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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'The requirements for, and appropriateness of, stopping the equitable share of municipalities in terms of section 216'

Rahim, Naushina Abdool January 2016 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The aim of this research paper has been to answer the question whether the actions of the National Treasury in invoking section 216(2) of the Constitution in respect of the 59 municipalities for debt owed in arrears to the creditors Eskom and the water boards, has been legal. Did its decision meet the substantive requirements as well as the procedural requirements as set under the legal framework of the Constitution and the MFMA? The second question was to assess the value in using the intervention against defaulting municipalities, by looking at whether the intervention was effective and what impact did it have on the defaulting municipalities.

Role players' understanding of public school principals' legal responsibilities regarding financial management in Limpopo

Rangongo, Paul January 2016 (has links)
Financial management is a very complex issue; at the dawn of democracy the full responsibility for the financial management in public schools was given to school governing bodies. The governing body usually asks the school principal to act as finance manager who executes the financial responsibilities on a daily basis. This puts the principal in a precarious position. The research investigates the role players' understanding of the public school principals' legal responsibilities regarding financial management in Limpopo province. It looks at how the school principals, finance officers and the departmental officials perceive the public school principals' understanding, interpretation and application pertaining to his or her legal responsibilities. It further looks at the knowledge of legislation, reporting of financial expenditure at school level, reporting of financial irregularity cases found in schools, as well as the legal responsibility of financial accountability. A predominantly qualitative research approach with nominal application of the quantitative approach, an interpretive paradigm and multiple case studies allowed the researcher to gain an in-depth understanding of how various role players view or perceive the public school principals' legal responsibilities regarding financial management. I interviewed six principals, six finance officers and six departmental officials about their understanding of the public school principals' legal responsibilities regarding financial management in Limpopo Province. A total of 53 principals, 22 finance officers and four departmental officials successfully completed a questionnaire about their understanding, perceptions and experiences of the public school principals' stipulated legal responsibilities regarding financial management. All these people were involved in the day-to-day management and administration of funds in public schools. Documents such as finance policies, finance files, minute books, school budgets and audited financial statements were analysed to build a clear picture of the state of financial management in the selected public schools. Findings from this study are that there are vast differences in how various role players understand and interpret the public school principals' legal responsibilities regarding financial management in Limpopo. The rationale for having the legislation is to make things uniform and give guidelines. There is a lack of implementation of legal responsibilities by principals who sometimes experience fear of intimidation and victimisation and threat from teacher unions defending their members, SGB and the community. There is lack of knowledge of legislation and sheer ignorance of the law. There are misconceptions that principals in South Africa are accounting officers for everything happening in their respective schools. I found misconceptions of the principals' responsibilities of reporting the financial expenditure and financial mismanagement cases which are not reported, but resolved in schools. There is a culture of non-accountability, non-adherence to prescripts as a result of limited knowledge of legislation, expertise and experience of the principal in financial management. The study has unearthed a number of challenges that are serious concerns for the role players such as the principals, finance officers and the departmental officials regarding financial management. These include issues such as limited understanding, interpretation and application of the law, inadequate knowledge of legislation and financial skills, ignorance of policy and legislation, lack of transparency and openness when dealing with public finances, signing of blank cheques, intimidation, threats and victimisation from victims, teacher unions' interference in the appointment of principals, a lack of proper monitoring and control of expenditure at school level by the principal as well as by departmental officials from circuit level up to provincial level characterise school financial management. Much work remains to be done to close the gaps identified and to make financial management in South African public schools even better. The findings of the study have led to recommendations to assist public school principals, finance officers, school governing body members and departmental officials to understand the legal responsibilities of the principal in this regard better. The recommendations include models for the understanding principals' legal responsibilities in financial management, internal financial control and monitoring in public schools by holding principals accountable for the use of every cent in the schools. Other recommendations include intensive training and capacitating, compliance with legislation and the centralisation of auditing of public school financial books. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Education Management and Policy Studies / PhD / Unrestricted

El “Consenso de Washington”: antes y después. El caso de Argentina y Perú en el periodo 1990-2008 / The “Washington consensus”: before and after. The case of Argentina and Peru during the 1990-2008 period

