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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flaskhalsar i tillredningsprocessen : Zinkgruvan, Lundin Mining / Bottlenecks in the drifting process : Zinkgruvan, Lundin Mining

Hasbo Olsson, Carl, Westin, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
Nyckeln till en framgångsrik produktionskedja bygger på att samtliga moment arbetar efter dess fulla prestanda. Blir det avbrott i produktionen kan det föranleda förseningar och onödiga kostnader för företaget. Idén till detta examensarbete grundades då Zinkgruvan lyfte problematiken med flaskhalsar i tillredningsprocessen. Målet blev då att identifiera dessa flaskhalsar och finna anledningen till att dem uppstår. Vidare skulle examensarbetet resultera i åtgärdsförslag för att delvis eller helt eliminera problemet med flaskhalsarna som identifierats vid undersökningarna av tillredningsprocessen. För att nå det uppsatta målet utfördes litteraturstudier samt ett antal fältbesök som arrangerades nere i gruvan. Litteraturstudier ämnade ge djupare förståelse om studieobjektet samt finna matematiska samband som möjliggjorde identifiering av flaskhalsar. Avsikten med de fältbesök som arrangerades var att möjliggöra datainsamling beträffande tider på de olika momenten i tillredningsprocessen.   Examensarbetet resulterade i två matematiska samband som beskriver hur en flaskhals kan identifieras med avseende på kapacitet och utnyttjandegrad. Sambanden tillsammans med den datainsamling som utfördes i gruvan genererade beräkningar som antydde att lastningen var flaskhals som utmärkte sig i båda avseenden, kapacitet och utnyttjandegrad. Utökad infrastruktur i de områden där långa körsträckor för lastningen råder blev ett åtgärdsförslag för att begränsa tidsåtgången. En annan åtgärd som föreslagits var att utöka den del av Zinkgruvans maskinpark som beträffar lastningen. Anledningen till att lastningen blir flaskhalsen visade sig i slutändan bero på mer än en orsak. Bland annat var en anledning långa körsträckor till och från arbetet för lastningen. Resultatet beträffande flaskhalsar i Zinkgruvan blev endast en generalisering. En viktig slutsats blir således att det skulle krävas många fler mätningar för statistisk signifikans. / The key to a successful production line demands full performance from all steps involved. If an interruption in the production occurs, it may cause the company delays and unnecessary expenses. The idea for this degree project was established when Zinkgruvan mine first brought up the problems with bottlenecks in the drifting process. Thus, the objective of this project was to identify these bottlenecks as well as the reasons for their origin. Furthermore, the results from the bottleneck detection would end up being analyzed and used to suggest solutions to partly, or entirely eliminate the origin of the bottlenecks. Crucial to reach the objective were literature analysis and field studies arranged in the mine. The purpose of literature analysis was to grant deeper knowledge of the subject itself whilst finding mathematical relations which could enable identification of bottlenecks. The main purpose of the field studies was to gather data concerning time whilst achieving a deeper understanding of the production process in the Zinkgruvan mine.   The result ended up with two mathematical relations describing how a bottleneck, in theory, can be detected with respect to capacity and utilization. Those relations combined with the data gathered in the mine generated calculations implying that loading made the bottleneck in both categories, capacity and utilization. Extended infrastructure in the areas where long loading distances occur, became one of the suggested solutions to limit expenditure of time. Another solution suggested was to increase the amount of machinery regarding loading. In the end, the reason as to why loading became the bottleneck turned out to depend on various factors. Amongst others, one reason turned out to be the long mileages back and forth the current working site. The result regarding bottlenecks in the Zinkgruvan mine ended up being only a generalization, thus, a very important conclusion states that more data regarding time is required to make the result statistically significant.

