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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regte of minerale : 'n boedelbeplanningsanalise / H. Stassen

Stassen, Hettie January 2010 (has links)
South Africa entered a new era on 1 May 2004 with the commencement of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (hereafter the MPRDA). Section 3 states that the mineral and petroleum resources are the common heritage of all South Africans. Due to the fact that a new era of mineral rights has been introduced, it is necessary to investigate the effect of the new Act on the process of estate planning. This study is focused to determine which of the rights found in the MPRDA can be classified as assets in an estate, and which of these rights should be discounted for in the process of estate planning that is focused on the inheritance of assets. The study firstly deals with the mineral rights as property in terms of section 25 of the Constitution. After a brief synopsis has been given of the old order mineral rights, the focus falls on the nature and transferability of the new order mineral rights and the implications that the said rights have on the process of estate planning. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Regte of minerale : 'n boedelbeplanningsanalise / H. Stassen

Stassen, Hettie January 2010 (has links)
South Africa entered a new era on 1 May 2004 with the commencement of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (hereafter the MPRDA). Section 3 states that the mineral and petroleum resources are the common heritage of all South Africans. Due to the fact that a new era of mineral rights has been introduced, it is necessary to investigate the effect of the new Act on the process of estate planning. This study is focused to determine which of the rights found in the MPRDA can be classified as assets in an estate, and which of these rights should be discounted for in the process of estate planning that is focused on the inheritance of assets. The study firstly deals with the mineral rights as property in terms of section 25 of the Constitution. After a brief synopsis has been given of the old order mineral rights, the focus falls on the nature and transferability of the new order mineral rights and the implications that the said rights have on the process of estate planning. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Mineral and petroleum resources royalty act : the impact on the fiscal and mining industry in South Africa

Grobler, Jolandie January 2014 (has links)
The implementation of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act was anticipated to have a significant impact on the South African economy and mining industry. The mineral royalty is an effective instrument in the collection of compensation for extraction of mineral resources that cannot be renewed. An overview of the development, evolution and application of the mineral royalty indicated that the newly enacted Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act has constituted a more formal regulative system in determining the royalty amount payable. Various fundamental principles have been established in the act, such as distinguishing between refined and unrefined mineral resources, different royalty formulae to be applied to each of mineral resources and circumstances resulting in a mineral royalty obligation. The South African mining industry has been a cornerstone in forming the economy for many years. The industry has on average contributed approximately 8.8% directly to the country’s gross domestic product during 2011. The potential impact by the new royalty reform was predicted by researchers to impact mining operations’ profitability between 2% and 5%, whilst the sector’s contribution to total taxes was expected to rise by 8%. The actual impact of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act on the country’s fiscal and mining industry was reviewed to determine just how many circumstances have changed in South African mining, if any. The research study has found that although there has been an impact it was not as significant as anticipated. Die implementering van die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet sou na verwagting ‘n groot impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie en die mynbedryf hê. Minerale tantieme is ‘n doeltreffende instrument in die invordering van vergoeding vir die ontginning van minerale hulpbronne wat nie hernu kan word nie. ‘n Ondersoek oor die ontwikkeling, evolusie en toepassing van minerale tantieme het aangedui dat die onlangse Wet op Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme ‘n meer formele regulerende stelsel teweeggebring het in die bepaling van tantieme betaalbaar. Verskeie fundamentele beginsels word onderskryf deur die Wet, soos die onderskeid tussen verwerkte en onverwerkte minerale hulpbronne, verskillende tantieme formules toepaslik op elk van die minerale hulpbronne en omstandighede wat lei tot ‘n mineraal tantiem verpligting. Die Suid-Afrikaanse mynbedryf was ‘n hoeksteen in die ontwikkeling van die ekonomie vir baie jare. Die bedryf het gemiddeld ongeveer 8.8% direk bygedra tot die land se bruto binnelandse produk gedurende 2011. Navorsers het voorspel dat die potensiële impak van die nuwe mineraalhervorming mynbou se winsgewendheid met tussen 2% en 5% sou beïnvloed, terwyl die sektor se bydrae tot die totale belasting na verwagting sou styg met 8%. Die werklike impak van die Mineraal en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet op die land se ekonomie en mynbedryf was hersien om vas te stel presies hoeveel omstandighede verander het in Suid-Afrikaanse mynbou, indien enige. Die studie het bevind dat selfs al het die nuwe tantieme stelsel ‘n impak gemaak op Suid-Afrika, dit nie so wesenlik was soos verwag nie. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / am2014 / Taxation / unrestricted

