Spelling suggestions: "subject:"migmatite."" "subject:"migmatites.""
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Exhumation of Deep Mountain Roots: Lessons from the Western Tatra Mountains, Northern SlovakiaMoussallam, Yves 24 November 2011 (has links)
The Tatric crystalline unit of the Western Carpathians in northern Slovakia displays an inverted metamorphic sequence where high-grade migmatite and orthogneiss units are overlying lower-grade mica schists. Enclosed within the migmatites are lenses of eclogite-bearing amphibolites. Conventional geothermobarometry coupled with isochemical modeling constrained P-T paths that exhibit contrasting metamorphic histories for rock units that are now heterogeneously interleaved. Relict eclogite facies assemblages with occasionally preserved omphacite record post-peak pressure conditions of 1.7-1.8 GPa followed by near isothermal decompression at ~750 °C leading to intensive re-equilibration of eclogites at high-pressure granulite facies conditions and development of diopside + plagioclase symplectitic textures. New ID-TIMS Sm-Nd dating of garnet separated from the omphacite-bearing eclogite yields a whole rock-garnet isochron age of 337 ± 10 Ma, with an epsilon Nd isotopic composition of +8.3. While major element profiles across the garnets display little variation, the trace element distribution shows a typical HREE enrichment profile and a slight core to rim disparity with LREE and MREE concentrations higher in the cores and higher HREE in the rims. Granulite-facies migmatites that host the eclogite boudins record lower pressure metamorphic conditions of 1.2 GPa at ~750 °C and a similar retrograde path. The lower-grade micaschists reached metamorphic conditions of 0.8 GPa at ~650 °C. Monazite U-Pb analysis from a migmatite surrounding the eclogite boudins yields one population of ca. 380 Ma age. Another migmatite away from the eclogite yields two populations monazite ages. A robust 340 ± 11 Ma monazite U-Pb age is indistinguishable from our garnet age and U-Pb SIMS age of zircons in the anatectic leucosome of the migmatite (347 ± 7 Ma). We interpret the ca. 340 Ma ages to represent the exhumation of the deep crustal root of the Variscan orogen into the middle crust coeval with anatexis. A younger monazite U-Pb age of 300 ± 16 Ma is consistent with 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology data of ca. 310 Ma that is likely indicative of the Late Carboniferous I-type magmatism and cooling in the Tatric block. Cooling rates calculated by garnet diffusion modeling yield estimates of ~30 °/Ma. This exhumation was likely tectonically forced by the action of a rigid indentor which prompted the weak lower crust to be heterogeneously extruded to mid-crustal levels at a time coeval with anatexis and subsequently extruded with mid-crustal material to the upper crust.
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Field relationships, petrology, and petrogenesis of neoarchean granitoids in the northern migmatite sub-domain, Committee Bay belt, Nunavut /Byrne, Dixon Louis, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Carleton University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available in electronic format on the Internet.
