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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experiences of cognitive behavioural therapists when delivering manualised therapy to Black and Minority Ethnic clients

Akhtar, Nazreen January 2016 (has links)
Rationale: This study was conducted to help improve mental health care for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) clients as previous research carried out in non-western countries has suggested that western-developed psychotherapies often need to be culturally adapted to become more effective in treating this client group. The aim of this study was to explore how CBT therapists deliver manualised CBT with BME clients and if they make any adaptations, how and to what extent are they implemented. Method: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) guided the conduct and analysis of one-to-one, semi-structured interviews with six CBT therapists working in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service. The inclusion criteria for participants was accreditation with the BABCP, completion of an IAPT programme CBT diploma and to be currently working in an IAPT service, at least two years experience as a CBT therapist and at least four cases of completed therapy with BME clients. Findings: Four master themes emerged (1) CBT is based on western principles, (2) The complex nature of CBT, (3) Changing practice of manualised CBT and (4) The influence of therapist factors. Conclusion: The participants experienced many issues in their practice of manualised CBT with BME clients which led them to make changes including adaptations to manualised CBT. They described their current practice as being integrative as they incorporated therapeutic approaches other than pure manualised CBT, making them more flexible and adaptable. The adaptations involved altering the cognitive and behavioural interventions to better suit the individual needs of the client. The adaptations took into account the client’s culture, religion, language, psychological mindedness, acculturation to their host country, education and age. The participants’ confidence in CBT and their self-identity as therapists also influenced their overall practice of therapy. Recommendations for practice are discussed in relation to therapeutic practice, training of therapists, supervision and policy makers.

Minäkin haluan oppia suomea! : Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen opetuksen kartoitus / I Want to Learn Finnish Too! : A Survey of Finnish Language Teachingin Swedish Primary Schools

Silfsten, Jemina January 2010 (has links)
Suomen kieli on yksi Ruotsin vähemmistökielistä. Lain mukaan kaikki lapset, joilla on suomenkielinen tausta ja perustavat taidot suomen kielessä, ovat oikeutettuja suomenkielen opetukseen. Tämä opinnäytetyö on pieni muotoinen kvalitatiivinen kartoitus Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen kielen opetuksesta. Teoria perustuu Ruotsin lakiin ja Ruotsin suomen kielen opetushistoriaan. Empiirinen osuus koostuu suomen kielen opettajien ja suomea opiskelevien oppilaiden haastatteluista sekä ruotsinsuomalaisen vapaakoulun rehtorin ja suomalaistaustaisen vanhemman kanssa käymistäni keskusteluista. Olen myös kysynyt usealta kunnalta suomen kielen opetuksen järjestelyistä ja sen toteuttamisesta. Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomen kielen opetuksen tämänhetkinen tilanne Ruotsin peruskoulussa. Eräs tutkimustulokseni osoittaa, että kunta ei tiedota tarpeeksi suomen kielen opetuksesta. Olen saanut myös selville, että pätevistä suomen kielenopettajista on pulaa Ruotsissa. Lisäksi olen todennut, että suomen kielen oppituntien pituus ei joissakin kunnissa yllä edes yhteen tuntiin. Kiertävien suomen opettajien työolot ovat stressaavia ja työpäivät koostuvat lähes pelkästään opetustunneista. Kaikesta tästä olen tehnyt johtopäätöksen: suomen kielen opetuksen tilaa on parannettava laadukkailla opetustunneilla ja pätevillä opettajilla, joilla on hyväksyttävät työolot. Lisäksi opetuksen määrää täytyisi lisätä. / Finska är ett av Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk. Enligt svensk lag har barn som har finsk bakgrund och grundläggande kunskaper i finska språket rätt till att få undervisning i finska. I detta examensarbete presenterar jag en kort kvalitativ kartläggning av undervisningen i finska i den svenska grundskolan. Teoridelen bygger på förordningstexter och andra styrdokument samt litteratur om den historiska bakgrunden till dagens finskundervising i Sverige. Den empiriska informationen består av intervjuer av finska lärare och elever som läser finska samt diskussioner med en rektor i en sverigefinsk friskola och en förälder till ett barn som har ansökt om finskundervisning. Jag har även frågat flera kommuner om deras sätt att organisera och genomföra finskundervisning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att kartlägga finska språkets situation i dagens svenska grundskola. Ett av mina resultat är att kommunen inte informerar tillräckligt om finskundervisningen. Jag har också fått reda på att det råder brist på behöriga finska lärare i Sverige. Jag har även kommit fram till att finska lektioner i vissa kommuner är kortare än en timma. Ambulerande lärarna har stressiga arbetsförhållanden och arbetsdagarna består nästan endast av undervisningstillfällen. Med hjälp av allt detta har jag kommit fram till följande slutsats: man måste förbättra villkoren för finskundervisningen med hjälp av högkvalitativ undervisning och behöriga lärare, som arbetar under acceptabla arbetsförhållanden. Dessutom bör undervisningstiden utökas. / Finnish is one of the Swedish minority languages. According to Swedish law children who have a Finnish background and basic knowledge of the Finnish language have a right to Finnish education. In this Degree Project I present a short qualitative survey of the field of teaching of Finnish in Swedish primary schools. The theoretical frame work is based on Swedish law and the literature on the history of Finnish teaching in Sweden. The empirical data consist of interviews with Finnish teachers and their pupils and some discussions with a principal of the Sweden Finnish independent school and a parent for a child who had applied for Finnish education. In addition, several municipalities were surveyed about their plans forteaching Finnish. The purpose of this study is to document the situation of the Finnish language in Swedish primary schools today. One of my findings is that municipalities do not provide adequate information about teaching in Finnish. A further finding is that there is a shortage of competent Finnish teachers in Sweden. I have also established that in some Swedish states schools the Finnish lessons are not even an hour long. The travelling teachers have stressful circumstances at work and workdays consist almost only of lessons. From this my conclusion is that we have to improve conditions for Finnish language teaching with high qualitative teaching and with competent teachers who have acceptable working conditions. Furthermore teaching time should be increased.