Noejovich Chernoff, Héctor Omar 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper intends to show that the problem is not in the model itself but in the mismanagement of the prescribed policies. Despite their different social and economical structures, Argentina and Peru faced similar problems during the same period (1990-2000): a hyperinflation in the beginning and an institutional crisis at the end. After several years of economic recovery, Argentina faced a big political and economic crisis and after blaming to the so-called «neoliberal policy», reverses her policy. Actually Peru has better perspectives and Argentina has a collapse in perspective. / La intención de este trabajo es mostrar que el problema no se encuentra en el modelo en sí, sino en el gerenciamiento erróneo de las políticas. A pesar de las diferentes estructuras sociales y económicas, Argentina y Perú enfrentaron problemas similares durante el mismo período (1990-2000): una hiperinflación al comienzo y una crisis institucional al final. Después de varios años de recuperación, Argentina enfrentó una grave crisis política y económica y luego de responsabilizar a la llamada «política neoliberal», revirtió su política. Actualmente Perú tiene mejores perspectivas y Argentina tiene un colapso en perspectiva.

La protection des intérêts financiers des organisations internationales / The protection of international organizations’ financial interests

Camara, Alpha Oumar 16 March 2017 (has links)
Les pertes financières dues à la faiblesse ou à l’insuffisance des moyens de contrôle en leur sein ont contraint les organisations internationales à se doter de mécanismes de contrôle capables de contrôler suffisamment leurs ressources financières et d’assurer efficacement la protection de leurs intérêts financiers contre les atteintes qui leurs faites. Car, la réussite de leurs missions dépend dans une large mesure de la bonne utilisation de leurs ressources financières. Les mécanismes juridiques ainsi mis en place, dans le cadre de cette protection, permettent d’effectuer des contrôles financiers aux moyens d’audits et d’appliquer des sanctions contre les infractions qui portent atteinte à leurs intérêts financiers. C’est dans cette perspective que les Etats membres sont mis à contribution. Mais, la participation des Etats à cette protection varie en fonction des organisations internationales (OI). En s’appuyant sur l’exemple de l’Union européenne (UE), qui a su très tôt concevoir un ensemble d’instruments juridiques efficaces, la présente thèse aborde le cadre juridique et les difficultés de la protection des intérêts financiers des OI. Pour cela, outre l’UE, deux autres OI, à savoir l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) et l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) sont prises en exemple pour analyser les mécanismes de protection des intérêts financiers des OI à la lumière de quelques scandales financiers qui ont permis de mettre à jour l’inefficacité de leurs mécanismes de protection. / Financial losses caused by lack of appropriate means of control has led international organizations to implement some mechanism that help them to protect their financial resources from diversion. Indeed, in order to reach their goals, international organizations need a good financial management. Legal mechanisms put in place to protect financial assets of international organizations allow them to oversee their financial management and help them prosecute those who commit financial crimes against international organizations. In doing so, international organization need cooperation from Member States. But this cooperation depends on each international organizations. This dissertation aims to show how, within the European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), what are the legal mechanisms that enable international organizations to prevent and to prosecute those who commit financial crimes against them.

Aspekte van statutêre minderheidsbeskerming in die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg

