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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Papich, William J. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The U.S. Army Redstone Technical Test Center (RTTC) uses telemetry as a vital part of its data acquisition and analysis for electromagnetic environmental effects developmental testing of U.S. Army weapon systems. Testing in an electromagnetic environment poses several unique challenges. These challenges have resulted in the development of highly customized telemetry and data acquisition systems. This paper discusses the design and integration of past and current telemetry needs to incorporate real-time or near real-time simulations or scene generations into the testing process.


Bracht, Roger, Dimsdle, Jeff, Rich, Dave, Smith, Frank 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / High explosive radio telemetry (HERT) is a project that is being developed jointly by Los Alamos National Laboratory and AlliedSignal FM&T. The ultimate goal is to develop a small, modular telemetry system capable of high-speed detection of explosive events, with an accuracy on the order of 10 nanoseconds. The reliable telemetry of this data, from a high-speed missile trajectory, is a very challenging opportunity. All captured data must be transmitted in less than 20 microseconds of time duration. This requires a high bits/Hertz microwave telemetry modulation code to insure transmission of the data within the limited time interval available.

Key Schemes and Modulation Techniques in the Development Sections of First Movements in Sonata-Allegro Form of Piano Sonatas by Haydn

Phillips, Kathryn Elaine 08 1900 (has links)
Sections of Haydn's piano sonatas chosen for study have been analyzed to determine the composer's technique in modulation and the key schemes resulting from these modulations, and to discover the consistent patterns and exceptional patterns in these sonata movements as a group. As revealed in this analysis, Haydn is consistent in that the key scheme patterns of several development sections are identical. Also modulations, as categorized according to key relationships, are often accomplished by the same or similar procedures. However, there are important and interesting exceptions to these consistent practices which add variety and seem to contribute to Haydn's growth as a composer

Plasticité morphofonctionnelle du système de l’immunité innée cérébrale : modulation par l’inflammation et la nutrition / Morphofunctional plasticity of brain innate immune system : modulation by inflammation and nutrition

