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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Weinrich, Matthew C. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Cryostratigraphie du pergélisol sensible au dégel : outil d’aide à l’élaboration et à l’adaptation de l’environnement bâti de la communauté de Puvirnituq (Nunavik)

Larrivée, Katryne 12 1900 (has links)
Au Nunavik, l’augmentation des températures atmosphériques en lien avec les changements climatiques influence la capacité portante du sol en modifiant le régime thermique de la couche active et du pergélisol. Selon la nature du sol et des cryostructures, les processus de fluage et tassement différentiel du sol peuvent être considérables. La forte croissance démographique au Nunavik nécessite la construction de plusieurs nouvelles unités d’habitation. La présente étude a produit des outils pour permettre un aménagement durable du territoire par l’interprétation géomorphologique du paysage et l’étude des propriétés géotechniques des cryofaciès qui compose la cryostratigraphie des unités géomorphologiques de Puvirnituq afin d’estimer le comportement du pergélisol au dégel. Trois unités géomorphologiques principales ont été distinguées sur le territoire. Le socle rocheux est stable au dégel ainsi que les dépôts minces qui le recouvrent puisqu’ils sont contenus dans la couche active (unité P1). Le till remanié est dominé par du sable pauvre en glace, lui conférant une stabilité, mais les moraines de De Geer pourraient incorporer des dépôts marins riches en glace à l’intérieur d’un till remanié (unité P2). Les dépressions comblées de dépôts marins et littoraux sont probablement situées sur du till remanié mais contiennent une zone de transition riche en glace entre ~0,9 et 1,7 m de profondeur, excluant les possibilités de construction (unité P3). La principale contribution à l’aménagement du territoire découlant de cette étude a été la production de deux cartes. La première présente la distribution des unités géomorphologiques sur l’ensemble du territoire, permettant d’identifier rapidement le potentiel d’aménagement de l’environnement de Puvirnituq; la seconde carte montre l’emplacement des moraines de De Geer au-delà du village. Ces données trouveront des applications dans l’évaluation de substrats pour l’expansion de l’environnement bâti de Purvinituq et de granulats non-gélifs pour la construction des infrastructures construites sur remblais. Cette carte souligne l’importance de l’histoire Quaternaire sur les conditions actuelles de pergélisol. / In Nunavik, a sustained increase of surface temperatures linked to climate change, affects the bearing capacity of the permafrost by modifying its thermal regime. Depending on the nature of the soil as well as its cryostructures, creep and differential thaw-settlement processes can be significant. The rapid demographic growth in Nunavik requires the construction of several new housing units. In order to estimate the behaviour of permafrost to thaw, this study has contributed to a sustainable land-use planning by the geomorphological interpretation of the landscape and the study of geotechnical properties of the different cryofacies that compose the geomorphological units of Puvirnituq. Three main geomorphological units were distinguished within the territory. The bedrock is thaw-stable as well as the veneer of surficial deposits since they are contained within the active layer (P1 unit). The reworked till is dominated by ice-poor sand, providing a certain stability, but the De Geer moraines could incorporate ice-rich till and ice-rich thaw sensitive marine deposits (P2 unit). The depressions, filled with marine and littoral deposits, probably contain stable reworked till at the bottom but the presence of an ice-rich transition zone between ~0,9 and 1,7 m depth, makes this geomorphological unit improper for construction (P3 unit). The principal contribution to landuse planning of this study is the production of two maps. The first presents the distribution of the geomorphological units over the entire territory, allowing for a quick identification of potential areas to support the development of Puvirnituq; the second map shows the location of De Geer moraines beyond the study area to extrapolate the result of this study to the landscape scale.