Hurter, E. (Estelle), 1955- 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Daar is 'n toenemende bewuswording van die noodsaaklikheid van effektiewe beskerming vir minderhede. Die rede vir hierdie toenemende erkenning aan die behoefte aan minderheidsbeskerming is waarskynlik toe te skryf aan die beset dat dit nie alleen die minderheidsaandeelhouers is wat skade ly in geval van benadelende optrede nie, maar ook die ekonomie. Maatskappye word ingevolge die beginsel van meerderheidsbewind bestuur, met die gevolg dat die minderheid onderworpe is aan die wil van die meerderheid. Die minderheid kan hulself hierdeur in 'n onbenydenswaardige posisie bevind, veral indien die meerderheid hul mag aanwend om hul eie belange te bevorder. Gemeenregtelik is die reel in Foss v Harbottle 'n struikelblok vir minderheidsaandeelhouers wat gedingvoering beoog. In 'n poging om die gebrekkige gemeenregtelike beskerming van minderhede te ondervang, is bepaalde statutere maatreels ingevoer. Die evaluasie van hierdie maatreels geskied aan die hand van 'n regsvergelykende ondersoek na verskeie buitelandse stelsels, waarvan die van Nieu-Seeland en Kanada uit staan vanwee die innoverende aard van hul statutere beskermingsmaatreels. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die beskerming wat die Suid-Afrikaanse statutere maatreels aan minderhede bied, onbevredigend is om verskeie redes. Eerstens is hierdie maatreels dikwels te eng bewoord wat daartoe lei dat die aanwendingsveld van die maatreels beperk is. Tweedens hou die maatreels nie tred met ontwikkelings elders in die wereld en veranderende omstandighede en behoeftes in die praktyk nie. Derdens ontbreek goed geformuleerde remedies wat aanvullend tot artikel 252 van die Wet sal wees. Daar is verder bevind dat ad hocwysigings van bestaande maatreels nie die gewenste resultaat gaan bereik nie en 'n algehele hervorming van die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg word aanbeveel. Ten slotte word konkrete voorstelle in die vorm van konsepwetgewing gemaak en word vergesel van verduidelikende notas. Hierdie wetgewing is hoofsaaklik aan die hand van die Nieu-Seelandse en Kanadese modelle geformuleer. / There is a growing awareness of the need for effective protection of minority shareholders. This can probably be ascribed to the acknowledgement of the fact that prejudicial conduct harms not only minority shareholders, but also the economy at large. Companies are governed by the principle of majority rule; consequently the minority is subjected to the will of the majority. This often places the minority in an invidious position, especially when the majority use their power to further their own interests. The rule in Foss v Harbottle presents a stumbling block to minority shareholder action. Certain statutory measures have been introduced in an effort to counter defective minority protection. These statutory measures are evaluated in the light of a comparative study of several foreign jurisdictions, the most prominent of which are New Zealand and Canada, because of the innovative nature of the measures which they employ. The conclusion arrived at is that, for various reasons, the protection afforded minorities by the South African statutory measures is unsatisfactory. Firstly, the wording of these measures is narrowly construed; this in turn results in a narrow field of application. Secondly, these measures are not in step with developments elsewhere in the world and with the changing circumstances and needs in practice. Thirdly, well-formulated remedies needed in order to supplement section 252 of the Act are non-existent. It has also been found that ad hoc amendments of existing measures will not achieve the required result, and consequently a complete reform of South African company law is recommended. Finally, specific recommendations in the form of draft legislation are made; these are accompanied by explanatory notes. This draft legislation was formulated primarily along the lines of the New Zealand and Canadian models. / Private Law / LL.D.

Gestão fraudulenta e concurso de normas na lei dos crimes contra o sistema financeiro nacional / Mismanagement and conflict of rules in the law of crimes against national financial systems.

Trauczynski, Nicole 15 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa analisar as implicações e desafios impostos ao direito penal na tutela da criminalidade econômica atual, especialmente no que tange ao delito de gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira, previsto no caput do artigo 4º da Lei 7.492/86, delito mais severamente apenado na Lei dos Crimes contra o Sistema Financeiro Nacional. Em razão de sua descrição absolutamente genérica e da gravidade da sanção cominada buscar-se-á interpretar suas elementares típicas de forma conectada aos motivos que ensejaram a sua edição, bem como relacionada ao bem jurídico tutelado pela norma, aplicando-se redutores teleológicos no desiderato de conferir ao tipo uma identidade própria, agregando coerência interna na própria lei e minimizando os recorrentes problemas quanto ao âmbito de incidência de seus dispositivos legais, por vezes dispostos em situação de conflito aparente de normas. Nesses termos, o crime de gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira será decomposto em todos os seus elementos típicos, objetivos e subjetivos, observando-se sua objetividade jurídica, objeto material, sujeitos ativos, passivos, concurso de pessoas, consumação e tentativa. Posteriormente, será adentrado à problemática do concurso aparente de normas entre o crime estudado gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira e os demais tipos penais previstos na Lei 7.492/86, especialmente em relação aos tipos penais previstos nos artigos 5º, 6º, 9º, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 e 22. A análise será feita com base nas relações lógico-conceituais entre os preceitos normativos, seguida de uma interpretação teleológica e valorativa, com base nos critérios de resolução de conflito aparente de normas propostos pela doutrina especialidade, subsidiariedade, consunção e alternatividade. Ao final, as conclusões encontradas serão confrontadas com o recorte jurisprudencial dos julgados atinentes à matéria, proferidos pelo Tribunal Regional Federal da 3º Região nos últimos 10 anos (01/01/2003 a 31/12/2013). / This work intends to analyze the implications and challenges imposed on criminal law for the defense of current economic crimes, especially in regards to the crime of mismanagement of financial institutions provided for in the main provision of Article 4 of Law No. 7492/86, a crime punished by maximum sentence in the Law of Crimes against the National Financial System. As a result of its completely general description and the severity of the sanction imposed, the interpretation of its typical elements shall be made in connection with the motives which originated the enactment thereof, as well as relating to the legal interest protected by the rule, while applying teleological reducers for the purpose of conferring a proper identity to the definition of the crime, adding internal consistency to the law itself and minimizing recurring problems regarding the scope of incidence of the legal provisions thereof, at times applied in situations of apparent conflict of rules. This way, the crime of mismanagement of financial institutions will be decomposed into all its typical objective and subjective elements, addressing legal objectivity, material object, perpetrators, victims, co-perpetration, consummation and attempt. Next, it will address the issue of the apparent joinder of rules between the crime examined - mismanagement of financial institution - and other criminal offenses established by Law 7492/86, especially in relation to criminal offenses provided for in Articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 and 22. The analysis will be based on logical-conceptual relations between the normative precepts, followed by a teleological and judgmental interpretation, based on the solution criteria of apparent conflict of rules proposed by the jurists - specialty, subsidiarity, merger and alternativity. Finally, the conclusions reached will be confronted with case law clippings of decisions regarding the matter granted by the Federal Regional Court of the third Region in the past 10 years (01/01/2003 to 12/31/2013).

