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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of mesoscale eddies on the air-sea turbulent heat fluxes in the South Atlantic / O impacto dos vórtices de meso-escala nos fluxos turbulentos de calor pela superfície no Atlântico Sul

Ana Beatriz de Figueiredo Melo Villas Boas 17 July 2014 (has links)
By collocating 10 years (1999-2009) of remotely sensed surface turbulent heat fluxes with satellite altimetry data, we investigate the impact of ocean mesoscale eddies on the latent and sensible heat fluxes in the South Atlantic ocean. Eddies were identified using the method proposed by Chaigneau et al. (2009), which is based on closed contours of sea level anomaly. Most of the identified eddies had a radius of ~70 km and amplitude of ~5 cm. On average, in the South Atlantic, eddies play a minor role on the ocean-atmosphere heat exchange. However, in strongly energetic regions such as the Brazil-Malvinas confluence or Agulhas Current retroflection regions, eddies can account up to 20-30% of the total variance of the surface turbulent heat fluxes with averaged anomalies of ±10-20 W/m2 for both heat flux components. Cyclonic (anticyclonic) eddies, associated with negative (positive) heat fluxes anomalies tend to cool (warm) the overlying atmosphere. A composite analysis of the turbulent heat fluxes anomalies within the eddies reveals a direct relationship between the eddy amplitude and the intensity of the latent and sensible fluxes anomalies, such that large-amplitude eddies have a stronger signature in the turbulent surface heat fluxes. Heat fluxes anomalies are also much stronger near the eddy centers and decay radially to reach minimum values outside the eddies. / Uma combinação de 10 anos (1999-2009) de fluxos turbulentos de calor pela superfície, medidos a partir de satélites, e dados altimétricos de anomalia da altura da superfície do mar, foram o utilizados com objetivo de investigar o impacto de vórtices de meso-escala nos fluxos de calor sensível e latente na bacia do Atlântico Sul. Para a detecção dos vórtices foi aplicado o método proposto por Chaigneau et al. (2009), que baseia-se em contornos fechados de anomalia da altura da superfície do mar. A maior parte dos vórtices identificados possui raio de ~70 km e amplitude de ~5 cm. Em média, no Atlântico Sul, o impacto dos vórtices para as trocas de calor entre oceano e atmosfera é relativamente fraco. Entretanto, em regiões de alta variabilidade energética como na Confluência Brasil- Malvinas e na retroflecção da Corrente das Agulhas, vórtices de meso-escala podem contribuir com anomalias médias de até ±10-20 W/m2 nos fluxos turbulentos. Vórtices ciclônicos (anti-ciclônicos), associados com anomalias negativas (positivas) de fluxos de calor, tendem a esfriar (esquentar) a atmosfera adjacente. Mapas composite foram analisados para milhares de vórtices, mostrando um relação direta entre a magnitude das anomalias dos fluxos e a amplitude dos vórtices, de tal modo que vórtices de maior amplitude contribuem com maiores anomalias de calor latente e sensível. Além disso, os padrões espaciais dos composites médios revelam que as anomalias são significativamente maiores próximo ao centro dos vórtices e decaem radialmente até atingirem valores absolutos mínimos fora dos contornos dos vórtices.

Underutnyttjande av vårdens informationssystem : Informationslogistik och samordnad vårdplanering

Brandström, Nina January 2013 (has links)
Förväntad effekt av vårdens elektroniska IT-system är ökad patientsäkerhet, vårdkvalitet och tillgänglighet. Ett första villkor för att kunna uppnå detta är att IT-systemet används. I denna studie granskas ett underutnyttjat IT-system, använt för informationsöverföring mellan olika huvudmän vid samordnad vård- och omsorgsplanering. Granskningen baseras på teorier om hur individers intention och vilja till att använda ett IT-system initieras eller upprätthålls genom omgivningens påverkan. Resultatet visar att IT-användare i den patientnära vården (mikrosystemet) saknar adekvat tekniskt, organisatoriskt (mesosystemet) och ledningsstöd (makrosystemet), vilket kan förklara underutnyttjandet. / Expected impact of electronic healthcare systems is increasing patient safety, care quality and availability. Using the system is essential to achieve this. This study explain the assimilation gap in an electronic healthcare system used in coordinated care planning by theories how individuals’ intentions and willingness to use electronic systems is affected by environmental influences. The result shows that the end users lack technical, organizational, and management support, which can explains the assimilation gap.