Madore, Charlotte 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le système de l’immunité innée cérébrale (SIIC) est principalement composé des cellules microgliales. En réponse à des stimuli immuns, inflammatoires ou un trauma neurologique, la microglie s’active et produit des facteurs pro et anti-inflammatoires qui d’une part coordonnent la réponse de l’immunité innée cérébrale et d’autre part modulent l’activité neuronale et, in fine, le comportement. Plus récemment, les cellules microgliales se sont révélées jouer un rôle clé dans le développement cérébral. Ainsi, par leurs activités de phagocytose, elles participent à la maturation des réseaux neuronaux. Si l’activation du SIIC permet de défendre le tissu cérébral des agressions, l’activation prolongée des cellules microgliales a aussi des effets délétères. Ainsi, dans le cerveau adulte, la production soutenue de cytokines inflammatoires contribue au développement de pathologies neurodégénératives. Au cours du développement les stimuli inflammatoires, en perturbant l’activité des cellules microgliales conduisent à une dysfonction de circuits neuronaux qui pourrait être impliquée dans des pathologies neuropsychiatriques à composante neurodéveloppementale. La compréhension de la régulation des cellules microgliales et de leur réponse est donc capitale. L’activité microgliale repose sur ses propriétés morphologique, dynamique et sa communication avec les neurones qui impliquent des profils de synthèse de facteurs (cytokines, chemokines, facteurs de croissance, etc..) et de récepteurs particuliers, la polarisation vers un phénotype pro ou anti-inflammatoire et la phagocytose. Peu d’études ont caractérisé l’ensemble des propriétés morphofonctionnelles des cellules microgliales in vivo. Par la combinaison d’approches de FACS, immunohistochimie, microscopie confocale et reconstruction en 3D, microscopie bi-photonique et dosage des facteurs de communication, il est aujourd’hui possible de mieux caractériser ces cellules afin de comprendre leur régulation par l’environnement et l’impact (bénéfique ou délétère) sur les fonctions neuronales. L’objectif général de cette thèse a été d’étudier les propriétés morphofonctionnelles des cellules microgliales in vivo dans deux situations physiopathologiques, une inflammation induite par l’administration périphérique de lipopolysaccharide (LPS) et une déficience alimentaire en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) de type n-3, connus pour leurs propriétés immunomodulatrices. La première étude nous a permis de développer des outils nécessaires à l’étude de la plasticité morphofonctionnelle de la microglie et d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de compréhension de l’impact d’une inflammation périphérique sur l’activité de ces cellules in vivo. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons montré pour la première fois que le statut alimentaire maternel en AGPI n-3 influence les propriétés morphofonctionnelles des cellules microgliales au cours du développement post-natal ainsi que l’activité des réseaux neuronaux. De façon générale, nos résultats apportent des éléments de compréhension des relations entre plasticité morphologique et fonctionnelle des cellules microgliales in vivo. / The brain innate immune system is mainly composed of microglial cells. Microglia are activated in response to an immune or inflammatory stimuli or a trauma, and then produce pro- and anti-inflammatory factors. These factors drive the innate immune response and can modulate neuronal activity and in fine, learning and memory. Recently, microglia have been shown to play a key role during brain development. Via their phagocytic activity, microglial cells can participate to neuronal networks maturation. Although brain innate immune system defends brain tissue from aggression, chronic activation of microglia can also be deleterious. In the adult brain, chronic production of inflammatory cytokines can contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. During development, inflammatory stimuli modifying microglia activity and homeostasis could lead to neuropsychiatric diseases with a neurodevelopmental origin. Understanding how microglia are regulated and how they respond to various stimuli is therefore crucial.Microglia activity is characterized by morphological and dynamic properties of microglia,by its communication with neurons by its polarization into a specific phenotype, and by their phagocytic profile. Few studies have characterized all the morphofunctional properties of microglial cells in vivo. Using a combination of approaches including FACS, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, 3D reconstruction, two-photon microscopy and communication factors assays, it is now possible to better characterize these cells in order to understand their regulation by the environment and the resulting impact (beneficial or deleterious) on neuronal functions. The main goal of this thesis was to study the morphofunctional properties of microglial cells in vivo in two pathophysiological states: a peripheral inflammation induced by a peripheral injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and in an n-3 PUFAs nutritional state. In the first study, we developed tools to investigate microglial morphofunctional plasticity and gained a better understanding of the impact of peripheral inflammation on the activity of these cells in vivo. In the second part of this thesis, we showed for the first time that maternal nutritional status in n-3 PUFAs affect the morphofunctional properties of microglial cells and the establishment of neural circuits during the postnatal development of the pups. Overall, our results provide new insights in the relationship between morphological and functional plasticity of microglial cells in vivo.

Étude d'une structure d'inducteur supraconducteur à modulation de champ magnétique / Study of a superconducting inductor structure with magnetic field modulation

