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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence goals in seeking compliance in persuasive messages in isiXhosa

Ralarala, Monwabisi Knowledge 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It has been observed in human interaction within our social milieu that individuals make attempts from time to time to influence others in order to accomplish their goals. The scholarly interest in the message-production side of this phenomenon has assumed the study of compliance gaining or persuasion (Wilson 2002; Dillard 2004). According to Wilson (2002:15), “contemporary theories of persuasive message production are guided by a metaphor of ‘goal pursuit’” .This study pursues this proposition by focusing on the following purposes: (a) To explore the social influence goals that are characteristic of interpersonal persuasive communication in Xhosa (b) To explore the empirical and theoretical properties of communicative competence of isiXhosa speakers as exemplified in the planning and accomplishment of influence goals within the framework of Wilson’s (1997, 1998, 2002) Cognitive Rule (CR) model of interaction goals, Berger’s (1997) approach to planning social influence goals in persuasive messages, and Dillard’s (2004) Goal Plan Action (GPA) model (c) To establish the theoretical questions raised by the empirical evidence of social influence goals of Xhosa speakers for the extension, refinement and modification of the cited models of interaction goals and persuasive message production The data, from which the written descriptions of the persuasive messages were analysed, were collected from college students at False Bay College in Khayelitsha, in the Western Cape. A total of 24 Xhosa-speaking students (12 women and 12 men) within the age range of 18 to 23 years were asked to write self-reports on their recollection of recent influence episodes in which they attempted to change other fellow students’ behaviour on specific themes, i.e. Religion, Education, Parent-child relationship, Social/casual relationship, Favour from a friend and Intimacy/relationship. The research data were analysed and evaluated against the amalgamation of the concepts, principles and propositions that constitute the designated theoretical frameworks, namely the CR model, the planning approach and the GPA model. The results indicate that the proposed theoretical mechanisms are applicable and profitable in the analysis of the research data of the current study. This finding is evidenced by the frameworks’ utility in addressing and explaining the nature and scope of persuasive imperatives that presumably underlie the influence goals in seeking compliance in Xhosa. The results indicate that the proposed theoretical mechanisms are applicable and profitable in the analysis of the research data of the current study. This finding is evidenced by their utility in addressing and explaining the nature and scope of persuasive imperatives that presumably underlie the influence goals in seeking compliance in Xhosa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tydens interaksie tussen mense in ons sosiale omgewing is al opgemerk dat individue van tyd tot tyd pogings aanwend om ander te beïnvloed ten einde hul eie doelwitte te bereik. Die wetenskaplike belangstelling in die boodskapproduksiedeel van hierdie verskynsel het op die studie van die bereiking van nakoming of oorreding gefokus (Wilson 2002; Dillard 2004). Wilson (2002:15) is van mening dat hedendaagse teorieë van oorredingsboodskapproduksie deur ’n metafoor van ‘doelwitnastrewing’ gerig word. Hierdie studie ondersoek hierdie stelling deur op die volgende doelwitte te fokus: (a) Om die sosiale-invloed-doelwitte wat kenmerkend is van interpersoonlike oorredingskommunikasie in Xhosa te ondersoek (b) Om die empiriese en teoretiese eienskappe van kommunikatiewe vaardigheid van Xhosa-sprekers te ondersoek, soos in die beplanning en bereiking van invloeddoelwitte binne die raamwerk van Wilson (1997, 1998, 2002) se kognitiewereël- (KR-)model van interaksiedoelwitte, Berger (1997) se benadering tot die beplanning van sosiale-invloed-doelwitte in oorredingsboodskappe, en Dillard (2004) se doelplanaksie- (DPA-)model toegelig word (c) Om die teoretiese vrae wat op grond van die empiriese bewyse van Xhosa-sprekers se sosiale-invloed-doelwitte na vore kom, te bepaal, sodat die genoemde modelle van interaksiedoelwitte en oorredingsboodskapproduksie uitgebrei, verfyn en gewysig kan word Die data waaruit die skriftelike beskrywings van die oorredingsboodskappe ontleed is, is van kollegestudente by Valsbaai Kollege in Khayelitsha in die Wes-Kaap versamel. ’n Totaal van 24 Xhosa-sprekende studente (12 vroue en 12 mans) in die ouderdomsgroep 18 tot 23 jaar is gevra om selfverslae te skryf oor hul herinnerings van onlangse invloedepisodes waarin hulle gepoog het om ander medestudente se gedrag ten opsigte van spesifieke temas te verander. Dit temas was Geloof, Opvoeding, Ouer-kind-verhouding, Sosiale/oppervlakkige verhouding, Guns van ’n vriend en Intimiteit/verhouding. Die navorsingsdata is ontleed en ten opsigte van die samevoeging van die konsepte, beginsels en stellings waaruit die aangewese teoretiese raamwerke, naamlik die KRmodel, die beplanningsbenadering en die DPA-model bestaan, geëvalueer. Die resultate toon aan dat die voorgestelde teoretiese meganismes toepaslik en nuttig is in die ontleding van die navorsingsdata van hierdie studie. Die bevinding word gestaaf deur die raamwerke se nut om die aard en omvang van oorredingsopdragte, wat vermoedelik ten grondslag van die invloeddoelwitte in die strewe na nakoming in Xhosa lê, bloot te lê en te verklaar.

