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Afferenzen vokalisationsauslösender Regionen des zentralen Höhlengraus bei Totenkopfaffen (Saimiri sciureus)Dujardin, Eva. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Tierärztl. Hochsch., Diss., 2004--Hannover.
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Neuromeric organization of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region in zebrafishLangenberg, Tobias. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Techn. University, Diss., 2004--Dresden.
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Dorso-ventral Differentiation and Specification of the Mesencephalon in Early Chick EmbryosLi, Naixin January 2007 (has links)
Würzburg, Univ., Diss., 2009. / Zsfassung in dt. Sprache.
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Dorso-ventral Differentiation and Specification of the Mesencephalon in Early Chick Embryos / Die dorsoventrale Differenzierung und Spezifikation des frühen embryonalen HühnermittelhirnLi, Naixin January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The chick midbrain is subdivided into functionally distinct ventral and dorsal domains, tegmentum and optic tectum. In the mature tectum, neurons are organized in layers, while they form discrete nuclei in the tegmentum. An interesting characteristic of the embryonic brain is the development of a large optic tectum, of which the growth becomes obvious at embryonic day 3 (E3). Dorsoventral (DV) specification of the early midbrain should thus play a crucial role for the organization of the neuronal circuitry in optic tectum and tegmentum. In the first part of my thesis, I investigated regional commitment and establishment of cellular differences along the midbrain DV axis. I examined the commitment of gene expression patterns in isolated ventral and dorsal tissue in vivo and in vitro, and studied their cell mixing properties. Explant cultures, and grafting of dorsal midbrain into a ventral environment or vice versa, revealed a gradual increase in the autonomy of region-specific gene regulation between, which was accompanied by a gradual increase in differential adhesive properties from E2 to E3, once the DV axis polarity was fixed. These events happened at a time-point when the majority of midbrain cells are not yet differentiated. Long-term transplantation (6 - 9 days) using quail cells from ventral midbrain as grafts showed the same result. Hence, the results suggest that progressive specification of the midbrain DV axis is accompanied by progressively reduced cell mixing between dorsal and ventral precursors, leading to a partial regionalization of midbrain tissue into autonomous units of precursor cell populations. In the second part I investigated the genes that might be involved in regulating the growth of the tectum. In particular, I focused on the role of Pax7 transcription factor, a paired domain protein. The results suggested that Pax7 was involved in regulating the medial-lateral extension of the tectum. Over expression of Pax7 in dorsal midbrain led to an enlarged tectum accompanied by a raise in cell division, while Pax7 knockdown by shrank caused a reduction in tectum. The overall pattern of neuronal differentiation was not disturbed by an up or down regulation of Pax7. Pax7 also positively regulated Pax3, another pair-ruled gene expressed dorsally. These results suggest that Pax7 very likely together with Pax3 could facilitate or maintain neural cell proliferation in the midbrain at early stages and that a regulation of the size in that region does not influence the neuronal patterning of the developmental field. I further checked the expression and function of a GFPase Rab 23, that was suggested to be involved in the DV patterning in mouse neural tube as a negative regulator of Shh signaling. Overexpression of Rab23 indicated that it facilitated the expression of Pax7 and Pax3 in the neural tube and suppressed ventral genes like Nkx6.1 cell autonomously, however, it did not disturb neuronal patterning. Interestingly, a thorough expression study of Rab 23 during chick early development revealed that Rab23 is already expressed very early and asymmetrically during gastrulation, suggesting a possible role of Rab23 on the left-right determination of Hensen’s node. In combination with the result that Rab23 is expressed in the notochord early in development, I assume that both Rab23 and Shh exist in all neural progenitor cells initially, and when their expression patterns separate gradually the neural cells adopt a ventral or dorsal fate according to their location along the dorsoventral axis. The avian embryo is a classic system used widely to investigate questions of vertebrate development. The