Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bond"" "subject:"fond""
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Slupkové galaxie a modifikovaná Newtonova dynamika / Slupkové galaxie a modifikovaná Newtonova dynamikaBílek, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Our work has two recherchive parts. The first is devoted to the shell galaxies and we describe the observational facts here, different models of origin and the possibility of determining the gravitational potential with the use of shells. The second part is on the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We explain what it consists in, its implications and its experimental tests. The third part is devoted to our numerical simulations of a shell system evolution both in the classical and modified dynamics. Our mission is to explain the differences in the two simulation theoretically and to verify, whether the result of the modified simulation oppose the observed shells around the galaxy NGC 3923. The conclusion is it doesn't, but our test is not very strong.
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An Exploration of the External Field Effect in NGC1052-DF2 and Orbiting Dwarf Spheroidal GalaxiesSchussler, Joshua Aaron 13 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Henk van Woerden se Een mond vol glas en die skep van 'n kultureel meerstemmige Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenisConradie, Rachelle (Rachelle Willene) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to investigate Henk: van Woerden's Een mond vol glas (1998) (A
Mouthful of glass (2000) translated by Dan Jacobson) as a contribution to the creation of
a multi-voiced South African history. Een mond vol glas clearly contributes to such a
project, because it recognises the histories of the Dutch immigrants, die Cape Muslims
and especially the Cape "Coloured" community through the figure of Demitrios
Tsafendas, better known as the murderer of Hendrik Verwoerd. The key concepts in this
study are cultural diversity and a processing of the trauma caused by apartheid.
Postcolonial theory will be used to explain cultural diversity as the result of transference
and to contextualize the growing interest in the transnational histories of migrants in
literature. Een mond vol glas cannot easily be described according to one specific genre
or classification. This study will make use of the description "literature produced in a
context of cultural diversity" to show the problematic nature of two classifications of Een
mond vol glas that is currently being used. Processing the trauma caused by apartheid in
literature, comes down to a resistance to the isolating force of trauma. This study uses
the trauma theory of Judith Herman which states that the healing process or the
processing of traumatic experiences can only take place in the sharing of people's stories
in the connectedness with others. In South Africa this process begins to take place in a
society where cultural multi-voicedness has become possible. In the end I will conclude
that Een mond vol glas proves to be a reconstruction of history that is multi-voiced,
making this part of South African history accessible for a larger audience. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelstelling met hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na Henk van Woerden se
Een mond vol glas en hoe dit bydra tot die skepping van 'n kultureel meerstemmige Suid-
Afrikaanse geskiedenis. Een mond vol glas lewer duidelik hierdie bydrae omdat die werk
ook erkenning gee aan die geskiedenisse van die Nederlandse immigrante, die Kaapse
Moslems en die Kaapse bruin mense in die besonder deur die figuur Demitrios
Tsafendas, beter bekend as die moordenaar van Verwoerd. Die sleutelbegrippe in hierdie
studie is kulturele meervoudigheid en verwerking van die trauma veroorsaak deur
apartheid. Postkoloniale teorie word gebruik om kulturele meervoudigheid te verduidelik
as die resultaat van verplasing sowel as om die toenemende fokus op die transnasionale
geskiedenisse van migrante in die letterkunde te kontekstualiseer. Een mond vol glas kan
nie volgens een erkende genre of klassifikasie beskryf word nie. Hierdie studie hanteer
die omskrywing "letterkunde geproduseer in 'n konteks van kulturele meervoudigheid"
waarbinne twee reeds erkende klassifikasies van Een mond vol glas geproblematiseer sal
word. Die verwerking van die traumatiese gevolge van apartheid in die letterkunde kom
neer op die teenwerking van die isolerende uitwerking daarvan. Hierdie studie gebruik
die traumateorie van Judith Herman dat verwerking en herstel slegs kan begin deur die
vertel van traumatiese verhale in die verbondenheid met ander. In Suid-Afrika het hierdie
verwerking en herstel begin plaasvind in 'n samelewing waar kulturele meerstemmigheid
