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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Test-retest reproducibility of accommodation measurements gathered in an unselected sample of UK primary school children

Adler, P., Scally, Andy J., Barrett, Brendan T. January 2012 (has links)
No / Purpose To determine the test-retest reproducibility of accommodation measurements gathered in an unselected sample of primary school children. Methods Monocular and binocular amplitudes of accommodation (AA) were collected by five different Testers using the push-up method in an unselected sample of school children (n=137, age: 8.1±2.1-years). Testing was conducted on three occasions (average testing interval: 8-days) in 91.2% of the children. Results The median AA was 19.1D, the variation due to the identity of the Tester was 3.1D (p<0.001) and the within-subject variation (which takes the variation due to Tester identity into account) was 5.2D. Around 75-79% of children exhibited monocular AAs-12D when tested on the first occasion, but more than 90% exhibited an AA-12D when subsequently tested. Around 74-80% of those with an AA<12D on the first occasion had values-12D on subsequent testing even though no treatment had been undertaken. Poorer initial AA measurements were less likely to improve on repeat testing. Conclusions Our results reveal substantial intra-individual variation in AA measurements, raising questions about the usefulness of this test in children aged 4-12-years. We suggest that AA assessment may prove most useful in children in this age range as a pass/fail check for substantially reduced AA, for example, where the AA is <12D. Our sample would suggest that the prevalence of persistently reduced AA may be around 3.2% when tested under binocular conditions and 4-6.4% when tested monocularly.

What Drives Adaptive Gait Changes to Acutely Presented Monocular Blur?

Chapman, Graham J., Scally, Andy J., Elliott, David January 2011 (has links)
No / Purpose. To determine whether gait alterations due to monocular spherical lens blur were a safety strategy or driven by lens magnification. Methods. Adaptive gait and visual function were measured in 10 older adults (mean age, 74.9 4.8 years) with the participants' optimal refractive correction and when monocularly blurred with 1.00 DS and 2.00 DS lens over the dominant eye. Adaptive gait measurements for the lead and trail foot included foot position before the raised surface, toe clearance of the raised surface edge, and foot position on the raised surface. Vision measurements included binocular visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and stereoacuity. Results. Equal levels of monocular positive and negative spherical lens blur led to very different stepping strategies when negotiating a raised surface. Positive blur lenses led to an increased vertical toe clearance and reduced distance of the lead foot position on the raised surface. Negative lenses led to the opposite of these changes. Conclusions. Findings suggest that step negotiation strategies were driven by the magnification effect provided by the spherical lenses. Steps appeared closer and larger with magnification from positive lenses and further away and smaller with minification from negative lenses and gait was adjusted accordingly. These results suggest that previously reported adaptive gait changes to monocular spherical lens blur were not safety strategies as previously suggested but driven by lens magnification. The significance of these findings in terms of prescribing large refractive changes in frail older patients is discussed.

Fusão de informações obtidas a partir de múltiplas imagens visando à navegação autônoma de veículos inteligentes em abiente agrícola / Data fusion obtained from multiple images aiming the navigation of autonomous intelligent vehicles in agricultural environment

Utino, Vítor Manha 08 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de auxilio à navegação autônoma para veículos terrestres com foco em ambientes estruturados em um cenário agrícola. É gerada a estimativa das posições dos obstáculos baseado na fusão das detecções provenientes do processamento dos dados de duas câmeras, uma estéreo e outra térmica. Foram desenvolvidos três módulos de detecção de obstáculos. O primeiro módulo utiliza imagens monoculares da câmera estéreo para detectar novidades no ambiente através da comparação do estado atual com o estado anterior. O segundo módulo utiliza a técnica Stixel para delimitar os obstáculos acima do plano do chão. Por fim, o terceiro módulo utiliza as imagens térmicas para encontrar assinaturas que evidenciem a presença de obstáculo. Os módulos de detecção são fundidos utilizando a Teoria de Dempster-Shafer que fornece a estimativa da presença de obstáculos no ambiente. Os experimentos foram executados em ambiente agrícola real. Foi executada a validação do sistema em cenários bem iluminados, com terreno irregular e com obstáculos diversos. O sistema apresentou um desempenho satisfatório tendo em vista a utilização de uma abordagem baseada em apenas três módulos de detecção com metodologias que não tem por objetivo priorizar a confirmação de obstáculos, mas sim a busca de novos obstáculos. Nesta dissertação são apresentados os principais componentes de um sistema de detecção de obstáculos e as etapas necessárias para a sua concepção, assim como resultados de experimentos com o uso de um veículo real. / This work presents a support system to the autonomous navigation for ground vehicles with focus on structured environments in an agricultural scenario. The estimated obstacle positions are generated based on the fusion of the detections from the processing of data from two cameras, one stereo and other thermal. Three modules obstacle detection have been developed. The first module uses monocular images of the stereo camera to detect novelties in the environment by comparing the current state with the previous state. The second module uses Stixel technique to delimit the obstacles above the ground plane. Finally, the third module uses thermal images to find signatures that reveal the presence of obstacle. The detection modules are fused using the Dempster-Shafer theory that provides an estimate of the presence of obstacles in the environment. The experiments were executed in real agricultural environment. System validation was performed in well-lit scenarios, with uneven terrain and different obstacles. The system showed satisfactory performance considering the use of an approach based on only three detection modules with methods that do not prioritize obstacle confirmation, but the search for new ones. This dissertation presents the main components of an obstacle detection system and the necessary steps for its design as well as results of experiments with the use of a real vehicle.

