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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos visando a elucidação estrutural de uma diidro-2H-piranona natural / Studies toward the structural elucidation of a natural diidro-2H-piranone

Salvador, Mayra Beloti 28 September 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ronaldo Aloise Pilli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T13:11:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Salvador_MayraBeloti_M.pdf: 2010457 bytes, checksum: 350e267c8a65621fe41d0da941852b62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Esta dissertação de mestrado trata da síntese da Criptomoscatona D2, uma lactona isolada pelo grupo de pesquisa dos Profs. Cavalheiro e Yoshida a partir da Cryptocarya moschata, planta encontrada em território brasileiro, cujas configurações relativa e absoluta ainda não foram determinadas. Além de auxiliar em sua elucidação estrutural a síntese desta molécula nos permitiria realizar estudos sobre sua atividade citotóxica, dando prosseguimento a estudos anteriores desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório com essa classe de compostos. Partindo-se do benziloxiacetaldeído obteve-se o álcool homoalílico quiral correspondente através de uma reação de alilação assimétrica com alilestanana e (S)-binaftol. Clivagem oxidativa da dupla ligação e reação de alilação mediada por InCl3 e estanho metálico na presença de brometo de alila forneceu uma mistura de álcoois homoalílicos sin/anti 1:1 cuja separação cromatográfica permitiu o prosseguimento da síntese racêmica com cada um dos diasteroisômeros. A reação de proteção das hidroxilas com o grupo TBS, seguida de clivagem oxidativa da dupla ligação e reação de alilação com BF3.Et2O e alilestanana forneceu o terceiro álcool homoalílico com mistura diastereoisomérica de cerca de 2:1 em ambas as rotas. Por fim, uma reação de esterificação do álcool remanescente na forma de acrilato seguida de reação de metátese de olefinas para formação do anel lactônico nos possibilitou o mapeamento de grande parte da rota sintética da Criptomoscatona D2 em sua forma racêmica / Abstract: This work describes the preliminary studies on the racemic and the asymmetric synthesis of Cryptomoscatone D2 based on sequential allylation reactions for the construction of its three stereogenic centers and ring-closing methatesis reaction to construct the lactone scaffold. Besides allowing the structure elucidation of the molecule isolated from a typical brazilian plant by the research groups of Profs. Cavalheiro and Yoshida, the synthesis of such a lactone would allow us to carry new cytotoxic studies which are being lately developed with this class of compound. The synthesis started with the allylation reaction of benzyloxyacetaldehyde under the conditions described by Keck and coworkers to furnish corresponding homoallylic alcohol. After an oxidative cleavage of the double bond, an InCl3 promoted allylation reaction allowed the preparation a 1:1 mixture of syn/anti homoallylic alcohols which were as the TBS ethers and submitted separately to double bond oxidative cleavages. These aldehydes were used as substrates for another allylation reaction with BF3.Et2O and allyltri-n-butyltin and the homolallylic alcohols (2:1 diatereoisomeric mixtures) were converted to the corresponding acrylates in order to carry out the planned RCM reaction. Several allylation reactions were tested and the homoallylic alcohols were prepared in 1:1 diasteroisomeric excesses. Efforts will be carried out in order to enhance the distereoselectivity of the allylation reactions for an efficient approach to Cryptomoscatone D2 (12) backbone / Mestrado / Quimica Organica / Mestre em Química

Elucidação de mecanismos de reações de polimerização por metátese de norborneno via catalisadores de rutênio utilizando métodos de química quântica / Elucidation of ring-opening metathesis polymerization mechanisms with norbornene via ruthenium catalysts using quantum chemical methods

