Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mindfulness."" "subject:"rnindfulness.""
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Effekter av att utföra mindfulness under graviditet : en litteraturöversikt / Effects of practicing mindfulness during pregnancy : a literature reviewTorberg Stenström, Amanda, Tehler, Astrid January 2022 (has links)
En graviditet innebär både fysiska och emotionella förändringar hos kvinnan. Det är en omvälvande tid som kan innefatta ökad stress, oro och ångest. Dessa negativa faktorer kan förutom att påverka den gravida kvinnans välmående även påverka det ofödda barnet. Den kommande förlossningen kan föregås av både oro och rädsla och kvinnor har uttryckt en önskan om att få strategier både inför, men även under födandet. Mindfulness har sedan länge använts som metod för att bli mindre mottaglig för både yttre och inre påfrestningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekterna av mindfulness-baserade interventioner till kvinnor som genomförts under graviditet. En litteraturöversikt med integrativ analysmetod valdes då studier med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats inkluderades i resultatet. Datasökning gjordes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsychINFO och sökningen resulterade i 20 artiklar. Resultatet presenteras i två huvudkategorier och fem subkategorier. Den första huvudkategorin är; Psykosociala effekter med tillhörande subkategorier; Minskad stress, Minskad ångest och Minskade depressiva symtom. Den andra huvudkategorin är; Förhållningssätt och strategier med tillhörande subkategorier; Inför och under förlossningoch Upptäcka känslor och bryta negativa mönster. Utförande av mindfulness under graviditet visade sig minska stress, ångest och depression hos kvinnor. Kvinnor upplevde också att de erhöll strategier och förhållningssätt för att kunna hantera nya situationer under graviditet, förlossning och som nybliven förälder. De beskrev en ökad förmåga att kontrollera sina känslomässiga beteenden, identifiera sina tankar och känslor och att de fick en ökad medvetenhet. En slutsats av litteraturöversikten är att mindfulness kan vara en användbar metod under graviditeten. Mindfullness kan ge strategier och påverka kvinnans förhållningssätt, bidra till ett förbättrat psykiskt mående och ökad självförmåga. Detta kan minska oro och rädsla inför förlossningen. / Pregnancy involves both physical and emotional changes in women. It is a life changing period that often involves increased stress, worry and anxiety. These negative factors do not only affect the well-being of the pregnant woman but also the unborn child. The upcoming birth can be preceded by both anxiety and fear and women have expressed a desire for strategies, both in pregnancy but also during childbirth. Mindfulness is a method that can be used to become less receptive to both external and internal stresses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mindfulness-based interventions performed by women during pregnancy. A literature review was conducted with an integrative analysis method that was chosen due to an inclusion of studies with both quantitative and qualitative approach. The search for data was performed through databases such as PubMed, CINAHL and PsychINFO that generated 20 published articles. The results are presented in two main categories and five subcategories. The first main category is; Psychosocial effects with related subcategories; Reduced stress, Reduced anxiety and Reduced depressive symptoms. The second main category is; Approaches and strategies with related subcategories; Facing and during childbirth and Detect emotions and break negative patterns. Performing mindfulness during pregnancy has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression in women. Women also experienced that they received new strategies and approaches to be able to handle new situations during pregnancy, childbirth and as a new parent. They described an increased ability to control their emotional behaviors, identify their thoughts and feelings and an increased awareness. One conclusion of this literature review is that mindfulness can be a valuable method during pregnancy, which offers strategies and attitudes that contribute to an improved mental state and increased self-efficacy which in turn can reduce anxiety and fear before childbirth.
