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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die raum-zeitliche Variation von Microcystis spp. (Cyanophyceae) und Microcystinen in der Talsperre Quitzdorf (Sachsen)

Ihle, Tilo 23 June 2008 (has links)
Cyanobakterien bilden zahlreiche bioaktive Substanzen mit zum Teil humantoxischer Relevanz. Nicht selten spielen dabei zyklische Peptide, zu denen unter anderem die Microcystine (MCYST) gehören, eine Schlüsselrolle. MCYST werden u.a. von Microcystis KÜTZING EX LEMMERMANN 1907 gebildet. Erkenntnisse zur ökophysiologischen Funktion der MCYST, die zweifelsfrei bei den Produzenten selbst zu suchen ist, liegen bisher kaum vor. Mit Hilfe von Freilanduntersuchungen sollten im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit Kenntnisse zu einer möglichen ökologischen Funktion der MCYST erweitert und vertieft werden. Grundlage stellte dabei die Phänologie von Microcystis als einer der bedeutendsten limnischen MCYST-Produzenten dar. Microcystis zeigt im Freiland einen charakteristischen annuellen Lebenszyklus mit benthisch-pelagischer Kopplung. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die phänologischen Phasen des Lebenszyklus von Microcystis im Freiland zu differenzieren sowie die Dynamik der MCYST während dieser Phasen kompartimentübergreifend gesamtheitlich zu erfassen. Über eine MCYST-Massenbilanzierung sollen anschließend die dem annuellen Zyklus zugrundeliegenden Teilprozesse quantifiziert und zusammengeführt werden. Vordergründiges Anliegen war es, Phasen einzugrenzen, bei denen MCYST möglicherweise eine ökophysiologische Funktion haben könnte. Der annuelle Lebenszyklus von Microcystis wurde anhand von Biomasseänderungen am Sediment und im Pelagial der TS Quitzdorf in die phänologischen Phasen Überwinterung, Reinvasion, pelagisches Wachstum und Sedimentation unterteilt: Intakte, im Herbst aus dem Freiwasser aussedimentierte, Microcystis-Kolonien überwintern am Sediment und steigen im Frühjahr und Frühsommer zurück ins Freiwasser auf. Dort erfolgt der Wachstumsprozess, dem sich im darauffolgenden Herbst erneut ein Zusammenbruch und die Sedimentation der Freiwassergemeinschaft anschließt. Die benthisch-pelagische Kopplung wirkt dabei als interannuelles Bindeglied. Zwischen dem annuellen Lebenszyklus von Microcystis und der MCYST-Dynamik wurde eine enge Bindung nachgewiesen: Änderungen der absoluten MCYST-Konzentrationen während der Übergangsphasen Aufstieg (Frühjahr) und Sedimentation (Herbst) zeigen, dass MCYST mit den aufsteigenden bzw. aussedimentierenden Microcystis-Kolonien aus dem bzw. in das Sediment ‚transportiert’ werden. Ausschließlich während der pelagischen Phase, die sich dem Reinvasionsprozess anschließt, kommt es in Abhängigkeit vom Wachstum der Produzenten und deren Sukzession zur Neubildung von MCYST. Während den