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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrogen selective properties of cesium-hydrogensulphate membranes

Meyer, Faiek January 2006 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Over the past 40 years, research pertaining to membrane technology has lead to the development of a wide range of applications including beverage production, water purification and the separation of dairy products. For the separation of gases, membrane technology is not as widely applied since the production of suitable gas separation membranes is far more challenging than the production of membranes for eg. water purification. Hydrogen is currently produced by recovery technologies incorporated in various chemical processes. Hydrogen is mainly sourced from fossil fuels via steam reformation and coal gasification. Special attention will be given to Underground Coal Gasification since it may be of great importance for the future of South Africa. The main aim of this study was to develop low temperature CsHSO4/SiO2 composite membranes that show significant Idea selectivity towards H2:CO2 and H2:CH4. / South Africa

Isolation and characterisation of cassava linamarase using centrifuge and cross flow membrane

Obazu, Franklin Ochuko 31 March 2009 (has links)
Linamarase application exists in biotechnology such as potentiometric sensors for linamarin by coupling linamarase from cassava leaf with a cyanide ion-selective electrode and to measure glucose in biomedical applications. It is used in a batchwise process to detoxify fermenting cassava during ‘garri’ production. Linamarase along with its naturally occurring substrates, linamarin and lotaustralin, is found in a variety of edible plant tissues such as those of cassava from which garri is produced. However, the separation and purification of linamarase at reasonable large quantity for these applications from plants has been a challenge. In the study a miniflex Ultrafiltration (UF) Cross Flow obtained from Schleicher and Schuell (Germany) was used for linamarase isolation and purification from cassava tissues. Membranes with different pore sizes of 0.45, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.02 μm, made from polyethersulfon screnes and silicone adhensives, with surface area of 2.4 mm2, were experimented. Fluxes were observed to decrease very sharply from 0.45 to 0.02μm membrane pore sizes. No permeate was collected from 0.1 and 0.02 μm membranes due to concentration polarisation and clogging of these membranes. Permeate and retentate from 0.45 and 0.2 μm membrane contained linamarase, while the retentate of the 0.1 and 0.02 μm membranes contained linamarse and that no permeate was collected from 0.1 and 0.02 μm membranes due to the fouling and clogging of the small membrane pores. It was therefore concluded that linamarase was finally purified by the 0.2 μm membrane. A simple mathematical model derived from the Hagen-Poiseuille equation could not predict the linamarase flux data, perhaps due to the effect of concentration polarisation, which led to the proposition of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. It was interesting to observe that the plot of 1/v versus 1/Δp from the use of the Langmuir equation gave a linear relationship from which the linamarase flux iii was predicted. The standard error between the experiment and the model was 0.011, which is a good measure of the agreement between data. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm therefore predicts the fouling and concentration polarisation of the membrane during linamarase purification from cassava tissues. This proposition was supported by the solute deposits on the pores and surface of the membrane where van der Waal forces were created between the molecules, thus resulting in the fouling and chemical polarisation.

Αναερόβια χώνευση υγρών αποβλήτων ελαιοτριβείου σε ένα περιοδικό αναερόβιο αντιδραστήρα με ανακλαστήρες (PABR) και κλασματοποίηση των εκροών

