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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NÁVRH METODIKY KOMPETENČNÍHO CENTRA ICT PROVOZNÍCH PROJEKTŮ / Design of methodology for delivery of ICT support projects via competence centre

Marounek, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této disertační práce je navrhnout metodiku, která podpoří realizaci několika vzájemně provázaných ICT provozních projektů. Na základě tzv. dobrých praktik v odvětví, principů projektového a programového řízení, vlastních znalostí a zkušeností, vytvořil autor návrh metodiky kompetenčního centra ICT provozních projektů jako virtuálního útvaru společnosti, které má za cíl dodat takový typ projektů.

Metodologie pro podporu procesního řízení a jejich aplikace v prostředí malých firem / Methodologies supporting the process manangement and their applications

Farkaš, Jaroslav January 2007 (has links)
V této práci se zabývám problematikou procesního řízení s ohledem na možnosti implementace v prostředí malých firem. Práce obsahuje teoretickou část, která poskytuje přehled procesních metodik a část praktickou, ve které nejprve vybírám podstatné vlastnosti procesně orientovaných metodik a na základě těchto klíčových komponent vytvářím vlastní metodiku, kterou následně aplikuji na procesy firmy Memos Software. Součástí práce je také detailní plán zavádění metodiky a rozsáhlá příloha obsahující diagramy procesů s klíčovými charakteristikami, mezi nimiž nechybí ani navržené metriky a jejich cílové hodnoty.

Metodika auditu datové kvality / Data Quality Audit Methodology

Kotek, Aleš January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to summarize and to describe all available know-how and experiences of Adastra employees related to Data Quality Audit in organization. The entire thesis should serve as a guideline for sales and implementation staff within the Adastra Corp. The first part of this thesis (chapter 2 and 3) is generally concerned with Data Quality, i.e. provides various definitions of Data Quality, points out importance/relevance of Data Quality in organization and describes the most important tools and Data Quality Management Solutions. The second part (chapter 4 and 5) uses the theoretical basis of the previous chapters and form the main methodical part of this thesis. Chapter 4 is rather focused on business/sales side, defines the most important terms and used principles, and is considered as a necessary precondition for correct understanding following chapter. Chapter 5 shows detailed procedures of Data Quality Audit. Single activities are written in a standardized form to ensure clear, accurate and brief step description. The result of this thesis is the most detailed description of Data Quality Audit in Adastra Corp. including all identified services/products.

Požadavky na software v bankovnictví / Software requirements in banking

Janoušková, Irena January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the areas of requirements management in large organizations, especially banks. Bank projects have their own characteristics, as well as the banking environment as such. The paper will analyze the problem of requirements management in general and during description of best practices and methodological procedures attention will be drawn to the peculiar characteristics of the banking environment. This thesis focuses mainly on methodological and personal aspects of requirements management - the role of the analyst and the requirements management methodology. One of the main goals is selection of requiremets management methodology suitable for use in banks. Other important objectives are the description of best practices and mapping of the description of requirements management in the most widely used software development methodologies. The paper can serve as a textbook for junior analysts and other team members, or as a reference guide. Well-educated analyst and knowledgeable project team members enhance probability of a successful completion of the project and objectives achievement within set deadlines, budget and to everyone's satisfaction.

Řízení projektu implementace systému SAP / Project Management of the SAP implementation

Kello, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This work is focused on project management and methodology of implementation of the SAP AG company information systems. The aim is to create a distinctive, more beneficial methodology of medium-size software project management for a consulting firm. The author uses well-known rules and principals of the project management, which chooses and analyses according to the appropriateness of their use, particularly in the management of SAP projects. Their contribution demonstrates on the real project, whose leadership was the author delegated in the past. In this thesis the theory is continuously mingled with practice, where each rule is confronted with real situations. The core of information is, in addition to general rules, methodology Accelerated SAP of SAP AG company. The result of this work is a comprehensive set of rules and recommendations to facilitate the process of implementation of software to enhance work efficiency and meet the objectives of the project.

