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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Phytostabilization Potential of the Klondyke Mine Tailings Site and its Associated Microbial Community

Mendez, Monica Orozco January 2007 (has links)
Phytostabilization is an emerging technology for the remediation of mine tailings sites. In arid and semiarid environments, mine tailings disposal sites are a major source of environmental pollution as they are subject to eolian dispersion and water erosion. Mine tailings are acidic to neutral, high in metal content, and nutrient poor. Furthermore, these sites remain unvegetated even after decades of no additional mining activity. In arid and semiarid regions, climatic variables such as high winds, salinity, and drought exacerbate the problem. The Klondyke mine tailings site is a model site for studying plant establishment in mine tailings within semiarid regions. It was a lead and zinc ore- processing operation from 1948 to 1958 and is similar in physicochemical characteristics to other acidic pyritic mine tailings.In a greenhouse study, a native drought tolerant halophyte, Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Wats., was evaluated for its potential as a phytostabilization candidate in compost-amended tailings from the Klondyke site. Germination, plant growth, and metal uptake of A. lentiformis were examined, and the microbial community was monitored by enumeration of autotrophic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria as well as heterotrophic bacteria. Results demonstrated that with 10 to 15% compost addition, growth of A. lentiformis was not affected and shoot metal concentrations were generally not a concern for foraging animals. Furthermore, the heterotrophic bacterial community is severely stressed but recovers with compost addition and successful plant growth. Therefore, A. lentiformis is a good candidate for phytostabilization of mine tailings with compost amendments.Poor revegetation of mine tailings has been attributed to the microbial community involved in acidifying tailings; however, no thorough microbial studies have been conducted. The second study characterizes the bacterial community of the Klondyke site and compares it to an offsite control sample. Results demonstrate that the heterotrophic community is indicative of soil health as it has a positive relationship with pH, phylotype richness, and diversity. Also, the mine tailings contain an unexplored diversity of acidophiles that are important in maintaining acidity and thus, metal bioavailability. Therefore, the bacterial community in mine tailings should be monitored in phytostabilization studies to evaluate restoration.

Effect of Binder Content and Load History on the One-dimensional Compression of Williams Mine Cemented Paste Backfill

Jamali-Firouz-Abadi, Maryam 21 May 2013 (has links)
Large voids created by underground mining are backfilled to provide regional ground support. This thesis examines using conventional oedometer techniques and electromagnetic (EM) techniques to characterize consolidation and binder hydration in mine backfill so that EM monitoring can be used in the field to provide real-time feedback to operators to optimize the backfilling process. New techniques are given for interpreting the full range of deformation (initial compression, primary and secondary consolidation). Deformation due to initial compression is non-trivial and may have to be accounted for in numerical back-analyses of field case studies. EM parameters are sensitive to binder content, progress of hydration and loss of water caused by consolidation and binder hydration. The integrated interpretation of consolidation and EM behaviours has significant potential impact on real-time monitoring of mine backfill operations, and recommendations are made to advance the technique for this purpose.

Effect of Binder Content and Load History on the One-dimensional Compression of Williams Mine Cemented Paste Backfill

Jamali-Firouz-Abadi, Maryam 21 May 2013 (has links)
Large voids created by underground mining are backfilled to provide regional ground support. This thesis examines using conventional oedometer techniques and electromagnetic (EM) techniques to characterize consolidation and binder hydration in mine backfill so that EM monitoring can be used in the field to provide real-time feedback to operators to optimize the backfilling process. New techniques are given for interpreting the full range of deformation (initial compression, primary and secondary consolidation). Deformation due to initial compression is non-trivial and may have to be accounted for in numerical back-analyses of field case studies. EM parameters are sensitive to binder content, progress of hydration and loss of water caused by consolidation and binder hydration. The integrated interpretation of consolidation and EM behaviours has significant potential impact on real-time monitoring of mine backfill operations, and recommendations are made to advance the technique for this purpose.