Rastreamento visual e por photoscreener em escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental / Visual acuity screening and photoscreening in school-children at the first grade of elementary school

Jesus, Daniela Lima de 29 September 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Aproximadamente 20% das crianças brasileiras em idade escolar apresentam algum problema oftalmológico e cerca de 95% dos distúrbios poderiam ser evitados ou minorados com promoção de saúde e assistência. A triagem visual é realizada por agentes comunitários de saúde, professores e alfabetizadores. Apesar do treinamento que os professores recebem, muitas crianças são dispensadas na triagem realizada nos serviços especializados e ainda existe um alto índice de absenteísmo, evidenciando-se a necessidade de melhorar a gestão dos recursos humanos e financeiros envolvidos no rastreamento visual e refrativo de escolares do ensino fundamental. OBJETIVOS: O estudo buscou comparar o rastreamento visual com corte de acuidade visual monocular, sem correção, <= 0,7, corte <= 0,6, medida de acuidade visual binocular e corte <= 0,7 e rastreamento refrativo com Spot Vision ScreeningTM PediaVision (SPOT). O segundo objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance do SPOT como auto-refrator. MÉTODOS: Durante o Projeto Visão do Futuro, ocorrido em 2012, no HCFMUSP, avaliamos 1554 crianças, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão do estudo e destas, 148 foram submetidas ao photoscreening. RESULTADOS: A adoção de corte <= 0,6 no rastreamento visual monocular reduziria em 29% o número de crianças encaminhadas para avaliação oftalmológica e a triagem binocular com corte <= 0,7 em 41,1%, porém 61 casos de ambliopia deixariam de ser diagnosticados. O SPOT apresentou sensibilidade em detectar erro refracional com necessidade de prescrição de 73,3% e especificidade de 93,18% e, em média, a diferença da refração do Spot com a refração clínica subjetiva foi de + 0,63 DE com -0,33 DC no eixo de 4°, para o olho direito de cada paciente. CONCLUSÕES: As mudanças de corte para 0,6 e binocular 0,7 reduzem consideravelmente o número de avaliações, porém, a última deixa de diagnosticar parcela importante das crianças amblíopes. O SPOT apresentou bons índices de sensibilidade e especificidade no rastreamento refrativo em escolares e os valores de refração obtidos com este equipamento assemelham-se clinicamente aos valores de refração clínica subjetiva / BACKGROUND: Approximately 20% of brazilian children of school age have some eye problem and about 95% of the disorders could be prevented or reduced with health promotion and care. The visual screening is performed by community health agent and teachers. Despite training that teachers receive, many children are over-referred and also there\'s a high index of absence students, highlighting the need to improve the management of human and financial resources involved in visual and refractive screening of elementary school. PURPOSES: The present study aimed to compare visual screening by monocular visual acuity with cut-off of 0,7, 0,6, binocular visual acuity and cut-off 0,7 and photoscreening by Spot Vision ScreeningTM PediaVision (SPOT). The second objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Spot as auto-refractor. METHODS: During the Program \"Visão do Futuro\", in 2012, at HCFMUSP, 1554 children that met the inclusion criteria were examined, 148 of these were photoscreened. RESULTS: The adoption of cut-off <= 0.6 in monocular visual screening would reduce by 29% the number of children referred for ophthalmic evaluation and binocular screening with cutting <= 0.7 to 41.1%, however 61 cases of amblyopia would not be diagnosticated. SPOT had a sensitivity to detect refractive error requiring prescription of 73.3% and specificity of 93.18%. The mean difference between refraction obtained by Spot and clinical subjective refraction was of +0.63 SD combined with -0,33 CD in the 4° axis for right eye of each patient. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing cut-off in monocular visual acuity to 0.6 or 0.7 binocular considerably reduce the number of evaluations, however, the last leaves to diagnose significant portion of amblyopic children. The SPOT showed good levels of sensitivity and specificity in refractive screening of school children and refraction values obtained with this equipment are clinically similar to the values of subjective clinical refraction