Evolução hidro geomorfológica da zona proglacial da Geleira Collins, Ilha Rei George, Antártica

Petsch, Carina January 2018 (has links)
As geleiras são indicadores sensíveis às mudanças climáticas, aquelas áreas marginais à geleira e proglaciais apresentam várias mudanças decorrentes da retração das geleiras. Dessa forma, esta tese propõe um modelo de desenvolvimento hidrológico e geomorfológico da zona proglacial de uma geleira no sul da ilha Rei George, ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antártica no período desde a Pequena Idade do Gelo até 2017. A compartimentação do relevo e mapeamento geomorfológico proglacial foi feito a partir de Modelo Digital de Elevação gerado a partir de imagens TanDEM-X e de uma imagem QuickBird de 2008, além de coletas de sedimentos em campo. Já para a caracterização da fenologia de gelo da superfície de lagos proglaciais, foi feita uma correlação da área de superfície líquida, obtida em imagens TerraSAR X de 2011, com as variáveis temperatura, precipitação e vento. O cenário de evolução da geleira (chamada localmente de geleira Collins) até 2070 foi elaborado a partir de metodologia de Ruckamp et al. (2011). Os compartimentos na península onde encontra-se a geleira (península Fildes) são planaltos e depressões que possuem como principais formas associadas paleovales em U e vales em anfiteatro que foram posteriormente retrabalhados por canais de degelo e processos intempéricos. A área proglacial não é homogênea e a frente da geleira apresentou distintos ambientes que foram mapeados nessa tese em setores. Os setores do lado leste são os mais dinâmicos da geleira, pois além de apresentar vários canais de água de degelo, tem feições como flutings e morainas de recessão. No cenário do comportamento da geleira para o futuro, são justamente essas áreas que deverão ser as primeiras a apresentarem retração, até 2030 É provável que no futuro, com a retração da geleira, devido a configuração do relevo subglacial, haverá formação de lagos, alagados e canais nas suas porções mais côncavas e mais tempo de atuação dos processos paraglaciais. Os setores voltados para a passagem de Drake indicam um sistema glacial ativo com capacidade de transporte de material de diferentes tamanhos e quantidade. No futuro essa área, devido ao relevo subglacial e hidrologia, provavelmente não terá a formação de lagos e feições como flutings ou morainas de recessão, se caracterizando como mais estável. Quanto a formação atual dos lagos, 7 dos 15 lagos analisados para o verão de 2011 apresentaram correlação significativa (ρ maior que 0,4) com a temperatura, enquanto 11 lagos responderam significativamente para precipitação. Os lagos atingem a área máxima de superfície líquida no final de fevereiro e congelam completamente no início de abril. O cenário de variação espacial da frente da geleira Collins revela a continuidade do processo de retração para as próximas décadas, com perda de 35% de sua área até 2070. No primeiro momento, a retração na zona proglacial formará uma área instável com alta quantidade de sedimentos nos canais. A fixação da vegetação contribuirá nessa fase para aumento da infiltração de água de degelo no solo (formação de alagados), aumento da força e cisalhamento do solo até que a paisagem atinja uma fase estável, com indícios de atividade periglacial entre 2050 e 2070. / Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change, those marginal and proglacial areas show several changes due to glaciers retraction. Having this in mind, this thesis proposes a hydrological and geomorphological development model for the proglacial zone of a glacier in the south of the King George island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica in the period between the Little Ice Age and 2017. The relief compartmentation and proglacial geomorphological mapping was done using a Digital Elevation Model generated from TanDEM-X images and a QuickBird image from 2008, in addition to field sediment samples. For the characterization of the ice phenology of the proglacial lakes surface, a correlation of the net surface area, obtained from 2011 TerraSAR X images, was made with temperature, precipitation and wind variables. The evolution of the glacier (locally called Collins Glacier) until 2070 was elaborated using the methodology by Ruckamp et al. (2011). The compartments in the peninsula where the glacier is located (Fildes Peninsula) are plateaus and depressions that have U paleovalley sand amphitheatre valleys as main forms later reworked by melting channels and intemperic processes. The proglacial area is not homogeneous and the glacier front has different environments that were mapped in this thesis in sectors. The glacier eastern sectors are the most dynamic ones, as they have several melting water channels, features like flutings and moraines of recession. In the scenario for the future behaviour of the glacier, it is possible that these areas that will be the first ones to present retraction, until 2030 It is probable that in the future, with the retraction of the glacier, due to the configuration of the subglacial relief, there will be formation of lakes, flooded areas and channels in their more concave portions and more time for operation of the paraglacial processes. The sectors orientated to the Drake Passage indicate an active glacial system with capacity to transport material of different sizes and quantity. In the future this area, due to subglacial relief and hydrology, probably will not have the formation of lakes and features like flutings or moraines of recession, characterizing itself as more stable. Regarding the current lake formation, 7 of the 15 lakes analysed for the 2011 summer presented a significant correlation (ρ greater than 0.4) with temperature, while 11 lakes responded significantly to precipitation. The lakes reached the maximum net surface area at the end of February and frozen completely at the beginning of April. The spatial variation scenario of the Collins Glacier front reveals the continuity of the retraction process for the coming decades, with a loss of 35% of its area by 2070. At the first moment, the retraction in the proglacial zone will form an unstable area with a high amount of sediments in the channels. In this phase, vegetation fixation will increase the infiltration of melting water into the soil (formation of floodwaters), increase of soil strength and shear until the landscape reaches a stable phase, with indications of periglacial activity between 2050 and 2070.