Särhållning av gruvavfall med avseende på syrabildande potential : en studie av svenska sulfidmalmsgruvor / Selective handling of acid producing mining waste : A study of Swedish sulphide ore mines

Sellin, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Gruvavfall utgör över 80 % av den totala mängden avfall i Sverige. Avfallet från gruvindustrin kan påverka våra ekosystem negativt om tungmetaller och försurande ämnen lämnar materialet. I Sverige utgör avfall från sulfidmalmer störst risk för miljön eftersom det innehåller mineral som genom kontakt med luft vittrar och producerar surt och metallhaltigt lakvatten. Efterbehandling av dessa material är viktigt för att förhindra läckage till omgivningen. Eftersom efterbehandling är en kostsam process hänvisar Stiftelsen för Miljöstrategisk Forskning i första hand till särhållning av materialet med avseende på syrabildande potential. I denna studie har undersökts vilka förbättringsmöjligheter som finns för särhållning av avfall inom gruvindustrin. Arbetet har utförts genom studier av miljörapporter, avfallshanteringsplaner samt kommunikation med Länsstyrelser och Naturvårdsverket. De förbättringsmöjligheter som i denna studie identifierats rör utformning av kriterierna för klassning av syrabildande potential samt metodik vid bestämning av syrabildande potential. Inför framtida särhållning bör kriterierna för vad som klassas som icke syrabildande material skärpas såtillvida att de bättre överensstämmer med definitionen för inert avfall i utvinningsavfallsförordningen. Om kriterierna formuleras som villkor tilldelade genom Mark- och miljödomstolen kan det dessutom föreligga större möjligheter till uppföljning och undersökning av metodikens lämplighet för att hindra spridning av surt och metallhaltigt lakvatten. Metodiken för identifiering av icke syrabildande material kan förbättras genom att borrkax analyseras under produktionens gång. Dessutom bör lakvattnet från deponierna med icke syrabildande material analyseras för att kunna följa upp åtgärdernas verkan. Denna studie visar även att det idag finns mer potentiellt syrabildande anrikningssand än gråberg på upplag, vilket indikerar att teknologin för att särhålla anrikningssand bör förbättras. / Mining waste exceed 80 % of the total amount of waste in Sweden. Waste from mining industry could pose a threat to our ecosystems if metals and acidic substances leave the material. Sulphide ore deposits pose the largest threat to the Swedish environment, since they contain minerals that decompose through weathering processes and produce acidic and metal containing rock drainage. Drainage treatment is crucial to avoid leakage to the surroundings. The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research recommends selective material handling of acid rock drainage generating material as first option mainly because of the expenses that comes with drainage treatment. In this study it has been investigated in which means the selective material handling can be improved in Sweden. The work has been conducted through studies of environmental reports, waste management programs and communication with the Swedish County Administrative Boards and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The areas with possibility of improvement that were identified in this study concern the criterions for acid drainage potential in waste rock and acid drainage potential identification methodology. The criterions for non acid rock drainage generating waste rock should correspond with the definition of inert waste in the Swedish waste management regulation. If the criterions are defined as conditions through the environmental court, it might be easier to conduct thorough follow-up. The methodology for identification of non acid generating waste rock could be enhanced if borehole-samples were analysed during the operation of the mine. Furthermore should the rock drainage from the deposits with non acid generating waste rock be analysed to be able to follow up the measurements. This study reveals that the amount of tailings on deposits currently exceeds the amount of waste rock, which indicates that the technology for separating tailings needs to be evolved.