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An Examination of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Older AdultsLevy, Morgan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Mindfulness-based interventions use meditation and other learning exercises to help individuals become more aware of their current physiological and emotional experiences. Benefits of practicing mindfulness include an increase in positive psychological outcomes (e.g., psychological well-being, emotion regulation) and a decrease in negative psychological outcomes (e.g., anxiety, depression). The vast majority of studies focus on younger rather than older adults—setting the stage for the current study, which involved delivering a five-session mindfulness-based intervention to older adults (i.e., 60 and older). The smaller literature focused on older adults is promising but generally lacks methodological rigor (e.g., lack of no-treatment control groups). The current study added to the existing literature by conducting a longitudinal quasi-experimental delayed treatment trial in a sample of older adults. First, it was hypothesized that there would be an intervention effect on several variables. Specifically, it was hypothesized that participants would experience decreases in depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as increases in the five facets of mindfulness, psychological well-being, and emotional regulation. Second, it was hypothesized that the mindfulness-based intervention would be feasible and acceptable, as indicated by low levels of intervention noncompliance and participant attrition as well as high scores in satisfaction and practice log completion rates. Participants were 19 older adults from a local retirement community. Participants were assigned to either an immediate treatment (n = 11) or delayed treatment (n = 8) group. All participants were assessed at the universal baseline, week 5 (i.e. intervention completion of immediate treatment group), week 10 (i.e. intervention completion of delayed treatment group), and at week 15. The 5-week mindfulness-based intervention included psychoeducation (e.g., mindfulness, stress, aging, values), discussion of all concepts, and mindfulness practice. A series of two (group) by four (time of assessment) analysis of covariance models were estimated to evaluate primary outcomes. Results indicated that there was no significant treatment effect on primary outcomes. However, the mindfulness-based intervention was feasible and acceptable. Gaining additional knowledge of how mindfulness-based interventions influence coping strategies in older adults will allow clinicians and researchers to influence interventions for older adults and facilitate older adults receiving adequate psychological treatment while managing common stressors associated with aging.
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Impact of Mindfulness Training on Daily Use of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Multiple Sclerosis: Secondary Analysis of a Pilot Randomized Controlled TrialHerring, Elizabeth J. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Upplevelsen av ett mindfulnessprogram och dess inverkan på symtom hos patienter med cancerdiagnos i ett palliativt skede / Experience of a mindfulness program and its impact on symtoms in patients with cancer in a palliative phaseBergmark Kudan, Malin, Edlund, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Palliativ vård förebygger och lindrar lidande genom tidig upptäckt, noggrann analys och behandling av smärta och andra fysiska, psykosociala och existentiella problem. De fyra ledorden för palliativ vård är helhet, närhet, kunskap och empati. Vanliga förekommande symtom för patienter i palliativ vård är ångest, fatigue, smärta och illamående. Edmont Symtom Assesment Scale (ESAS) är ett tio skaligt symtomskattningsinstrument för de mest förekommande symtom för patienter i den palliativa vården. Brytpunkten för symtom som överstiger fyra på ESAS-skalan klassificeras som måttliga/svåra och mindre än fyra som inga/lite. Mindfulness är en uråldrig meditationsmetod som har i flera studier visat på ökad livskvalitet, minskad stress och ångest för patienter med olika cancerdiagnoser. Mindfulness som metod kräver kontinuerlig träning för att bättre kunna möta källor till stress och yttre tryck i livet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ett sjudagars mindfulnessprograms inverkan på symtom och upplevelser hos patienter med cancersjukdom i ett palliativt skede. Metoden som använts var en fallstudie med fler-falls design för att pröva mindfulnessprogrammet. Efter programmets slut har författarna undersökt fyra informanters upplevelser med intervjuer. För analysen av intervjuernas data valdes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Informanterna (n=6) har även fått skattat sina symtom med hjälp av ESAS före och efter mindfulnessprogrammet. I resultatet framträdde tre kategorier; Upplevelsen av mindfulnessprogrammet, Lindring av symtombörda och Mindfulness som egenvård. Upplevelsen av att få slappna av och bli lugn var den största effekten utav mindfulnessprogrammet som beskrevs av tre informanter. Samtliga informanter var positiva till fortsatt mindfulnessträning. Samtliga informanter skattade även sina symtom lägre med hjälp av ESAS efter avslutat mindfulnessprogram. Studien visade att mindfulnessprogrammet hjälpte informanterna att slappna av. Deras