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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen des SPG31-Gens bei der Hereditären Spastischen Paraplegie / Molecular genetic investigations on SPG31 gene in heriditäry spastic paraplegia

Wedegärtner, Saskia 18 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Functional Evolution of Human microRNA Families

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that play key roles during metazoan development, and are frequently misregulated in human disease. MiRNAs regulate gene output by targeting degenerate elements primarily in the 3´ untranslated regions of mRNAs. MiRNAs are often deeply conserved, but have undergone drastic expansions in higher metazoans, leading to families of miRNAs with highly similar sequences. The evolutionary advantage of maintaining multiple copies of duplicated miRNAs is not well understood, nor has the distinct functions of miRNA family members been systematically studied. Furthermore, the unbiased and high-throughput discovery of targets remains a major challenge, yet is required to understand the biological function of a given miRNA. I hypothesize that duplication events grant miRNA families with enhanced regulatory capabilities, specifically through distinct targeting preferences by family members. This has relevance for our understanding of vertebrate evolution, as well disease detection and personalized medicine. To test this hypothesis, I apply a conjunction of bioinformatic and experimental approaches, and design a novel high-throughput screening platform to identify human miRNA targets. Combined with conventional approaches, this tool allows systematic testing for functional targets of human miRNAs, and the identification of novel target genes on an unprecedented scale. In this dissertation, I explore evolutionary signatures of 62 deeply conserved metazoan miRNA families, as well as the targeting preferences for several human miRNAs. I find that constraints on miRNA processing impact sequence evolution, creating evolutionary hotspots within families that guide distinct target preferences. I apply our novel screening platform to two cancer-relevant miRNAs, and identify hundreds of previously undescribed targets. I also analyze critical features of functional miRNA target sites, finding that each miRNA recognizes surprisingly distinct features of targets. To further explore the functional distinction between family members, I analyze miRNA expression patterns in multiple contexts, including mouse embryogenesis, RNA-seq data from human tissues, and cancer cell lines. Together, my results inform a model that describes the evolution of metazoan miRNAs, and suggests that highly similar miRNA family members possess distinct functions. These findings broaden our understanding of miRNA function in vertebrate evolution and development, and how their misexpression contributes to human disease. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Molecular and Cellular Biology 2016

Efeito da exposição à dexametasona sobre a expressão de miRNA no pâncreas endócrino e a homeostasia glicêmica de ratas prenhes. / Effect of exposure to dexamethasone on miRNA expression in the endocrine pancreas and glucose homeostasis of pregnant rats.

Patricia Rodrigues Lourenço Gomes 06 February 2015 (has links)
Este estudo investigou se o tratamento com glicocorticoide durante a gestação altera o metabolismo energético, hormonal e molecular materno, a função das ilhotas pancreáticas e mudanças correlativas sobre miRNAs. Foram utilizadas 80 ratas dividas em dois grupos de 40 animais, sendo um grupo destinado para envelhecimento até um ano após o desmame da prole, e o seguinte grupo destinado para experimentação no 20º dia de gestação, ambos dispostos em: CTL - controle, CTL-Dex - controle tratadas com dexametasona por 6 dias, P - prenhes e P-Dex - prenhes tratadas com dexametasona do 14º-19º dia de gestação. A expressão de miRNA das ilhotas foram analisadas em larga escala. Os genes alvos foram rastreados em banco de dados e confirmados. Por fim, investigou-se o mecanismo de modulação da homeostasia glicêmica. Inúmeras modificações resultaram da terapia com DEXA na gestação concluindo que a associação do tratamento ao período gravídico modula positivamente membros da família miRNA-29 ocasionando um desequilíbrio na homeostasia glicêmica por meio de falha na maquinaria exocitótica em longo prazo, desencadeado pela modulação negativa de progesterona e seu receptor promovendo prejuízo no processo de remodelação da ilhota pancreática na fase final da gestação. / This study investigated whether treatment with glucocorticoids during pregnancy alters the energetic, hormonal and molecular maternal metabolism, function of pancreatic islets and correlative changes of miRNAs. Were used 80 rats divided into two groups of 40 animals, one group designed to aging up one year after weaning, and the next group destined to experimentation at 20th day of gestation, both arranged: CTL - control, CTL-Dex - control treated with dexamethasone for 6 days, P - pregnant rats and P-Dex - pregnant rats treated with dexamethasone from 14th to 19th day of pregnancy. Pancreatic islets were collected for large-scale analysis of miRNA expression. The target genes were screened and confirmed by qPCR. Finally it was investigated the mechanism of modulation of glucose homeostasis through qPCR and Western Blot. We can be observed numerous changes resulting from therapy with DEXA in pregnancy concluded that the association of treatment to the pregnancy period modulates members of the miRNA-29 family causing an imbalance in glucose homeostasis through long-term failure in exocytotic machinery, triggered by the downregulation of the progesterone and its receptor promoting injury in the pancreatic islet remodeling process in late pregnancy.

