Spelling suggestions: "subject:"meningioma."" "subject:"meningiomas.""
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Aspectos clínicos e moleculares da hiperplasia adrenal macronodular independente de ACTH em sua forma familial / Clinical and molecular aspects of familial ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasiaAlencar, Guilherme Asmar 14 October 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hiperplasia adrenal macronodular independente de ACTH (AIMAH) é uma doença rara, caracterizada pela presença de macronódulos funcionantes nas adrenais e por uma produção aumentada, autônoma e sustentada de cortisol. Constitui uma causa incomum de síndrome de Cushing (SC). A forma esporádica da doença parece ser a mais frequente, no entanto, se desconhece a real prevalência de sua forma familial. Apesar de ser uma entidade clínica conhecida há quase 50 anos, o processo fisiopatológico que culminaria com a AIMAH, as alterações genéticas predisponentes e aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e radiológicos relevantes da doença ainda não foram elucidados de forma clara. O diagnóstico recente de uma grande família portadora da doença viabilizou a realização do presente trabalho. OBJETIVOS: 1) Caracterizar a evolução da AIMAH em sua forma familial, correlacionando as manifestações clínicas, os dados laboratoriais e os achados radiológicos; 2) investigar a possível associação entre a AIMAH e a ocorrência de meningiomas intracranianos; 3) avaliar a atividade metabólica das adrenais hiperplasiadas na AIMAH; 4) definir o padrão de herança genética da doença na família estudada; e 5) mapear regiões cromossômicas e loci potencialmente relacionados à etiologia genética da AIMAH familial. MÉTODOS: 96 membros da família estudada foram inicialmente submetidos a uma avaliação clínica e laboratorial pormenorizada. Em seguida, foram realizados exames de tomografia computadorizada para a caracterização radiológica das adrenais. Exames de ressonância magnética e de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons com fluordesoxiglicose marcada, acoplada à tomografia computadorizada (18F-FDGPET/CT) foram realizados em pacientes com as formas familial e esporádica da doença para, respectivamente, investigar a presença de meningiomas intracranianos e caracterizar a atividade metabólica das adrenais hiperplasiadas. Foram também realizados testes in vivo para a pesquisa de receptores hormonais aberrantes nos pacientes com a forma familial da doença. Em uma outra etapa do estudo, diferentes técnicas de biologia molecular foram empregadas para a investigação da etiologia genética da AIMAH familial. Desta forma, realizou-se: o sequenciamento do gene do receptor do ACTH (MC2R), um estudo de ligação genética utilizando microssatélites específicos, um estudo de ligação genética em escala genômica utilizando polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) e o sequenciamento de genes suspeitos. RESULTADOS: A avaliação dos indivíduos pertencentes à genealogia permitiu o diagnóstico de 15 casos da doença (7 mulheres e 8 homens) em três gerações consecutivas. A AIMAH era transmitida para as gerações subsequentes tanto pelo sexo masculino como feminino e acometia cerca de metade dos irmãos em alguns segmentos da família. A idade média ao diagnóstico da doença foi de 52,8 +-11,3 anos (32 a 74 anos) e cerca de 86% (12/14) desses pacientes apresentavam SC subclínica. As dosagens do cortisol salivar à meia-noite e do cortisol em urina de 24 horas demonstraram baixa sensibilidade (21% e 14%, respectivamente) para o diagnóstico da doença em sua forma familial. O valor do ACTH plasmático encontrava-se baixo ( < 10 pg/mL) em 46% (5/11) dos pacientes doentes. Em cerca de 62% (8/13) dos casos, foi demonstrada uma redução do valor sérico do sulfato de desidroepiandrosterona (SDHEA). Por regressão logística simples, foi observado que a probabilidade (odds ratio) de um indivíduo apresentar a doença na família era maior diante da presença de pletora, após o diagnóstico de diabetes ou pré-diabetes ou diante do relato de ganho ponderal progressivo. O espessamento de ambas as adrenais associado à presença de nódulos bilaterais foi o achado radiológico mais frequente na forma familial da doença. No entanto, em um terço dos pacientes (5/15) foram encontradas alterações radiológicas em somente uma das adrenais. Durante os testes in vivo para pesquisa de receptores hormonais aberrantes, foram observadas, com frequência, respostas distintas entre os indivíduos