Evolução hidro geomorfológica da zona proglacial da Geleira Collins, Ilha Rei George, Antártica

Petsch, Carina January 2018 (has links)
As geleiras são indicadores sensíveis às mudanças climáticas, aquelas áreas marginais à geleira e proglaciais apresentam várias mudanças decorrentes da retração das geleiras. Dessa forma, esta tese propõe um modelo de desenvolvimento hidrológico e geomorfológico da zona proglacial de uma geleira no sul da ilha Rei George, ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antártica no período desde a Pequena Idade do Gelo até 2017. A compartimentação do relevo e mapeamento geomorfológico proglacial foi feito a partir de Modelo Digital de Elevação gerado a partir de imagens TanDEM-X e de uma imagem QuickBird de 2008, além de coletas de sedimentos em campo. Já para a caracterização da fenologia de gelo da superfície de lagos proglaciais, foi feita uma correlação da área de superfície líquida, obtida em imagens TerraSAR X de 2011, com as variáveis temperatura, precipitação e vento. O cenário de evolução da geleira (chamada localmente de geleira Collins) até 2070 foi elaborado a partir de metodologia de Ruckamp et al. (2011). Os compartimentos na península onde encontra-se a geleira (península Fildes) são planaltos e depressões que possuem como principais formas associadas paleovales em U e vales em anfiteatro que foram posteriormente retrabalhados por canais de degelo e processos intempéricos. A área proglacial não é homogênea e a frente da geleira apresentou distintos ambientes que foram mapeados nessa tese em setores. Os setores do lado leste são os mais dinâmicos da geleira, pois além de apresentar vários canais de água de degelo, tem feições como flutings e morainas de recessão. No cenário do comportamento da geleira para o futuro, são justamente essas áreas que deverão ser as primeiras a apresentarem retração, até 2030 É provável que no futuro, com a retração da geleira, devido a configuração do relevo subglacial, haverá formação de lagos, alagados e canais nas suas porções mais côncavas e mais tempo de atuação dos processos paraglaciais. Os setores voltados para a passagem de Drake indicam um sistema glacial ativo com capacidade de transporte de material de diferentes tamanhos e quantidade. No futuro essa área, devido ao relevo subglacial e hidrologia, provavelmente não terá a formação de lagos e feições como flutings ou morainas de recessão, se caracterizando como mais estável. Quanto a formação atual dos lagos, 7 dos 15 lagos analisados para o verão de 2011 apresentaram correlação significativa (ρ maior que 0,4) com a temperatura, enquanto 11 lagos responderam significativamente para precipitação. Os lagos atingem a área máxima de superfície líquida no final de fevereiro e congelam completamente no início de abril. O cenário de variação espacial da frente da geleira Collins revela a continuidade do processo de retração para as próximas décadas, com perda de 35% de sua área até 2070. No primeiro momento, a retração na zona proglacial formará uma área instável com alta quantidade de sedimentos nos canais. A fixação da vegetação contribuirá nessa fase para aumento da infiltração de água de degelo no solo (formação de alagados), aumento da força e cisalhamento do solo até que a paisagem atinja uma fase estável, com indícios de atividade periglacial entre 2050 e 2070. / Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change, those marginal and proglacial areas show several changes due to glaciers retraction. Having this in mind, this thesis proposes a hydrological and geomorphological development model for the proglacial zone of a glacier in the south of the King George island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica in the period between the Little Ice Age and 2017. The relief compartmentation and proglacial geomorphological mapping was done using a Digital Elevation Model generated from TanDEM-X images and a QuickBird image from 2008, in addition to field sediment samples. For the characterization of the ice phenology of the proglacial lakes surface, a correlation of the net surface area, obtained from 2011 TerraSAR X images, was made with temperature, precipitation and wind variables. The evolution of the glacier (locally called Collins Glacier) until 2070 was elaborated using the methodology by Ruckamp et al. (2011). The compartments in the peninsula where the glacier is located (Fildes Peninsula) are plateaus and depressions that have U paleovalley sand amphitheatre valleys as main forms later reworked by melting channels and intemperic processes. The proglacial area is not homogeneous and the glacier front has different environments that were mapped in this thesis in sectors. The glacier eastern sectors are the most dynamic ones, as they have several melting water channels, features like flutings and moraines of recession. In the scenario for the future behaviour of the glacier, it is possible that these areas that will be the first ones to present retraction, until 2030 It is probable that in the future, with the retraction of the glacier, due to the configuration of the subglacial relief, there will be formation of lakes, flooded areas and channels in their more concave portions and more time for operation of the paraglacial processes. The sectors orientated to the Drake Passage indicate an active glacial system with capacity to transport material of different sizes and quantity. In the future this area, due to subglacial relief and hydrology, probably will not have the formation of lakes and features like flutings or moraines of recession, characterizing itself as more stable. Regarding the current lake formation, 7 of the 15 lakes analysed for the 2011 summer presented a significant correlation (ρ greater than 0.4) with temperature, while 11 lakes responded significantly to precipitation. The lakes reached the maximum net surface area at the end of February and frozen completely at the beginning of April. The spatial variation scenario of the Collins Glacier front reveals the continuity of the retraction process for the coming decades, with a loss of 35% of its area by 2070. At the first moment, the retraction in the proglacial zone will form an unstable area with a high amount of sediments in the channels. In this phase, vegetation fixation will increase the infiltration of melting water into the soil (formation of floodwaters), increase of soil strength and shear until the landscape reaches a stable phase, with indications of periglacial activity between 2050 and 2070.

