Spelling suggestions: "subject:"micromechanical model"" "subject:"michromechanical model""
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A time integration scheme for stress - temperature dependent viscoelastic behaviors of isotropic materialsKhan, Kamran-Ahmed 15 May 2009 (has links)
A recursive-iterative algorithm is developed for predicting nonlinear viscoelastic
behaviors of isotropic materials that belong to the thermorheologically complex material
(TCM). The algorithm is derived based on implicit stress integration solutions within a
general displacement based FE structural analyses for small deformations and uncoupled
thermo-mechanical problems. A previously developed recursive-iterative algorithm for
a stress-dependent hereditary integral model which was developed by Haj-Ali and
Muliana is modified to include time-temperature effects. The recursive formula allows
bypassing the need to store entire strain histories at each Gaussian integration point.
Two types of iterative procedures, which are fixed point and Newton-Raphson methods,
are examined within the recursive algorithm. Furthermore, a consistent tangent stiffness
matrix is formulated to accelerate convergence and avoid divergence. The efficiency and
accuracy of the proposed algorithm are evaluated using available experimental data and
several structural analyses. The performance of the proposed algorithm under multi-axial
conditions is verified with analytical solutions of creep responses of a plate with a hole.
Next, the recursive-iterative algorithm is used to predict the overall response of single lap-joint. Numerical simulations of time-dependent crack propagations of adhesive
bonded joints are also presented. For this purpose, the recursive algorithm is
implemented in cohesive elements. The numerical assessment of the TCM and
thermorheologically simple material (TSM) behaviors has also been performed. The
result showed that TCM are able to describe thermo-viscoelastic behavior under general
loading histories, while TSM behaviors are limited to isothermal conditions. The
proposed numerical algorithm can be easily used in a micromechanical model for
predicting the overall composite responses. Examples are shown for solid spherical
particle reinforced composites. Detailed unit-cell FE models of the composite systems
are generated to verify the capability of the above micromechanical model for predicting
the overall nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors.
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Simulation of injection molded fiber reinforced polymersGydemo, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Assemblages composites-polymères après traitement par plasma atmosphérique du composite : caractérisation mécaniques et modélisation / Composite-polymer assemblies after amospheric plasma treatment on composite surface : mechanical characterization and modelingPhongphinittana, Ekkarin 16 December 2014 (has links)
A la suite des propositions de la commission européenne, visant à concrétiser les objectifs de réduction des émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) des voitures. Pour atteindre cet objectif, les constructeurs automobiles doivent réduire le poids de la voiture. Ainsi l'équipementier FAURECIA, fabricant de sièges de voiture désire remplacer les structures métalliques par des structures hybrides plastique-métal (PMH). Et en plus, il désire également utiliser un matériau composite en remplacement du métal pour diminuer le poids et utiliser la technique du plasma atmosphérique pour améliore le force d'adhérence à l'interface de pièce structure hybride.C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons étudié des effets de plasma traitement sur l'adhérence dans la structure hybride pour proposer la meilleure condition de traitement. L'objectif de ce travail était de caractériser l'effet de plasma traitement par détermination des paramètres dans le processus de traitement telle que la vitesse de balayage, la distance entre le substrat et la torche plasma et le nombre de passages de la torche, puis de prédire l'initiation du délaminage sous chargement quasi-statiques dans l'éprouvette de simple recouvrement par l'utilisation le critère de la rupture. Un autre objectif était d'étudier les modèle micromécanique pour évaluer la fiabilité de leur. Et ils seront appliqués pour prévoir les comportements mécaniques de matériau thermoplastique renforcé par fibre de verre court. Afin d'atteindre les objectifs présenté, les plusieurs essais telles que l'essai de traction, l'essai simple recouvrement et l'essai de l'ARCAN-Mines sont été réalisé. En parallèle, les techniques de l'émission acoustique (EA), du rayonnement infrarouge (RI) et de la microscopie optique ont été utilisées pour suivre les mécanismes de la rupture de l'éprouvette étudiée. En enfin, la méthode des éléments finis a été utilisé pour simuler les essais et pour permettre de vérifier la fiabilité du critère de rupture. / Following the proposals of the European Commission, to achieve the goals of emission reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) from cars. To achieve this objective, automakers must reduce the weight of the car. Thus the supplier Faurecia, manufacturer of car seats desires to replace metal structures by structure plastic-metal hybrid (PMH). And they desire also to use a composite material to replace metal in order to reduce weight. Moreover in order to improve the adhesion strength at the interface piece hybrid structure,Atmospheric plasma technique was used.In this context, we studied the effects of plasma treatment on term of adhesion in the hybrid structure in order to provide the best condition of treatment. The objective of this study was to characterize the effect of plasma treatment by determination at the parameters in the process such as the scanning speed, the distance between the substrate and the plasma torch and the number of passes of the torch, then to predict the initiation of delamination under quasi-static loading test in specimen of single lap shear by using the criterion of rupture. The other objective was to study the micromechanical model to assess the reliability of them. And they will be applied to predict the mechanical behavior of Short Glass Fiber reinforced thermoplastic. In order to achieve the objectives presented, the several tests such as tensile test, single lap shear test and ARCAN-Mines test have been executed. In parallel, techniques acoustic emission (AE), infrared radiation (IR) and optical microscopy were used in order to follow the failure mechanisms of the specimen studied. Finally, the finite element method was used to simulate the tests and allow to verify the reliability of the failure criterion.