Estudo do comportamento geomecânico de resíduos de mineração / Study of the geomechanical behavior of tailings

Bedin, Jucélia January 2010 (has links)
A extração e processamento de minério resultam na geração de elevadas quantidades de resíduos, cuja disposição gera impacto e risco ambiental. O lançamento direto em reservatórios contidos por diques consiste na forma mais comum de disposição dos resíduos de mineração em superfície. Estes diques podem ser construídos por alteamentos sucessivos a montante (upstream), prática desaconselhada em alguns países. Apesar de se tratar de um processo de baixo custo, o tipo de aterro a montante é uma operação de risco, pois a montante as barragens são sensíveis à liquefação e também porque a estabilidade das barragens pode ser ameaçada pelo excesso de poro pressão gerado dentro do depósito durante a construção. Para atender às exigências de projetos de áreas de disposição de resíduos é, portanto, fundamental entender o comportamento destes materiais. Resíduos exibem considerável variabilidade em suas características físicas, químicas e mineralógicas, que conferem um comportamento distinto dos geomateriais usualmente encontrados em depósitos naturais. Entre os diferentes resíduos destacam-se ouro e bauxita cuja prática de exploração no Brasil é revestida de considerável interesse econômico e ambiental. Nesta tese estes materiais são analisados a partir de uma extensa campanha de investigação geotécnica baseada em um programa de ensaios de laboratório destinados à caracterização destes resíduos e à definição de parâmetros constitutivos. Para fins comparativos são realizados ensaios com um material siltoso, porém inerte. A condutividade hidraúlica e compressibilidade dos resíduos foram obtidas através de ensaios oedométricos executados com estágios de carga e gradientes hidráulicos constantes. Ensaios triaxiais foram realizados com altos níveis de tensões de confinamento e distintas trajetórias de tensões, para a definição da linha do estado crítico e a identificação do comportamento destes materiais através de ensaios com Bender Elements. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu comparações entre a linha de consolidação oedométrica (LCO), a linha de consolidação isotrópica (LCI) e a linha do estado crítico (LEC) que definiram a resposta de liquefação estática do material. No espaço e - log (p´) o aparecimento de um comportamento instável alterou significativamente a inclinação da LEC com relação a LCI e a LCO. A mesma mudança de inclinação é observada tanto no parâmetro de estado como no módulo cisalhante do solo quando plotados contra a tensão efetiva média. Com base nessas evidências, é defendido que o LEC de resíduos de mineração é altamente não-linear, e servem como indicativo de três respostas distintas do solo: uma resposta estável quando LCO, LCI e a LEC exibem paralelismo, um comportamento meta-estável em baixas tensões de confinamento levando à liquefação e quebra de grãos para altas tensões de confinamento da amostra. O avanço nas pesquisas relativas à disposição de resíduos provenientes de indústrias de mineração com o conhecimento dos fenômenos que se processa, poderá evitar a ocorrência de ruptura de barragens, que teria como conseqüência desastres ambientais de grande impacto. / Production and deposition of mining tailings is a problem confronting geotechnical engineers given the dimension of tailings deposits and environmental risks. The direct launching of tailings in reservoirs contained by dikes consists in a common type of waste disposal. These dikes can be constructed by successive upstream embankments, a relatively simple and economical process adopted in some countries. Although it is a low cost process, the upstream embankment is an operation of great risk, especially because tailings are susceptible to liquefaction and also because the stability of the dams can be threatened by excess of pore pressures generated inside the deposit during construction. To meet design requirements of disposal of residues it is therefore essential to understand the behavior of these materials. Tailings show a considerable variability in their physical, chemical and mineral characteristics that confer a distinct behavior to the geo-materials usually found in natural deposits. The present work gives emphasis to gold and bauxite tailings that encompass substantial economic and environmental interest in Brazil. In the thesis, an extensive laboratory geotechnical investigation program is carried out in an attempt to characterize these residues and to establish design constituent parameters. For comparative purposes an inert silty material is also tested. Compressibility and hydraulic conductivity were measured in oedometer tests performed at constant load and constant hydraulic gradient tests. Triaxial tests were carried out at high stress levels and different stress paths in order to establish the position and shape of the critical state line. In addition measured with Bender Elements are evaluated. The results between the oedometer consolidation (OCL), isotropic consolidation (ICL) and critical sate (CSL) lines allowed the static liquefaction response to be directly assessed. In a e-log (p’) space, the onset of a meta-stable behaviour significantly changes the slope of the CSL relative to both ICL and OCL. The same change in slope is observed on both the state parameter and the small strain shear modulus measured by bender elements when plotted against mean stress. Based on these evidences it is advocated that the CSL of the tailing is highly non-linear in nature, which lead to three distinct soil responses: a stable response when OCL, ICL and CSL exhibit similar slopes, a meta-stable beahaviour at lower stress leading to liquefaction and a crushable response for higher mean stresses. Advanced research on tailings from mining industries with due recognition of the phenomena of liquefaction may prevent dam failure, and consequently may prevent major environmental disasters.