moontlik geword het. Ek sal uiteindelik tot die slotsom kom dat Een mond vol glas 'n
herkonstruksie van die geskiedenis bied wat kultureel meerstemmig is en ook toelaat dat
die hierdie deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis vir 'n groter publiek toeganklik
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The flutist's embouchure and tone : respectives and influencesTolsma, Pierre Henri 28 September 2010 (has links)
A well formed embouchure and a good tone quality are vital for any flutist. This study is a detailed guide that includes general information, influences and perspectives on/about embouchure and tone for the flutist. Information is provided on how to form a proper embouchure, the relation between embouchure and tone, the purpose of the embouchure and the role of different body parts in a) forming a proper embouchure and b) manipulating the embouchure whilst playing. The anatomy of the human body and its relation to embouchure and tone is discussed. Pictures of the different muscles involved in flute playing, muscles of expression and the anatomy of body parts that influence embouchure and tone, are presented. Flute teachers‟, performers‟ and students‟ perspectives on aspects relating to embouchure and tone, are provided. Diseases, medical conditions, medicine, physical attributes and infections that can influence embouchure and tone are investigated. A discussion of the influences that flute options have on embouchure and tone is included. These options include open- or closed-hole, B or C footjoint, materials, wall thickness, split E or E ring, open- or closed-G#, pads, headjoint design and flute scales. There is also a short discussion about embouchure on big flutes. AFRIKAANS : 'n Goed gevormde embouchure en „n goeie klankkwaliteit is van kardinale belang vir enige fluitspeler. Die studie is „n gedetaileerde gids, en bevat algemene inligting, invloede en perspektiewe op/oor embouchure en klank, vir die fluitspeler. Informasie oor hoe om 'n goeie embouchure te vorm, die verband tussen embouchure en klank, die doel van die embouchure sowel as die rol wat verskillende liggaamsdele speel in a) die vorming van die embouchure en b) die gebruik van die embouchure tydens spel, word voorsien. Die anatomie van die menslike liggaam wat verband hou met embouchure en klank, word bespreek. Prente van verskillende spiere betrokke tydens fluitspel, spiere van ekspressie en die anatomie van die liggaamsdele wat 'n invloed het op embouchure en klank, word voorgestel. Fluit onderwysers, voordraers en studente se perspektiewe rondom aspekte wat verband hou met embouchure en klank, word voorsien. Siektes, mediese toestande, medisyne, fisiese eienskappe en infeksies wat embouchure en klank kan beïnvloed, word ondersoek. 'n Bespreking van die invloede wat fluitopsies op embouchure en klank het, is ingesluit. Hierdie opsies sluit in oop- of geslote-opening, B of C voetstuk, materiale, buis dikte, gesplete E of E ring, oop- of geslote-G#, kussings, kopstuk ontwerp en fluittoonlere. 'n Kort bespreking in verband met embouchure op groot fluite word ook ingesluit. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Music / unrestricted
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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Vacuum-Ultraviolet Wavelength Regime for the Application in Planetary ExplorationKubitza, Simon 22 April 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit handelt von der Anwendbarkeit laserinduzierter Plasmaspektroskopie (englisch: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, LIBS) mit Detektion im vakuumultravioletten Spektralbereich (VUV), im Folgenden VUV-LIBS genannt, im Bereich der Planetenforschung. Für LIBS wird ein gepulster Laser auf die zu untersuchende Probe fokussiert. Dabei wird Probenmaterial abgetragen, verdampft und teilweise ionisiert. Die im Plasma enthaltenen Atome und Ionen werden elektronisch angeregt und strahlen in der Folge Licht charakteristischer Wellenlängen ab, welches spektroskopisch analysiert werden kann. Diese Analyse erlaubt einen Rückschluss auf die im Plasma und somit in der Probe enthaltenen chemischen Elemente. Mit LIBS können alle Elemente detektiert werden. Allerdings sind insbesondere die Nichtmetalle schwerer zu detektieren, deren intensivste Emissionslinien im VUV-Bereich liegen, d.h. bei Wellenlängen kürzer als 200 nm, der oft nicht untersucht wird. In diesem Spektralbereich wird ein Großteil der Strahlung von der irdischen Atmosphäre absorbiert. Auf atmosphärelosen Himmelskörpern wie dem Mond ist dies nicht der Fall, sodass für die Elemente C, Cl, H, N, O, P und S eine verbesserte Detektierbarkeit erwartet wird als mit konventionellem LIBS im typischerweise untersuchten Spektralbereich über 200 nm.