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Exhumation of Deep Mountain Roots: Lessons from the Western Tatra Mountains, Northern SlovakiaMoussallam, Yves January 2010 (has links)
The Tatric crystalline unit of the Western Carpathians in northern Slovakia displays an inverted metamorphic sequence where high-grade migmatite and orthogneiss units are overlying lower-grade mica schists. Enclosed within the migmatites are lenses of eclogite-bearing amphibolites. Conventional geothermobarometry coupled with isochemical modeling constrained P-T paths that exhibit contrasting metamorphic histories for rock units that are now heterogeneously interleaved. Relict eclogite facies assemblages with occasionally preserved omphacite record post-peak pressure conditions of 1.7-1.8 GPa followed by near isothermal decompression at ~750 °C leading to intensive re-equilibration of eclogites at high-pressure granulite facies conditions and development of diopside + plagioclase symplectitic textures. New ID-TIMS Sm-Nd dating of garnet separated from the omphacite-bearing eclogite yields a whole rock-garnet isochron age of 337 ± 10 Ma, with an epsilon Nd isotopic composition of +8.3. While major element profiles across the garnets display little variation, the trace element distribution shows a typical HREE enrichment profile and a slight core to rim disparity with LREE and MREE concentrations higher in the cores and higher HREE in the rims. Granulite-facies migmatites that host the eclogite boudins record lower pressure metamorphic conditions of 1.2 GPa at ~750 °C and a similar retrograde path. The lower-grade micaschists reached metamorphic conditions of 0.8 GPa at ~650 °C. Monazite U-Pb analysis from a migmatite surrounding the eclogite boudins yields one population of ca. 380 Ma age. Another migmatite away from the eclogite yields two populations monazite ages. A robust 340 ± 11 Ma monazite U-Pb age is indistinguishable from our garnet age and U-Pb SIMS age of zircons in the anatectic leucosome of the migmatite (347 ± 7 Ma). We interpret the ca. 340 Ma ages to represent the exhumation of the deep crustal root of the Variscan orogen into the middle crust coeval with anatexis. A younger monazite U-Pb age of 300 ± 16 Ma is consistent with 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology data of ca. 310 Ma that is likely indicative of the Late Carboniferous I-type magmatism and cooling in the Tatric block. Cooling rates calculated by garnet diffusion modeling yield estimates of ~30 °/Ma. This exhumation was likely tectonically forced by the action of a rigid indentor which prompted the weak lower crust to be heterogeneously extruded to mid-crustal levels at a time coeval with anatexis and subsequently extruded with mid-crustal material to the upper crust.
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Petrology and Geochemistry of an Archean Migmatite Terrain, Favourable Lake Area, Northwest OntarioGillespie, Randall T. 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The "F-Zone" is part of a migmatitic, radiometrically anomalous belt which forms the contact between a large granitic batholith and a region of homogeneous diatexite. Petrographic and geochemical analysis (including whole rock and rare-earth element analyses) of these three units has been carried out. Results indicate that the batholith was formed by partial fusion of sedimentary and volcanic material; the homogeneous diatexite arose in a similar way although fusion was less complete and; the migmatite incorporates material from both of these units. Late stage metasomatic-hydrothermal activity has concentrated uranium from the country rock in the migmatite zone.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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No description available.
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Géochimie et mécanisme métallogénique du district aurifère de Hetai, sud de la Chine = Geochimistry and metallogenetic mechanism of the Hetai gold field, southern China /Zhou, Yongzhang. January 1992 (has links)
Thèse (D.R.Min.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1992. / These présentée en collaboration de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi et Institute of geochemistry, Academia Sinica. CaQCU Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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Mecanismos de deformação e cronologia de eventos na zona de cisalhamento Patos (Província Borborema, nordeste do Brasil / Deformation mechanisms and chronology of events in the Patos shear zone (Borborema Province, NE BrazilViegas, Luis Gustavo Ferreira 29 August 2013 (has links)