Sprängsalvor i olika bergarter / Explosives in different rock types

Jildesten, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet genomfördes hos Bergsskolan i Filipstad, i samarbete med Skanska Industrial Solutions AB, region bergmaterial. Uppföljningen begränsades tidsmässigt och omfattade perioden april – juni 2019. Arbetets huvudsyfte var att skapa ett uppföljningssystem som Skanska sedan kunde utveckla till ett ordentligt arbetsredskap inom losshållningen. Systemets fokus riktades mot de viktigaste sprängtekniska parametrarna inom sprängteknik. För skapandet utav uppföljningssystemet användes sprängjournaler från Skanskas bergtäkter i Sverige, samt nödvändig data från SGU:s bergartskarta där bergtäkternas respektive bergarter hämtades från. Systemet skapades i dataprogrammet Excel. Systemet är baserat på bergarten kontra bergtäkten, där salvinformationen är kopplad till respektive bergtäkt. Systemet fungerar på följande vis: 1. Välj den bergart du söker  systemet visar då de bergtäkter som innehar den bergarten. 2. Klicka på den bergtäkt du söker  systemet kopplar dig till täktens salvinformation. 3. Välj salvnummer och fyll sedan i salvinformationen med önskad data. 4. Spara filen  klar! Resultatet visade att målet var uppnåeligt. Ett system där sprängningar följdes upp i de olika bergarterna skapades. Uppföljningssystemet som presenterades är endast en prototyp som för att funka ordentligt för företaget bör byggas vidare i en annan databas (inte Excel). / The master thesis was made at Bergsskolan in Filipstad in cooperation with Skanska Industrial Solutions AB. The follow-up was made during the time period of April – June 2019. The main purpose of the thesis was to create a follow-up system that Skanska could use and develop into a real working tool in the future. The focus of the system was aimed at the most important parameters of successful blasting. Skanskas blasting records from the different opencast mines were used to create the follow-up system. SGU: s rock map of Sweden was also used to locate the different rock types in the opencast mines. The system was created in the data program Excel. The system is based on rocks versus mines, were the blasting information is connected to the mines. The follow-up system works like this: 1. Choose the type of rock you are searching for  the system will then show you all the opencast mines that operate in that kind of rock. 2. Click on the mine that you are searching for  the system will take you to that mines blasting information. 3. Choose the burst number and apply all the relevant blasting information in the right boxes. 4. Save the file  done! The result showed that the goal of the thesis was reachable. A follow-up system was created were blasting information in different rocks was shown. The system is only a prototype of how a follow-up system in different rocks can look like. If the company wishes to use the system, then it should be recreated in another data program (not Excel) that specifies on database programming.

Assessment of static performance of LKAB´s welded mesh : Laboratory testing and analysis