Evolução hidro geomorfológica da zona proglacial da Geleira Collins, Ilha Rei George, Antártica

Petsch, Carina January 2018 (has links)
As geleiras são indicadores sensíveis às mudanças climáticas, aquelas áreas marginais à geleira e proglaciais apresentam várias mudanças decorrentes da retração das geleiras. Dessa forma, esta tese propõe um modelo de desenvolvimento hidrológico e geomorfológico da zona proglacial de uma geleira no sul da ilha Rei George, ilhas Shetland do Sul, Antártica no período desde a Pequena Idade do Gelo até 2017. A compartimentação do relevo e mapeamento geomorfológico proglacial foi feito a partir de Modelo Digital de Elevação gerado a partir de imagens TanDEM-X e de uma imagem QuickBird de 2008, além de coletas de sedimentos em campo. Já para a caracterização da fenologia de gelo da superfície de lagos proglaciais, foi feita uma correlação da área de superfície líquida, obtida em imagens TerraSAR X de 2011, com as variáveis temperatura, precipitação e vento. O cenário de evolução da geleira (chamada localmente de geleira Collins) até 2070 foi elaborado a partir de metodologia de Ruckamp et al. (2011). Os compartimentos na península onde encontra-se a geleira (península Fildes) são planaltos e depressões que possuem como principais formas associadas paleovales em U e vales em anfiteatro que foram posteriormente retrabalhados por canais de degelo e processos intempéricos. A área proglacial não é homogênea e a frente da geleira apresentou distintos ambientes que foram mapeados nessa tese em setores. Os setores do lado leste são os mais dinâmicos da geleira, pois além de apresentar vários canais de água de degelo, tem feições como flutings e morainas de recessão. No cenário do comportamento da geleira para o futuro, são justamente essas áreas que deverão ser as primeiras a apresentarem retração, até 2030 É provável que no futuro, com a retração da geleira, devido a configuração do relevo subglacial, haverá formação de lagos, alagados e canais nas suas porções mais côncavas e mais tempo de atuação dos processos paraglaciais. Os setores voltados para a passagem de Drake indicam um sistema glacial ativo com capacidade de transporte de material de diferentes tamanhos e quantidade. No futuro essa área, devido ao relevo subglacial e hidrologia, provavelmente não terá a formação de lagos e feições como flutings ou morainas de recessão, se caracterizando como mais estável. Quanto a formação atual dos lagos, 7 dos 15 lagos analisados para o verão de 2011 apresentaram correlação significativa (ρ maior que 0,4) com a temperatura, enquanto 11 lagos responderam significativamente para precipitação. Os lagos atingem a área máxima de superfície líquida no final de fevereiro e congelam completamente no início de abril. O cenário de variação espacial da frente da geleira Collins revela a continuidade do processo de retração para as próximas décadas, com perda de 35% de sua área até 2070. No primeiro momento, a retração na zona proglacial formará uma área instável com alta quantidade de sedimentos nos canais. A fixação da vegetação contribuirá nessa fase para aumento da infiltração de água de degelo no solo (formação de alagados), aumento da força e cisalhamento do solo até que a paisagem atinja