Wintermonaten wurden MCYST am Sediment intrazellulär ‚konserviert’. Der Verlauf der pelagischen MCYST-Konzentration wurde mit Hilfe eines Wachstumsmodells nachgebildet. In dieses Modell wurde die genetische Variabilität der MCYST-Produzenten sowie eine mögliche physiologische Steuerung der MCYST-Synthese über die Verfügbarkeit des anorganischen Kohlenstoffs integriert. Der prinzipielle Verlauf zeigte dabei weitestgehend Koinzidenz zwischen den real gemessenen und den simulierten MCYST-Konzentrationswerten. Abweichungen zwischen beiden konnten mit Hilfe des gesamtheitlich kompartimentübergreifenden MCYST-Bilanzierungsansatzes – in erster Linie über benthisch-pelagische Kopplungsprozesse – plausibel erklärt werden. Der Habitatwechsel ist für Microcystis prinzipiell mit Verlusten (Seneszenz/Lyse oder möglicherweise Apoptose) verbunden, sowohl für MCYST-Produzenten und Nichtproduzenten. Die auffallende Stabilität der benthischen MCYST-Zellquote während der Überwinterung gibt Grund zur Annahme, dass eine Funktion von MCYST am/im Sediment eher unwahrscheinlich ist. Da MCYST über derart lange Zeiträume am Sediment intrazellulär ‚konserviert’ werden, ist eine Bedeutung der MCYST während der Reinvasionsphase und in der frühen pelagischen Phase nicht auszuschließen. Im Speziellen wurde eine mögliche ökologische Funktion von MCYST in Zusammenhang mit der Variation der Koloniegröße bzw. dem epiphytischen Bewuchs von Microcystis-Kolonien mit Pseudanabaena mucicola geprüft: Aus dem Zusammenhang zwischen extra-/intrazellulärer MCYST-Konzentration und der Microcystis-Koloniegrößenverteilung waren keine konsistenten Schlussfolgerungen abzuleiten, welche auf eine Steuerung der Koloniebildung durch MCYST deuten. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass MCYST keinen nachweislich allelopathischen Effekt auf den Epibionten Pseudanabaena mucicola ausüben, wurde postuliert, dass zwischen dem beobachteten epiphytischen Besiedlungs-/Verteilungsmuster und der MCYST-Produktion ein indirekter Zusammenhang besteht, welcher die zeitweise Einnischung von Pseudanabaena mucicola auf Microcystis-Kolonien ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchung lassen weder unmittelbar noch mittelbar eine Variabilität der ökophysiologischen Bedeutung von MCYST, die im Zusammenhang mit der raum-zeitlichen Verteilung potentieller Produzenten steht, erkennen. Eine divergierende Funktion der MCYST auf intra- bzw. extrazellulärer Ebene kann nicht zwingend ausgeschlossen werden. Die Mehrzahl der aus der MCYST-Phänologie und MCYST-Bilanzierung abzuleitenden Schlussfolgerungen deutet allerdings eher auf eine Funktion auf (intra-)zellulärer Ebene hin, wie etwa die Effizienzsteigerung des Kohlenstoffmetabolismus (d.h. der intrazellulä-ren Akkumulation anorganischen Kohlenstoffs) während der pelagischen (Wachstums-)Phase der Produzenten.