Estudo do comportamento geomecânico de resíduos de mineração / Study of the geomechanical behavior of tailings

Bedin, Jucélia January 2010 (has links)
A extração e processamento de minério resultam na geração de elevadas quantidades de resíduos, cuja disposição gera impacto e risco ambiental. O lançamento direto em reservatórios contidos por diques consiste na forma mais comum de disposição dos resíduos de mineração em superfície. Estes diques podem ser construídos por alteamentos sucessivos a montante (upstream), prática desaconselhada em alguns países. Apesar de se tratar de um processo de baixo custo, o tipo de aterro a montante é uma operação de risco, pois a montante as barragens são sensíveis à liquefação e também porque a estabilidade das barragens pode ser ameaçada pelo excesso de poro pressão gerado dentro do depósito durante a construção. Para atender às exigências de projetos de áreas de disposição de resíduos é, portanto, fundamental entender o comportamento destes materiais. Resíduos exibem considerável variabilidade em suas características físicas, químicas e mineralógicas, que conferem um comportamento distinto dos geomateriais usualmente encontrados em depósitos naturais. Entre os diferentes resíduos destacam-se ouro e bauxita cuja prática de exploração no Brasil é revestida de considerável interesse econômico e ambiental. Nesta tese estes materiais são analisados a partir de uma extensa campanha de investigação geotécnica baseada em um programa de ensaios de laboratório destinados à caracterização destes resíduos e à definição de parâmetros constitutivos. Para fins comparativos são realizados ensaios com um material siltoso, porém inerte. A condutividade hidraúlica e compressibilidade dos resíduos foram obtidas através de ensaios oedométricos executados com estágios de carga e gradientes hidráulicos constantes. Ensaios triaxiais foram realizados com altos níveis de tensões de confinamento e distintas trajetórias de tensões, para a definição da linha do estado crítico e a identificação do comportamento destes materiais através de ensaios com Bender Elements. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu comparações entre a linha de consolidação oedométrica (LCO), a linha de consolidação isotrópica (LCI) e a linha do estado crítico (LEC) que definiram a resposta de liquefação estática do material. No espaço e - log (p´) o aparecimento de um comportamento instável alterou significativamente a inclinação da LEC com relação a LCI e a LCO. A mesma mudança de inclinação é observada tanto no parâmetro de estado como no módulo cisalhante do solo quando plotados contra a tensão efetiva média. Com base nessas evidências, é defendido que o LEC de resíduos de mineração é altamente não-linear, e servem como indicativo de três respostas distintas do solo: uma resposta estável quando LCO, LCI e a LEC exibem paralelismo, um comportamento meta-estável em baixas tensões de confinamento levando à liquefação e quebra de grãos para altas tensões de confinamento da amostra. O avanço nas pesquisas relativas à disposição de resíduos provenientes de indústrias de mineração com o conhecimento dos fenômenos que se processa, poderá evitar a ocorrência de ruptura de barragens, que teria como conseqüência desastres ambientais de grande impacto. / Production and deposition of mining tailings is a problem confronting geotechnical engineers given the dimension of tailings deposits and environmental risks. The direct launching of tailings in reservoirs contained by dikes consists in a common type of waste disposal. These dikes can be constructed by successive upstream embankments, a relatively simple and economical process adopted in some countries. Although it is a low cost process, the upstream embankment is an operation of great risk, especially because tailings are susceptible to liquefaction and also because the stability of the dams can be threatened by excess of pore pressures generated inside the deposit during construction. To meet design requirements of disposal of residues it is therefore essential to understand the behavior of these materials. Tailings show a considerable variability in their physical, chemical and mineral characteristics that confer a distinct behavior to the geo-materials usually found in natural deposits. The present work gives emphasis to gold and bauxite tailings that encompass substantial economic and environmental interest in Brazil. In the thesis, an extensive laboratory geotechnical investigation program is carried out in an attempt to characterize these residues and to establish design constituent parameters. For comparative purposes an inert silty material is also tested. Compressibility and hydraulic conductivity were measured in oedometer tests performed at constant load and constant hydraulic gradient tests. Triaxial tests were carried out at high stress levels and different stress paths in order to establish the position and shape of the critical state line. In addition measured with Bender Elements are evaluated. The results between the oedometer consolidation (OCL), isotropic consolidation (ICL) and critical sate (CSL) lines allowed the static liquefaction response to be directly assessed. In a e-log (p’) space, the onset of a meta-stable behaviour significantly changes the slope of the CSL relative to both ICL and OCL. The same change in slope is observed on both the state parameter and the small strain shear modulus measured by bender elements when plotted against mean stress. Based on these evidences it is advocated that the CSL of the tailing is highly non-linear in nature, which lead to three distinct soil responses: a stable response when OCL, ICL and CSL exhibit similar slopes, a meta-stable beahaviour at lower stress leading to liquefaction and a crushable response for higher mean stresses. Advanced research on tailings from mining industries with due recognition of the phenomena of liquefaction may prevent dam failure, and consequently may prevent major environmental disasters.

