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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Process planning for thick-film mask projection micro stereolithography

Zhao, Xiayun 26 March 2009 (has links)
Mask Projection micro Stereolithography (MPuSLA) is an additive manufacturing process used to build physical components out of a photopolymer resin. Existing MPuSLA technology cut the CAD model of part into slices by horizontal planes and the slices are stored as bitmaps. A layer corresponding to the shape of each bitmap gets cured. This layer is coated with a fresh layer of resin by lowering the Z-stage inside a vat holding the resin and the next layer is cured on top of it. In our Thick-film MPuSLA(TfMPuSLA) system, incident radiation, patterned by a dynamic mask, passes through a fixed transparent substrate to cure photopolymer resin. The existing MPuSLA fabrication models can work only for controlling the lateral dimension, without any control over the thickness of the cured part. The proposed process plan controls both the lateral dimensions and the thickness of profile of the cured part. In this thesis, a novel process planning for TfMPuSLA method is developed, to fabricate films on fixed flat substrate. The process of curing a part using this system is analytically modeled as the column cure model. It is different from the conventional process - layer cure model. Column means that a CAD model of part is discretized into vertical columns instead of being sliced into horizontal layers, and all columns get cured simultaneously till the desired heights. The process planning system is modularized into geometrical, chemical, optical, mathematical and physical modules and validated by curing test parts on our system. The thesis formulates a feasible process planning method, providing a strong basis for continued investigation of MPuSLA technology in microfabrication, such as micro lens fabrication.


Jin Xu (13141776) 22 July 2022 (has links)
<p> Microarchitectural or nano- functional materials are critical to industry and scientific research owning to their special properties derived from their tiny sizes and subsequently increased surface area. However, they are also expensive and a pain to make. </p> <p>The large-scale manufacturing of microarchitectural functional materials can often be complex and difficult. Considering the following factors: (1) the capability of attaining the desired physical and chemical properties and morphology for target nano-materials; (2) the quality of nano-materials in industrial-scale production; (3) the ability to incorporate nanosized materials into a matrix of standard material to form strengthened nano-composites; (4) the feasibility to transfer laboratory-scale research to industrial manufacturing; (5) the stability of reliability of manufacturing technique; and (6) cost and environmental safety of the process, the industrial use of nano-materials faces many obstacles as there is no suitable technique to meet every demands. </p> <p>Laser processing has a wide range of applications from micro/nano fabrication to surface treatment, re-construction, element doping, composition modification, and shock peening. Compared to the longer pulse width lasers, ultrafast laser pulses are unique in the incredibly high peak intensities and the laser-matter interactions on a timescale faster than lattice disorder and heat diffusion do. These two features enable ultrafast laser to precisely tune and engineer the states of materials. Herein, we utilized picosecond (ps) laser as energy source with multiple field (thermal, magnetic, pressure, etc.) to explore the feasibility of large-scale manufacturing microarchitectural materials with desired functions.</p>

Etude et réalisation d'un récupérateur d'énergie vibratoire par transduction électrostatique en technologie MEMS silicium / Elaboration of a capacitive transducer for vibration-to-electricity power conversion