The Role of Nitrogen Availability on the Dominance of Planktothrix Agardhii in Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie

Peck, Daniel H. 12 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of sensitivity of three legume species exposed to crude extracts of toxic and non-toxic cyanobacteria

Thanh, Luu Pham 05 February 2019 (has links)
We evaluated the effect of cyanobacterial crude extracts containing microcystin (CCEMC+) from a natural bloom on seed germination and initial development of three economically important legume species: green mung bean Vigna radiata, cowpea Vigna cylindrical and red mung bean Vigna angularis and compared it to crude extracts of cyanobacteria without the toxin (CCEMC–). Results showed that CCEMC+ and CCEMC– caused different effects on seed germination and initial development of the three species. There was a clear inhibition on germination and root growth of the green mung bean exposed to the CCEMC+ (20, 200 and 500 μg/L), indicating that the green mung bean being more sensitive to CCEMC+ when compared to the cowpea and red mung bean. CCEMC+ induced a greater occurrence of abnormal seedlings in the green mung bean, duce to inhibition the germination as well as reduction of fresh weight and root length. The CCEMC– extract caused no harmful effects to germination and seedlings growth of the green mung bean and red mung bean. However, it reduced shoot and root length in cowpea bean, suggesting that the cowpea being more sensitive to both extracts. Our results indicated that the sensitivity in germination and root growth of the green mung bean V. radiata could be used as an indicator to evaluate the toxic effect and monitor the toxin concentration of water contaminated with microcystins. / Nghiên cứu này khảo sát và so sánh các tác động bất lợi của ly trích vi khuẩn lam có chứa và không chứa độc tố lên sự nẩy mầm và sự phát triển ở giai đoạn đầu của ba loại cây họ đậu gồm đậu xanh Vigna radiata, đậu đỏ Vigna angularis và đậu đen Vigna cylindrical. Kết quả cho thấy hai loại ly trích gây ra các tác động khác nhau lên ba loại cây đậu thí nghiệm. Ly trích vi khuẩn lam có chứa độc tố ở nồng độ 20, 200 và 500 μg/L ngăn chặn đáng kể sự nẩy mầm và sự phát triển rể ở đậu xanh. Cả hai loại ly trích có chứa và không chứa độc tố đều ngăn chặn sự nẩy mầm và sự phát triển rể ở đậu đen. Ngược lại ly trích vi khuẩn lam có chứa độc tố ở nồng độ 500 μg/L lại kích thích chiều dài rể, thân mầm và trọng lượng tươi ở đậu đỏ. Kết quả cho thấy đậu đen khá nhạy cảm với cả hai loại ly trích có chứa và không chứa độc tố, trong khi đó đậu xanh nhạy cảm hơn với ly trích có chứa độc tố. Tính nhạy cảm của các loại cây họ đậu khi phơi nhiễm với ly trích vi khuẩn lam có thể được sử dụng để chỉ thị cho sự ô nhiễm và quan trắc độc tố vi khuẩn lam trong môi trường.

Detrimental impacts of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa from Vietnam on life history traits of Daphnia magna: Research article

Vo, Thi My Chi, Pham, Thanh Luu, Dao, Thanh Son 24 August 2017 (has links)
In this study, we tested the long-term and negative effects of microcystin-producing cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa from Vietnam on Daphnia magna under the laboratory conditions. The test organisms were fed with mixtures of green alga Scenedesmus armatus. and toxic M. aeruginosa at different ratios (10% Microcystis + 90% Scenedesmus, 50% Microcystis + 50% Scenedesmus, 100% Microcystis, and 100% Scenedesmus) for over a period of 21 days. The life history traits of the organisms such as, survival, maturation, fecundity were daily recorded. Besides, the intrinsic population rate of D. magna in each treatment was also calculated based on the survivorship, the reproductive age and the clutch size of the animals. The results showed that survival, maturation and reproduction of the D. magna fed with 10, 50 and 100% M. aeruginosa was impaired. Additionally, the intrinsic population rate of the exposed D. magna was lower than that of the control. This study evidenced the adverse effects of toxic M. aeruginosa on both the individual and intrinsic population levels of D. magna. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the chronically detrimental impacts of toxic M. aeruginosa isolated from Vietnam on D. magna and contributed the scientific information on the severe influences of toxic cyanobacteria world wide. / Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng xấu mãn tính của loài vi khuẩn lam Microcystis aeruginosa có khả năng sản sinh độc tố microcysin từ Việt Nam lên Daphnia magna trong điều kiện phòng thí nghiệm. Sinh vật thí nghiệm được cho ăn với hỗn hợp tảo lục Scenedesmus armatus và M. aeruginosa có độc ở các tỷ lệ khác nhau (10% Microcystis + 90% Scenedesmus, 50% Microcystis + 50% Scenedesmus, 100% Microcystis, và 100% Scenedesmus) trong thời gian 21 ngày. Các đặc điểm vòng đời của sinh vật bao gồm sức sống, sự thành thục, sức sinh sản được theo dõi hàng ngày. Bên cạnh đó, tỷ lệ phát triển quần thể của D. magna trong từng lô thí nghiệm cũng được tính toán dựa vào sức sống, tuổi sinh sản và kích cỡ sinh sản của sinh vật. Kết quả cho thấy, sức sống, tuổi thành thục và sự sinh sản của D. magna cho ăn với 10, 50 và 100% M. aeruginosa bị ảnh hưởng xấu. Bên cạnh đó, tỷ lệ phát triển quần thể của D. magna trong lô phơi nhiễm thấp hơn so với đối chứng. Nghiên cứu này chứng minh ảnh hưởng xấu của M. aeruginosa có độc lên cả hai mức độ cá thể và quần thể của D. magna. Theo hiểu biết của chúng tôi, đây là báo cáo đầu tiên về ảnh hưởng xấu mãn tính của M. aeruginosa có độc phân lập từ Việt Nam lên D. magna and đóng góp thêm thông tin khoa học cho những ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng của vi khuẩn lam có độc trên khắp thế giới.