Aspekte van statutêre minderheidsbeskerming in die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg

Hurter, E. (Estelle), 1955- 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Daar is 'n toenemende bewuswording van die noodsaaklikheid van effektiewe beskerming vir minderhede. Die rede vir hierdie toenemende erkenning aan die behoefte aan minderheidsbeskerming is waarskynlik toe te skryf aan die beset dat dit nie alleen die minderheidsaandeelhouers is wat skade ly in geval van benadelende optrede nie, maar ook die ekonomie. Maatskappye word ingevolge die beginsel van meerderheidsbewind bestuur, met die gevolg dat die minderheid onderworpe is aan die wil van die meerderheid. Die minderheid kan hulself hierdeur in 'n onbenydenswaardige posisie bevind, veral indien die meerderheid hul mag aanwend om hul eie belange te bevorder. Gemeenregtelik is die reel in Foss v Harbottle 'n struikelblok vir minderheidsaandeelhouers wat gedingvoering beoog. In 'n poging om die gebrekkige gemeenregtelike beskerming van minderhede te ondervang, is bepaalde statutere maatreels ingevoer. Die evaluasie van hierdie maatreels geskied aan die hand van 'n regsvergelykende ondersoek na verskeie buitelandse stelsels, waarvan die van Nieu-Seeland en Kanada uit staan vanwee die innoverende aard van hul statutere beskermingsmaatreels. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die beskerming wat die Suid-Afrikaanse statutere maatreels aan minderhede bied, onbevredigend is om verskeie redes. Eerstens is hierdie maatreels dikwels te eng bewoord wat daartoe lei dat die aanwendingsveld van die maatreels beperk is. Tweedens hou die maatreels nie tred met ontwikkelings elders in die wereld en veranderende omstandighede en behoeftes in die praktyk nie. Derdens ontbreek goed geformuleerde remedies wat aanvullend tot artikel 252 van die Wet sal wees. Daar is verder bevind dat ad hocwysigings van bestaande maatreels nie die gewenste resultaat gaan bereik nie en 'n algehele hervorming van die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg word aanbeveel. Ten slotte word konkrete voorstelle in die vorm van konsepwetgewing gemaak en word vergesel van verduidelikende notas. Hierdie wetgewing is hoofsaaklik aan die hand van die Nieu-Seelandse en Kanadese modelle geformuleer. / There is a growing awareness of the need for effective protection of minority shareholders. This can probably be ascribed to the acknowledgement of the fact that prejudicial conduct harms not only minority shareholders, but also the economy at large. Companies are governed by the principle of majority rule; consequently the minority is subjected to the will of the majority. This often places the minority in an invidious position, especially when the majority use their power to further their own interests. The rule in Foss v Harbottle presents a stumbling block to minority shareholder action. Certain statutory measures have been introduced in an effort to counter defective minority protection. These statutory measures are evaluated in the light of a comparative study of several foreign jurisdictions, the most prominent of which are New Zealand and Canada, because of the innovative nature of the measures which they employ. The conclusion arrived at is that, for various reasons, the protection afforded minorities by the South African statutory measures is unsatisfactory. Firstly, the wording of these measures is narrowly construed; this in turn results in a narrow field of application. Secondly, these measures are not in step with developments elsewhere in the world and with the changing circumstances and needs in practice. Thirdly, well-formulated remedies needed in order to supplement section 252 of the Act are non-existent. It has also been found that ad hoc amendments of existing measures will not achieve the required result, and consequently a complete reform of South African company law is recommended. Finally, specific recommendations in the form of draft legislation are made; these are accompanied by explanatory notes. This draft legislation was formulated primarily along the lines of the New Zealand and Canadian models. / Private Law / LL.D.