A zona de cisalhamento Patos consiste em uma mega-estrutura transcorrente E-W que deformou rochas pré-cambrianas durante a orogênese brasiliana. As relações entre fusão parcial e deformação, os mecanismos de deformação envolvidos na nucleação da estrutura e a evolução termocronológica da milonitização foram investigados por meio de trabalhos de campo e técnicas multidisciplinares tais como a anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética (ASM), geocronologia (U-Pb SHRIMP) e orientações preferenciais cristalográficas medidas através de difração de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). O domo de Santa Luzia, situado na conexão da zona de cisalhamento com a Faixa Seridó, caracteriza-se pela trama magnética levemente oblíqua à elongação NE do corpo. Idades U-Pb obtidas na borda recristalizada de zircões do migmatito forneceram idades de 575 ± 3.4 Ma. Trama magnética e idade semelhantes foram encontradas no granito Acari, sugerindo a contemporaneidade entre o alojamento dos magmas e a deformação cisalhante. No anatexito Espinho Branco, geometrias complexas observadas em campo não são reproduzidas na trama de ASM, a qual concorda com a cinemática da zona de cisalhamento Patos. Entretanto, sítios com suscetibilidades baixas (< 0.5 mSI) exibem dispersões na trama magnética, as quais contrastam com orientações cristalográficas de biotita e dados de campo. Contudo, a anisotropia de remanência anisterética mantém-se coerente com o campo de deformação a que foi submetido o anatexito, sugerindo que a dispersão das direções principais de ASM relaciona-se à fases hidrotermais tardias que desorganizam a trama magnética. Ortognaisses miloníticos situados na borda norte da zona de cisalhamento são marcados por migração de bordas dos grãos, fraturamento intracristalino e mirmequitização periférica. As tramas de eixos [0001] de quartzo exibem máximos em Y nos milonitos de alto-grau, sugerindo ativação do sistema de deslizamento prismático-a. As microestruturas gradam para o estado magmático no contato com o anatexito, sendo comuns tramas randômicas de eixo-c de quartzo. Zircões extraídos de leucossomas fornecem uma idade de 566 ± 5 Ma, atribuídos à cristalização do magma. A margem sul da estrutura exibe uma progressiva redução do tamanho dos grãos e geração de milonitos finos a ultramilonitos sem a presença de fusão parcial. Zircões extraídos de um augen granítico forneceram uma idade de intercepto inferior de 545 ± 14 Ma, atribuída ao metamorfismo. Os milonitos da borda sul registram tramas de eixo-c de quartzo com máximos entre Z e Y, sugerindo ativação dos sistemas romboédrico- e basal-a. Nos feldspatos, os principais sistemas de deslizamento são (010)[001] e (010)[100] em todos os litotipos, com exceção do sistema (100)[010], observado na transição entre migmatitos e os milonitos de baixo grau. Estimativas de temperatura por meio do método TitaniQ registram temperaturas médias de ~ 490ºC nos milonitos da borda sul. O conjunto de resultados permite concluir que: i) a ASM reflete os incrementos finais da deformação regional que afetou os migmatitos, ii) a fusão parcial associada ao cisalhamento dextral do Patos ocorreu em c. 565 Ma, enquanto a milonitização de médio a baixo grau, datada em 545 Ma, caracteriza o retrabalhamento metamórfico ocasionado pela localização da deformação em regime dúctil-rúptil; iii) este retrabalhamento é correlacionável a outras zonas de cisalhamento da Província Borborema, constituindo um evento de caráter regional possivelmente relacionado às colisões tardias na margem oeste do Gondwana e, iv) a zona de cisalhamento Patos foi formada após a colisão dos crátons Oeste Africano e Congo-São Francisco ao escudo da Borborema, acomodando deslocamentos transcorrentes a partir de descontinuidades crustais formadas em estágio pré-colisional. / The Patos shear zone is an E-W transcurrent structure that deformed Precambrian rocks from the Borborema Province during the Neoproterozoic. The relationships between partial melting and deformation, the nucleation of the shear zone and the thermochronological evolution of mylonites were investigated by means of detailed field work coupled with Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS), U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology and crystallographic fabrics measured through electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). In the Santa Luzia dome, located within the Seridó Belt, the magnetic lineations are slightly oblique to the dome NE elongation. Zircon recrystallized rims yield U-Pb ages of 575 ± 3.4 Ma. These data are consistent with ages and magnetic fabrics found in the Acari granite, suggesting that magma emplacement and shearing were coeval in the Seridó belt. In the Espinho Branco anatexite, emplaced within the mylonites of the Patos shear zone, complex field leucosome geometries are not