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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Descrição da microbiota relacionada às transformações do enxofre em sedimentos de manguezais / Description of the microbiota related with the sulfur transformations in mangroves sediments

Maryeimy Varon Lopez 08 October 2013 (has links)
Os manguezais são ambientes de transição entre os ecossistemas terrestres e marinhos, essenciais para o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de muitas espécies de elevado interesse ecológico e econômico. Apesar de ter sua importância reconhecida, são constantemente impactados por diversos poluentes que influenciam sua estabilidade. Estes ecossistemas caracterizam-se por serem anaeróbicos, ricos em sulfato e em matéria orgânica, sendo os microrganismos fundamentais na ciclagem de nutrientes, em especial os envolvidos no ciclo do enxofre, onde os procariotos redutores de sulfato (sulphate-reducing prokaryotes, SRP) aparecem como um grupo frequente e com um papel preponderante. O presente estudo mostrou que as comunidades de arquéias, bactérias e bactérias redutoras de sulfato (sulphatereducing bacteria SRB) são abundantes, diversas e responsivas aos estados de intervenção dos manguezais. A abundância medida por qPCR mostrou que as quantidades de arquéias e bactérias aumentam com a contaminação. A diversidade estudada por pirosequenciamento do gene ribossomal 16S DNAr indicou que estes grupos são diversos, mostrando filos Euryarcheota e Crenarcheota do domínio Archaea, e os filos Deltaproteobacteria e Gammaproteobacteria, do domínio Bacteria, como grupos frequentes. A estrutura destas comunidades, avaliada por análises de co-ocorrência, revelou que a microbiota responde à contaminação, diminuindo e simplificando as interações, quanto maior for a contaminação. A diversidade dos grupos relacionados ao ciclo do enxofre, estudada por DGGE (aprA e dsrB), pirosequenciamento (dsrB) e GeoChip (aprA, dsrB), mostrou que a classe Deltaproteobacteria, representada pelas ordens Desulfobacterales e Desulfovibrionales, é o grupo prevalente na redução do sulfato, e as classes Gammaproteobacteria e Betaproteobacteria devem atuar na oxidação do enxofre (sulphur-oxidising - SOB). O GeoChip (aprA, dsrB) foi a única metodologia que permitiu detectar arquéias redutoras de sulfato (gêneros Archaeoglobus e Pyrobaculum), sendo esta a primeira descrição de tais organismos em ecossistemas de manguezais. Desse modo, estes resultados evidenciam que a microbiota em áreas de manguezais responde à contaminação, tendo uma alta frequência de SRB e SOB, ressaltando, assim, a importância do ciclo do enxofre em ambientes de manguezais. / Mangroves are transitional environments between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, essential for the growth and development of many species with high ecological and economical interests. Despite its recognized importance, mangroves are constantly impacted by various pollutants, affecting its stability. These ecosystems are characterized as anaerobic, rich in sulfate and organic matter, where the microorganisms are essential to the nutrient cycling, particularly those involved in the sulfur cycle, where sulphate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) appear as frequent and taking an important role. The present study showed that communities of archaea, bacteria and sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) are abundant, diverse and responsive to state intervention of the mangrove. The abundance measured by qPCR showed that the quantities of archaea and bacteria increase with the contamination. The diversity studied by pyrosequencing of the 16S rDNA ribosomal gene indicated that these groups are diverse, showing Euryarcheota and Crenarcheota phyla of the domain Archaea, and Deltaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria classes of the domain Bacteria, as the most frequent groups. The structure of these communities, as assessed by analysis of network, revealed that the microbiota responds to contamination, reducing and simplifying interactions in the higher contamination. The diversity of groups related with the sulfur cycle studied by DGGE (aprA and dsrB), pyrosequencing (dsrB) and GeoChip (aprA, dsrB) showed that Deltaproteobacteria, represented by orders Desulfobacterales and Desulfovibrionales, is a prevalent group in the sulfate reduction, while Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria are frequent in the sulfur oxidation (sulfur-oxidising bacteria - SOB). The GeoChip (aprA, dsrB) was the only method that allowed to detect sulfate-reducing archaea (genera Archaeoglobus and Pyrobaculum), which is the first description of these organism on mangrove ecosystems. Thus, these results show that the microbiota in mangroves areas responds to contamination, having a high frequency of SRB and SOB, thus highlighting the importance of the sulfur cycle in mangrove environments.