Eriksson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Surface support is an areal support, which is installed on rock excavation surface to prevent bulking of rock mass and retain loose rock fragments. Welded wire mesh is one type of surface support. Literature study indicates that there is a wide range of testing methods on mesh. Different setups regarding mesh configuration, installation, and load applying system are used to evaluate its load-bearing, deformation, and energy absorption capacities. Loads are applied in different ways to simulate both static and dynamic loading conditions. However, there is not any standardized testing method.   Common configuration of a welded mesh sheet in LKAB´s underground mines has the dimension of 2.3 m × 2.5 m and is made of 5.5 mm (in diameter) wires welded with a square grid pattern of 75 mm × 75 mm spacing. It is installed with a square bolt pattern with a bolt spacing of 1.0 m × 1.0 m particularly in seismically active areas. Comprehensive field damage investigations at LKAB’s Kiirunavaara mine have shown localized failure of mesh, i.e., the mesh was cut or torn by rock blocks as a result of a seismic event. This is especially common along the mesh overlap where mesh sheets are joined together. However, the performance of welded mesh used at the LKAB’s mines and its performance along mesh overlap is not well understood.   Laboratory tests of LKAB´s welded wire mesh were conducted at the Mining and Civil Engineering Lab at Luleå University of Technology. A test frame was built to test the mesh under static conditions after literature review. Mesh sheets with reduced dimension of 1.2 m x 1.2 m were mounted at the corner by four bolts on the frame and tested with different loading conditions in test series AA. In test series AB/AD, two mesh sheets with overlap were tested and the load was applied at the overlap between two bolts. For the base case in series AA, a rupture load of 41.4 kN was registered at a displacement of 0.44 m using the loading plate with the size of 0.07 m2 when the load was applied at the center of the whole mesh sheet. The highest rupture load, 60.7 kN at 0.26 m displacement, was reached when the size of the loading plate was increased from 0.07 m2 to 0.5 m2. Load-carrying capacity (by using rupture load) obtained for test series AA was in the range of 32.4 - 60.7 kN with a displacement range of 0.26 - 0.44 m, considering varied loading plate material and size of the loading plate. In test series AB/AD where focus was placed on the overlap, the load-carrying capacity was in the range of 28.9 – 47.5 kN at a displacement range of 0.19 – 0.22 m. A single mesh tested with this loading configuration gave the lowest rupture load, 28.9 kN at a displacement of 0.19 m. The load-carrying capacity of two mesh sheets with three grids overlap was increased to 47.5 kN at a displacement of 0.22 m. Stiffness of the tested mesh also increased with an overlap. There is nearly no difference in load-carrying capacity when the loading mode has changed from pulling to pushing. Reducing the number of grids at the overlap to one grid decreased the load-carrying capacity of the mesh significantly, and the overlap seemed to become open quickly as the load was applied on it.   Two failure modes were observed for the mesh tests: tensile failure of the wires and failure at the heat affected zone (HAZ). Failure at HAZ is caused by weakening of the wires at the welding points. In test series AA, failure at the HAZ was observed in all tests near a faceplate. In test series AB/AD, both tensile failure and failure at HAZ were observed. They were observed close to either a faceplate or the loading plate.   