Avaliação da expressão gênica em larga escala de células osteoblásticas da calvária e da medula óssea de ratas ovariectomizadas / Large scale gene expression evaluation of osteoblastic cells from calvaria and bone marrow of ovariectomized rats

Mayara Sgarbi Semeghini 27 February 2015 (has links)
A remodelação óssea é um processo fisiológico que mantém a integridade do esqueleto através da substituição do osso antigo por uma matriz óssea jovem. No entanto, na osteoporose a formação óssea, comparada à reabsorção, fica prejudicada em virtude da queda do número de osteoblastos e redução de suas atividades, levando a uma perda da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, tornando-o frágil e com suscetibilidade à fratura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comprovar diferenças comportamentais em células osteoblásticas provenientes da medula óssea e da calvária de ratas induzidas à osteoporose por meio de expressão gênica em larga escala. Foram utilizadas 18 ratas Wistar divididas em grupos controle e overiectomizadas. Após 150 dias da cirurgia, as ratas de ambos os grupos foram sacrificadas para coleta dos fêmures e fragmentos da calvária. As células recolhidas a partir da medula óssea e calvária foram cultivadas em placas de 24 poços (n=5) para avaliação da proliferação e viabilidade celular e em garrafas de cultura para a extração do RNA total dessas células. Em seguida, o RNA total foi quantificado e sua integridade analisada por meio do sistema de eletroforese microfluídica. Foi realizada a identificação da modulação de genes e avaliação dos microRNAs envolvidos na inibição gênica por meio de cDNA microarray. As células da medula óssea do grupo controle (MC) mostraram uma diminuição significativa na proliferação quando comparado com às células do grupo controle da calvária (CC) em todos os períodos (p < 0,05). Por outro lado, as células da medula óssea de ratas ovariectomizadas (MO) revelaram um aumento significativo na taxa de proliferação após 7 e 10 dias (p < 0,01) em comparação às células da calvária de ratas ovariectomizadas (CO). A viabilidade celular foi maior em todos os períodos estudados dos grupos CC e CO em relação aos grupos MC e MO (p < 0,05). Os dados de microarray foram normalizados utilizando-se quantil e após análise estatística por teste-t não pareado com p-value &le; 0,005 e posterior fold change &ge; 2,0, foram evidenciados 5447 mRNAs diferencialmente expressos nas células da calvária e 4399 mRNAs nas células da medula óssea. Os dados de miRNAs foram normalizados utilizando-se também o quantil e após análise estatística por teste-t moderado com p-value &le; 0,05 e posterior fold change &ge; 1.5, foram evidenciados 84 miRNAs diferencialmente expressos nas células de calvária e 55 miRNAs nas células da medula óssea. No grupo de genes reprimidos da CC destacam-se Notch1, Dlx5, Fgf1, Il6 e Fgfr2 como reguladores da proliferação celular e as Caspases 6 e 12 como resposta a substâncias orgânicas. Já no grupo de genes induzidos da CC encontramos os genes Gli1 e Bmp7 como reguladores da proliferação celular, Gli1, Bmp3 e Mmp2 no processo biológico de desenvolvimento ósseo e Lrp1, Mmp2 e a família Tgf&beta;1, 2 e 3 no envelhecimento, entre outros. Dentre os genes reprimidos do grupo da MO encontram-se o Csf1, Sparc e Tnf como reguladores da proliferação celular e Anxa5, Col1a1, Spp1, Sparc, Tnf e Mmp2 no processo biológico de resposta a substâncias orgânicas e no grupo de genes induzidos os genes Notch1, Bmp4, Dlx5 e Stat6 como reguladores da proliferação celular e os genes Alpl, Bmp4 e Casp6 no processo de resposta a substâncias orgânicas, entre outros. Dentre os miRNAs encontrados, membros da família 30 (miR-30a, 30c e 30d) apresentaram-se induzidos tanto na CO quanto na MO, sendo que estes miRNAs atuam como reguladores negativos da diferenciação osteoblástica. Já o miR-17 que está relacionado com a regulação positiva da osteogênese apresentou-se reprimido tanto na CO quanto na MO. O miR-542-3p suprime a diferenciação osteogênica e promove a apoptose dos osteoblastos reprimindo o gene Bmp7 e a sua via de sinalização. Esse miRNA está induzido tanto no grupo da CO quanto na MO. Esses dados confirmam que nas ratas ovariectomizadas há uma menor