Guillemet, Raphaël 02 October 2012 (has links)
Une solution pertinente afin d'alimenter des capteurs isolés consiste à récupérer l'énergie disponible dans leur environnement immédiat. Parmi les sources d'énergie envisageables, notre choix s'est porté sur les vibrations mécaniques ambiantes. Notre contribution porte sur l'étude et la réalisation, par un procédé de fabrication collective, d'un transducteur électrostatique sans électrets en technologie MEMS Silicium. Nous proposons une étude analytique permettant d'optimiser l'efficacité du générateur électrostatique, tout en considérant une limite sur la tension maximale aux bornes du transducteur afin de ne pas endommager le circuit de conditionnement. Le design proposé prend également en compte d'éventuelles variations de l'amplitude des vibrations externes. Le dispositif a été fabriqué au sein de ESIEE Paris et présente un volume total de moins de 100 mm3.Les tests expérimentaux ont montré un comportement fortement non-linéaire de la structure. Nous avons obtenu une conversion d'énergie mécanique en énergie électrique correspondant à une puissance maximale de 2.3 μW à 260 Hz, pour une accélération de 1 g et à une pression de 0.15 Torr, lorsque le système est pré-chargé avec une tension de 10 V. Une fois implémenté dans un circuit de pompe de charge et pour les mêmes conditions d'accélération et de pression, le système peut fonctionner en complète autonomie pendant plus de 500 secondes pendant lesquelles la puissance délivrée varie de 1.4 μW à 940 nW avec une tension de pré-charge de 10.6 V / A relevant solution to power isolated sensors is to harvest the energy available in their immediate environment. Among the possible sources of energy, our choice was made on ambient mechanical vibrations. We have designed and fabricated a silicon-based and batch-processed MEMS electrostatic transducer which does not use an electret. We present an analytical method to optimize the efficiency of the electrostatic generator, while a voltage limitation on the transducer's terminal is set to prevent any damage in the conditioning electronics. The proposed design also takes into account some possible variations in the amplitude of external vibration. The device was fabricated in ESIEE Paris and its volume is less than 100 mm3. The device was tested experimentally and exhibits a strong non-linear behavior. We obtained a conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy corresponding to a power of 2.3 μW at 260 Hz, with an acceleration of 1 g and a pressure of 0.15 Torr, when the system is pre-charged with a voltage of10 V. When the device is implemented in a charge pump circuit and under the same parameters of acceleration and pressure, the system can operate in autonomous mode for more than 500 seconds during which the output power varies from 1.4 μW to 940 nW when the pre-charge voltage is 10.6 V

Desenvolvimento de microrreatores em tecnologia LTCC para produção de biodiesel. / Development of microreactors in LTCC technology for biodiesel production.

Cunha, Marcio Rodrigues da 31 May 2012 (has links)
O escopo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de microrreatores em tecnologia LTCC para produção de biodiesel, com foco na otimização de uma geometria de micromisturador. Esta proposta é resultado das oportunidades identificadas em três áreas do conhecimento: Microtecnologia, Intensificação de processos e Biocombustíveis. A principal ferramenta de desenvolvimento desta proposta é a fluidodinâmica computacional. Os microcanais baseados em geometrias com sucessivos cotovelos foram os escolhidos, para a investigação computacional e experimental. A metodologia computacional desenvolvida para alcançar os objetivos propostos envolve as etapas de: definição de um padrão de comparação, projeto das distâncias entre cotovelos, escolha de uma geometria com base na comparação entre diversas geometrias baseadas em sucessivos cotovelos e a otimização da geometria em função dos parâmetros fluidodinâmicos. Paralelamente, ensaios para a produção de biodiesel foram realizados, bem como, a investigação da produção de emulsões para avaliar como uma etapa do processo de produção do biodiesel. A geometria escolhida e otimizada foi a serpentina 3D, o que permitiu a otimização do módulo de tempo de residência e o projeto do microrreator. Finalizando, um microrreator foi projetado com parâmetros ótimos, obtendo assim a intensificação de processo por meio de conceitos de microtecnologia, para aplicação na produção de biocombustíveis. / The scope of this work was the development of microreactors in LTCC technology for biodiesel production, with a focus on the optimization of a micromixer geometry. This proposal is resulted from the opportunities identified in three areas of knowledge: Microtechnology, processes intensification and Biofuels. The main tool for development of this proposal is the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The microchannels geometry with successive elbows were chosen for computational and experimental research. The computational methodology developed to achieve the proposed goals involves the following steps: defining a standard of comparison, a project of the distances between elbows, a choice of geometry based on the comparison between different geometries based on successive elbows and geometry optimization for the parameters hydrodynamic. In addition, tests for the production of biodiesel were being made and the investigations of production of emulsions to evaluate a step in the producing of biodiesel process. The geometry was chosen and optimized serpentine 3D, allowing the optimization of residence time module and the design of the microreactor. Finally, a microreactor was designed with optimal parameters, thus obtaining the intensification process through microtechnology concepts for application in the biofuels production.