To conclude test series AA, there is a problem with the redistribution of load and failure always occurs at the welding points close to faceplates. Roof mesh with wider wires at the face plates and high energy absorbent mesh have shown good results regarding handling these described problems, therefore these could be tested with LKAB´s bolting pattern and mesh configurations. In test series AB/AD, the observed problem is that the load concentrates on the closest bolts, therefore the load should be redistributed to bolts next to the loaded area. Seismic mesh, straps and improved bolting pattern can help with that, and they could be tested to evaluate them further. / Yt-förstärkning är ett element som installeras mellan andra bergförstärkningar. Yt-förstärkning är konstruerade och installerade för att hålla tillbaka och minska bergutfall mellan dessa andra förstärknings installationer. En litteraturstudie har visat att det finns en mängd olika sätt att testa yt-förstärkningar. Olika testuppställningar förekommer, där olika specifikationer utav yt-förstärkningar är varierade. Inspännings metod, last på bultar samt olika sätt att inducera last har en stor spridning. Detta gäller för både statiska- och dynamiska lastförhållanden.   En vanlig typ utav yt-support är svetsat stålnät med en wire tjocklek på 8gagues. Dessa är ihop svetsade till ett rutnät med 4 in × 4 in mellan wirarna. Dessa är installerade i olika gruvor med antingen ett diamant- eller kvadratiskt bultmönster, förekommande avstånd mellan är 1,2 m till 1,5 m mellan bultarna. Nät som används utav LKAB har en wire-diameter på 5,5 mm och ett avstånd på 75 mm × 75 mm i deras svetsade stålrutnät. Näten hos LKAB är installerade med ett kvadratiskt rutmönster med bultaståndet 1,0 x 1,0 m och 3 rutors överlapp. Dessa är oftast installerade i områden där spänningarna är höga och seismisk aktivitet är sannolik. En skadekartläggning orsakad av seismisk aktivitet genomfördes i LKAB´s undergjordsgruva Kiirunavaara. Där framkom det att de installerade näten antingen slits sönder av stenblock eller att överlappen ger med sig.   En utvärdering utav LKAB´s nät har gjorts genom att testa dem i laborationsmiljö på Luleå Tekniska universitet. En test-ram byggdes, denna bultades fast i golvet för att vara styv. Mindre nätbitar om 1.2 x 1.2 m blev installerade i riggen och en last applicerade mellan fyra bultar in testserie AA. I test seria AB/AD påfördes lasten mellan två bultar, här undersöktes överlappats inverkan på nät-konfigurationen. I grund testet i serie AA uppnåddes en last om 41.4 kN och en deformering på 0.44 m innan första brottet noterades. Högst brottlast noterade när lastpåföringsplattans area ökade från 0.07 m2 till 0.5 m2, dvs 61.7 kN med endast en förskjutning på 0.26 m. Brottgränsområdet för testserie AA är mellan 32.4 kN – 61.7 kN där deformation är mellan 0.26 m -0.44 m, inom dessa områden varierades också lastpåföringsplattans material och lasten på bultarna som håller fast nätet. För testserie AB/AD är samma område 28.9 kN – 47.5 kN med deformationerna 0.19 m – 0.22 m. Grund testet med ett nät där lasten appliceras mellan två bultar har lägst brottområde, 28.9 kN vid 0.19 m. När lasten istället appliceras på ett överlapp ökar brottslasten till 47.5 kN vid en deformation om 0.22 m, styvheten i konstruktionen ökar också. Det är inte noterad någon större förändring om överlappen belastas med en dragande eller tryckande teknik. När mängden rutor reduceras till endast en ruta, observerades tendensen till separation av näten vid påföring utav last.   Genom hela testuppställningen har två brottorsaker noterats, drag brott i vajer och brott i närhet utav uppvärmda områden, svetsar. I testserie AA har endast den senare brottorsaken noterats, dessa förekommer uteslutande i närhet till bultbrickorna. För testserie AB/AD är båda brottorsakerna är noterade. De förekom både vid bultbrickorna och vid lastpåföringsplattan.   Testserie AA har problem med att fördela lasten efter ett första brott har uppsåt samt att svetsarna i nätet är den svagaste länken. High energy mesh och Roof mesh har påvisat goda egenskaper att lösa dessa två problem enligt tidigare genomförda tester. Någon utav dessa kan modifieras och testas med LKAB´s installationsmönster. För testserie AB/AD är de möjligt att härleda brott i överlappet till för hög lastkoncentration i de närmsta bultarna. En lastfördelning till närliggande bultar ses som en lösning, både seismiska nät och straps har dessa egenskaper. Dessa kan med fördel också testas installationsmönster för att utvärdera och förstå den komplexa installationen som uppstår.

