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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av elektriska fördelningssystem i medicinska utrymmen / Investigation of electric distribution systems in medical areas

Karlsson, Anders January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts genom ÅF Industry i Trollhättan. Syftet med arbetet är att jämföra två elektriska fördelningssystem i medicinska utrymmen. I sjukhusmiljöer är tillgängligheten av elförsörjning av största vikt. Spänningsbortfall för livsuppehållande utrustning kan få förödande konsekvenser för berörd patient. Svensk standard förespråkar TN-S-system gentemot den europeiska standarden som anser att IT-system är mest lämpligt i dessa utrymmen. Genom att belysa dessa två systems för- och nackdelar kan ett samlat underlag sammanställas som senare används som beslutsunderlag för framtida kunder. Examensarbetet exemplifieras på Östra sjukhuset där befintligt IT-system skall uppgraderas.Skillnaden mellan dessa två fördelningssystem är deras förbindelse med jordpotential. TN-S-system har direkt förbindelse med jord jämfört med IT-system som är helt eller delvis isolerat från jord. Jordfel i TN-S-system kan generera höga felströmmar vilket kan jämföras med IT-system där minimal felström uppstår vid isolationsfel. IT-system och dess isolationsövervakningssystem kan dock anses som mer komplext jämfört med TN-S som är ett vanligare och mer vedertaget fördelningssystem i Sverige.Rapporten konstaterar att IT-system har en stor fördel gentemot TN-S-system. Anledningen är att eventuella jordfelsströmmar i TN-S-system kan bli så pass höga att säkring eller jordfelsbrytare riskerar frånkoppla fördelningssystemet. Denna problematik existerar inte i IT-system då endast små felströmmar uppstår vid isolationsfel. Rekommendationen är att bestycka dessa utrymmen med IT-system med tillhörande isolationsövervakning. Denna tekniska lösning medför tillfredsställande person- och patientsäkerhet med avseende mot elsäkerheten. / This bachelor thesis has been carried out at AF Industry. The purpose of the thesis is to compare two electric distribution systems for medical areas. In medical areas the availability of electric power always has to be maintained. Power failure of life supporting equipment will generate major risks to the patient in question. Swedish standard promotes TN-S-systems compared to the European standard that promotes IT-systems for medical areas. By comparing the advantage and disadvantage of these two systems there can be a complete report compiled, which purpose is to be used to support decision making for future customers. This bachelor thesis will be exemplified in Östra sjukhuset where existing IT-systems will be upgraded.The basic difference between these two electric power systems is their connection to earth. TN-S-systems has direct connection to earth compared to IT-systems that has none or partially connection with earth. Earth fault in TN-systems can generate major current compared to IT-systems where isolations fault generates minimal current. However IT-systems and their isolation monitoring systems might appear as a more complex system compared to TN-S which is a more accepted system in Sweden.The report states that IT-systems has major advantage against TN-systems. The reason is that potential earth fault currents in TN-S-systems might end up disconnecting the fuse or residual current breaker of affected distribution system. This issue doesn't exist in IT-systems where minor fault current is generated from isolation fault. Therefore the recommendation is to equip these medical areas with IT-systems and the associated insulation monitoring systems. This technical solution provides adequate safety for both personal and patients regarding to electrical safety.

Klinisch-neurologische Untersuchungen zur Effektivität der Bolzenschussbetäubung bei Jungbullen und deren Potenzial zur Entwicklung eines automatischen Überwachungssystems / Assessment of the efficiency of captive-bolt stunning in young bulls and the potential to develop an automatic monitoring system

