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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chemical reactions in ventilation systems : Ozonolysis of monoterpenes

Fick, Jerker January 2003 (has links)
Chemicals in indoor air, either emitted from a source or from a reaction, have been suggested to cause ill health in buildings. However, no clear correlations between exposure and health effects have been made. In this thesis we studied the reaction between monoterpenes, a group of biogenic unsaturated C10 hydrocarbons, and ozone. Ozonolysis of monoterpenes was used as model reactions for unsaturated compounds in ambient air. Also the products formed from these reactions have been suggested as important participants in the occurrence of discomfort and ill health in buildings. To enable a reliable and sensitive measurement of ppb-ppt levels of monoterpenes and the formed products in the presence of ozone an evaluation of available scrubber materials was made. Potassium iodide was shown to remove ambient levels of ozone and have a recovery of >95% for all monoterpenes and formed products included in the investigation. Experimental conditions showed to have a large impact on the initial steps of the ozonolysis, and also on the composition of the formed products. We showed that water plays an important and complex role both in the initial stage of ozonolysis of ∆3-carene and in the formation and composition of products from the ozonolysis of ∆-pinene. The use of experimental design facilitated the evaluation of the investigated reactions. We showed that the formation of OH radicals could be studied using multiple linear regression models and that the presence or absence of OH radicals had a profound impact on the formation of many of the formed products. We also made an observation of the lack of formed OH radicals in the ozonolysis of limonene and discussed probable causes of this observation. Despite the short reaction times and the ambient levels of ozone and monoterpenes used in our experiments we showed that a number of oxidation products were formed, and that the reaction rate is significantly increased in a ventilation system. This formation is underestimated by theoretical calculations and leads to high amounts of known irritants in the indoor air. We showed that theoretical calculations underestimate the formation of these oxidation products 3-13 times, depending on ventilation system and monoterpene.

Dygnsvariation av metanemission från en anlagd våtmark / Diurnal patterns of methane emission from a constructed wetland

Heiberg, Lisa January 2000 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate if methane emission in a constructed wetland changed in a diurnal pattern correlating to temperature, humidity or light conditions. The gas measurements were carried out with a static chamber technique. The wetland (in Nykvarn outside of Linköping, Sweden) takes care of wastewater to reduce the nitrogen loads. Measurements were carried out at three different occasions in the summer of 1998 on two sites in the wetland. One site was close to the inflow, inhabited by Lemnaceae, and another site was located further downstream inhabited by the emergent macrophyte Typha latifolia. The results showed a variation, but no discernible diurnal pattern. The Typha site had a methane emission rate of 166 mg CH4 m-2d-1 and the Lemnaceae site had an methane emission rate of 712 mg CH4 m-2d-1. In all experiments at the Typha site, the highest methane emission rate was obtained at sunrise.

Organic Phosphorus Compounds in Aquatic Sediments : Analysis, Abundance and Effects

Ahlgren, Joakim January 2006 (has links)
Phosphorus (P) is often the limiting nutrient in lacustrine and brackish eco-systems, and enhanced input of P into an aquatic system might therefore negatively impact the environment. Because modern waste water manage-ment have reduced external P input to surface waters, internal P loading from the sediment has become one of the main P sources to aquatic ecosys-tems, in which relatively unknown organic P compounds seem to be more active in P recycling than previously thought. This thesis focus is on improving analysis methods for organic P com-pounds in lacustrine and brackish sediments, as well as determining which of these compounds might be degraded, mobilized and subsequently recycled to the water column and on what temporal scale this occur. In both lacustrine and brackish environments, the most labile P compound was pyrophosphate, followed by different phosphate diesters. Phosphate monoesters were the least labile organic P compounds and degraded the slowest with sediment depth. In regulated lakes, it was shown that pyrophosphate and polyphos-phate compound groups were most related to lake trophic status, thus indi-cating their involvement in P cycling. This thesis also indicates faster P turn-over in sediment from the brackish environment compared to sediment from the lacustrine environment. A comparison of organic P extraction procedures showed that pre-extraction with EDTA, and NaOH as main extractant, was most efficient for total P extraction. Using buffered sodium dithionite (BD) as a pre-extractant and NaOH as main extractant was most efficient for extracting the presuma-bly most labile organic P compound groups, pyrophosphate and polyphos-phate. Furthermore, it was determined that organic P compounds associated with humic substances were more recalcitrant than other P compounds, that the BD step used in traditional P fractionation might extract phosphate monoesters, and that NMR is a statistically valid method for quantification of organic P compounds in sediment extracts.