Étude et réalisation de circuits imprimés sur substrats polymères 3D (MID 3D) par microtamponnage / Study and fabrication of printed circuit board on 3D polymer substrates (3D MID) by microcontact printing

Cheval, Kevin 11 May 2015 (has links)
L'enjeu de ce travail est la réalisation de circuits électroniques sur des pièces polymères injectées à forme 3D, appelées MIDs, par microtamponnage (μTP). Le μTP, est une technique de localisation de substances (chimiques ou biologiques) par contact mécanique d'un tampon structuré sur un substrat. Il permet de localiser les pistes conductrices des MIDs en utilisant deux protocoles : le μTP passif et le μTP actif. La première méthode consiste à déposer de manière localisée un thiol par μTP sur la surface de la pièce préalablement métallisée. Le thiol permet de protéger les pistes métalliques qui doivent être conservées après gravure humide. Dans la seconde, un catalyseur (du palladium) est déposé par μTP, suivi de la métallisation electroless des pistes. La problématique du μTP 3D a été étudiée à l'aide d'un tampon épousant la forme de la pièce. Nos résultats expérimentaux couplés à des simulations par éléments finis de la déformation du tampon lors de sa compression au moment du contact avec la pièce, nous ont permis de déterminer les paramètres clefs du procédé : l'alignement du tampon par rapport à la pièce, la gestion du contact et la fabrication du tampon. Il a été mis en évidence que la tolérance de l'alignement est de l'ordre de 100μm pour des motifs structurés de 250μm de hauteur. Un tampon composé d'un support rigide surmonté d'une couche mince structurée permet de limiter ses déformations lors de sa compression. Les enseignements tirés nous ont permis de réaliser nos premiers circuits par μTP à l'aide d'une machine originale développée au laboratoire. La problématique de l'épaississement des couches de cuivre adhérentes sur des pièces en LCP est également abordée, un protocole d'épaississement ayant été validé / The main challenge of this work was the production of electronic circuits on injected 3Dshaped polymer components, called MIDs, by microcontact printing (μCP). μCP is a substance (chemical or biological) localisation technique through mechanical contact between a patterned stamp and a substrate. It enables the MIDs’ conductor tracks to be located using two techniques: passive μCP and active μCP. The first method involves locally depositing a thiol by μCP on the substrate’s surface, which has previously been coated with a thin metallic film. The thiol protects the metallic tracks, which must be preserved after wet chemical etching. Regarding the second method, a catalyst (palladium) is deposited by μCP, followed by the electroless metallization of the tracks. The 3D μCP issue was studied using a stamp, which matched the shape of the substrate. Our experimental results combined with finite element simulations of stamp deformation during compression and whilst in contact with the substrate, revealed the key parameters of the process: stamp/substrate alignment, contact control and stamp manufacturing. We found that the alignment tolerance was around 100μm for a 250μm thickness structured design. A stamp with a rigid support covered in a structured thin film minimises deformation during compression. Thanks to the lessons learned, we carried out our first circuits using μCP with a new machine, which was developed in the laboratory. We also addressed the problem of thickening adhesive copper layers on LCP components, as a thickening procedure had already been validated

