Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emigrants associations"" "subject:"imigrants associations""
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Questo lavoro approfondisce lo studio del co-sviluppo inteso come specifica strategia attraverso la quale viene declinato il rapporto migrazione-sviluppo. Il co-sviluppo prevede il protagonismo delle associazioni dei migranti nella realizzazione di progetti di sviluppo in patria, in collaborazione con partner in entrambe le sponde della migrazione. Esso si configura come una strategia di triple win ossia in grado di apportare vantaggi contemporaneamente per il paese di origine, per quello di destinazione e per i migranti stessi. La ricerca indaga in modo particolare gli effetti apportati dal co-sviluppo sul processo di integrazione nel contesto di residenza dei migranti e come quest’ultimo influisca nello stimolare l’attivismo transnazionale delle loro associazioni. A questo scopo lo studio pone a confronto due diversi contesti di approdo analizzando le iniziative di sviluppo attuate in patria dalle associazioni dei migranti ghanesi. Attraverso l’utilizzo di una metodologia qualitativa, è stata condotta una ricerca multi-situata in tre diversi campi: Italia, Regno Unito e Ghana. La ricerca mette in luce i diversi effetti che il co-sviluppo produce sull’interazione tra transnazionalismo e integrazione dei migranti nel contesto di residenza e come essa produca, a sua volta, degli effetti sullo sviluppo del contesto di provenienza. / This work focus on the study of co-development as a specific strategy through which the linkage migration&development is declined. Co-development foresees migrants associations to play a role as leading characters in undertaking development projects in the homeland co-operating with partners in both shores of migration. It represents a triple win strategy, and it can bring advantages in the country of origin, in the country of destination and for migrants themselves at the same time. In particular the research investigates the effects brought by co-development on the integration process in migrants resident context. Furthermore the research analyses how the resident context provides incentives for migrants association to act transnationally. With this aim the study compares two different arrival contexts analysing the different development initiatives realised by Ghanaian migrants associations back home. Using a qualitative approach, a multi-sited research has been carried out in three different fieldworks: Italy, the United Kingdom and Ghana. The research puts into light the different effects that co-development produces on the interaction between transnationalism and migrants integration in the context where they live, and how this produces, as a result, some effects on the process of development in the context of origin.
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Traverser les frontières : la subjectivation politique des travailleur.ses migrant.es à statut temporaire au CanadaEtienne, Aurélie 14 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 12 février 2024) / Au fil des dernières décennies, un virage majeur s'est opéré dans les politiques migratoires canadiennes, marquant le passage d'une approche principalement fondée sur l'immigration permanente vers un système de plus en plus axé sur la migration temporaire. Ce virage a favorisé la production d'un vaste bassin de migrant$.$es considéré$.$es comme « temporaires » sur le territoire, et par conséquent comme « extérieur$.$es » à la population nationale. Assigné$.$es à une position sociale subordonnée, dans laquelle leurs droits sont limités, les migrant$.$es temporaires sont particulièrement vulnérables aux abus, aux violences et à l'exploitation en milieu de travail. Malgré ce contexte défavorable, ils et elles s'engagent dans diverses formes de contestation et d'action collective, visant à défendre leurs droits et à transformer leurs conditions. Le présent mémoire s'intéresse à ces résistances, en éclairant la manière par laquelle les travailleur$.$ses migrant$.$es en viennent à agir politiquement au Canada, ainsi que la manière par laquelle ces expériences du politique sont vécues. À partir d'un terrain mené au Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants (CTI), il met en lumière l'émergence et le développement de processus de subjectivation politique des travailleur$.$ses migrant$.$es qui s'impliquent dans ce centre, en adoptant une perspective centrée sur une dialectique entre les pôles individuel et collectif de ce phénomène. Ainsi, l'analyse éclaire différentes pratiques quotidiennes et relations sociales qui favorisent la subjectivation politique des travailleur$.$ses migrant$.$es, parmi lesquelles la pratique du « casework » joue un rôle central. Ces expériences transformatrices, mais aussi la culture de soutien mutuel, d'entraide et de convivialité qui caractérise le Centre, ont pour effet ultime l'institution d'une communauté politique dynamique de travailleur$.$ses migrant$.$es, qui se transforme au gré des contributions de certain$.$es de ses membres, particulièrement de ceux et celles ayant une riche expérience militante ancrée dans leur pays d'origine. / Over the last decades, a major shift occurred in Canadian migration policies, marking a transition from an approach mainly based on permanent immigration to a system increasingly focused on temporary migration. This shift produces a large group of migrants deemed "temporary" on the territory, and therefore "foreign" to the national population. Confined to a subordinate social position with limited rights, temporary migrants are particularly vulnerable to abuse, violence, and exploitation in workplaces. Despite this adverse context, they engage in various forms of protest and collective action to defend their rights and transform their conditions. This thesis sheds light on such resistances, by exploring how migrant workers come to act politically in Canada, and how these political actions are experienced. Drawing on a field study at the Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC), it analyzes the emergence and development of political subjectivation processes among migrant workers involved in this center. Doing so, it adopts a perspective centered on a dialectic between the individual and collective poles of this phenomenon. The analysis highlights various everyday practices and social relationships that foster political subjectivation among migrant workers, including the central practice of "casework." These transformative experiences, as well as the culture of mutual aid and conviviality that characterizes the Center, ultimately result in the institution of a dynamic political community of migrant workers. This community is constantly evolving in response to individual members' contributions, especially from members who have a strong activist background rooted in their home countries.