Royalties on non-renewable resources in South Africa : an international comparison

Henrico, Jan Hendrik 14 December 2012 (has links)
Governments across the globe are experiencing enormous budget deficits. The governments of South Africa and Australia felt that taxes on mining have not been reflecting a ‘willing buyer-willing seller’ relationship. This in essence means that mining companies in these two countries were not paying an arm’s length value to governments for extracting the resources. In Australia the authorities introduced the Resources Super Profits Tax to be charged at 40% of assessable profits. Mining companies still have to assess how to deal with this new tax when it is enacted on 1 July 2012. However, a change advantageous for the companies is the reduction in the corporate tax rate from 30% to 28% by the 2014/15 tax year. This Resources Super Profits Tax will also be deductible from the calculation of taxable income. South Africa enacted the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Acton 1 March 2010. Mining companies would now pay royalties based on a charging formula specifically for refined and unrefined minerals. The minimum royalty charging formula is 0.5% of gross sales regardless of whether the mining company incurs losses. This royalty charging formula is capped at 5% for refined minerals and 7% for unrefined minerals. However, any existing arrangement between mining companies and land owners for special royalties payable is not replaced by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act. A mining company such as Kumba Resources Limited never paid royalties in 2009, but were paying royalties in 2010 at 5.61% of accounting earnings before interest and taxes and 5.51% in 2011. Despite the additional royalties mining companies still invest in South Africa. The main drive for investment is managing risks and investing in projects that yield positive net present values. Typical risks to be managed are taxation laws, political uncertainty and social issues. These risks should be kept under control as the likelihood of mining companies walking away from investments is high when these risks spiral out of control. AFRIKAANS : Regerings dwarsoor die wêreld ondervind wesenlike begrotingstekorte. Die regerings van Suid Afrika en Australië glo dat die belasting op mynbou-maatskappye nie die ‘gewillige koper-gewillige verkoper’ verhouding weerspieël nie. In beginsel beteken dit dat die mynbou-maatskappye in die twee lande nie armlengte-waarde betaal aan regerings vir die ontginning van minerale nie. In Australië het owerhede die Minerale Super Winste Belasting gepromulgeer wat 40% heffings van berekende winste vereis. Mynbou-maatskappye is steeds in die donker oor hoe om hierdie nuwe belasting te hanteer wanneer dit op 1 Julie 2012 in werking tree.Die verlaging van die korporatiewe belastingkoers van 30% na 28% oor ’n tydperk tot en met die 2014/15 belastingjaaris egter ’n verandering wat voordelig is vir die maatskappye. Hierdie Minerale Super Winste Belasting sal ook van belasbare inkomste van mynbou-maatskappye aftrekbaar wees. Suid Afrika het die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet op 1 Maart 2010 gepromulgeer. Mynbou-maatskappye sal in die vervolg tantieme betaal wat gebaseer word op ’n heffingsformule spesifiek ontwerp vir verwerkte en onverwerkte minerale. Die minimum tantieme heffingsformule is 0.5% van bruto verkope ongeag of die mynbou-maatskappy verliese ly. Hierdie tantieme heffingsformule word wel beperk tot 5% vir verwerkte minerale en 7% vir onverwerkte minerale. Enige huidige ooreenkoms met grondeienaars vir die betaling van spesiale tantieme word ongelukkig nie oorskryf deur die Minerale en Petroleum Reserwes Tantieme Wet nie. ’n Mynbou-maatskappy soos Kumba Resources Beperk het geen tantieme in 2009 betaal nie. In 2010 was Kumba Resources Beperk se tantieme 5.61% van rekeningkundige wins voor rente en belasting en in 2011 was dit 5.51%. Ondanks hierdie addisionele tantieme belê mynbou-maatskappye steeds in Suid Afrika. Die hoof-dryfveer vir beleggings is die bestuur van risiko en belegging in projekte wat positiewe netto huidige waardes lewer. Tipiese risiko’s wat bestuur moet word, is belastingwette, politieke onsekerheid en sosiale kwessies. Hierdie risiko’s moet te alle tye onder beheer gehou word omrede mynbou- maatskappye heel waarskynlik van beleggings kan onttrek indien die risiko’s buite beheer raak. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Taxation / unrestricted