Die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass VUV-LIBS in der Tat eine verbesserte Detektierbarkeit für S und Cl im Kontext einer Mondmission bewirken kann. Für eine umfassende Beurteilung der Methode in dieser Anwendung und zur Verbesserung der Nachweisgrenzen sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen mit einem verbesserten Messaufbau notwendig. Da wichtige gesteinsbildende Elemente wie Ca, Na und Mg im VUV-Bereich keine oder nur schwache Emission zeigen, liegt das größte Potenzial von VUV-LIBS möglicherweise in der Kombination mit LIBS in anderen Spektralbereichen oder mit anderen analytischen Methoden. / This thesis investigates the application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with detection in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectral range for in-situ space exploration. For LIBS, a pulsed laser is tightly focused onto the sample, thereby ablating material and exciting a luminous plasma. The atoms and ions contained in the plasma radiate light of characteristic wavelengths, which can be analysed with spectrometers. The spectral analysis allows to identify the chemical elements in the plasma, which are assumed to be representative for the elements contained in the sample. With LIBS, all elements can be detected. However, especially the non-metal elements are challenging to detect because their strongest lines are located in the VUV spectral range, i.e. below 200 nm, which is often not investigated. Detection in this range brings its own challenges, since large parts of the radiation spectrum are absorbed by the atmosphere surrounding the sample. On celestial bodies without an atmosphere, such as the Moon, the ambient conditions are well suited for VUV-LIBS analyses. In such a scenario, a better detectability for the otherwise challenging elements C, Cl, H, N, O, P and S is expected compared to LIBS in the usually employed detection range above 200 nm.
The results shown in this thesis indicate that VUV-LIBS is promising for the improved detection of light elements such as S and Cl in a lunar context. However, more extensive studies with an optimized set-up are necessary to properly assess the true capabilities of the method and to further reduce the detection limits. Although emission from the most abundant chemical elements in geological samples, Al, Si and O, could be reliably detected in all samples containing them, VUV-LIBS might in the end be best used in combination with LIBS in the UV-VIS range or with other analytical techniques, because the major rock forming elements Ca, Na and Mg hardly show emission lines in the VUV spectral range.
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Modified Newtonian dynamics at all astrophysical scalesAngus, Garry W. January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis I test the modified Newtonian dynamics as an alternative to the cold dark matter hypothesis. In the Milky Way, I show that the dynamics of the dwarf galaxies are well described by the paradigm and I confirm its distant low surface brightness globular clusters provide a strong test, for which I make predictions. Through analysis of a sample of 26 X-ray bright galaxy groups and clusters I demonstrate that the three active neutrinos and their anti-particles are insufficient to reconcile modified Newtonian dynamics with the observed temperatures of the X-ray emitting gas, nor with weak-lensing measurements, in particular for the bullet cluster. To this end, I propose an 11eV sterile neutrino to serendipitously resolve the residual mass problem in X-ray bright groups and clusters, as well as matching the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background. With this in mind, I show that the large collision velocity of the bullet cluster and the high number of colliding clusters is more naturally reproduced in MOND than in standard dynamics.
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Die Funktion des Schauplatzes Venedig in Cornelia Funkes Roman Herr der Diebe : Mythos, Topos und Symbolik / The Function and the Significance of Venice as a Setting in CorneliaFunke´s Novel The Thief LordLehr, Sonja January 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit steht die Analyse des Schauplatzes Venedig im Abenteuerroman Herr der Diebe (2000) von Cornelia Funke im Mittelpunkt. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie das Setting die Stimmung sowie die Situation der Protagonisten spiegelt und welchen Einfluss dieses somit auf die Wirkung des Romans ausübt. Des Weiteren werden die kennzeichnenden Merkmale des Handlungsortes Venedig aufgezeigt, insbesondere die Topoider Stadt, ihr Mythos sowie ihre Bezüge zum Roman. Abschließend werden die Symboliken des geflügelten Löwen, des Mondes und des Meeres als Venedig-typische Elemente mittragender Aussagekraft analysiert. Es wird ferner die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass der Schauplatz Venedig eine still im Hintergrund agierende Protagonistin ist. / This work focuses on the analysis of Venice as a setting in the adventure story The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke. It is shown how the setting reflects the mood and the situation of the protagonists and what impact it has on the novel. Furthermore, the characteristic features of Venice are presented, like the topoi of the city, its myth, and its references to the novel. Finally, the symbolism of the winged lion, the moon and the sea are analyzed; these symbols are particularly related to Venice and thus have a significant meaning for the story. Moreover, it is hypothesized that Venice is acting like a silent protagonist in the background.
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