doentes pertencentes à família. Nos pacientes submetidos ao exame de ressonância magnética, foram demonstradas imagens típicas de meningiomas intracranianos em um terço (5/15) dos casos. No exame 18F-FDG-PET/CT, foi observado um aumento da atividade metabólica das adrenais hiperplasiadas, tanto nos pacientes com SC manifesta como naqueles com a forma subclínica da doença. O estudo molecular permitiu delimitar nos cromossomos 16 e 11 algumas regiões genômicas potencialmente relacionadas à etiologia genética da AIMAH familial. O sequenciamento de alguns genes suspeitos (GPR56, GPR97 e GPR114), localizados nessas regiões, não demonstrou a presença de mutações. CONCLUSÕES: Na genealogia estudada, o padrão de transmissão da AIMAH foi autossômico dominante, e a SC subclínica foi a forma mais frequente de manifestação da doença. O teste de supressão com 1 mg de dexametasona via oral à meia-noite demonstrou ser o exame laboratorial de escolha para a avaliação inicial dos pacientes suspeitos de apresentarem AIMAH familial, em função, sobretudo, da baixa sensibilidade do cortisol salivar à meia-noite e do cortisol urinário para o diagnóstico da doença. Valores normais do ACTH plasmático foram um achado laboratorial frequente na AIMAH familial e valores baixos do SDHEA sérico demonstraram ser um indício relativamente precoce da SC subclínica associada à doença. Diferentes padrões radiológicos foram demonstrados nas tomografias das adrenais dos pacientes com AIMAH familial, não sendo infrequente a presença de assimetria entre as duas glândulas. Os resultados dos testes in vivo para a pesquisa de receptores hormonais aberrantes foram mais condizentes com a hipótese de que a expressão desses receptores seria um epifenômeno do processo fisiopatológico, resultante da proliferação e desdiferenciação celular. Uma alta prevalência de meningiomas intracranianos foi observada nos pacientes com AIMAH, tanto na forma familial da doença como na forma esporádica. Demonstrou-se também, pela primeira vez, que as adrenais na AIMAH podem exibir uma captação aumentada de 18F-FDG no exame de PET/CT, de forma semelhante às metástases e aos carcinomas da glândula. Por fim, foram delimitadas no cromossomo 16 (16p12.1, 16p11.2, 16q12.1, 16q13 e 16q21) e no cromossomo 11 (11q23.1) as principais regiões do genoma suspeitas de estarem ligadas à etiologia genética da AIMAH familial (genoma de referência: NCBI36/hg18) / INTRODUCTION: ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH) is a rare disease characterized by functioning adrenal macronodules and increased, autonomous and sustained cortisol production. This condition is an uncommon cause of Cushing\'s syndrome (CS). While the sporadic form of the disease appears to be the most frequent, the true prevalence of its familial form is unknown. Despite being a known clinical entity for almost 50 years, the pathophysiological process that leads to AIMAH, the predisposing genetic alterations and important clinical, laboratory and radiological aspects of the disease have not been fully clarified. The recent identification of a large group of relatives with familial AIMAH allowed the accomplishment of the present study. OBJECTIVES: The following were the aims of this study: 1) characterize the development of familial AIMAH through correlations between clinical manifestations, laboratory data and radiological findings; 2) investigate the possible association between AIMAH and the occurrence of intracranial meningioma; 3) characterize the metabolic activity of the adrenal glands in this disease; 4) define the inheritance pattern of the disease in the family studied; and 5) map chromosomal regions and loci potentially related to the genetic etiology of familial AIMAH. METHODS: 96 members of the family studied were initially subjected to a detailed clinical and laboratory evaluation. Computed tomography (CT) scans were performed for the radiological characterization of the adrenal glands. Magnetic resonance imaging scans and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG-PET/CT) scans were performed on patients with both forms of the disease (familial and sporadic) to investigate the presence of intracranial meningioma and characterize the metabolic activity of the adrenal glands, respectively. In vivo studies for aberrant hormone receptors were also conducted on those patients with familial AIMAH. In another phase of the study, different molecular biology techniques were employed to investigate the genetic etiology of familial AIMAH. For