atividade osteoblástica e maior atividade osteoclástica. Os dados encontrados no trabalho sugerem uma diferença na expressão gênica não só das células diferenciadas da calvária, mas também aquelas ainda presentes na medula óssea, influenciando, assim, a formação adequada de tecido ósseo em uma situação de osteoporose. / Bone remodeling is a physiological process which maintains skeleton integrity replacing old bone by a young bone matrix. In some diseases such as osteoporosis bone formation is impaired due to the decrease in the number of osteoblasts and reduction of their activities leading to a loss of bone tissue microarchitecture, making it fragile and susceptible to fracture. The objective of this study was to evaluate behavioral differences in osteoblast-like cells from calvaria and bone marrow of rats induced to osteoporosis by ovariectomy through large-scale gene expression analysis. Eighteen Wistar rats were used and divided into control and ovariectomized groups. After 150 days of surgery, the rats of both groups were sacrificed for collection of femurs and calvaria fragments. The cells collected from bone marrow and calvaria were grown in 24-well plates (n = 5) for cell proliferation and viability analysis, as well as grown in culture bottles for total RNA extraction of these cells. The RNA was quantified and its integrity assessed by gel electrophoresis in a microfluidic system. Identification of gene modulation as well as microRNAs involved in gene inhibition was performed by cDNA microarray. Bone marrow cells from the control group (MC) showed a significant decrease in proliferation compared with cells from the calvaria control group (CC) in all periods (p <0.05). On the other hand, bone marrow cells of ovariectomized rats (MO) revealed a significant increase in the proliferation rate after 7 and 10 days (p<0.01) compared to calvaria cells of ovariectomized rats (CO). Cell viability was higher in all periods of CC and CO groups compared to MC and MO groups (p <0.05). Microarray data were normalized using quantile and after statistical analysis by unpaired t-test with p-value &le; 0.005 and subsequent fold change &ge; 2.0, 5.447 differentially expressed mRNAs were detected in calvaria cells and 4.399 mRNAs in bone marrow cells. The miRNAs data were also normalized using the quantile and after statistical analysis by moderate ttest with p-value &le; 0.05 and subsequent fold change &ge; 1.5, 84 miRNAs differentially expressed in calvaria cells were detected and 55 miRNAs in bone marrow cells. In CC group, there may be highlighted repressed genes such as Notch1, Dlx5, Fgf1, Fgfr2 and Il6 as regulators of cell proliferation and caspases 6 and 12 in response to organic substances. The same group showed induced genes such as Gli1 and Bmp7 genes as regulators of cell proliferation, Gli1, Bmp3 and Mmp2 involved in the biological process of bone development and Lrp1, Mmp2 and Tgf&beta;1, 2 and 3 family linked to aging. Among the genes repressed in the MO group are Csf1, Sparc and Tnf as regulators of cell proliferation and Anxa5, Col1a1, Spp1, Sparc, Tnf and Mmp2 associated to biological process of response to organic substances. In the group of induced genes of MO group we found Notch1, Bmp4, Dlx5 and Stat6 as regulators of cell proliferation and Alpl, Bmp4 and Casp6 genes related to the process of response to organic substances. Among the miRNAs found, members of 30 family (miR-30a, 30c and 30d) were induced in the CO and MO groups and these miRNAs act as negative regulators of osteoblastic differentiation. The miR-17 is associated with upregulation of osteogenesis and it is repressed in both ovariectomized groups. MiR- 542-3p suppresses osteogenic differentiation and promotes osteoblast apoptosis repressing Bmp7 gene and its signaling pathway. This miRNA was induced in the CO and MO group. These data confirm that in ovariectomized rats there is a decrease in osteoblastic activity and increased osteoclastic activity. The data found in the present investigation suggest a difference in gene expression not only of differentiated cells from calvaria but also those still present in the bone marrow, thus affecting the proper formation of bone tissue in a situation of osteoporosis.