Estudo do comportamento geomecânico de resíduos de mineração / Study of the geomechanical behavior of tailings

Bedin, Jucélia January 2010 (has links)
A extração e processamento de minério resultam na geração de elevadas quantidades de resíduos, cuja disposição gera impacto e risco ambiental. O lançamento direto em reservatórios contidos por diques consiste na forma mais comum de disposição dos resíduos de mineração em superfície. Estes diques podem ser construídos por alteamentos sucessivos a montante (upstream), prática desaconselhada em alguns países. Apesar de se tratar de um processo de baixo custo, o tipo de aterro a montante é uma operação de risco, pois a montante as barragens são sensíveis à liquefação e também porque a estabilidade das barragens pode ser ameaçada pelo excesso de poro pressão gerado dentro do depósito durante a construção. Para atender às exigências de projetos de áreas de disposição de resíduos é, portanto, fundamental entender o comportamento destes materiais. Resíduos exibem considerável variabilidade em suas características físicas, químicas e mineralógicas, que conferem um comportamento distinto dos geomateriais usualmente encontrados em depósitos naturais. Entre os diferentes resíduos destacam-se ouro e bauxita cuja prática de exploração no Brasil é revestida de considerável interesse econômico e ambiental. Nesta tese estes materiais são analisados a partir de uma extensa campanha de investigação geotécnica baseada em um programa de ensaios de laboratório destinados à caracterização destes resíduos e à definição de parâmetros constitutivos. Para fins comparativos são realizados ensaios com um material siltoso, porém inerte. A condutividade hidraúlica e compressibilidade dos resíduos foram obtidas através de ensaios oedométricos executados com estágios de carga e gradientes hidráulicos constantes. Ensaios triaxiais foram realizados com altos níveis de tensões de confinamento e distintas trajetórias de tensões, para a definição da linha do estado crítico e a identificação do comportamento destes materiais através de ensaios com Bender Elements. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu comparações entre a linha de consolidação oedométrica (LCO), a linha de consolidação isotrópica (LCI) e a linha do estado crítico (LEC) que definiram a resposta de liquefação estática do material. No espaço e - log (p´) o aparecimento de um comportamento instável alterou significativamente a inclinação da LEC com relação a LCI e a LCO. A mesma mudança de inclinação é observada tanto no parâmetro de estado como no módulo cisalhante do solo quando plotados contra a tensão efetiva média. Com base nessas evidências, é defendido que o LEC de resíduos de mineração é altamente não-linear, e servem como indicativo de três respostas distintas do solo: uma resposta estável quando LCO, LCI e a LEC exibem paralelismo, um comportamento meta-estável em baixas tensões de confinamento levando à liquefação e quebra de grãos para altas tensões de confinamento da amostra. O avanço nas pesquisas relativas à disposição de resíduos provenientes de indústrias de mineração com o conhecimento dos fenômenos que se processa, poderá evitar a ocorrência de ruptura de barragens, que teria como conseqüência desastres ambientais de grande impacto. / Production and deposition of mining tailings is a problem confronting geotechnical engineers given the dimension of tailings deposits and environmental risks. The direct launching of tailings in reservoirs contained by dikes consists in a common type of waste disposal. These dikes can be constructed by successive upstream embankments, a relatively simple and economical process adopted in some countries. Although it is a low cost process, the upstream embankment is an operation of great risk, especially because tailings are susceptible to liquefaction and also because the stability of the dams can be threatened by excess of pore pressures generated inside the deposit during construction. To meet design requirements of disposal of residues it is therefore