Alternativ till bergbultar av stål i Kirunagruvans tvärortar / Alternatives to rock reinforcement bolts made of steel in cross-cuts in the Kiruna mine

Mukka, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Rapportens syfte är att undersöka vilka störningar skrot från kamstålsbultar medför i LKAB:sunderjordsgruva i Kiruna. Vidare undersöks om det finns alternativa bultar eller tillvägagångssätt somuppfyller LKAB:s krav för bultning av tvärortar. En statistisk analys görs på hur mycket och i vilketområde skrotet kommer upp till sovringens 14 skrotband. Alternativbultarna ska inte vara magnetiskaoch om möjligt pulveriseras vid sprängning. Det ska även tas upp om det är ekonomiskt försvarbart attbyta till alternativa bultar. Bergförstärkningen i tvärortarna består till största del av kamstålsbultar ochsprutbetong. I tvärortarna anses risken för seismisk aktivitet vara låg och därför behöver intebergbultar som dimensionerats för dynamiska laster användas. Den bulten som används i dag är denså kallade Kirunabulten som är en kamstålsbult med en kil längst in. Bergbultarna tros orsaka problemi fasta anläggningar genom att t.ex. bulten sticker ut från vagnarna under jord och tar i nödstoppslinoretc. Ovan jord kan bulten orsaka skada på transportband samt förorsaka stockningar i stup och fickor.Åren 1979- 1981 utfördes ett antal försök med de då nya glasfiberbultarna. Det sattes ett hundratalbultar i Kirunagruvan. Problemet då vara att glasfiberbulten hade en för glatt yta och inte kunde fästasi berget tillräckligt bra. Idag är glasfiberbulten en väl testad bult och används flitigt ute i världen.Jämfört med Kirunabulten har glasfiberbulten runt 30 % högre draghållfasthet, 40 % lägreskjuvhållfasthet men är 70 % lättare. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att ta reda på mer om LKABoch vilka olika typer av bultar det finns samt vilka tester som är genomförda. Insamling av rådata hargjorts från gruvan och verken ovan jord för vidare beräkningar. En undersökning av vad det finns förmaterial och leverantörer på marknaden samt en jämförelse av olika bultar mot LKAB:s standard hargjorts. Gruvan har problem med bultar som stör processen genom oförutsedda stopp i flödet. Det blirdäremot inga större produktionsbortfall p.g.a. bultar som följer med i produktionen. Det är inte säkertatt ett byte till glasfiberbultar skulle hjälpa då det finns risk att även denna bult följer med malmen ochsticker ut från vagnar med mera, samt att den skulle tas om hand först i sovringen. Sovringen har enså pass stor överkapacitet på anläggningen att den klarar allt som gruvan skickar upp i dagsläget.Antalet bult kommer att öka för nu krävs systembultning. Problem orsakade av att bulten följer skrotetär ganska konstant sett över ett år. Antalet skrot per ton är relativt konstant även om antalet skrotökar över tiden. Sett över en vecka visar att skrotflödet kommer med jämnt flöde upp till sovringens14 skrotband. Medianens snitt ligger på 12,5 skrot sett över en vecka. Tidsmässigt ligger under sammaperiod ståtidens medianen i snitt 0,84 tim. Hela anläggningen från gruvan under jord till anrikningsverket störs inte nämnvärt idag av skrotet och ett byte till några andra bultar kan inte motiveras. Vissaförluster blir det trots allt i gruvan men dessa kan inte avhjälpas med andra typer av bultar.Rekommenderas att vidare studier genomförs med glasfiberbulten för att se hur denna beter sig iflödet. / The purpose of this report is to investigate what disturbances scrap from rebar steel bolts causes inLKAB's underground Kiruna mine. Furthermore, it is investigated whether there are alternative boltsor approaches that meet LKAB's requirements for bolting of cross-cuts. A statistical analysis is made ofhow much and in which area the scrap reaches the 14 scrap belts in the sorting plant. The alternativebolts must not be magnetic and, if possible, should pulverized during explosion. It must also beaddressed whether it is economically justifiable to switch to alternative bolts. The rock reinforcementin the cross-cuts consists mostly of rebar steel bolts and shotcrete. In the cross-cuts, the risk of seismicactivity is considered to be low and therefore rock bolts dimensioned for dynamic loads do not needto be used. The bolt used today is the so-called Kirunabulten which is a rebar steel bolt with a wedgeat the inside end. It is believed that the rock bolts cause problems in the process. A rock bolt that windsup in the train wagon can cause problems by taking down the train electrical wires and emergencystop cables. Above ground in the sorting- and concentrating plants the bolts can cleave conveyor belts.The costs caused by the bolts are mostly underground on the train and crushing level. In the years1979-1981, a number of experiments were performed with the then new fiberglass bolts. About ahundred bolts were installed in the Kiruna mine. The problem at the time was that the fiberglass bolthad a too smooth surface and could not be attached to the grout sufficiently. Today, the fiberglass boltis a well-tested bolt and is commonly used in the world. Compared to the Kiruna bolt, the fiberglassbolt has around 30% higher tensile strength, 40% lower shear strength but is 70% lighter. A literaturestudy has been carried out to find out more about LKAB and what different types of bolts there areand what tests have been carried out. Collection of raw data has been done from the mine and theplants above ground for further calculations. A study of what materials and suppliers are on the marketas well as a comparison of different bolts against LKAB's standard has been made. The mine hasproblems with bolts that disrupt the process through unforeseen stops in the flow. On the other hand,there will be no major production losses due to bolts included in the production. It is not certain thata change to fiberglass bolts would help as there is a risk that this bolt also accompanies the ore andi.e. winds up in the train wagon, and that it would be taken care of first in the sorting plant. The sortingplant has such a large overcapacity that it can handle everything that the mine hoists at present. Thenumber of bolts will increase because systematic bolting is now required. Problems caused by the boltfollowing the scrap are fairly constant over a year. The number of scrap per ton is relatively constanteven if the number of scrap increases over time. Seen over a week the scrap flow is even up to thesorting plat’s 14 scrap bands. The median average is 12.5 scrap seen over a week. In terms of time, themedian stop time averages 0.84 hours during the same period. The entire facility from theunderground mine to the concentrator is not significantly disturbed today by the scrap and a changeto any other bolts can not be justified. After all, there will be some losses in the mine, but these cannotbe remedied with other types of bolts. It is recommended that further studies be carried out with thefiberglass bolt to see how it behaves in the production.