Development of an Environment-Accident Index : A planning tool to protect the environment in case of a chemical spill / Utveckling av Miljöolycksindex : Ett planeringsverktyg för att skydda miljön i händelse av kemikalieolycka

Scott Andersson, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
The increasing mass and complexity of chemicals being produced and transported has resulted in more rigorous demands on both authorities as well as chemical-handling industries to assess the risks involved. The Environment-Accident Index (EAI), has been proposed as a planning tool created as an equation in which chemical properties (variables describing the chemical involved) are combined with site-specific properties (variables describing the accident site). The EAI is intended to facilitate assessment of the environmental effects related to chemical accident scenarios and hence assist the organisation of preventative programs. The main objective of the work described in this thesis was to evaluate, develop and improve the proposed EAI. The steps involved in the development process included I) evaluation of the feasibility of the EAI approach, II) selection of a representative and diverse set of chemical accidents to be used in the development III) the use of questionnaires and expert judgements to develop response values for environmental effects of a chemical accident, and IV) to create a new EAI model using multivariate modelling (PLS). The EAI approach proved to be useful in the work to protect the environment in case of a chemical accident. A representative set of accidents was selected by means of statistical multivariate design (PCA) based on assembled data related to a set of 55 chemical accidents. The selection generated a set of accidents representing a diverse spectrum of chemical accident scenarios. To develop a measure of environmental effects of the chemical accidents i.e. responses, an expert panel was asked to judge their environmental effects (such as effects on animal life in the aquatic or terrestrial environment). The results showed that the judgements give a rough estimate of environmental effects that could be used as responses in the development of the EAI. The developed responses were then related to the chemical and site-specific properties to create a new EAI model. This resulted in a PLS-based EAI connected to a new classification scale. The advantages of the new EAI are that it can be calculated without the use of tables; it can estimate the effects for all included responses, and make a rough classification of chemical accidents according to the new classification scale. Finally, the new EAI is a more stable model than the previously proposed EAI, and it is founded on a valid base of accident scenarios, making its use for a variety of chemicals and situations more reliable since it covers a broader spectrum of accident scenarios. The new EAI can be expressed as a regression model to facilitate calculation of the index for people that do not have access to PLS. The highest priorities for further refining the new EAI in the future are: external validation of the EAI; further refinement of the formula’s structure; adjustment of the new classification scale; and real-life evaluation of the EAI.

Analysis of PCBs with special emphasis on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography of atropisomers

Harju, Mikael January 2003 (has links)
There are 209 PCB congeners, 136 of which have been found in technical PCB mixtures and hence may be found in the environment as a result of either intentional or unintentional release. The identification and quantification of the congeners are difficult due to analytical bias from coeluting PCBs and other persistent organic pollutants. Among the 209 possible PCB congeners, 19 tri- and tetra-ortho chlorinated congeners exist in stable atropisomeric conformations. The racemization barrier were determined for twelve of the nineteen atropisomers and was found to be between 176-185 kJ × mol-1 and ca. 250 kJ × mol-1 for tri- and tetra-ortho PCB, respectively. Further, a buttressing effect of 6.4 kJ × mol-1 was observed for congeners with vicinal ortho-meta chlorines. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) was used to analyze the atropisomers and other PCBs. A Longitudinally Modulated Cryogenic System (LMCS) was used with liquid CO2 as cryogen. The LMCS was optimized for semi-volatile organic substances, primarily PCBs. The trap temperature was shown to be an important factor for the trapping and desorption efficiency, as was the thermal mass of the column used in the modulator region. A number of column sets were tested and the separation efficiency, congener resolution and analysis time was evaluated. Good separation of non- and mono-ortho PCBs and “bulk” PCBs (in a technical PCB) was obtained within 8 min using a smectic liquid crystal column (LC50) as the first and a nonpolar column as the second dimension column. Using a second column, an efficient nonpolar (DB-XLB) column, which separates many PCB congeners, were combined with a polar (cyanopropyl) or shape selective (LC50) second dimension column. As a maximum, 181 of the 209 congeners and 126 of the 136 Aroclor PCBs were resolved. The seven frequently measured PCBs (PCBs 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and all WHO-PCBs were separated from all other Aroclor PCBs. Chiral PCBs are released into the environment as racemic mixtures. However, organisms have been shown to enantiomerically enrich many of the atropisomers, suggesting that enantioselective biotransformations occur. Non-racemic PCB enrichment has also been seen in mammalians including humans, which is of particular concern because of the potential health risk. An analytical procedure were therefore developed and used to determine the levels of atropisomeric PCBs, planar-PCBs (WHO-PCBs) and total PCBs in seals with different health status. GC×GC was used to separate the target PCBs from other PCBs and potential interferences. A chiral column (permethylated â-cyclodextrin) was used in combination with a polar or shape selective column and enantiomeric fractions (EFs) were determined for five atropisomeric PCBs, i.e. CBs 91, 95, 132, 149 and 174. Some atropisomers had EF that deviated largely from racemic. The deviation was larger in liver than blubber, indicating enantioselective metabolism. However, there was no selective passage of the studied atropisomeric PCBs across placenta and no selective blood-brain barrier. Similarly, no correlation between EFs and health status was observed, although there was a correlation between total PCBs and health status.