Analyse multi-classes de cyanotoxines dans les suppléments alimentaires à base d’algues du marché nord-américain

Fontaine, Justine 07 1900 (has links)
Les suppléments alimentaires à base d’algues sont commercialisés pour leurs bénéfices pour la santé ainsi que pour leur valeur nutritionnelle. Cependant, certains de ces produits peuvent être contaminés par des toxines produites par la cooccurrence d’espèces toxigènes. Afin d’évaluer l’ampleur de la contamination en toxines dans différents suppléments disponibles sur le marché nord-américain, nous avons achetés 37 échantillons de spiruline, d’Aphanizomenon flos-aqua, de Chlorella et de varech et les avons analysés pour 27 toxines par des méthodes de chromatographie liquide et de spectrométrie de masse (LC-MS/MS ou LC-HRMS). Nous avons détecté des microcystines dans les huit échantillons d’Aphanizomenon à des niveaux allant jusqu’à 1000 ng/g et de l’acide 2,4-diaminobutyrique (DAB) dans tous les échantillons de suppléments à des concentrations incluses entre 3 et 1600 ng/g. L’anatoxine A (ANA-a) et le β-amino-N-méthylalanine (BAMA) n’ont pas été détectés tandis que les autres toxines ont été détectées de façon plus aléatoire à des concentrations variables, sans lien clair avec l’espèce de l’algue. En considérant ces résultats, les produits à base d’Aphanizomenon devraient faire l’objet d’un contrôle plus strict pour prévenir leur contamination et restreindre la vente de produits contaminés. Ces découvertes seraient également d’intérêt pour les consommateurs afin qu’ils puissent évaluer les risques associés à la consommation régulière de certains suppléments à base d’algues / Algal dietary supplements are marketed for their health benefits and nutritional value. However, these types of products can be contaminated by toxins produced by co-occurring toxigenic cyanobacteria. In order to evaluate the contamination of different supplements available on the North American market, we purchased 37 samples of spirulina, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Chlorella and kelp, and analysed them to identify 27 suspected toxins using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry methods (LC-MS/MS or LC-HRMS). We found microcystins (MC) in the 8 Aphanizomenon samples with levels up to 1000 ng g-1 dw and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) in all samples with values ranging from 3 to 1600 ng g-1. Anatoxin-a (ANA) and β-amino-N-methylalanine (BAMA) were not detected, while other toxins were diversely detected with no clear link to the nature of the alga. Considering these results, Aphanizomenon products may require stricter monitoring to prevent further contamination. The findings are also of interest to consumers so that they can properly assess the risks that may be involved in the regular consumption of certain algal dietary supplements.

Investigation of the effectiveness of techniques deployed in controlling cyanobacterial growth in Rietvlei Dam, Roodeplaat Dam and Hartbeespoort Dam in Crocodile (West) and Marico Water Management Area

Mbiza, Noloyiso Xoliswa 02 1900 (has links)
Eutrophication is a nutrient enrichment of dams and lakes. Increased eutrophication in dams results in blooms of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are troublesome as they form massive surface scums, impart taste and odour to the water. Some strains of cyanobacteria such as Microcystis aeruginosa are dangerous to humans and animals. They produce toxins that can kill animals drinking the contaminated water and have also been implicated in human illnesses. The study investigated the effectiveness of techniques deployed in controlling cyanobacterial growth in Rietvlei, Roodeplaat and Hartbeespoort Dams. This was done by interpreting data from April 2010 to March 2012. The conditions in the three dams show that Microcystis produced toxins in the summer season and all the variables analysed were favourable for the production of toxins. The methods deployed to rehabilitate the dams do not completely solve the problems of toxins experienced by the dams. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Investigation of the effectiveness of techniques deployed in controlling cyanobacterial growth in Rietvlei Dam, Roodeplaat Dam and Hartbeespoort Dam in Crocodile (West) and Marico Water Management Area

