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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the Impact of H2O and CH4 Opacity Data in Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Laboratory Measurements and Radiative Transfer Modeling Approaches

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: One strategic objective of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is to find life on distant worlds. Current and future missions either space telescopes or Earth-based observatories are frequently used to collect information through the detection of photons from exoplanet atmospheres. The primary challenge is to fully understand the nature of these exo-atmospheres. To this end, atmospheric modeling and sophisticated data analysis techniques are playing a key role in understanding the emission and transmission spectra of exoplanet atmospheres. Of critical importance to the interpretation of such data are the opacities (or absorption cross-sections) of key molecules and atoms. During my Doctor of Philosophy years, the central focus of my projects was assessing and leveraging these opacity data. I executed this task with three separate projects: 1) laboratory spectroscopic measurement of the infrared spectra of CH4 in H2 perturbing gas in order to extract pressure-broadening and pressure-shifts that are required to accurately model the chemical composition of exoplanet atmospheres; 2) computing the H2O opacity data using ab initio line list for pressure and temperature ranges of 10^-6–300 bar and 400–1500 K, and then utilizing these H2O data in radiative transfer models to generate transmission and emission exoplanetary spectra; and 3) assessing the impact of line positions in different H2O opacities on the interpretation of ground-based observational exoplanetary data through the cross-correlation technique. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Chemistry 2019

Methane And Dimethyl Ether Oxidation At Elevated Temperatures And Pressure

Zinner, Christopher 01 January 2008 (has links)
Autoignition and oxidation of two Methane (CH4) and Dimethyl Ether (CH3OCH3 or DME) mixtures in air were studied in shock tubes over a wide range of equivalence ratios at elevated temperatures and pressures. These experiments were conducted in the reflected shock region with pressures ranging from 0.8 to 35.7 atmospheres, temperatures ranging from 913 to 1650 K, and equivalence ratios of 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, and 0.3. Ignition delay times were obtained from shock-tube endwall pressure traces for fuel mixtures of CH4/CH3OCH3 in ratios of 80/20 percent volume and 60/40 percent volume, respectively. Close examination of the data revealed that energy release from the mixture is occurring in the time between the arrival of the incident shock wave and the ignition event. An adjustment scheme for temperature and pressure was devised to account for this energy release and its effect on the ignition of the mixture. Two separate ignition delay correlations were developed for these pressure- and temperature-adjusted data. These correlations estimate ignition delay from known temperature, pressure, and species mole fractions of methane, dimethyl ether, and air (0.21 O2 + 0.79 N2). The first correlation was developed for ignition delay occurring at temperatures greater than or equal to 1175 K and pressures ranging from 0.8 to 35.3 atm. The second correlation was developed for ignition delay occurring at temperatures less than or equal to 1175 K and pressures ranging from 18.5 to 40.0 atm. Overall good agreement was found to exist between the two correlations and the data of these experiments. Findings of these experiments also include that with pressures at or below ten atm, increased concentrations of dimethyl ether will consistently produce faster ignition times. At pressures greater than ten atmospheres it is possible for fuel rich mixtures with lower concentrations of dimethyl ether to give the fastest ignition times. This work represents the most thorough shock tube investigation for oxidation of methane with high concentration levels of dimethyl ether at gas turbine engine relevant temperatures and pressures. The findings of this study should serve as a validation for detailed chemical kinetics mechanisms.

The role of inland waters in the carbon cycle at high latitudes

Lundin, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Understanding the drivers of climate change requires knowledge about the global carbon (C) cycle. Although inland waters play an important role in the C cycle by emitting and burying C, streams and lakes are in general overlooked in bottom-up approached C budgets. In this thesis I estimated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from all lakes and streams in a 15 km2 subarctic catchment in northern Sweden, and put it in relation to the total catchment C exchange. I show that high-latitude aquatic systems in general and streams in particular are hotspots for C emission to the atmosphere. Annually, the aquatic systems surveyed in this study emitted about 10.8 ± 4.9 g C m-2 yr-1 (ca. 98 % as CO2) which is more than double the amount of the C laterally exported from the catchment. Although the streams only covered about 4% of the total aquatic area they emitted ca. 95% of the total aquatic C emission. For lake emissions, the ice break-ups were the most important annual events, counting for ca. 45% of the emissions. Overall, streams dominated the aquatic CO2 emission in the catchment while lakes dominated CH4 emission, 96 % and 62 % of the totals, respectively. When summing terrestrial and aquatic C fluxes together it showed that the aquatic emissions alone account for approximately two thirds of the total annual catchment C loss. The consequence of not including inland waters in bottom-up derived C budgets is therefore a risk of overestimating the sink capacity of the subarctic landscape. However, aquatic systems can also act as C sinks, by accumulating C in sediment and thereby storing C over geological time frames. Sediment C burial rates were estimated in six lakes from a chronology based on 210Pb dating of multiple sediment cores. The burial rate ranged between 5 - 25 g C m-2 yr-1, which is of the same magnitude as lake C emissions. I show that the emission:burial ratio is about ten times higher in boreal compared to in subarctic-arctic lakes. These results indicate that the balance between lakes C emission and burial is both directly and indirectly dependent on climate. This process will likely result in a future increase of C emissions from high-latitude lakes, while the C burial capacity of these same lakes sediments weaken.