such, sequencing of the ACTH receptor gene (MC2R), a linkage study using specific microsatellite markers, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genome-wide linkage study and the sequencing of suspect genes were performed. RESULTS: The evaluation of the family revealed the diagnosis of 15 cases of the disease (7 women and 8 men) in three consecutive generations. AIMAH was transmitted to subsequent generations by both genders and half of the siblings were affected in some segments of the family. Mean age at diagnosis was 52.8 +-11.3 years (range: 32 to 74 years) and about 86% (12/14) of the patients exhibited subclinical CS. Both midnight salivary cortisol and 24-hour urinary cortisol demonstrated low sensitivity (21% and 14%, respectively) for the diagnosis of familial AIMAH. Plasma ACTH levels were low ( < 10 pg/ml) in 46% (5/11) of patients with the disease. In about 62% (8/13) of cases, serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels were below the normal range. Simple logistic regression models revealed that the probability (odds ratio) of an individual having the disease in the family was greater in the presence of plethora, progressive weight gain or after the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes. Adrenal thickening associated with the presence of bilateral nodules was the most common radiological finding in familial AIMAH. However, radiological abnormalities were found in only one of the adrenal glands in one third of the patients (5/15). Throughout the in vivo studies for aberrant hormone receptors, distinct responses were frequently observed among the individuals with familial AIMAH. One third (5/15) of the patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging scans had typical images of intracranial meningiomas. The 18F-FDG-PET/CT scan revealed increased metabolic activity of the hyperplastic adrenals in patients with both overt and subclinical CS. The molecular studies delimited genomic regions on chromosomes 16 and 11 potentially related to the genetic cause of familial AIMAH. Some suspected genes (GPR56, GPR97 and GPR114), located in these genomic regions, were sequenced, but no mutations were found. CONCLUSIONS: In the extended family studied, AIMAH followed an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and subclinical CS was the most common presentation of the disease. The 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test proved to be the screening test of choice for the initial evaluation of patients suspected to have familial AIMAH, due mainly to the low sensitivity of midnight salivary cortisol and 24-hour urinary cortisol as screening tests. A normal level of plasma ACTH was a common laboratory finding in familial AIMAH. Low serum levels of DHEAS proved to be a relatively early finding associated with the subclinical CS determined by the disease. Adrenal CT scans revealed different radiological patterns among patients with familial AIMAH, with a fairly frequent rate of asymmetry between glands. The distinct responses observed throughout the in vivo studies for aberrant hormone receptors, among family members, favor the hypothesis that these receptors may be an epiphenomenon resulting from cell proliferation and dedifferentiation. An increased prevalence of intracranial meningioma was demonstrated in both the familial and sporadic forms of AIMAH. For the first time, it was shown that AIMAH may exhibit increased 18FFDG uptake on the PET/CT scan, similarly to adrenal carcinoma and metastasis. The main genomic regions potentially associated with familial AIMAH were delimited on chromosome 16 (16p12.1, 16p11.2, 16q12.1, 16q13 and 16q21) and chromosome 11 (11q23.1) (reference genome: NCBI36/hg18)
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Aspectos clínicos e moleculares da hiperplasia adrenal macronodular independente de ACTH em sua forma familial / Clinical and molecular aspects of familial ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasiaGuilherme Asmar Alencar 14 October 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hiperplasia adrenal macronodular independente de ACTH (AIMAH) é uma doença rara, caracterizada pela presença de macronódulos funcionantes nas adrenais e por uma produção aumentada, autônoma e sustentada de cortisol. Constitui uma causa incomum de síndrome de Cushing (SC). A forma esporádica da doença parece ser a mais frequente, no entanto, se desconhece a real prevalência de sua forma familial. Apesar de ser uma entidade clínica conhecida