Förvaring av sprängsten i Rotebro : Vattnets påverkan på en krosshögs kväveinnehåll

Wikstén, Linda, Nordström, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Indirect methods as quality control of cemented hydraulic fill : Renström mine, Boliden mineral AB

Rask, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
The Renström mine, Boliden Mineral AB, uses, among other methods, the Transverse long hole stoping method with backfill. The mine uses a cement-stabilized hydraulic fill (CHF), which is a mixture of enrichment sand, cement and water. The most important factor in relation to strength is the water cement ratio. Today, only tests have been performed on the surface and in laboratory tests. The purpose of this work is thus to study the possibility of using other types of methods that can give a better understanding of the strength of the entire filling volume. Studies on backfill containing Portland cement and sulphur have shown that the UCS strength decreases with time, which can cause problems for the mine. A leaching method (MRM leaching test) used to evaluate potential sulphide soils has been used in this study on the backfill to investigate the sulphurs impact on the cement mixture. Electrical conductivity, pH, and redox potential were investigated and gave similar results, where the higher cement levels (8%, 10%, and 12%) were indistinguishable while the lower cement content (4%) differed significantly from the other levels. This probably indicates that the higher cement levels have a greater resistance to the influence of the sulphur. The most promising results were given when the method was used on enrichment sand alone. The linear lowering of the pH value of the enrichment sand, from pH 4.9 to about pH 3, point to that the enrichment sand contains large amounts of sulphur, as previously chemical analysis has shown. This suggests that the method can best be used in an early stage before the sand is mixed with cement. The strength results on the samples showed a strength after 7 days that was in line with the 90-day strength. However, all 90 day samples had decreased in strength during the time sequence, which may be an effect of the sulphur content, but should be further investigated to be determined. The smaller size of the samples was also experienced as a challenge during the temperature measurements due to small temperature variations and environmental effects. A maturity method for predicting the strength of concrete called "The maturity method" has been investigated in this study. To determine the strength maturity relationship, both the temperature related to time and the equivalent age must be evaluated. The study showed that the method cannot be used on the mine's backfill without first making adjustments related to the lower cement content used in the backfill compared with concrete constructions, since it is not possible to determine the strength growth in the early stage as the method requires.

Transportborrning : Undersökningsborrning i Kiirunavaara

Svahn, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
In the Kiirunavaara mine, the total length of drilling is about 1138000 meters each year with two different drilling methods. Production drilling is performed with a hammer drill while explorationdrilling is performed with a diamond drill. Explorationdrilling is applied toidentify the position ofthe ore and its tonnage. In the diamond drilling method different core samples aretaken out to provideinformation about the geological structure andwall rock in order to plan for theinfrastructure. For that reason,it isimportant that the exploration drilling isalways ahead of the production. All drill coresareexamined and stored. When a drill core isup to 1000 meters long a great amount of information needs to becompiled. The present report describestransport drilling,which impliesthat the first100 meters of each drilling will be completed with the hammer drillingmethod. The hammer drilling can be used to drill about 100 meters each day compared to coredrilling that would take almost aweek. Forthe moment there is 420 drill holes planned in Kiruna mine with a total length of 190000 drill meters. By applying transport drilling and use the hammer drilling method at the first 100 meters for eachdrill hole canthese42000 meters be drilled in 420 days,instead of 356 weeks with the core drilling method. Hammer drilling is efficient in terms of time compared to diamond drilling but does not provide the same information about the rock. Inorder to applaythe method of hammer drilling in transport drilling, different methods need to be tested that can provide information which isnecessary for mining.This report summarizes different methods that can complete a core. Amongst others, optical logging can be used wherea camera is used to film the walls inside the drill holes. In addition, samples of drill cuttingscan be collected fromhammer drillingforanalysisof the material.The report also contains information about oriented drilling. Here,an instrument is mounted on the core drill equipment. Oriented drilling does not affect the hammer drilling but can provide more accurate information about a specific area and then reduce the number of boreholes. The results from this theoretical study show that transportdrilling using hammerdrilling, during the first distance, gives a more time efficient and more profitable result compared to only core drilling. Transportdrilling has not been done during the time for this report therefor there are no practical results to comparethe present conclusions with.