Κοψαχείλης, Αλέξανδρος 09 October 2009 (has links)
Τα υγρά απόβλητα των ελαιοτριβείων είναι το παραπροϊόν της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας του ελαιολάδου. Η γεωργική αυτή δραστηριότητα έχει ιδιαίτερη κοινωνική και οικονομική σημασία για το πληθυσμό των ελαιοπαραγωγικών χωρών, που βρίσκονται κυρίως στη περιοχή της Μεσογείου όπου παράγεται και το 95% περίπου της παγκόσμιας παραγωγής. Τεράστιες ποσότητες αποβλήτων παράγονται κάθε ελαιοκομική περίοδο και σε συνδυασμό με τα χαρακτηριστικά τους (υψηλή συγκέντρωση σε οργανικό φορτίο και φαινολικές ενώσεις), καθιστούν τα υγρά απόβλητα ελαιοτριβείου ένα δυσεπίλυτο πρόβλημα επικίνδυνα για την απευθείας διάθεσής τους στο περιβάλλον. Στόχος της παρούσας μελέτης, ήταν ο συνδυασμός μεθόδων επεξεργασίας των υγρών απόβλητων ελαιοτριβείου. Αρχικά, με την εφαρμογή αναερόβιας χώνευσης και στη συνέχεια με τη κλασματοποίηση των αναερόβιων εκροών σε ένα σύστημα, αποτελούμενο από φίλτρα και επιλεγμένες μεμβράνες. Η αναερόβια χώνευση των αποβλήτων πραγματοποιήθηκε με το ταχύρυθμο σύστημα του περιοδικού αναερόβιου αντιδραστήρα με ανακλαστήρες. Στη συνέχεια οι αναερόβιες εκροές διοχετεύθηκαν στο σύστημα υπερδιήθησης και αντίστροφης όσμωσης προκειμένου να γίνει η κλασματοποίησή τους.Η αύξηση του ρυθμού οργανικής φόρτισης έγινε με αύξηση στο ΧΑΟ της εισροής και με μείωση του υδραυλικού χρόνου παραμονής (ΥΧΠ). Με την αύξηση του ΧΑΟ στην εισροή επήλθε εκτροπή της διεργασίας και μηδενισμός στη παραγωγή βιοαερίου Το γεγονός αυτό ήταν αποτέλεσμα της συσσώρευσης πτητικών λιπαρών οξέων στο σύστημα. Αντιθέτως, με τη μείωση του ΥΧΠ η διεργασία ήταν σταθερή και οδήγησε στη μείωση του ΥΧΠ στις 3.75 ημέρες και αύξηση του ρυθμού οργανικής φόρτισης στα 8.9 gΧΑΟ/L/d επιτυγχάνοντας μία μείωση στο ΧΑΟ της εκροής της τάξεως του 72%. Η περαιτέρω επεξεργασία των εκροών με τις μεμβράνες οδήγησε στη παραλαβή τελικού διηθήματος με λιγότερο από 0.1 g/L ΧΑΟ. Η αναερόβια χώνευση υγρών αποβλήτων ελαιοτριβείου με το περιοδικό αναερόβιο αντιδραστήρα με ανακλαστήρες ήταν σταθερή ακόμα και σε υψηλούς ρυθμούς οργανικής φόρτισης. Με την κλασματοποίηση των εκροών, παρελήφθη ένα τελικό διήθημα υψηλής ποιότητας, κατάλληλο για άρδευση και επαναχρησιμοποίηση για την αρχική αραίωση του αποβλήτου πριν την αναερόβια χωνευση. / Olive mill wastewater is the by product of olive oil production. This agricultural activity with high social and economic impact on the population of olive-producing countries, are mainly located in the Mediterranean area which approximately 95% of the world’s olive oil production is derived. It is produced seasonally in large quantities by a large number of small olive mills and the combination of their characteristics (very high organic load and phenolic compounds) are the main difficulties in finding a solution for the management of these wastewaters, which are dangerous for the environment. The aim of this study was the combined treatment of olive mill wastewater. The anaerobic digestion of the olive mill wastewaters took place in a high rate system, the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor. Application of the membrane system aimed at purifying the anaerobic effluent.An increase in the organic loading rate was achieved by increasing the influent COD and alternatively by decreasing the hydraulic retention time (HRT). The first option caused process failure, since the volatile fatty acids accumulation resulted in negligible biogas production. In contrast, the second change led to stable operation that permitted the reduction of the HRT to 3.75 d and increase of the organic loading rate to 8.9 gCOD/L/d with satisfactory total COD removal 72%. Further purification in the membrane units resulted in a final permeate of less than 0.1 gCOD/L. The anaerobic digestion of olive mill wastewater in a PABR was stable even at high organic loading rates. Filtering and membrane fractionation of the anaerobic effluent resulted in a final permeate stream of high quality, suitable for irrigation and reuse for diluting the wastewater prior to anaerobic digestion.