essential to understand the behavior of these materials. Tailings show a considerable variability in their physical, chemical and mineral characteristics that confer a distinct behavior to the geo-materials usually found in natural deposits. The present work gives emphasis to gold and bauxite tailings that encompass substantial economic and environmental interest in Brazil. In the thesis, an extensive laboratory geotechnical investigation program is carried out in an attempt to characterize these residues and to establish design constituent parameters. For comparative purposes an inert silty material is also tested. Compressibility and hydraulic conductivity were measured in oedometer tests performed at constant load and constant hydraulic gradient tests. Triaxial tests were carried out at high stress levels and different stress paths in order to establish the position and shape of the critical state line. In addition measured with Bender Elements are evaluated. The results between the oedometer consolidation (OCL), isotropic consolidation (ICL) and critical sate (CSL) lines allowed the static liquefaction response to be directly assessed. In a e-log (p’) space, the onset of a meta-stable behaviour significantly changes the slope of the CSL relative to both ICL and OCL. The same change in slope is observed on both the state parameter and the small strain shear modulus measured by bender elements when plotted against mean stress. Based on these evidences it is advocated that the CSL of the tailing is highly non-linear in nature, which lead to three distinct soil responses: a stable response when OCL, ICL and CSL exhibit similar slopes, a meta-stable beahaviour at lower stress leading to liquefaction and a crushable response for higher mean stresses. Advanced research on tailings from mining industries with due recognition of the phenomena of liquefaction may prevent dam failure, and consequently may prevent major environmental disasters.

Suction induced shear strength of gold mine tailings

Westraad, Delme 10 June 2005 (has links)
The disposal of fine-grained mining and industrial waste by formation of hydraulic-fill tailings dams is becoming a design and construction activity of increasing scale. In light of the increasing pressure on the mining industry to sustain stringent safety and environmental standards it is becoming more important to gain technical knowledge of the waste problem. The upper layers of the tailings residue dams are in the unsaturated state with the matric suction component contributing to the overall shear strength. The ability to incorporate the matric suction component in shear strength calculations is important to safe design. This research project investigates the use of the mid-plane suction probe to measure matric suction. The results obtained from the probe is used along with various tests to construct a complete soil-water characteristic curve for Mispah gold tailings as well as to investigate suction induced shear strength of drying tailings with depth. The tests were conducted on gold tailings from Vaal Operation’s Mispah tailings dam. The laboratory tests consisted of a trough test, to determine the soil-water characteristics of the gold tailing and also a drying box test that simulated the drying and desiccation of the gold tailings in the daywall. The project concluded that the mid-plane suction probe could be used with acceptable accuracy to determine soil suctions. The model for the prediction of the soil water characteristic curve, derived by Fredlund and Xing (1992), was used successfully to predict the complete soil water characteristics curve for Mispah gold tailings. The equation derived by Vanapalli et al. (1996) was successfully used to calculate both the normal and suction induced shear strength of gold mine tailings using either the volumetric water content from the extracted samples or from the soil water characteristic curve. / Dissertation (MEng (Geotechnical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Civil Engineering / unrestricted

