetuais que permitam a estes edifícios tornarem-se qualificadores do espaço construído, especialmente neste momento em que o país será sede de mega eventos esportivos, como a Copa do Mundo e os jogos olímpicos. Além disto, a organização destas competições, juntamente com a consolidação da industria esportiva nacional, deve ser compreendida como uma possibilidade de desenvolvimento de sistemas de infraestrutura urbana e políticas sociais que contribuam para a regeneração de áreas urbanas subutilizadas. Sendo assim, o presente resumo sintetiza os resultados obtidos com a dissertação de mestrado intitulada: O estádio contemporâneo: uma arquitetura regeneradora do seu tecido urbano. Inicialmente, o trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica em periódicos internacionais, como: European Urban Studies, Urban Environment, Built Environment, Town Planning Review, Annals of Regional Science, Economic Development Quarterly, Urban Studies, Tourism Management, Journal of Sport Management, Leisure Studies, World Leisure and Recreation Studies, Journal of Urban Affairs, Sb Magazine. Posteriormente, a metodologia aplicada a pesquisa utilizou-se da análise de estudos de caso, que apontaram os aspectos arquitetônicos que contribuíram para que os edifícios analisados tornassem-se regeneradores, e não desagregadores de seu contexto urbano. Portanto, o estudo concentrou-se na análise dos estádios de futebol contemporâneos, construídos como sedes de competições internacionais, a partir da compreensão das estratégias projetuais presentes nestes edifícios propostos como requalificadores de seu contexto urbano. Os resultados obtidos pelo estudo indicaram que as tendências arquitetônicas apresentadas pelos estádios contemporâneos são consequências de transformações morfológicas ocorridas durante o século XX que incorporaram ao edifício novas tecnologias e sistemas construtivos que reafirmam a sua função enquanto regeneradores de tecidos degradados. A necessária ligação ente o estádio e o seu contexto urbano demanda que estes sejam concebidos conjugadamente com sistemas de infraestrutura, possibilitado ao edifício estar inserido na malha consolidada de grandes cidades, uma condição fundamental para que estes equipamentos consolidem-se enquanto pontos focais de sua estrutura espacial. Desta forma, o estudo dos estádios contemporâneos, sedes de grandes eventos esportivos, possibilitou identificar as diretrizes de projeto e planejamento que possibilitam repensar esta tipologia arquitetônica, propondo uma integração coerente com a malha consolidada de sua cidade, permitindo assim que o mesmo seja parte integrante de processos de regeneração urbana / Brazil, has been well known worldwide for its deep relation with soccer as its national sport. Through the last century this sport modality has become a strong branch of the entertainment industry and it has brought with it the need of more efficient stadia specially regarding the urban regeneration aspect. The massive growth of Brazilian cities during the 60\'s and 70\'s and the development of soccer industry in the last decades have exposed the incapability of Brazilian\'s huge concrete bowls built for soccer practice during the military regime to function as catalysts of urban change nor to accommodate fans. Clearly there is a great need of reviewing the archetypal of Brazilian stadia since the country will be the next host of the two greatest contemporary mega-events: the World Cup and the Summer Olympics. Furthermore, hosting this mega-events and the settlement of its sports industry can be understood as a possibility to develop urban infrastructure systems and social policies contributing for the regeneration of underdeveloped urban areas. Therefore, this abstract summarizes the results obtained with the dissertation entitled: The contemporary stadium: an urban regeneration architecture. Initially, the work was developed from a bibliographical research in international journals such as: European Urban Studies, Urban Environment, Built Environment, Town Planning Review, Annals of Regional Science, Economic Development Quarterly, Urban Studies, Tourism Management, Journal of Sport Management, Leisure Studies, World Leisure and Recreation Studies, Journal of Urban Affairs, Sb Magazine. This research focus on the analysis of the contemporary stadia built for mega-events starting from the comprehension of the design strategies proposed by these buildings which expect to become the centerpieces of a process of urban renewal. The research understands that the design trends proposed by contemporary stadia is a consequence of a set of architectural morphological transformations occurred during the 20th century, which incorporated new technologies and building systems to its conception, confirming a new function to this typology of building also responsible for the urban regeneration of parts of the city. The connection between the stadium and its surroundings suggests that this buildings must be designed together with infrastructure systems, which allow these great sports buildings to be placed near the city centre, a fundamental condition for these facilities to achieve the status of architectonic monument. Therefore, the systems of mass transportation are a key element on the stadia proposal, especially in the cases where these building will be venues of important sports events such as the summer Olympics or the World Cup. A critical analysis of contemporary stadia will identify the relation between this buildings and its host cities, using the mass transportation systems planned for mega-evens since Atlanta 1996 as an object of the study as well as the architectonic aspects that contribute for the stadium to boost the regeneration process instead of becoming a burden to the host city.