Small-Scale Biogas Upgrading with Membranes: A Farm Based Techno-Economic and Social Assessment for Sustainable Development

Mamone, Richard Michael January 2014 (has links)
Membrane technology can help alleviate problems of matching supply and demand associated with upgrading on a small-scale level through its flexibility in operation. This paper provides a techno-economic assessment of the use of membrane technology via a quantitative and partial qualitative analysis at farm-based level. The purpose of the analysis is to investigate how the economic and environmental utility of the membranes can be maximised, along with outlining the possible reasons to its lack of diffusion. It combines an applied system research method by way of linear programming with interviews and the use of the innovation-decision process theory. A framework was set out to deliver hard and soft data that could also provide contextual in-depth analysis and discussion. It was found that membranes could provide good compatibility with farm based upgrading systems with desirable outcomes for both an economic and environmental viewpoint. More specifically, upgrading to 80 percent (which is below natural gas standards of 96 percent), was found to be more favourable than to upgrade to 96 percent. However, in addition to much further research and deliberation needed before 80 percent biogas can be used commercially in tractors, the study also outlined priority that needs to be given to the local market demand as well as for the need to introduce closer, more personal engagement with the farmers and make trialing and observing membrane technology better facilitated and funded so as to increase its adoption.

Aplicação de processos de separação por membranas para a obtenção de frutooligossacarídeos funcionais a partir da raiz de yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

Alles, Maria Júlia Ledur January 2012 (has links)
O yacon é uma planta perene originária da região andina, cujas raízes têm recebido atenção devido ao alto teor de frutooligossacarídeos (FOS) prebióticos. Além de proporcionar benefícios à saúde, os FOS apresentam características interessantes como ingredientes alimentícios, sendo utilizados como substitutos do açúcar. Sua extração das raízes de yacon pode ser uma alternativa aos FOS de alto custo atualmente disponíveis comercialmente. O presente trabalho avaliou a tecnologia de separação por membranas para concentração e purificação dos FOS a partir de um extrato obtido da raiz de yacon, mediante o emprego de ultrafiltração (UF) e nanofiltração (NF), com e sem utilização de diafiltração (DF) descontínua. A UF teve como objetivo clarificar o extrato de yacon, removendo partículas em suspensão de alta massa molar e recolhendo os açúcares no permeado. Depois da UF, 63,75 % dos açúcares totais presentes na solução de alimentação inicial foram recuperados no permeado. A NF do permeado, obtido previamente por UF, foi realizada para remover os sais e açúcares simples e concentrar os FOS no retido. O emprego da DF não influenciou a retenção de FOS na NF (que aumentou de 68,78 % sem DF para 70,48 % com DF), mas diminuiu a retenção de glicose de 40,63 para 31,61 % e de frutose de 25,64 para 18,69 %, permitindo uma maior purificação dos FOS no retido. Após o processo combinado de UF-NF, 51,85 % dos FOS da solução inicial foram recuperados no retido da nanofiltração, alcançando pureza de 19,75%. A seguir, o retido obtido na