Ronaldo Júnior Fernandes 05 October 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o propósito de investigar as reações de polimerização por metátese via abertura de anel (ROMP) assistidas pelos catalizadores desenvolvidos pelo grupo do Prof. Dr. Benedito dos Santos de Lima Neto do Instituto de Química de São Carlos (IQSC-USP), usando métodos computacionais de mecânica quântica. Portanto, este projeto foi uma combinação de resultados teóricos e experimentais. No capítulo 1, foi elucidado o mecanismo principal da reação de ROMP de norborneno por meio do iniciador catalítico [RuCl2(PPh3)2(piperidina)]. O estudo mostrou que a primeira etapa da reação implica numa associação entre o complexo iniciador e o diazoetanoato de etila (EDA), resultando na formação de uma ligação metalcarbeno. Então, essa espécie perde duas moléculas de trifenilfosfina nos passos subsequentes, sendo que a etapa determinante da velocidade da reação está associada com a saída da segunda molécula de PPh3 devido ao sinergismo eletrônico envolvendo este ligante e a molécula de piperidina. Logo após a etapa determinante da velocidade, ocorre a coordenação de uma molécula de norborneno e um similar efeito trans-sinérgico entre este monômero e o ligante piperidina ativa a catálise. No capítulo 2 está descrito o estudo do mecanismo de uma série de complexos de fórmula [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amina)] (amina = pirrolidina, piperidina, azepano, azocano). Estas aminas cíclicas possuem volumes moleculares que aumentam no sentido da pirrolidina ao azocano. A troca dessas aminas afeta substancialmente o comportamento termodinâmico desses complexos através da combinação de efeitos eletrônicos e estéricos. A investigação realizada para os compostos dessa série levou ao mesmo mecanismo elucidado para o complexo contendo piperidina e com os mesmos processos mais relevantes que são as saídas dos ligantes trifenilfosfinas. Notou-se que a formação do isômero PBQ fica comprometida ao passo que a amina no complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amina)] vai ficando mais volumosa devido ao maior espaço ocupado ao redor do metal na posição apical da pirâmide de base quadrada (PBQ) e que representa uma tensão considerável na estrutura do complexo que tende a se converter, preferencialmente, à geometria bipirâmide trigonal (BpT), como acontece com o complexo iniciador [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocano)]. Observou-se também que a saída da primeira fosfina é influenciada pelo efeito estérico provocado pela amina. Em contrapartida, a saída da segunda já é um processo regido eletronicamente e é influenciado pela capacidade doadora da amina trans-posicionada ao ligante PPh3 em um dos intermediários que é formado durante a reação. No capítulo 3 está descrita a investigação da reação de ROMP com o complexo iniciador [RuCl2(PPh3)2(piperidina)] usando as moléculas diazoetanoato de etila (EDA), diazoetanoato de benzila (BDA) e diazoetanoato de terc-butila (TDA) como fontes de carbeno para gerar a espécie in situ [Ru(=CHR)Cl2(PPh3)2(piperidina)]. Curiosamente, a troca dos carbenos também não afetou o mecanismo proposto inicialmente para a série das aminas. Os perfis termodinâmicos traçados para esses diferentes carbenos mostram que o complexo contendo o carbeno etanoato de benzila-1-ilideno (EBI) foi o que mais se diferiu, seguindo uma tendência termodinâmica distinta para a saída dos ligantes trifenilfosfina. Para as demais etapas, os três complexos apresentaram um comportamento bastante similar. O estudo dessa série mostrou-se ser mais intricado do que a série das aminas, pois esses carbenos podem afetar tanto eletrônico quanto estericamente a estrutura dos compostos em diferentes etapas do mecanismo que ainda não foram investigadas minunciosamente. / This work was developed with the purpose of investigating the ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) with catalysts developed in the research group of Prof. Dr. Benedito dos Santos Lima Neto of the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos (IQSC-USP) by computational methods of quantum mechanics. Therefore, this project was a combination of theoretical and experimental results. In Chapter 1, the main mechanism of ROMP reaction of norbornene by the initiator complex [RuCl2(PPh3)2(piperidine)] was elucidated In this investigation, the first reaction step involves an association between the initiator complex and ethyl diazoacetate (EDA), resulting the formation of metalcarbene bond. Then, this species loses two triphenylphosphine ligands in the subsequent steps and the rate reaction is associated with the loss of the second molecule due to the electronic PPh3 synergism involving this ligand and the piperidine molecule. Immediately after the rate reaction step, the coordination of norborneno occurs and a similar trans synergistic effect between the monomer and piperidine ligand actives the catalysis. Chapter 2 describes the study of the mechanism of complexes type [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amine)] (amine = pyrrolidine, piperidine, azepane, azocane). These cyclic amines have molecular volumes that increase from pyrrolidine towards azocane. The exchange of amines affects substantially the thermodynamic behavior of these complexes by a combination of electronic and steric effects. The four compounds showed the same mechanism elucidated for the complex containing piperidine. It was noted that the formation of the PBQ isomer is avoided while the amine in the complex [RuCl2(PPh 3)2(amine)] becomes more voluminous. It was also observed that the loss of the first phosphine is influenced by the steric effect caused by the amine. In contrast, the loss of the second (phosphine) is already a process electronically-governed, and is influenced by the donor capacity of the amine ligand trans-positioned to PPh3 in one of the intermediate that is formed during the reaction. The Chapter 3 describes the investigation of the ROMP reaction using the initiator complex [RuCl2(PPh3)2(piperidine)] with the molecules ethyl diazoacetate (EDA), benzyl diazoacetate (BDA) and tert-butyl diazoacetate (TDA) to generate the carbene species [Ru(=CHR)Cl2(PPh3)2(piperidine)] in situ. Interestingly, the exchange of carbenes did not affect the mechanism originally proposed for the series of amines complexes. The complex containing the carbene ethanoate benzyl-1-ylidene (EBI) was what showed the most different thermodynamic profile from the others, following a distinct thermodynamic tendency for the loss of triphenylphosphine ligands. For the remaining steps, the three complexes showed a very similar behavior. The study of this series proved to be more intricate, because these carbenes may affect as much as sterically electronic structure of the compounds at different stages of the mechanism.