Análise molecular das estruturas e diversidade de comunidades microbianas em solo de manguezal preservado da Ilha do Cardoso-SP / Molecular analysis of the structures and diversity of microbial communities in soil of preserved mangroves of Ilha do Cardoso-SP

Lucas William Mendes 27 August 2009 (has links)
Os manguezais tropicais são considerados um dos ecossistemas mais produtivos do mundo, sendo caracterizados pela alta taxa de ciclagem de matéria orgânica e nutrientes que ocorre entre os oceanos e os ambientes terrestres. Embora os manguezais sejam considerados áreas de proteção ambiental, a destruição desses ambientes é progressiva, devido a atividades industriais e portuárias nos estuários. Nos manguezais, a ciclagem de nutrientes está diretamente relacionada às atividades e a diversidade das comunidades microbianas presentes no solo. Este trabalho está inserido em um projeto mais amplo dentro do programa BIOTA/FAPESP, no que tange aos estudos da biodiversidade no Estado de São Paulo e utilização dessa biodiversidade de modo sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as estruturas e diversidade das comunidades de Bacteria, Archaea e Fungi presentes no solo de manguezal preservado da Ilha do Cardoso-SP. As amostras foram analisadas pelas técnicas de T-RFLP, ARISA, clonagem e seqüenciamento a fim de obter uma caracterização das estruturas das comunidades microbianas de uma área de manguezal preservado em comparação com os ambientes adjacentes de restinga e floresta e também a um manguezal antropizado. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o manguezal possui características exclusivas, com a presença de organismos distintos, revelando um possível potencial biotecnológico a ser explorado. Adicionalmente, os dados revelaram que a ação antrópica afetou as estruturas dessas comunidades de modo a ser notada uma sensível diminuição de diversidade no manguezal antropizado, evidenciando, dessa maneira, a importância da preservação desse ecossistema / The tropical mangroves are considered one of the most productive ecosystems of the world, being characterized by the high tax of organic matter and recycling of nutrients, that happens between the oceans and the terrestrial habitats. Although the mangroves are considered areas of environmental protection, the destruction of those ecosystems is progressive, due to industrial and port activities in the estuaries. In mangroves, the recycling of nutrients is directly related to the activities and to the diversity of microbial communities present in the soil. This work is part of a wider project inside of the program BIOTA/FAPESP, with respect to the studies of the biodiversity in the State of São Paulo and use of that biodiversity in a maintainable way. The objective of this work was to evaluate the structures and diversity of communities of Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi present in the soil of preserved mangrove of Ilha do Cardoso-SP. The samples were analyzed by T-RFLP and ARISA techniques, cloning and sequencing in order to obtain a characterization of the microbial communities structure of preserved mangrove area in comparison with the adjacent environments of restinga (tropical moist forest) and forest and also to a degraded mangrove. The results allowed concluding that the mangroves present exclusive characteristics, with the presence of distinct organisms, revealing a possible biotechnological potential to be explored. Additionally, the data revealed that the human action affected the structures of those communities in a way to be noticed a sensitive diversity decrease in the degraded mangrove, evidencing, this way, the importance of the ecosystem preservation

The rhizosphere microbiome of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and the effects on phosphorus uptake / O microbioma da rizosfera de feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e os efeitos na absorção de fósforo

