Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mmn"" "subject:"nmn""
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EEG and fMRI studies of the effects of stimulus properties on the control of attentionMugruza Vassallo, Carlos Andrés January 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation the effects of variations in stimulus properties and CTOA, in auditory attention tasks were explored using recently developed approaches to EEG analysis including LIMO. The last experiment was structured using information theory, designing an effective experiment. Four studies were carried out using a number parity decision task, that employed different combinations of cueing Tone (T), Novel (N) and the Goal (G) stimuli. In the first EEG study, contrary to previous findings (Polich 2002, 2007) in control participants, no correlation between the time of a novel condition to the next novel condition and P300 amplitude was found. Therefore single trial across-subject averaging of participants’ data revealed significant correlations (r > .3) of stimulus properties (such as probability, frequency, amplitude and duration) on P300, and even r > .5 was found when N was an environmental sound in schizophrenic patients. In the second EEG study, simultaneously with fMRI recordings, the participants that showed significant behavioural distraction evoked brain activations and differences in both hemispheres (similar to Corbetta, 2002, 2008) while the participants, as a whole, produced significant activations mainly in left cortical and subcortical regions. A context analysis was run in distracted participants contrasting the trials immediately prior to the G trials, resulting in different prefrontal activations, which was consistent with studies of prefrontal control of visual attention (Koechlin 2003, 2007). In the third EEG study, the distractor noise type was manipulated (white vs environmental sounds) as well as presence or absence of scanner background noise in a blocked design. Results showed consistent P300, MMN and RON due to environmental noise. In addition, using time constants found in MEG results (Lu, Williamson & Kaufman, 1992) and adding the CTOA to the analysis, an information theory framework was calculated. After the simulation of the information of the experiment, a saddle indentation in the curve of the information measure based on the states of the incoming signal at around 300 ms CTOA was found. This saddle indentation was evident in more than 60 novel trials. In the fourth study, the CTOA and stimulus properties were manipulated in a parametric experiment. Based on the three studies, reducing complexity if the task (first study), using more than 60 stimuli in the novel conditions (third study). The CTOA randomly varying between 250 ms or 500 ms. Thirty-eight ANCOVA with 2 categorical and 1 continuous regressors were conducted and determined which time and channels elicited reliably signatures (p <.05) in the whole participants at short CTOA. Results revealed differences for the waveforms of current condition by depending on which condition appeared previously as well in terms of frequency and duration in scalp frontal electrodes (such as the second study). These results were interpreted as a consequence of switching between modes of attention and alerting states which resulted in the activation of frontal areas. Moreover, contextual analyses showed that systematic manipulation of stimulus properties allowed the visualization of the relationships between CTOA, executive function and orienting of attention.
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Development- and noise-induced changes in central auditory processing at the ages of 2 and 4 yearsNiemitalo-Haapola, E. (Elina) 23 May 2017 (has links)
To be able to acquire, produce, and comprehend language, precise central auditory processing (CAP), neural processes utilized for managing auditory input, is essential. However, the auditory environments are not always optimal for CAP because noise levels in children’s daily environments can be surprisingly high. In young children, CAP and its developmental trajectory as well as the influence of noise on it have scarcely been investigated. Event-related potentials (ERPs) offer promising means to study different stages of CAP in small children. Sound processing, preattentive auditory discrimination, and attention shifting processes can be addressed with obligatory responses, mismatch negativity (MMN), and novelty P3 of ERPs, respectively.
In this thesis the developmental trajectory of CAP from 2 to 4 years of age as well as noise-induced changes on it, were investigated. In addition, the feasibility of the multi-feature paradigm with syllable stimuli and novel sounds in children was evaluated. To this end, obligatory responses (P1, N2, and N4) and MMNs for consonant, frequency, intensity, vowel, and vowel duration changes, as well as novelty P3 responses, were recorded in a silent condition and with babble noise using the multi-feature paradigm. The participants were voluntary, typically developing children.