nanofiltração associada à diafiltração foi liofilizado. Nesse produto liofilizado foram analisadas cor, atividade de água (aw), microestrutura – por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplada a espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios-X (MEV-EDS) – e cristalinidade – através de difração de raios-X. O teor de açúcares do produto liofilizado foi 19,75 % de FOS, 36,66 % de glicose e 43,59 % de frutose, em massa, com aw de 0,284. A sua aparência externa foi a de um pó granulado e esbranquiçado, cujos parâmetros de cor, no sistema CIELAB, foram de 76,25±1,19, -1,03±0,09 e 1,02±0,03 para L*, a* e b* respectivamente. A amostra se mostrou altamente higroscópica e com tendência à aglomeração, confirmada pela visualização da formação de pontes entre partículas adjacentes nas imagens do MEV. Não foram identificados picos nos difratogramas de raios-X, indicando características amorfas. Entretanto, a alta higroscopicidade da amostra, que levou à formação de uma massa rígida e contínua, pode ter dificultado a correta difração de raios-X. / Yacon is a perennial plant originated from the Andean region which roots have been receiving increased attention due to their high content in prebiotic fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Apart from promoting many health benefits, FOS present interesting characteristics as food ingredient, being used as sugar substitute, and its extraction from yacon roots may be an alternative to the high costs FOS actually commercially available. The present work evaluated membrane technology for concentrating and purifying FOS from an extract obtained from yacon roots, combining a first ultrafiltration (UF) clarifying step with nanofiltration (NF), with and without association with discontinuous diafiltration (DF). UF aimed to remove large molecules such as proteins and suspended solids, yielding a saccharide-rich permeate. After UF, 63.75 % of total saccharides from the initial feed were recovered in the permeate, that was then subjected to NF in order to reduce glucose, fructose and salts content and concentrate the oligosaccharides in the retentate. DF did not largely influenced FOS retention in NF (it increased from 68.78 % without DF to 70.48 % with DF), but decreased glucose and fructose retentions, from 40.63 to 31.61 % and 25.64 to 18.69 %, respectively, allowing a greater purification of FOS in the retentate. After the combined UF-NF process, 51.85 % of FOS from the initial feed were recovered in the NF final retentate, with 19.75 % purity. After this, the final retentate of nanofiltration associated with diafiltration was lyophilized and the powder was subjected to analyses of color, water activity (aw), microstructure – by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) – and crystallinity – by X-ray diffraction. The obtained freeze-dried FOS-enriched saccharides powder, containing 19.75 % of FOS, 36.66 % of glucose and 43.59 % of fructose, in weight, was a whitish granulated powder, with aw of 0.284 and CIELAB color coordinates L*, a* and b* of 76.25±1.19, -1.03±0.09 and 1.02±0.03, respectively. It was highly hygroscopic and with agglomeration tendency, confirmed by the formation of bridges between particles on the SEM images. No peaks were identified at X-ray diffractograms, indicating its amorphous characteristics. However, the sample high hygrospicity and the formation of a rigid mass may have hindered a trustable X-ray analysis.

