Spelling suggestions: "subject:"7molecular dynamics simulations "" "subject:"bimolecular dynamics simulations ""
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Structure et Dynamique de Composés Conducteurs de la Poly(aniline)Sniechowski, Maciej 17 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente une étude complète de la structure et de la dynamique moléculaire dans une famille de composés conducteurs de la polyaniline plastdopée. Différentes techniques expérimentales ont été combinées dans cette étude comme la diffraction aux grands angles et la diffusion aux petits angles des rayons X (WAXS et SAXS), la diffusion incohérente quasi-élastique des neutrons et les simulations numériques de dynamique moléculaire basées sur les méthodes à champ de force.<br />Cette combinaison a permis de proposer un modèle de structure stable de type lamellaire pour ces composés présentant des fluctuations statistiques de densité électronique le long de l'axe d'empilement des couches moléculaires. De plus, il a été possible d'analyser en détails l'anisotropie structurale et l'évolution structurale des films sous étirement à la lumière de ce modèle.<br />Enfin, une seconde moitié de la thèse est consacrée à l'analyse des données de dynamique obtenues avec les mesures de diffusion quasi-élastique des neutrons. Il a été possible de montrer que l'essentiel de la dynamique dans la fenêtre de temps 10-13-10-9 s provient du mouvement des protons portés par les queues flexibles des dopants. Cette dynamique est très distribuée en temps et aussi dans l'espace tant le long de chaque plast-dopant que parmi les plast-dopants entre eux. Les résultats de simulation numérique sont en accord remarquable avec ces mesures expérimentales. Les trajectoires des atomes calculées dans ces simulations ont permis de recalculer toutes les fonctions de diffusion mesurées par ailleurs expérimentalement. Les simulations ont non seulement confirmé les hypothèses sur lesqueslles avait été bâti un modèle analytique pour la dynamique mais de plus ont révélé des précisions sur la façon dont la dynamique est distribuée entre les contre-ions.
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Solvation properties of proteins in membranesJohansson, Anna CV January 2009 (has links)
Knowledge about the insertion and stabilization of membrane proteins is a key step towards understanding their function and enabling membrane protein design. Transmembrane helices are normally quite hydrophobic to insert efficiently, but there are many exceptions with unfavorable polar or titratable residues. Since evolutionary conserved these amino acids are likely of paramount functional importance, e.g. the four arginines in the S4 voltage sensor helix of voltage-gated ion channels. This has lead to vivid discussion about their conformation, protonation state and cost of insertion. To address such questions, the main focus of this thesis has been membrane protein solvation in lipid bilayers, evaluated using molecular dynamics simulations methods. A main result is that polar and charged amino acids tend to deform the bilayer by pulling water/head-groups into the hydrophobic core to keep their hydrogen bonds paired, thus demonstrating the adaptiveness of the membrane to allow specific and quite complex solvation. In addition, this retained hydration suggests that the solvation cost is mainly due to entropy, not enthalpy loss. To further quantify solvation properties, free energy profiles were calculated for all amino acids in pure bilayers, with shapes correlating well with experimental in vivo values but with higher magnitudes. Additional profiles were calculated for different protonation states of the titratable amino acids, varying lipid composition and with transmembrane helices present in the bilayer. While the two first both influence solvation properties, the latter seems to be a critical aspect. When the protein fraction in the models resemble biological membranes, the solvation cost drops significantly - even to values compatible with experiment. In conclusion, by using simulation based methods I have been able to provide atomic scale explanations to experimental results, and in particular present a hypothesis for how the solvation of charged groups occurs.
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Computationally Probing the Cybotactic Region in Gas-Expanded LiquidsShukla, Charu L. 03 January 2007 (has links)
Gas-expanded liquids (GXLs) are novel and environmentally benign solvent systems with applications in reactions, separations, nanotechnology, drug delivery, and microelectronics. GXLs are liquid mixtures consisting of an organic solvent combined with a benign gas, such as CO2, in the nearcritical regime. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations have been combined with experimental techniques to elucidate the cybotactic region or local environment in gas-expanded liquids. Molecular dynamics simulations show clustering of methanol molecules in carbon dioxide-methanol mixtures. This clustering was not observed in carbon dioxide-acetone mixtures. Furthermore, addition of carbon dioxide enhances diffusivity of solutes in gas-expanded media as shown by both simulations and Taylor-Aris dispersion experiments. Finally, local structure and local compositions around pyrene in carbon dioxide-methanol and carbon-dioxide acetone were investigated using simulations and UV-vis spectroscopy.