Significant P1, N2, N4, and MMN responses were elicited at both ages. Also a significant novelty P3, studied at the age of 2 years, was found. From 2 to 4 years, the P1 and N2 latencies shortened. The amplitudes of N2, N4, and MMNs increased and the increment was the largest at frontal electrode locations. During noise, P1 decreased, N2 increased, and the latency of N4 diminished as well as MMNs degraded. The noise-induced changes were largely similar at both ages.
In conclusion, the multi-feature paradigm with five syllable deviant types and novel sounds was found to be an appropriate measure of CAP in toddlers. The changes in ERP morphology from 2 to 4 years of age suggest maturational changes in CAP. Noise degraded sound encoding, representation forming, and auditory discrimination. The children were similarly vulnerable to hampering effects of noise at both ages. Thus, noise might potentially harmfully influence language processing and thereby its acquisition in childhood. / Tiivistelmä
Kielen omaksumiselle, tuottamiselle sekä ymmärtämiselle on tärkeää tarkka keskushermostollinen kuulotiedon käsittely eli ne hermostolliset prosessit, joita käytetään kuullun aineksen käsittelyyn. Kuunteluympäristöt eivät kuitenkaan aina ole optimaalisia kuulotiedon käsittelylle, sillä melutasot lasten elinympäristöissä voivat olla hyvinkin korkeita. Pienten lasten kuulotiedon käsittelyä, sen kehittymistä ja melun vaikutusta siihen on tutkittu vähän. Kuuloherätevasteet ovat toimiva tapa tarkastella pienten lasten kuulotiedon käsittelyä eri näkökulmista. Äänen käsittelyä, esitietoista kuuloerottelua ja tarkkaavuuden siirtymistä voidaan tarkastella obligatoristen vasteiden, poikkeavuusnegatiivisuuden ja novelty P3 -vasteiden avulla.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan kuulotiedon käsittelyn kehittymistä kahden vuoden iästä neljän vuoden ikään sekä melun vaikutusta siihen. Lisäksi arvioidaan tavuärsykkeitä ja poikkeavia ääniä sisältävän monipiirreparadigman soveltuvuutta lapsitutkimuksiin. Tutkimuksissa rekisteröitiin monipiirreparadigman avulla obligatorisia vasteita (P1, N2 ja N4); konsonantin, taajuuden, intensiteetin, vokaalin ja vokaalin keston muutokselle syntyneitä MMN-vasteita sekä novelty P3 -vasteita hiljaisuudessa ja taustamelussa. Tutkimuksen osallistujat olivat vapaaehtoisia tyypillisesti kehittyviä lapsia.
Molemmilla tutkimuskerroilla P1, N2, N4 ja MMN poikkesivat merkitsevästi nollatasosta samoin kuin kaksivuotiailta tutkittu novelty P3. Kahden vuoden iästä neljään vuoteen P1- ja N2-vasteiden latenssi lyheni sekä N2, N4 ja MMN vahvistuivat, muutoksen ollessa suurinta frontaalisilla elektrodeilla. Melun aikana P1 heikkeni, N2 vahvistui ja N4-vasteen latenssi lyhentyi. Lisäksi MMN-vaste heikkeni. Melun aiheuttamat muutokset olivat samankaltaisia sekä kahden että neljän vuoden iässä.
Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta viittä eri tavuärsyketyyppiä ja yllättäviä ääniä sisältävän monipiirreparadigman olevan toimiva menetelmä taaperoiden kuulotiedon käsittelyn tutkimiseen. Kahden ja neljän ikävuoden välillä tapahtuvat muutokset vasteissa kuvastavat kehityksellisiä muutoksia kuulotiedon käsittelyssä. Melu heikentää äänitiedon peruskäsittelyä, edustumien muodostumista ja esitietoista kuuloerottelua. Lapset olivat lähes yhtä alttiita melun vaikutuksille sekä kahden että neljän vuoden iässä. Melu voi siis haitata kielen prosessointia ja sen omaksumista.