Mbiza, Noloyiso Xoliswa 02 1900 (has links)
Eutrophication is a nutrient enrichment of dams and lakes. Increased eutrophication in dams results in blooms of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are troublesome as they form massive surface scums, impart taste and odour to the water. Some strains of cyanobacteria such as Microcystis aeruginosa are dangerous to humans and animals. They produce toxins that can kill animals drinking the contaminated water and have also been implicated in human illnesses. The study investigated the effectiveness of techniques deployed in controlling cyanobacterial growth in Rietvlei, Roodeplaat and Hartbeespoort Dams. This was done by interpreting data from April 2010 to March 2012. The conditions in the three dams show that Microcystis produced toxins in the summer season and all the variables analysed were favourable for the production of toxins. The methods deployed to rehabilitate the dams do not completely solve the problems of toxins experienced by the dams. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Avaliação dos efeitos neurotóxicos de cianotoxinas em cladóceros com ênfase na utilização de um biomarcador bioquímico para sua detecção

Freitas, Emanuela Cristina de 03 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5307.pdf: 3018065 bytes, checksum: 4a4ed79b44dafeeb1204798dc8f70256 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-03 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / This thesis aimed to evaluate the use of cholinesterases (ChE) of the cladoceran species Pseudosida ramosa and Daphnia magna as a biochemical biomarker of the presence and effects of anatoxin-a(s) at different levels of biological organization (molecular, individual and population), besides the combined effects of the mixtures of the hepatotoxic (microcystins) and neurotoxic (anatoxin-a(s)) extracts in D. magna. A microplate assay was adapted and optimized for measuring the ChE activity of P. ramosa, in order to produce an assay protocol for this species. The analysis on the performance of ChE assays in P. ramosa showed that these are suitable for the quantifying of enzymatic activity in this species. P. ramosa showed to be an adequate alternative to the exotic cladoceran D. magna. Thus, it was proposed an assay protocol, which it meets the best combination of parameters for the using of ChE activity of P. ramosa as a biochemical biomarker. The ChE activity of P. ramosa and D. magna were specific for the indication of the presence of anatoxin-a(s), since no effect on the enzymatic activity of these species was observed when they were exposed to the microcystins. In the acute exposures (48-h) to the anatoxin-a(s) extract and to the paraoxon-methyl, P. ramosa was more sensitive than D. magna for ChE activity and survival endpoints. Also, P. ramosa was more sensitive than D. magna when exposed to the anatoxin-a(s) extract for 7 days. When the relationships between the ChE inhibition and individual and populational endpoints were evaluated, different responses were observed for the studied species. The ChE inhibition in P. ramosa had a very close relationship with the survival in the acute exposures to the anatoxin-a(s) extract and to the paraoxon-methyl. For D. magna, on the other hand, this relationship was not linear, being high levels of ChE inhibition associated with almost no mortality. The ChE activity in P. ramosa was also a good predictor of the chronic effects of anatoxin-a(s) extract at higher levels of biological organization, since ChE inhibition (48 h) was linearly linked to the sub-lethal effects on the reproduction (21 days) and on the population growth rate (21 days). For D. magna, these relationships could not be established, possibly due to species-specific differences in the affinities of both acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterases to the toxicants. Thus, for the using of ChE as a biochemical