Schwarz, Judith 16 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Schlachtrinder werden in Deutschland gegenwärtig fast ausnahmslos mittels Bolzenschuss betäubt. Gründe dafür sind neben der guten Handhabbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Geräte die hohe Betäubungssicherheit bei richtig gewähltem Ansatz des Gerätes am Kopf des Tieres. Dessen ungeachtet kommt es, durch menschliche als auch technische Fehler bedingt, immer wieder vor, dass Rinder nach dem ersten Schuss nicht oder nur unzureichend betäubt sind. Laut einschlägiger Literatur sind teilweise bis zu 32 % der Rinder von einer suboptimalen Betäubung betroffen, sowie bis zu 7 % von einer völlig fehlenden Betäubungswirkung nach dem ersten Schuss. Aus Sicht des Tier- als auch des Arbeitsschutzes ist es notwendig alle Tiere genauestens auf Anzeichen zu beobachten, die auf eine mangelhafte Betäubung oder auf ein Wiedererlangen der Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungsfähigkeit hindeuten und diese Tiere gegebenenfalls nachzubetäuben. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es zu prüfen, ob eine Automatisierung der Betäubungsüberwachung mithilfe eines Wiegesystems möglich ist. Hierzu wurden Wiegezellen unter einer Betäubungsfalle installiert, um den Verlauf des Niederstürzens der Tiere nach erfolgter Betäubung aufzuzeichnen. Durch das zunächst ruckartige Anziehen der Gliedmaßen und das darauf folgende Zusammenbrechen der Tiere entsteht ein charakteristischer Gewichtskurvenverlauf, welcher mit der Betäubungsqualität korreliert wurde. Hierfür wurden umfangreiche Daten zur Betäubungseffektivität an 10.154 Jungbullen an einem kommerziellen Schlachtbetrieb erhoben und im Zusammenhang mit den aufgezeichneten Wiegeprotokollen ausgewertet. Herangezogen wurden zur Beurteilung des Betäubungserfolges sowohl bewährte Parameter (u. a. sofortiges Niederstürzen, negativer Corneal- bzw. Palpebralreflex und Verlust der regelmäßigen Atmung) als auch weniger übliche oder umstrittene Befunde, deren Aussagekraft geprüft werden sollte (u. a. Pupillenform, Zungen-, Ohr- und Schwanztonus, Restatemzüge und Reaktion auf Entblutestich). Anhand der insgesamt 21 erhobenen Befundparameter wurden die Tiere zum Zwecke der Auswertung in ein Schema eingeteilt. Demnach war die Betäubungswirkung nach dem ersten Schuss bei 0,3 % der Jungbullen fehlend, bei 1,8 % mangelhaft, bei 4,1 % fraglich und bei 7,4 % tadellos. 82,2 % der Tiere waren ausreichend betäubt, zeigten jedoch mindestens einen der zu prüfenden Befunde. Nachbetäubt wurden insgesamt 4,6 % der Rinder. Die zu prüfenden Parameter „keine runde, dilatierte Pupille“, „Pupille schlitzförmig“, „Ohrtonus“ und „deutliche Reaktion auf Entblutestich“ traten signifikant häufiger bei Tieren mit unzureichender Betäubungstiefe auf, während bei „Zungentonus“, „Schwanztonus“, „Restatemzügen“ und „deutlicher Erregung vor dem Schuss“ keine Korrelation erkennbar war. Die Ergebnisse zeigten auch, dass v. a. die Parameter „Schwanztonus“ und „aktives Hochziehen“ von verschiedenen Personen sehr subjektiv wahrgenommen wurden. Besondere Beachtung wurde dem Parameter „wiederkehrende regelmäßige Atmung“ geschenkt, da er erst zu einem relativ späten Zeitpunkt nach der Bolzenschussbetäubung auftritt. Eine solche wiederkehrende Atmung ca. 60 s nach der Betäubung trat bei 19 % der als unzureichend betäubt eingestuften Jungbullen sowie bei insgesamt 1,2 % aller untersuchten Tiere auf. 38 % dieser Tiere wies vorher bereits eine Bulbusrotation auf, sowie 22 % Nystagmus, während lediglich 4 % bzw. 2 % der Tiere ohne wiederkehrende Atmung diese Befunde zeigten. Zwischen der Länge des „stun-to-stick-Intervalls“ und dem Befund „wiederkehrende regelmäßige Atmung“ wurde kein verlässlicher Zusammenhang hergestellt. Nach den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchung sind die Parameter „Zungentonus“, „Schwanztonus“, „Restatemzüge“, „deutliche Erregung vor dem Schuss“ und „aktives Hochziehen“ folglich wenig oder gar nicht aussagekräftig in Bezug auf die Betäubungsqualität. Im Gegensatz dazu sollte bei Bulbusrotation, Nystagmus und erhaltenem Ohrtonus eine sehr gewissenhafte weitere Beobachtung des Tieres bzw. eine „Sicherheits-Nachbetäubung“ erfolgen, um einem Wiederkehren der Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungsfähigkeit des Rindes zuvorzukommen. Darüber hinaus scheint eine präzise Betäubung und sorgfältige Beobachtung der Tiere bis zum Ende der „Schwall-Entblutung“ zudem zielführender im Hinblick auf den Tierschutz als eine rigide Einhaltung des vorgeschriebenen „stun-to-stick-Intervalls“ von 60 s. Anhand der aufgezeichneten Wiegeprotokolle konnten 94 % der Tiere mit fehlender Betäubungswirkung bei einer Spezifität von 98 % korrekt als solche erkannt werden. Für Tiere mit mangelhafter Betäubungswirkung betrug die Sensitivität lediglich 49 %, bei einer Spezifität von 78 %. Nach den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das entwickelte Wiegesystem folglich zur Echtzeit-Analyse der Betäubungstiefe in dieser Form wenig geeignet, da Rinder mit gering ausgeprägten Anzeichen unzureichender Betäubungstiefe nicht mit ausreichend hoher Sensitivität und Spezifität erkannt werden konnten. Echte Fehlbetäubungen allerdings (kein Niederstürzen der Tiere beim ersten Betäubungsversuch) sind mithilfe des erläuterten Wiegesystems überwiegend gut identifizierbar. Eine kontinuierliche statistische Erfassung dieser Fehlbetäubungsrate, wie sie mit Beschluss 672/12 vom Bundesrat gefordert wird, wäre durch das entwickelte System daher möglich. / In Germany, slaughter cattle are stunned by captive bolt with almost no exceptions. Reasons for this are the good practicability and reliability of the (stunning) device, as well as the high stunning safety when a correct positioning of the device on the animal’s head is ensured. Due to human or technical faults it can still happen that cattle are not at all or not sufficiently stunned after the first shot. According to relevant literature, in some cases up to 32 % of the cattle are affected by suboptimal stunning, and up to 7 % by complete stunning failure at the first shot. Both from an animal welfare and working safety point of view, it is necessary to thoroughly monitor all animals for signs of insufficient stunning or recovery of consciousness and, if necessary, to re-stun them. The aim of this study was to determine if the monitoring of stunned cattle could be automated with the help of a weighing system. For this purpose, a weight scale was installed under the stunning box to plot the animals’ collapsing after the stun. The jerky lifting of the limbs and the following collapse create a characteristic weight curve, which was correlated to the stunning efficiency. For this purpose extensive data referring to the stunning efficiency were collected in 10,154 young bulls on a commercial slaughtering plant and interpreted in context with the recorded weight protocols. For the assessment of stunning efficiency, both established (e.g. immediate collapse, negative corneal- and palpebralreflex, cessation of rhythmic breathing) as well as less proved parameters (e.g. form of pupils, muscle tone of tongue, ears and tail, post stun exhalation, reaction to sticking), were used and the significance of the latter was investigated. On the basis of the 21 assessed parameters the animals were classified in a scheme for further analysis. According to this scheme, the stunning effect of the first shot was totally absent in 0.3 % of the young bulls, incomplete in 1.8 %, doubtful in 4.1 % and perfect in 7.4 %. 82.2 % of the animals were adequately stunned, but showed at least one of the parameters to be checked. In total 4.6 % of the cattle were re-stunned. The parameters “pupils not round and dilatated”, “pupils slit-like”, “ear muscle tone” and “clear reaction to sticking” appeared significantly more often in animals with imperfect concussion, while muscle tone of tongue and tail, post stun exhalation, and clear excitement before stunning could not be correlated with the stunning efficiency. The results showed also that the parameters “muscle tone of tail” and “lifting on the bleeding rail” in particular, were judged very subjectively between different persons. Special attention was paid to the parameter “regular breathing regained” as it occurs at a quite late stage after captive bolt stunning. Such recurring breathing about 60 s after stunning appeared in 19 % of young bulls classified as imperfectly stunned as well as in 1.2 % of all examined animals. Before regaining regular breathing, 38 % of these animals showed a rotation of the eye and 22 % showed nystagmus whereas only 4 % and 2 % respectively of the animals without recurring breathing showed these results. No reliable correlation was found between the length of the stun-to-stick intervals and the parameter “regular breathing regained”. According to the findings of this study the parameters “muscle tone of tongue and tail”, “post stun exhalation”, “clear excitement before stunning” and “lifting on the bleeding rail” are either not, or only slightly, conclusive as to the stunning efficiency. In contrast to that, there should be a very careful observation of the animals showing “rotation of the eye”, “nystagmus” or “ear muscle tone”, or a safety re-stun to prevent the cattle from regaining consciousness and sensibility. Furthermore a careful observation of the animals until the end of bleeding seems to be more important in terms of animal welfare than the rigid fulfilling of the prescribed stun-to-stick-interval of 60 s. With the help of the weight protocols, 94 % of the animals with absent stunning effect could be correctly identified, with a specificity of 98 %. For animals with incomplete stunning effect the sensitivity was only 49 %, with a specificity of 78 %. According to the results of this study, the developed system is not suitable in this form as a real-time-surveillance system to decide whether there should be a re-stun or not, as cattle with less distinctive signs of imperfect stunning efficiency could not be recognized with sufficiently high sensitivity and specificity. However, complete stunning failures (no collapse after first stun) are predominantly well detectable with the explained scale system. A continuous statistical recording of stunning failures, as demanded by the Bundesrat in the resolution (Beschluss) 672/12, would therefore be possible with the developed system.