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Development of Pitch Perception Indexed By Infant Mismatch ResponsesHe, Chao 11 1900 (has links)
<p> Hearing provides a vital means for infants to discover their environment and communicate with their caregivers. Identifying and discriminating the pitch of sounds is critical for infants in order to acquire information from speech and music. Therefore, how infants process pitch is a fundamental question in research on auditory development. The focus of this dissertation is the use of auditory event related potentials (ERPs) derived from electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings to examine the maturation of pitch perception in early infancy. </p> <p> Pitch perception in adults has been extensively studied, but little is known about the development of pitch perception during early infancy. Infant mismatch responses (MMRs) are ERP components that are elicited by infrequent changes in auditory stimuli. MMR is a promising tool to study infant pitch perception because it can be elicited without attention or a behavioural response. However, previous studies on MMRs in infants have reported inconsistent results, some reporting frontally positive responses while others report frontally negative mismatch responses. In Chapter 2, we examined MMRs to simple pitch changes in infants between 2 and 4 months of age and found both types of infant MMRs are present, but the morphological distributions and developmental trajectories are different. In Chapter 3, we reported that both types of infant MMRs are affected similarly by the amplitude of pitch change but only the positive MMR becomes stronger when stimulus presentation rate increases, which suggests different neural mechanisms for the two types of infant MMRs. The studies reported in Chapter 4 found that only the negative MMR can be elicited readily by changes in pitch patterns, suggesting that it may be functionally similar to mismatch negativity (MMN) in adults. </p> <p> The experiments in Chapter 5 used MMR as the indication of whether infants automatically integrate the frequency components of a complex tone into a single pitch percept, even when the fundamental frequency component (corresponding to the pitch) is removed. Previous studies show that adult MMN is elicited by a pitch change in such tones missing the fundamental. Previous behavioural studies using a conditioned head tum method show that 7-month-olds also perceive pitch with tones missing the fundamental. The results of the present study indicate that infants as young as 4 months of age integrate components into a single pitch percept, but evidence for this in younger infants could not be found. </p> <p> In conclusion, the current dissertation established a promising procedure utilizing infant MMR to study infant pitch perception and contributed to the knowledge of early development of pitch perception by demonstrating dramatic changes in brain response to pitch in harmonic tones in infants between 2 and 4 months old, and to pitch in tones in infants missing the fundamental between 3 and 4 months old . </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Asimetrías en la percepción del habla: efectos de la notoriedad del estímulo en el procesamientoVera Constán, Fátima 15 July 2010 (has links)
En los estudios sobre la percepción de los sonidos del habla es fácil encontrar diversos ejemplos que muestran que algunas características de la señal resultan más notorias que otras. En general estas diferencias no han sido incorporadas en los modelos de reconocimiento de palabras. En este trabajo se muestran evidencias de los sesgos en la percepción de vocales en adultos utilizando la técnica de los potenciales evocados. Independientemente de la lengua materna de los participantes, el fonema /i/ resulta mejor discriminado (i.e. respecto a /e/). Además se estudia el papel que la notoriedad de los estímulos juega en la representación y el acceso léxico. El juicio léxico realizado sobre no-palabras se ve acelerado cuando estas contienen como vocal crítica la /i/ (vs. /e/). / In speech perception literature, it is easy to find examples of some characteristics in the signal hich are more salient than others. However, such differences have generally not been incorporated in word recognition models. In this dissertation, evidence of adult vowel perception biases is shown by means of the event-related potentials (ERP) technique. We show that, regardless of the participants' native language, the /i/ phoneme is recognised more easily (relative to the /e/ phoneme). In addition the role that salience plays in lexica representation and access is studied. We find that lexical judgement in non-words is speeded when these contain /i/ as a critical vowel (vs. /e/).
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