Rastreamento visual e refrativo em crianças pré-escolares de 4 a 6 anos de idade / Visual acuity and refractive screenings in preschool children between 4-6 years old

Villela, Flávio Fernandes 13 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O relacionamento com o mundo exterior é feito fundamentalmente através da visão, de modo que qualquer anormalidade na função visual das crianças pré-escolares pode levar à dificuldade no aprendizado e no relacionamento social, assim como queda de rendimento nas atividades físicas e intelectuais. O Sistema Único de Saúde ainda não se estruturou para o atendimento oftalmológico do pré-escolar e os rastreamentos visuais realizados nas escolas são, às vezes, a única chance de detecção dos problemas visuais nesta população. OBJETIVOS: Detectar erros de refração não corrigidos e fatores causadores de ambliopia em uma população de préescolares com 4 - 6 anos de idade, por meio de rastreamento visual (medida da AV com a tabela de Snellen) e refrativo (medida do erro refrativo sem e com cicloplegia com o Spot(TM) Vision Screener). MÉTODOS: 97 crianças préescolares matriculadas em creches municipais e estaduais foram submetidas a rastreamento visual (ponto de corte: AV monocular <= 0,7 e/ou diferença duas linhas de Snellen entre os olhos) e rastreamento refrativo (ponto de corte: hipermetropia >= 3,00 D, miopia >= 0,75 D e astigmatismo >= 0,75 D). Todas as crianças foram submetidas a exame oftalmológico completo e mensuração do erro refrativo com cicloplegia com o refrator automático Topcon KR 8000. RESULTADOS: O método de rastreamento visual com tabela optométrica de Snellen apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, 58,6% e 64,7%. O método de rastreamento refrativo com Spot(TM) Vision Screener apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, 92,8% e 35,2% (sem cicloplegia) e 96,4% e 29,4% (com cicloplegia). Os percentuais estimados do não encaminhamento para exame oftalmológico completo das crianças com erros de refração acima do ponto de corte estabelecido foram: 46,4% para o rastreamento visual, 17,9% para o rastreamento refrativo com Spot(TM) sem cicloplegia e de 3,6% com o Spot(TM) com cicloplegia. CONCLUSÃO: Na população avaliada, o método de triagem refrativa pelo Spot(TM) Vision Screener com cicloplegia foi o mais efetivo / BACKGROUND: Contacting the outside world is fundamentally made through vision, so that any abnormalities in visual function of preschool children can lead to difficulty in learning and social networking, as well as income decline in physical and intellectual activities. Brazilian Health System (SUS) has not yet structured to preschool eye care and visual scans performed in schools are sometimes the only chance of detection of visual problems in this population. PURPOSES: Detect uncorrected refractive errors and factors that lead to ambliopia in a population of preschool children 4-6 years of age by visual screening (as visual acuity with the Snellen chart) and refractive (measurement of refractive error, without cicloplegia and under cicloplegia, by photoscreener Spot(TM) Vision Screener). METHODS: 97 preschool children enrolled in state and municipal schools were subjected to visual screening (cut-off: monocular visual acuity <= 0.7 and / or difference of two lines in Snellen chart between both eyes) and refractive screening (cut-off: hyperopia >= 3.00 D, myopia >= 0.75 D and astigmatism >= 0.75 D). All children underwent complete eye examination and measurement of refractive errors under cycloplegia with auto-refractor Topcon KR 8000. RESULTS: Visual screening method using chart Snellen had values of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, 58.6% and 64.7%. Refractive screening method using photoscreener Spot(TM) Vision Screener showed values of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, 92.8% and 35.2% (without cycloplegia), and 96.4% and 29.4% (under cycloplegia). The estimated percentage of non-referral to complete ophthalmologic examination of children with refractive errors above the cut-off point were 46.4% for the visual screening, 17.9% for the refractive screening with Spot(TM) without cycloplegia and 3.6 % with Spot(TM) under cycloplegia. CONCLUSION: In this population, the refractive screening method by Spot(TM) Vision Screener under cycloplegia was the most effective