Γεωφυσική, ιζηματολογική μελέτη : τηλεμετρική παρακολούθηση κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών σε σεισμικά ενεργές περιοχές / Geophysical, sedimentological study : remote sensing on pockmarks in seismogenic active areas

Χριστοδούλου, Δημήτριος 13 July 2010 (has links)
Τρεις περιοχές της Δυτικής Ελλάδας, στις οποίες είχαν καταγραφεί διαφυγές ρευστών από τον πυθμένα της θάλασσας μελετήθηκαν στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής, το υποθαλάσσιο πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών στον Πατραϊκό κόλπο, το υποθαλάσσιο πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής στον Όρμο του Ελαιώνα στο Δυτικό Κορινθιακό κόλπο και οι διαφυγές ρευστών στον κόλπο του Κατακόλου. Η διατριβή βασίζεται στη μελέτη θαλάσσιων γεωφυσικών δεδομένων, στη μελέτη των φυσικοχημικών παραμέτρων της υδάτινης στήλης, στη χημική και ισοτοπική ανάλυση των ρευστών, στη μελέτη των δεδομένων που προέκυψαν από την πρώτη παγκόσμια καταγραφή μακράς περιόδου διαφυγών ρευστών από τον πυθμένα, στη μελέτη των διαφυγών στην παράκτια ζώνη πλησίον των υποθαλάσσιων θέσεων και τέλος στην οπτική παρατήρηση των θέσεων διαφυγών ρευστών. Το πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών του Πατραϊκού κόλπου σχηματίζεται σε Ολοκαινικές ιλυούχες αποθέσεις που υπέρκεινται Πλειστοκαινικών ιζημάτων, και ελέγχεται από ρηξιγενείς δομές. Το πεδίο κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών του Πατραϊκού κόλπου παρουσιάζει μία σχεδόν συνεχή μικροδραστηριότητα η οποία διακόπτεται από παροξυσμικά γεγονότα μεγάλων διαφυγών ρευστών που σχετίζονται με μεγάλους σεισμούς. Το καθεστώς ενεργοποίησης ελέγχεται από το μέγεθος, το επίκεντρο και το είδος του σεισμού. Τα ρευστά που διαφεύγουν είναι αέριοι υδρογονάνθρακες (μεθάνιο μικροβιακής προέλευσης) με ή χωρίς νερό των πόρων των ιζημάτων. Στην παράκτια ζώνη της Πάτρας, πλησίον του πεδίου εντοπίζονται τρεις περιοχές με έντονες διαφυγές αερίων από το έδαφος. Συνολικά η παράκτια ζώνη της Πάτρας, τόσο το χερσαίο όσο και το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον της, προσφέρει τουλάχιστον 4.7tn μεθανίου ετησίως στην ατμόσφαιρα, με τη μέγιστη προσφορά μεθανίου να μπορεί να φτάσει τους 19 τόννους ετησίως, ενώ μετά από ένα ισχυρό σεισμικό γεγονός εκτιμήθηκε ότι διαφεύγουν 500 κιλά περίπου μεθανίου από το θαλάσσιο πυθμένα σε διάστημα 16 ημερών. Στην περιοχή του Όρμου του Ελαιώνα οι κρατήρες διαφυγής ρευστών σχηματίζονται σε Ολοκαινικές ιλύες και ο πυθμένας των κρατήρων φτάνει στην διεπιφάνεια Ολοκαίνου/Πλειστοκαίνου, με κύριο μηχανισμό σχηματισμού την εκφόρτιση του γλυκού νερού. Οι βενθικές βιοκοινωνίες που εντοπίστηκαν στο εσωτερικό των κρατήρων διαφυγής ρευστών οδηγεί στο συμπέρασμα ότι το υπόγειο νερό, εμπλουτισμένο με θρεπτικά συστατικά και διαλυμένο οξυγόνο δημιουργεί ένα εξαιρετικό οικότοπο για την ανάπτυξη βενθικών οργανισμών. Στην περιοχή του Κατακόλου εντοπίστηκαν και καταγράφηκαν πολύ μεγάλες διαφυγές ρευστών σε τρεις περιοχές, στον Λιμένα Κατακόλου, στη θέση «Φάρος» Κατακόλου και νότια του Λιμένα. Οι έντονες διαφυγές ρευστών, κυρίως θερμογενούς μεθανίου με σημαντικές ποσότητες υδροθείου, φαίνεται να συνδέονται με τις ενεργές διαπυρικές δομές στην περιοχή, που επηρεάζουν τις υπερκείμενες ακολουθίες σχηματίζοντας κανονικά ρήγματα, τα οποία συγκροτούν μία ιδανική δίοδο μετανάστευσης των αερίων από τους Μεσοζωικούς ταμιευτήρες υδρογονανθράκων προς την επιφάνεια. Στην υποθαλάσσια περιοχή του Λιμένα Κατακόλου εκτιμήθηκε ότι η ποσότητα μεθανίου που διαφεύγει από το θαλάσσιο πυθμένα είναι της τάξεως των 1260-1500 τόννων το χρόνο. επικινδυνότητα τόσο για τον άνθρωπο, όσο και τις κατασκευές στην περιοχή του Λιμένα. H υψηλή συγκέντρωση μεθανίου στην ατμόσφαιρα μπορεί να προκαλέσει έκρηξη ή πυρκαγιά, ενώ οι υποθαλάσσιες διαφυγές και η παρουσία αερίων υδρογονανθράκων στα επιφανειακά ιζήματα μπορούν να προκαλέσουν εκρήξεις κατά τη διάρκεια γεωτρήσεων ή να καταστρέψουν θαλάσσιες κατασκευές. Το υδρόθειο είναι το πιο επικίνδυνο και τοξικό γεωρευστό και μπορεί να προκαλέσει σημαντικές ιατρικές βλάβες στον άνθρωπο στις