uma fase estável, com indícios de atividade periglacial entre 2050 e 2070. / Glaciers are sensitive indicators of climate change, those marginal and proglacial areas show several changes due to glaciers retraction. Having this in mind, this thesis proposes a hydrological and geomorphological development model for the proglacial zone of a glacier in the south of the King George island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica in the period between the Little Ice Age and 2017. The relief compartmentation and proglacial geomorphological mapping was done using a Digital Elevation Model generated from TanDEM-X images and a QuickBird image from 2008, in addition to field sediment samples. For the characterization of the ice phenology of the proglacial lakes surface, a correlation of the net surface area, obtained from 2011 TerraSAR X images, was made with temperature, precipitation and wind variables. The evolution of the glacier (locally called Collins Glacier) until 2070 was elaborated using the methodology by Ruckamp et al. (2011). The compartments in the peninsula where the glacier is located (Fildes Peninsula) are plateaus and depressions that have U paleovalley sand amphitheatre valleys as main forms later reworked by melting channels and intemperic processes. The proglacial area is not homogeneous and the glacier front has different environments that were mapped in this thesis in sectors. The glacier eastern sectors are the most dynamic ones, as they have several melting water channels, features like flutings and moraines of recession. In the scenario for the future behaviour of the glacier, it is possible that these areas that will be the first ones to present retraction, until 2030 It is probable that in the future, with the retraction of the glacier, due to the configuration of the subglacial relief, there will be formation of lakes, flooded areas and channels in their more concave portions and more time for operation of the paraglacial processes. The sectors orientated to the Drake Passage indicate an active glacial system with capacity to transport material of different sizes and quantity. In the future this area, due to subglacial relief and hydrology, probably will not have the formation of lakes and features like flutings or moraines of recession, characterizing itself as more stable. Regarding the current lake formation, 7 of the 15 lakes analysed for the 2011 summer presented a significant correlation (ρ greater than 0.4) with temperature, while 11 lakes responded significantly to precipitation. The lakes reached the maximum net surface area at the end of February and frozen completely at the beginning of April. The spatial variation scenario of the Collins Glacier front reveals the continuity of the retraction process for the coming decades, with a loss of 35% of its area by 2070. At the first moment, the retraction in the proglacial zone will form an unstable area with a high amount of sediments in the channels. In this phase, vegetation fixation will increase the infiltration of melting water into the soil (formation of floodwaters), increase of soil strength and shear until the landscape reaches a stable phase, with indications of periglacial activity between 2050 and 2070.