Josiane Barros Chiaramonte 10 August 2018 (has links)
The current population growth will demand a higher productive agriculture to full the food requirement. To supply this need and preserve the environment, many resources are applied to promote sustainable agriculture. Phosphorus depletion is the main factor that limits crops yields in tropical soils, where the pH and clay content rapid fixate this nutrient. Plant breeders aim to solve this issue by changing the plant requirements for phosphorus and adapting them to low P availability. However, with these approaches the demand for phosphorus fertilizers will continue and so the depletion of the natural deposits. In this study is proposed that plants with contrasting phosphorus uptake efficiency, i.e. P-efficient and P-inefficient, recruits distinct rhizosphere microbiome specialized in phosphorus mobilization. This hypothesis was tested growing plants in a gradient of two sources of P, triple superphosphate or rock phosphate Bayovar. Thebean rhizosphere microbiome was assessed with culture dependent and independent approaches, enzymatic assays, predictive metagenomics and networks analysis. A differential enrichment of several OTUs in the rhizosphere of the P-inefficient common bean genotype, and the enrichment of bacterial chemotaxis functions and functions involved in phosphorus mobilization suggest that this genotype has superior communication with the rhizosphere microbiome and is highly dependent on it for phosphorus mobilization. As a proof of concept, the P-efficientefficient genotype was sown in soil previously cultivated with P-inefficientinefficient genotype. The results showed that P-efficientefficient genotype positively responded to the modified rhizosphere in early stages, that is, the microbiome selected and enriched by the P-inefficient genotype improved the P uptake in the genotype cultivated afterwards in the same soil. Taken collectively, these results suggest that plants partly rely on the rhizosphere microbiome for P uptake and that the exploration of these interactions during plant breeding would allow the selection of even more efficient genotypes, leading to a sustainable agriculture by exploring soil residual P. / O atual aumento populacional irá demandar uma maior produção agrícola para completar a necessidade de alimento. Para suprir essa necessidade e preservar o meio ambiente, muitos recursos serão aplicados para promover a agricultura sustentável. A depleção de fósforo é um dos principais fatores que limita a produção agrícola em solos tropicais, onde o pH e o conteúdo de argila fixam rapidamente esse nutriente. Os melhoristas de plantas visam solucionar esse problema alterando a necessidade de fósforo das plantas e adaptando-as as baixas disponibilidade de fósforo. No entanto, com essas estratégias a demanda por fertilizantes fosfatados irá continuar assim como a exploração das reservas naturais de fósforo. Nesse estudo foi proposto que as plantas contrastantes em relação a eficiência na absorção de fósforo, i.e. P-eficiente e P-ineficiente, recrutariam um microbioma rizosférico distinto em relação a mobilização de fósforo. Essa hipótese foi testada cultivando plantas em um gradiente usando duas fontes distintas de P, triplo fosfato ou fosfato de rocha Bayovar. O microbioma da rizosfera de feijão foi então avaliado por técnicas dependentes e independentes de cultivo, análise enzimática, predição metagenômica e análises de network. Um enriquecimento diferencial de várias OTUs observado na rizosfera do genótipo de feijão P-ineficiente, e o enriquecimento de funções de quimiotaxia bacteriana e envolvidas na mobilização de fósforo sugerem que esse genótipo tem uma maior comunicação com o microbioma rizosférico e é altamente dependente deste para a mobilização de fósforo. Como prova de conceito, o genótipo P-eficiente foi plantado em solo previamente cultivadocom o genótipo P-ineficiente. Os resultados mostraram que o genótipo P-eficiente responde positivamente à rizosfera modificada nos estádios iniciais de crescimento, ou seja, o microbioma selecionado e enriquecido pelo genótipo P-ineficiente melhorou a absorção de fósforo no genótipo cultivado posteriormente no mesmo solo. Coletivamente, esses resultados sugerem que as plantas dependem parcialmente do microbioma da rizosfera para a absorção de P e que a exploraçãodestas interações durante o melhoramento vegetal permitiria a seleção de genótipos muito mais eficientes, conduzindo à uma agricultura sustentável explorando o fósforo residual do solo.

Caracterização da comunidade bacteriana da bacia do Rio Tietê por métodos independentes de cultivo. / Characterization of bacterial community from Tietê River Basin by cultivation independent methods.

