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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Průmyslová a vojenská architektura přístavních měst, komparace rekonverze průmyslového a vojenského dědictví / Industrial and military architecture of seaports, comparative analysis of reconversion of industrial and military heritage

Remy-Zéphir, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
During World War II, seaports Brest, Lorient and Saint-Nazaire were heavily destroyed because of their strategic location on the Atlantic coastline. Those historical events could be considered as new opportunities for the seaports to realise new thoughts and ambitious architectural projects in order to improve the functionality of the urban organism. In these days, a new occasion has come. Military and industrial areas, which were always thoroughly separated from the town centres, have been now releasing from their original activity. There are huge free building sites in the middle of the cities, waiting for the urban architects.

La fortificación del "Reino Mágico" de Cabrera

Navalón Martínez, Virginia 04 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] En el transcurso de la Primera Guerra Carlista (1833-1840) las tropas carlistas incitan a la revuelta por todo el territorio nacional con distinta suerte. Más allá del principal frente de combate que se consolida en el norte, los ejércitos carlistas bajo la dirección del general Cabrera dominan un territorio que se extiende por las actuales provincias de Castellón, Valencia, Teruel, Cuenca y Tarragona. Se desarrolla en este territorio un conflicto bélico de características particulares basado en la estructura de partidas y la movilización de columnas volantes, que, prácticamente hasta 1840, permite a Cabrera consolidar un dominio capaz de dar seguridad al pretendiente Carlos en su marcha hacia Madrid, como también oponerse al armisticio de Vergara para resistir hasta el final. Wilhelm Von Rahden, el que fuera jefe de ingenieros y de los demás cuerpos facultativos del ejército de Cabrera, denomina este territorio como "el Reino Mágico de Cabrera", un territorio convertido en una gran fortificación que se transforma en el tiempo, que se expande y contrae, y cuyos recursos son los propios accidentes del terreno, la arquitectura de toda índole adaptada a las condiciones defensivas y las obras que se construyen de nueva planta para reforzar el sistema, principalmente de campaña. Esta tesis pretende identificar el patrimonio arquitectónico que pudo formar parte de esta trama defensiva y arrojar luz sobre una etapa de la historia de España diluida en la memoria, especialmente en lo que atañe a un legado arquitectónico recurrentemente olvidado, invisible, sometido a procesos de destrucción durante y tras el conflicto, difícilmente documentado ante la escasez de fuentes y la destrucción de las mismas, y, en muchas ocasiones, confundido con arquitecturas de otros periodos históricos. / [CA] Durant la Primera Guerra Carlina (1833-1840) les tropes carlines inciten la revolta per tot el territori nacional amb diferent sort. Més enllà del principal front de combat que es consolida al nord, els exèrcits carlins sota la direcció del general Cabrera dominen un territori que s'estén per les actuals províncies de Castelló, València, Terol, Conca i Tarragona. Es desenvolupa en aquest territori un conflicte bèl·lic de característiques particulars basat en l'estructura de partides i la mobilització de columnes volants, que, pràcticament fins a 1840, permet a Cabrera consolidar un domini capaç de donar seguretat al pretendent Carles en la seva marxa cap a Madrid, com també oposar-se a l'armistici de Vergara per resistir fins al final. Wilhelm Von Rahden, el que va ser cap d'enginyers i dels altres cossos facultatius de l'exèrcit de Cabrera, denomina aquest territori com "el Regne Màgic de Cabrera", un territori convertit en una gran fortificació que es transforma en el temps, que s'expandeix i contrau, i els recursos de la qual són els propis accidents del terreny, l'arquitectura de tota índole adaptada a les condicions defensives i les obres que es construeixen de nova planta per reforçar el sistema, principalment de campanya. Aquesta tesi pretén identificar el patrimoni arquitectònic que va poder formar part d'aquesta trama defensiva i fer llum sobre una etapa de la història d'Espanya diluïda en la memòria, especialment pel que fa a un llegat arquitectònic recurrentment oblidat, invisible, sotmès a processos de destrucció durant i després del conflicte, difícilment documentat davant la manca de fonts i la destrucció de les mateixes, i, en moltes ocasions, confós amb arquitectures d'altres períodes històrics. / [EN] During the First Carlist War (1833-1840) the carlist troops incited revolt throughout the national territory with different fates. Beyond the main combat front that is consolidated in the north, the carlist armies under the leadership of General Cabrera dominate a territory that spread through the current provinces of Castellón, Valencia, Teruel, Cuenca and Tarragona. A warlike conflict of particular characteristics develops in this territory, based on the party structure and the mobilization of flying columns, which, practically until 1840, allowed Cabrera to consolidate a domain capable of giving security to the pretender Charles on his march to Madrid and also oppose the armistice of Vergara to resist until the end. Wilhelm Von Rahden, who was chief of engineers and of the other optional corps of the Cabrera army, calls this territory "the Magic Kingdom of Cabrera", a territory converted into a great fortification that is transformed over time, which it expands and it contracts, and whose resources are the own accidents of the terrain, the architecture of all kinds adapted to the defensive conditions and works that are completely new to reinforce the system, mainly field fortification. This thesis aims to identify the architectural heritage that could have been part of this defensive plot and it aims to illuminate a period of the History of Spain diluted in memory, especially regarding an architectural legacy that is recurrently forgotten, invisible, subjected to processes of destruction during and after the conflict, hardly documented due to the scarcity of sources and their destruction, and, on many occasions, confused with architectures from other historical periods. / Navalón Martínez, V. (2021). La fortificación del "Reino Mágico" de Cabrera [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/173710