Undersökningsmetodik för klorerade lösningsmedel i marken / Chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater : Investigation methodology and analysis of completed investigations

Walger, Ellen January 2006 (has links)
<p>Chlorinated solvent are volatile organic substances that can be harmful for humans and for the environment. Examples of common chlorinated solvents are perchloroethene, PCE, and trichloroethene, TCE. Chlorinated solvents appear as contaminants in soils primarily where they have been used as washing fluids in dry-cleaning facilities or as degreasers in metal industries. Chlorinated solvents are DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), which means that they are not easily dissolved in water and that they sink to the bottom of the aquifer. Adsorption to soils is low so chlorinated solvents are mobile in soils. Chlorinated solvents can be harmful at low concentrations. Complete degradation can only occur under specific conditions. Because of the properties of these substances, investigation and analysis methodology are extra important for determining transport and risks in a contaminated area.</p><p>In this work, investigation and analysis methods for chlorinated solvents are described. Planning, fieldwork, modeling and risk analysis are described.</p><p>Projects concerning chlorinated solvents completed by Golder Associates AB have been compiled and analysed. Based on the compilation, conclusions have been drawn and statistics have been calculated. Investigations of the relation between concentrations in different media have been made as well as investigations of the relation between degradation products at different distances from the source and at different times after release. The data from the environmental investigations have been compared with theoretical literature values and modelling results.</p><p>The results show that there is a large natural variation in the data and that the differences between different areas are quite large. The results confirm the theory that the percentage of degradation products increases with distance from the source and with time from release. In addition, solvents with a higher degree of chlorination seams to appear to a greater extent in the soil and the more volatile substances seams to appear to a greater extent in the soil air.</p> / <p>Klorerade lösningsmedel är flyktiga klorerade organiska ämnen som kan vara skadliga för människor och miljön. Exempel på vanliga klorerade lösningsmedel är perkloreten, PCE och trikloreten, TCE. Klorerade lösningsmedel förekommer som markföroreningar främst efter användning som tvättvätska i kemtvättar och som avfettningsmedel i metallindustrin. Klorerade lösningsmedel är DNAPLs (dense non-aqueous phase liquids), det innebär att de är svårlösliga i vatten och att de sjunker och lägger sig på botten av akviferen. Fastläggningen i jorden är liten hos klorerade lösningsmedel som därmed är rörliga i marken. De är farliga redan vid små koncentrationer och fullständig nedbrytning sker endast under vissa förutsättningar. Ämnenas egenskaper gör att undersöknings- och analysmetodiken är viktig för att riktigt kunna bestämma deras utbredning och risk på ett förorenat område.</p><p>I detta arbete beskrivs undersöknings- och analysmetodiken för områden förorenade med klorerade lösningsmedel. Upplägg, fältarbete, modellering och riskbedömning beskrivs.</p><p>Projekt som handlar om klorerade lösningsmedel utförda av Golder Associates AB har sammanställts. Sammanställningen har analyserats och utifrån den har olika slutsatser dragits och statistik beräknats. Bland annat har samband mellan halter i olika medier samt samband mellan halter av nedbrytningsprodukter på olika avstånd från källan respektive efter olika lång tid från läckage har undersökts. Data från miljöundersökningarna har även jämförts med teoretiska litteraturvärden samt modelleringsresultat.</p><p>Resultatet visar att den naturliga spridningen av data är stor samt att resultaten skiljer sig åt mellan olika områden. Resultaten bekräftar teorierna att halten nedbrytningsprodukter ökar med avståndet från källan och med tiden samt att ämnen med högre kloreringsgrad finns i större utsträckning i jorden och att flyktigare ämnen finns i större utsträckning i porluften.</p>