Bis (trialkoxysilyl) telechelic polymer materials for adhesive applications / Polymère téléchélique bis (trialcoxysilyle) pour les applications adhésives

Ma, Xiaolu 28 September 2016 (has links)
Les travaux portent sur la synthèse des (co)polyoléfines bis(trialcoxysilyle) téléchéliques, liquides à température ambiante, pour des applications adhésives. La première approche est consacrée à la combinaison de la polymérisation par ouverture de cycle par métathèse (ROMP) et de la métathèse croisée (CM) d'une cyclooléfine ou d'un mélange de cyclooléfines en présence d'une oléfine trialcoxysilyle monofonctionnelle ou difonctionnelle agissant comme agent de transfert (CTA) et d'un catalyseur à base de ruthénium. Il est montré que l'efficacité de la réaction et la sélectivité / fonctionnalité des polymères dépendent notamment de la nature du solvant, du CTA, du catalyseur, et de l'utilisation (ou pas) de benzoquinone comme additif inhibiteur de l'isomérisation. Une très grande productivité catalytique (turnover number, TON, jusque 100 000) a été obtenue avec les conditions optimisées. La viscosité du copolymère a été contrôlée par ajustement de la nature et du ratio des co-monomères. La deuxième approche est consacrée à la dépolymérisation du polybutadiène (PBD) liquide à haute teneur en 1,4-cis en présence d'un CTA et d'un catalyseur au ruthénium. L'efficacité et la sélectivité de la réaction ont été optimisées en variant la méthode de la purification du PBD commercial, la nature du catalyseur et le protocole opératoire. Cette approche est néanmoins moins efficace que la première. / The work presented focuses on the synthesis of liquid (at room temperature) bis(trialkoxysilyl) telechelic polyolefins for adhesive applications. The first approach relies on the combined ring-opening metathesis polymerization/cross metathesis (ROMP/CM) of a cycloolefin or a mixture of cycloolefins using a trialkoxysilyl mono- or difunctionalized alkene acting as a chain transfer agent (CTA) and a ruthenium-based catalyst. The efficiency of the reaction and selectivity of the polymer functionality were found to depend much on the nature of the CTA, the catalyst, the solvent and the use of benzoquinone additive as isomerization inhibitor. A high catalytic productivity with a turnover number (TON) up to 100 000 was obtained under optimized conditions. The viscosity of polymers was controlled by adjusting the nature and the ratio of comonomers. The second approach is dedicated to the depolymerization of liquid high 1,4-cis polybutadiene (PBD) in the presence of a CTA and a ruthenium catalyst. The catalytic productivity and selectivity were optimized by changing the method of purification of the commercial PBD, the nature of catalyst and the reaction protocol. This second approach remains, however, less efficient than the first one.