Système d'altération et minéralisation en uranium le long du faisceau structural Kiggavik-Andrew Lake (Nunavut, Canada) : modèle génétique et guides d'exploration / Alteration system and uranium mineralization along the Kiggavik-Andrew Lake structural trend (Nunavut, Canada) : metallogenic model and exploration pathfinders

Riegler, Thomas 10 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail présente une étude multi-échelle des relations entre altération et minéralisation en uranium le long de la bordure Sud Est du bassin Méso-Protérozoïque du Thelon, au Nunavut, Canada. Les altérations associées aux minéralisations sont développées dans une série volcano-sédimentaire Archéenne appartenant à la ceinture de roche verte du Woodburn Lake Group (WLG). Elles s'expriment majoritairement par un assemblage à illite (polytypes 1Mcis & 1Mtrans) ± sudoite ± hématite et phosphates sulfates d'aluminium hydratés (APS). De plus des composés carbonés, cogénétiques des minéralisations, ont été identifiés comme des produits des réactions hydrothermales. La signature de l'altération, fortement guidées par les structures Est-Ouest du corridor de Kiggavik-Andrew Lake, apparaît alors très similaire à celle rencontrée dans les roches de socles des parties profondes des autres gisements d'uranium de type discordance du bassin d'Athabasca (Canada) ou de la Kombolgie (Australie). L'étude des marqueurs minéralogiques tels que les APS ont permis de mettre en évidence les transferts élémentaires au cours des processus métallogéniques et de distinguer les caractéristiques pétrographique et chimiques des processus diagénétiques et hydrothermaux. Enfin la compréhension fine de l'expression de marqueurs cristallographiques issus de l'irradiation naturelle des minéraux argileux donne de nouvelles pistes pour le traçage et la compréhension des circulations des radios-éléments à l'échelle géologique. / This work presents a multi-scale study of the relationships between alteration and uranium mineralization along the South Eastern margin of the Meso-Proterozoic Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada. The ore associated alterations are hosted in an Archean volcano-sedimentary sequence belonging to the Woodburn Lake Group (WLG). Their main expression is a mineral assemblage composed of dominant illite (1Mcis & 1Mtrans polytypes) together with sudoite ± hematite and aluminum phosphate sulfate minerals. Moreover carbonaceous materials cogenetic with the uranium mineralization have been identified as potential indicators of the hydrothermal conditions. At a regional scale, alteration is strongly controlled via East-West faults forming the main frame of the Kiggavik-Andrew Lake structural trend. Then from the regional to the mineral scale, alterations signatures at Kiggavik are similar to the ones described in deep basement rocks of unconformity type uranium deposits in both Athabasca (Canada) and Kombolgie (Australia) Paleoproterozoic basins. In addition mineralogical markers studies (APS minerals) lead to the distinction between hydrothermal and diagenetic processes as well as elemental transfers during fluid rock interaction. Finally, detailed studies on radiation induced defects on illite revealed new ways to tracing and better understanding the radio elements mobility in such deep seated natural systems.

Interactions couplées océan-atmosphère à meso-échelle dans le Pacifique Sud-Est / Mesoscale air-sea coupled interactions in the South-East Pacific