há quase 50 anos, o processo fisiopatológico que culminaria com a AIMAH, as alterações genéticas predisponentes e aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e radiológicos relevantes da doença ainda não foram elucidados de forma clara. O diagnóstico recente de uma grande família portadora da doença viabilizou a realização do presente trabalho. OBJETIVOS: 1) Caracterizar a evolução da AIMAH em sua forma familial, correlacionando as manifestações clínicas, os dados laboratoriais e os achados radiológicos; 2) investigar a possível associação entre a AIMAH e a ocorrência de meningiomas intracranianos; 3) avaliar a atividade metabólica das adrenais hiperplasiadas na AIMAH; 4) definir o padrão de herança genética da doença na família estudada; e 5) mapear regiões cromossômicas e loci potencialmente relacionados à etiologia genética da AIMAH familial. MÉTODOS: 96 membros da família estudada foram inicialmente submetidos a uma avaliação clínica e laboratorial pormenorizada. Em seguida, foram realizados exames de tomografia computadorizada para a caracterização radiológica das adrenais. Exames de ressonância magnética e de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons com fluordesoxiglicose marcada, acoplada à tomografia computadorizada (18F-FDGPET/CT) foram realizados em pacientes com as formas familial e esporádica da doença para, respectivamente, investigar a presença de meningiomas intracranianos e caracterizar a atividade metabólica das adrenais hiperplasiadas. Foram também realizados testes in vivo para a pesquisa de receptores hormonais aberrantes nos pacientes com a forma familial da doença. Em uma outra etapa do estudo, diferentes técnicas de biologia molecular foram empregadas para a investigação da etiologia genética da AIMAH familial. Desta forma, realizou-se: o sequenciamento do gene do receptor do ACTH (MC2R), um estudo de ligação genética utilizando microssatélites específicos, um estudo de ligação genética em escala genômica utilizando polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) e o sequenciamento de genes suspeitos. RESULTADOS: A avaliação dos indivíduos pertencentes à genealogia permitiu o diagnóstico de 15 casos da doença (7 mulheres e 8 homens) em três gerações consecutivas. A AIMAH era transmitida para as gerações subsequentes tanto pelo sexo masculino como feminino e acometia cerca de metade dos irmãos em alguns segmentos da família. A idade média ao diagnóstico da doença foi de 52,8 +-11,3 anos (32 a 74 anos) e cerca de 86% (12/14) desses pacientes apresentavam SC subclínica. As dosagens do cortisol salivar à meia-noite e do cortisol em urina de 24 horas demonstraram baixa sensibilidade (21% e 14%, respectivamente) para o diagnóstico da doença em sua forma familial. O valor do ACTH plasmático encontrava-se baixo ( < 10 pg/mL) em 46% (5/11) dos pacientes doentes. Em cerca de 62% (8/13) dos casos, foi demonstrada uma redução do valor sérico do sulfato de desidroepiandrosterona (SDHEA). Por regressão logística simples, foi observado que a probabilidade (odds ratio) de um indivíduo apresentar a doença na família era maior diante da presença de pletora, após o diagnóstico de diabetes ou pré-diabetes ou diante do relato de ganho ponderal progressivo. O espessamento de ambas as adrenais associado à presença de nódulos bilaterais foi o achado radiológico mais frequente na forma familial da doença. No entanto, em um terço dos pacientes (5/15) foram encontradas alterações radiológicas em somente uma das adrenais. Durante os testes in vivo para pesquisa de receptores hormonais aberrantes, foram observadas, com frequência, respostas distintas entre os indivíduos doentes pertencentes à família. Nos pacientes submetidos ao exame de ressonância magnética, foram demonstradas imagens típicas de meningiomas intracranianos em um terço (5/15) dos casos. No exame 18F-FDG-PET/CT, foi observado um aumento da atividade metabólica das adrenais hiperplasiadas, tanto nos pacientes com SC manifesta como naqueles com a forma subclínica da doença. O estudo molecular permitiu delimitar nos cromossomos 16 e 11 algumas regiões genômicas potencialmente relacionadas à etiologia genética da AIMAH familial. O sequenciamento de alguns genes suspeitos (GPR56, GPR97 e GPR114), localizados nessas regiões, não demonstrou a presença de mutações. CONCLUSÕES: Na genealogia estudada, o padrão de transmissão da AIMAH foi autossômico dominante, e a SC subclínica foi a forma mais frequente de manifestação da doença. O teste de supressão com 1 mg de