Ruthenium K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of ruthenium complexes relevant to olefin metathesis

Getty, Kendra Joyce 05 1900 (has links)
Despite previous extensive study of the widely-employed ruthenium-catalysed olefin metathesis reaction, the finer mechanistic details have not been elucidated. An area that is noticeably lacking is spectroscopic exploration of the relevant complexes. In this work, organometallic ruthenium complexes of importance to olefin metathesis have been investigated using Ru K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The lowest energy feature in the Ru K-edge spectrum has been unambiguously assigned as due to Ru 4d←1s transitions. These electric-dipole-forbidden transitions are extremely sensitive to geometry. For centrosymmetric complexes, the pre-edge feature has very low intensity because it is limited by the weak electric quadrupole mechanism. By contrast, non-centrosymmetric complexes exhibit a substantial increase in pre-edge intensity because Ru 5p-4d mixing introduces electric-dipole-allowed character to the Ru 4d←1s transitions. The energy of the edge feature in the Ru K-edge spectrum corresponds to ionisation of 1s electrons and is a good indicator of the charge on the metal centre. Unexpectedly, we found that the first-generation (L = PCy₃) Grubbs precatalyst (1) has a higher 1s ionisation energy than the second-generation (L = H₂IMes) complex (2). This effect provides a compelling rationale for the unexplained differences in phosphine dissociation kinetics for complexes 1 and 2: the phosphine dissociation rate of 2 is slower than 1 because the metal centre is more electron-deficient in 2. Density functional theory calculations confirm the charge differences and offer some insight into the nature of bonding in these complexes, particularly with regard to the N-heterocyclic carbene and trialkylphosphine ligands. On the basis of these results, we propose that, for this system, the NHC ligand is a weaker σ-charge donor than the phosphine ligand, and that the NHC accepts significant π-electron density from the metal; both interactions function to reduce the electron density on the ruthenium centre. An ultimate goal is to investigate reactive species in the olefin metathesis mechanism; accordingly, we have made considerable progress toward collecting XAS data for a metallacyclobutane species, and we are pursuing methods to trap the four-coordinate intermediate in the metathesis cycle. / Science, Faculty of / Chemistry, Department of / Graduate

Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies in Ruthenium-catalyzed Olefin Metathesis

Reckling, Amy January 2013 (has links)
Ruthenium - catalyzed olefin metathesis is now an invaluable tool in organic synthesis. However, routes to the dominant metathesis catalysts, the second - generation Grubbs and Hoveyda catalysts (RuCl 2 (PCy 3 )(H 2 IMes)(=CHPh) and RuCl 2 (H 2 IMes)[= CH( o - O i Pr)C 6 H 4 ], respectively) are plagued with problems. The common reliance on in situ methods to generate the N - heterocyclic carbene H 2 IMes severely limits stoichiometric control, and results in contamination by byproducts, some of which are readily overlooked, and some of which are difficult to remove. Both can affect batch - to - batch reproducibility in catalysis. This thesis work demonstrated that widespread perceptions of the instability of free H 2 IMes are erroneous, and that the free carbene is readily handled under water - free conditions. Clean, convenient, near - quantitative routes were developed to these second - generation catalysts by ligand exchange of their first - gen eration counterparts RuCl 2 (PCy 3 ) 2 (=CHPh), RuCl 2 (PCy 3 )[= CH( o - O i Pr)C 6 H 4 ] with free H 2 IMes, with sequestration of the liberated phosphine by an ion - exchange resin. A second focus was examination of a much - debated hypothesis in olefin metathesis: that is, the extent to which the high productivity of the Hoveyda catalysts reflects re - uptake of the styrenyl ether functionality released in the initial cycle of metathesis. Current evidence for and against this "boomerang" hypothesis is critically examined, and new approaches to examining its operation are described. Specifically, the rate of decomposition, vs. re - uptake, is examined for the active species RuCl 2 (PCy 3 )(=CH 2 ), and background exchange of the parent catalyst with free styrenyl ether is measured by use of a 13 C - labelled styrenyl ether. These studies confirm the relevance of the boomerang mechanism for first - generation Hoveyda catalysts.