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Interactions Of Lithium-carbon Nanosystems: Molecular Dynamics Simulations And Density Functional Theory CalculationsPekoz, Rengin 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Single walled carbon nanotubes have been attracting interest for their electronic, magnetic, chemical and mechanical properties. Moreover, since they are ideal nano-containers, the adsorption and absorption properties provide them to be used as Li/Li+ ion batteries. The capacity, rate capability and cycle life of the batteries are the important points which must be improved to have better results. In this thesis Li/Li+ ion doped carbon nano structures are investigated theoretically in order to contribute to the lithium battery technology. The present studied carbon nano structures are the fullerenes, single-walled carbon nanotubes, pristine and defected (Stone-Wales and mono-vacancy defected) carbon nanocapsules. The Li/Li+ interactions with these nano structures have been investigated using semi-empirical molecular orbital method at PM3 level, density functional theory method with B3LYP exchange-correlation functional using 3-21G or 6-31G basis sets. Furthermore, the systems have been investigated by molecular dynamics simulations in which Tersoff potential and an empirical many-body potential have been used to define the various interactions. In this thesis the optimized geometries, thermodynamical quantities, interfrontier molecular orbital eigenvalues and dipole moments of the studied systems have been reported.
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Protein Crystallization: Soft Matter and Chemical Physics PerspectivesFusco, Diana January 2014 (has links)
<p>X-ray and neutron crystallography are the predominant methods for obtaining atomic-scale information on bimolecular macromolecules. Despite the success of these techniques, generating well diffracting crystals critically limits going from protein to structure. In practice, the crystallization process proceeds through knowledge-informed empiricism. Better physico-chemical understanding remains elusive because of the large number of variables involved, hence little guidance is available to systematically identify solution conditions that promote crystallization. </p><p>The fields of structural biology and soft matter have independently sought out fundamental principles to rationalize protein crystallization. Yet the conceptual differences and limited overlap between the two disciplines may have prevented a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon to emerge. Part of this dissertation focuses on computational studies of rubredoxin and human uniquitin that bridge the two fields.</p><p>Using atomistic simulations, the protein crystal contacts are characterized, and patchy particle models are accordingly parameterized. Comparing the phase diagrams of these schematic models with experimental results enables the critical review of the assumptions behind the two approaches, and reveals insights about protein-protein interactions that can be leveraged to crystallize proteins more generally. In addition, exploration of the model parameter space provides a rationale for several experimental observations, such as the success and occasional failure of George and Wilson's proposal for protein crystallization conditions and the competition between different crystal forms.</p><p>These simple physical models enlighten the connection between protein phase behavior and protein-protein interactions, which are, however, remarkably sensitive to the protein chemical environment. To help determine relationships between the physico-chemical protein properties and crystallization propensity, statistical models are trained on samples for 182 proteins supplied by the Northeast Structural Genomics consortium. Gaussian processes, which capture trends beyond the reach of linear statistical models, distinguish between two main physico-chemical mechanisms driving crystallization. One is characterized by low levels of side chain entropy and has been extensively reported in the literature. The other identifies specific electrostatic interactions not previously described in the crystallization context. Because evidence for two distinct mechanisms can be gleaned both from crystal contacts and from solution conditions leading to successful crystallization, the model offers future avenues for optimizing crystallization screens based on partial structural information. The availability of crystallization data coupled with structural outcomes analyzed through state-of-the-art statistical models may thus guide macromolecular crystallization toward a more rational basis.</p><p>To conclude, the behavior of water in protein crystals is specifically examined. Water is not only essential for the correct functioning and folding of proteins, but it is also a key player in protein crystal assembly. Although water occupies up to 80% of the volume fraction of a protein crystal, its structure has so far received little attention and it is often overly simplified in the structural refinement process. Merging information derived from molecular dynamics simulations and original structural information provides a way to better understand the behavior of water in crystals and to develop a method that enriches standard structural refinement.</p> / Dissertation
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Investigation of Laser-Induced-Liquid-Beam-Ion-Desorption (LILBID) with Molecular Dynamics SimulationsWiederschein, Frank 13 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Structure, Flexibility, And Overall Motion Of Transmembrane Peptides Studied By NMR Spectroscopy And Molecular Dynamics SimulationsReddy, Tyler 14 July 2011 (has links)
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine the structure
of transmembrane (TM) segment IX of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1)
in dodecylphosphocholine micelles. Studying isolated TM segments in this fashion
constitutes a well-established "divide and conquer" approach to the study of membrane
proteins, which are often extremely difficult to produce, purify, and reconstitute
in full-length polytopic form. A similar approach was combined with NMR spin relaxation
experiments to determine the peptide backbone
flexibility of NHE1 TM VII.
The combined NMR structural and dynamics studies are consistent with an important
role for TM segment
flexibility in the function of NHE1, a protein involved in
apoptosis and myocardial disease. The study of the rhomboid protease system is also
described from two perspectives: 1) I attempted to produce several TM constructs
of the substrate spitz or a related construct and the production and purification are
described in detail; and 2) I present coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation
results for the E. coli rhomboid ecGlpG and a spitz TM construct. Spitz appears to
preferentially associate with rhomboid near TMs 1 and 3 rather than the proposed
substrate gate at TM 5. The two proteins primarily interact at the termini of helices
rather than within the hydrocarbon core of the bilayer. Finally, I present a detailed
analysis of coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of the fibroblast growth
factor receptor 3 TM domain dimerization. Specifically, algorithms are described for
analyzing critical features of wild-type and G380R mutant constructs. The G380R
mutation is the cause of achondroplasia, the most common form of human dwarfism.