Long term heavy metal contamination from leakage water sediments

Brodd, Patrick January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Leaching and Transformation of Flame Retardants and Plasticizers under Simulated Landfill Conditions / Läckage och transformation av flamskyddsmedel och mjukgörare under simulerade deponiförhållanden

Hörsing, Maritha January 2008 (has links)
Many products used in our everyday life contain chemicals added to give them specific properties. Flame retardants (FRs) are added to prevent or retard fires in textiles, plastics etc., while plasticizers are supplied to make plastics more flexible. Through their widespread applications chemicals from both groups are emitted and spread in the environment during usage and disposal. For a long time these products were mainly disposed of in landfills, and in many areas they still are. Thus, since some of these chemicals also pose potential environmental risks and health hazards, there is a need to elucidate their fates during exposure to the landfill environmentThe objectives of this thesis were to investigate the leaching and transformation of FRs and plasticizers from products in which they are used under simulated landfill conditions. To assess the importance of changes in these processes as landfills progress through recognised ageing phases (accompanied by large transitions in both physico-chemical and biological conditions) it was desirable to simulate the changes that typically occur in landfills within a short time period, of 1-2 years.. This was achieved using the newly developed intermediate-scale (3 litre) Modular Environmental Test System (METS).The METS were employed in two studies. The first was an investigation of the leaching and degradation of plasticizers from PVC carpet material incubated at different temperatures (20, 37, 55 and 70°C) prevailing in landfills. Plasticizers subjected to this investigation were the phthalates di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and benzyl-butyl phthalate (BBP), both of which were found to leach from the carpet. The leaching of DEHP and BBP generally increased with increases in the incubation temperature. However, the most rapid leaching of BBP occurred at 37°C, probably due to high microbial activity at this temperature. Both DEHP and BBP were shown to be degraded within the landfill environment and the degradation potential was highest during the methanogenic landfill phase. In the second METS study the leaching of FRs used in both reactive and additive applications (i.e. chemically bonded to and merely blended with the material, respectively) was characterised. The epoxy oligomer tetrabromobishpenol A (TBBPA) and the phosphorus-based Pyrovatex FRs were selected as representatives for the reactive FRs, while the nitrogen-based melamine and phosphorus-based Proban FRs were selected to represent additive classes. During the incubations, which lasted more than two years, the leaching from melamine was shown to be affected by the landfill phase development. The leaching from the Pyrovatex-treated material and the TBBPA epoxy oligomer seemed to result almost entirely from the washout of unreacted manufacturing residuals. This was also probably true for the FR in the Proban-treated material, although it is durable (despite being additively applied) and thus seemed to leach more slowly (manifested as an increase in phosphate levels in the leachate towards the end of the monitoring period).Finally, due to the paucity of knowledge regarding the fate of ether derivatives of TBBPA (which are also used as FRs) an anaerobic degradation assay was performed. The method employed for this assay was a modified, small-scale ISO standard method. In order to evaluate the degradation assay a uniform analytical protocol was developed. The degradation survey