Análise morfológica e molecular da apoptose nos corpos cavernosos de ratos submetidos à modelo de alcoolismo crônico / Morphological and molecular analysis of apoptosis in the corpus cavernosum of rats subjected to chronic alcoholism model.

Rogério José de Azevedo Meirelles 03 June 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A ereção peniana é um processo neurovascular complexo dependente do relaxamento da musculatura lisa dos corpos cavernosos. O etanol exerce diversos efeitos na atividade sexual masculina e a disfunção sexual induzida pelo etanol é causada pelo seu efeito no sistema nervoso central, principalmente pela sua ingestão aguda e crônica. Foi demonstrado que o etanol afeta significativamente tanto a contração quanto o relaxamento da musculatura lisa dos corpos cavernosos. Os relatos da ocorrência do mecanismo de apoptose nos corpos cavernosos estão associados à denervação, à castração e a doenças crônicas como o diabetes. Poucos são os estudos morfológicos sobre o efeito do etanol no tecido cavernoso; porém, não são descritos trabalhos relacionando as alterações morfológicas causadas pelo etanol no tecido cavernoso, a eventos moleculares e sua relação com o mecanismo de apoptose celular. Objetivos: avaliar e comparar o efeito do alcoolismo na morfometria e no mecanismo de apoptose dos corpos cavernosos de ratos submetidos a modelo de alcoolismo crônico. Material e métodos: Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar divididos em dois grupos: controle (C) e tratado com etanol (A) a 20% durante sete semanas. As amostras dos corpos cavernosos foram preparadas para o estudo morfométrico pela coloração de tricrômico de Masson, para o estudo da expressão protéica de CASPASE 3 (pró-apoptótica) por imunohistoquímica e para o estudo da expressão gênica sérica e no tecido cavernoso do miRNA-21 (anti-apoptótico). Resultados: O estudo morfométrico mostrou principalmente diminuição de fibras musculares lisas dos corpos cavernosos nos animais do grupo A. Também foi observado aumento significativo na expressão de CASPASE 3 nos animais do grupo A e baixa expressão gênica sérica e no tecido cavernoso do miRNA-21 nos grupos C e A. Conclusões: A análise morfométrica correspondente à área ocupada pelas fibras musculares lisas dos corpos cavernosos nos animais do grupo A mostrou correlação com os locais de maior expressão protéica de CASPASE 3 e, portanto, de apoptose. Neste estudo, a morte celular por apoptose não foi suprimida pela expressão do miRNA-21. / Introduction: Penile erection is a complex neurovascular process dependent smooth muscle relaxation in the corpus cavernosum. Ethanol exerts different effects on male sexual activity and sexual dysfunction induced by ethanol is caused by its effect on the central nervous system, primarily for its acute and chronic ingestion. Ethanol has been shown to significantly affect both the contraction and the relaxation of smooth muscle of the corpus cavernosum. The reports of the occurrence of the apoptosis mechanism in the corpus cavernosum are associated with denervation, castration and chronic diseases like diabetes. There are few morphological studies on the effect of ethanol in the cavernous tissue, but are not described studies correlating morphological changes caused by ethanol in the cavernous tissue, the molecular events and their relation to the mechanism of apoptosis. Objectives: To evaluate and compare the effect of alcoholism in the morphometry and mechanism of apoptosis in the corpus cavernosum of rats subjected to chronic alcoholism model. Material and methods: 24 Wistar rats were divided into two groups: Control (C) and treated with ethanol (A) diluted 20% for seven weeks. Samples of the corpus cavernosum were prepared for morphometric study by Masson\'s trichrome stain, study for protein expression of CASPASE 3 (pro-apoptotic) by immunohistochemistry and study for gene expression of miRNA-21 (anti-apoptotic) in serum and the cavernous tissue. Results: The morphometric study primarily showed a decrease in smooth muscle cells of the corpus cavernosum in group A. Significant increase for expression of CASPASE 3 in group A and low gene expression of miRNA-21 was also observed in serum and the cavernous tissue in groups C and A. Conclusions: The morphometric analysis corresponding to the area occupied by smooth muscle cells of the corpus cavernosum in group A showed correlation with the sites of increased protein expression of CASPASE 3 and thus apoptosis. In this study, cell death by apoptosis was not suppressed by the expression of miRNA-21.