SORIANI, NAZZARENO 21 February 2013 (has links)
Il benessere degli animali è uno dei temi più discussi temi delle scienze animali. Molti ricercatori hanno provato a darne una definizione e a sviluppare strumenti utili alla sua valutazione negli allevamenti di vacche da latte. Nel presente lavoro viene discussa la possibilità di valutare il benessere degli animali, attraverso sistemi di innovazione da diversi punti di vista: scientifico, economico e zootecnico. Quattro differenti ricerche sono state sviluppate per confrontare i risultati sulla valutazione del benessere degli animali negli allevamenti da latte ottenuti con: indici fisiologici, modello SDIB e un sistema di monitoraggio della ruminazione. / Animal welfare is one of the most discussed topic in the animal science. Many researchers have been proving to define animal welfare and to develop tools useful to assess its levels in dairy farms. In the present issue it is discussed with different point of view (scientific, economical and zootechnic) the opportunity to assess the animal welfare through innovations system. Our different research was develop to compare the results about animal welfare in dairy herds obtained by physiological indices as well as blood variables, a model for animal welfare assessment as well as IDSW model, a rumination monitoring system.

Etude et conception d'un système de télésurveillance et de détection de situations critiques "par suivi actimétrique" des personnes à risque en milieu Indoor et Outdoor