Metodika provozu a údržby BI řešení / Operations and maintenance methodology of BI systems

Matiášek, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on operation and maintenance of BI systems based on Microsoft's SQL Server 2008 R2 platform. This work covers regular activities related to BI system management that means monitoring, performance tuning, maintenance, administration, backup and recovery tasks. System management is based mainly on SQL Server's native management tools along with Microsoft's applications System Center: Essentials and System Center: Data Protection Manager. The main goal of this work is to create BI system operations and maintenance methodology in cooperation with Clever Decision which is specialized in BI area. Partial goals are to design a way of monitoring components of BI system, including to outline backup and recovery posibilities, maintenance and performance tuning of the SQL Server platform. Each chapter contains methods, best practices, summary tables and appropriate tools which help DBA to achieve the specified goals. The main contribution of this work is operations and maintenance methodology created according to Clever Decision's needs. Among the other contributions of this thesis also belongs the definition of using tools for monitoring and maintenance and their relations to the SQL Server's components. The work also contains simple backup and performance tuning methodology for SQL Server. At least, this diploma thesis represents comprehensive material which is strictly focused on OLAP databases operation and maintenance.

Компетенције наставника као фактор развоја ликовног стваралаштва ученика основношколског узраста / Kompetencije nastavnika kao faktor razvoja likovnog stvaralaštva učenika osnovnoškolskog uzrasta

Vojvodić Milica 20 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Okosnicu ovog istraživačkog rada u naj&scaron;irim<br />okvirima čini mi&scaron;ljenje da se putem likovnog<br />izražavanja snažno manifestuju stvaralački potencijali<br />dece i mladih, kao i da je doprinos likovnog vaspitanja<br />i obrazovanja posebno značajan za razvoj stvaralačkog<br />izražavanja i kulturnog identiteta ličnosti. U radu je<br />razmatrana vi&scaron;eslojna uloga učitelja i nastavnika<br />likovne kulture, ako i mogućnosti različitih<br />metodičkih pristupa u procesu razvoja kako<br />kreativnih, tako i ukupnih potencijala učenika, sa<br />ciljem integralnog razvoja ličnosti u duhu osnovnih<br />humanističkih načela. Problemsko polje rada odnosi se<br />na utvrđivanje faktora koji utiču na razvoj dečijeg<br />likovnog stvarala&scaron;tva, a sprovedenim istraživanjem se<br />nastojao dati odgovor na pitanje u kojoj meri<br />didaktičko-metodičke kompetencije, stavovi i postupci<br />učitelja i nastavnika likovne kulture utiču na razvoj<br />likovnog izraza učenika osnovno&scaron;kolskog uzrasta. Cilj<br />istraživanja bio je sagledati efekte didaktičkometodičke<br />osposobljenosti i metodičkog pristupa<br />likovnom vaspitanju i obrazovanju nastavnika kroz<br />prikupljanje podataka i analizu: programa inicijalnog<br />obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika likovne kulture,<br />stavova i postupaka učitelja i nastavnika likovne<br />kulture u vaspitno-obrazovnoj praksi, kao i produkata<br />likovnog stvarala&scaron;tva učenika sa kojima učitelji i<br />nastavnici likovne kulture ostvaruju program nastave<br />likovne kulture.<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno tokom &scaron;kolske<br />2015/2016. godine na teritoriji južnobačkog okruga i<br />teritoriji grada Beograda. Uzorak je činilo 210 učenika<br />II i VI razreda osnovne &scaron;kole, a kao instrument<br />kori&scaron;ćen je modifikovani Test sedam crteža. Drugi deo<br />podataka prikupljen je pomoću Upitnika za učitelje i<br />4<br />nastavnike likovne kulture sastavljenog za potrebe<br />ovog istraživanaja, a uzorak je činilo 87 ispitanika.<br />Ključni rezultati istraživnja pokazali su da<br />učenici čiji su nastavnici inicijalno obrazovanje stekli<br />na umetničkim fakultetima, pokazuju vi&scaron;i nivo<br />didaktičko-metodičke osposobljenosti u pojedinim<br />aspektima, kao i oni čiji se nastavnici kontinuirano<br />stručno usavr&scaron;avaju u oblasti likovne kulture,<br />ostvaruju značajno bolje rezultate na polju likovnooblikovnog<br />razvoja u odnosu na učenike čiji su<br />nastavnici inicijalno obrazovanje stekli na učiteljskim<br />fakultetima, pokazuju niži nivo didaktičko-metodičke<br />osposobljenosti u pojedinim aspektima i stručno se ne<br />usavr&scaron;avaju u datoj oblasti. Rezultati su takođe<br />pokazali da nastavnici koji su inicijalno obrazovanje<br />stekli na umetničkim fakultetima, kao i oni koji se<br />stručno usavr&scaron;avaju u oblasti likovne kulture,<br />pokazuju vi&scaron;i nivo didaktičko-metodičke<br />osposobljenosti u pojedinim aspektima, u odnosu na<br />nastavnike koji su inicijalno obrazovanje stekli na<br />učiteljskim fakultetima ili se stručno ne usavr&scaron;avaju u<br />datoj oblasti.<br />Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata date su<br />preporuke za unapređenje aktuelne metodičke prakse,<br />kao i profesionalnog razvoja nastavnika putem<br />stručnog usavr&scaron;avanja u oblasti likovne kulture. Na<br />osnovu komparacije studijskih programa i<br />programskih sadržaja Pedago&scaron;kog fakulteta i<br />Akademije umetnosti, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu,<br />date su preporuke za unapređenje vaspitno-obrazovnih<br />politika visoko&scaron;kolskih institucija koje obrazuju<br />nastavni kadar za rad u oblasti nastave likovne kulture<br />u na&scaron;oj zemlji, prevashodno na nivou ishoda učenja.<br />Dobijeni rezultati, interpretirani u svetlu dosada&scaron;njih<br />teorijskih postavki, otvorili su brojna pitanja i mogu<br />poslužiti kao polazi&scaron;te za nova istraživanaja, kako u<br />domenu metodike likovnog vaspitanja i obrazovanja,<br />tako i u &scaron;irim pedago&scaron;kim okvirima.</p>