Expressão dos genes EGFR, PTEN, MGMT e IDH1/2 e dos microRNAs miR-181b, miR-145, miR-149 e miR128a em neuroesferas em linhagens de glioblastoma submetidos ao tratamento com radiação ionizante e temozolomida / Expression of EGFR, PTEN, MGMT and IDH1 / 2 Genes and the MicroRNAs miR-181b, miR-145, miR-149 and miR-128a in Neurospheres In Glioblastoma Lineages Undergoing Treatment with Ionizing Radiation and Temozolomide

Thiago Lins da Costa Almeida 17 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O glioblastoma multiforme é a neoplasia maligna primária mais prevalente do sistema nervoso central. Enquanto apresenta aumento em sua incidência, mantém a perspectiva de sobrevida global aproximada de 14 meses. Objetivos: O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a expressão dos genes EGFR, PTEN, MGMT e IDH1/2 e dos microRNAs miR-181b, miR-145, miR-149 e miR-128a em neuroesferas (NE) e células aderidas (CA), a partir das linhagens celulares (T98G e U343) submetidas ao tratamento com temozolomida (TMZ) e com radiação ionizante (RI) isolados e em associação (TMZ+RI). Material e métodos: As linhagens celulares T98G e U343 foram tratadas com TMZ, RI e TMZ+RI. A verificação da expressão dos genes e miRNAs foi realizada utilizando o método de PCR em tempo real. Resultados: Observamos: a) o aumento na expressão do IDH1 após RI (4-fold) e TMZ+RI (5-fold) nas NE (T98G); o aumento na expressão do IDH2 (20-fold) nas NE (T98G), após TMZ, e do IDH2 (3-fold) nas CA (U343) submetidas à TMZ+RI; b) a redução na expressão do EGFR após TMZ; o aumento dessa expressão nas NE (T98G), após RI (2-fold) e TMZ+RI (3-fold), e a sua diminuição nas CA (U343) submetidas à TMZ e TMZ+RI; c) a redução na expressão PTEN nas NE (T98G), após TMZ e RI, e sua expressão nas NE (3-fold) frente à TMZ+RI; d) aumento na expressão de MGMT nas NE (T98G) nos grupos RI (10-fold) e TMZ+RI (25-fold). Quanto a expressão de miRNAs, foram identificados os seguintes resultados: a) as CA (U343) expressaram: miR-181b após TMZ (60-fold), RI (20-fold) e TMZ+RI (40- fold); e miR-128a após TMZ (500-fold), RI (200-fold) e TMZ+RI (600-fold); b) as NE (T98G) após TMZ+RI expressaram: miR-181b (30-fold), miR-149 (40-fold), miR-145 (300-fold) e miR-128a (40-fold); c) as NE (U343) após RI hiperexpressaram miR-149 e miR-145 (ambos em 4000-fold). Conclusão: A RI apresentou-se como fator independente e determinante para a radiorresistência das NE, entretanto não observamos ação de complementariedade de regulação dos oncomiRs observados sobre a expressão dos genes estudados. Esta é a primeira análise na literatura que correlaciona a expressão de genes e de miRNAs através das intervenções TMZ, RI e TMZ+RI sobre células aderidas e neurosferas. / Introduction: Glioblastoma multiforme is the most prevalent primary malignant neoplasm of the central nervous system. It has increased its incidence, while the overall survival remains over 14 months. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the expression of the following genes EGFR, PTEN, MGMT and IDH1/2 and microRNAs miR-181b, miR-145, miR-149 and miR-128a in adhered cells (AC) and neurospheres (NS) from cell lines (T98G and U343) which were submitted to temozolomide (TMZ) and ionizing radiation (IR), isolated and associated (TMZ + IR). Methods: The cell lines T98G and U343 were treated with TMZ, IR and TMZ+IR. The analysis of gene expression and miRNAs was performed using the PCR in real time. Results: This study demonstrated: a) an improvement in the expression of IDH1 after IR (4-fold) and TMZ + IR (5-fold) in the NS (T98G); increased expression of IDH2 (20-fold) in the NS (T98G) after TMZ and IDH2 (3-fold) in AC (U343) submitted to TMZ + IR; b) reduction in EGFR expression after TMZ; increase this expression in NS (T98G) after IR (2-fold) and TMZ + IR (3-fold), and a decrease in AC (U343) submitted to TMZ and TMZ + IR; c) reduction in PTEN expression in NS (T98G) after TMZ and IR, and its improvement in NS (3-fold) when compared to TMZ + IR; d) increase in the expression of MGMT in NS (T98G) in IR groups (10-fold) and TMZ + IR (25-fold). It was also identified the expression of miRNAs results as: a) AC (U343) expressed more miR-181b after TMZ (60-fold), IR (20-fold) and TMZ + IR (40-fold); and miR- 128a improved after TMZ (500-fold), IR (200-fold) and TMZ + IR (600-fold); b) NS (T98G) after TMZ + IR expressed: miR-181b (30-fold); miR-149 (40-fold); miR-145 (300-fold) and miR-128a (40-fold); c) NS (U343) after IR huge expressed miR-149 and miR-145 (both in 4000-fold). Conclusion: IR was an independent and determining radio resistance factor in NS. However, we observed no complementarity action of oncomiRs regulation. This is the first study in the literature correlating gene expression, and miRNAs through TMZ, IR and IR + TMZ interventions in AC and NS.