Malé, Gaël 02 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le domaine du génie électrique et plus particulièrement dans celui des moteurs électriques, un des principaux challenges à relever pour les années qui viennent est l'augmentation de la puissance et du couple massique. Un moteur synchrone fonctionne sur le principe de l'interaction de deux champs magnétiques. Un inducteur alimenté en courant continu crée un champ magnétique variable dans l'espace. L'induit produit quant à lui un champ tournant par l'intermédiaire d'un bobinage, principalement, triphasé. Le couple électromagnétique généré est fonction du produit du champ tangentiel (Ht) par le champ radial (Bn). On a alors la possibilité d'augmenter le couple d'une machine, soit en agissant sur Ht (produit par l'induit) ou en agissant sur Bn (produit par l'inducteur). L'inducteur est composé de deux solénoïdes supraconducteurs alimentés par des courants opposés qui créent une induction magnétique importante. La présence de plaques supraconductrices qui, par leur propriété d'écrantage du champ magnétique, module et canalise ces lignes de champ. C'est cette variation spatiale de l'induction qui permet de générer un couple mécanique. La structure de cet inducteur supraconducteur est susceptible En effet, Dans un moteur conventionnel, l'amplitude de l'induction dans l'entrefer est autour de 2 Teslas (de -1 Tesla à +1 Tesla). Les matériaux supraconducteurs permettent d'atteindre des niveaux d'induction magnétique que nous ne pourrions envisager avec les matériaux classiques. Cette structure offre la possibilité d'accroître cette valeur et par conséquent, de présenter un saut technologique en augmentant le couple dans les mêmes proportions. Le domaine d'application relève des moteurs embarqués d'une puissance comprise entre plusieurs MW et plusieurs dizaine de MW. Cependant, un des verrous technologiques restant est la possibilité de réaliser des écrans supraconducteurs de grande taille pour un inducteur de moteur de forte puissance (par exemple quelques dizaines de MW) / In the electrical engineering, especially in electric motors, one of the main challenges in the coming years is the increased of mass power and mass torque. A synchronous motor operates by the interaction of two magnetic fields. An inductor supplied with direct current creates a variable magnetic field in space. The armature produces a rotating field by a three-phase winding. The electromagnetic torque generated depends from the product of tangential field (Ht) by the radial field (Bn). The torque can be increased by acting on Ht (produced by the armature) or by acting on Bn (produced by the inductor). The inductor consists of two superconducting solenoids fed by opposed currents which create a huge magnetic induction. By using superconducting bulks which present magnetic screening property, we modulate this field. So, this spatial variation of induction generates a mechanical torque. Indeed, in a conventional engine, the amplitude of induction in the gap is around 2 Tesla (Tesla from -1 to 1 Tesla). Superconducting materials can exceed these levels of magnetic induction. This structure offers the possibility to increase this value and therefore to increase the torque in the same proportions and to present a technological leap. The application area is embedded engines for power between several MW and more. However, a technological limit is the possibility of making large superconducting screens for an inductor of large motors (eg a few tens of MW)

Etude d'une nouvelle forme d'onde multiporteuses à PAPR réduit. / Study of a new multicarrier waveform with low PAPR

Chafii, Marwa 07 October 2016 (has links)
L’OFDM est une technique de modulation multiporteuses largement utilisée dans des applications de communications filaires et sans-fils comme le DVB-T/T2, le Wifi, et la 4G, grâce à sa robustesse contre les canaux sélectifs en fréquence en comparaison avec la modulation monoporteuse. Cependant, le signal OFDM souffre de grandes variations d’amplitude. Les fluctuations de l’enveloppe du signal OFDM génèrent des distorsions non-linéaires quand on introduit le signal dans un équipement non-linéaire comme l’amplificateur de puissance. Réduire les variations du signal améliore le rendement de l’amplificateur, réduit la consommation énergétique et diminue les émissions de CO2 des transmissions numériques.Le PAPR (rapport de la puissance crête sur la puissance moyenne) est une variable aléatoire qui a été introduite pour mesurer les variations du signal. Il existe plusieurs systèmes multiporteuses basés sur différentes bases de modulation et filtres de mise en forme. Nous prouvons d’abord dans ces travaux que le PAPR dépend de cette structure de modulation. Ensuite, nous étudions le comportement du PAPR vis-à-vis des formes d’ondes utilisées dans la modulation. Le problème de réduction du PAPR est ainsi formulé en un problème d’optimisation. Par ailleurs, une condition nécessaire pour construire des formes d’ondes avec un meilleur PAPR que l’OFDM est développée. Cette condition est notamment satisfaite par des bases en ondelettes. Enfin, une nouvelle forme d’onde en paquets d’ondelettes adaptative est proposée, permettant des gains significatifs en PAPR, tout en maintenant les avantages des modulations multiporteuses. / OFDM is a multicarrier modulation system widely used in wireline and wireless applications such as DVB-T/T2, Wifi, and 4G, due to its resilience against frequency selective channels compared with the single carrier modulation systems. However, the OFDM signal suffers from large amplitude variations. The fluctuations of the OFDM envelope generate non-linear distortions when we introduce the signal into a non-linear device like the power amplifier. Reducing the variations of the signal improves the power amplifier efficiency, reduces the energy consumption and decreases CO2 emissions.The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) has been introduced as a random variable that measures the power variations of the signal. There exist several multicarrier modulation systems based on different modulation basis and shaping filters. We first prove in this work that the PAPR depends on this modulation structure. Moreover, the behaviour of the PAPR regarding to the modulation waveforms is analysed and the PAPR reduction problem is formulated as an optimization problem. Furthermore, a necessary condition for designing waveforms with better PAPR than OFDM is developed. This necessary condition is particularly satisfied by wavelet basis. Finally, a new adaptive wavelet packet waveform is proposed, allowing significant gain in terms of PAPR, while keeping the advantages of multicarrier modulations.