Bourennane, Walid 25 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le vieillissement rapide de la population implique une évolution du système de soins pour prendre en charge les personnes dépendantes dont la proportion ne cesse de croître. Une option possible est de développer et de mettre en oeuvre une technologie d'assistance à domicile. Ce travail de thèse consiste à concevoir et à expérimenter des solutions de " surveillance " multicapteurs : déploiement de capteurs dans l'environnement réel du patient, fusion multisensorielle et algorithmes de diagnostics automatiques, afin d'assurer la sécurité des personnes mais également d'aider les professionnels de santé à maintenir la qualité du suivi et des soins. Ce manuscrit présente à travers une étude bibliographique, un état des connaissances et des pratiques sur les systèmes d'analyse des activités des personnes âgées. Ensuite, il détaille l'étape de conception du système de surveillance retenu et selon une approche fonctionnelle présente l'architecture matérielle et logicielle mise en oeuvre pour répondre aux spécifications établies. Deux projets sont issus de ce travail :  Le projet Homecare qui vise à expérimenter et à qualifier, au niveau opérationnel, un système complet de Télésurveillance pour les personnes âgées atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer.  Le projet BéA qui est plutôt orienté sur la surveillance " outdoor " pour des personnes valides mais fragiles : Notre contribution a concerné la mise en place d'une architecture système qui intègre un algorithme auto-adaptatif de détection et de modélisation des déambulations par tranche horaire. Enfin, les pistes d'un modèle économique qui définit les options offertes, aujourd'hui, au déploiement de ce type de systèmes sont discutées.

Lessons Learned in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Using Advanced Sensor Technology

Enckell, Merit January 2011 (has links)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) with emerging technologies like e.g. fibre optic sensors, lasers, radars, acoustic emission and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) made an entrance into the civil engineering field in last decades. Expansion of new technologies together with development in data communication benefited for rapid development. The author has been doing research as well as working with SHM and related tasks nearly a decade. Both theoretical knowledge and practical experience are gained in this constantly developing field. This doctoral thesis presents lessons learned in SHM and sensory technologies when monitoring civil engineering structures, mostly bridges. Nevertheless, these techniques can also be used in most applications related to civil engineering like dams, high rise buildings, off-shore platforms, pipelines, harbour structures and historical monuments. Emerging and established technologies are presented, discussed and examples are given based on the experience achieved. A special care is given to Fibre Optic Sensor (FOS) technology and its latest approach. Results from crack detection testing, long-term monitoring, and sensor comparison and installation procedure are highlighted. The important subjects around sensory technology and SHM are discussed based on the author's experience and recommendations are given. Applied research with empirical and experimental methods was carried out. A state-of-the art-review of SHM started the process but extensive literature studies were done continuously along the years in order to keep the knowledge up to date. Several SHM cases, both small and large scale, were carried out including sensor selection, installation planning, physical installation, data acquisition set-up, testing, monitoring, documentation and reporting. One case study also included modification and improvement of designed system and physical repair of sensors as well as two Site Acceptance Tests (SATs) and the novel crack detection system testing. Temporary measuring and testing also took place and numerous Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHMSs) were designed for new bridges. The observed and measured data/phenomena were documented and analysed.  Engineers, researchers and owners of structures are given an essential implement in managing and maintaining structures. Long-term effects like shrinkage and creep in pre-stressed segmental build bridges were studied. Many studies show that existing model codes are not so good to predict these long-term effects. The results gained from the research study with New Årsta Railway Bridge are biased be the fact that our structure is indeed special. Anyhow, the results can be compared to other similar structures and adequately used for the maintenance planning for the case study. A long-term effect like fatigue in steel structures is a serious issue that may lead to structural collapse. Novel crack detection and localisation system, based on development on crack identification algorithm implemented in DiTeSt system and SMARTape delamination mechanism, was developed, tested and implemented. Additionally, new methods and procedures in installing, testing, modifying and improving the installed system were developed. There are no common procedures how to present the existing FOS techniques. It is difficult for an inexperienced person to judge and compare different systems. Experience gained when working with Fibre Optic Sensors (FOS) is collected and presented. The purpose is, firstly to give advice when judging different systems and secondly, to promote for more standardised way to present technical requirements. Furthermore, there is need to regulate the vocabulary in the field. Finally, the general accumulated experience is gathered. It is essential to understand the complexity of the subject in order to make use of it. General trends and development are compared for different applications. As the area of research is wide, some chosen, specific issues are analysed on a more detailed level. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given, both specific and more general. SHMS for a complex structure requires numerous parameters to be measured. Combination of several techniques will enable all required measurements to be taken. In addition, experienced specialists need to work in collaboration with structural engineers in order to provide high-quality systems that complete the technical requirement. Smaller amount of sensors with proper data analysis is better than a complicated system with numerous sensors but with poor analysis. Basic education and continuous update for people working with emerging technologies are also obligatory. A lot of capital can be saved if more straightforward communication and international collaboration are established: not only the advances but also the experienced problems and malfunctions need to be highlighted and discussed in order not to be repeated. Quality assurance issues need to be optimized in order to provide high quality SHMSs. Nevertheless, our structures are aging and we can be sure that the future for sensory technologies and SHM is promising. The final conclusion is that an expert in SHM field needs wide education, understanding, experience, practical sense, curiosity and preferably investigational mind in order to solve the problems that are faced out when working with emerging technologies in the real world applications.  The human factor, to be able to bind good relationship with workmanship cannot be neglected either. There is also need to be constantly updated as the field itself is in continuous development. / QC 20111117 / SHMS of the New Årsta Railway Bridge