Sedimentation and desiccation of gold mine tailings

Wortmann, Heidi 05 November 2007 (has links)
South Africa, with its world leadership in the mining sector, and well-developed industrial sector, understandably has many tailings dams of various types. South Africa’s tailings dams are among the largest in the world in terms of delivered tailings tonnages, plan size and height. Obviously tailings disposal from the mining and industrial sectors in South Africa can have a major impact on the environment and the safety of human life if the dam design and tailings deposition process are not properly controlled. In South Africa there is a growing awareness of the importance of the environment and of the safety of the tailings dams. Catastrophes like the Merriespruit Gold Tailings dam failure in February 1994, where 17 people died and widespread devastation and environmental damage was caused, has sparked the renewal of research into tailings dam stability and safety. The rate of rise of tailings dams has an influence on the safety and stability of a tailings dam. If rate at which a tailings dam is built is too high, the dam may become unstable and be at risk of failure. There are many factors that control the rate of rise of tailings dams that are not very well understood. This research deals with sedimentation and desiccation of gold mine tailings. Sedimentation and desiccation are factors that influence the rate of rise. This research looked at how the gold mine tailings behave when sedimentation and desiccation occur. This was achieved through laboratory experiments, which consisted of column settling tests and drying box tests, and field tests. A model that predicts the behaviour of sedimentation and desiccation of tailings was also analysed. It was found that tailings sedimentation occurs very quickly. It was also found that suctions play an important role during the desiccation of the tailings. / Dissertation (MEng (Geotechnical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Civil Engineering / MEng / unrestricted

Economic Potential of Rare Earth Elements Within Accessory Minerals of Granitic Pegmatite Mine Tailings

Kegley, Dalton Curtis 29 June 2021 (has links)
Rare Earth elements (REEs) are economically important due to their critical applications within multiple industries. This study investigates the Spruce Pine district of North Carolina, testing the economic feasibility of repurposing current mine waste tailings as a rare earth element resource. Spruce Pine is home to several active quartz and feldspar mining operations, with large waste tailing piles generated during the separation process for quartz and feldspar. The mineralogy, composition, and REE budget of the tailings was examined to assess the economic viability of rare earth element extraction. The local geology includes a series of muscovite class pegmatites of Devonian age (390 Ma), intruded into the primarily amphibolite-grade units of the Ashe and Alligator Back formations (Wood, 1996). The waste tailing piles of two on-going quartz mining operations were sampled to evaluate the potential economic feasibility of rare earth element extraction from key accessory phases, including apatite, remaining from the initial separation process. Sample characterization utilized laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results of this investigation support the conclusion that, at the current recovery rate, price of rare earth elements, and cost of refinement, economic recovery of REE from the studied tailings is not viable. However, yttrium and dysprosium offer the highest potential for economic recovery. If some combination of improvements to the extraction process, reduction in refinement cost, or increases in price occur, yttrium and dysprosium are sufficiently abundant that extraction could become economically viable. / Master of Science / Rare Earth elements (REEs) are comprised of the Lanthanide series of elements as well as yttrium and scandium. REEs are economically important due to their critical applications within multiple industries. Current uses include electronics, magnets, lasers, electric motors, optical fibers, nuclear reactor control rods, visual displays, etc. Although the demand for REEs is high, the current sourcing of REEs is quite scarce. This study investigates the Spruce Pine district of North Carolina, testing the economic feasibility of repurposing current mine waste tailings as a rare earth element resource. Spruce Pine is home to several active quartz and feldspar mining operations, with large waste tailing piles generated during the separation process for quartz and feldspar. The mineralogy, composition and REE budget of the tailings was examined to assess the economic viability of rare earth element extraction. The waste tailing piles of two on-going quartz mining operations were sampled to evaluate the potential economic feasibility of rare earth element extraction from key accessory phases, including apatite, remaining from the initial separation process. The results of this investigation support the conclusion that, at the current recovery rate, price of rare earth elements, and cost of refinement, economic recovery of REE from the studied tailings is not viable. However, yttrium and dysprosium offer the highest potential for economic recovery. If some combination of improvements to the extraction process, reduction in cost of refinement, or increase in price were to occur, yttrium and dysprosium are sufficiently abundant that extraction could become economically viable.