Trellis-coded quantization with unequal distortion.

January 2001 (has links)
Kwong Cheuk Fai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-74). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii / Table of Contents --- p.iv / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Quantization --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Trellis-Coded Quantization --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- Thesis Organization --- p.4 / Chapter 2 --- Trellis-Coded Modulation --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1 --- Convolutional Codes --- p.7 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Generator Polynomials and Generator Matrix --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Circuit Diagram --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- State Transition Diagram --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Trellis Diagram --- p.12 / Chapter 2.2 --- Trellis-Coded Modulation --- p.13 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Uncoded Transmission verses TCM --- p.14 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Trellis Representation --- p.17 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Ungerboeck Codes --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Set Partitioning --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Decoding for TCM --- p.22 / Chapter 3 --- Trellis-Coded Quantization --- p.26 / Chapter 3.1 --- Scalar Trellis-Coded Quantization --- p.26 / Chapter 3.2 --- Trellis-Coded Vector Quantization --- p.31 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Set Partitioning in TCVQ --- p.33 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Codebook Optimization --- p.34 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Numerical Data and Discussions --- p.35 / Chapter 4 --- Trellis-Coded Quantization with Unequal Distortion --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1 --- Design Procedures --- p.40 / Chapter 4.2 --- Fine and Coarse Codebooks --- p.41 / Chapter 4.3 --- Set Partitioning --- p.44 / Chapter 4.4 --- Codebook Optimization --- p.45 / Chapter 4.5 --- Decoding for Unequal Distortion TCVQ --- p.46 / Chapter 5 --- Unequal Distortion TCVQ on Memoryless Gaussian Source --- p.47 / Chapter 5.1 --- Memoryless Gaussian Source --- p.49 / Chapter 5.2 --- Set Partitioning of Codewords of Memoryless Gaussian Source --- p.49 / Chapter 5.3 --- Numerical Results and Discussions --- p.51 / Chapter 6 --- Unequal Distortion TCVQ on Markov Gaussian Source --- p.57 / Chapter 6.1 --- Markov Gaussian Source --- p.57 / Chapter 6.2 --- Set Partitioning of Codewords of Markov Gaussian Source --- p.58 / Chapter 6.3 --- Numerical Results and Discussions --- p.59 / Chapter 7 --- Conclusions --- p.70 / Bibliography --- p.72

Phase modulating interferometry with stroboscopic illumination for characterization of MEMS

Rodgers, Matthew T. 22 January 2007 (has links)
This Thesis proposes phase modulating interferometry as an alternative to phase stepping and phase-shifting interferometry for use in the shape and displacement characterization of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [Creath, 1988; de Groot, 1995a; Furlong and Pryputniewicz, 2003]. A phase modulating interferometer is developed theoretically with the use of a stroboscopic illumination source and implemented on a Linnik configured interferometer using a software control package developed in the LabVIEWâ„¢ programming environment. Optimization of the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal modulation source is accomplished through the investigation and minimization of errors created by additive noise effects on the recovered optical phase. A spatial resolution of 2.762 µm over a 2.97x2.37 mm field of view has been demonstrated with 4x magnification objectives within the developed interferometer. The measurement resolution lays within the design tolerance of a 500Ã… ±2.5% thick NIST traceable gold film and within 0.2 nm of data acquired under low modulation frequency phase stepping interferometry on the same physical system. The environmental stability of the phase modulating interferometer is contrasted to the phase stepping interferometer, exhibiting a mean wrapped phase drift of 40.1 mrad versus 91 mrad under similar modulation frequencies. Shape and displacement characterization of failed µHexFlex devices from MIT's Precision Compliant Systems Laboratory is presented under phase modulating and phase stepping interferometry. Shape characterization indicates a central stage displacement of up to 7.6 µm. With a linear displacement rate of 0.75 Ã…/mV under time variant load conditions as compared to a nominal rate of 1.0 Ã…/mV in an undamaged structure [Chen and Culpepper, 2006].