showed that losses of TBBPA, TBBPA-dimethyl ether and bisphenol A dimethyl ether occurred, but no losses of the most hydrophobic compound, TBBPA-dibromopropyl ether, were observed. / Många av de varor och produkter vi kommer i kontakt med dagligen innehåller kemikalier, som tillsats för att materialen i produkterna skall få specifika egenskaper. Till dessa sk funktionella kemiska föreningar hör till exempel flamskyddsmedel och mjukgörare. Den förra förhindrar att produkter fattar eld eller minskar omfattningen av brand. Mjukgörare ingår fr a i plaster för att dessa skall bli smidiga och formbara. Eftersom stora mängder av dessa substanser används eller har använts i produkter i samhället har de spridits till många miljöer. Produkterna hamnar ofta på soptipp, då de inte används mer eller är utnötta. Eftersom flera av dessa substanser innebär risk för hälsa och miljö, är det påkallat att utreda hur de beter sig i soptippsmiljön.Syftet med detta avhandlingsarbete är att undersöka eventuell frisättning och omvandling av dessa två typer av funktionella kemikalier i deponimiljö. Sedan tidigare vet man att sådan frisättning kan var starkt kopplad till åldern och därmed utvecklingen av den kemiska och fysiska miljön förändrats fr a genom tillväxten av mikroorganismer i soptippen. För att komma åt att studera frisättningen under de för deponier karakteristiska utvecklingsfaserna utvecklades en metod (Modualr Environmetal Test System; METS) för att simulera faserna över relativt kort tid (ca 1-2 år). I avhandlingen presenteras två studier, där METS utnyttjats: 1) Frisättning av mjukgörare från en PVC-matta i relation till temperaturer, som uppträder i soptippar (20-70oC) samt 2) Läckage av olika flamskyddsmedel i reaktiv respektive additiv användning studerades för olika applikationer. Vid reaktive applikation är flamskyddsmedlet kovalent bundet till polymeren i produktmaterialet, medan det additivt använda flamskyddsmedlet är inblandat i materialet.Två ftalater (di-2-etylhexyl ftalat, DEHP och bensyl-butyl ftalat (BBP), visade sig läcka från mattan, vilket ökade med högre temperature. De frisattes dock som mest vid 37oC, vilket sannolikt beror på den höga mikrobiella aktiviteten vid denna temperatur. Båda ftalterna bröts ned i soptippsmiljön och hastigheten var störst i den metanogena fasen.En epoxyoligomer (tetrabromobishpenol A TBBPA) och Pyrovatex, som bygger på en fosforförening, användes som modeller för reaktiva flamskyddsmedel. Melamin, som klassas som ett kvävebaserat flamskyddsmedel, fick tillsammans med Proban (fosforbaserat) represen-tera de som används additivt. Medan en frisättning av melamin kunde relateras till utvecklingen av deponimiljön simulerad i METS, så verkar den observerade frisättningen av kemikalierna från de reaktivt behandlade Pyrovatexmaterialet och från epoxipolymeren TBBPA förr ha en fysikalisk-kemisk grund oberoende av utvecklingsfaserna i tippmodel-lerna. Flamskyddsmedlen tvättades helt enkelt ut ur de behandlade produkterna. Probanbehandlingen, som motstår förhållandevis många tvättar trots att det används additivt, visade sig läcka långsamt utan en direkt koppling till fasutvecklingen i METS.Kunskaperna om vad som händer med TBBPA:s eterderivat i deponier är i stort sett obefintliga. Flera av dessa derivat används också som flamskyddsmedel. Därför genomfördes en anaerob nedbrytningsstudie av dessa substanser. För att kunna göra denna studie behövdes en omfattande anpassning och utveckling av metodik, vilket resulterade i ett nytt protokoll för analys av dessa ämnen i olika matriser. Studien visade minskning av koncentrationerna av TBBPA, TBBPA-dimetyleter och bisfenol A dimetyl eter, vilket kan tas som ett tecken på att en transformation och/eller nedbrytning skett. Då dessa föreningar kan omvandlas till mer toxiska substanser bör de undersökas vidare.