Estudo do microrna-30C e seu envolvimento na modificação da glicolisação tumoral mediada pela GALNT7 no carcinoma ductal invasivo mamário

VASCONCELOS, Juliana Lúcia de Albuquerque 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-03-10T13:25:39Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) tese juliana vasconcelos.pdf 2.pdf: 2676689 bytes, checksum: 3be9c8d80ebc1f51f2479aaec4fe30ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T13:25:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) tese juliana vasconcelos.pdf 2.pdf: 2676689 bytes, checksum: 3be9c8d80ebc1f51f2479aaec4fe30ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / CNPQ / O câncer de mama é o tipo de tumor que mais acomete as mulheres no mundo. No Brasil estimam-se para 2016/2017, 57.960 novos casos de câncer de mama por ano. O desenvolvimento destes tumores envolve um mecanismo complexo e multifatorial, onde glicosiltransferases e microRNAs (miRNAs) desempenham papeis importantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a galactosiltransferase 7 (GALNAC7) e o miRNA 30c no carcinoma ductal invasivo mamário (CDI). Nosso estudo demonstrou, uma baixa expressão do antígeno Tn nos tumores mamários, diante da baixa expressão da GalNAC7 e do seu carboidrato-substrato N-acetil-galactosamina (GalNAc). O estudo evidenciou, também, que o gene GALNT7 não apresenta influência significativa quanto a um prognostico reservado para CDI, diante de sua baixa expressão gênica e proteica, demostrando que o mecanismo de O-glicosilação na formação de mucinas pode ser estimulado, também, por outros genes da família GALNT, porém observamos que o gene GALNT7 pode ser modulado pelo o miRNA 30c frente ao aumento de sua expressão nos tumores estudados, levantando a hipótese de um novo alvo diagnóstico e terapêutico via modulação da expressão de genes da glicosilação. A análise dos dados clínicopatologicos, não demonstrou correlação significativa, com exceção da expressão de GalNAc e tamanho do tumor. Diante da análise do segmento clínico de cada paciente, na curva de sobrevida, não houve resultados significativos quando comparados com os subtipos moleculares, estadiamento clínico, idade e tamanho do tumor. Assim, nossos resultados sugerem que o miRNA 30c pode ser um potencial regulador da expressão do gene GALNT7 e que assim favorece a menor expressão da enzima GALNAC7 levando a uma menor inserção do carboidrato GalNAc nos glicoconjugados de superfície de células de carcinoma ductal invasivo. / Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in world. In Brazil, it is estimated 57,960 new cases of mammary cancers per year in 2016/2017. The development of these tumors comprises a complex and multifactorial mechanism where glycosyltransferase and microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles. This study aimed to evaluate the galactosyltransferase 7 (GALNAC7) and the miRNA-30c in mammary invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). Our results showed a low expression of Tn antigen in mammary tumors resulting from the low expression of GALNAC7 which leads to a low insertion of its saccharidesubstrate N-acetyl-galactosamine (GalNAc) in tumor cell glycoconjugates. The study also evidenced that the gene GALNT7 did not influenced the poor prognostic of IDC, since a low gene expression and, consequently, a low protein expression was observed. Such fact indicates that other genes of the GALNT family may stimulate the O-glycosylation. However, we observed that miRNA-30c might modulate GALNT7 expression and can be a new potential target for diagnosis and therapeutic via modulation of the expression of glycosylation genes. Among the clinocopathologic data, only GalNAc expression and tumor size present a correlation. Patient’s survival curve did not present correlation with tumor molecular subtyping, clinic staging, age and tumor size. Our results suggest that miRNA-30c may be a potential regulator of the GALNT7 gene expression and so favoring a lower expression of the enzyme GALNAC7 leading to a lower insertion of the saccharide GalNAc in glycoconjugates of cell surface in invasive ductal carcinoma.