A numerical procedure for computing errors in the measurement of pulse time-of-arrival and pulse-width

Haden, Lonnie A. January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

A modulação doas condutas das pessoas com deficiência no direito à escola comum brasileira

Kraemer, Graciele Marjana January 2017 (has links)
Wie etablieren sich Geräte für die Modulation der Verhaltensweisen von Menschen mit Behinderungen im historischen Prozess der Verfassung deren Recht auf die Besuch regelmäßiger Schule? Und was sind die zeitgenössischen Auswirkungen dieser Modulation der Verhaltensweisen von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Bildungskontext? Diesen Fragen geht die vorliegende Doktorarbeit nach, indem sie ihre Studie auf Basis einer poststrukturalistischen Perspektive stützt und den Begriff des Gouvernementalität und Modulation als analytisches Werkzeug anwendet. Das Analysekorpus besteht aus amtlichen Dokumenten, wie z. B. Kampagnen, Gesetzen, Verordnungen, Beschlüssen und Politiken, die den Menschen mit Behinderungen das Recht auf die Besuch regelmäßiger Schule gewährleisten. Nach der Analyse der obenerwähnten Texten gliedert sich diese Arbeit in drei Teile. Erstens betrachte ich die diskursive Ordnung, die in Dokumenten vorhanden ist, die sich mit Bildungsaspekten für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Brasilien in der ersten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts befassen, und hebe ich die zentrale Relevanz der klinischen und therapeutischen Diskurse in pädagogischen Praktiken und Wissen hervor. In Bezug auf die Institutionalisierung von abnormalen Körpern werden Investitionen wirksam, indem sie die Korrekturverfahren der Anomalie fördern und der Errichtung eines geregelten Körpers nachgehen. Zweitens wurden angesichts der Bildungspolitik für Menschen mit Behinderungen wichtige Maßnahmen zur Integration und Entwicklung dieser Subjekten im Bildungsraum, in Klassen oder in Sonderschulen umgesetzt, und zwar in einem historischen Hintergrund, in dem die politischen Rechten suspendiert und die bürgerlichen sowie sozialen Rechte vom Staat kontrolliert wurden Diese Maßnahmen zur Integration von Menschen mit Behinderungen basierten sich auf normalisierende Praktiken, die darauf zielten, vorher ausgeschlossene Subjekte in das soziale Zusammenleben zu bringen. Drittens stelle ich die Verbreitung von Maßnahmen für das Recht von Menschen mit Behinderungen auf die Besuch regelmäßiger Schule infrage. Dazu stelle ich fest, dass die Modulation der Verhaltensweisen in der gegenwärtigen Raum-Zeit-Konfiguration in Richtung der Entwicklung von Subjekten geht, die entlang deren Bildungsprozess auf die Entwicklung individueller Kompetenzen irgendwie investieren können. In der Kontrollegesellschaft werden Ebene-Variationen betrieben, denn wenn alle in den Maschen statistisch eingefügt werden, wird deren Teilnahme an verschiedenen Stellen und Referenzen in Steigungen operationalisiert. Der Analyse zufolge wird hier die These verteidigt, dass sich die Schulinklusion während der historischen Bewegung der Bildungspolitik für das Recht auf die Besuch regelmäßiger Schule für Menschen mit Behinderungen als Gerät für die Regelung der Modulation der Verhaltensweisen gilt. Die Modulation von Verhaltensweisen von Menschen mit Behinderungen zielt darauf ab, partizipative Themen, Flexibel und autonome Lernende durch eine neoliberale Gouvernementalität anzutreiben. / Como, no processo histórico de constituição do direito à escola comum para as pessoas com deficiência, instituem-se tecnologias de modulação de suas condutas? E quais as implicações contemporâneas dessa modulação da conduta das pessoas com deficiência no contexto educacional? É a partir dessas perguntas que desenvolvo a presente Tese, fundamentando o estudo em uma perspectiva pós-estruturalista e utilizando as noções de governamento e de modulação como ferramentas analíticas. Para o corpus de análise, foram selecionados documentos oficiais, como campanhas, leis, decretos, resoluções e política que instituem o direito à escola comum para as pessoas com deficiência. A partir da incursão analítica nos materiais selecionados, o trabalho foi organizado em três partes. Na primeira, analiso a ordem discursiva presente nos documentos que tratam de questões educacionais relativas às pessoas com deficiência no Brasil da primeira metade do século XX e mostro a centralidade dos discursos clínicos e terapêuticos nas práticas e saberes educacionais. Na arena da institucionalização do corpo anormal, os