Synthesis, characterization and application of crosslinked functionalized polydicyclopentadiene

Li, Tong 06 January 2021 (has links)
Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD), a tricyclic olefin, is available from the C5 fraction of petroleum feedstocks. Owing to its high reactivity (due to the presence of a strained alkene), low cost, and lack of other commercial uses, DCPD has been extensively pursued as a monomer for use in ring-opening metathesis polymerization processes. The olefin metathesis reaction, for which Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs, and Richard R. Schrock received the 2005 Nobel prize, is among the most attractive approaches to polymerize olefins, allowing production of high-molecular weight polymers including linear macromolecules, block copolymers, and crosslinked materials. Polydicyclopentadiene (PDCPD), which can be produced using a variety of early- and late-transition metal catalysts, is a thermoset polymer with a highly crosslinked structure. PDCPD has excellent impact strength, high storage modulus, good chemical resistance, wide service temperature range, and low density. As a result, it has found broad commercial utility in industrial manufacturing. Additionally, the reaction injecting molding (RIM) process used for DCPD polymerization makes it possible to precisely control the shape and dimensions of PDCPD products. Owing to its lack of chemical functionality, however, polydicyclopentadiene has many limitations. Previously, our research group developed a modified dicyclopentadiene monomer by adding an electron withdrawing group – a methyl ester functional group – on the pendent cyclopentene ring of the monomer. Polymerization of this functionalized monomer led to a novel thermoset material – methyl ester functionalized polydicyclopentadiene (fPDCPD) – that exhibits tunable surface hydrophobicity. In experiments described in this dissertation, my collaborators and I confirmed the thermal crosslinking mechanism of fPDCPD using a combination of solution-state and solid-state NMR, FTIR, and Raman spectroscopy. We also explored the surface chemistry of our novel material, by harnessing the embedded functional group in order to exert finer control over hydrophobicity, and to control interactions with biological organisms through the conjugation of biologically relevant functional groups. To further extend the utility of our functionalized dicyclopentadiene monomer, we synthesized a series of statistical polymers: fPDCPD-stat-PDCPD. Once again, we used a wide range of characterization methods, and showed that we can both tune the surface hydrophobicity of the copolymers and manipulate the mechanical properties by adjusting the molar fractions of functionalized and non-functionalized monomers. Chemical structures of these copolymers were interrogated by NMR, FTIR, and Raman spectroscopy. Frontal ring-opening metathesis polymerization was applied in an effort to study the kinetics of (co)polymerization. Finally, to lay the groundwork for future fPDCPD manufacturing, we successfully optimized the production of fDCPD monomers to half-kilo scale and fPDCPD polymers at 20-gram scale, while developing a reaction-injection molding process that permitted the production of dimensionally controlled fPDCPD objects. This in turn allowed us to conduct a rigorous assessment of the mechanical properties of our fDCPD through dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), which established for the first time that our functionalized material has a comparable storage modulus to that of the parent (unmodified) PDCPD. The development of fPDCPD is approaching a new stage where it is ready to be commercialized and mass produced. We hope that our novel fPDCPD material will soon play a crucial role in replacing traditional metallic components in vehicle design and engineering material manufacturing. / Graduate / 2021-12-14

Towards Supported Nitrogen Containing Fragments on Silica Surface for Catalytic Applications