Persuasive messages of some married men in Xhosa

Titi, Nonzolo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Issues relating to persuasive-message production motivated this study to investigate the extent to which married Xhosa men use persuasive messages in their conversations. The study also explored the influence goals that married Xhosa men wish to attain when they engage in persuasive interactions. The study furthermore aimed to determine the persuasive strategies used by married Xhosa men in their persuasive messages. Dillard and Marshall (2003) defined persuasion as an occurrence that comprises longer, naturally impromptu messages concentrating mainly on a large body of discussion with preferred topics of social, political and commercial importance. Goals have been given much attention, since they play a major role in persuasive messages. Dillard and Marshall (2003) distinguished between two types of goals: primary goals and secondary goals. Primary goals are also referred to as influence goals and are defined as the state of affairs that people wish to bring about (Dillard & Marshall, 2003). The two authors mentioned also identified different types of primary goals, referring to them as motivations behind the source’s influence attempt. Different types of primary goals have been found in various works, including the works of Dillard (2003), Wilson and Sabee (2003), Wilson (2002), Cody et al. (1994), Dillard et al. (1989), Wilson and Kunkel (2000) and Schrader and Dillard (1998). This study examined the approaches, such as directness or indirectness, that married Xhosa men use when conveying their messages. It endeavoured to discover the persuasive problems encountered by these men and other issues related to the production of a persuasive message. In this study, the goal of giving advice appeared to be the one used most by the men. The study revealed that the main reason for the men giving advice was to help people in their society to lead healthy lifestyles. It also showed that the common use of the advisory goal is valued in Xhosa culture and that it is, to a certain extent, appreciated by those who are being advised. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kwessies wat verband hou met die skep van oorredende boodskappe was die dryfveer agter hierdie studie wat ondersoek ingestel het na die mate waartoe getroude Xhosamans oorredende boodskappe in hulle gesprekke gebruik. Die studie het ook die invloed van doelstellings wat getroude Xhosamans graag wil bereik wanneer hulle by oorredende interaksies betrokke raak, verken. Die studie het verder ten doel gehad om die oorredende strategieë wat deur getroude Xhosamans in hulle oorredende boodskappe gebruik word, te bepaal. Dillard en Marshall (2003) het oorreding gedefinieer as gebeurtenis wat langer boodskappe, wat van nature impromptu is, behels en wat hoofsaaklik op groot massa bespreking met verkose onderwerpe van sosiale, politieke en kommersiële belang konsentreer. Heelwat aandag is aan doelstellings gegee aangesien dit belangrike rol in oorredende boodskappe speel. Dillard en Marshall (2003) onderskei twee soorte doelstellings: primêre doelstellings en sekondêre doelstellings. Primêre doelstellings word ook invloeddoelstellings genoem en dit word gedefinieer as die toedrag van sake wat mense teweeg wil bring (Dillard & Marshall, 2003). Genoemde twee outeurs noem ook geïdentifiseerde verskillende soorte primêre doelstellings, en beskryf hierdie soort as motiverings agter die bron se poging tot invloed. Verskillende soorte primêre doelstellings is in verskeie werke aangetref, met inbegrip van die werk van Dillard (2003), Wilson en Sabee (2003), Wilson (2002), Cody et al. (1994), Dillard et al. (1989), Wilson en Kunkel (2000) en Schrader en Dillard (1998). Hierdie studie het die benaderings, soos direktheid of indirektheid, ondersoek wat getroude Xhosamans gebruik