dexametasona via oral à meia-noite demonstrou ser o exame laboratorial de escolha para a avaliação inicial dos pacientes suspeitos de apresentarem AIMAH familial, em função, sobretudo, da baixa sensibilidade do cortisol salivar à meia-noite e do cortisol urinário para o diagnóstico da doença. Valores normais do ACTH plasmático foram um achado laboratorial frequente na AIMAH familial e valores baixos do SDHEA sérico demonstraram ser um indício relativamente precoce da SC subclínica associada à doença. Diferentes padrões radiológicos foram demonstrados nas tomografias das adrenais dos pacientes com AIMAH familial, não sendo infrequente a presença de assimetria entre as duas glândulas. Os resultados dos testes in vivo para a pesquisa de receptores hormonais aberrantes foram mais condizentes com a hipótese de que a expressão desses receptores seria um epifenômeno do processo fisiopatológico, resultante da proliferação e desdiferenciação celular. Uma alta prevalência de meningiomas intracranianos foi observada nos pacientes com AIMAH, tanto na forma familial da doença como na forma esporádica. Demonstrou-se também, pela primeira vez, que as adrenais na AIMAH podem exibir uma captação aumentada de 18F-FDG no exame de PET/CT, de forma semelhante às metástases e aos carcinomas da glândula. Por fim, foram delimitadas no cromossomo 16 (16p12.1, 16p11.2, 16q12.1, 16q13 e 16q21) e no cromossomo 11 (11q23.1) as principais regiões do genoma suspeitas de estarem ligadas à etiologia genética da AIMAH familial (genoma de referência: NCBI36/hg18) / INTRODUCTION: ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (AIMAH) is a rare disease characterized by functioning adrenal macronodules and increased, autonomous and sustained cortisol production. This condition is an uncommon cause of Cushing\'s syndrome (CS). While the sporadic form of the disease appears to be the most frequent, the true prevalence of its familial form is unknown. Despite being a known clinical entity for almost 50 years, the pathophysiological process that leads to AIMAH, the predisposing genetic alterations and important clinical, laboratory and radiological aspects of the disease have not been fully clarified. The recent identification of a large group of relatives with familial AIMAH allowed the accomplishment of the present study. OBJECTIVES: The following were the aims of this study: 1) characterize the development of familial AIMAH through correlations between clinical manifestations, laboratory data and radiological findings; 2) investigate the possible association between AIMAH and the occurrence of intracranial meningioma; 3) characterize the metabolic activity of the adrenal glands in this disease; 4) define the inheritance pattern of the disease in the family studied; and 5) map chromosomal regions and loci potentially related to the genetic etiology of familial AIMAH. METHODS: 96 members of the family studied were initially subjected to a detailed clinical and laboratory evaluation. Computed tomography (CT) scans were performed for the radiological characterization of the adrenal glands. Magnetic resonance imaging scans and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG-PET/CT) scans were performed on patients with both forms of the disease (familial and sporadic) to investigate the presence of intracranial meningioma and characterize the metabolic activity of the adrenal glands, respectively. In vivo studies for aberrant hormone receptors were also conducted on those patients with familial AIMAH. In another phase of the study, different molecular biology techniques were employed to investigate the genetic etiology of familial AIMAH. For such, sequencing of the ACTH receptor gene (MC2R), a linkage study using specific microsatellite markers, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genome-wide linkage study and the sequencing of suspect genes were performed. RESULTS: The evaluation of the family revealed the diagnosis of 15 cases of the disease (7 women and 8 men) in three consecutive generations. AIMAH was transmitted to subsequent generations by both genders and half of the siblings were affected in some segments of the family. Mean age at diagnosis was 52.8 +-11.3 years (range: 32 to 74 years) and about 86% (12/14) of the patients exhibited subclinical CS. Both midnight salivary cortisol and 24-hour urinary cortisol demonstrated low sensitivity (21% and 14%, respectively) for the diagnosis of familial AIMAH. Plasma ACTH levels were low ( < 10 pg/ml) in 46% (5/11) of patients