upplevelse av besvärande symtom minskade också. Resultatet visade även på god vilja hos informanterna att fortsätta med mindfulnessträning på egen hand. Genom stöd och introduktion kan sjuksköterskan lära patienten att träna mindfulness självständigt genom att uppmuntra till egenvård. / Palliative care prevents and relieves suffering through early detection, assessment and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems. The four guiding principles of palliative care is holistic, closeness, empathy and knowledge. Frequently occurring symptoms for patients in palliative care are anxiety, fatigue, pain and nausea. Edmont Symtom Assesment Scale (ESAS) is a ten-scale symptom assessment tools for the most common symptoms for patients in palliative care. The breaking point for symptoms exceeding four on ESAS is classified as moderate/severe and four or under is classifies as little. Mindfulness is an ancient meditation practice that has in several studies been revealed an increased quality of life, reduced stress and anxiety for patients with different cancer diagnoses. Mindfulness sa a metod requires continuous training to better meet the sources of stress and external pressures of life. The aim of this study was to examine a seven days mindfulness programs effect on symptoms and experiences in patients with cancer in palliative care. The method that the authors have used were a case study with several falls design to test the mindfulnessprogram. After the end of the program, the authors analysed four informants experience with interviews. For the analysis of interview data was used a qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Informants (n=6) also estimated their symptoms using ESAS before and after the mindfulnessprogram. The result appeared into three categories; The experience of the mindfulnessprogram, Relief of symptoms and Mindfulness as self-care. The study revealed that several of infomants that the experience of getting to relax and become calm was the biggest effect of the mindfulnesprogram. Most informants were positive of continuing mindfulness training. All informants estimated their symptoms lower using ESAS after completed the mindfulnessprogram. The result of the study showed that the mindfulnessprogram helped the infomants to relax. The program also decreased the experience of troublesome symtoms. Through support and introduction nurses can teach the patient to practice mindfulness on their own through self care.
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Mindfulness i Palliativ vård : en explorativ studie om oro hos närstående. / Mindfulness in Palliative care : an explorative study about next of kin's experiences of anxietyWestlund, Suzie January 2016 (has links)
Närmare var femte person av den vuxna befolkningen vårdar eller stödjer en svårt sjuk person i hemmet. Närstående är många gånger en förutsättning för att vården av patienten i hemmet skall kunna bedrivas. Situationen är unik och komplex då närstående har en stödjande roll för den sjuke men samtidigt själva är i behov av stöd. Oro och ångest är uttalat hos närstående som vårdar sin nära i livets sista tid och att ge omfattande omsorg kan ge negativa konsekvenser på hälsa och livskvalitet. Mindfulness, medveten närvaro, är en metod som är starkt relaterad till ökat välbefinnande och upplevd hälsa. Den kan fungera som en buffert mot negativ stress och har setts som ett lovande stöd även för informella vårdare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka närståendes upplevelse av mindfulness och om mindfulness kan vara en hjälp mot oro hos närstående till patienter vårdade i specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård. Metoden hade en explorativ induktiv ansats med både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ design. Informanterna var sex närstående till patienter inskrivna i specialiserad palliativ vård. Instrument som användes var GAD-7 för att skatta generaliserad ångest före och efter interventionen, en kortare internetbaserad mindfulnessövning från Vårdguiden 1177 samt en semistrukturerad intervjudel som utfördes efter att övningen praktiserats under fjorton dagar. Materialet bearbetades genom systematisk textkondensering och beskrivande statistik. Resultatet visade att alla informanter upplevde oro i någon form, både före och efter interventionen. Graden av oro hade dock minskat. Enligt Wilcoxons rangsumme-test är det 72 procents sannolikhet att mindfulness minskar oro. Mindfulnessövningen upplevdes lugnande, lätt att praktisera och beskrevs påverka både kropp och själ. Den gav möjlighet till reflektion över närståendes egen person, relation och situation. Övningen kändes viktig och gav möjlighet till egen tid. Att slippa oron, om så bara för en stund, upplevdes värdefullt. Alla informanter ansåg att metoden kunde tillämpas i den palliativa vården. Slutsatsen är att metoden kan vara en kompletterande åtgärd mot oro att erbjuda närstående till patienter inskrivna i specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård. Metoden upplevdes lätt att praktisera, ha god effekt mot oro även efter en kort tids praktiserande och kunde utföras utan att närstående lämnade hemmet, vilket närstående ansåg svårt. Metoden skulle vara kostnadseffektiv och lätt att implementera i den palliativa verksamheten. En större studie krävs dock för att kunna beräkna den statistiska signifikansen samt för att bekräfta trovärdigheten av resultatet.