reproduced in the magnetic fabric, which is consistent with the kinematics of the shear zone. However, low susceptibilities (< 0.5 mSI) display a scattering of magnetic orientations and do not correlate with biotite lattice fabrics and field foliations. Nevertheless, anisotropy of anhystheretic remanence fabrics remain parallel to the external strain field, suggesting that AMS dispersions may be related to late percolation of hydrothermal fluids. Mylonitic orthogneisses from the northern border of the Patos shear zone are marked by grain boundary migration, intracrystalline fracturing and myrmekitization at the periphery of grains. Quartz [0001] lattice fabrics form maxima mainly on Y, suggesting activation of prism-a slip systems. Towards the contact with migmatites, the microstructures progressively change from solid-state to magmatic, characterized by widespread interstitial quartz and random orientations of quartz c-axis fabrics. Zircons from the leucosomes yield an age of 566 ± 5 Ma, which is attributed to magma crystallization. The southern border of the Patos shear zone is marked by progressive grain size reduction and formation of fine-grained mylonites to ultramylonites without traces of partial melting. An age of 545 ± 14 Ma, obtained in zircons from an ultramylonitic augen granite, constrains the timing of the low-grade metamorphism. These Southern mylonites show quartz [0001] fabrics with maxima spreading between Z and Y, suggesting activation of prism and basal slip systems. In feldspars, the main activated slip systems are (010)[001] and (010)[100] in all rock types, except for the (100)[010] slip system, observed in the transition from migmatites to low-grade mylonites. TitaniQ temperature estimates record mean temperatures of ~ 490ºC for the southern mylonites. These data allows us to conclude that: i) AMS reflects the final strain increments recorded in migmatites during regional deformation, ii) partial melting and dextral shearing in the Patos shear zone occurred at ~ 565 Ma, while low-grade mylonitisation dated at 545 Ma defines a late reworking at ductile-brittle conditions, iii) this reworking event is observed in other areas of the Borborema Province, defining a regional event possibly associated with late collisions in the western margin of Gondwana, iv) the Patos shear zone was nucleated after the collision between the Congo-São Francisco and West-African Cratons, through accommodation of strike-slip displacements localized in crustal discontinuities previously formed in an early pre-collisional stage.
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Geração e transporte de fundidos em semi-pelitos: modelagem com dados de campo e pseudosseções / not availableBatista, Laisa de Assis 15 April 2015 (has links)
Visando contribuir para o entendimento dos processos anatéticos em rochas metamórficas de composição semipelítica, este trabalho apresenta dados de campo e modelagem metamórfica, utilizados como ferramentas para a correlação entre biotita xisto e metatexito ricos em quartzo e plagioclásio, com granada, cianita, muscovita, rutilo e ilmenita, pertencentes à unidade Santo Antônio no Sistema de Nappes Andrelândia, sul de Minas Gerais. Com o levantamento de campo foi caracterizada a associação cianita + granada + biotita + plagioclásio + muscovita + rutilo + ilmenita + quartzo + leucossoma tonalítico em litotipos que variam de xisto homogêneo a metatexito protoestromático, com o estabelecimento do protobandamento favorecido pela geração e segregação limitada do leucossoma, que aumenta da base para o topo do pacote. A amostragem dos litotipos principais é feita a partir de três pedreiras, da base para o topo: IC01, em que predomina xisto com feições de fusão in situ subordinadas às porções granoblásticas e cristais idiomórficos de plagioclásio em veios de quartzo; IC03, dominada por xisto, na base, e metatexito no topo, com ampla distribuição de patches, bolsões e veios de leucossoma tonalítico in situ ou in source; e IC07, caracterizada pelo bandamento de porções de xisto e metatexito, em escalas de 1 cm a 1 m, com leucossoma in situ ou in source reforçando o bandamento composicional, ou também na forma de veios, patches e bolsões que podem truncar a foliação. Com a química de rocha total é evidente que não existem diferenças composicionais significativas entre xistos e metatexitos. A geração de pequenos volumes de leucossoma rico em Si e Na, compatível com as segregações tonalíticas observadas, e resíduo rico em Fe, Mg e K, associado às acumulações de biotita nas suas bordas, não mudou de forma significativa a composição das rochas. A similaridade entre os padrões de elementos terras-raras reconhecidos para os litotipos analisados indica que a anatexia não alcançou condições altas o