with the disease. In about 62% (8/13) of cases, serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels were below the normal range. Simple logistic regression models revealed that the probability (odds ratio) of an individual having the disease in the family was greater in the presence of plethora, progressive weight gain or after the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes. Adrenal thickening associated with the presence of bilateral nodules was the most common radiological finding in familial AIMAH. However, radiological abnormalities were found in only one of the adrenal glands in one third of the patients (5/15). Throughout the in vivo studies for aberrant hormone receptors, distinct responses were frequently observed among the individuals with familial AIMAH. One third (5/15) of the patients who underwent magnetic resonance imaging scans had typical images of intracranial meningiomas. The 18F-FDG-PET/CT scan revealed increased metabolic activity of the hyperplastic adrenals in patients with both overt and subclinical CS. The molecular studies delimited genomic regions on chromosomes 16 and 11 potentially related to the genetic cause of familial AIMAH. Some suspected genes (GPR56, GPR97 and GPR114), located in these genomic regions, were sequenced, but no mutations were found. CONCLUSIONS: In the extended family studied, AIMAH followed an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and subclinical CS was the most common presentation of the disease. The 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test proved to be the screening test of choice for the initial evaluation of patients suspected to have familial AIMAH, due mainly to the low sensitivity of midnight salivary cortisol and 24-hour urinary cortisol as screening tests. A normal level of plasma ACTH was a common laboratory finding in familial AIMAH. Low serum levels of DHEAS proved to be a relatively early finding associated with the subclinical CS determined by the disease. Adrenal CT scans revealed different radiological patterns among patients with familial AIMAH, with a fairly frequent rate of asymmetry between glands. The distinct responses observed throughout the in vivo studies for aberrant hormone receptors, among family members, favor the hypothesis that these receptors may be an epiphenomenon resulting from cell proliferation and dedifferentiation. An increased prevalence of intracranial meningioma was demonstrated in both the familial and sporadic forms of AIMAH. For the first time, it was shown that AIMAH may exhibit increased 18FFDG uptake on the PET/CT scan, similarly to adrenal carcinoma and metastasis. The main genomic regions potentially associated with familial AIMAH were delimited on chromosome 16 (16p12.1, 16p11.2, 16q12.1, 16q13 and 16q21) and chromosome 11 (11q23.1) (reference genome: NCBI36/hg18)
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Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Intraoperative and High-Throughput Brain Cancer DiagnosticsHannah Marie Brown (12476919) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>My research has focused on the development and translation of ambient ionization mass spectrometry (MS)-based platforms in clinical and surgical settings, specifically in the area of brain cancer diagnostics and surgical decision making. Ambient ionization MS methods, such as those described herein, generate and analyze gas phase ions with high sensitivity and specificity from minimally prepared samples in near-real-time, on the order of seconds to minutes, rendering them well suited to point-of-care applications. We used ambient ionization MS methods, specifically desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) and extraction nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry (nESI-MS) to molecularly characterize brain cancer biopsies. The characterization was made using diagnostic compounds identified as markers of disease state, tissue composition, tumor type, and genotype in human brain tissue. Methods were developed and validated offline in the laboratory and translated to clinical and surgical settings, thereby generating chemical information on prognostic features intraoperatively and providing valuable information that would be otherwise unavailable. We believe that, with approval, the methodologies described can assist physicians and improve patient outcomes by providing analytical tools and molecular information that can inform surgical decision making and adjuvant treatment strategies, complementing and not interfering with standard of care protocols.</p>