Uppföljning av skuthantering på Vikan Kross : Boulder Handling Vikan Kross

Rova, Christoffer January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is about to follow up the handling of boulders in Vikan Kross. Vikan Kross is a rock quarry owned by Skanska and it´s located in Gothenburg. According to Vikan, a boulder is a rough stone that is larger than 1-3 m3, and they are a recurrent problem because boulders cause a disturbance in production flow. A total of three field studies were done which focused on rock breaking, crushing and loading/blasting. The goal of this thesis is to increase knowledge about the handling of boulders at Vikan. The goal is also to find out whether it would be more desirable to contribute a larger size of the hydraulic hammer at rock breaking and crushing. The field studies should provide more knowledge and more understanding of why there is a problem with boulders at Vikan. In addition to field studies that were made to investigate the boulder handling were also literary studies, with respect to handling of the boulder works for Skanska, in case they have other rock breakings methods or solutions. By interviewing experts at Skanska increased knowledge about the production at the company. A situation analysis has been written that explains the handling of boulders. The result shows that it can be profitable with a larger size of secondary hydraulic hammers. A larger size means that it´s stronger and longer. The hydraulic hammer at rock breaking can be a major cost of production. Operating costs can be less but strength and weight increase, where there may be a more powerful effect on Vikans rock. For further studies should consider the costs for stop in crushing in calculations of boulders and costs at rock breaking. Also perform more field studies in order to get a more reliable result, which can show more solutions to the handlings of boulders at Vikan. In a project within handling of boulders there are many followings steps needs to consider for a working boulder handling. Based on the thesis, it has been clarified that, where the quarry has problems with boulder, you can´t get away from boulders but it can be reduced and prevented.

Optimization of the steel-fiber dosage in shotcrete used in the Kankberg mine

Larsson, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish metal company Boliden has since the early 20th century been mining deposits in the mining field commonly referred to as the Skelleftefield in northern Sweden. The youngest of the active mines is the Kankberg mine which is an underground mine whose reserve contains gold and tellurium. The reserve of the mine is split-up into multiple smaller orebodies that are all being mined continuously using a cut- and fill mining method in combination with pillars utilized to ensure stability in certain stopes.   The Kankberg mine is unique in the sense that it is situated in very hard rock. That in combination with medium stresses as results of the mining depth results in favorable conditions in terms of needed rock support. Boliden therefore wants to reduce the amount of support material used, without compromising the stability of the support system and the security of the underground personnel.   The goal of this thesis is to present a recommend steel fiber dosage to be used in the shotcrete. The recommendation is based upon:   Test results of round determinate panel (RPD) tests according to the ASTM C1550-12a (American Society for Testing) standard. Reviews of earlier shotcrete tests conducted by Boliden. A literature study focused on fiber dosages in other underground projects. Stress analyses using numerical methods. Rock inspections and rock classifications. International guidelines regarding fiber dosages used in shotcrete.   The results presented within this thesis suggest that the fiber dosage in the shotcrete recipe can be lowered, in favor of cost optimization. The optimal dosage, when factoring in the issues related to the continuous mining, the energy absorption capacity of the shotcrete and general recommendations from studied literature was determined being a dosage of 22.6 kg/m3. The thesis further suggests that large scale tests should be conducted on a full scale before the lowered dosage is adopted in practice.

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