O planejamento da cidade é o planejamento dos jogos? O megaevento olímpico como instrumento de (re)ordenação do território carioca / The city planning of the games? The Olympic mega-event as an instrument of (re) ordering of the territory of Rio

Santos, Rosane Rebeca de Oliveira 30 September 2013 (has links)
A busca pela realização dos Jogos Olímpicos parece ter conduzido e orientado as principais determinações da política urbana do município do Rio de Janeiro nos últimos anos. Ao finalmente conquistar a oportunidade de sediar o megaevento esportivo, esse tem sido utilizado como instrumento para se colocar em prática e legitimar um processo de (re)ordenação do território, através de grandes intervenções urbanas, com aporte de recursos públicos de todos os níveis governamentais. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e discutir as propostas territoriais do Plano Olímpico \"Rio 2016\", em primeiro lugar, através da investigação sobre sua relação com os instrumentos de planejamento e política urbana do município - Plano Diretor e Plano Estratégico -, considerando que o mesmo não advém de um processo democrático, não se sabendo nem mesmo onde, quando e por quem foi formulado. Segundo, pela reconstituição do processo que lhe deu origem, por meio de uma análise detida dos documentos oficiais e entrevistas realizadas com atores envolvidos, à luz da conjuntura político-administrativa carioca, na tentativa de identificar os sujeitos e interesses relacionados, principalmente à escolha locacional da Barra da Tijuca como região que concentrará a maior parte das instalações olímpicas e consequentemente dos investimentos. E por fim, abordando as intervenções que estão em andamento, os impactos e conflitos delas decorrentes, bem como as principais alterações já realizadas no Plano Olímpico original, procurando sempre apontar processos através dos quais decisões urbanísticas estruturadoras passam ao largo dos mecanismos formais-institucionais e os efeitos decorrentes deste modelo de ação sobre o território carioca. / The bid for Olympic Games have oriented then urban policies the city of Rio de Janeiro in the last 20 years. When finally Rio got the opportunity to host the megaevent, it has been used as an instrument to put in practice and legitimize a process of (re)ordering of the territory through major urban interventions, mobilizing investments of public resources of all levels of government. This work aims to analyze and discuss the \"Rio 2016\" Olympic Plan\'s territorial proposals, focusing its relationship with local instruments of planning and urban policy - Master Plan and Strategic Plan - considering that the proposals did not emerged from a democratic process, being even unknown, when and by whom it was defined. Second, the work also reconstiturs the decision making process, through a careful analysis of official documents and interviews with key actors, in an attempt to identify the subjects and interests related to the locational choice of Barra da Tijuca - the region which will concentrate most of the Olympic facilities and hence investment. Finally, we address the process of implementation of the Olympic plans, its impacts and then conflicts arising from them, as well as major changes already made in the original Olympic Plan, identifying processes by which urban decisions pass by the formal-institutional mechanisms and the effects of this intervention model on the territory of Rio.

Megaeventos esportivos e políticas públicas: Jogos Pan-Americanos 2007 e suas relações com a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 / Sports mega-events and public policies: Pan American Games 2007 and its relations with 2014 FIFA Word Cup and 2016 Olympic Games

Rodrigo Barbosa Terra 10 August 2015 (has links)
Esta tese tem como questão central investigar de que forma as propostas de legados apresentadas pelos realizadores dos megaeventos esportivos brasileiros Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2007, Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016 respondem aos interesses das políticas públicas. Para tanto, os objetivos consistiram em: a) verificar na história recente de três megaeventos esportivos ações de boas práticas ligadas aos possíveis legados dos seguintes eventos: Copa Mundo/2010 África do Sul, Jogos Sul-Americanos/2010 Medellín/Colômbia e Jogos Olímpicos/2012 Londres / Inglaterra; b) verificar, diante dos legados do evento Jogos Pan-Americanos Rio-2007, como se instituíram as relações entre Governo Federal e o órgão de administração nacional do esporte olímpico brasileiro (COB) na definição das ações do evento; c) verificar em que medida se dão as relações entre o atual Governo Federal e os órgãos de administração nacional do esporte (CBF e COB), responsáveis pela organização da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e pelos Jogos Olímpicos do Rio de Janeiro de 2016, no que tange aos possíveis legados a serem deixados pelos referidos eventos, se eles se aproximam ou se afastam dos encontrados nos Jogos Pan-Americanos Rio-2007. O procedimento metodológico utilizado neste estudo foi realizado em quatro fases: a) revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema; b) levantamento e análise de documentos referentes aos eventos estudados; c) realização de sete entrevistas semiestruturadas, que foram gravadas, transcritas e categorizadas; d) categorização e análise dos documentos e das entrevistas levando em consideração os objetivos propostos na pesquisa. Os resultados demonstraram que as ações de boas práticas ligadas aos possíveis legados dos megaeventos verificados na história recente se posicionam no campo dos legados tangíveis para os Jogos de 2010 e 2012 e intangíveis para a Copa do Mundo de 2010. Quanto à relação entre Governo Federal e COB nas tomadas de decisão, com base nos legados, do Pan de 2007, os dados mostram que o processo se baseou em um planejamento frágil, um modelo de governança inadequado e a assinatura tardia da matriz de responsabilidade do evento. Com relação ao desenvolvimento de legados dos eventos de 2014 e 2016, observamos que o de imagem é que aparece de maneira mais relevante na pesquisa. Finalmente, para responder à questão central da presente pesquisa, chegamos à demonstração de que a base das propostas de legados do Pan de 2007 pouco se aproxima dos interesses das políticas públicas. Já para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e para os Jogos de 2016, as propostas de legados se direcionam para ações que, se bem-executadas, podem de forma direta ou indireta atender os interesses das políticas públicas. / The objective of this dissertation was to investigate how the proposals for the legacies presented by Brazilian organizers of sports mega-events Pan American Games 2007, FIFA World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games - Rio 2016 meet the interests of public policies. The objectives of this research were: a) to identify actions of good practices linked to possible legacies of three recent sports mega-events: the FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa, the South American Games/2010 Medellin / Colombia and the Olympic Games/2012 London/England; b) to verify how the relationship between the Federal Government and the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) was devised in order to define the necessary actions for the events related to the legacies of the 2007 Pan American Games; c) to identify the relationship between the Federal Government and the private institutions CBF (the Brazilian Confederation of Soccer) and COB - both of them responsible for the organization of the FIFA World Cup 2014 and the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 2016; d) to identify and verify how close the possible legacies left (or to be left) by the mentioned events are from those found in the Rio 2007 Pan American Games. Methodological procedures were taken in four stages: a) bibliographical review about the topic; b) analysis of documents related to the investigated events; c) seven semi structured interviews, recorded, transcribed and categorized; d) categorization and analysis of documents and interviews based on the proposed objectives. Results demonstrated that the good practices linked to the possible legacies of the referred sports mega-events in recent history are tangible for the 2010 and 2012 Games and intangible for the FIFA World Cup 2010. In terms of the relationship between the Federal Government and COB, based on the legacies of the 2007 Pan-American Games, data demonstrate that the process was based on weak planning, which caused an inadequate model of management, which resulted in the late agreement on the responsibility matrix. In relation to the development of legacies of the sports mega-events of 2014 and 2016, it was observed that the image of Brazil as a great country seems to be the main legacy to be left. Finally, it is important to mention that the response to the central question of this study is that the proposals for the legacies of the 2007 Pan-American Games did not meet the interests of public policies. As for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, the proposals for the legacies are directed to actions which, if well executed, might directly or indirectly meet interests of public policies.