investimentos efetivam-se em processos de correção da anormalidade para a constituição de um corpo regulado. Na segunda parte, frente a um cenário marcado pela suspensão dos direitos políticos, enquanto que os direitos civis e sociais permaneceram sob a tutela do Estado, no que se refere às políticas educacionais para as pessoas com deficiência, são desenvolvidas ações importantes para a integração e o desenvolvimento desses sujeitos nos espaços educacionais, em classes ou escolas especiais. Essas ações voltadas para a integração das pessoas com deficiência estavam pautadas em práticas normalizadoras que objetivavam capacitar os excluídos para o convívio social. Na terceira parte, ao problematizar a difusão de ações em prol do direito das pessoas com deficiência à escola comum, verifico que, na configuração espaço-temporal do presente, a modulação das condutas tem se direcionado para a constituição de sujeitos que ao longo de seu processo de formação possam, de algum modo, investir no desenvolvimento das competências individuais. Na sociedade de controle, são operadas variações de níveis, pois, se todos se encontram inseridos nas malhas da linguagem numérica – em dados estatísticos –, sua participação é operacionalizada a partir de diferentes pontos e referências, em gradientes. Nessa lógica, mediante a análise desenvolvida, é aqui defendida a tese de que, no movimento histórico das políticas educacionais em prol do direito à escola comum para as pessoas com deficiência, a inclusão escolar se constitui como dispositivo do governo da vida pela modulação das condutas. A modulação das condutas das pessoas com deficiência, a partir de uma governamentalidade neoliberal, tem por objetivo constituir sujeitos participativos, autônomos, flexíveis e aprendizes. / Along the historical process of constitution of the impaired people’s right to attend regular school, how have devices for modulating their conducts been instituted? And what are the contemporary implications of this modulation of impaired people’s conducts in the educational context? These are the questions that triggered this Thesis. The study has been grounded on a post-structuralist perspective, and the notions of governmentality and modulation has been used as an analytical tool. The corpus has included official documents, such as campaigns, acts, decrees, resolutions and a policy that have instituted the right of impaired people to attend regular school. From the analysis of the selected materials, the study has been organized in three parts. In the first part, I have analyzed the discursive order found in the documents addressing educational issues related to impaired people in Brazil along the first half of the 20th century. Furthermore, I have shown the centrality of clinical and therapeutical discourses in educational practices and knowledges. In the arena of institutionalization of the abnormal body, investments were made in processes of correction of abnormality in order to shape a regulated body. In the second part, regarding educational policies directed to impaired people and considering a scenario marked by political rights, while civil and social rights remained under the tutelage of the State, important actions were taken to integrate and develop those subjects in educational settings, in special classes or schools. These actions for integration of impaired people were based on normalizing practices that aimed to enable the excluded for social life. In the third part, by problematizing the spread of actions favoring the right of impaired people to regular school, I have perceived that, in the temporal-spatial configuration of the present, the modulation of conducts has been directed to the constitution of subjects who somehow are able to invest in the development of individual competences along their educational process. In the society of control, there are level variations, i.e. if everybody is included in the network of numerical language – statistical data – their participation occurs from different points and references, in grades. In this logic, the analysis has enabled me to defend the thesis that, in the historical movement of educational policies for the right of impaired people to attend regular school, school inclusion is a device for governing life through the modulation of conducts. Under a neoliberal governmentality, the modulation of impaired people’s conducts aims to constitute participating, autonomous, flexible and learning subjects.

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