wanneer hulle boodskappe oordra. Daar is probeer om die oorredende probleme wat deur hierdie mans teëgekom word en ander kwessies wat met die produksie van oorredende boodskap verband hou, vas te stel. In hierdie studie lyk dit asof die doel om raad te gee dié is wat die meeste deur die mans gebruik word. Die studie het aan die lig gebring dat die hoofrede waarom die mans raad gee, is om mense in hulle gemeenskap te help om gesonde lewenstyle te handhaaf. Dit het ook getoon dat daar aan die gewone gebruik van die raadgewende doel in die Xhosakultuur waarde geheg word en dat dit, tot sekere mate, deur diegene wat raad gegee word, gewaardeer word. / ISISHWANKATHELO: Imicimbi enxulumene nokuveliswa kwemiyalezo yotshintsho lwengqondo iye yaphembelela ukuba kuphandwe ubungakanani bokusetyenziswa kwemiyalezo etshintsha ingqondo kwincoko ngamadoda amaXhosa atshatileyo. Esi sifundo sikwaphonononga ezona njongo zoxinzelelo la madoda athi abe nomnqweno wokuzifezekisa xa ezibandakanya kwiinkqubo zotshintsho lwengqondo. Ngaphezu koko, esi sifundo sikwajolise ekufumaniseni amaqhinga okutshintsha ingqondo athi asetyenziswe ngamadoda amaXhosa atshatileyo kwimiyalezo yawo yokutshintsha ingqondo. Njengoko kuchaziwe ngu Dillard no Marshall (2003), utshintsho lwengqondo sisenzeko esiquka imiyalezo emide, engalungiselelwanga kwangendalo, egxila ngakumbi kwiingxoxo ezinemiba eliqela enemixholo engentlalo, ezopolitiko nezingokubaluleka korhwebo. Iinjongo abantu abathi bafune ukuzifezekisa zinikwe ingqwalasela enkulu nanje ngoko zidlala indima ephambili kwimiyalezo etshintsha ingqondo. UDillard no Marshall bangowama-(2003) bohlula phakathi kweentlobo ezimbini zeenjongo abantu abanazo nabathi banqwenele ukuzifezekisa; iinjongo ezisisiseko (Primary goals) kunye neenjongo zenqanaba lesibini (Secondary goals). Iinjongo ezisisiseko zikwabizwa ngokuba ziinjongo ezinoxinixelelo (influence goals) kwaye zichazwa ngokuba ziinjongo abathi abantu banqwenele ukuzifezekisa ngu Dillard no Marshall bangowama-(2003). Bakwalatha iintlobo ezahlukeneyo zeenjongo ezisisiseko abakwazibiza ngokuba ziimpembelelo ezithi ziphembelele umzamo wokutshintsha ingqondo womvelisi womyalezo lowo. Ezi ntlobo zahlukeneyo zeenjongo ezisisiseko zifunyaniswe kwimisebenzi eyahlukeneyo, misebenzi leyo equka umsebenzi ka- Dillard no Marshall bangowama-(2003), ka-Wilson no Sabee bangowama-(2003), ka- Wilson wangowama-(2002), ka-Cody et al. bangowama-(1994), ka-Dillard et al. bangowama-(1989), ka-Wilson no Kunkel bangowama-(2000), kwakunye noka Schrader no Dillard bangowama-(1998). Esi sifundo sikwaphonononga nendlela athi amadoda amaXhosa atshatileyo ayisebenzise xa egqithisa imiyalezo yawo, umzekelo ukuthi ngqo (Directness) okanye ukungathi ngqo (Indirectness) kwimiyalezo yawo. Esi sifundo sikwazama ukufumanisa iingxaki zotshintsho lwengqondo ezithi zifunyanwe ngala madoda kuquka neminye imiba enxulumene nokuveliswa kwemiyalezo yotshintsho ingqondo. Kwesi sifundo injongo yokunika icebiso ibonakala iyeyona isetywenziswa kakhulu ngamadoda amaXhosa atshatileyo. Esi sifundo sivelisa ukuba iyonke injongo yokucebisa kula madoda kukunceda abantu ekuhlaleni ukuba babenobomi obusempilweni. Ukusetyenziswa kakhulu kwenjoko yokucebisa kwesi sifundo kukwabonakalisa ukuba injonjo yokucebisa ixatyiswe kakhulu kwinkcubeko yamaXhosa kwaye ngokwezinga elithile ikwathakazelelwa ngabo banikwa icebiso

Persuasive messages of women in Xhosa