biomarker in the risk assessments of neurotoxic cyanobacteria blooms in tropical regions, it is recommended the use of native species, especially of P. ramosa, since the model species D. magna could overestimate the risk to the local species. When the effects of the mixtures of the hepatotoxic and neurotoxic extracts were evaluated on the survival and feeding rates of D. magna, additive and synergistic responses were only observed on the feeding rates. Therefore, since different types of cyanotoxins are found in the natural environments in combination, the risks of these toxins on the zooplanktonic community should be evaluated not only individually, but also as mixtures. / Esta tese teve como objetivo avaliar o uso das colinesterases (ChE) das espécies de cladóceros Pseudosida ramosa e Daphnia magna como um biomarcador bioquímico da presença e dos efeitos de anatoxina-a(s) em diferentes níveis de organização biológica (molecular, individual e populacional), além dos efeitos combinados das misturas dos extratos hepatotóxicos (microcistinas) e neurotóxicos (anatoxina-a(s)) em D. magna. Um ensaio de microplacas foi adaptado e otimizado para medir a atividade de ChE da P. ramosa, a fim de produzir um protocolo de ensaio para esta espécie. A análise sobre o desempenho dos ensaios de ChE em P. ramosa mostrou que estes são adequados para a quantificação da atividade enzimática nesta espécie. P. ramosa mostrou ser uma alternativa adequada para o cladócero exótico D. magna. Assim, foi proposto um protocolo de ensaio, o qual reúne a melhor combinação de parâmetros para a utilização da atividade de ChE da P. ramosa como um biomarcador bioquímico. A atividade de ChE da P. ramosa e da D. magna foram específicas para a indicação da presença de anatoxinaa( s), uma vez que nenhum efeito sobre a atividade enzimática dessas espécies foi observado quando elas foram expostas às microcistinas. Nas exposições agudas (48 h) ao extrato de anatoxina-a(s) e ao paraoxon-metil, P. ramosa foi mais sensível do que D. magna para os parâmetros atividade de ChE e sobrevivência. Também, P. ramosa foi mais sensível do que D. magna quando exposta ao extrato de anatoxina-a(s) por sete dias. Quando as relações entre a inibição de ChE e os parâmetros individuais e populacionais foram avaliados, diferentes respostas foram observadas para as espécies estudadas. A inibição de ChE em P. ramosa teve uma relação muito próxima com a sobrevivência nas exposições agudas ao extrato de anatoxina-a(s) e ao paraoxon-metil. Para D. magna, por outro lado, esta relação não foi linear, sendo níveis altos de inibição de ChE associados com quase nenhuma mortalidade. A atividade de ChE em P. ramosa foi também um bom preditor dos efeitos crônicos do extrato de anatoxina-a(s) em níveis mais elevados de organização biológica, uma vez que a inibição de ChE (48 h) foi associada linearmente aos efeitos sub-letais na reprodução (21 dias) e na taxa de crescimento populacional (21 dias). Para D. magna, essas relações não puderam ser estabelecidas, possivelmente devido a diferenças espécie-específicas nas afinidades da acetilcolinesterase e das pseudocolinesterases aos tóxicos. Assim, para a utilização de ChE como um biomarcador bioquímico nas avaliações de risco de florescimentos de cianobactérias neurotóxicas em regiões tropicais, recomenda-se o uso de espécies nativas, especialmente da P. ramosa, uma vez que a espécie modelo D. magna poderia superestimar o risco para as espécies locais. Quando os efeitos das misturas dos extratos hepatotóxicos e neurotóxicos foram avaliados sobre a sobrevivência e as taxas alimentares da D. magna, respostas aditivas e sinergísticas foram observadas apenas nas taxas alimentares. Portanto, uma vez que diferentes tipos de cianotoxinas são encontrados nos ambientes naturais em combinação, os riscos dessas toxinas sobre a comunidade zooplanctônica deveriam ser avaliados não apenas individualmente, mas também como misturas.