Implication du facteur de transcription dans Nkx2.2 gliomagenesis / Implication of the Nkx2.2 transcription factor in gliomagenesis

Falha, Layal 18 December 2014 (has links)
Glioblastome représente la tumeur la plus courante du cerveau primaire avec une survie de moins de 2 ans. Ces tumeurs sont très infiltrantes et angiogéniques et contiennent une sous population de cellules souches cancéreuses. Nkx2.2 est un homéodomaine facteur de transcription, impliqué dans la formation d'oligodendrocytes au cours du développement. Nkx2.2 joue un rôle central dans la tumorogenèse de Ewing'sarcoma. L'utilisation de la QPCR et de la matrice du tissu de gliome, nous a permis de mettre en évidence la forte expression de Nkx2 dans le glioblastome. Nkx2.2 a également été détecté dans 3 cultures de cellules de gliomes où il est co-exprimé avec des marqueurs de cellules souches tels que CD133 et CD15. Il a été récemment proposé que la surexpression de Nkx2.2 pourrait induire à la différenciation oligodendrocytaire de la cellule du gliome tige-comme et au blocage de la formation des tumeurs dans la xénotransplantation (Cancer Res fév 2011 1; 71 (3): 1135-1145). Pour explorer cette possibilité, nous avons utilisé des rétrovirus pour surexprimer Nkx2.2 dans nos cultures cellulaires. De manière surprenante, nous avons trouvé que Nkx2.2, induit la prolifération des cellules souches du gliome et n'a en conséquent aucun effet de différenciation. Microarray analyses a confirmé que la surexpression de Nkx2.2 n'a en effet aucune influence sur la différenciation des oligodendrocytes. Cette analyse a également révélé que Nkx2.2 était capable d'induire une forte expression de YKL-40 40 dans le surnageant des cellules souches du gliome. YKL-40 est en fait, une glycoprotéine sécrétée et impliquée dans l'inflammation, l'angiogenèse et la prolifération. Elle est souvent associée à un mauvais pronostic dans plusieurs types de cancers. En outre, nous avons effectué une transplantation orthotopique afin d'explorer le rôle de Nkx2.2 dans la gliomagenèse in vivo et avons constaté que Nkx2.2 ne réduit pas l'agressivité du glioblastome.Dans l'autre partie de ma thèse, nous avons utilisé la gamme Taqman à basse densité et la validation des miRNA par la Qpcr afin de chercher ces derniers dans la culture cellulaire du glioblastome humain. Nous avons ensuite étudié le rôle des miARN dans la transcription de 3'UTR de Nkx2.2. Les résultats d'analyse de la mutagénèse dirigée (SDM) et de la double-luciférase ont montré que l'expression de Nkx2.2 est régulée par la diminution de mir-133b ainsi que celle de mir-202. / Glioblastoma represent the most common primary brain tumor with an overall survival of less than 2 years. These tumors are highly infiltrative and angiogenic and contain a sub population of cancer stem cells. Nkx2.2 is a homeodomain transcription factor which is implicated in the formation of oligodendrocytes during development. Nkx2.2 is central in tumorogenesis of Ewing'sarcoma. Using QPCR and glioma tissue array, we found that Nkx2.2 is highly expressed in glioblastoma. Nkx2.2 was also detected in 3 glioma stem-like cell cultures (neurospheres) where it is co-expressed with stem cell markers such as CD133 and CD15. It was recently proposed that overexpression of Nkx2.2 could induce terminal oligodendrocytic differentiation of glioma stem-like cell and inhibit tumor formation in xenotransplantation (Cancer Res. 2011 Feb 1;71(3):1135-45).To explore this possibility further, we used retroviruses to overexpress Nkx2.2 in our cell cultures. Surprisingly, we found that Nkx2.2, induce glioma stem cell proliferation and had no oligodendrocyte differentiating effect. Microarray analyses confirmed that Nkx2.2 overexpression had no influence in oligodendrocyte differentiation. This analysis further revealed that Nkx2.2 was able to induce a strong expression of YKL40 protein in the supernatant of glioma stem cells and increase YKL-40 promoter activity. YKL-40 is a secreted glycoprotein which is involved in inflammation, angiogenesis and proliferation and which is often associated with a bad prognosis in several cancers. In addition, we performed orthotopic transplantation to explore the role of Nkx2.2 in gliomagenesis in vivo and found that Nkx2.2 did not reduce the aggressiveness of glioblastoma. In the other part of my thesis we used Taqman low-density arrays (TLDA) and individual miRNA QPCR validation to find the microRNA (miRNA) signature in human glioblastoma cell cultures. Then we investigated the role of miRNA in the 3'UTR of Nkx2.2 transcript. Site directed mutagenesis (SDM) and dual-Luciferase reporter assay results showed that the Nkx2.2 expression is downregulated by mir-133b and mir-202.