Oerder, Vera 30 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux interactions entre l’océan et l’atmosphère dans le Pacifique Sud-Est, à des échelles comprises entre 10 et 300 km ("meso-échelle" océanique). Des observations satellites et un modèle couplé à haute résolution (1/12°) sont utilisés pour mettre en évidence et caractériser la relation entre la meso-échelle de température de surface de la mer (SST) et celle de l’intensité de la tension de vent (TV). Les observations montrent qu’environ un tiers de la meso-échelle de l’intensité de la TV est expliquée par les anomalies de la SST. L’intensité de la réponse de la TV aux anomalies de SST présente des variations spatiales et un cycle saisonnier marqué, également reproduits par le modèle. Une analyse de l’ajustement de la couche limite atmosphérique aux anomalies de meso-échelle de la SST dans les simulations permet d’expliquer ce cycle saisonnier et de comprendre l'origine des variations de la TV et de la vitesse du vent. Le modèle permet également d'étudier les conséquence de la modulation des flux à l’interface air-mer par la meso-échelle de SST et de courant de surface sur la dynamique océanique du Pacifique Sud-Est. D’une part, près de la côte, la réponse de la TV à la présence du front de SST diminue l’intensité de l’upwelling et la génération d’énergie cinétique turbulente (EKE) par instabilité barocline. La réponse de l’atmosphère à la meso-échelle de SST a également une rétroaction négative sur les anomalies de SST. D’autre part, la modulation de la TV par les courants de surface diminue la génération d’EKE par le travail des anomalies de TV, et créé un pompage d’Ekman qui atténue les anomalies de meso-échelle de la hauteur du niveau de la mer. / This PhD thesis studies the air/sea interactions at the oceanic mesoscale (10-300 km) in the South-East Pacific and their consequences. Satellite observations and a high-resolution regional ocean-atmosphere coupled model are used to evidence and characterize the mesoscale Sea Surface Temperature (SST)-wind stress (WS) interactions. Offshore from 150km, observations show that one third of the WS mesoscale intensity is explained by the SST mesoscale anomalies. The intensity of the WS response intensity to the SST displays similar spatial and seasonal variability in both the model and the observations. The simulation is further analyzed to study this variations and to understand the boundary layer adjustment mechanisms. A momentum balance evidenced that the near surface wind anomalies are created by the anomalies of the turbulent mixing term. It is shown that WS intensity anomalies due to SST anomalies are are mainly forced by mixing coefficient anomalies and partially compensated by wind shear anomalies. The consequences on the oceanic dynamics of the air-sea momentum, heat and fresh water fluxes by mesoscale SST and surface current are investigated in the simulations. On one hand, near the coast, the WS response to the upwelling SST front decreases both the upwelling and the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) generation by baroclinic conversion. A negative feedback of the atmospheric response on the SST anomalies amplitude is also evidenced. On the other hand, the WS modulation by oceanic surface currents decreases the EKE generation by the mesoscale wind work. It also creates an Ekman pumping centered above the eddies and attenuating sea surface height anomalies.

Formation de l’orocline de la Patagonie et évolution Paléogéographique du système Patagonie-Péninsule Antarctique / Formation of the Patagonian Orocline and paleogeographic evolution of the Patagonian –Antarctic Peninsula System

Poblete Gómez, Fernando Andrés 29 September 2015 (has links)
A l’échelle continentale, la Cordillère des Andes présente d’importantes courbures. Une des plus importantes est la Courbure de la Patagonie, où le cours de l’orogène et de ses principales provinces tectoniques pivotent de près de 90°, passant d’une orientation N-S à 50°C à une orientation E-O en Terre de Feu. Malgré son importance, l’origine de la Courbure de la Patagonie et son implication dans les reconstructions paléogéographiques demeurent sujet à controverse: est-elle le résultat d’un plissement oroclinal, ou bien une caractéristique héritée? C’est dans ce contexte que j’ai réalisé une étude paléomagnétique et de susceptibilité d'anisotropie magnétique dans la région des Andes Australes. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que la partie intérieure de cette courbure soit une caractéristique secondaire liée à l’évolution de la Péninsule Antarctique. / At the continental scale, the Andes presents significant curvatures. One of the largest is the curvature of Patagonia, where the orogen and its main tectonic provinces are rotated about 90 ° from an NS direction at 50 ° to an EO orientation in Tierra del Fuego. Despite its importance, the origin of the curvature of Patagonia and its involvement in paleogeographic reconstructions remain controversial: is the result of an oroclinal bending, or an inherited characteristic? It is in this context that I made a paleomagnetic and magnetic susceptibility anisotropy in the Austral Andes region. The results suggest that the inner part of the bend is a secondary feature linked to the evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula.In this thesis, I will present the results of a paleomagnetic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study of 146 sites sampled between 50 ° S and 55.5 ° S (85 sites in marine sedimentary rocks of the Cretaceous-Miocene of the Magallanes fold and thrust belt; 20 sites in sedimentary and volcanic rocks south of Cordillera Darwin, 41 sites in intrusive rocks of the Cretaceous-Eocene batholith. The AMS results in the sediments show that the magnetic fabric is controlled by tectonic processes, partially or completely obliterating the sedimentary fabric. In general, there is a good correlation between the orientation of the magnetic lineation and that of the fold axes except at Peninsula Brunswick. The wide variation in the orientation of magnetic fabrics within the batholith suggests an emplacement of intrusive without tectonic constraint. Paleomagnetic results obtained in Navarino Island and Hardy Peninsula, south of the Beagle Channel, show a post-tectonic remagnetization recording a counterclockwise rotation of more than 90 ° as that recorded by the intrusive rocks older than ~ 90Ma. The Upper Cretaceous to Eocene intrusive rocks record counterclockwise rotations of lower magnitude (45 ° -30 °). In contrast, the Magallanes fold and thrust belt mainly developed between the Eocene and Oligocene records little or no rotation. Spatial and temporal variations of tectonic rotations determined in this study support a model of deformation of the Austral Andes in two steps. The first step corresponds to the rotation of a volcanic arc by closing a marginal basin (the Rocas Verdes basin) and formation of Cordillera Darwin. During the propagation of deformation in the foreland, the curvature acquired by the Pacific border of the Austral Andes is accentuated by about 30 °. The tectonic reconstructions using the most recent Global Plate Tectonic model show the essential role of the convergence between the Antarctic Peninsula and South America in the formation of Patagonian orocline during the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene.