suficiente para a dissolução e reprecipitação de fases ultraestáveis como monazita e zircão, hipótese sustentada também pela ausência de feldspato potássico no leucossoma. O cálculo de isopletas resulta em topologia semelhante para amostras de IC01 e IC03; o plagioclásio em amostras das três pedreiras apresenta intervalo composicional contínuo entre An15 e An48, com grãos progressivamente mais ricos em albita, partindo dos inclusos em granada, na matriz xistosa ou metatexítica, e no leucossoma. Esta progressão na quantidade de albita é também observada em cristais de IC01 para IC03 e IC07, respectivamente, sentido no qual, em contrapartida, diminuem as diferenças composicionais entre cristais de mesma amostra e diferentes sítios texturais. A variação composicional da muscovita mostra grupos com distintos teores de sódio, sugerindo trajetória metamórfica horária para o pacote metatexítico e a termobarometria otimizada aplicada a IC01 e IC03 resulta em temperaturas de 750 a 850 °C para o pico metamórfico da base para o topo da unidade, respectivamente, em condições de pressão elevada, maior que 8 kbar. Estas evidências caracterizam o metamorfismo invertido atuante na região e demonstram a importância o reconhecimento da anatexia para a interpretação petrogenética de rochas semipelíticas. / As a contribution to the understanding of partial melting processes in metamorphic rocks of semipelite composition, this work presents field data and metamorphic modeling. They were used as tools for the correlation between biotite schist and metatexites, which are rich in quartz and plagioclase, with garnet, kyanite, muscovite, rutile and ilmenite, both rocks are correlated to the St. Antônio unit, in the Andrelândia Nappe System, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. From the rocks field descriptions, it was characterized as the main mineral assemblage kyanite + garnet + biotite + plagioclase + muscovite + rutile + ilmenite + quartz + leucosome with tonalite composition, in rock types ranging from the homogeneous schist to the proto-stromatic metatexite. The compositional banding was enhanced by the generation and limited segregation of leucosome, and its proportion is higher from structural bottom to top of unit. Samples of the main rock types were collected in three quarries, from bottom to top: IC01, schist with sparse in situ melting features that are limited to the granoblastic portions and idiomorphic plagioclase crystals in quartz veins; IC03, dominated by schist, at the base, and metatexite, on top, with wide distribution of patches, pockets and veins of leucosome with tonalite composition, in situ or in source; and IC07, characterized by the compositional banding, varying from schist to metatexite, in bands with thickness ranging from 1 cm up to 1 m, and either in situ or in source leucosome veins enhance the compositional banding, although some veins, patches and pockets truncate the main foliation. With the whole rock chemistry analyses it is evident there are no significant compositional differences between schist and metatexite. The generation of small volumes of silicate Na-rich liquid is compatible with tonalite leucosome, and residue rich in Fe, Mg and K, associated with accumulations of biotite at its edges, but has not changed significantly the bulk rock compositions. The similarity of the of rare earth elements patterns for both rock types indicates anatexis did not reach a high degree and dissolution and reprecipitation of ultra-stable phases, as monazite and zircon, did not happen, which is sustained by absence of potassium feldspar in leucosome. The pseudosection modeling and isopleths calculation result in similar topology for samples of IC01 and IC03. Plagioclase crystals of the three quarries present continuous compositional change, between An 15 and An 48, with progressively more albite-rich crystals starting from the ones that are enclosed in garnet, in schist, metatexite matrix, and leucosome. This increase in the amount of albite is also observed in crystals from IC01 to IC03 and IC07, respectively, direction which, in turn, decrease the compositional differences between crystals of the same sample and different textural sites. The compositional variation of muscovite allows separation in groups with different quantities of Na, suggesting a clockwork P-T path to the rock, and optimized thermobarometry applied to IC01 and IC03 results in temperatures of 750-850 ° C for the metamorphic peak from base to top of the unit, in high pressure conditions, higher than 8 kbar. This P-T variation, from bottom to top, characterizes an inverted metamorphism in the region and demonstrates the importance of the recognition of anatexis processes for petrogenetic interpretation of semipelite rocks.