Rastreamento visual e refrativo em crianças pré-escolares de 4 a 6 anos de idade / Visual acuity and refractive screenings in preschool children between 4-6 years old

Flávio Fernandes Villela 13 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O relacionamento com o mundo exterior é feito fundamentalmente através da visão, de modo que qualquer anormalidade na função visual das crianças pré-escolares pode levar à dificuldade no aprendizado e no relacionamento social, assim como queda de rendimento nas atividades físicas e intelectuais. O Sistema Único de Saúde ainda não se estruturou para o atendimento oftalmológico do pré-escolar e os rastreamentos visuais realizados nas escolas são, às vezes, a única chance de detecção dos problemas visuais nesta população. OBJETIVOS: Detectar erros de refração não corrigidos e fatores causadores de ambliopia em uma população de préescolares com 4 - 6 anos de idade, por meio de rastreamento visual (medida da AV com a tabela de Snellen) e refrativo (medida do erro refrativo sem e com cicloplegia com o Spot(TM) Vision Screener). MÉTODOS: 97 crianças préescolares matriculadas em creches municipais e estaduais foram submetidas a rastreamento visual (ponto de corte: AV monocular <= 0,7 e/ou diferença duas linhas de Snellen entre os olhos) e rastreamento refrativo (ponto de corte: hipermetropia >= 3,00 D, miopia >= 0,75 D e astigmatismo >= 0,75 D). Todas as crianças foram submetidas a exame oftalmológico completo e mensuração do erro refrativo com cicloplegia com o refrator automático Topcon KR 8000. RESULTADOS: O método de rastreamento visual com tabela optométrica de Snellen apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, 58,6% e 64,7%. O método de rastreamento refrativo com Spot(TM) Vision Screener apresentou valores de sensibilidade e especificidade, respectivamente, 92,8% e 35,2% (sem cicloplegia) e 96,4% e 29,4% (com cicloplegia). Os percentuais estimados do não encaminhamento para exame oftalmológico completo das crianças com erros de refração acima do ponto de corte estabelecido foram: 46,4% para o rastreamento visual, 17,9% para o rastreamento refrativo com Spot(TM) sem cicloplegia e de 3,6% com o Spot(TM) com cicloplegia. CONCLUSÃO: Na população avaliada, o método de triagem refrativa pelo Spot(TM) Vision Screener com cicloplegia foi o mais efetivo / BACKGROUND: Contacting the outside world is fundamentally made through vision, so that any abnormalities in visual function of preschool children can lead to difficulty in learning and social networking, as well as income decline in physical and intellectual activities. Brazilian Health System (SUS) has not yet structured to preschool eye care and visual scans performed in schools are sometimes the only chance of detection of visual problems in this population. PURPOSES: Detect uncorrected refractive errors and factors that lead to ambliopia in a population of preschool children 4-6 years of age by visual screening (as visual acuity with the Snellen chart) and refractive (measurement of refractive error, without cicloplegia and under cicloplegia, by photoscreener Spot(TM) Vision Screener). METHODS: 97 preschool children enrolled in state and municipal schools were subjected to visual screening (cut-off: monocular visual acuity <= 0.7 and / or difference of two lines in Snellen chart between both eyes) and refractive screening (cut-off: hyperopia >= 3.00 D, myopia >= 0.75 D and astigmatism >= 0.75 D). All children underwent complete eye examination and measurement of refractive errors under cycloplegia with auto-refractor Topcon KR 8000. RESULTS: Visual screening method using chart Snellen had values of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, 58.6% and 64.7%. Refractive screening method using photoscreener Spot(TM) Vision Screener showed values of sensitivity and specificity, respectively, 92.8% and 35.2% (without cycloplegia), and 96.4% and 29.4% (under cycloplegia). The estimated percentage of non-referral to complete ophthalmologic examination of children with refractive errors above the cut-off point were 46.4% for the visual screening, 17.9% for the refractive screening with Spot(TM) without cycloplegia and 3.6 % with Spot(TM) under cycloplegia. CONCLUSION: In this population, the refractive screening method by Spot(TM) Vision Screener under cycloplegia was the most effective

Rastreamento visual e por photoscreener em escolares do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental / Visual acuity screening and photoscreening in school-children at the first grade of elementary school