Sijadu, Zameka Paula 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore interpersonal persuasive messages of Xhosaspeaking women. The findings suggest that the majority of attempts at interpersonal persuasion take place in close and often personal relationships. The findings further show that the majority of Xhosa-speaking women tend to persuade those they are familiar with, such as husbands, children, siblings and friends. Specific cultural aspects also influence the persuasive messages of these women, such as collectivism, indirectness, politeness and ubuntu (caring). Research conducted by Cody et al. (1994), Dillard (1989) and Rule et al. (1985) suggests that individuals seek to persuade others for a variety of reasons. They discovered that the most sought-after influence goals are the following: give advice, gain assistance, share activity, change orientation, change relationship, obtain permission and enforce rights and obligations. These seven influence goals cover a large portion of the persuasive landscape, and were dealt with considerably in this research. The data for this research were collected from Xhosa-speaking women situated in the Eastern Cape, specifically in the region of East London. A total of 20 women in the age range of 30 to 45 participated by writing self-reports in which they attempted to influence their friends, colleagues or family members. Participants also had to relate persuasive incidents that recently took place. In addition, they were asked to mention whether the process of gaining compliance was successful or not. The research data were analysed and evaluated against the following: 1. Different types of influence goals 2. Message dimensions (explicitness, dominance and argument) 3. Evidence in a persuasive message 4. Emotional appeals (threat and guilt appeals) 5. Cultural and conversational constraints The data analysis revealed that the findings of this study among Xhosa-speaking women are on par with the findings of the study by S.R. Wilson (2002) on culture and conversational constraints, as well as with other research conducted by Dillard (1998) in the field of message production. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om interpersoonlike oorredingsboodskappe van ’n aantal Xhosasprekende vroue te ondersoek. Die bevindinge doen aan die hand dat die meerderheid pogings tot interpersoonlike oorreding in nabye en dikwels persoonlike verhoudings plaasvind. Die bevindinge van die navorsing toon ook dat die meerderheid Xhosasprekende vroue daartoe geneig is om diegene waarmee hulle vertroud is, te oorreed. Dit sluit gades, kinders, broers en susters en vriende in. Sekere kulturele aspekte beïnvloed ook die oorredingsboodskappe van hierdie vroue, soos kollektivisme, indirektheid, beleefdheid en ubuntu (omgee). Navorsing uitgevoer deur Cody et al. (1994), Dillard (1989) en Rule et al. (1985) voer aan dat individue ander mense om verskeie redes probeer oorreed. Hulle het uitgevind dat die algemeenste doelwitte van beïnvloeding die volgende is: gee advies, verkry bystand, deel aktiwiteit, verander oriëntasie, verander verhouding, verkry toestemming, dwing regte af en verpligtinge. Hierdie sewe doelwitte van beïnvloeding dek ’n groot gedeelte van die gebied van oorreding, en word omvattend in hierdie studie behandel. Die data vir die navorsing is ingesamel van Xhosasprekende vroue in die Oos-Kaap, spesifiek in die Oos-Londen-gebied. Twintig vroue tussen die ouderdom van 30 en 45 het deelgeneem deur verslae te skryf waarin hulle gepoog het om hul vriende, kollegas of familielede te beïnvloed. Die deelnemers moes ook verslag doen van oorredingsinsidente wat onlangs plaasgevind het. Hulle is gevra om te meld of die proses om toegewing te verkry suksesvol was al dan nie. Die navorsingsdata is ontleed en teen die volgende geëvalueer: 6. Verskillende soorte doelwitte van beïnvloeding 7. Boodskapdimensies (uitdruklikheid, dominansie en argument) 8. Bewyse in ’n oorredingsboodskap 9. Emosionele beroepe (dreigemente en beroepe om skuldgevoelens) 10. Kulturele en gespreksbeperkings Die data-ontleding het aangetoon dat die bevindinge van hierdie studie onder Xhosasprekende vroue ooreenstem met dié van ’n studie deur S.R. Wilson (2002) oor kulturele en gespreksbeperkings, asook met navorsing deur Dillard (1998) op die gebied van boodskapproduksie.

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