Mine closure : a contingency plan to mitigate socio-economic disasters / Maria Elizabeth Ackermann

Ackermann, Maria Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The history of the mining industry indicates a lack of understanding among the decision-makers of the impact the closure of mines has on the industry and the associated effects on the society and surrounding environment. The policies of the mining industry do make provision for a planned mine closure, but not for an unexpected closure. This detrimental aspect of closures in the mining industry is highlighted in the present study. The present study investigates how mineworkers’ dependency on their employment at a mine affects their ability to sustain their livelihoods. Vulnerable livelihoods leave the community at a greater risk to be affected by a disaster, than the livelihoods of a community that is resilient and has sustainable resources. Even though mineworkers are not considered as poor at the time of their employment, a mine closure could render them into a status called ‘transitional poverty’. This study also highlights that mineworkers who are skilled for mining operations only do not overcome the status of ‘transitional poverty’ and hence enter a phase called ‘chronic poverty’. This stage constitutes their inability to negotiate livelihood strategies and livelihood outcomes that could sustain a household. Thus humanitarian assistance would be needed from outside sources. Planning for unexpected mine closures should also be on the agenda of the mining industry due to the extreme consequences such an event holds for the mining community experiencing the event. In the case under investigation, the unexpected mine closures occurred in the Grootvlei mine in Springs and the Orkney mine owned by the Aurora Empowerment Systems Ltd. at the time of this study. These closures left the surrounding communities in need of food, shelter and clean water. The inhabitants gradually lost their livelihood assets. A contingency planning model is proposed at the end of this study to address the short-term and long-term consequences of an unexpected mine closure. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Hydrothermale Alterationsprozesse in Zirkonen / Isotopengeologische und geochemische Implikationen

Kurz, Sabine 18 April 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Mine closure : a contingency plan to mitigate socio-economic disasters / Maria Elizabeth Ackermann

Ackermann, Maria Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The history of the mining industry indicates a lack of understanding among the decision-makers of the impact the closure of mines has on the industry and the associated effects on the society and surrounding environment. The policies of the mining industry do make provision for a planned mine closure, but not for an unexpected closure. This detrimental aspect of closures in the mining industry is highlighted in the present study. The present study investigates how mineworkers’ dependency on their employment at a mine affects their ability to sustain their livelihoods. Vulnerable livelihoods leave the community at a greater risk to be affected by a disaster, than the livelihoods of a community that is resilient and has sustainable resources. Even though mineworkers are not considered as poor at the time of their employment, a mine closure could render them into a status called ‘transitional poverty’. This study also highlights that mineworkers who are skilled for mining operations only do not overcome the status of ‘transitional poverty’ and hence enter a phase called ‘chronic poverty’. This stage constitutes their inability to negotiate livelihood strategies and livelihood outcomes that could sustain a household. Thus humanitarian assistance would be needed from outside sources. Planning for unexpected mine closures should also be on the agenda of the mining industry due to the extreme consequences such an event holds for the mining community experiencing the event. In the case under investigation, the unexpected mine closures occurred in the Grootvlei mine in Springs and the Orkney mine owned by the Aurora Empowerment Systems Ltd. at the time of this study. These closures left the surrounding communities in need of food, shelter and clean water. The inhabitants gradually lost their livelihood assets. A contingency planning model is proposed at the end of this study to address the short-term and long-term consequences of an unexpected mine closure. / M Development and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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