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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NILTO CALIXTO SILVA 07 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um modelo para avaliação de bem-estar de política monetária numa economia onde o governo enfrenta alguma restrição à liberdade de financiamento da dívida pública. O governo, no modelo, é capaz de se financiar através da emissão de títulos da dívida e de duas formas de taxação: lump sum e distorciva. A hipótese adotada no trabalho é que o governo não poderá estabelecer um nível constante de taxação distorciva ao longo do tempo, e deixar que o estoque da dívida ou da taxação não distorciva se ajustem em resposta aos choques. Ao contrário, o governo será forçado a alterar a taxação distociva corrente em resposta às variações do serviço da dívida. A partir do modelo, são feitas as considerações sobre o comportamento ótimo da autoridade monetária, no sentido do estabelecimento de uma regra ótima de política monetária. / [en] The dissertation consists in the development of a model to evaluate the welfare effects of monetary policy in an economy where the government faces some restriction to debt financing. The government, in the model, is able to finance its expenditures by issuing public debt or levying two kinds of taxation: lump sum and distortionary taxes. The hypothesis adopted here is that the government cannot set a constant rate of distortionary taxation over time, and let either the debt stock or the lump sum taxation to adjust in response to shocks. Instead, the government will be forced to adjust the current distortionary taxation in response to variations of the debt service. The conclusion is that the optimal monetary policy rule that results from this model is quite different from the optimal rule in the absence of restrictions to debt financing.

Discricionariedade vs. comprometimento: a análise de regras ótimas num contexto de regime de metas de inflação

Costa, José Luciano da Silva 15 March 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:54:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2002-03-15T00:00:00Z / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the case of monetary policy rules in models in which the a:gent's expectations are rational based in forward looking view for Inflation target regimes. The commitment and discretionary optimum solutions are derivedand applied to a rnacroeconomlc model for the Brazilian economy and the results are also compared to those obtained frorn the use of a Taylor rule. The behavior of the model, under the different rules,is analyzed using a Output-Inílatlon Trade-Off frontier and through the dynarnic analysis for different shocks, including shocks of different persistence. / O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar as regras de condução da política monetária em modelos em que os agentes formam suas expectativas de forma racional (forward looking models), no contexto do regime de metas de inflação. As soluções ótimas de pré - comprometimento e discricionária são derivadas e aplicadas a um modelo macroeconômico para a economia brasileira e os resultados são também comparados com os obtidos pela adoção da regra de Taylor. A análise do comportamento do modelo sob diferentes regras é feita através da construção da fronteira do trede-oit da variância do hiato do produto e da inflação e da análise dinâmica frente a ocorrência de choques. A discussão referente à análise dinâmica do modelo é estendida para o caso onde a persistência dos choques é variada.