Lima, Felipe Rezende de 29 July 2015 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos países com a maior biodiversidade do mundo, embora existam ainda poucos estudos sobre a biodiversidade microbiana dulcícola, assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade e estrutura das comunidades bacterianas presentes no corpo e afluentes do Rio Tietê e relacioná-las às variáveis ambientais. Foram obtidos 385 fragmentos terminais de restrição representando a temporada de estiagem em 2013 e 217 TRFs representando a temporada de cheias em 2014. As análises de Redundância (RDA) apresentaram separação entre as amostras de acordo com o período de coleta seguida da qualidade da água de origem e a temporada 2013 apresentou maior riqueza e diversidade com relação à 2014. Já a técnica de sequenciamento por MiSeq Illumina, apresentou 2.130.122 sequências com boa qualidade e o parâmetro temperatura representou a principal variável ambiental agindo sobre a riqueza das comunidades avaliadas, além disso, a localização geográfica dos rios e suas conexões representaram fatores importantes para a distribuição dos gêneros observados. / Brazil is considered one of the countries with the highest biodiversity; however, there are few studies on microbial diversity in freshwaters. Thereby, the aim of present work was to evaluate the diversity and structure of bacterial community present in Tietê river and its tributaries, for that, 28 points along Tietê River Basin were evaluated by T-RFLP and 14 points were chosen based on these results for partial sequencing of rRNA 16S gene by MiSeq Illumina. 385 Terminal Restriction Fragments were obtained for season 2013 and 217 for 2014 and Redundancy Analysis presented separation between samples according to seasons followed by water quality group separation. Season 2013 presented higher richness and diversity compared to season 2014 and high throughput sequencing presented 2.130.122 sequences with good quality. Temperature parameter represented the main environmental variable acting on the richness of assessed communities, in addition, the geographic location of the rivers and their connections were important factors for the distribution of observed genera.

Influência da profundidade do solo e do manejo de Eucalyptus grandis e Acacia mangium na estrutura das comunidades microbianas do solo / Soil depth and crop management of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium plantations influence the structure of soil microbial communities

Pereira, Arthur Prudêncio de Araujo 22 January 2015 (has links)
Pesquisas atuais demonstram respostas positivas em plantios de Eucalipto consorciados com Acacia mangium. O objetivo principal desse trabalho foi avaliar a influência dos sistemas puros e mistos de Eucalyptus grandis e A. mangium na estrutura das comunidades de bactérias e fungos do solo. Avaliou-se a estrutura dessas comunidades num gradiente de profundidade do solo. Foram abertas trincheiras profundas em plantios puros de Acácia (100A), Eucalipto (100E) e em sistemas mistos entre as duas espécies (A+E). No plantio misto fizeram-se coletas de solo e raízes na base da Acácia A(A+E) e na base do Eucalipto E(E+A). Cerca de 10 camadas do solo foram avaliadas ao longo do perfil das trincheiras, sendo coletados pontos de 0 a 800 cm, com 4 repetições cada. As comunidades microbianas foram monitoradas por PCR-DGGE, onde foi observado um forte efeito da profundidade do solo nas comunidades microbianas. Agrupamentos específicos foram formados em cada profundidade amostrada. Plantios puros de Eucalipto selecionaram grupos de bactérias diferentes dos que foram encontrados em 100A, A(A+E) e E(E+A). A comunidade de fungos totais não sofreu diferenciação de grupos nos plantios estudados, ao passo que os perfis de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) do solo no tratamento A(A+E), foram significativamente diferentes dos grupos encontrados nos demais tratamentos. Numa análise de correlação, realizada por RDA, ficou indicado que a comunidade de FMA do tratamento A(A+E) correlacionou-se positivamente com os valores de P no solo. Outra variável quantificada foi a abundância de bactérias e fungos, indicadas pelo número de cópias do gene ribossomal 16S DNAr e ITS, respectivamente. Quando comparadas as camadas superficiais do solo (0-20 cm), não foi possível encontrar diferenças na abundância de cópias dos genes 16S e ITS em todos os tratamentos. Ocorreu uma queda exponencial no número de cópias desses genes com o aumento da profundidade do solo. Porém, o tratamento 100E apresentou maior número de cópias em profundidade (de 300-800 cm) dos genes 16S e ITS do que qualquer outro tratamento. Em relação a presença específica de FMA, houve baixa colonização e baixa abundância de esporos de FMA em todos os tratamentos, sendo o tratamento 100E mais colonizado que os demais. Ao todo foram encontradas 16 espécies de FMA, sendo a maior parte pertencente ao gênero Acaulospora. Ao contrário dos FMA, os plantios apresentaram colonização radicular pronunciada por ECM. Conclui-se que nestes sistemas florestais uma espécie de planta parece ser mais importante que a outra na estruturação da comunidade microbiana e que alguns fatores do solo podem ser preponderantes nessa separação. O conhecimento dessas comunidades é de suma importância em plantios florestais, principalmente por estarem envolvidos diretamente nos ciclos biogeoquímicos e, sobretudo, por se tratar de uma forma de plantio florestal nova, promissora e que aborda parâmetros de sustentabilidade. / Recently discoveries have shown positive responses in Eucalyptus plantations intercropped with Acacia mangium. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of pure and mixed systems (Eucalyptus grandis and A. mangium) on the microbial communities\' structure in soil. We evaluated the structure of these communities in a gradient of soil depth. In this context, deep trenches were digged in pure stands of Acacia (100A), Eucalyptus (100E) and mixed systems (A+E). In mixed forest plantations, soil and roots were sampled at the base of Acacia (A+E) and the base of Eucalyptus (E+A). Soil over 10 layers along the profile from 0 to 800cm were sampled, with 4 replicates each. The microbial communities were monitored by PCRDGGE, where we observed a strong effect of soil depth on microbial communities. As a result, specific clusters were formed in each soil layer. The community composition of Eucalyptus grandis stands was different from the community structure found in the 100A, A (A+E) and E (E+A) systems. The total fungal community did not show any group differentiation due to the plantation system, while the profiles of mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of these three groups were significantly different from that of the treatment A (A+E). A correlation analysis performed by RDA indicated that the FMA community of the treatment (A+E) was correlated positively with P values in the soil. Another variable quantified was the community of bacteria and fungi, indicated by the number of copies of ribosomal 16S rDNA and ITS, respectively. Comparing the upper soil layers (0-20 cm), we couldn\'t find differences in the abundance of copies of 16S rRNA and ITS region genes in all treatments, but we observed an exponential decrease in 16S rRNA copy numbers with increasing soil depth. Regarding the presence of AMF, we found low root colonization and low abundance of AMF spores in all treatments, although 100E presented higher colonization rates than the others. Altogether, 16 AMF species were found, most of them belonging to the genus Acaulospora. We conclude that these forest systems a plant species seems to be more important than the other in the structuring of the microbial community and that some soil factors may be preponderant in this separation. The processes involving the dynamics of the microbial community structure is a crucial point in understanding the development of forest plantations, mainly by involving the biogeochemical cycles, when seeking for new promising approaches and sustainability parameters.