Characterization of cyanobacteria, cyanophage, and the symbiotic bacterial community in drinking water treatment wastes for sustainable control of HABs

Davis, Angela Brooke January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Nouvelles stratégies pour l’analyse des cyanotoxines par spectrométrie de masse

Roy-Lachapelle, Audrey 04 1900 (has links)
Les cyanobactéries ont une place très importante dans les écosystèmes aquatiques et un nombre important d’espèces considéré comme nuisible de par leur production de métabolites toxiques. Ces cyanotoxines possèdent des propriétés très variées et ont souvent été associées à des épisodes d’empoisonnement. L’augmentation des épisodes d’efflorescence d’origine cyanobactériennes et le potentiel qu’ils augmentent avec les changements climatiques a renchéri l’intérêt de l’étude des cyanobactéries et de leurs toxines. Considérant la complexité chimique des cyanotoxines, le développement de méthodes de détection simples, sensibles et rapides est toujours considéré comme étant un défi analytique. Considérant ces défis, le développement de nouvelles approches analytiques pour la détection de cyanotoxines dans l’eau et les poissons ayant été contaminés par des efflorescences cyanobactériennes nuisibles a été proposé. Une première approche consiste en l’utilisation d’une extraction sur phase solide en ligne couplée à une chromatographie liquide et à une détection en spectrométrie de masse en tandem (SPE-LC-MS/MS) permettant l’analyse de six analogues de microcystines (MC), de l’anatoxine (ANA-a) et de la cylindrospermopsine (CYN). La méthode permet une analyse simple et rapide et ainsi que la séparation chromatographique d’ANA-a et de son interférence isobare, la phénylalanine. Les limites de détection obtenues se trouvaient entre 0,01 et 0,02 μg L-1 et des concentrations retrouvées dans des eaux de lacs du Québec se trouvaient entre 0,024 et 36 μg L-1. Une deuxième méthode a permis l’analyse du b-N-méthylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), d’ANA-a, de CYN et de la saxitoxine (STX) dans les eaux de lac contaminés. L’analyse de deux isomères de conformation du BMAA a été effectuée afin d’améliorer la sélectivité de la détection. L’utilisation d’une SPE manuelle permet la purification et préconcentration des échantillons et une dérivatisation à base de chlorure de dansyle permet une chromatographie simplifiée. L’analyse effectuée par LC couplée à la spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution (HRMS) et des limites de détections ont été obtenues entre 0,007 et 0,01 µg L-1. Des échantillons réels ont été analysés avec des concentrations entre 0,01 et 0,3 µg L-1 permettant ainsi la confirmation de la présence du BMAA dans les efflorescences de cyanobactéries au Québec. Un deuxième volet du projet consiste en l’utilisation d’une technologie d’introduction d’échantillon permettant des analyses ultra-rapides (< 15 secondes/échantillons) sans étape chromatographique, la désorption thermique à diode laser (LDTD) couplée à l’ionisation chimique à pression atmosphérique (APCI) et à la spectrométrie de masse (MS). Un premier projet consiste en l’analyse des MC totales par l’intermédiaire d’une oxydation de Lemieux permettant un bris de la molécule et obtenant une fraction commune aux multiples congénères existants des MC. Cette fraction, le MMPB, est analysée, après une extraction liquide-liquide, par LDTD-APCI-MS/MS. Une limite de détection de 0,2 µg L-1 a été obtenue et des concentrations entre 1 et 425 µg L-1 ont été trouvées dans des échantillons d’eau de lac contaminés du Québec. De plus, une analyse en parallèle avec des étalons pour divers congénères des MC a permis de suggérer la possible présence de congénères ou d’isomères non détectés. Un deuxième projet consiste en l’analyse directe d’ANA-a par LDTD-APCI-HRMS pour résoudre son interférence isobare, la phénylalanine, grâce à la détection à haute résolution. La LDTD n’offre pas de séparation chromatographique et l’utilisation de la HRMS permet de distinguer les signaux d’ANA-a de ceux de la phénylalanine. Une limite de détection de 0,2 µg L-1 a été obtenue et la méthode a été appliquée sur des échantillons réels d’eau avec un échantillon positif en ANA-a avec une concentration de 0,21 µg L-1. Finalement, à l’aide de la LDTD-APCI-HRMS, l’analyse des MC totales a été adaptée pour la chair de poisson afin de déterminer la fraction libre et liée des MC et comparer les résultats avec des analyses