Stereochemical And Synthetic Investigations

Venu, Lingampally 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
PART I RESOLUTION AND DESYMMETRISATION Chapter I. ‘A Novel Racemate Resolution’. This describes a novel resolution strategy as applied to racemic α-amino acids in the solid state. The strategy is based on the possibility that second order asymmetric transformations (SOAT) would be more likely in the case of achiral molecules that form chiral crystals (i.e. a non- centrosymmetric space group).1 In such cases, a fundamental requirement of SOAT – that the molecules racemise in solution prior to crystallization – is obviated. Furthermore, the resulting enantiomerically-enriched crystals may be employed to effect a solid-state kinetic resolution of a different racemate (composed of chiral molecules). This strategy was explored with crystalline succinic anhydride (1, Scheme 1), which not only exists in a non-centrosymmetric space group (P212121) but also possesses reactive functionality to effect the resolution step.2 Thus, a finely-ground mixture of 1 (0.5 eqiv.) and a racemic α-amino acid (2, 1.0 eqiv.) was heated at ~ 70 oC over ~ 5 h without solvent. The resulting N-succinoyl derivative (3) was separated from the unreacted 2, which was found to possess significant levels of optical purity (typically ~ 70%). The strategy was applied to several common α-amino acids, the results being summarized in Table 1. These results, apart from establishing ‘proof-of-concept’ and the viability of the resolution strategy, indicate that crystalline succinic anhydride (1) is enantiomerically enriched as originally hypothesized. Chapter II. ‘Enantiospecific Alkylation and Desymmetrisations’. This deals with two enolate-mediated strategies of asymmetric synthesis: one describes approaches towards the alkylation of the stereogenic centre in benzoin without loss of stereogenicity (Section A), and the other the desymmetrisation of a meso tartarate derivative with a chiral base catalyst (Section B). Section A. This describes exploratory studies aimed at achieving the enantiospecific α-alkylation of optically-active benzoin (4, Scheme 2) via its enolate anion 5. The strategy depends on the possibility that 5 would exist in atropisomeric forms, because of steric interactions between the vicinal phenyl groups. (This is indicated in the crystal structure of the analogous enediol carbonate derived from racemic 4.)3 In such a case, remarkably, 5 would be chiral, despite its planar enediolate core! Thus, possibly, the configurational chirality in 4 (by virtue of the C2 stereogenic centre) would be transformed to the helical chirality in 5 (by virtue of the atropisomerism). Furthermore, enantioface-selective alkylation of 5 with achiral alkylating agents would, in principle, be possible. Preliminary studies were then directed towards establishing that controlled deprotonation of optically-active 4, followed by the protonation of the resulting enediolate 5, leads back to the original 4. (+)-Benzoin (4) was prepared via resolution,4 and deprotonated with KH in THF.5 The resulting enediolate (5) was neutralized with acetic acid at -70 oC/THF to recover 4, but with insignificant levels of optical activity (e.e. ~ 12%). The results possibly indicate that ortho-substituted benzoin analogs may show greater retention of chirality upon deprotonation, as the racemisation of the enediolate atropisomers would be suppressed by steric hindrance between the aryl moities. Section B. This describes studies directed towards the catalytic desymmetrisation of meso dimethyl tartarate (6, Scheme 3). The strategy involves the formation of the acetonide derivative 7 and its regioselective α-deprotonation with a chiral base catalyst. The enantioface-selective protonation of the resulting enolate (8) would lead to the chiral analog 9. The overall sequence offers a possible alternative to catalytic deracemisation, which is normally unviable for thermodynamic reasons.6 The above strategy hinges on the meso derivative 7 being thermodynamically less stable than the enantiomeric 9, which would thus be favoured at equilibrium. In fact, this is likely as the eclipsing interactions between the syn ester