Aljuhani, Maha A. 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis shed lights on metal-nitrogen organometallic fragments supported on silica surface for catalytic applications. It Focuses on group IV and V metal transition as a well-defined single-site catalysts, specifically titanium, hafnium, and tantalum to utilize them in the development of selective heterogeneous catalysis for imine metathesis, hydroamination and hydroaminoalkylation of olefins and alkynes. Developing new metal-nitrogen containing fragments by using easily available and abundant precursors which is silica SiO2 and metal amides complexes. Here, we describe metal fragments starting with hafnium-nitrogen fragment. All the catalysts were prepared by reacting homoleptic metal amido of group IV and V with partially dehydroxylated silica. In most cases the resulting surface amido is monopodal and leads to well defined single site catalysts precursors. In particular with Hf we have isolated hafniaaziridine 2.1 [(≡Si-O-)Hf(η2-MeNCH2)(η1-NMe2)(η1-HNMe2)], imido, and amido fragments 2.3 [(≡Si-O-)Hf(=NMe)(η1-NMe2)], and two intermediates the five-membered ring 2.2 [≡Si-O-Hf(HNMe2)(η2-NMeCH2CH(C6H13)CH2)(NMe2)] and 2.4 [(≡Si-O-)Hf(=NCH2Ar) (η1-NMe2)]. For tantalum 3.1 [(≡Si-O-)Ta=NtBu)(η1-NMeEt)2]; we have isolated two intermediates after treating 3.1 catalyst with aniline substrate lead to isolating 3.3 [(≡Si-O-)Ta(η1σ-NEtMe)2(η1σ-NHtBu)(NHC6H10)], and upon treating with 1-octyne lead to isolating 3.2 [(≡Si-O-)Ta(η1σ-NEtMe)2(η2-NtBuC=CC7H13)]. For titanium-nitrogen fragments, we isolated on silica SiO2-200 4.1 [(≡Si-O2-)Ti(NMe2)2 (η1-HNMe2)] and on SiO2-700 the titaniaaziridine 4.2a [≡Si-O-Ti(NMe2)3] 4.2b, [(≡Si-O-)Ti(η2-MeNCH2)(η1-NMe2)(η1-HNMe2)], the imido, and amido fragments 4.4 [(≡Si-O-)Ti(=NMe)(η1-NMe2)], and the five-membered ring intermediate 4.3 [≡Si-O-Ti(HNMe2)(η2-NMeCH2CH(C6H13)CH2)(NMe2)]. Research in this area has led to isolating several intermediates containing nitrogen fragments, this is the strength of surface organometallic chemistry which allows a deeper understanding of catalytic phenomena which could not be approached either in homogeneous catalysis or in classical heterogeneous catalysis. A molecular level characterization of the surface nitrogen containing fragments have been characterized by SOMC tools such as FTIR and EXAFS spectroscopy, elemental analysis, solid-state single and multiple quantum NMR, advanced DNP-SENS and DFT. A catalytic cycle was proposed based not only on the isolation of intermediates but also based on DFT calculations.

Hydro-Metathesis of Long-Chain Olefin (1-decene) using Well-Defined Silica-Supported Tungsten (VI), Molybdenum (VI) and Tantalum (V) Catalysts

Saidi, Aya 11 1900 (has links)
Nowadays, catalysis lies at the heart of economy growth mainly in the petroleum industry. Catalysis can offer real and potential solutions to the current challenges for a long-term sustainable energy, green chemistry, and environmental protection. In this context, one of the most important and future prosperity promising catalytic applications in the petrochemical field is hydrocarbons metathesis; it consists on the conversion of both renewable and non-petroleum fossil carbon sources to transportation fuels. Olefin metathesis has become one of the standard methodologies for constructing C-C bonds in many organic transformation reactions. This owed to the numerous types of metathesis reactions that have been developed, for example, enyne, ring-opening and closing, self and cross metathesis, etc. But the one step conversion of olefin to alkanes has not been studied much. Recently, only one such a work has been published for the hydro-metathesis of propylene by tantalum hydride supported on KCC-1 in dynamic reactor. With this knowledge, we thought to study the hydro-metathesis using liquid olefin (1-decene). Another aspect of using 1-decene comes from our previous experience on metathesis of n-decane where the first step is the conversion of decane to 1-decene and subsequently to different chain length alkanes with W-alkyl/alkylidene catalyst. In this way, it would be easy for us to use different catalysts and compare them with parent catalyst concerning TON. We found 100% conversion with TON of 1010 using supported WMe6 onto SiO2-700 [(≡Si-O-)WMe5] against the previous results for n-decane showing 20% conversion and TON of 153. In this work, we disclose the hydro-metathesis reaction of 1-decene using well-defined silica supported W(VI), Mo(VI) and Ta(V) alkyl catalysts in batch reactor condition. This work is divided into three major sections; first chapter contains an introduction to the field of catalysis and surface organometallic chemistry. In second chapter, we describe all the experimental procedures of the catalysts. The third chapter is devoted to the characterization and interpretation followed by catalytic reactions. Finally, a brief conclusion of the present study is given.