συγκεντρώσεις που μετρήθηκε στην περιοχή του λιμένα. / Three areas in Western Greece studied, where seabed fluid flow have been reported. The dissertation is based on the study of marine geophysical data, on physicochemical parameters of seawater, on chemical and isotopic analysis of fluids, on the study of the data collected during the first long-term monitoring of seabed fluid flow ever done and on the study of the fluid flow on the surroundings inshore areas. The Patras Gulf pockmark field is formed on Holocene muds which overlies Pleistocene coarser sediments and is controlled by normal faults. The Patras Gulf pockmark field is characterized by ‘normal’ micro-activity which is interrupting by high activity periods after strong earthquakes. The fluids that flows from the pockmarks is mainly methane of microbial origin with/or without porewater. An estimation of the total methane that flows from the pockmark field and the surrounding inshore area of the field shows that the methane that leaks to the atmosphere is about 4.7-19 tn/year. After strong earthquakes, when the pockmark field is activated, the estimation of the methane that leaks from the seabed is about 500kgr for a period of 16 days. The Eleonas Bay pockmark field is formed on Holocene muds whereas the base of the pockmarks reaches the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary. The main mechanism for the formation of these pockmarks is the groundwater discharge. Benthic macrofauna that observed on the base of the pockmarks shows that the groundwater which is enriched in nutrients and dissolved oxygen is creating an excellent environment for the growth of benthic fauna. In the area of Katakolo have been observed three areas of enhanced fluid flow offshore and onshore. The studies of these areas have shown that the seeps are caused by thermogenic methane that had accumulated in Mesozoic limestone and had migrated upward through faults, or zones of weakness, induced by salt diapirism. An estimation of the methane that flows from the offshore part of the Katakolo Harbour area have shown that the methane that reaches the atmosphere is about 1260-1500 tn/year. Methane seeps in potentially explosive amounts at the area of the Harbour, and hydrogen sulfide is over the levels necessary to induce toxicological diseases and lethal effects.

Short-Time Temporal Changes of CH4 Fluxes in Different Tropical Tree Species : In-situ research regarding methane emissions from inundation-adapted Amazonian tree species in Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.

Athley, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Methane (CH4) is guaranteed to affect climate change and is essential in rising temperatures. Scientists have known for over two decades that wetlands emit CH4 to such an extent that it affects our climate. Tropical trees that grow in wetlands tend to emit or act as a conduit of CH4, to the extent that it has a negative environmental impact. However, until this study, no one has examined whether wetland species growing in another environment have the same effects. Hence, this thesis aimed to collect data from wetland-adapted tropical trees in a non-wetland environment, namely the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro. The results showed a difference in the sampling height of the stem, namely that a decrease in emission is seen with an increased height. All the species except one (Pseudobombax munguba) showed both assimilation and emission from the day-to-day measurements of CH4, which speaks for the trees acting both as a sink and a source of CH4. This suggests that the species are more robust than the environmental stressors in a non-wetland environment. Previous studies have found that increased CH4 emissions can be seen with different meteorological parameters. The results presented in this thesis show the opposite, that some species tend to emit less or assimilate more CH4 during days with increased rainfall, humidity, and temperature.

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