National Minority Rights : A Caste Study of Croatia and the National Minority Croatian Serbs

Zizmond, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The Serbs are a national group which has been disliked by the Croats for hundreds of years. Even before Croatia became a part of Yugoslavia, the country wanted its independence. However, before and after the break up of Yugoslavia, there was a strong nationalism in the country which led to hatred towards the Serbs and the Serb minorities in Croatia. Studies have shown that minorities often are disfavoured by the majority decisions. This leads to a disadvantageous position for the minorities in the relation to the majority. The problem is how a state should compensate these groups for their disadvantageous position to be able to ensure justice and equality for all citizens within the country. The aim of this thesis is to compare Croatia’s formal national minority rights with the actual national minority rights of the Serbs and to see whether they coincide with each other. The research questions are: • What formal minority rights do Croatian Serbs have in Croatia? • What minority rights do Croatian Serbs have in reality? The method used in this study is the qualitative text analysis. The conclusion of this thesis is that Croatia has a positive attitude towards minority rights and the Serb minority, as Croatia has allocated group-differentiated rights to its national minorities. The Croatian view upon national minority rights coincides to a large extent with Will Kymlicka´s theory. Furthermore, the formal rights and the virtual rights regarding education, language, culture and proportional representation coincides to a great extent if not precisely.

Asijská menšina v Peru / Asian minority in Peru

Kaňáková, Martina January 2018 (has links)
The beginnings of Asian immigration to Latin America dates back to the early 19th century and with its significance ranks among the most compelling migration processes in Latin American history. One of the main centers of Asian minorities on the South American continent became Peru, into which directed vast number of immigrants who represented a cheap source of labor, such as Chinese in the second half of the 19th century and Japanese in the early of 20th century. This thesis aims to describe the historical development of Asian immigration to Peru focusing on Japanese immigration in the period of 1899 - 1945 and its importance in contemporary Peruvian society. The first part aims to describe the evolution of Asian immigration to Peru in the period of the 20th century and the change of Japanese immigrant status from cheap labor forces into entrepreneurial elite. The second part concentrates on economic analysis, demographic and socioeconomic data that is used for better understanding of each period of Japanese immigration in Peru. At the end of the thesis will be briefly described the development of Japanese immigration after 1945.

Ochrana menšinových společníků společnosti s ručením omezeným po rekodifikaci českého soukromého práva / The protection of minority shareholders in limited liability company after the recodification of Czech private law

Získalová, Dora January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to analyze briefly the instruments of protection for minority shareholders in the limited liability company after the recodification of the Czech private law, to follow the modern trend of this topic and to evaluate the changes in regards to the previous codification. The thesis is structured as follows. The first chapter is divided into two subchapters. In the first one the basic terms important for the rest of the thesis has been explained, such as limited liability company, minority shareholder and qualified minority shareholder.The second subchapter characterizes the importance of protection for minority shareholders. The particular instruments of minority shareholders' protection are listed and analyzed in the second chapter. It has been structured into several subchapters according to the subjects of each type of a minority shareholder protection (qualified shareholders, minority shareholders, all shareholders). The instruments belonging to the qualified shareholders are: the right of calling a general meeting according to the par. 187 of the zákon o obchodních korporacích Code and a right to suggest topics to be discussed at a general meeting. The instruments which may be used by all minority shareholder are: the separate voting and cumulative voting....