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Effect of Domain Wall Motion and Phase Transformations on Nonlinear Hysteretic Constitutive Behavior in Ferroelectric MaterialsWebber, Kyle Grant 17 March 2008 (has links)
The primary focus of this research is to investigate the non-linear behavior of
single crystal and polycrystalline relaxor ferroelectric PMN-xPT and PZN-xPT through
experimentation and modeling.
Characterization of single crystal and polycrystalline specimens with similar
compositions was performed. These data give experimental insight into the differences
that may arise in a polycrystal due to local interaction with inhomogeneities. Single
crystal specimens were characterized with a novel experimental technique that reduced
clamping effects at the boundary and gave repeatable results. The measured
experimental data was used in conjunction with electromechanical characterizations of
other compositions of single crystal specimens with the same crystallographic orientation
to study the compositional effects on material properties and phase transition behavior.
Experimental characterization provided the basis for the development of a model
of the continuous phase transformation behavior seen in PMN-xPT single crystals. In the
modeling it is assumed that a spatial chemical and structural heterogeneity is primarily
responsible for the gradual phase transformation behavior observed in relaxor
ferroelectric materials. The results are used to simulate the effects of combined electrical
and mechanical loading.
An improved rate-independent micromechanical constitutive model based on the
experimental observations of single crystal and polycrystalline specimens under large
field loading is also presented. This model accounts for the non-linear evolution of
variant volume fractions. The micromechanical model was calibrated using single crystal data. Simulations of the electromechanical behavior of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials are presented. These results illustrate the effects of non-linear single crystal behavior on the macroscopic constitutive behavior of polycrystals.
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Nonlinear multi-scale anisotropic material and structural models for prosthetic and native aortic heart valvesKim, Hee Sun 29 June 2009 (has links)
New 3D multi-scale modeling approaches for the structural analysis of native and prosthetic Aortic Valves (AV) are investigated. Three different nonlinear hyperelastic constitutive material models for the mechanical behavior of the AV tissue are introduced.
The first is the well-known Holzapfel hyperelastic, anisotropic and homogeneous model. The second model, termed the Collagen Fiber Network (CFN), is a heterogeneous model that recognizes the hyperelastic collagen and elastin layers using different layered finite elements. The third hyperelastic model is implemented using a new nonlinear micromechanical formulation of the High Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells (HFGMC) originally proposed by Aboudi. The latter two material models are heterogeneous and explicitly recognize the in-situ tissue constituents. Initially, a full scale 3D structural model of a polymeric-based prosthetic AV model is studied. This model is verified using deformation metrics obtained from images taken with high speed cameras during in-vitro experiments. The predictions from the proposed polymeric AV model are in good agreement with the test data. Next, the three tissue material models are examined in their ability to predict the anisotropic material behavior of porcine AV leaflet tissue. The Holzapfel model is calibrated from the overall anisotropic uni- and biaxial stress-strain data while the in-situ elastin and collagen constituents in the CFN and HFGMC models are calibrated to match the overall effective responses. Dynamic structural analysis is performed for the porcine AV with applied transvalvular pressure measured from repeated in-vitro tests conducted in this study. Principal stretches are computed from the experimental measurements and compared with the AV material-structural predictions. The proposed multi-scale modeling approach for the native AV is capable of predicting the structural behavior during the entire cardiac cycle without suffering from numerical convergence problems. Finally, new nonlinear micromechanical formulations based on the HFGMC method are developed and applied for various types of tissue materials including the human arterial wall layers and porcine AV leaflets. The proposed hyperelastic HFGMC model is compared to the CFN model and the Holzapfel models. It is shown that the HFGMC is an effective modeling approach for the arteries especially when the collagen fiber network has a periodic microstructure.