easy and cheap accessibility of the embryo for in ovo or ex ovo experiments all around the year make it an ideal animal model to work with. The only recently developed method of over expressing genes in specific cells or regions in the chick embryo by electroporation enabled me to study different ways of gene suppression using this way of gene transfection. Thus, I compared the effect of long-hairpin and short hairpin dsRNA in different vectors and antisense morpholino oligonucleotides. The results revealed that all hairpin dsRNA constructs did reduce gene and protein expression often accompanied by morphological changes. Most efficiently were shRNAi constructs cloned into a siRNA-specific vector – pSilencer 1.0-U6. Gene silencing was already well observed 36 hours after transfection. In comparison antisense morpholino oligonucleotides did not show such big gene reduction as the shRNA in pSilencer. Taken together, this methodical research proposes that the shRNA in the pSilencer vector was a good and effective tool to reduce gene and protein expression locally. / Das Mittelhirn des Huhns wird in funktionel unterschiedliche, ventrale und dorsale Regionen eingeteilt, nämlich das Tegmentum ventral und das optisches Tectum dorsal. Im vollentwickelten Tectum bilden Nervenzellen Schichten, während das Tegmentum aus unterschiedlichen Nuclei besteht. Ein charakteristisches Merkmal des embryonalen Gehirns ist die Entwicklung eines großen optischen Techtums, die am dritten embryonalen Tag (E3) sehr deutlich zu beobachten ist. Diese unterschiedliche funktionelle und morphologische Entwicklung des Mittelhirns deutet daraufhin, das die dorsoventrale Spezifikation des frühen Mittelhirns für der Organisation neuronaler Netzwerke im optischen Tectum und Tegmentum eine kritische Rolle spielt. Im ersten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit wurde die regionale Bestimmung und Bildung zellulärer Unterschiede entlang der DV Achse des Mittelhirns untersucht. Dafür bestimmte ich den Zeitpunkt, an dem spezifische ventrale und dorsale Genexpressionsmuster festgelegt werden in isoliertem ventralen und dorsalen Gewebe in vivo and in vitro. Desweiteren untersuchte ich die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher adhäsiver Eigenschaften von ventralen und dorsalen Zellen in vitro. Explantatkulturen und Transplantationen von dorsalem Mittelhirn in eine ventrale Umgebung oder vice versa liessen eine schrittweise Zunahme der Autonomie der region-spezifischen Genregulation erkennen. Dies wurde von einer schrittweisen Zunahme des differentialen Adhäsionsverhaltens von ventralen und dorsalen Mittelhirnzellen von E2 zu E3 begleitet, der Zeitspanne, in der die Polarität der DV Achse festgelegt wurde. Diese Entwicklungsprozesse fanden u einem Zeitpunkt statt, an dem die meisten Zellen des Mittelhirns noch nicht differenziert hatten. Transplantationen,. von ventralen Mittelhirnzellen der Wachtel ins dorsale Hühnertecctum, die erst nach mehreren Tagen (6 - 9 Tage) untersucht wurden, zeigten das gleiche Ergebnis. Diese Ergebnisse lassen schliessen, dass eine partielle Regionalisierung des Mittelhirns in autonome Einheiten von Vorläuferzellen der dorsoventralen Achse stattfindet. Dies erlaubt den Zellen eine Positionsidentität zu bewahren – unhabhängig von der wachsenden Distanz zu Signalzentren. Im zweiten Teil meiner Arbeit untersuchte ich Gene, die das Wachstum und die spezifische Entwicklung des Tectums regulieren könnten. Die Arbeit konzentrierte sich speziell auf die Rolle von Pax7, ein Mitglied der sogenannten ‚pair-ruled’ Familie von Transkriptionsfaktoren, und auf die Rolle von Rab23, einer GTPase, die den Shh-Signalweg im dorsalen Neuralrohr inhibiert. Dieser Versuch zeigte, dass Pax7 an der Regulation der medio-lateral Ausdehnung des Tectums beteiligt ist. Überexpression von Pax7 im dorsalen Mittelhirn führte zu einer Vergrößerung des Tectums, die von einer Zunahme der Zellteilung begleitet wurde, während Knockdown von Pax7 eine Größereduktion des Tectums verursachte. Das neuronale Differenzierungsmuster im generellen wurde nicht von der Überexpression oder Repression von Pax7 gestört. Pax7 induzierte ausserdem Pax3, ein Mitglied derselben Familie, das ebenfalls dorsal exprimiert wird und unterdrückte ventrale Gene wie Nkx6.1. Diese Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass Pax7, sehr wahrscheinlich zusammen mit Pax3, die neural Zellproliferation im Mittelhirn in frühen Entwicklungsstadien fördert oder auf einem konstanten Level hält und dass die Muster der neuronalen Entwicklung nicht durch der Regulation der Größe dieser Region beeinflusst wird. Außerdem förderte Rab 23, das sehr wahrscheinlich ein negativer Regulator von Shh ist, die