The development of a robotic coarse-to-fine positioning system

Read, Sebastian E. A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a need for a coarse-to-fine positioning system as per a case study presented by the project collaboration partner, the Technical University of Chemnitz. The case study involves the picking and placing of piezo-ceramic micro parts into milled micro cavities. The focus of the project is the creation and development of a systematic approach for the design and the implementation of a coarse-to-fine positioning system for micro material handling. A second focus is to determine the applicability of the system for highly accurate and repeatable micro drilling and micro-milling. A systematic approach entails combining innovation management (assists in overall project structure), systems engineering (assists in specific design steps and tools) and research questions. Micro-milling was achieved, however the system proved unsuitable for highly accurate and repeatable micro drilling. The coarse-to-fine positioning system was successfully designed, built, and tested for accurate micro material handling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan ’n behoefte aan ’n grof-tot-fyn-posisioneringstelsel - soos blyk uit die gevallestudie uiteengesit deur die samewerkende projekvennoot, die Tegniese Universiteit van Chemnitz. Die gevallestudie behels die uitsoek en plasing van piezo-keramiek partikels in gefreesde mikroholtes. Hierdie projek het gefokus op die skepping en ontwikkeling van ’n stelselmatige benadering tot die ontwerp en implementering van ’n grof-tot-fyn-posisioneringstelsel vir mikromateriaalhantering en mikromasjienering. ’n Stelselmatige benadering behels dat innovasiebestuur (hulp met die algehele projekstruktuur), stelselingenieurswese (hulp met spesifieke ontwerpstappe en -hulpmiddels) en navorsingsdoelwitte gekombineer word. Die geïmplementeerde stelsel is eksperimenteel getoets en daar is bevind dat dit aan die spesifikasies en vereistes voldoen.

Etude de membranes ultra-fines pour intégration de transducteurs acoustiques ultra-sonores / Study of ultra thin membranes for acoustic transducers. Experimental approach.

Sridi, Nawres 16 October 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse se situent dans un contexte de miniaturisation des transducteurs ultrasonores micro-usinés (cMUTs). Ce type de dispositifs est utilisé depuis plusieurs décades dans le domaine de l'imagerie par échographie allant du contrôle non-destructif de structures jusqu'au domaine médical. La quête d'une imagerie hautement résolue nécessite l'utilisation de cMUTs de fréquence de résonance de l'ordre du GHz et de taille micrométrique. L'élément actif de ces cMUts est une membrane suspendue de surface micrométrique. Une étude analytique, basée sur le comportement mécanique des plaques minces, a permis de dimensionner les membranes suspendues et de souligner l'importance d'avoir une épaisseur nanométrique pour avoir un signal émis détectable électriquement. Plusieurs matériaux; à savoir des nanotubes de carbone, du graphène, du graphène oxydé, du DLC (diamond like carbon) et du silicium, ont été mis en œuvre dans la cadre de cette étude pour réaliser des membranes suspendues de taille micrométrique et d'épaisseur nanométrique. Des procédés technologiques propres à chacun de ces matériaux ont été conçus et des membranes d'épaisseurs variant de 2 à 15 nm et de largeurs variant de 1 à 2 µm ont été fabriquées. Une méthode de caractérisation innovante a été mise en place afin d'évaluer les propriétés mécaniques des différentes membranes réalisées. Un protocole de mesure a été développé pour mesurer l'amplitude de déplacement des membranes suspendues sous l'action d'une force électrostatique. Des amplitudes qui atteignent la dizaine de nanomètres ont été mesurées, amplitudes qui correspondent à des variations de capacités électriquement détectables. Plus généralement, ces travaux constituent une preuve solide de la faisabilité des nano-membranes suspendues de taille micrométrique avec un déplacement détectable. / This thesis concerns a context of miniaturization of micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs). This type of device has been used for decades in the field of ultrasound imaging for the non-destructive testing of structures for example. The quest of a highly resolved imaging requires the use of cMUTs with a resonance frequency in the order of GHz and with a micrometer size. The main part of these cMUts is a suspended membrane with a micrometric surface. An analytical study, based on the mechanical behavior of thin plates, is used for the design of the suspended membranes. This study emphasizes the importance of having a nanometric thickness to obtain a detectable electrical signal. Several materials, namely carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphene oxide, DLC (diamond like carbon ) and silicon have been implemented in this study to make a micron size suspended membranes with a nanometric thickness . Technological processes specific to each of these materials have been designed. Suspended membranes with thicknesses ranging from 2 to 15 nm and widths ranging from 1 to 2 microns were made. A novel method of characterization has been established to evaluate the mechanical properties of our membranes. A measurement protocol has been developed to measure the of displacement of the suspended membrane under the an electrostatic field . Amplitudes reaching ten nanometers were measured. More generally , this study provides a strong proof of the feasibility of suspended micrometer-sized membranes with an electrically detectable signal.