Occupational exposure to brominated flame retardants : With emphasis on polybrominated diphenyl ethers

Thuresson, Kaj January 2004 (has links)
<p>Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are a diverse group of chemicals, which are used to slow down or inhibit the development of fires. BFRs are incorporated into a wide range of consumer products that are considered as potential fire hazards, such as TV-sets, household appliances, computers, and textiles. The production and use of BFRs is extensive and consists of mainly tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecan (HBCD). BFRs in general, but in particular the PBDEs, have led to both scientific and public concern since they have been found to bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife. The general population is targeted by the PBDEs due to their applications and via the food web. Occupational exposure occurs not only during direct handling of BFRs, but also during handling, repair and dismantling of flame retarded goods.</p><p>This thesis is aimed to assess occupational exposure to BFRs. It is mainly focused PBDEs and especially the PBDEs with high bromine content, such as decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209). The work has been accomplished by analysis of BFRs in indoor air at industries handling BFRs or flame retarded goods, and by analysis of blood drawn from workers with potential exposure to BFRs. A referent group, abattoir workers with no occupational exposure to PBDEs, was also investigated. Data from these cross-sectional investigations and from serum sampling during vacation in PBDE-exposed workers have been used for calculation of apparent halflives of hepta- to decaBDE in serum.</p><p>The results clearly show that the workers were exposed to PBDEs when handling PBDE containing products or goods. The serum PBDE levels in computer technicians were found to correlate to the estimated cumulative work hours with computers. Exceptionally high concentrations of BDE-209, almost up to 300 pmol/g lipid weight (l.w.) were observed in serum from rubber workers manufacturing or handling rubber compound that was flame retarded with a technical mixture of decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE). Elevated concentrations of PBDEs with eight or nine bromine substituents were also observed. In an electronics dismantling plant, where elevated levels of PBDEs previously had been observed, reduced serum levels of some, but not all PBDE congeners were observed after industrial hygiene improvements. Notably, it was observed that the BDE-209 concentrations in referents with no occupational exposure were similar to the concentrations of 2,2’,4,4’- tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), often referred to as the most abundant PBDE congener in humans and wildlife. Additionally, PBDEs with high bromine content were found to have a fast rate of elimination or transformation in humans, based on serum analysis. BDE-209 had an apparent half-life in serum of only 15 days.</p><p>The possibility of quantifying BFRs, such as PBDEs, in human serum at low levels of detection has been achieved by reducing the contamination of the samples and procedural blanks. Major efforts have been done to develop routines and clean up methodology to enable an almost contamination-free environment at the laboratory. The use of a clean room has decreased PBDE levels in the blanks to acceptable limits. The modifications of the original analytical method have made it possible to quantify almost all PBDE congeners of interest in one GC/MS run.</p><p>Occupational and general background exposure of BFRs to humans will continue as long as these chemicals are a part of our daily life and present as environmental contaminants. The present scientific knowledge of the potential health risks of these BFRs still needs to be further developed. It should be stressed that health effects to PBDEs have not been assessed in this work. It is the author's wish that this thesis should add another piece of knowledge to the puzzle of BFRs and BFR exposure to humans and that these data will be used in future risk assessments of PBDEs in particular.</p>

Fish bile in environmental analysis

Adolfsson-Erici, Margaretha January 2005 (has links)
<p>This work explores the usefulness of fish bile analysis in combination with biomarkers for identifying and evaluating new environmental contaminants in the aquatic environment. It illustrates how bile analysis can be used together with biomarkers to assess the causes of estrogenic effects, to identify chemicals in the aquatic environment that are taken up by fish, and to monitor environmental exposure.</p><p>In a first application, fish exposed to sewage treatment plant effluent were studied. Elevated levels of vitellogenin in the exposed fish demonstrated that estrogenic effects occurred. Several estrogen disrupting substances were identified in the fish bile, and analysis of water samples confirmed that these substances were present in the effluent. The synthetic estrogen 17a-ethinylestradiol, which is known to be present in sewage treatment plant effluent, was shown for the first time to be taken up by fish. Considering the reported potencies of the detected substances, it was concluded that 17a-ethinylestradiol was the major contributor to the estrogenic effects.</p><p>Chemical analysis of bile was used to identify rubber additives that were released from tires immersed in water. The bile of rainbow trout held in the water contained high levels of metabolites of PAHs and aromatic nitrogen compounds. Several biomarkers were also measured in the exposed fish, and EROD induction and oxidative stress were observed. Based on the bile analysis observations together with knowledge of toxicological mechanisms, it was postulated that the EROD induction was due to the PAHs, while aromatic nitrogen compounds caused the oxidative stress.</p><p>Resin acids in fish bile proved to be a good indicator of exposure in a chronic long-term study of rainbow trout exposed to effluent from a total chlorine free (TCF) pulp mill. Elevated levels of GST (gluthatione-S-transferase) and GR (gluthatione reductase) activity, and the presence of DNA adducts after a two month recovery period, indicated that compounds in the pulp mill effluents have persistent effects. In addition to characterising the exposure of the fish to the effluent, the analysis of the resin acids in the bile provided evidence of accidents in the pulp mill that the existing process monitoring system had not detected.</p><p>Resin acids in bile were also found to be a valuable indicator of exposure to pulp mill effluents for eelpout living in the Baltic Sea. A correlation between resin acid levels in bile and skewed sex ratios provided an important link in the chain of evidence that substances in the pulp mill effluents cause male bias of the eelpout embryos.</p><p>A particularly good example of the potential of bile analysis was the identification of a previously unknown environmental contaminant. A large peak was observed in the bile extracts of fish that had been exposed to sewage treatment plant effluent. This peak was identified as triclosan, which demonstrated its presence in sewage treatment plant effluent. Other work went on to show that it is a common contaminant of the aquatic environment. The ability of fish to concentrate contaminant metabolites in bile to levels very much higher than in the environment, and the comparatively low levels of analytic interferences, make bile a particularly attractive matrix to search for new, unknown organic pollutants</p>

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