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Cretaceous partial melting, deformation, and exhumation of the Potters Pond migmatite domain, west-central IdahoMontz, William J. January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Seth C. Kruckenberg / The Potters Pond migmatite domain (PPMD) is a heterogeneous zone of migmatites located ~10 km southwest of Cascade, Idaho within the western Idaho shear zone (WISZ). The PPMD is the only known exposure of migmatites within the WISZ over its ~300 km length, occurring where the shear zone orientation changes from 020° south to 000° north of the migmatite domain. Structural mapping within the PPMD has identified multiple generations of migmatite with varied structural fabrics. Leucosome layers were sampled from distinct migmatite localities and morphologies (e.g., metatexite, diatexite) to determine the timing and duration of partial melting in the PPMD. U-Pb age determinations of zircon by means of LA-ICP-MS document two periods of protracted migmatite crystallization during the Early and Late Cretaceous. Early Cretaceous (ca. 145 to 128 Ma) migmatite crystallization ages are coeval with the collision and suturing of oceanic terranes of the Blue Mountains province with North America, and the formation of the Salmon River suture zone (SRSZ). Migmatite crystallization ages from ca. 104 to 90 Ma are associated with Late Cretaceous dextral transpression in the WISZ. Field observations and geochronology of cross cutting leucosome relationships are interpreted to record deep crustal deformation and anatexis associated with formation of the SRSZ, subsequently overprinted by solid-state deformation and renewed anatexis during the evolution of the WISZ. These data are the first direct evidence of the synmetamorphic fabric related to the SRSZ east of the initial Sr 0.706 isopleth, and that the WISZ is a temporally distinct overprinting structure. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences.
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Geração e migração de magmas graníticos na crosta continental: estudos de detalhe em granitos e migmatitos da região de Nazaré Paulista (SP) / Granitic Magma generation and migration through continental crust: detailed studies in granites and migmatites from Nazaré Paulista region, SP (SE Brazil)Martins, Lucelene 03 February 2006 (has links)
As condições de geração e migração de magmas na crosta continental foram investigadas a partir de estudos de detalhe em dois afloramentos de granitos anatéticos tipo Nazaré Paulista (Nappe Socorro Guaxupé, região de Atibaia, SP), utilizando como ferramentas principais a geoquímica de elementos maiores e traços em rochas e minerais e a isotopia Sr-Nd. O granito Nazaré Paulista tem uma ampla variedade composicional, sendo as duas variedades principais um granada leucogranito e um granada-biotita granito cinza com uma rede de vênulas de leucogranito (~625 Ma, U-Pb monazita). Ambos os tipos formam corpos sub-concordantes de dimensões decamétricas nos dois afloramentos; as relações de contato quando observadas indicam a intrusão posterior dos granada leucogranitos. Dois tipos de leucossomas foram reconhecidos em paragnaisses migmatíticos associados aos granitos Nazaré Paulista: (1) granada-biotita tonalito com baixa razão Rb/Sr (0,3), padrões de ETR pouco fracionados ((La/Yb)N = 4-5) e com anomalia negativa de Eu e assinatura isotópica Sr-Nd idêntica à do mesossoma; (2) granada leucogranito, com razão Rb/Sr de ~0,56, padrões de ETR pouco fracionados ((La/Yb)N = 5), com anomalia positiva de Eu e eNd(t) idêntico ao do mesossoma, mas com 87Sr/86Sr(t) mais baixa. Ambos os tipos de leucossomas são distintos dos granitos e foram interpretados como produtos da fusão em presença de água do paragnaisse, respectivamente antes e depois da geração de feldspato potássico no protolito. Alguns contrastes geoquímicos relevantes são observados entre os granitos cinza e os leucogranitos: os primeiros apresentam maior mg# e Zr e padrões de ETR mais fracionados; as razões Rb-Sr de ambos os tipos são semelhantes (0,4-0,7). A assinatura isotópica Sr-Nd dos granitos mostra importante variação (eNd(t) = -16 a -13 e 87Sr/86Sr(t) = 0,716-0,728); apenas duas amostras de leucogranito têm assinatura coincidente com o campo dos paragnaisses