Etude du rôle des microorganismes dans les modifications biochimiques intervenant lors de la maturation des coagulums de latex d’Hevea brasiliensis : impact sur les propriétés du caoutchouc naturel sec. / Study of the role of microorganisms in the biochemical modifications of Hevea brasiliensis latex coagula during maturation : impact on dry rubber properties.

Salomez, Mélanie 03 February 2014 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse était d'étudier les mécanismes microbiens intervenant dans l'évolution de la structure et des propriétés du caoutchouc naturel produit à partir du latex d'Hevea brasiliensis lors de la maturation du latex et des coagula de tasse. Pour cela, trois niveaux d'analyses ont été réalisés sur des expériences de maturation en conditions contrôlées : analyse de la structure et des propriétés du caoutchouc sec, analyse des flores microbiennes et analyses biochimiques. Après une phase de mises au point méthodologiques permettant notamment d'optimiser les conditions de maturation en chambre contrôlée et de définir une méthode d'extraction d'ADN adaptée au latex et au sérum de coagulum, des échantillons de caoutchouc sec et de sérum ont été produits à différents temps de maturation et selon différents traitements faisant varier trois paramètres : la présence de microorganismes, la présence d'oxygène, et le mode de coagulation du latex. Les analyses sur caoutchouc sec se sont portées sur la macrostructure (P0, P30 et PRI) et sur la mésostructure (Mw, Mn et gel total). L'analyse des flores microbiennes s'est appuyée sur plusieurs méthodologies complémentaires : comptages sur boîtes, dosage de l'ADN total, clonage/séquençage et pyroséquençage 454. L'objectif était d'évaluer la diversité des flores sur plantation et dans le latex ainsi que de suivre la dynamique de leur évolution au cours de la maturation en milieu contrôlé. Diverses analyses biochimiques ont réalisées sur latex, sérum et caoutchouc sec (taux d'azote, protéines, lipides, sucres, québrachitol, acides organiques). Les résultats obtenus ont ensuite été analysés en vue d'établir des corrélations et de proposer des mécanismes reliant l'évolution des propriétés du caoutchouc sec à celle de la biochimie du latex et des coagula et de leur évolution sous l'action des microorganismes et des enzymes, et de proposer quelques pistes en vue de l'amélioration des itinéraires techniques dans la filière. / The overall objective of this thesis was to study the microbial mechanisms involved in the evolution of the structure and the properties of the natural rubber from Hevea brasiliensis during the maturation of latex and cup-coagula. For this, three levels of analyses were performed on maturation experiments under controlled conditions: dry rubber structure and properties, biochemistry and microbial flora. After a methodology development phase aiming at (i) optimizing maturation conditions in a controlled chamber and (ii) defining suitable DNA extraction methods, samples of serum and dry rubber coagulum were produced at different times and under different maturation treatments varying three parameters: the presence of microorganisms, the presence of oxygen, and the latex coagulation method. Dry rubber analyses concerned macrostructure (P0, P30 and PRI) and mesostructure (Mw, Mn and total gel). The microbial flora was analyzed using several complementary methods: plate-counts, total DNA determination, cloning / sequencing and 454 pyrosequencing. The objective was to assess microbial diversity on field and in latex, and to follow the dynamics of their evolution during maturation in a controlled environment. Various biochemical investigations were performed on latex, serum and dry rubber (nitrogen content, proteins, lipids, sugars, quebrachitol, organic acids). The results were then analyzed for correlations to propose mechanisms linking changes in dry rubber properties, latex and coagula biochemistry, and their evolution under the action of microorganisms and enzymes. Some ideas for improving technical routes in the process are also proposed.