moieties in 7 would be relieved in 9, in which the ester moieties are anti. However, deprotonation of 7 at the other α position would compete to varying extents, depending on the selectivity induced by the chiral base. At total equilibrium, the sequence would occur via deprotonation at both α sites at equal rates, and no net optical induction would be observed. (This is a thermodynamic requirement via the principle of microscopic reversibility.) Thus, the success of the above strategy depends on stalling the deprotonation-protonation sequence at a quasi-equilibrium stage involving only one of the enantiomers (9).6 The other operational requirement was the compatibility of the pKa’s of 7 and the chiral base employed: too low a pKa of the base would result in inefficient deprotonation and slow overall rate, but a high pKa would generate a large quantity of the enolate 8 at equilibrium. After due consideration, the lithiated chiral fluorene derivative 11 (pKa ~ 22) was chosen as the chiral base catalyst [11 was prepared from fluorene (10) as indicated]. Treating 7 with 0.2 equivalent of 10 in THF at -65 oC over 2 h, led to the formation of a mixture of 7 and 9 in a 45:55 ratio (isolated in 85% total yield). Chromatographic separation of the mixture led to the isolation of pure (+)-9, which was identified spectrally; it was found to possess [α]D24 = +21.84 (c 1.0, CHCl3), corresponding to e.e. = 64%. (This implies the indicated (4S, 5S) configuration for 1, 3-dioxolane 9, as previously reported.)7 These results, despite the moderate e.e. levels obtained, indicate the viability of the above catalytic desymmetrisation strategy, bearing in mind the mechanistic ambiguities mentioned above. PART II SYNTHESES OF ALDEHYDES AND AMINO ACIDS Chapter III. ‘An Asymmetric Synthesis of Aldehydes’. This describes an oxazoline approach to the synthesis of chiral aldehydes. The oxazoline methodology for the synthesis of homochiral α-alkylated carboxylic acids is well known,8 and it was of interest to adapt this to the synthesis of the corresponding aldehydes. Essentially, it was envisaged that the reaction sequence could be diverted towards aldehydes via reduction of the alkylated oxazoline intermediate (Scheme 4). Thus, 2-ethyl-4(S)-methoxymethyl-5(R)-phenyl-1,3-oxazoline (12) was deprotonated with lithium diisopropylamide in THF, and the resulting anion treated with various alkyl halides, in the reported manner.8 The resulting alkylated product (13) was N-methylated with MeI in refluxing MeNO2 over 6 h, to obtain the quaternary salt 14. This was reduced with NaBH4 in MeOH to obtain the expected N- methyl oxazolidine 15, which was hydrolyzed in refluxing aqueous oxalic acid to the free aldehydes 16. These were isolated in moderate yields and e.e. values as shown. Chapter IV. ‘A Darzens Route to α-Amino Acids’. This describes a novel route to α-amino acids, based on the classical Darzens glycidic ester synthesis.9 In this approach (Scheme 5), the glycidic ester (19) was prepared from benzaldehyde (17) and t-butyl bromoformate (18), with KOH in THF as base, and tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) as phase transfer catalyst.9b The oxirane ring in 19 was cleaved via nucleophilic attack with an amine (20), to furnish the two regio-isomeric hydroxy- amino acids (21) and (22). Generally, the β-hydroxy-α-amino acid product (21) predominated over the α-hydroxy-β-amino acid product (22), the two being separated chromatographically. The hydroxyl group in 21 was reductively cleaved via its xanthate derivative (23), by refluxing it in toluene with AIBN (10 mol %) over 4 h. The resulting α-amino acid derivatives (24) were obtained in moderate yields (< 60 %) upon chromatographic purification. (The β-amino analog 22, would lead to the corresponding β-amino acid, but this was not pursued further.) This strategy lends itself to creating structural diversity at the β-centre in the α- amino acid, drawing upon the wide scope of the well-established Darzens condensation reaction. Also, the introduction of the amino moiety is facilitated by the enhanced reactivity at the α-centre of the oxirane ring in the glycidic ester (19), presumably for both electronic and steric reasons.

