Spelling suggestions: "subject:"momentum flux"" "subject:"momentum lux""
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3D hydrodynamic analysis of first and second order forces on free floating structures with forward speedLau, S. M. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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En ny metod för att beräkna impuls- och värmeflöden vid stabila förhållandenBelking, Anna January 2004 (has links)
De Bruin och Hartogensis har föreslagit en ny metod för att beräkna impulsflödet och det sensibla värmeflödet vid stabila förhållanden. Metoden bygger på att de normaliserade standardavvikelserna är approximativt konstanta för den horisontella vinden och temperaturen. Beräkningarna görs endast utifrån medelvinden och temperaturen och dess standardavvikelser. Den här metoden testas i den här studien med datamaterial från Labans kvarnar på Gotland i Östersjön och Östergarnsholm som ligger 4 km utanför Gotland. Labans kvarnar representerar flöden över land och Östergarnsholm flöden över hav. Konstanterna som De Bruin och Hartogensis använde är följande: Cu=2.5 och CT=2.3, vilket gav en mycket liten spridning i deras beräkningar av flöden. Datamaterialet de använde sig av var från Kansas, USA, över en plan grässlätt. Olika statistiska mått har här testats för att erhålla värden på konstanterna. Medel-, median- och typvärde för de normaliserade standardavvikelserna för respektive kvantitet har beräknats. För landförhållanden i den här studien fås lite högre värden på konstanterna, Cu=2.6 och CT=2.6, än vad De Bruin och Hartogensis erhöll. Vid beräkningar av flöden över hav delas vindriktningen upp i två intervall. Vindriktningen som ligger mellan 220o - 300o representerar vindar som blåser ifrån Gotland och vindriktningar som ligger mellan 80o - 220o representerar vindar från öppet hav. För öppna havsförhållanden fås konstanter som har ett lägre värde vid beräkning av impulsflödet, Cu=2.2 , än de värde som De Bruin och Hartogensis fick. För vindar som blåser ifrån Gotland erhålls konstanten till:Cu=3.0. Konstanter för beräkning av värmeflödet är svårare att bestämma och ger inte alls lika bra resultat över hav som för impulsflödet. Bestämningar av värmeflöde är mycket mer komplicerade än för impulsflöde. Delvis på grund av att det behövs två konstanter, men det beror också på att temperaturstrukturen i det marina gränsskiktet inte följer Monin-Obukhovs similaritetsteori.Framsidans foto / De Bruin and Hartogensis have proposed a new method to determine momentum flux and sensible heat flux at stable conditions. When using this method the assumption is made that the standard deviations for the longitudinal wind component and temperature are approximately constant. Only the mean wind and the temperature and the standard deviations are necessary for the calculations. The method has been analyzed in this study with data from Labans kvarnar sited on Gotland in the Baltic Sea and Östergarnsholm which is situated 4 km outside Gotland. Labans kvarnar represents fluxes over land and Östergarnsholm represents fluxes over sea. The constants that De Bruin and Hartogensis found are the following:Cu=2.5 for wind speed and CT=2.3 for temperature, which shows very little scatter in the calculations of the fluxes. The data they used where measured in Kansas over a very flat grassland site. Different statistics measurements have been tested to receive values of the constants. In search of constants the mean value, median value and the modal value for respectively quantity have been calculated. For land conditions the values of the constants are a little bit higher, Cu=2.6 and CT=2.6, than the values De Bruin and Hartogensis received. When calculating the fluxes over ocean the wind direction is divided in to two intervals. The wind direction between 220o - 300o represents winds from Gotland and wind direction between 80o - 220o represents winds from open sea. For the open sea conditions the constants calculated for the momentum flux in this study are a little bit lower, Cu=2.2, than the value De Bruin and Hartogensis found. For winds from Gotland the constant for momentum flux was found to be: Cu=3.0. When calculating the sensible heat flux the constants are very difficult to find and do not give as good result as for the momentum flux over sea. The conditions for the sensible heat are much more complicated than it is for momentum flux. Firstly two constants are needed and secondly the temperature structure in the marine boundary layer does not follow Monin-Obukhov similarity theory.