Expression von Pax7 und Pax3 im ventralen Mittelhirn und unterdrückte ventrale Gene wie Nkx6.1. Die Überexpression von Rab 23 beeinflusste auch nicht das neuronale Differenzierungsmusterung. Interessanterweise zeigte eine genaue Analyse der Expression von Rab 23 während der frühen Entwicklungsstadien des Huhns, dass Rab 23 bereits sehr früh und asymmetrisch während der Gastrulation exprimiert wurde. Dies deutet auf eine mögliche Rolle von Rab 23 für die links-rechts Determination des Hensen´s node an. Betrachtet man diese Ergebnisse zusammen, dann könnte man zu fogender Schlussfolgerung kommen, nämlich, dass sowohl Rab 23 als auch Shh früh in allen neural Progenitorzellen existieren, und dass die neuralen Zellen jeweils nach ihrer Lage entlang der dorsoventral Achse ein ventrales oder dorsales Schicksal annehmen, wenn das sich die Expressionsmuster von Rab 23 und Shh allmänlich trennen. Der Vogelembryo ist ein klassisches und häufig benutztes System, um die Entwicklung der Vertebraten zu untersuchen. Die einfache und preiswerte Zugänglichkeit des Embryos für in ovo oder ex ovo Experiment das ganze Jahr über machen ihn zu einem idealen Tiermodell. Die in den letzten Jahren entwickelte Methode der Elektroporation eines Embryos zum Gentransfer in die Zellen, ermöglichte es mir unterschiedliche Weisen der Genunterdrückung in embryonalem Gewebe zu testen und zu vergleichen.Ich verglich in dieser Untersuchung die Wirkung von langen und kurzen Haarnadel-RNAs (hairpin RNA) in verschieden Vektoren mit der Wirkung von Antisense-morpholino-Oligonucleotiden verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass alle Haarnadel-dsRNA-Konstruktionen die Gen- und Proteinexpression reduzierten, wobei es häufig zu einer morphologischen Veränderung kam. Die kurze shRNAi-Konstruktionen, die in einen siRNA-spezifischen Vektor – pSilencer 1.0-U6 - geklont wurden war, zeigte sich dabei am effizientesten.. Die Herunterregulierung der Gene wurde bereits 36 Stunden nach der Transfektion beobachtet. Im Gegensatz dazu, zeigten die Antisense-Morpholino-Oligonucleotiden keine solche starke Reduktion wie das shRNA in pSilencer. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese methodische Untersuchung, dass die shRNA im pSilencer-Vektor ein gutes und effektives Werkzeug ist, um Gen- und Proteinexpression örtlich zu reduzieren.
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The role of K ATP channels in model systems of dopaminergic neuron loss in the ventral mesencephalonScholz, Christian. January 2008 (has links)
Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 2008.
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Funktionelle Analyse des Transkriptionsfaktors Uncx4.1 im murinen Mittelhirn / Functional analysis of the transcription factor Uncx4.1 in the mouse midbrainRabe, Tamara 04 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Altered top-down and bottom-up processing of fear conditioning in panic disorder with agoraphobiaLueken, U., Straube, B., Reinhardt, I., Maslowski, N. I., Wittchen, H.-U., Ströhle, A., Wittmann, A., Pfleiderer, B., Konrad, C., Ewert, A., Uhlmann, C., Arolt, V., Jansen, A., Kircher, T. 11 June 2020 (has links)
Background: Although several neurophysiological models have been proposed for panic disorder with agoraphobia (PD/AG), there is limited evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies on key neural networks in PD/AG. Fear conditioning has been proposed to represent a central pathway for the development and maintenance of this disorder; however, its neural substrates remain elusive. The present study aimed to investigate the neural correlates of fear conditioning in PD/AG patients.
Method: The blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response was measured using fMRI during a fear conditioning task. Indicators of differential conditioning, simple conditioning and safety signal processing were investigated in 60 PD/AG patients and 60 matched healthy controls.
Results: Differential conditioning was associated with enhanced activation of the bilateral dorsal inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) whereas simple conditioning and safety signal processing were related to increased midbrain activation in PD/AG patients versus controls. Anxiety sensitivity was associated positively with the magnitude of midbrain activation.
Conclusions: The results suggest changes in top-down and bottom-up processes during fear conditioning in PD/AG that can be interpreted within a neural framework of defensive reactions mediating threat through distal (forebrain) versus proximal (midbrain) brain structures. Evidence is accumulating that this network plays a key role in the aetiopathogenesis of panic disorder.