<p>We have successfully demonstrated the use of desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) for the expedient molecular assessment of human glioma tissue biopsies based on lipid profiles and prognostic metabolites, both at the tumor core and near surgical margins, in two small-scale, clinical studies. Maximal surgical resection of gliomas that avoids non-infiltrated tissue is associated with survival benefit in patients with glioma. The infiltrative nature of gliomas, as well as their morphological and genetic diversity, renders treatment difficult and demands an integrated imaging and diagnostic approach during surgery to guide clinicians in achieving maximal tumor resection. Further, the estimation of tumor cell percentage (TCP), a measure of tumor infiltration at surgical margins, is not routinely assessed intraoperatively. </p>
<p>We have previously shown that rapid, offline molecular assessment of tumor infiltration in tissue biopsies is possible and believe that the same assessment performed intraoperatively in biopsied tissue near surgical margins could improve resection and better inform patient management strategies, including postoperative radiotherapy. Using a DESI-MS spectral library of normal brain tissue and glioma biopsies to generate a statistical model to classify brain tissue biopsies intraoperatively, multivariate statistical approaches were used to predict the disease state and tumor cell percentage (TCP) of each biopsy, thereby providing an measure of tumor infiltration at surgical margins via molecular indicators. In addition to assessment of tumor infiltration, we have developed DESI-MS assays for detecting the oncometabolite 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) to detect isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations in gliomas intraoperatively. Knowledge of IDH genotypes at the time of surgical resection could improve patient outcomes, as more aggressive tumor resection of IDH-mutated gliomas is associated with increased survival. While assessments of IDH genotype are typically not available until days after surgery, we have demonstrated the ability to provide this information is less than five minutes. An intraoperative DESI-MS system has successfully been used in a proof-of-concept clinical study and intraoperative performance validation of this platform is ongoing. The findings of these two studies as well as strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement for upcoming future iterations of the research are discussed.</p>
<p>Point-of-care applications necessitate the adaptation of MS methodologies to smaller devices. Miniature mass spectrometers (Mini MS) boast small footprints, simple operation, and low power consumption, noise levels, and cost, making them attractive candidates for point-of-care use. In a small-scale clinical study, we demonstrated the first application of a Mini MS for determination of IDH mutation status in gliomas intraoperatively. This study paves a path forward for the application of Mini MS in the OR. With its small footprint and low power consumption and noise level, this application of miniature mass spectrometers represents a simple and cost-effective platform for an important intraoperative measurement. </p>
<p>While MS-based methods of tissue analysis can detect molecular features of interest and rapidly produce large quantities of data, their inherent speed is rarely utilized because they are traditionally coupled with time-consuming separation techniques (e.g., chromatography). Ambient ionization MS, specifically DESI-MS, is well suited for high-throughput applications due to its lack of sample preparation and purification techniques. In an attempt to rapidly characterize microarrays of tissue biopsies, we developed a high-throughput DESI-MS (HT-DESI-MS) method for the rapid characterization of disease state, human brain tumor type, glioma classification, and detection of IDH mutations in tissue microarrays (TMA) of banked and fresh human brain tissue biopsies. We anticipate that HT-DESI-MS analysis of TMAs could become a standard tool for the generation of spectral libraries for sample classification, the identification of biomarkers through large-scale studies, the correlation of molecular features with anatomical features when coupled to digital pathology, and the assessment of drug efficacy. </p>
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