La technologie des membranes pour le traitement des eaux de surface dans le delta du Mékong / Membrane technology for treatment of surface water in the Mekong Delta

Nguyen, Duy Linh 23 November 2016 (has links)
L’accès à l’eau potable est un des plus importants problèmes que l’on rencontre partout dans le monde même dans les pays riches en eau. Par exemple, les provinces côtières du Delta du Mékong (DM) subissent des périodes alternées d’inondations et de sécheresse. De plus, le changement climatique à l’origine d’une diminution de la pluviométrie et d’intrusion d’eau salée affecte gravement la qualité des eaux de la région. Les principales sources de pollution proviennent des déchets humains et des rejets des élevages de poissons, bétail et volaille. La pollution aux pesticides peut s’avérer un problème sérieux dans certaines zones. La détérioration de la qualité des eaux dans le DM et l’absence d’accès à l’eau potable dans les communes rurales via des systèmes d’approvisionnement sûrs entraine une augmentation des maladies d’origine hydrique liées à la salinité, la présence de microorganismes et de polluants organiques. L’objectif de ce travail a consisté à examiner dans quelle mesure la technologie membranaire peut permettre de produire de l’eau potable de qualité. L’étude a porté sur les eaux saumâtres contenant des pesticides. Deux solutions modèles synthétiques ont été choisies pour représenter les eaux de surface du DM. Le dessalement et l’élimination des pesticides ont été réalisés en utilisant la nanofiltration (NF) couplée à l’électrodialyse. Le logiciel Nanoflux® a été utilisé pour interpréter les performances de deux membranes de NF (NF90 et NF270). Par ailleurs, la consommation d’énergie des deux procédés couplés a été estimée en fonction de la qualité de l’eau d’alimentation. Toutes ces données seront utilisées pour concevoir un démonstrateur pour la production familiale d’eau potable. / Access to clean water is one of the most important problems that is encountered worldwide even in countries as water-rich. For instance, the Mekong Delta (MD)’s coastal provinces have to face up to alternated flooding and drought periods. Moreover, climate changes inducing less rainfall and salt water intrusion water severely affect the water quality of the area. The main sources of pollution come from the human and farming wastes including fish, livestock and poultry. Pesticide pollution can also be a serious problem in some areas. The deterioration of water quality in the MD and the lack of access to clean water via safe supply systems in the rural communes entail an increase of waterborne diseases related to the salinity, the presence of microorganism and organic pollutants. The study is aimed at investigating the membrane technology to treat surface water in the MD region in order to produce good drinking water. The study was focused on brackish waters containing pesticides. Two synthetic model water samples were chosen as representative of surface waters found in the Mekong Delta. Desalination and pollutant removal were performed using nanofiltration (NF) integrated with electrodialysis. The Nanoflux® software was used to explain the experimental performance of two NF membranes (NF90 and 270). On the other hand, energy consumption of the two coupled processes was also estimated depending on the quality of water feed. All the data obtained should be used in the future to design a demonstrator pilot for the family-sized production of drinking water.