Disentangling the influence of earthworms on microbial communities in sugarcane rhizosphere / Desvendando a influência de minhocas na comunidade microbiana de rizosfera de cana-de-açúcar

Lucas Palma Perez Braga 27 January 2017 (has links)
For the last 150 years many studies have shown the importance of earthworms for plant growth, but the exact mechanisms involved in the process are still poorly understood. Many important functions required for plant growth can be performed by soil microbes in the rhizosphere. To investigate earthworm influence on the rhizosphere microbial community, it was performed a macrocosm experiment with and without Pontoscolex corethrurus (EW+ and EW-, respectively) and followed various soil and rhizosphere processes for 217 days with sugarcane. In the second chapter of this thesis it was demonstrate that in EW+ treatments, N2O concentrations belowground (15 cm depth) and relative abundances of nitrous oxide genes (nosZ) were higher in bulk soil and rhizosphere, suggesting that soil microbes were able to consume earthworm-induced N2O. Shotgun sequencing (total DNA) revealed that around 70 microbial functions in bulk soil and rhizosphere differed between EW+ and EW- treatments. Overall, genes indicative of biosynthetic pathways and cell proliferation processes were enriched in EW+ treatments, suggesting a positive influence of worms. In EW+ rhizosphere, functions associated with plant-microbe symbiosis were enriched relative to EW- rhizosphere. Ecological networks inferred from the datasets revealed decreased niche diversification and increased keystone functions as an earthworm-derived effect. Plant biomass was improved in EW+ and worm population proliferated. Considering that earthworms contributed to with extra resources, it was evaluated in chapter three response of the soil resistome of sugarcane macrocosms under the influence of earthworms. Mechanisms of resistance against antimicrobial compounds appear to be an obligatory feature for the ecology and evolution of prokaryotic forms of life. However, most studies on resistance dynamics have been conducted in artificial conditions of anthropogenic inputs of antibiotics into very specific communities such as animal microbiomes. To resolve why and how resistance evolves, it is important to track antibiotics resistance genes (ARGs) (i.e., the resistome) in their natural hosts and understand their ecophysiological role in the environment. The results demonstrated that earthworms influenced changes of ARGs in bulk soil and rhizosphere. Negative correlations between ARGs and taxonomical changes were increased in EW+. Differential betweenness centrality (DBC=nBCEW+ - nBCEW-) values comparing the network models with and without earthworms showed earthworm presence changed the composition and the importance of the keystone members from the models. Redundancy analysis suggested that ARGs may be associated with microbial fitness, as the variance of relative abundance of members of the group Rhizobiales could be significantly explained by the variance of a specific gene responsible for one mechanism of tetracycline detoxification / Ao longo dos últimos 150 anos muitos estudos têm demonstrado a importância das minhocas para o crescimento de plantas. Porém o exato mecanismo envolvido neste processo ainda é muito pouco compreendido. Muitas funções importantes necessárias para o crescimento de plantas podem ser realizadas pela comunidade microbiana da rizosfera. Para investigar a influência das minhocas na comunidade microbiana da rizosfera, foi desenvolvido um experimento de macrocosmo com cana-de-açúcar com e sem Pontoscolex corethrurus (EW+ e EW-, respectivamente) seguindo diversos procedimentos por 217 dias. No Segundo capítulo da tese é demonstrado que no tratamento EW+, as concentrações de N2O dentro do solo (15 cm profundidade) e a abundância relativa dos genes óxido nitroso redutase (nosZ) foram elevadas no solo e na rizosfera, sugerindo que microrganismos do solo foram capazes de consumir a emissão de N2O induzida pelas minhocas. O sequenciamento do DNA total revelou que aproximadamente 70 funções microbianas no solo e na rizosfera apresentaram diferenças entre os tratamentos EW+ e EW-. No geral, genes associados a biossíntese e proliferação de células foram enriquecidos em EW+, sugerindo uma influencia positiva por parte