Sistemas inteligentes para monitoramento e diagnósticos de falhas em motores de indução trifásicos / Intelligent systems for faults monitoring and diagnosis in three-phase induction motors

Marcelo Suetake 11 April 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese consiste na implementação de sistemas inteligentes para monitoramento e diagnósticos de falhas ocorrentes em motores de indução trifásicos. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se uma bancada de experimentos que visa ensaios de falhas relacionados a curto-circuito entre as bobinas do enrolamento de estator, quebras nas barras da gaiola de esquilo do rotor e, finalmente, rolamentos defeituosos. Mais especificamente, o enfoque principal consiste na proposição de uma abordagem neural de detecção de quebras nas barras de rotores de motores de indução trifásicos mediante a análise do espectro de frequência e aplicação de técnicas de análise das componentes principais. Considerou-se o acionamento do motor de indução tanto pela tensão de alimentação da rede quanto por inversor trifásico em diferentes frequências, operando sob diversas condições de torque de carga para a avaliação da metodologia. / The objective of this thesis consists of the implementation of intelligent systems for three-phase induction motors fault diagnosis and condition monitoring. Therefore, an experimental test stand for stator winding inter-turn short circuit faults, broken rotor bar in squirrel cage and, finally, defective wheel bearing has been designed. The main focus is to propose a neural network approach, which uses spectral frequency analysis and principal component analysis techniques to detect broken rotor bar in squirrel cage induction motor. Induction motor operating at different load torque conditions and supplied with sinusoidal voltage supply and three-phase inverter at different frequency was considered in the experiment for methodology evaluation.

Intelligent Support System for Health Monitoring of elderly people / Intelligent Support System for Health Monitoring of elderly people

Bukhari, Syed Asif Abbas, Hussain, Sajid January 2012 (has links)
The use of information and communications technology (ICT) to provide medical information, interaction between patients and health-service providers, institution-to-institution transmission of data, in known as eHealth. ICT have become an inseparable part of our life, it can integrate health care more seamlessly to our everyday life. ICT enables the delivery of accurate medical information anytime anywhere in an efficient manner. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the single leading cause of death, especially in elderly people. The condition of heart is monitor by electrocardiogram (ECG). The Electrocardiogram (ECG) is widely used clinical tool to diagnose complex heart diseases. In clinical settings, resting ECG is used to monitor patients. Holter-based portable monitoring solutions capable of 24 to 48-hour ECG recording, they lack the capability of providing any real-time feedback in case of alarming situation. The recorded ECG data analyzed offline by doctor. To address this issue, authors propose a functionality of intelligence decision support system, in heart monitoring system. The proposed system has capability of generate an alarm in case of serious abnormality in heart, during monitoring of heart activity.