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A Laboratory Study of the Transfer of Momentum Across the Air-Sea Interface in Strong WindsSavelyev, Ivan 24 July 2009 (has links)
A quantitative description of wind-wave and wind-current momentum transfer in high wind conditions is currently unresolved, mainly due to the severe character of the problem. It is, however, necessary for accurate wave models, storm and hurricane forecasting, and atmosphere-ocean model coupling. In this research, strongly forced wind-wave conditions were simulated in a laboratory tank. On the air side, a static pressure probe mounted on a vertical wave follower measured wave-induced airflow pressure fluctuations in close proximity to the surface. Vertical profiles of wave-induced pressure fluctuations were resolved and wave phase dependent features, such as airflow separation, identified. Based on the pressure measurements, wind-wave momentum fluxes were obtained. The dependence of the spectral wave growth function on wind forcing, wave steepness, and wave crest sharpness was also investigated. The bulk air-sea momentum fluxes were estimated using the "total budget" experimental technique. It provided information on the contribution of a wind-wave flux induced by a single wave to the total air-sea momentum flux. The percentile contribution of wind-wave momentum flux into one wave was found to be dependent on the wave's steepness. An arbitrary change in steepness, however, was found to modify the wave field in such a way that it had little effect on the total wind stress. To complement wind stress measurements velocity profiles in the water were measured using Particle Image Velocimetry technique. Mean current, turbulent stress, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation rate vertical profiles were studied as a function of wind speed. Together with wave spectrum evolution measurements they form a complete empirical description of momentum fluxes in the laboratory tank. The results provide a detailed empirical view on airflow pressure fluctuations over a wavy surface, on total wind stress, and on the velocity response in the water. A new wave growth parameterization with wind forcing range extended into storm conditions is the most significant stand alone result of this work. Combined with the near surface vertical profiles, these empirical data also serve as a test bed for coupled air-sea numerical models.
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Computational Study of Internal Two Phase Flow in Effervescent Atomizer in Annular Flow RegimeMohapatra, Chinmoy Krushna 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Momentum transfer between semidiurnal internal waves and subinertial flow at a dissipating surface reflectionJenkyns, Reyna L. 31 August 2009 (has links)
Full-depth profile data reveal semidiurnal internal waves radiating from Mendocino Escarpment. Energy- and momentum-fluxes are lost between stations bracketing the first surface reflection to the north. A plausible interpretation is that wave energy is dissipated as a consequence of superposition of incident and reflected waves. Because there are no profiler data in the superposition region, a theoretical approach is used to bridge the gap. Assuming zonal independence, constant stratification and linear decay in the dissipation region, the forcing on the mean equations is evaluated with parameters consistent with Mendocino Escarpment data. Both superposition and dissipation cause momentum-flux divergence forcing. An Ekman-like balance is anticipated with predicted mean zonal flows u~O(1-2 cm/s), comparable to surface wind-forced Ekman currents.
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Studie interakce vnitřních gravitačních vln a atmosférické cirkulace / On the internal gravity wave - atmospheric circulation interactionProcházková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Internal gravity waves (GWs) are an important component of the atmospheric dynamics, significantly affecting the middle atmosphere by momentum and energy transport and deposition. In order to be able to improve global circulation models, in which the majority of the GW spectrum is not resolved, it is necessary to quantify their effects as precise as possible. We study GWs in a high-resolution simulation of the WRF model around Southern Andes, Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia Island. We analyse a Gaussian high-pass filter method for separation of GWs from the basic flow. To overcome an observed problem of dependence of the method on a cutoff parameter, we propose an improved method that determines the parameter at each time step from the horizontal kinetic energy spectrum. The differences between the methods are further examined using the horizontal kinetic energy spectrum, vertical potential energy spectrum and forcing to the divergence equation evaluated by the active wind method, which is a recent theory-based method that divides the flow into a balanced flow and a perturbation field. The results suggest that the high-pass filter method does not produce correct results for time periods with strong wave activity.
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Implementation and Analysis of Air-Sea Exchange Processes in Atmosphere and Ocean ModellingCarlsson, Björn January 2008 (has links)
To understand and to predict the weather and climate, numerical models are important tools and it is crucial that the controlling processes are described correctly. Since 70% of the global surface is covered with water the description how the ocean and atmosphere communicates has a considerable impact. The ocean–atmosphere exchange occurs through transport of momentum (friction) and heat, governed by turbulent eddies. The sea surface is also an important source of turbulence in both directions. The scales of the turbulent eddies cannot be resolved in ocean and climate models. Therefore, the turbulent exchanges have to be related to mean variables, such as wind speed and temperature differences. By using measurements, new methods to describe the air–sea exchange during two specific processes were developed. These processes are the so-called UVCN-regime (Unstable Very Close to Neutral stratification) and swell, i.e. waves which are not produced by the local wind. These processes were included in an ocean model and in a regional atmospheric climate model and the impact was investigated. The UVCN-regime enhances the heat transport significantly during the autumn and winter months in the ocean model. This results in a shallower well-mixed surface layer in the ocean. Wind-following swell reduces the surface friction, which is very important for the atmosphere. Some secondary effects in the climate model are reduced low-level cloud cover and reduced precipitation by more than 10% over sea areas. Locally and for short periods the impact is large. It is important to include the UVCN-regime and the swell impact in models, to make simulations more reliable.