Aux frontières du transfert d'acyle par organocatalyse nucléophile énantiosélective / Towards frontiers of acyl transfer reaction by nucleophilic enantioselective organocatalysis

Roux, Christèle 03 December 2013 (has links)
Devant l’intérêt grandissant pour le développement de stratégies innovantes applicables à la synthèse de molécules complexes, notre groupe s’est orienté vers la construction de motifs présents dans un grand nombre de produits biologiquement actifs : les tétrahydropyranes (THP) et les polypropionates. Notre stratégie, basée sur la formation diastéréosélective de diols méso primaires, fait intervenir une étape inédite de désymétrisation organocatalysée par transfert d’acyle asymétrique. Cette approche permet la synthèse énantiosélective de THP pentasubstitués qui par la suite peuvent être valorisés par l’obtention de polypropionates fonctionnalisés, possédant quatre centres stéréogènes contigus. Par ailleurs, cette nouvelle méthodologie de désymétrisation donne accès à des motifs cycliques et acycliques comportant plusieurs centres stéréogènes quaternaires. Elle constitue, de plus, l’unique exemple de désymétrisation énantiosélective de diols méso primaires catalysée par une dialkylaminopyridine chirale. Bien que le transfert d’acyle asymétrique organocatalysé ait été très largement étudié depuis la fin des années 90, de nombreuses études sont en cours pour accéder à des catalyseurs plus sélectifs et plus nucléophiles. Inspiré des récents travaux de Steglich et Vedejs, notre deuxième objectif s’est porté sur la synthèse énantiosélective et modulaire d’une nouvelle famille d’organocatalyseurs chiraux plus polyvalents dérivés de la 1,6-naphtyridine. Leur application, en catalyse nucléophile, a pu être évaluée dans des réactions de dédoublement cinétique d’alcools et dans les réarrangements de Steglich. / Alongside metallocatalysis and biocatalysis, organocatalysis has emerged as a complementary and powerful tool that can circumvent limitations associated to the use of metals or enzymes. Because of the growing interest for new innovative methodologies useful for complex molecules synthesis, we get interested in the preparation of versatile building blocks present in many bioactive molecules: tetrahydropyrans (THP) and polypropionates. Based on the diastereoselective formation of primary meso diols, our strategy involves an original organocatalyzed desymmetrization of these compounds by asymmetric acyl transfer. This approach allows the enantioselective synthesis of pentasubstituted THP which were valorized through the synthesis of polypropionates bearing four consecutive stereogenic centers. In addition, this new methodology provides cyclic and acyclic scaffolds with several all carbon quaternary stereogenic centers. It represents the first example in organocatalyzed asymmetric desymmetrization by acyl transfer using a chiral dialkylaminopyridine. Although asymmetric organocatalyzed acyl transfer has been widely studied since the late 90s, several investigations are currently underway to access to new chiral nucleophilic catalysts. Following the recent work of Steglich and Vedejs, we were interested in the development of new chiral organocatalysts derived from 1,6-naphthyridine. Their applications in nucleophilic catalysis have then been evaluated in kinetic resolutions of alcohols and in asymmetric Steglich rearrangements.

Statická a dynamická analýza prostého a vlákny vyztuženého betonu s využitím diskrétního modelu / Static and dynamic analysis of plain and fiber-reinforced concrete using discrete meso-scale model