Dobrovolnictví v rámci sportovní akce - Olympijské parky 2016-2018 / Volunteering on sport event- Olympic Parks 2016- 2018

Svobodová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Volunteering in a sports event - Olympic Parks 2016-2018 Objectives: The main objective of this thesis, based on the research of the development of volunteer satisfaction rate of cooperation with the Czech Olympic Committee, is to provide specific recommendations for improving the cooperation between these parties. The research will focus on the cooperation between COC and volunteers within the events of Rio - Lipno 2016 and PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Parks. Methods: The research was implemented using qualitative and quantitative methods. For the quality of the data an interview with the main volunteer coordinator, Tomáš Mirovský, and the observations in the natural environment of the events were conducted. The author participated in this sporting event as a volunteer. She represented an equal member of the group. As the observer was in the position of participant of the team, the other co-workers were informed about her true identity. The quantitative method was implemented through paper and electronic questionnaires. Results: The research results showed that the development of the satisfaction rate of volunteer cooperation with the Czech Olympic Committee improved in 2018. The research revealed the drawbacks of COC especially in the area of organization, insufficient informative directions...

IT savianalizės metodikos taikymas Aukščiausiose audito institucijose / Implementation of it self - assessment methodology in supreme audit institutions

Mirošničenko, Viktorija 08 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – EUROSAI Informacinių technologijų darbo grupės sukurta ir sėkmingai taikoma Informacinių technologijų savianalizės metodika. Darbo tikslas – pristatyti Informacinių technologijų savianalizės metodiką, kaip priemonę nustatyti Aukščiausių audito institucijų vykdomos veiklos santykį su informacinių technologijų teikiamomis galimybėmis, įvertinti informacinių technologijų brandą ir numatyti priemones jų brandos lygiui stiprinti ir įvertinti šią metodiką remiantis jos praktinio taikymo rezultatais. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: -apibrėžti informacinių technologijų strateginio valdymo sampratą ir jo svarbą Aukščiausių audito institucijų veikloje; -apžvelgti COBIT geros praktikos rinkinį, nes jo pagrindu EUROSAI Informacinių technologijų darbo grupė sukūrė Informacinių technologijų savianalizės metodiką. -supažindinti su Informacinių technologijų savianalizės metodikos raida, jos tikslais ir uždaviniais, reikalavimais, keliamais šiai metodikai; -detaliai aprašyti šios metodikos veiksmų eigą; -išsiaiškinti Informacinių technologijų savianalizės metodikos privalumus ir trūkumus, analizuojant Informacinių technologijų savianalizės seminarų, vykusių Aukščiausiose audito institucijose, rezultatus. Darbas yra aktualus, nes iki šiol valstybinėse įstaigose nėra pakankamų žinių apie informacinių technologijų valdymo procesų tobulinimo metodus. Dažnai informacinių technologijų plėtra yra atskirta nuo pagrindinių įstaigos veiklos procesų, todėl svarbu susieti IT ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the thesis is the IT self-assessment methodology developed and successfully applied by the EUROSAI Information Technology Working Group. The aim of the thesis is to present IT self-assessment methodology as a means to identify the relationship between performance of the Supreme Audit Institutions and possibilities provided by the information technology; to assess maturity of information technology and to envisage measures for strengthening of maturity level; to assess this methodology on the basis of results of its practical application. The main goals of the thesis are the following: - To present conception of strategic management of