Daniela Lima de Jesus 29 September 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Aproximadamente 20% das crianças brasileiras em idade escolar apresentam algum problema oftalmológico e cerca de 95% dos distúrbios poderiam ser evitados ou minorados com promoção de saúde e assistência. A triagem visual é realizada por agentes comunitários de saúde, professores e alfabetizadores. Apesar do treinamento que os professores recebem, muitas crianças são dispensadas na triagem realizada nos serviços especializados e ainda existe um alto índice de absenteísmo, evidenciando-se a necessidade de melhorar a gestão dos recursos humanos e financeiros envolvidos no rastreamento visual e refrativo de escolares do ensino fundamental. OBJETIVOS: O estudo buscou comparar o rastreamento visual com corte de acuidade visual monocular, sem correção, <= 0,7, corte <= 0,6, medida de acuidade visual binocular e corte <= 0,7 e rastreamento refrativo com Spot Vision ScreeningTM PediaVision (SPOT). O segundo objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance do SPOT como auto-refrator. MÉTODOS: Durante o Projeto Visão do Futuro, ocorrido em 2012, no HCFMUSP, avaliamos 1554 crianças, que preencheram os critérios de inclusão do estudo e destas, 148 foram submetidas ao photoscreening. RESULTADOS: A adoção de corte <= 0,6 no rastreamento visual monocular reduziria em 29% o número de crianças encaminhadas para avaliação oftalmológica e a triagem binocular com corte <= 0,7 em 41,1%, porém 61 casos de ambliopia deixariam de ser diagnosticados. O SPOT apresentou sensibilidade em detectar erro refracional com necessidade de prescrição de 73,3% e especificidade de 93,18% e, em média, a diferença da refração do Spot com a refração clínica subjetiva foi de + 0,63 DE com -0,33 DC no eixo de 4°, para o olho direito de cada paciente. CONCLUSÕES: As mudanças de corte para 0,6 e binocular 0,7 reduzem consideravelmente o número de avaliações, porém, a última deixa de diagnosticar parcela importante das crianças amblíopes. O SPOT apresentou bons índices de sensibilidade e especificidade no rastreamento refrativo em escolares e os valores de refração obtidos com este equipamento assemelham-se clinicamente aos valores de refração clínica subjetiva / BACKGROUND: Approximately 20% of brazilian children of school age have some eye problem and about 95% of the disorders could be prevented or reduced with health promotion and care. The visual screening is performed by community health agent and teachers. Despite training that teachers receive, many children are over-referred and also there\'s a high index of absence students, highlighting the need to improve the management of human and financial resources involved in visual and refractive screening of elementary school. PURPOSES: The present study aimed to compare visual screening by monocular visual acuity with cut-off of 0,7, 0,6, binocular visual acuity and cut-off 0,7 and photoscreening by Spot Vision ScreeningTM PediaVision (SPOT). The second objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Spot as auto-refractor. METHODS: During the Program \"Visão do Futuro\", in 2012, at HCFMUSP, 1554 children that met the inclusion criteria were examined, 148 of these were photoscreened. RESULTS: The adoption of cut-off <= 0.6 in monocular visual screening would reduce by 29% the number of children referred for ophthalmic evaluation and binocular screening with cutting <= 0.7 to 41.1%, however 61 cases of amblyopia would not be diagnosticated. SPOT had a sensitivity to detect refractive error requiring prescription of 73.3% and specificity of 93.18%. The mean difference between refraction obtained by Spot and clinical subjective refraction was of +0.63 SD combined with -0,33 CD in the 4° axis for right eye of each patient. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing cut-off in monocular visual acuity to 0.6 or 0.7 binocular considerably reduce the number of evaluations, however, the last leaves to diagnose significant portion of amblyopic children. The SPOT showed good levels of sensitivity and specificity in refractive screening of school children and refraction values obtained with this equipment are clinically similar to the values of subjective clinical refraction

Fusão de informações obtidas a partir de múltiplas imagens visando à navegação autônoma de veículos inteligentes em abiente agrícola / Data fusion obtained from multiple images aiming the navigation of autonomous intelligent vehicles in agricultural environment