Květoň, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Předkládaná práce se zabývá matematickým modelováním chování betonu. K numerické analýze je použit diskrétní částicový model. Tento model zjednodušuje meso-strukturu materiálu na systém propojených diskrétních částic -- konvexních mnohostěnů. Tyto částice jsou uvažovány ideálně tuhé a jejich vzájemná interakce je předepsána na kontaktech sousedních částic. Při hledání nespojitého pole posunů a rotací jsou zjednodušeně předpokládány malé deformace. Práce popisuje dvě rozšíření implementovaná do stávající verze modelu, konkrétně (i) přidání reprezentace krátké rozptýlené výztuže a (ii) implicitní dynamický řešič. První z hlavních částí práce se zabývá modelováním kompozitů s krátkou rozptýlenou výztuží. Krátká vlákna rozptýlená v materiálu přispívají k zlepšení jinak nepříznivé tahové pevnosti betonu. Vlákna jsou v částicovém modelu reprezentována nepřímo, zohledněním tření mezi vláknem a cementovou matricí silami, které působí proti otevírání trhlin. S pomocí tohoto rozšíření model dokáže předpovídat chování vláknobetonu zahrnující tahové zpevnění i navýšení počtu trhlin. Druhá z hlavních částí se zabývá odezvou materiálu na dynamické zatížení. Beton vykazuje rozdílné chování pro různé rychlosti zatěžování. V případě pomalého, kvazi-statického, zatěžování se počáteční mikro-trhliny lokalizují v makro-trhlinu. Dochází-li k rychlému zatěžování, energie nahromaděná v tělese není spotřebována pouze jednou trhlinou, ale dochází k jejímu větvení. V případě rychlých procesů je hlavním faktorem setrvačnost hmoty, která je zatížením urychlována. Struktura materiálu a setrvačnost částic je v mezo-úrovňovém diskrétním modelu zahrnuta. Přesto ale další jevy probíhající pod rozlišovací úrovní modelu ovlivňují výsledné chování materiálu. Proto je do modelu přidána fenomenologická závislost konstitutivního zákona na rychlosti přetváření. Numerické simulace těles rozličných tvarů zatěžovaných různou rychlostí deformace jsou porovnány s experimenty z literatury.

Les dynamiques industrielles des filières : une application au domaine des oléo-protéagineux / The industrial dynamics of filiere : an application to the field of oleo-proteaginous

Assogba, Guillaume 21 December 2018 (has links)
Concept populaire au sein de l’école française d’économie industrielle ainsi que dans le domaine des politiques industrielles de la période d’après Seconde guerre mondiale au début des années 1980s, la filière fait l’objet d’une résurgence dans la période actuelle. Ce retour s’est effectué, dans le langage et l’action politique, à la faveur des Etats Généraux de l’Industrie (EGI) de 2009. Toutefois, le flou qui entourait la notion de filière et qui avait conduit en partie à son abandon n’a pas été éclairci. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de proposer une vision de la notion de filière permettant d’en saisir les dynamiques dans le contexte économique actuel caractérisé par une internationalisation des activités productives. Outre cette dimension conceptuelle, les travaux qui vont suivre proposeront des méthodes de description et d’analyse de filière. Ces méthodes seront appliquées au domaine des oléo-protéagineux. La première partie de la thèse reviendra sur les acceptions et méthodes statistiques classiquement associées au concept de filière. La seconde partie quant à elle, en se basant sur les travaux de méso-économie politique, proposera une conception et une méthode méso-systémiques de la filière permettant d’en saisir les dynamiques. / The popular concept, within the French school of industrial economics and of industrial policies, filiere from post-World War II to the early 1980s, is experiencing a resurgence in the current period. This revival was made, in language and political action, thanks to the 2009 Etats Generaux de l'Industrie (EGI). However, the vagueness surrounding the concept of filiere, which has led in part to its abandonment, has not been clarified. The objective of this thesis is to propose a vision of the notion of filiere that will make it possible to understand its dynamics in the current economic context characterized by an internationalization of productive activities. In addition to this conceptual dimension, the work that follows will propose methods for describing and analysing filiere. These methods will be applied to the field of oleo-proteaginous. The first part of the thesis will return to the statistical meanings and methods traditionally associated with the concept of filiere. The second part, based on meso-economical politics, will propose a meso-systemic conception and method of filiere in order to understand its dynamic.