O planejamento da cidade é o planejamento dos jogos? O megaevento olímpico como instrumento de (re)ordenação do território carioca / The city planning of the games? The Olympic mega-event as an instrument of (re) ordering of the territory of Rio

Rosane Rebeca de Oliveira Santos 30 September 2013 (has links)
A busca pela realização dos Jogos Olímpicos parece ter conduzido e orientado as principais determinações da política urbana do município do Rio de Janeiro nos últimos anos. Ao finalmente conquistar a oportunidade de sediar o megaevento esportivo, esse tem sido utilizado como instrumento para se colocar em prática e legitimar um processo de (re)ordenação do território, através de grandes intervenções urbanas, com aporte de recursos públicos de todos os níveis governamentais. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e discutir as propostas territoriais do Plano Olímpico \"Rio 2016\", em primeiro lugar, através da investigação sobre sua relação com os instrumentos de planejamento e política urbana do município - Plano Diretor e Plano Estratégico -, considerando que o mesmo não advém de um processo democrático, não se sabendo nem mesmo onde, quando e por quem foi formulado. Segundo, pela reconstituição do processo que lhe deu origem, por meio de uma análise detida dos documentos oficiais e entrevistas realizadas com atores envolvidos, à luz da conjuntura político-administrativa carioca, na tentativa de identificar os sujeitos e interesses relacionados, principalmente à escolha locacional da Barra da Tijuca como região que concentrará a maior parte das instalações olímpicas e consequentemente dos investimentos. E por fim, abordando as intervenções que estão em andamento, os impactos e conflitos delas decorrentes, bem como as principais alterações já realizadas no Plano Olímpico original, procurando sempre apontar processos através dos quais decisões urbanísticas estruturadoras passam ao largo dos mecanismos formais-institucionais e os efeitos decorrentes deste modelo de ação sobre o território carioca. / The bid for Olympic Games have oriented then urban policies the city of Rio de Janeiro in the last 20 years. When finally Rio got the opportunity to host the megaevent, it has been used as an instrument to put in practice and legitimize a process of (re)ordering of the territory through major urban interventions, mobilizing investments of public resources of all levels of government. This work aims to analyze and discuss the \"Rio 2016\" Olympic Plan\'s territorial proposals, focusing its relationship with local instruments of planning and urban policy - Master Plan and Strategic Plan - considering that the proposals did not emerged from a democratic process, being even unknown, when and by whom it was defined. Second, the work also reconstiturs the decision making process, through a careful analysis of official documents and interviews with key actors, in an attempt to identify the subjects and interests related to the locational choice of Barra da Tijuca - the region which will concentrate most of the Olympic facilities and hence investment. Finally, we address the process of implementation of the Olympic plans, its impacts and then conflicts arising from them, as well as major changes already made in the original Olympic Plan, identifying processes by which urban decisions pass by the formal-institutional mechanisms and the effects of this intervention model on the territory of Rio.

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