das minhocas. Na rizosfera EW+, funções associadas a simbiose entre planta e microrganismos foram relativamente enriquecidas comparado com rizosfera EW-. Modelos de rede de interação ecológica revelam menor número de diversificação de nichos e aumento de funções importantes como um efeito derivado da influência das minhocas. A biomassa das plantas foi aumentada no tratamento EW+ e a população de minhocas proliferou. Considerando que as minhocas contribuíram com o aumento de nutrientes, foi avaliado no capítulo três a resposta do resistoma presente nas comunidades microbianas dos solos do experimento. Mecanismos de resistência contra compostos antimicrobianos parecem ser características obrigatórias para a ecologia e evolução de procariotos. Entretanto, a maior parte dos estudos sobre genes de resistência tem sido conduzida em condições artificiais utilizando fontes antropogênicas de antibióticos em comunidades microbianas muito específicas como por exemplo o microbioma animal. Para resolver por que e como a resistência evolui, é importante estudar genes de resistência a antibióticos (GRA) (i.e., resistoma) no seu ambiente natural e entender seu papel ecofisiologico no ambiente. Os resultados demonstraram que minhocas influenciaram a mudança na composição de GRA no solo e na rizosfera. Tratamentos EW+ apresentaram maior número de correlações negativas entre ARG e grupos taxonômicos. A medida de centralidade diferencial (DBC=nBCEW+ - nBCEW-) comparando os modelos de rede de interações obtidos mostrou que a composição e o nível de importância dos indivíduos mais influentes é alterado nos tratamentos EW+ comparado com EW-. Além disso, por meio de uma análise de redundância (RDA) foi demonstrado que as alterações na abundancia relativa de GRA podem ser explicadas pelas alterações verificadas em grupos taxonômicos

The biogeography and functional ecology of tropical soil microorganisms

Meyer, Kyle 01 May 2017 (has links)
Tropical ecosystems are some of the most diverse and productive ecosystems on the planet. These ecosystems are also some of the most threatened worldwide and this is largely driven by agricultural expansion. Predicting biotic responses to such forms of environmental change is a challenge that requires an increased understanding of the factors structuring these communities in both pristine environments as well as environments that are undergoing environmental change. Studying patterns in the spatial structure of communities can provide important insights into ecological and evolutionary processes structuring communities. Combining such approaches with analyses of the distribution of activity and the genomic content of communities can help us better understand relationships between community structure and function. I explore the topics of microbial spatial scaling, activity, and gene content in both pristine tropical rainforest environments as well as tropical regions undergoing agricultural conversion. I first pose a fundamental question in microbial spatial ecology, i.e. why do microorganisms tend to show weaker spatial patterns than macro-organisms? I show that trees and soil microorganisms differ in the rates at which their communities change over space. I test the hypothesis that low rates of spatial turnover in microbial communities are an artifact of how we assess the community structure of microbial communities and show that sampling extent is likely the main driver of these differences. Next, I examine a Central Africa ecosystem that is undergoing conversion to agriculture. I show that there are numerous indications of biotic homogenization in these soil microbial communities and that the active fraction of the community shows a more pronounced response to environmental change. Finally, I examine two microbial processes in the Amazon Basin that have been reported to change following conversion to agriculture: methane production and methane consumption. I investigate changes to the genes and taxa involved in these processes and propose a new conceptual framework for how these processes might be changing. Work in this thesis contributes to a broader understanding of the spatial and functional ecology of tropical microorganisms and offers perspectives useful for those interested in predicting and mitigating the impacts of environmental change on these communities. / 2019-02-17