Distribution and configuration of agents for NMS in a reasonable time

Jonsson, Robin, Blixt, Simon January 2013 (has links)
With this paper we intended to simplify deployment and management of monitoring agents for a Network Monitoring System. We found interest on the subject since the time consumed to deploy and manage agents was found to be very inefficient. During a lecture with the Swedish based company Op5 AB at the Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden, we presented the complex of problem. The lecturer showed great interest in a solution on the subject and we found it to be a great thesis subject for the Bachelor degree in Computer Science. By the year of 2016 it is expected that the number of network connected devices will grow threefold, there will be four times as much IP traffic and the data storage demand will increase tenfold. [8] This growing demand will also affect the requirement on the Network Monitoring System and in turn the monitoring agents. In this paper we created a baseline, which consisted of a timing regarding the time consumption for manual deployment, configuration and management of the monitoring agents. We also developed an automated way for deployment, configuration and management of monitoring agents by integrating a Content Management Software called Puppet, combined with several scripts. To simplify the management and deployment furthermore a widget was developed for Op5’s Web based User Interface called Ninja. The developed solution was measured against the baseline and a result regarding time consumption was presented. The result fell into a discussion on the subject of automatization and the time savings that it may result in due to less frequent human errors and a less repetitive work processes.

Využití globálních družicových polohových systémů při mezinárodních přepravách nebezpečných věcí / The usage of Global Navigation Satellite Systems in the transnational transport of dangerous goods

Darmovzal, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis The usage of Global Navigation Satellite Systems in the transnational transport of dangerous goods examines the possibilities of space-based radio-navigation systems in the transport sector, specifically in the carriage of hazardous materials. The author puts an emphasis on identifying the economic and other benefits, as well as the downsides from the key users perspective, which is accomplished by means of interaction with said stakeholders. The dissertations final part aims to point to the factors decisive in the future development with regard to societal needs on both national and European Union levels.

The realization of signal processing methods and their hardware implementation over multi-carrier modulation using FPGA technology : validation and implementation of multi-carrier modulation on FPGA, and signal processing of the channel estimation techniques and filter bank architectures for DWT using HDL coding for mobile and wireless applications

Migdadi, Hassan Saleh Okleh January 2015 (has links)
First part of this thesis presents the design, validation, and implementation of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmitter and receiver on a Cyclone II FPGA chip using DSP builder and Quartus II high level design tools. The resources in terms of logical elements (LE) including combinational functions and logic registers allocated by the model have been investigated and addressed. The result shows that implementing the basic OFDM transceiver allocates about 14% (equivalent to 6% at transmitter and 8% at receiver) of the available LE resources on an Altera Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6 FPGA chip, largely taken up by the FFT, IFFT and soft decision encoder. Secondly, a new wavelet-based OFDM system based on FDPP-DA based channel estimation is proposed as a reliable ECG Patient Monitoring System, a Personal Wireless telemedicine application. The system performance for different wavelet mothers has been investigated. The effects of AWGN and multipath Rayleigh fading channels have also been studied in the analysis. The performances of FDPP-DA and HDPP-DA-based channel estimations are compared based on both DFT-based OFDM and wavelet-based OFDM systems. The system model was studied using MATLAB software in which the average BER was addressed for randomized data. The main error differences that reflect the quality of the received ECG signals between the reconstructed and original ECG signals are established. Finally a DA-based architecture for 1-D iDWT/DWT based on an OFDM model is implemented for an ECG-PMS wireless telemedicine application. In the portable wireless body transmitter unit at the patient site, a fully Serial-DA-based scheme for iDWT is realized to support higher hardware utilization and lower power consumption; whereas a fully Parallel-DA-based scheme for DWT is applied at the base unit of the hospital site to support a higher throughput. It should be noted that the behavioural level of HDL models of the proposed system was developed and implemented to confirm its correctness in simulation. Then, after the simulation process the design models were synthesised and implemented for the target FPGA to confirm their validation.

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