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Towards frost damage prediction in asphaltic pavementsLövqvist, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Roads are subjected to mechanical loads from the traffic as well as deteriorating mechanisms originating from the surrounding environment and climate. The damage arising is particularly severe during the winter season, when for example raveling, pot holes and cracks can emerge on the surfaces of asphaltic roads. These winter related damages are difficult to characterize and predict, partly due to the complexity of the asphalt material and partly since they cannot be linked to one single phenomenon but several, such as the (long term) existence of moisture, frost damage and frost heave, low temperature cracking and the embrittlement of the mastic at low temperatures. Further adding to the complexity is the combination of these phenomena which may accelerate the emergence and evolution of the damage mechanisms. This licentiate research project is mainly focusing on the emergence and development of frost damage in the asphalt layer but will include the effect of other damage mechanisms in its continuation. The goal of the project is to develop a multiscale model able to predict the damage development in an asphalt pavement during a desired period of time, to enhance maintenance predictions as well as pavement design choices. This licentiate thesis is the first part of this project and aims to lay the foundation of the multiscale model. To achieve this, a micromechanical model of frost damage in asphalt mixtures has been developed. This model couples the moisture and mechanical damage happening on the short and long term, caused by the infiltration of moisture and the expansion of water turning into ice during temperature drops. Both possible adhesive damage in the mastic-aggregate interface and cohesive damage in the mastic is included. In addition to the developed micromechanical model, this thesis presents the overall concept for the formulation of the multiscale model as well as discusses about its motivations and advantages. / Vägar utsätts både för mekaniska laster från trafiken som kör på vägen samt för nedbrytande mekanismer härstammande från den omgivande miljön och klimatet. Skadorna som uppstår är särskilt stora under vintern, då till exempel stensläpp, potthål och sprickor kan uppstå på ytan av asfalterade vägar. Dessa vinterrelaterade skador är svåra att karakterisera och förutsäga, delvis på grund av det komplexa beteendet hos asfalt och delvis eftersom de inte härstammar från enbart ett fenomen utan flera, såsom existensen av fukt i asfalten (på lång sikt), frostskador, tjällyft, sprickbildning på grund av låg temperatur samt försprödningen av asfalt som sker vid låga temperaturer. Vidare påverkar dessa skademekanismer varandra vilket kan accelerera skadebildningen och utvecklingen, vilket ytterligare ökar komplexiteten. Detta licentiatforskningsprojekt fokuserar till största delen på uppkomsten och utvecklingen av frostskador men kommer även inkludera effekten av andra skademekanismer i dess fortsättning. Målet med detta forskningsprojekt är att utveckla en multiskalemodell som kan förutspå skadeutvecklingen i en asfaltsväg under en önskad tidsperiod, för att förbättra både underhållsprognoser samt designval. Denna licentiatuppsats är den första delen i detta projekt och syftar till att lägga grunden till multiskalemodellen. För att uppnå detta har en mikromekanisk modell av frostskador i asfalt utvecklats. Denna modell kopplar ihop fuktskadan och den mekaniska skadan som sker både på kort och lång sikt, orsakad av infiltrationen av fukt och expansionen av vatten som omvandlas till is vid sjunkande temperatur. Modellen inkluderar de möjliga skadorna som uppstår i både mastics och gränsskiktet mellan mastics och stenmaterialet. Utöver den utvecklade mikromekaniska modellen presenterar denna uppsats det övergripande konceptet för formuleringen av multiskalemodellen samt diskuterar dess motivering och fördelar. / <p>QC20190515</p>
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Estudo de fissuração em concreto armado com fibras e armadura convencional / not availableEwang, Bruce Ekane 30 April 1999 (has links)
Devido à fragilidade do concreto, o controle e combate da fissuração são de importância fundamental em estruturas de concreto armado. Uma maneira de melhorar as propriedades do concreto à tração é pelo emprego de fibras. A presente pesquisa é uma tentativa de fornecer diretrizes para o dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado com fibras, e armadura convencional sob condições de serviço. Apresenta-se inicialmente, um estudo do comportamento do material à tração. Um modelo probabilístico/micro-mecânico fundamentado na mecânica de fratura, e capaz de prever o comportamento pós-fissuração do compósito é apresentado. O modelo prevê a relação tensão-abertura de fissura do compósito levando em conta os seguintes micro-mecanismos: travejamento de agregado e fibras, a ruptura das fibras, os efeitos de: atrito local (snubbing effect), esmagamento da matriz, Cook-Gordon, e da pré-tração das fibras. Em nível estrutural, dois modelos macro-mecânicos são apresentados. O primeiro modelo tem premissa na teoria clássica de fissura, e o segundo na mecânica de dado. O primeiro modelo é ajustado para aplicação na previsão de espaçamento e aberturas de fissura em estruturas de concreto armado com fibras discretas e aleatoriamente dispostas. É