Development of a "genome-proxy" microarray for profiling marine microbial communities, and its application to a time series in Monterey Bay, California

Rich, Virginia Isabel January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Biological Oceanography (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2008. / This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-181). / This thesis describes the development and application of a new tool for profiling marine microbial communities. Chapter 1 places the tool in the context of the range of methods used currently. Chapter 2 describes the development and validation of the "genome proxy" microarray, which targeted marine microbial genomes and genome fragments using sets of 70-mer oligonucleotide probes. In a natural community background, array signal was highly linearly correlated to target cell abundance (R² of 1.0), with a dynamic range from 10²-10⁶ cells/ml. Genotypes with >/=~80% average nucleotide identity to those targeted crosshybridized to target probesets but produced distinct, diagnostic patterns of hybridization. Chapter 3 describes the development an expanded array, targeting 268 microbial genotypes, and its use in profiling 57 samples from Monterey Bay. Comparison of array and pyrosequence data for three samples showed a strong linear correlation between target abundance using the two methods (R²=0.85- 0.91). Array profiles clustered into shallow versus deep, and the majority of targets showed depth-specific distributions consistent with previous observations. Although no correlation was observed to oceanographic season, bloom signatures were evident. Array-based insights into population structure suggested the existence of ecotypes among uncultured clades. Chapter 4 summarizes the work and discusses future directions. / by Virginia Rich. / Ph.D.

Diversidade de bactérias do sedimento de manguezal da ilha do Cardoso Cananéia - São Paulo. / Bacterial diversity in sediment from mangrove of the island Cardoso Cananéia - São Paulo.

Dias, Armando Cavalcante Franco 22 February 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca entender a dinâmica de comunidades bacterianas cultiváveis e não cultiváveis do ecossistema do manguezal e prospectar nesse ambiente ainda inexplorado, um possível potencial biotecnológico. As amostras de sedimentos foram retiradas de duas profundidades no inverno e no verão. Bactérias caracterizadas por meio da técnica de ARDRA pertencem as ordens Vibrionales, Bacillales e Actinomycetales. As espécies bacterianas cultiváveis e as não cultiváveis foram também avaliadas por meio da técnica de PCR-DGGE, onde utilizou-se iniciadores seletivos para Actinobacterias, a e b Proteobacteria, Pseudomonas spp. e Paenibacillus spp., além do universal para bacteria. A análise multivariada de redundância (RDA) permitiu verificar a relação dos perfis obtidos das amostras com os fatores ambientais. Verificou-se uma diferente distribuição dos grupos de a e b Proteobacteria em relação à sazonalidade, enquanto que a profundidade de amostragem mostrou ser essencial no perfil das comunidades totais, a e b-Proteobacteria e Actinobacterias. / The objective of the present work is the understanding of culturable and non-culturable bacterial community dynamic present in the mangrove ecosystem also to explore the biotechnological potential of bacteria present in this environmental. Sediment samples were obtained from two depths winter and summer seasons and further analyzed. The Bacteria were characterized by ARDRA and identified the orders Vibrionales, Bacillales e Actinomycetales. Culturable and non-culturable bacteria were also assessed by PCR-DGGE using specific primers for Actinobacteria, a-Proteobacteria, b-proteobacteria, Pseudomonas spp., Paenibacillus spp. and bacteria universal primers. Multivariate redundancy analysis allowed the verification of main factors determining the bacterial communities patterns found on samples. It was verified a seasonal distribution of a and b-Proteobacteria groups, while the sampled depth was determinant for the total bacterial community composition, and also influenced the a and b-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria profiles.

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