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Atmosphere-ocean Interactions in Swell Dominated Wave FieldsSemedo, Alvaro January 2010 (has links)
Ocean wind waves represent the atmosphere-ocean boundary, playing a central role in the air-sea exchanging processes. Heat, mass and momentum are transferred across this boundary, with waves mediating the exchange of principally the momentum between the winds and the ocean surface. During the generation process waves are called wind sea. When they leave their generation area or outrun their generating wind they are called swell. The wave field can be said to be dominated either by wind sea or swell. Depending on the wave regime the momentum and energy exchanging processes and the degree of coupling between the waves and the wind is different. During the growing process, waves act as a drag on the surface wind and the momentum flux is directed downward. When swell dominates the wave field a reverse momentum flux mechanism occurs triggered by swell waves traveling considerably faster than the surface winds. The momentum transfer is now directed from the waves to the atmosphere, and takes place because swell waves perform work on the atmosphere as part of their attenuation process. This upward momentum transfer has an impact on the lower atmosphere dynamics, and on the overall turbulence structure of the boundary layer. A detailed qualitative climatology of the global wind sea and swell fields from wave reanalysis data, is presented, revealing a very strong swell dominance of the World Ocean. The areas of larger potential impact of swell on the atmosphere, from a climatological point of view, are also studied. A model that reproduces the swell impact on the lower atmosphere dynamics, conceptually based on the energy transfer from the waves to the atmosphere, is presented – a new parameterization for the wave-induced stress is also proposed. The model results are compared with field observations. A modeling simulation, using a coupled wave-atmosphere model system, is used to study the impact of swell in a regional climate model, by using different formulations on how to introduce the wave state effect in the modeling system. / Gränsen mellan hav och atmosfär beskrivs av vågor, dessa spelar en central roll i utbytesprocesser mellan hav och atmosfär. Värme, massa och rörelsemängd överförs vid ytan och utbytet av rörelsemängd mellan vind och havsyta styrs i stor utsträckning av vågorna. Då vågor skapas kallas de för vinddrivna vågor. När vågorna sedan lämnar området där de genererats eller rör sig fortare än den vind som genererat dem kallas de dyning. Ett vågfält kan sägas vara dominerat av antingen vinddrivna vågor eller dyningsvågor. Beroende på vilken vågregim som råder så är kopplingen mellan vågor och vind olika och därmed också utbytesprocesserna för rörelsemängd och energi. Då vågorna genereras fungerar de som en bromsande kraft för vinden och impulsutbytet är nedåtriktat. När dyning dominerar vågfältet inträffar en mekanism för omvänt impulsutbyte som sätts igång av dyningsvågor som färdas avsevärt snabbare än vinden. Rörelsemängd överförs då från vågorna till atmosfären, eftersom dyningsvågorna utför arbete på atmosfären då de dämpas. Den uppåtriktade transporten av rörelsemängd har en stor effekt på dynamiken och turbulensstrukturen i lägre delen av atmosfären. En detaljerad kvalitativ klimatologi av globala vågfält (vinddrivna och dyning) från återanalysdata presenteras och visar att dyning dominerar vågfältet på världshaven. Områden där man kan förvänta sig störst effekt av dyning på atmosfären har identifierats. En konceptuellt baserad modell som reproducerar effekten av dyning på dynamiken i lägre delen av atmosfären presenteras. Modellen styrs av överföring av energi från vågor till atmosfären. I modellen föreslås även en ny parameterisering för våginducerad kraft på havsytan. Modellresultaten är utvärderade mot fältmätningar. En regional klimatmodell, med ett kopplat våg-atmosfärssystem, har använts för att studera den långtida effekten av dyning vid klimatsimulering. Olika formuleringar för beskrivningen av vågornas effekt på atmosfären har använts, beroende på om vinddrivna vågor eller dyning dominerar vågfältet.