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The role of pou2/spiel-ohne-grenzen (spg) in brain and endoderm development of the zebrafish, Danio rerioReim, Gerlinde 04 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The central theme of development, how cells are organized into functional structures and assembled into whole organisms, is addressed by developmental biology. One important feature of embryonic development is pattern formation, which is the generation of a particular arrangement of cells in three-dimensional space at a given point of time. Central to this work is the model system of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The aim of the first part of this study was to try to understand how a distinct part of the embryonic brain called midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), a region that acts as an organizer for the adjacent brain regions, is established in vertebrates. spiel-ohne-grenzen (spg) is one mutant which interferes with MHB development. Here, I addressed the role of pou2 in brain development by molecular, phenotypical and functional analysis. By genetic complementation and mapping I could elucidate the molecular nature of this mutant and found that the pou2 gene encoding the POU domain transcription factor is affected in spg mutant embryos. By chromosomal syntenic conservation, phylogenetic sequence comparison, and expression and functional data I imply that pou2 is the orthologue of the mammalian Oct4 (Pou5F1) gene. I find by detailed expression and transplantation analysis that pou2 is cell autonomously required within the neuroectoderm to activate genes of the MHB and hindbrain primordium, like pax2.1, wnt1, gbx2 or krox20. By gain-of-function experiments I demonstrate that pou2 synergizes with Fgf8 signaling in order to activate particularly the hindbrain primordium. Since pou2 is already provided to the embryo by the mother, I generated embryos which lack maternal and zygotic pou2 function (MZspg) to reveal a possible earlier than neuroectodermal role of pou2. In the second part of this work I demonstrate that pou2 is a key factor controlling endoderm differentiation. By expression and gain-of-function analysis I suggest a cell autonomous function for Pou2 in the first step of endodermal differentiation. By gain-of-function experiments involving the gene encoding the HMG transcription factor Casanova (Cas) I show that both Cas and Pou2 are necessary to activate expression of the endodermal differentiation marker sox17 in a mutually dependent way, and that the ability of Cas to ectopically induce sox17 strictly requires Pou2. I conclude that both maternal and zygotic pou2 function is necessary for commitment of endodermal progenitor cells to differentiate into endodermal precursor cells.
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Neuromeric organization of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region in zebrafishLangenberg, Tobias 14 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The neuromeric concept of brain formation has become a well-established model to explain how order is created in the developing vertebrate central nervous system. The most important feature of neuromeres is their compartmentalization on the cellular level: Each neuromere comprises a lineage-restricted population of cells that does not intermingle with cells from neighboring compartments. The units of the vertebrate hindbrain, the rhombomeres, serve as the best-studied examples of neuromeres. Here, the lineage restriction mechanism has been found to function on the basis of differentially expressed adhesion molecules. To date, hard evidence for the existence of other lineage restricted regions in more anterior parts of the brain is still scarce. The focus of this study is the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb) region, where the juxtaposition of the mesencephalon and metencephalon gives rise to a signaling center, termed the midbrain-hindbrain or isthmic organizer. Evidence for lineage restriction boundaries in the mhb region is still controversial, with some very recent studies supporting the existence of a lineage boundary between the mesencephalon and metencephalon and others rejecting this. Here, I present data strongly supporting the existence of a compartment boundary between the posterior midbrain and anterior hindbrain territory. I base this proposition on cell-tracing experiments with single cell resolution. By connecting the traces to a molecular midbrain marker, I establish a link between cell fate and behavior. In the second part, I present a novel tissue explant method for the zebrafish that has the potential to serve numerous developmental studies, especially imaging of so far inaccessible regions of the embryo.
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Neuromeric organization of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region in zebrafishLangenberg, Tobias 10 December 2004 (has links)
The neuromeric concept of brain formation has become a well-established model to explain how order is created in the developing vertebrate central nervous system. The most important feature of neuromeres is their compartmentalization on the cellular level: Each neuromere comprises a lineage-restricted population of cells that does not intermingle with cells from neighboring compartments. The units of the vertebrate hindbrain, the rhombomeres, serve as the best-studied examples of neuromeres. Here, the lineage restriction mechanism has been found to function on the basis of differentially expressed adhesion molecules. To date, hard evidence for the existence of other lineage restricted regions in more anterior parts of the brain is still scarce. The focus of this study is the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (mhb) region, where the juxtaposition of the mesencephalon and metencephalon gives rise to a signaling center, termed the midbrain-hindbrain or isthmic organizer. Evidence for lineage restriction boundaries in the mhb region is still controversial, with some very recent studies supporting the existence of a lineage boundary between the mesencephalon and metencephalon and others rejecting this. Here, I present data strongly supporting the existence of a compartment boundary between the posterior midbrain and anterior hindbrain territory. I base this proposition on cell-tracing experiments with single cell resolution. By connecting the traces to a molecular midbrain marker, I establish a link between cell fate and behavior. In the second part, I present a novel tissue explant method for the zebrafish that has the potential to serve numerous developmental studies, especially imaging of so far inaccessible regions of the embryo.
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