Essays on monetary policy in China

Nuutilainen, R. (Riikka) 24 May 2016 (has links)
Abstract China’s outstanding growth performance of recent years, the ongoing liberalisation of its capital market, and its deepening integration into the world economy provide ample motivation for a deeper understanding of the country’s economic policy-making. This dissertation is an attempt to better understand monetary policy operations and transmission in this rapidly evolving situation. Monetary policy in China is unique compared to any other country in terms of both the available policy instruments and the policy environment. The policy regime is transitioning to a more market-orientated one, and presently the central bank uses a mixture of quantity-based and price-based instruments. These special features are addressed in this dissertation. The dissertation is comprised of four independent but related essays that empirically evaluate monetary policy implementation and the policy environment in China. The first essay examines the relevance of a quantity-based McCallum-type policy rule in achieving price stability. The findings are that deviations in money supply from the rule help to forecast price developments and thus underline the relation between money supply and prices in China. The second essay considers a wider selection of possible policy rules and examines the monetary policy implementation and instruments used by the central bank. Money supply and interest rate instruments are found to react differently to price and output developments. The interest rate instrument is gaining weight over time, which highlights China’s transition to a more market-based policy setting. The third essay utilises bank-level data to study monetary policy transmission and the existence of the bank lending channel in China. Changes in the reserve requirement ratio are found to affect bank lending in China in a similar manner as changes in interest rates. Different types of banks (by ownership) react differently to these changes, but no robust evidence of a bank lending channel is found. The fourth essay compares the economic dynamics in a DSGE modelling framework under the assumption that China can successfully rebalance its economy and achieve a lower savings rate and higher level of domestic consumption. The rebalancing does not notably affect the transmission of monetary policy shocks, but it does render the economy more resilient to technology shocks. / Tiivistelmä Kiinan nopea talouskasvu, pääomamarkkinoiden avaaminen ja maan tiiviimpi kytkeytyminen maailmantalouteen ovat johtaneet siihen, että Kiinan talouspolitiikan ymmärtäminen on aiempaa tärkeämpää. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on perehtyä Kiinan rahapolitiikkatoimiin ja politiikan välittymiseen nopeasti muuttuvassa ympäristössä. Rahapolitiikka Kiinassa eroaa muiden maiden rahapolitiikasta niin käytössä olevien instrumenttien kuin politiikkaympäristönkin kannalta. Kiina on siirtymävaiheessa kohti markkinaperusteisempaa rahapolitiikkaa, ja tällä hetkellä maan keskuspankki käyttää sekä hinta- että määräperusteisia instrumentteja. Näitä erityispiirteitä tarkastellaan tähän väitöskirjaan sisältyvissä tutkimuksissa. Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä yksittäisestä mutta toisiinsa liittyvästä esseestä, joissa tarkastellaan empiirisesti rahapolitiikan toteutusta sekä politiikkaympäristöä Kiinassa. Ensimmäisessä esseessä käsitellään määräperusteisen McCallum-rahapolitiikkasäännön käyttökelpoisuutta hintavakaustavoitteen saavuttamisessa. Havaitut poikkeamat säännön suosittelemasta rahamäärän kasvusta parantavat inflaatioennusteita, mikä korostaa rahan tarjonnan ja hintakehityksen välistä suhdetta. Toisessa esseessä hyödynnetään useampia mahdollisia rahapolitiikkasääntöjä ja tarkastellaan rahapolitiikan toteutusta ja keskuspankin käyttämiä politiikkainstrumentteja. Rahan tarjonnan ja korkoinstrumentin havaitaan reagoivan eri tavoin hintakehitykseen ja tuotannon kasvuun. Korkoinstrumentin painoarvo kasvaa ajan kuluessa, mikä osoittaa Kiinan olevan siirtymässä kohti markkinaperusteisempaa politiikkaa. Kolmannessa esseessä hyödynnetään pankkikohtaista aineistoa ja tarkastellaan rahapolitiikan välittymistä ja pankkilainakanavan olemassaoloa. Keskuspankin varantovaatimusmuutosten havaitaan vaikuttavan pankkien lainanantoon samalla tavoin korkomuutosten kanssa. Omistustyypin mukaan jaoteltuna erilaiset pankit reagoivat eri tavoin rahapolitiikan muutoksiin. Tutkimuksessa ei kuitenkaan löydy vankkaa tukea pankkilainakanavan olemassaololle. Neljännessä esseessä tarkastellaan talouden dynamiikkaa DSGE-mallikehikossa olettaen, että Kiina onnistuu tasapainottamaan talouttaan niin, että säästämisaste laskee ja kotimaisen kulutuksen osuus taloudessa kasvaa. Tasapainottaminen ei merkittävästi vaikuta rahapolitiikkasokkien välittymiseen, mutta tekee taloudesta vähemmän herkän teknologiasokeille.

Stabilité macroéconomique, apprentissage et politique monétaire : une approche comparative : modélisation DSGE versus modélisation multi-agents / Macroeconomic stability, learning and monetary policy : a comparative approach : DSGE modelling versus agent-based modelling

Zumpe, Martin Kai 14 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse le rôle de l’apprentissage dans deux cadres de modélisation distincts. Dans le cas dunouveau modèle canonique avec apprentissage adaptatif, les caractéristiques les plus marquantes des dynamiquesd’apprentissage concernent la capacité des règles de politique monétaire à assurer la convergencevers l’équilibre en anticipations rationnelles. Le mécanisme de transmission de la politique monétaire estcelui de l’effet de substitution associé au canal de la consommation. Dans le cas d’un modèle multi-agentsqui relâche des hypothèses restrictives du nouveau modèle canonique, tout en restant structurellementproche de celui-ci, les variables agrégées évoluent à bonne distance de cet équilibre, et on observe desdynamiques nettement différentes. La politique monétaire influence les variables agrégées de manièremarginale via l’effet de revenu du canal de la consommation. En présence d’un processus d’apprentissagesocial évolutionnaire, l’économie converge vers un faible niveau d’activité économique. L’introductiond’un processus caractérisé par le fait que les agents apprennent individuellement à l’aide de leurs modèlesmentaux atténue le caractère dépressif des dynamiques d’apprentissage. Ces différences entre les deuxcadres de modélisation démontrent la difficulté de généraliser les résultats du nouveau modèle canonique. / This thesis analyses the role of learning in two different modelling frameworks. In the new canonicalmodel with adaptive learning, the most remarkable characteristics of the learning dynamics deal withthe capacity of monetary policy rules to guaranty convergence to the rational expectations equilibrium.The transmission mechanism of the monetary policy is based on the substitution effect associated to theconsumption channel. In the case of an agent-based model which relaxes some restrictive assumptionsof the new canonical model - but is endowed with a similar structure - aggregate variables evolve atsome distance from the rational expectations equilibrium. Monetary policy has a marginal impact onthe agregated variables via the wealth effect of the consumption channel. When agents learn accordingto an evolutionnary social learning process, the economy converges to regions of low economic activity.The introduction of a process where agents learn individually by using their mental models induces lessdepressive learning dynamics. These differences between the two modelling frameworks show that thegeneralisation of the results of the new canonical model is not easy to achieve.

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