Desenvolvimento de microrreatores em tecnologia LTCC para produção de biodiesel. / Development of microreactors in LTCC technology for biodiesel production.

Marcio Rodrigues da Cunha 31 May 2012 (has links)
O escopo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de microrreatores em tecnologia LTCC para produção de biodiesel, com foco na otimização de uma geometria de micromisturador. Esta proposta é resultado das oportunidades identificadas em três áreas do conhecimento: Microtecnologia, Intensificação de processos e Biocombustíveis. A principal ferramenta de desenvolvimento desta proposta é a fluidodinâmica computacional. Os microcanais baseados em geometrias com sucessivos cotovelos foram os escolhidos, para a investigação computacional e experimental. A metodologia computacional desenvolvida para alcançar os objetivos propostos envolve as etapas de: definição de um padrão de comparação, projeto das distâncias entre cotovelos, escolha de uma geometria com base na comparação entre diversas geometrias baseadas em sucessivos cotovelos e a otimização da geometria em função dos parâmetros fluidodinâmicos. Paralelamente, ensaios para a produção de biodiesel foram realizados, bem como, a investigação da produção de emulsões para avaliar como uma etapa do processo de produção do biodiesel. A geometria escolhida e otimizada foi a serpentina 3D, o que permitiu a otimização do módulo de tempo de residência e o projeto do microrreator. Finalizando, um microrreator foi projetado com parâmetros ótimos, obtendo assim a intensificação de processo por meio de conceitos de microtecnologia, para aplicação na produção de biocombustíveis. / The scope of this work was the development of microreactors in LTCC technology for biodiesel production, with a focus on the optimization of a micromixer geometry. This proposal is resulted from the opportunities identified in three areas of knowledge: Microtechnology, processes intensification and Biofuels. The main tool for development of this proposal is the computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The microchannels geometry with successive elbows were chosen for computational and experimental research. The computational methodology developed to achieve the proposed goals involves the following steps: defining a standard of comparison, a project of the distances between elbows, a choice of geometry based on the comparison between different geometries based on successive elbows and geometry optimization for the parameters hydrodynamic. In addition, tests for the production of biodiesel were being made and the investigations of production of emulsions to evaluate a step in the producing of biodiesel process. The geometry was chosen and optimized serpentine 3D, allowing the optimization of residence time module and the design of the microreactor. Finally, a microreactor was designed with optimal parameters, thus obtaining the intensification process through microtechnology concepts for application in the biofuels production.

Integrated micro PEM fuel cell with self-regulated hydrogen generation from ammonia borane

Zamani Farahani, Mahmoud Reza 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / An integrated micro PEM fuel cell system with self-regulated hydrogen generation from ammonia borane is reported to power portable electronics. Hydrogen is generated via catalytic hydrolysis reaction of ammonia borane solution in microchannels with nanoporous platinum catalyst electroplated inside the microchannels. The self-regulation of the ammonia borane solution is achieved by using directional growth and selective venting of hydrogen bubbles in microchannels, which leads to agitation and addition of fresh solution without power consumption. The device is fabricated on combination of polystyrene sheets cut by graphic cutter, a stainless steel layer cut using wire electrical discharge machining and bonding layers with double-sided polyimide tape. Due to the seamless bonding between the hydrogen generator and the micro fuel cell, the dead volume in the gas connection loops can be significantly reduced and the response time of self-regulation is reduced.


Gallego-Perez, Daniel 28 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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