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Behavioral and Academic Outcomes Following Implementation of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention in an Urban Public SchoolMeadows, Emily Amiah January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Implementation and Treatment Outcomes of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention in a Forensic Setting: The Mindfulness Meditation ProjectHaenisch, Heidi H. 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Stress Measured by Heart Rate Variability: A Systematic ReviewBacklund, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Stress is a global health issue and effective stress management techniques are much needed. Mindfulness meditation in the form of mindfulness-based interventions have been shown to be effective interventions for self-reported stress reduction. However, the effects of mindfulness meditation on the objective physiological markers of stress are less clear. Heart rate variability, the variation in time between each consecutive heartbeat has been shown to be such an objective physiological marker of stress. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate how mindfulness-based interventions affect heart rate variability to better understand the utility of mindfulness meditation as a stress management technique. A literature search was conducted on March 8th, 2022, with the databases Web of Science, Scopus, and MEDLINE EBSCO to identify randomized controlled trials that examined the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on heart rate variability. A total of 10 studies met the inclusion criteria with a total of 970 participants. The results from the systematic review were mixed and indicate inconsistencies across the literature. Thus, there are uncertainties on how mindfulness-based interventions affect heart rate variability. Although the systematic review was limited by a small sample of studies, it highlights that further research on how mindfulness-based interventions affect heart rate variability is needed to better understand the utility of mindfulness meditation as a stress management technique.
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Mindfulness for Stress Reduction: Qualitative Analysis of Perceptions from College Students and Mindfulness InstructorsMerlo, Beth Marie 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Although mindfulness interventions with college students have yield positive results, many students are not continuing to engage after the interventions. This may be because very little research has been done to investigate the health behavior beliefs of college students in regard to mindfulness for stress reduction. The purpose of this investigation was to identify the most influential components of the Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM) that potentially assist with predicting college student participation in mindfulness activities for stress reduction. Interviews, informed by the IBM, were conducted with 20 current college students and 5 current mindfulness instructors working with college students. The attitudes and perceived control constructs were most prominent for both samples with less participant reference to perceived norms. The most common engagement barriers for the college students, mentioned by both samples, were the lack of time and demands of school. The college student participants most often focused on the benefits of the practice whereas the instructor participants focused on the discomfort the students experience when engaging in mindfulness. Inconsistencies emerged when comparing the mindfulness definitions from the college student participants. Overall, the college student participants displayed positive health beliefs towards mindfulness for stress reduction. These findings could support future mindfulness research utilizing the IBM to further investigate college student participation in mindfulness activities.
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Calm in chaos: a systematic review of the impact of mindfulness meditation on mental health during the covid-19 pandemicJagendal, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic left no one unaffected as it spread across the world and changed the lives of billions of people. The pandemic has not only resulted in physical sickness and death, but also increased mental health issues due to fear, uncertainty, and social isolation. This review aimed to investigate whether mindfulness interventions can decrease symptoms of mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, stress, and burnout, and increase symptoms of mental well-being, such as psychological well-being, during the pandemic. All studies included in this thesis used different mindfulness interventions and different self-report measures to evaluate various mental health aspects, such as psychological flexibility, tolerance of uncertainty, empathy, self-compassion, and more. Statistically significant improvements in mental health were observed across all studies and is further supported by existing literature on mental health and mindfulness meditation and interventions.
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