Aplicação de processos de separação por membranas para a obtenção de frutooligossacarídeos funcionais a partir da raiz de yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

Alles, Maria Júlia Ledur January 2012 (has links)
O yacon é uma planta perene originária da região andina, cujas raízes têm recebido atenção devido ao alto teor de frutooligossacarídeos (FOS) prebióticos. Além de proporcionar benefícios à saúde, os FOS apresentam características interessantes como ingredientes alimentícios, sendo utilizados como substitutos do açúcar. Sua extração das raízes de yacon pode ser uma alternativa aos FOS de alto custo atualmente disponíveis comercialmente. O presente trabalho avaliou a tecnologia de separação por membranas para concentração e purificação dos FOS a partir de um extrato obtido da raiz de yacon, mediante o emprego de ultrafiltração (UF) e nanofiltração (NF), com e sem utilização de diafiltração (DF) descontínua. A UF teve como objetivo clarificar o extrato de yacon, removendo partículas em suspensão de alta massa molar e recolhendo os açúcares no permeado. Depois da UF, 63,75 % dos açúcares totais presentes na solução de alimentação inicial foram recuperados no permeado. A NF do permeado, obtido previamente por UF, foi realizada para remover os sais e açúcares simples e concentrar os FOS no retido. O emprego da DF não influenciou a retenção de FOS na NF (que aumentou de 68,78 % sem DF para 70,48 % com DF), mas diminuiu a retenção de glicose de 40,63 para 31,61 % e de frutose de 25,64 para 18,69 %, permitindo uma maior purificação dos FOS no retido. Após o processo combinado de UF-NF, 51,85 % dos FOS da solução inicial foram recuperados no retido da nanofiltração, alcançando pureza de 19,75%. A seguir, o retido obtido na nanofiltração associada à diafiltração foi liofilizado. Nesse produto liofilizado foram analisadas cor, atividade de água (aw), microestrutura – por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplada a espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios-X (MEV-EDS) – e cristalinidade – através de difração de raios-X. O teor de açúcares do produto liofilizado foi 19,75 % de FOS, 36,66 % de glicose e 43,59 % de frutose, em massa, com aw de 0,284. A sua aparência externa foi a de um pó granulado e esbranquiçado, cujos parâmetros de cor, no sistema CIELAB, foram de 76,25±1,19, -1,03±0,09 e 1,02±0,03 para L*, a* e b* respectivamente. A amostra se mostrou altamente higroscópica e com tendência à aglomeração, confirmada pela visualização da formação de pontes entre partículas adjacentes nas imagens do MEV. Não foram identificados picos nos difratogramas de raios-X, indicando características amorfas. Entretanto, a alta higroscopicidade da amostra, que levou à formação de uma massa rígida e contínua, pode ter dificultado a correta difração de raios-X. / Yacon is a perennial plant originated from the Andean region which roots have been receiving increased attention due to their high content in prebiotic fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Apart from promoting many health benefits, FOS present interesting characteristics as food ingredient, being used as sugar substitute, and its extraction from yacon roots may be an alternative to the high costs FOS actually commercially available. The present work evaluated membrane technology for concentrating and purifying FOS from an extract obtained from yacon roots, combining a first ultrafiltration (UF) clarifying step with nanofiltration (NF), with and without association with discontinuous diafiltration (DF). UF aimed to remove large molecules such as proteins and suspended solids, yielding a saccharide-rich permeate. After UF, 63.75 % of total saccharides from the initial feed were recovered in the permeate, that was then subjected to NF in order to reduce glucose, fructose and salts content and concentrate the oligosaccharides in the retentate. DF did not largely influenced FOS retention in NF (it increased from 68.78 % without DF to 70.48 % with DF), but decreased glucose and fructose retentions, from 40.63 to 31.61 % and 25.64 to 18.69 %, respectively, allowing a greater purification of FOS in the retentate. After the combined UF-NF process, 51.85 % of FOS from the initial feed were recovered in the NF final retentate, with 19.75 % purity. After this, the final retentate of nanofiltration associated with diafiltration was lyophilized and the powder was subjected to analyses of color, water activity (aw), microstructure – by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) – and crystallinity – by X-ray diffraction. The obtained freeze-dried FOS-enriched saccharides powder, containing 19.75 % of FOS, 36.66 % of glucose and 43.59 % of fructose, in weight, was a whitish granulated powder, with aw of 0.284 and CIELAB color coordinates L*, a* and b* of 76.25±1.19, -1.03±0.09 and 1.02±0.03, respectively. It was highly hygroscopic and with agglomeration tendency, confirmed by the formation of bridges between particles on the SEM images. No peaks were identified at X-ray diffractograms, indicating its amorphous characteristics. However, the sample high hygrospicity and the formation of a rigid mass may have hindered a trustable X-ray analysis.