Military fortifications, weaponry, warfare and military strategy in ancient Syro-Palestine (Iron Age II A)

Human, Gary Leroy 30 June 2006 (has links)
he title above comprises elements of the strategic studies concept 'foundations of military force'. Military force has been the final arbiter between the political entities of mankind throughout all ages. The prevalence of this social scourge has left a footprint in every dispensation of man's efforts at civilisation. Regrettably, warfare was and remains one of the core characteristics of human nature. The artefacts of antiquity are catalogued in archaeological periods. In nearly every instance each layer of human settlement is separated by the effects of warfare. Rather than a sub-discipline on the periphery it is demonstrated herein that military archaeology, refined with the post-World War Two scientific discipline of polemology, can and ought to be moved onto the centre stage of archaeology. The application of core polemological concepts to IA IIa accurately describes the unfolding of the United Monarchy's capacity to pursue political goals commensurate with its evolutionary war potential. / Religious Studies & Arabic / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Military fortifications, weaponry, warfare and military strategy in ancient Syro-Palestine (Iron Age II A)

Human, Gary Leroy 30 June 2006 (has links)
he title above comprises elements of the strategic studies concept 'foundations of military force'. Military force has been the final arbiter between the political entities of mankind throughout all ages. The prevalence of this social scourge has left a footprint in every dispensation of man's efforts at civilisation. Regrettably, warfare was and remains one of the core characteristics of human nature. The artefacts of antiquity are catalogued in archaeological periods. In nearly every instance each layer of human settlement is separated by the effects of warfare. Rather than a sub-discipline on the periphery it is demonstrated herein that military archaeology, refined with the post-World War Two scientific discipline of polemology, can and ought to be moved onto the centre stage of archaeology. The application of core polemological concepts to IA IIa accurately describes the unfolding of the United Monarchy's capacity to pursue political goals commensurate with its evolutionary war potential. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Défenses crétoises: fortifications urbaines et défense du territoire en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique / Cretan defences: urban fortifications and defence of territory in Crete during the Classical and Hellenistic periods

Coutsinas, Nadia 25 June 2008 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de présenter un tableau des questions de défense en Crète aux époques classique et hellénistique. La cité grecque étant une entité double, la défense de la ville n’a pas été séparée de celle de son territoire.<p>Le point de départ de ce travail est le catalogue des fortifications crétoises, qui comprend 61 sites fortifiés (enceintes urbaines, forts et tours isolées).<p>À partir d’une étude qui fait une grande place aux questions de topographie, il a été possible d’une part, de dégager des dynamiques régionales et d’autre part, d’identifier certaines caractéristiques et certaines évolutions dans l’implantation des cités crétoises.<p>L’exemple de la Crète permet d’alimenter le débat sur la place de l’enceinte dans la définition de la cité. Les vestiges archéologiques ne semblent pas aller dans le sens des sources littéraires, selon lesquelles toute cité était nécessairement ceinte d’un rempart. Mais l’existence d’une enceinte semble bien être la marque du statut de cité./This study aims to raise various questions regarding defence in Crete during the classical and Hellenistic Periods. As the Greek city-state was a double entity, it seemed important to not separate the defence of the town from the defence of the territory.<p>The starting point of this work was the catalogue of Cretan fortifications, which contains 61 fortified sites (city walls, forts and watch-towers).<p>Topography plays a key role in the study therefore it is possible, on the one hand to separate regional dynamics of some cities and, on the other, to identify certain characteristics and evolutions in the settlement of Cretan cities.<p>The example of Crete encourages the debate on the role of the city-wall in the definition of the city-state. Archaeological remains do not seem not to agree with literary sources which declare that every town had a wall. However the existence of a city-wall appears to be indicative of the city-state. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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