Vítor Manha Utino 08 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um sistema de auxilio à navegação autônoma para veículos terrestres com foco em ambientes estruturados em um cenário agrícola. É gerada a estimativa das posições dos obstáculos baseado na fusão das detecções provenientes do processamento dos dados de duas câmeras, uma estéreo e outra térmica. Foram desenvolvidos três módulos de detecção de obstáculos. O primeiro módulo utiliza imagens monoculares da câmera estéreo para detectar novidades no ambiente através da comparação do estado atual com o estado anterior. O segundo módulo utiliza a técnica Stixel para delimitar os obstáculos acima do plano do chão. Por fim, o terceiro módulo utiliza as imagens térmicas para encontrar assinaturas que evidenciem a presença de obstáculo. Os módulos de detecção são fundidos utilizando a Teoria de Dempster-Shafer que fornece a estimativa da presença de obstáculos no ambiente. Os experimentos foram executados em ambiente agrícola real. Foi executada a validação do sistema em cenários bem iluminados, com terreno irregular e com obstáculos diversos. O sistema apresentou um desempenho satisfatório tendo em vista a utilização de uma abordagem baseada em apenas três módulos de detecção com metodologias que não tem por objetivo priorizar a confirmação de obstáculos, mas sim a busca de novos obstáculos. Nesta dissertação são apresentados os principais componentes de um sistema de detecção de obstáculos e as etapas necessárias para a sua concepção, assim como resultados de experimentos com o uso de um veículo real. / This work presents a support system to the autonomous navigation for ground vehicles with focus on structured environments in an agricultural scenario. The estimated obstacle positions are generated based on the fusion of the detections from the processing of data from two cameras, one stereo and other thermal. Three modules obstacle detection have been developed. The first module uses monocular images of the stereo camera to detect novelties in the environment by comparing the current state with the previous state. The second module uses Stixel technique to delimit the obstacles above the ground plane. Finally, the third module uses thermal images to find signatures that reveal the presence of obstacle. The detection modules are fused using the Dempster-Shafer theory that provides an estimate of the presence of obstacles in the environment. The experiments were executed in real agricultural environment. System validation was performed in well-lit scenarios, with uneven terrain and different obstacles. The system showed satisfactory performance considering the use of an approach based on only three detection modules with methods that do not prioritize obstacle confirmation, but the search for new ones. This dissertation presents the main components of an obstacle detection system and the necessary steps for its design as well as results of experiments with the use of a real vehicle.

The effects of binocular vision impairment on adaptive gait : the effects of binocular vision impairment due to monocular refractive blur on adaptive gait involving negotiation of a raised surface

Vale, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Impairment of stereoacuity is common in the elderly population and is found to be a risk factor for falls. The purpose of these experiments was to extend knowledge regarding impairment of binocular vision and adaptive gait. Firstly using a 3D motion analysis system to measure how impairment of stereopsis affected adaptive gait during a negotiation of a step, secondly by determining which clinical stereotest was the most reliable for measuring stereoacuity in elderly subjects and finally investigating how manipulating the perceived height of a step in both binocular and monocular conditions affected negotiation of a step. In conditions of impaired stereopsis induced by acutely presented monocular blur, both young and elderly subjects adopted a safety strategy of increasing toe clearance of the step edge, even at low levels of monocular blur (+0.50DS) and the effect was greater when the dominant eye was blurred. The same adaptation was not found for individuals with chronic monocular blur, where vertical toe clearance did not change but variability of toe clearance increased compared to full binocular correction. Findings indicate stereopsis is important for accurately judging the height of a step, and offers support to epidemiological findings that impaired stereoacuity is a risk for falls. Poor agreement was found between clinical stereotests. The Frisby test was found to have the best repeatability. Finally, a visual illusion that caused a step to be perceived as taller led to increased toe elevation. This demonstrates a potential way of increasing toe clearance when stepping up and hence increase safety on stairs.

Fusion of IMU and Monocular-SLAM in a Loosely Coupled EKF

Henrik, Fåhraeus January 2017 (has links)
Camera based navigation is getting more and more popular and is the often the cornerstone in Augmented and Virtual Reality. However, navigation systems using camera are less accurate during fast movements and the systems are often resource intensive in terms of CPU and battery consumption. Also, the image processing algorithms introduce latencies in the systems, causing the information of the current position to be delayed. This thesis investigates if a camera and an IMU can be fused in a loosely coupled Extended Kalman Filter to reduce these problems. An IMU introduces unnoticeable latencies and the performance of the IMU is not affected by fast movements. For accurate tracking using an IMU it is important to estimate the bias correctly. Thus, a new method was used in a calibration step to see if it could improve the result. Also, a method to estimate the relative position and orientation between the camera and IMU is evaluated. The filter shows promising results estimating the orientation. The filter can estimate the orientation without latencies and can also offer accurate tracking during fast rotation when the camera is not able to estimate the orientation. However, the position is much harder and no performance gain could be seen. Some methods that are likely to improve the tracking are discussed and suggested as future work.

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