Asijská menšina v Peru / Asian minority in Peru

Kaňáková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The beginnings of Asian immigration to Latin America dates back to the early 19th century and with its significance ranks among the most compelling migration processes in Latin American history. One of the main centers of Asian minorities on the South American continent became Peru, into which directed vast number of immigrants who represented a cheap source of labor, such as Chinese in the second half of the 19th century and Japanese in the early of 20th century. This thesis aims to describe the historical development of Asian immigration to Peru focusing on Japanese immigration in the period of 1899 - 1945 and its importance in contemporary Peruvian society. The first part aims to describe the evolution of Asian immigration to Peru in the period of the 20th century and the change of Japanese inmigrant status from cheap labor forces into entrepreneurial elite. The second part concentrates on economic analysis, demographic and socioeconomic data that is used for better understanding of each etap of Japanese inmigration in Peru.

Minority Rights and Majority Interests: an Analysis of Development-Induced Displacement in the Narmada Valley, India

Buelles, Anni-Claudine January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the interests of minority and majority groups in state-led development practices can be bridged, with the Indian tribals affected by the Sardar Sarovar Dam Project (SSP) serving as a context for my analysis. The SSP threatens the livelihoods of approximately 100,000 people with displacement, who are primarily comprised of Indian tribal minorities. The construction of the SSP makes tribals more vulnerable to the risks associated with development-induced displacement, such as landlessness, joblessness, homelessness, marginalization, and food insecurity. When analyzing the SSP, a lack of adequate compensation, resettlement, and legal protection for the tribals becomes apparent. This has led to discussions of human rights violations among the national and international community, raising concerns regarding the protection of minority groups affected by state-led development. Attention is placed on what it means to be a citizen of a country in terms of legal representation and state protection, and how the under-representation of societal groups can lead to the creation of second-class citizens. The objective is to go beyond current discussions of human rights neglect in the context of the SSP by analyzing the position of minority rights in state-led development practices.

The Impact of race and ethnic identity on adolescents' use of coping skills

Keyser, Victoria Estelle 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the differences in the utilization of coping mechanisms of minority and White adolescents. By measuring the coping skills in adolescents, it sought to identify which strategies are most frequently used within the construct of race.

Parental Perception of Physician Cultural Sensitivity and Adherence to Asthma Treatment

Wright-Jegede, Narue Jaynelle 01 January 2019 (has links)
In the United States, asthma remains a major cause of frequent urgent care visits, hospitalizations, and preventable deaths among children. Nationwide, the chronic disease continues to fall disproportionately on minorities, mostly residing in urban localities. When a child is diagnosed with asthma, the parents are typically tasked with managing the child's condition. Establishing a collaborative partnership between parents and their child's primary physician is significant for improving asthma self-management among youth. Using the theory of reasoned action as a theoretical framework, this mixed-methods study examined whether a relationship exists between parental perceptions of physician cultural sensitivity and parental care in asthma treatment adherence. Phenomenology was used to explore the real-world experiences of study five ethnic minority parents and one guardian grandparent of asthmatic children aged 0–17 who shared similar perspectives. Descriptive surveys were used in combination with in-depth interviews to develop an understanding of parental perceptions on physician cultural sensitivity related to asthma treatment adherence. Overall, 108 minority parents were eligible to complete the survey. The study findings revealed that parents who feel recognized, valued, and respected by their child's physician were more likely to be engaged in shared decision-making about treatment. The findings support the potential for positive social change in terms of modifying the health care behaviors of minority parents with asthmatic children, increasing parental self-efficacy in managing their child's asthma, and improving the cultural sensitivity of physicians who serve the needs of diverse minority families.

Mental Health Disparities Among Minority Populations

Eyongherok, Arrey Irenee 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite the existence of effective treatments, mental health care disparities exist in the availability, accessibility, and quality of services for racial and ethnic minority groups. People living with serious mental complaints often resist engaging in treatments and experience high rates of dropout; poor engagement can lead to worse clinical outcomes. Addressing the complex mental health care needs of racial and ethnic minorities warrants considering evidence-based strategies to help reduce disparities. This systematic review sought to provide an analysis of published literature about the barriers and effective strategies in identifying and treating minority patients with mental health disorders. The practice-focused question of this systematic review was: What are the barriers and effective strategies to identification and treatment of mental health disorders among minority populations. This project was guided by PRISMA and SQUIRE guidelines and Fineout-Overholt and Melnyk’s appraisal form, comprising 11 studies published between 2014 and 2019, identified through Thoreau, Cochrane, CINAHL with Medline, EBSCO, and ProQuest, SAMHSA and PubMed databases. The systematic review results recommend intervention strategies such as integrated/collaborative care, workforce diversity, providers in minority neighborhoods, improving providers’ cultural skills, and stigma reduction to help reduce mental health care disparities. These findings are significant to lowering the gap in practice and can be used by the entire health care system to improve mental health care, thereby leading to a positive social change. Implementing these strategies would benefit patients, families, their communities, and the entire health care delivery system.

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