Immobilisation de complexes à base de ruthénium par des interactions non-covalentes pour le recyclage en métathèse des oléfines / Ruthenium complexes immobilization via non-covalentes interactions toward recycling in olefin metathesis

Nasrallah, Houssein 09 October 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est le développement de nouvelles stratégies d'immobilisation de complexes de ruthénium sur des supports insolubles par des interactions non-covalentes pour le recyclage aisé de ces catalyseurs dans la métathèse des oléfines. Tout d'abord, un rappel bibliographie sur le développement de la métathèse des oléfines, de sa découverte jusqu'à nos jours, est présenté. Ensuite trois approches différentes d'immobilisation de catalyseurs de métathèse sont détaillées afin de réaliser le recyclage en tenant compte des défis concernant cette réaction. Une procédure d'immobilisation des catalyseurs par formation de complexes à transfert de charge (CTC) réversibles entre le catalyseur et le support est tout d'abord étudiée dans ces conditions. En se basant sur les résultats obtenus dans ces conditions, une approche plus économique a alors été développée qui consiste en l'immobilisation d'un catalyseur commercial par formation de liaisons hydrogène avec les sites silanols d'un simple support de silice. Finalement, un autre type de support à base de carbone structuré (rGO) a été employé dans l'étude de l'immobilisation de complexes de ruthénium tagués par un fragment pyrène via la formation d'interactions π- π (π-stacking).La performance des différents matériaux catalytiques a d'abord été évaluée dans la réaction test de métathèse d'oléfines (RCM du DEDAM). Ensuite, autres types de métathèses (ènyne, CM et l'homo-métathèse de l'oléate de méthyle) ont été testées pour étendre l'application de ces matériaux.Le développement de ces approches d'immobilisation est également accompagné par des études mécanistiques, en se basant sur l'effet boomerang, connu pour ces réactions.Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR CD2I CFLOW-OM, en collaboration avec des partenaires académiques (ENSC-Rennes, LGPC-Lyon, CPE-Lyon, LCMT-Caen) et industriels (ITERG, NOVANCE, OMEGA-CAT-SYSTEM). / Ruthenium complexes immobilization by non-covalent interactions for the recycling in olefin metathesisAbstractThe aim of this thesis is the development of new ruthenium complexes immobilization strategies onto insoluble supports by non-covalent interactions, for their easy recycling in olefin metathesis reactions.First, a bibliographic part is devoted to the development of the olefin metathesis from the discovery until now. Then, three different approaches of metathesis catalysts immobilization are described in order to achieve efficient recycling, considering the important challenges associated to this reaction. Firstly, an immobilization procedure of catalysts by formation of reversible charge transfer complexes (CTC) is described between the appropriated tagged catalyst and the support. Based on the results obtained in these conditions, a more economical approach involved the immobilization of a commercially available catalyst by formation of hydrogen bonds with the silanol sites present in silica. Finally, another type of support namely a structured carbon based support (rGO), was used for the pyrene tagged ruthenium complexes immobilization via formation of non-covalent π- π interactions (π-stacking).The catalytic performances of these solid materials were firstly evaluated in the benchmark reaction of olefin metathesis (RCM of DEDAM). Then, other olefin metathesis reactions were applied to extend the application of these materials (enyne, CM, self-metathesis of methyl oleate).The development of these approaches has also been accompanied by mechanistic studies, based on the boomerang effect, already known for these reactions.This work was performed as part of the ANR project CD2I CFLOW-OM, in collaboration with academic (ENSC-Rennes, LGPC Lyon, CPE Lyon-Caen LCMT) and industrial (ITERG, NOVANCE, OMEGA-CAT- SYSTEM) partners.

Mechanical Generation of Depolymerizable Poly(2,5-dihydrofuran)

Liu, Shiqi 03 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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