demostrado que o modelo micro-mecânico pode alimentar perfeitamente o modelo macro-mecânico. Ensaios de tração com elementos de placas de argamassa com fibras armada com tela ou fios foram realizados. Os resultados teóricos previstos pelo modelo foram comparados com os obtidos do programa experimental, e mostram uma boa concordância, comprovando a validade do modelo apresentado. / Due to the brittleness of concrete, the control and prevention of cracking in reinforced concrete structures are of prime importance. One way of improving the tensile properties of concrete is by the addition of fibres. The present research is a trial to provide guidelines for the design of fibre reinforced concrete structures under service loads. First of all, a study of the tensile behaviour of the composite material is presented. A probabilistic/fracture mechanics based micromechanical model, capable of predicting the poscracking behaviour of the material is presented. The model predicts the tensile stress-crack width relationship, accounting for the following micromechanisms: fibre and aggregate bridging, fibre rupture, local snubbing, matrix spalling, the Cook-Gordon interface effect, and fibre prestressing. At the structural level, two macromechanical models are presented. One is founded on the classical theory of cracking, while the other, a shear lag model, is founded on the continuum damage mechanics. The first model is adjusted for application to the prevision of crack width and crack spacing in fibre reinforced concrete structures with short discrete and randomly dispersed fibres. It is shown that the micromechanical model fits very well in the macrostructural model. Tensile tests with mortar specimens reinforced with continuous steel wires or meshes and PVA or polypropylene fibres were carried out. The theoretical results predicted by the model were compared with results obtained from the experimental program, and show very good agreement, confirming the validity of the theoretical model.
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Estudo de fissuração em concreto armado com fibras e armadura convencional / not availableBruce Ekane Ewang 30 April 1999 (has links)
Devido à fragilidade do concreto, o controle e combate da fissuração são de importância fundamental em estruturas de concreto armado. Uma maneira de melhorar as propriedades do concreto à tração é pelo emprego de fibras. A presente pesquisa é uma tentativa de fornecer diretrizes para o dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado com fibras, e armadura convencional sob condições de serviço. Apresenta-se inicialmente, um estudo do comportamento do material à tração. Um modelo probabilístico/micro-mecânico fundamentado na mecânica de fratura, e capaz de prever o comportamento pós-fissuração do compósito é apresentado. O modelo prevê a relação tensão-abertura de fissura do compósito levando em conta os seguintes micro-mecanismos: travejamento de agregado e fibras, a ruptura das fibras, os efeitos de: atrito local (snubbing effect), esmagamento da matriz, Cook-Gordon, e da pré-tração das fibras. Em nível estrutural, dois modelos macro-mecânicos são apresentados. O primeiro modelo tem premissa na teoria clássica de fissura, e o segundo na mecânica de dado. O primeiro modelo é ajustado para aplicação na previsão de espaçamento e aberturas de fissura em estruturas de concreto armado com fibras discretas e aleatoriamente dispostas. É demostrado que o modelo micro-mecânico pode alimentar perfeitamente o modelo macro-mecânico. Ensaios de tração com elementos de placas de argamassa com fibras armada com tela ou fios foram realizados. Os resultados teóricos previstos pelo modelo foram comparados com os obtidos do programa experimental, e mostram uma boa concordância, comprovando a validade do modelo apresentado. / Due to the brittleness of concrete, the control and prevention of cracking in reinforced concrete structures are of prime importance. One way of improving the tensile properties of concrete is by the addition of fibres. The present research is a trial to provide guidelines for the design of fibre reinforced concrete structures under service loads. First of all, a study of the tensile behaviour of the composite material is presented. A probabilistic/fracture mechanics based micromechanical model, capable of predicting the poscracking behaviour of the material is presented. The model predicts the tensile stress-crack width relationship, accounting for the following micromechanisms: fibre and aggregate bridging, fibre rupture, local snubbing, matrix spalling, the Cook-Gordon interface effect, and fibre prestressing. At the structural level, two macromechanical models are presented. One is founded on the classical theory of cracking, while the other, a shear lag model, is founded on the continuum damage mechanics. The first model is adjusted for application to the prevision of crack width and crack spacing in fibre reinforced concrete structures with short discrete and randomly dispersed fibres. It is shown that the micromechanical model fits very well in the macrostructural model. Tensile tests with mortar specimens reinforced with continuous steel wires or meshes and PVA or polypropylene fibres were carried out. The theoretical results predicted by the model were compared with results obtained from the experimental program, and show very good agreement, confirming the validity of the theoretical model.
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