Dynamique méso-sousmésoéchelle et marée interne dans le Pacifique tropical : implications pour l'altimétrie et la mer des Salomon / Meso-submescale dynamic and internal tide in the tropical Pacific : implications for altimetry and Solomon sea

Tchilibou, Michel Lionel 20 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est une contribution à la description des signaux océaniques de fines échelles dans les tropiques, fines échelles objet de la futur mission altimétrique SWOT. Ces fines échelles spatiales concernent à la fois des phénomènes dits de méso et sous mésoéchelle, produits par la dynamique océanique (tourbillons, filaments) mais aussi des ondes internes (dont la marée barocline ou marée interne). Les fines échelles sont une source importante de mélange pour l'océan. La méso et sous mésoéchelle océanique traduisent une dynamique turbulente associée à des cascades d'énergie donnant lieu à des pentes spectrales sur des spectres en nombre d'onde de niveau de la mer ou d'énergie cinétique tourbillonnaire. Les pentes spectrales des spectres du niveau de la mer altimétrique sont calculées dans la bande 250-70 km, ces pentes sont très plates dans les tropiques. Par conséquence, elles sont en désaccord aussi bien avec les théories de la turbulence qu'avec les pentes des spectres du niveau de la mer des modèles numériques. Cette thèse vise à élucider ces désaccords dans le Pacifique tropical (20°S-20°N), en quantifiant les niveaux d'énergie et les longueurs d'onde relatives à la dynamique méso-échelle et aux ondes internes. L'importance de la marée interne dans les tropiques est illustrée dans le contexte régional de la mer des Salomon, où cette marée contribue à un fort mélange dans une zone de connexion entre la région subtropicale et la région équatoriale. La première partie de la thèse est une analyse spectrale 3D (fréquence, longueurs d'ondes zonales et méridiennes) de la dynamique tropicale à partir d'un modèle au 1/12°. La région équatoriale (10°N-10°S) se caractérise par une dynamique grande échelle zonale associée aux ondes équatoriales et une dynamique fine échelle (< 600 km) marquée par des mouvements préférentiellement méridiens en lien avec les ondes tropicales d'instabilité. Dans les régions non équatoriales (entre 10° et 20° de latitude) la fine échelle est davantage isotropique, concentrée dans la bande 300-70 km, et connectée à la grande échelle zonale par un continuum d'énergie traduisant l'importance de la cascade inverse. Les pentes des spectres en nombre d'onde de niveau de la mer relatives à la méso/sous-méso échelle des différentes régions sont curieusement proches des pentes théoriques typiques des moyennes latitudes,mais restent en désaccord avec celles issues des observations altimétriques. [...] / This thesis work contributes to our understanding of the fine scale oceanic signals in the tropics, that are the focus of attention for the future altimeter mission SWOT. These fine scales concern meso and submesoscale due to ocean dynamics (eddies, filaments) and internal waves such as the barocline or internal tide. Fines scales are important source of ocean mixing. Meso and submesoscale reflect turbulent dynamic associated with energy cascades giving rise to sea surface height or eddie kinetic wavenumber spectrum slope. The observed altimetric sea surface height spectral slope evaluated in the band 250-70 km are very flat in the tropics. They disagree with turbulence theories and with sea surface height spectral slope of the numerical model. This thesis aims to remove the ambiguity of this spectra flattening in the tropical Pacific (20°S-20°N) by quantifying energy levels and wavelengths related to mesoscale dynamics and internal waves. The importance of the internal tide in the tropics is then illustrated in a regional context in the Solomon Sea, where water mass mixing plays an important role in the connections between the subtropical region and the equatorial region. The first part of the thesis is based on a 3D spectral analysis (frequency, zonal and meridional wavelengths) of tropical dynamics from a 1/12° model. The equatorial region (10°N-10°S) is characterized by large zonal dynamics associated with equatorial waves and finer scale dynamics ( < 600 km) marked by preferentially meridional movements associated with tropical instabilities waves. In the non-equatorial regions (10°-20°NS) the finer scales are more isotropic and concentrated in the band 300-70 km, and are connected to the large zonal scales by an energy continuum reflecting the importance of the indirect cascade. The slopes of the modelled sea surface height wavenumber spectra over the meso/submesoscale band in the different tropical regions are curiously close to the QG/SQG theoretical spectra typical of mid latitudes, but the slopes disagree with those from altimetry observations. Including the high frequency internal waves in a 1/36° model forced by the barotropic tide shows that coherent (predictable) internal tide is the main contributor causing the flattening of the spectra in the tropics, and particularly the M2 first baroclinic mode. However, the contribution of the incoherent (non-predictable) tide dominates at scales below 70 km and still affects scales up to 200 km. [...]

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