Aplicação de processos de separação por membranas para a obtenção de frutooligossacarídeos funcionais a partir da raiz de yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

Alles, Maria Júlia Ledur January 2012 (has links)
O yacon é uma planta perene originária da região andina, cujas raízes têm recebido atenção devido ao alto teor de frutooligossacarídeos (FOS) prebióticos. Além de proporcionar benefícios à saúde, os FOS apresentam características interessantes como ingredientes alimentícios, sendo utilizados como substitutos do açúcar. Sua extração das raízes de yacon pode ser uma alternativa aos FOS de alto custo atualmente disponíveis comercialmente. O presente trabalho avaliou a tecnologia de separação por membranas para concentração e purificação dos FOS a partir de um extrato obtido da raiz de yacon, mediante o emprego de ultrafiltração (UF) e nanofiltração (NF), com e sem utilização de diafiltração (DF) descontínua. A UF teve como objetivo clarificar o extrato de yacon, removendo partículas em suspensão de alta massa molar e recolhendo os açúcares no permeado. Depois da UF, 63,75 % dos açúcares totais presentes na solução de alimentação inicial foram recuperados no permeado. A NF do permeado, obtido previamente por UF, foi realizada para remover os sais e açúcares simples e concentrar os FOS no retido. O emprego da DF não influenciou a retenção de FOS na NF (que aumentou de 68,78 % sem DF para 70,48 % com DF), mas diminuiu a retenção de glicose de 40,63 para 31,61 % e de frutose de 25,64 para 18,69 %, permitindo uma maior purificação dos FOS no retido. Após o processo combinado de UF-NF, 51,85 % dos FOS da solução inicial foram recuperados no retido da nanofiltração, alcançando pureza de 19,75%. A seguir, o retido obtido na nanofiltração associada à diafiltração foi liofilizado. Nesse produto liofilizado foram analisadas cor, atividade de água (aw), microestrutura – por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplada a espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios-X (MEV-EDS) – e cristalinidade – através de difração de raios-X. O teor de açúcares do produto liofilizado foi 19,75 % de FOS, 36,66 % de glicose e 43,59 % de frutose, em massa, com aw de 0,284. A sua aparência externa foi a de um pó granulado e esbranquiçado, cujos parâmetros de cor, no sistema CIELAB, foram de 76,25±1,19, -1,03±0,09 e 1,02±0,03 para L*, a* e b* respectivamente. A amostra se mostrou altamente higroscópica e com tendência à aglomeração, confirmada pela visualização da formação de pontes entre partículas adjacentes nas imagens do MEV. Não foram identificados picos nos difratogramas de raios-X, indicando características amorfas. Entretanto, a alta higroscopicidade da amostra, que levou à formação de uma massa rígida e contínua, pode ter dificultado a correta difração de raios-X. / Yacon is a perennial plant originated from the Andean region which roots have been receiving increased attention due to their high content in prebiotic fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Apart from promoting many health benefits, FOS present interesting characteristics as food ingredient, being used as sugar substitute, and its extraction from yacon roots may be an alternative to the high costs FOS actually commercially available. The present work evaluated membrane technology for concentrating and purifying FOS from an extract obtained from yacon roots, combining a first ultrafiltration (UF) clarifying step with nanofiltration (NF), with and without association with discontinuous diafiltration (DF). UF aimed to remove large molecules such as proteins and suspended solids, yielding a saccharide-rich permeate. After UF, 63.75 % of total saccharides from the initial feed were recovered in the permeate, that was then subjected to NF in order to reduce glucose, fructose and salts content and concentrate the oligosaccharides in the retentate. DF did not largely influenced FOS retention in NF (it increased from 68.78 % without DF to 70.48 % with DF), but decreased glucose and fructose retentions, from 40.63 to 31.61 % and 25.64 to 18.69 %, respectively, allowing a greater purification of FOS in the retentate. After the combined UF-NF process, 51.85 % of FOS from the initial feed were recovered in the NF final retentate, with 19.75 % purity. After this, the final retentate of nanofiltration associated with diafiltration was lyophilized and the powder was subjected to analyses of color, water activity (aw), microstructure – by Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled to Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) – and crystallinity – by X-ray diffraction. The obtained freeze-dried FOS-enriched saccharides powder, containing 19.75 % of FOS, 36.66 % of glucose and 43.59 % of fructose, in weight, was a whitish granulated powder, with aw of 0.284 and CIELAB color coordinates L*, a* and b* of 76.25±1.19, -1.03±0.09 and 1.02±0.03, respectively. It was highly hygroscopic and with agglomeration tendency, confirmed by the formation of bridges between particles on the SEM images. No peaks were identified at X-ray diffractograms, indicating its amorphous characteristics. However, the sample high hygrospicity and the formation of a rigid mass may have hindered a trustable X-ray analysis.

Obtenção de suco de amora-preta (Rubus spp.) concentrado em antocianinas utilizando processos de separação por membranas / Obtaining blackberry (Rubus spp.) juice concentrated in anthocyanins using membrane separation processes