regionais. Assumindo os paragnaisses como fonte única dos granitos Nazaré Paulista, é necessário que a fusão tenha ocorrido em desequílibrio e em presença de água. A química de elementos traços em granada foi fundamental para a identificação dos diversos processos de diferenciação que respondem pela variedade de granitos observada. Parte dos granitos cinza carrega um componente restítico, representado por granadas com núcleos ricos em ETRP+Y semelhantes às granadas dos paragnaisses encaixantes. As vênulas de granada leucogranito que cortam o granito cinza são formadas provavelmente pela ?refusão? do mush original durante a rápida ascensão e exibem granadas pobres em ETRP, cujos teores aumentam para a borda, definindo um padrão tipicamente magmático. Os leucogranitos que formam corpos isolados podem em parte corresponder a diferenciados do granito cinza, conforme indicado pelas relações de campo e pela geoquímica de rocha. No entanto os leucogranitos com alta 87Sr/86Sr(t) apresentam granadas com núcleos ricos em ETRP+Y e monazita com composição similar a dos paragnaisses, reforçando a hipótese de serem estes produtos da fusão direta de paragnaisses. / The conditions of melt generation and migration in the continental crust were investigated through a detailed study of two outcrops of the anatectic Nazaré Paulista granites (Socorro-Guaxupé, Nappe, Atibaia region, SE Brazil), using as main tools the rock and mineral major and trace-element geochemistry and Sr-Nd isotopy. The Nazaré Paulista granite shows a wide compositional variation, and can be grouped into two main types: a garnet leucogranite and a veined grey garnet-biotite granite, the latter dated at ~625 Ma (monazite U-Pb ID-TIMS). These types occur as subconcordant bodies 10-50 m wide and are present in both outcrops; where observed, the contact relationships show that the garnet leucogranites intruded after the grey granites. Two types of leucosome were recognized in migmatitic paragneisses associated to the Nazaré Paulista granites: (1) garnet-biotite tonalite with low Rb/Sr (0.3 ), slightly fractionated REE patterns ((La/Yb)N = 4-5) with negative Eu anomalies and Sr-Nd isotope signature identical to that of the mesosome; and (2) garnet leucogranite, with Rb/Sr ~0.56, slightly fractionated REE patterns ((La/Yb)N ~ 5) with positive Eu anomalies, eNd(t) identical to that of the mesosome, but lower 87Sr/86Sr(t). Both leucosomes are different from the granites, and were interpreted as the products of water-present melting of the paragneiss, respectively before and after the crystallization of K-feldspar in the protolith. Some relevant geochemical contrasts are observed between the two types of Nazaré Paulista granites: compared to the leucogranites, the gray granites show greater mg# and Zr and more fractionated REE patterns; the Rb/Sr ratios of both are low (0.4-0.7). The Sr-Nd isotope signature has important variations (eNd(t) = -16 to -13 and 87Sr/86Sr(t) = 0.716-0.728); only two leucogranite samples have signatures that are coincident with the field of the regional paragneisses. Assuming the paragneisses as the only source of the Nazaré Paulista granites would require that melting occurred under disequilibrium and water-present conditions. The trace-element chemistry of garnet was important to identify the differentiation processes that respond for the observed variety of anatectic granites. Part of the gray granites carries a restitic component, represented by ETRP+Y-rich garnet cores that are similar to the garnets from the country-rock paragneisses. The garnet leucogranite veins that cut the gray granite were probably formed by \"partial remelting\" of the original mush during rapid ascent, their idiomorphic garnet crystals have a distinctive composition (low HREE in the cores, increasing slightly to the rims), interpreted as magmatic. Some of the leucogranites forming isolated bodies may have been generated by fractionation from the gray granite, as indicated by field relations and rock geochemistry. On the other hand, the leucogranite with high 87Sr/86Sr(t) has ETRP+Y-rich garnet cores and its monazite is compositionally similar to that of the paragneisses, features indicative that they were probably produced by direct melting of these rocks.
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