information technologies and its importance to performance of the Supreme Audit Institutions; - To review set of the best practice of COBIT, because IT self-assessment methodology was developed by the EUROSAI Information Technology Working Group on the basis of it; - To introduce the development of IT self-assessment methodology, as well as its aims, goals, and requirements raised for IT self-assessment methodology; - To describe in detail action course of this methodology; - To explore advantages and weaknesses of the IT self-assessment methodology by analysing results of IT self-assessment seminars in various Supreme Audit Institutions. The thesis is relevant, because there is still no knowledge on development methods of IT management processes in public institutions. Often development of information technologies is separated... [to full text]

Audito įrodymai ir jų formavimo metodų tyrimas atliekant vidaus auditą Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos audituotuose subjektuose / Audit evidence: research into the evidence forming methods in internal auditing performed by auditors from the internal audit service of the Kaunas County Governor’s Administration

Levulytė, Rima 14 December 2006 (has links)
Magistro baigiamasis darbas „Audito įrodymai ir jų formavimo metodų tyrimas atliekant vidaus auditą Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos audituotuose subjektuose“ aktualus tuo, jog audito įrodymai yra svarbus audito proceso etapas, tiek teoriniu, tiek praktiniu aspektu. Nuo jų surinkimo priklauso audito ataskaitos projekto ir ataskaitos rengimas. Teorinės bei praktinė problematikos susijusios su šiuo audito procesu apsprendė ir darbo tikslą, - teoriniu bei praktiniu aspektu ištirti audito įrodymų rinkimą ir jų formavimo problemas, Vidaus audito tarnybos darbuotojams atliekant auditą Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos audituotuose subjektuose. Atsakant į šį tikslą formuoti uždaviniai, susiję su auditų procesų etapų analize, auditų įrodymų surinkimų sampratų tyrimu. Taip kelti uždaviniai, susiję su pagrindinio subjekto – Kauno apskrities viršininko administracijos Vidaus audito tarnybos audito įrodymų proceso tyrimu, kuriuo siekta ištirti audito įrodymų turinį, svarbą ir jų formavimo metodus. Darbe naudota lyginamoji ir literatūros analizė, apibendrinimas, indukcija, sintezė ir norminių dokumentų analizė. / Speaking in theoretical and practical terms audit evidence is important stage in audit process. Auditors gather evidence to formulate their judgment on statements and it is also important for final report. The aim of the magister theses is analysis of problems concerned with problems of the formation and gathering audits’ evidence in the Department of Internal audit in the Kaunas region Administration. The tasks of the study is to examine processes and procedures of inner audit; research of theoretical conceptions connected with gathering of audit evidence. Another aim is research of the practical problems using case analysis. The mixed qualitative and quantitative methods are used for the analyses of the problematic. The hypothesis of the research – gathering of audit’s evidence do not always correspond up the standards and requirements in the practices of Department of Inner audit. The results of the study show that there is no strong relation between the audits frequencies and opinion about the practice of gathering audit evidence. The results of qualitative research shows that Department of Internal audit in the Kaunas region Administration I effectively managed in the context of audit evidence gathering procedures (efficient training’s aims, consistent audit planning and consultation process). The research shows that critical factor in audits’ evidence gathering process is the competence of auditors. In the other hand there are some obstacles in the process of using... [to full text]

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