The Tumor Promoting Actions of Exosomal miRNAs

Johansson, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Exosomes are nanosized vesicles that contain proteins and nucleic acids. They are released and taken up by many different cell types as a way of cell-to-cell communication. It has previously been recognized that exosomes released by cancer cells promote tumor progression. Moreover, recent studies have increasingly found evidence that microRNA contained within cancer derived exosomes plays an important role in tumor progression. In this manuscript, the current knowledge on exosomes, the sorting of microRNA into exosomes as cargo, the gene regulatory mechanisms of microRNA, and recent findings on the tumor promoting actions of exosomal microRNAs on gastric cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma and breast cancer, is reviewed. The information gathered emphasizes the importance of exosomal microRNAs that increase tumor growth in the development of cancer treatment and research.

MikroRNA v patogenezi AML / MicroRNAs in AML pathogenesis

Koutová, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a very heterogeneous disease associated with cytogenetic aberrations and genetic mutations. Many of these changes have been revealed and their detection became usual part of the diagnostic process today. However, changes of expression profiles of small, noncoding RNAs, so called microRNAs (miRNAs), are less known and not used for diagnostics yet. These RNAs, 19-24 nucleotides long, take part in the regulation of expression of different genes through complementary base pairing to the 3'non- translated region (3'UTR) of the target messenger RNA (mRNA). They can influence key processes of the cell, like differentiation, proliferation or apoptosis. The changes in expression of different miRNAs are known from different types of cancers. In solid tumors, they are usually detected from bioptic samples; but also plasma samples are now in the center of attention as so called liquid biopsies providing the information about molecular genetic events in the organism. Many studies have revealed deregulated miRNAs in the bone marrow, full blood or isolated progenitor cells (CD34+) of AML patients, only four of them have analyzed plasma samples. We focused on the plasma samples and we targeted on such miRNAs, which levels differ at AML diagnosis and after the chemotherapy. Out of...

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