conventionnelles. L’utilisation d’une digestion par hydroxyde de sodium précédant l’oxydation de Lemieux suivi d’une purification par SPE a permis d’obtenir une limite de détection de 2,7 µg kg-1. Des échantillons de poissons contaminés ont été analysés, on a retrouvé des concentrations en MC totales de 2,9 et 13,2 µg kg-1 comparativement aux analyses usuelles qui avaient démontré un seul échantillon positif à 2 µg kg-1, indiquant la possible présence de MC non détectés en utilisant les méthodes conventionnelles. / Cyanobacteria have a very important place in aquatic ecosystems and a significant number of species are considered harmful given their production of toxic metabolites. These cyanotoxins have various chemical proprieties and have often been associated with poisoning episodes. The frequency of cyanobacterial blooms is increasing and the study of cyanobacteria and their toxins is of increasing interest, especially considering the potential increase associated with climate changes. Given the chemical complexity of the cyanotoxins, the development of simple, sensitive and fast detection methods is an analytical challenge. Considering these issues, the development of new analytical approaches for the detection of cyanotoxins in water and fish samples contaminated with harmful cyanobacterial blooms have been proposed. A first approach consists of the use of an on-line solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (SPE-LC-MS/MS) for the analysis of six microcystins (MCs), anatoxin-a (ANA-a) and cylindrospermopsin (CYN). This method allows a simple and rapid analysis and enables the chromatographic separation of ANA-a and its isobaric interference, phenylalanine. The detection limits ranged from 0.01 to 0.02 µg L-1 and concentrations in lake waters were found between 0.024 and 36 µg L-1. A second method consists of using manual solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) for the determination of b-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), ANA-a, CYN and saxitoxin (STX) in contaminated lake water. The analysis of two conformational isomers of BMAA was done to improve the selectivity. Dansyl chloride-based derivatization allows simplified chromatography. The detection limits were obtained between 0.007 and 0.01 µg L-1. The analysis of bloom water samples detected concentrations of cyanotoxins between 0.01 and 0.3 µg L-1 allowing the confirmation of the presence of BMAA in algal blooms in Québec. A second part of the project consists in the use of an alternative sample introduction technology for MS analysis. It enables ultra-fast analysis (< 15 seconds/sample) without the use of a chromatographic step, and is called laser diode thermal desorption (LDTD) coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). The first LDTD project consists of the analysis of total MCs via Lemieux oxidation in order to obtain a common moiety of all MCs existing congeners. This fraction, the MMPB, is analyzed after a liquid-liquid extraction step, with the LDTD-APCI-MS/MS. A value of 0.2 µg L-1 was obtained for detection limit and concentrations between 1 and 425 µg L-1 have been found in contaminated water samples. In addition, a comparison with a parallel analysis using MCs congeners’ standards suggested the possible presence of undetected MCs or isomers. A second project involves the direct analysis of ANA-a using LDTD-APCI-HRMS in order to solve the isobaric interference, phenylalanine, which is possible due to the high resolution detection. The LDTD offers no chromatographic separation and by using HRMS, we can distinguish ANA-a signals from those of phenylalanine. A value of 0.2 µg L-1 was obtained as detection limit and the method has been applied on water bloom samples with a positive concentration of 0.21 µg L-1. Finally, using the LDTD-APCI-HRMS combination, analysis of total MCs has been adapted to fish tissues to determine the unbound and bound MCs and compare the results with standard analysis. The use of digestion with sodium hydroxide prior to Lemieux oxidation followed by SPE purification yielded a detection limit of 2.7 µg kg-1. Total MCs concentrations were found between 2.9 and 13.2 µg kg-1 in real field-collected contaminated fish samples and comparison was made with standard analysis which yield a single positive sample with a concentration of 2 µg kg-1. This indicates the possible presence of undetected MCs using conventional analytical methods.

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