The results suggest that the proximity of a residue to the dimer interface may impact
the severity of the mutant phenotype. Strikingly, heterodimer and mutant homodimer
constructs exhibit a secondary dimer interface which may explain the increased
signaling activity previously reported for the G380R mutation--the helices may rotate
with the introduction of G380R. The unifying theme of this work is the 'study
of membrane proteins' using complementary techniques from structural biology and
computational biochemistry.
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Simulated Associating Polymer NetworksBillen, Joris 01 January 2012 (has links)
Telechelic associating polymer networks consist of polymer chains terminated by endgroups that have a different chemical composition than the polymer backbone. When dissolved in a solution, the endgroups cluster together to form aggregates. At low temperature, a strongly connected reversible network is formed and the system behaves like a gel. Telechelic networks are of interest since they are representative for biopolymer networks (e.g. F-actin) and are widely used in medical applications (e.g. hydrogels for tissue engineering, wound dressings) and consumer products (e.g. contact lenses, paint thickeners).
In this thesis such systems are studied by means of a molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo simulation. At first, the system in rest is studied by means of graph theory. The changes in network topology upon cooling to the gel state, are characterized. Hereto an extensive study of the eigenvalue spectrum of the gel network is performed. As a result, an in-depth investigation of the eigenvalue spectra for spatial ER, scale-free, and small-world networks is carried out. Next, the gel under the application of a constant shear is studied, with a focus on shear banding and the changes in topology under shear. Finally, the relation between the gel transition and percolation is discussed.
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Conformational Changes in Ligand Binding ProcessesVoß, Béla 30 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Mudanças estruturais na proteína príon celular induzidas por alteração de pHThompson, Helen Nathalia January 2012 (has links)
Os príons são proteínas que causam um grupo de doenças neurodegenerativas invariavelmente fatais, sendo uma das mais conhecidas a encefalopatia espongiforme bovina (ou doença da vaca louca). A proteína príon celular (PrPc), rica em estrutura α-helicoidal, sofre uma mudança na sua estrutura secundária produzindo a proteína patológica (PrPSc; o príon) na qual prevalecem folhas-β. Devido a falta de dados de estruturais de alta resolução dos príons, simulações de DM podem ser particularmente úteis para estudar o redobramento de PrP. Estudos experimentais e computacionais, descritos na literatura, indicam que a utilização de pH ácido é capaz de criar alguma instabilidade estrutural, produzindo um ganho de estrutura-β na região N-terminal antes desestruturada. Este trabalho se propõe a investigar computacionalmente as mudanças estruturais na proteína príon celular do hamster Sírio induzidas por alteração de pH. Para isso, foi avaliada a influência do uso de diferentes campos de força (GROMOS, AMBER e OPLS), diferentes estados de protonação dos resíduos de histidina, diferentes condições iniciais e diferentes métodos de cálculo de interações eletrostáticas de longo alcance (GRF e SPME). A partir da evolução temporal das estruturas secundárias, foi observada uma forte dependência dos resultados com o uso de diferentes parâmetros de simulação. De fato, a tendência de pH descrita na literatura não foi claramente observada neste trabalho. Isso pode estar associado com a necessidade de se investir mais em múltiplas simulações de dinâmica molecular para quantificar com maior precisão o comportamento estrutural dos fragmentos protéicos em cada pH de estudo. / Prions are proteins that cause a group of invariably fatal neurodegenerative diseases, one of the most known being bovine spongiform encephalopathy (or mad cow disease). The cellular prion protein (PrPc), rich in α-helical structure, undergoes a change in its secondary structure producing the pathological protein (PrPSc, the prion) in which β-sheet structure prevails. Because of the lack of high-resolution prion structural data, MD simulations can be particularly useful to study PrP misfolding. Experimental and computational studies, described in literature, indicate that the use of low pH is capable to create some structural instability, producing a gain of β-structure content in the otherwise unstructured N-terminal region. This work aims to investigate computationally structural changes in the cellular prion protein of Syrian hamster induced by pH change. For this, we evaluated the influence of different force fields (GROMOS, AMBER and OPLS), different protonation states of histidine residues, different initial conditions and different methods for calculating long-range electrostatic interactions (GRF and SPME). From the time evolution of the secondary structures, we observed a strong dependence on the simulation parameters. In fact, the pH tendency described in literature was not clearly observed in this work. It may be associated with the need to invest more in multiple molecular dynamics simulations to quantify more accurately the structural behavior of the protein fragments in each pH study.
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