Gestão fraudulenta e concurso de normas na lei dos crimes contra o sistema financeiro nacional / Mismanagement and conflict of rules in the law of crimes against national financial systems.

Nicole Trauczynski 15 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa analisar as implicações e desafios impostos ao direito penal na tutela da criminalidade econômica atual, especialmente no que tange ao delito de gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira, previsto no caput do artigo 4º da Lei 7.492/86, delito mais severamente apenado na Lei dos Crimes contra o Sistema Financeiro Nacional. Em razão de sua descrição absolutamente genérica e da gravidade da sanção cominada buscar-se-á interpretar suas elementares típicas de forma conectada aos motivos que ensejaram a sua edição, bem como relacionada ao bem jurídico tutelado pela norma, aplicando-se redutores teleológicos no desiderato de conferir ao tipo uma identidade própria, agregando coerência interna na própria lei e minimizando os recorrentes problemas quanto ao âmbito de incidência de seus dispositivos legais, por vezes dispostos em situação de conflito aparente de normas. Nesses termos, o crime de gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira será decomposto em todos os seus elementos típicos, objetivos e subjetivos, observando-se sua objetividade jurídica, objeto material, sujeitos ativos, passivos, concurso de pessoas, consumação e tentativa. Posteriormente, será adentrado à problemática do concurso aparente de normas entre o crime estudado gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira e os demais tipos penais previstos na Lei 7.492/86, especialmente em relação aos tipos penais previstos nos artigos 5º, 6º, 9º, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 e 22. A análise será feita com base nas relações lógico-conceituais entre os preceitos normativos, seguida de uma interpretação teleológica e valorativa, com base nos critérios de resolução de conflito aparente de normas propostos pela doutrina especialidade, subsidiariedade, consunção e alternatividade. Ao final, as conclusões encontradas serão confrontadas com o recorte jurisprudencial dos julgados atinentes à matéria, proferidos pelo Tribunal Regional Federal da 3º Região nos últimos 10 anos (01/01/2003 a 31/12/2013). / This work intends to analyze the implications and challenges imposed on criminal law for the defense of current economic crimes, especially in regards to the crime of mismanagement of financial institutions provided for in the main provision of Article 4 of Law No. 7492/86, a crime punished by maximum sentence in the Law of Crimes against the National Financial System. As a result of its completely general description and the severity of the sanction imposed, the interpretation of its typical elements shall be made in connection with the motives which originated the enactment thereof, as well as relating to the legal interest protected by the rule, while applying teleological reducers for the purpose of conferring a proper identity to the definition of the crime, adding internal consistency to the law itself and minimizing recurring problems regarding the scope of incidence of the legal provisions thereof, at times applied in situations of apparent conflict of rules. This way, the crime of mismanagement of financial institutions will be decomposed into all its typical objective and subjective elements, addressing legal objectivity, material object, perpetrators, victims, co-perpetration, consummation and attempt. Next, it will address the issue of the apparent joinder of rules between the crime examined - mismanagement of financial institution - and other criminal offenses established by Law 7492/86, especially in relation to criminal offenses provided for in Articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 and 22. The analysis will be based on logical-conceptual relations between the normative precepts, followed by a teleological and judgmental interpretation, based on the solution criteria of apparent conflict of rules proposed by the jurists - specialty, subsidiarity, merger and alternativity. Finally, the conclusions reached will be confronted with case law clippings of decisions regarding the matter granted by the Federal Regional Court of the third Region in the past 10 years (01/01/2003 to 12/31/2013).

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