JUAN MANUEL GIRAO SOTOMAYOR 15 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho estudou o comportamento de rejeitos de minério de ferro e de ouro, reforçados com fibras de polipropileno, com o objetivo da aplicabilidade destes compósitos em aterros (pilhas) de rejeitos de mineração. As fibras foram distribuídas de forma aleatória nos rejeitos (matriz) em um teor de 0.5 por cento em relação ao peso seco da matriz. Os rejeitos de minério de ferro e de ouro são classificados como uma areia siltosa e uma argila siltosa, respectivamente. O programa experimental consistiu em ensaios triaxiais convencionais drenados e não drenados (tensões efetivas de confinamento de 50, 100, 200 e 400 kPa) em amostras não reforçados e reforçados com fibras. Ensaios de cisalhamento direto com superfície polida (tensões normais de 25, 50, 100, 200 e 400 kPa) foram realizados para determinar a influência do reforço na fase residual dos compósitos. Ensaios de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) foram realizados para visualizar a interação fibra-matriz. A análise global dos resultados permitiu mostrar que fibras de polipropileno não modificam o comportamento elastoplástico do rejeito de minério de ferro, porém no rejeito de minério de ouro o comportamento muda para elastoplástico de enrijecimento. A resistência ao cisalhamento incrementou em ambos os rejeitos reforçados, com um ganho mínimo equivalente ao dobro da tensão cisalhante dos rejeitos sem reforço. Com relação à variação volumétrica, o rejeito de minério de ferro apresenta um comportamento dilatante e a adição de fibras incrementa esse comportamento. No rejeito de minério de ouro observa-se que a tendência volumétrica inicial é de contração e depois apresenta uma leve dilatância, porém, com a adição de fibras, o comportamento dilatante é eliminado. Em conclusão, a aplicabilidade das fibras de polipropileno se mostra como alternativa de reforço e melhoria do comportamento geotécnico dos rejeitos de mineração estudados. / [en] The objective of this work is to study the behavior of iron and gold mine tailings reinforced with polypropylene fibers with the objective of the applicability of these composites in landfills (piles) of mine tailings. The fibers were randomly distributed in the mine tailings (matrix), where was used a content of 0.5 percent in relation to the dry weight of the matrix. The iron and gold mine tailings are classified as a silty sand and a silty clay, respectively. The experimental program consisted of conventional drained and undrained triaxial tests (effective confinement stresses of 50, 100, 200 and 400 kPa) in non-reinforced and reinforced samples. Direct shear tests with a polished surface (normal stresses of 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 kPa) were performed to determine the influence of reinforcement on the residual phase of the composites. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) tests were performed to visualize the fiber-matrix interaction. The global analysis of the results allowed to show that polypropylene fibers do not modify the elastoplastic behavior of the iron mine tailings, but in the gold mine tailings the behavior changes to the strain hardening elastoplastic. Shear strength increased in both reinforced tailings, with a minimum gain equivalent to twice the shear stress of non-reinforced tailings. The strength parameters in the drained, undrained and residual condition of both mine tailings were increased with the addition of fiber. Regarding the volumetric variation, the iron mine tailings exhibits a dilative behavior and the fiber addition increases this behavior. In the gold mine tailings, it is observed that the initial volumetric tendency is contractive and then presents a slight dilatancy, however, with the fiber addition, the dilative behavior is eliminated. In conclusion, the applicability of the polypropylene fibers is showed as an alternative of reinforcement and improvement of the geotechnical behavior of the studied tailings.

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