Monteiro, Flávia Silva 08 January 2011 (has links)
Orientadores: Luiz Antonio Viotto, Lourdes Maria Correa Cabral / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T16:05:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Monteiro_FlaviaSilva_M.pdf: 1954883 bytes, checksum: a33e4f6f0c6378dd8256cd98b44333ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: As amoras-pretas (Rubus spp.), além de serem boas fontes de vitaminas e minerais, são ricas em antioxidantes naturais, como os ácidos fenólicos e flavonóides, entre eles as antocianinas, que também conferem ao suco coloração altamente atrativa, embora o tornem instável a tratamentos térmicos severos, que podem resultar em produtos escurecidos e de sabor alterado. A busca dos consumidores por alimentos que preservem suas características sensoriais e nutricionais após o processamento industrial tem levado as indústrias a investir em novas tecnologias menos agressivas à matéria-prima inicial, para adequar-se a essa nova tendência de mercado. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo a obtenção de suco de amora-preta concentrado em antocianinas, utilizando processos de separação por membranas, especificamente a microfiltração (MF), ultrafiltração (UF) e nanofiltração (NF). O suco foi obtido a partir do despolpamento de frutos de amora-preta (Rubus spp.) em despolpadeira com peneira de 0,8 mm e submetido aos processos de centrifugação e hidrólise enzimática, a fim de padronizar o teor de sólidos insolúveis e reduzir sua viscosidade e consequentemente aumentar o fluxo permeado do processo. Os processos de MF, UF e NF foram avaliados individualmente e acoplados entre si, tendo como variáveis de resposta o fluxo permeado, o teor de antocianinas e a capacidade antioxidante. Todos os processamentos foram realizados em um sistema com módulo quadro e placas com membranas a base de polímero fluorado e com tamanho de poro de 0,15 µm (MF), membranas de polissulfona com cut off de 20 kDa (UF) e membrana composta com rejeição ao MgSO4 maior que 98% (NF), com recirculação da corrente de retido e recolhimento contínuo do permeado, a 35°C e pressão aplicada à membrana de 5 bar (MF), 10 bar (UF) e 20 bar (NF). O fluxo permeado foi menor na ultrafiltração, a retenção de antocianinas foi eficiente na nanofiltração e ocorreu um aumento da capacidade antioxidante na fração retida comparado à alimentação, de aproximadamente 2 vezes na MF e NF e em 2,4 na UF. Observou-se também que o teor de antocianinas foi mantido na micro e ultrafiltração comprovando a eficácia da tecnologia de membranas na manutenção desta importante característica do suco de amora-preta, motivando a continuidade da pesquisa na aplicação deste processo para a obtenção de novos produtos com maior valor agregado / Abstract: Blackberries (Rubus spp.), besides being good sources of vitamins and minerals, are rich in natural antioxidants such as phenolic acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins that causes attractive juice staining, but at the same time, makes it severely unstable to thermal treatment, which can result in dark products and altered taste. The search for food consumers to preserve natural nutritional and sensory characteristics after processing has led food industries to invest in new technologies less harmful to the initial raw material and to adapt to this new market trend. In this context, this study aimed to obtain blackberry juice concentrated in anthocyanins, using membrane separation processes, specifically microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF). The juice was obtained by pulping the fruit of blackberry (Rubus spp.) fruits using a removal device with a 0.8 mm sieve. This juice was then subjected to the centrifugation process and enzymatic hydrolysis in order to standardize the amount of insoluble solids, and reduce its viscosity and consequently increase the permeate flux of the process. The processes of MF, UF and NF were evaluated individually and coupled together with response variables such as the permeate flux, the anthocyanin content and antioxidant capacity. All the process were carried out in a plate and frame module with membrane-based fluoropolymer and pore size of 0.15 micrometre (MF), polysulfone membranes with cut off 20 kDa (UF) and composite membrane with MgSO4 rejection of greater than 98% (NF), with recirculation of the retentate stream and continuous collection of the permeate at 35 °C as well as pressures applied to the membrane of 5 bar (MF), 10 bar (UF) and 20 bar (NF). The permeate flux was lower in ultrafiltration, and the anthocyanin retention in nanofiltration was effective; there was an increase in antioxidant capacity in the retained fraction compared to food, of approximately two times the MF and NF and 2.4 at UF. Additionally, it was observed that the anthocynanin's content was preserved in the micro- and ultrafiltration, proving the efficiency of the membrane technology to maintain this important feature of the blackberry juice, motivating continued research in applying this process to obtain new products with higher added value / Mestrado / Engenharia de Alimentos / Mestre em Engenharia de Alimentos

Economic analysis of water recovery from flue gas: A South African case study

Hansen, Shadeon Doawon January 2020 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / In order to comply with the Air Quality Act 2010, Eskom will have to install flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plants for both new and old power stations. Wet-flue gas desulphurisation (wet-FGD) is adopted world-wide as an effective flue gas treatment technology and therefore will be adopted by Eskom. During the process of desulphurisation, the flue gas is stripped of SO2 but gains a substantial amount of water. Sustaining this process requires a continuous supply of fresh water, a scarce resource in many places where power stations are built. This research investigates the economic feasibility of technologies capable of recovering water from flue gas. The following technologies were considered to capture water vapour from flue gas taking Eskom’s Medupi Power Station as a case study; condensing heat exchanger technology, desiccant drying systems and membrane technology using membrane modules developed by other students in this project. The water vapour selective membrane technology turned out to be superior.

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