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Les migrants, acteurs transnationaux du développement : Les associations haïtiennes en France et jamaïcaines au Royaume-Uni / Migrants as Transnational Actors of Development : Haitian Associations in France and Jamaican Associations in the United KingdomEybalin Casseus, Clara Rachel 02 December 2013 (has links)
Dans un contexte où l'importance croissante de la mondialisation des flux migratoires en provenance de la région caraïbéenne s'intensifie et se diversifie, une prise en compte plus détaillée de l'évolution des stratégies de migrants au sein des sociétés d'accueil et de leur impact socioéconomique et politique sur les sociétés de départ s'impose. Notre thèse déclinée en trois parties s'inscrit précisément dans une réflexion sur l'engagement associatif à distance du migrant-acteur haïtien et jamaïcain, dans un cadre institutionnel français pour l'un et britannique pour l'autre. Au cœur d'un dispositif qui lie responsables locaux du pays d'origine et élus de la société d'accueil mettant en interaction différentes formes d'intervention de l'État d'origine, comment donc ce dernier peut-il alors agir et avoir un rôle incitatif en favorisant la participation de cette communauté transnationale ou encore en coordonnant des actions des associations de migrants ? En quoi le cadre associatif transnational est-il favorable au développement dans le contexte haïtien / jamaïcain ? En considérant l'émergence puis l'évolution du tissu associatif haïtien en terre française, et celles du tissu associatif jamaïcain en terre britannique, nous avons voulu chercher à comprendre les motivations derrière l'engagement de porter des projets de développement dans le pays d'origine. Notre travail de terrain, ainsi que notre dispositif méthodologique dans une approche de terrain multi-situé, nous a permis de mieux saisir les mécanismes de solidarité collective et de mise en commun de ressources. Partant d'un fait observé, une dynamique associative, qui s'est amplifiée au lendemain du séisme en Haïti / In a context where the growing importance of the globalization of migratory flows from the Caribbean region is intensifying and diversifying, a detailed attention on the evolution of migrants' strategies within host societies as well as their socioeconomic and political impact on the origin societies is required. Our thesis in three parts inscribes itself in a reflection on long-distance associative engagement of the Haitian and Jamaican migrant-actor, in a French institutional framework as well as a British one. At the heart of a model between local officials of the country of origin and elected officials of the host society, how can it act in an incentive capacity to foster or to better coordinate the actions taken by migrants' associations? How can a transnational associative framework be beneficiary to the development in the Haitian/Jamaican context? In considering the emergence and evolution of the Haitian associative landscape (France) and Jamaican (the United Kingdom), we wanted to understand the motivations behind the long-distance commitment to bring about development projects in the country of origin. Our fieldwork as well as our methodological approach in a multi-sited terrain helped us better grasp some of the mechanisms of bounded solidarity and of shared resources.Starting from an observed fact, an associative dynamic, which grew significantly in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, our study highlights three key elements: the relevance of the sense of belonging of migrants associations, the paramount importance of the relationship between the origin State and the its citizens abroad, and the growing, diverse and complex evolution
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