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Fluxes and Mixing Processes in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary LayerNilsson, Erik Olof January 2013 (has links)
Atmospheric models are strongly dependent on the turbulent exchange of momentum, sensible heat and moisture (latent heat) at the surface. Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface and understanding the processes that control air-sea exchange is of great importance in order to predict weather and climate. In the atmosphere, for instance, hurricane development, cyclone intensity and track depend on these processes. Ocean waves constitute an obvious example of air-sea interaction and can cause the air-flow over sea to depend on surface conditions in uniquely different ways compared to boundary layers over land. When waves are generated by wind they are called wind sea or growing sea, and when they leave their generation area or propagate faster than the generating wind they are called swell. The air-sea exchange is mediated by turbulent eddies occurring on many different scales. Field measurements and high-resolution turbulence resolving numerical simulations have here been used to study these processes. The standard method to measure turbulent fluxes is the eddy covariance method. A spatial separation is often used between instruments when measuring scalar flux; this causes an error which was investigated for the first time over sea. The error is typically smaller over ocean than over land, possibly indicating changes in turbulence structure over sea. Established and extended analysis methods to determine the dominant scales of momentum transfer was used to interpret how reduced drag and sometimes net upward momentum flux can persist in the boundary layer indirectly affected by swell. A changed turbulence structure with increased turbulence length scales and more effective mixing was found for swell. A study, using a coupled wave-atmosphere regional climate model, gave a first indication on what impact wave mixing have on atmosphere and wave parameters. Near surface wind speed and wind gradients was affected especially for shallow boundary layers, which typically increased in height from the introduced wave-mixing. A large impact may be expected in regions of the world with predominant swell. The impact of swell waves on air-sea exchange and mixing should be taken into account to develop more reliable coupled Earth system models.
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[pt] O modelo de Dois-Fluidos 1D vem sendo usado de forma abrangente em simulações industriais para prever escoamentos bifásicos em dutos. Avanços recentes na metodologia de Regime Capturing permitem a detecção das transições entre padrões de escoamento através do crescimento de instabilidades interfaciais. Contudo, devido aos procedimentos de média necessários para a redução da dimensionalidade do problema, perdas de informação tornam o modelo mal posto, i.e., perturbações de comprimentos de onda curtos são amplificados a taxas ilimitadas e soluções não físicas são obtidas. Relações de fechamento possuem um papel chave nesse problema, uma vez que estas são necessárias para fechar o sistema 1D e reintroduzem os mecanismos físicos perdidos que podem estabilizar o escoamento e tornar o modelo bem-posto. O presente trabalho propõe um modelo para o parâmetro de fluxo de quantidade de movimento da fase líquida (ou fator de forma), baseado na distribuição da velocidade do filme, que depende das grandezas locais do escoamento. A Teoria de Estabilidade Linear (LST) pode ser usada para avaliar a influência dos parâmetros de fechamento no crescimento de perturbações e na hiperbolicidade do modelo. A abordagem viscosa da análise de estabilidade diferencial de Kelvin-Helmholtz e a análise discreta de von Neumann são realizadas para avaliar relações de fechamento comumente utilizadas na literatura, bem como as formulações propostas para o parâmetro de fluxo. Simulações numéricas são realizadas, e relações de dispersão numéricas são extraídas dos resultados para verificar as previsões com os dados da LST. Uma avaliação numérica rigorosa dos novos modelos do parâmetro de fluxo com um grande banco de dados experimental é realizada. Os resultados mostraram que as correlações propostas superam os valores padrão constantes de fator de forma para avaliações de gradiente de pressão e espessura do filme de líquido. Os modelos também mostraram melhor consistência ao longo do extenso banco de dados. / [en] The 1D Two-Fluid model has been widely used in industrial simulations to predict two-phase flows in pipelines. Recent advances of the Regime Capturing methodology allow for the detection of flow pattern transitions from the onset and development of interfacial instabilities. However, due to the averaging processes required to reduce the dimensionality of the problem, the loss of information renders the model ill-posed, i.e., short wavelengths disturbances are amplified at an unbounded rate and unphysical solutions are obtained. Closure relations play a key role in this problem, since they are required to close the 1D system. Further, the reintroduction of the missing physics may stabilize the flow and render the model well-posed. The present work proposes a model for the liquid momentum flux parameter based on the liquid film velocity profile that is dependent on the local flow quantities. Linear Stability Theory (LST) can be used to assess the influence of closure parameters in the growth of disturbances and to evaluate the hyperbolicity of the model. A viscous approach of the differential Kelvin-Helmholtz and a discrete von Neumann stability analyses are performed to evaluate commonly employed closure models and the proposed formulations for the liquid momentum flux parameter. Numerical simulations are performed, and numerical dispersion relations are extracted from the results to verify the predictions against LST data. A rigorous numerical evaluation of the novel momentum flux parameter models against a large experimental database taken from the literature is carried out. Results show that the proposed models outperform the standard constant 𝐶𝐿 values for both pressure drop and liquid film thickness. The models also showed better overall consistency throughout the extensive experimental database.
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