Holocene Fluctuations of the Coe Glacier, Mount Hood, Oregon

Lillquist, Karl Douglas 01 January 1988 (has links)
Numerous moraines front the Coe Glacier on the north side of Mount Hood, Oregon. These moraines were identified and dated using a multiple methodology approach in order to establish a chronology for the advances and stillstands of the Cae Glacier. This chronology was compared to chronologies established for other glaciers on Mount Hood, North Sister, Mount Rainier and Mount Baker as well as glaciers in Scandinavia. The chronology was also compared to a long term temperature record from Longmire, Washington. The maximum identified extent of the pre-Little Ice Age Coe Glacier was indicated by moraines located at an elevation of about 1530 m and about 2 km downvalley of the present terminus. A general period of shrinkage of the pre-Little Ice Age Coe Glacier followed resulting in the deposition of moraines upvalley of the older pre-Little Ice Age moraines. The Little Ice Age Coe Glacier reached its maximum downvalley extent of about 1650 m elevation prior to 1731 AD. An earlier advance (1607 AD) was more extensive laterally than the 1731 AD advance. The Coe Glacier has been in a general state of recession since the mid to late 1700's. The prominent lateral moraines formed prior to 1882 AD. Four low moraines located within the Coe Glacier trough formed before 1901. Historical records indicate that the Coe Glacier has generally continued to recede since then. A comparison of the moraine ages and the historical activity of the Coe Glacier to other glaciers on Mount Hood as well as others in the Pacific Northwest and Scandinavia reveals that fluctuations of the glacier termini are generally synchronous. This similarity, combined with the similarity of the ages of Coe Glacier moraines to cool periods in a long term temperature record, indicates that hemispheric climatic patterns have played a major role in the past fluctuations of the Coe Glacier.

A Tale of Three Sisters: Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history and paleoclimate record at Three Sisters Volcanoes, Oregon, United States

Marcott, Shaun Andrew 01 January 2005 (has links)
At least four glacial stands occurred since 6.5 ka B.P. based on moraines located on the eastern flanks of the Three Sisters Volcanoes and the northern flanks of Broken Top Mountain in the Central Oregon Cascades. The youngest of these advances was the Little Ice Age (LIA) glaciation, which reached its maximum advance 150-200 yrs. B.P. and is defined by the large sharp crested and unvegetated moraines adjacent to the modern glaciers. In isolated locations less than 100 m downslope from these moraines, a second set of sparsely vegetated lateral moraines marks the Late-Neoglacial stand of the glaciers between 2.1 ± 0.4 and 7.7 ka B.P, A third set of Early-Neoglacial end moraines is 300-700 meters downslope of the modern glacier termini, and postdates 7.7 ka B.P. From SST temperature data (Barron et al., 2003) and a speleothem record (Vacco, 2003), we infer that this advance occurred between 4.5 and 6.5 ka B.P. Finally, the Fountonnor stand is marked by moraines 500-900 meters downslope of the modern glacier termini, and we infer these are latest Pleistocene or early Holocene. Modem equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) at the Three Sisters and Broken Top are approximately 2500 - 2600 m. During the LIA, the ELAs were 40 - 180 m lower, requiring cooler mean summer temperatures by 0.7 - 1.0°C and winter snowfall to increase by 10 - 60 cm water equivalent. The average Early Neoglacial and Fountonnor ELAs were 130 - 300 m and 290 - 320 m lower than modem glaciers, respectively, requiring air temperatures to be 0.7 - 1.6°C and 1.5 - 1.7°C cooler during the summer and winter snowfall to be 40 - 100 cm water equivalent and 90 - 100 cm water equivalent greater.

Investigating the Holocene History of Eliot Glacier, Mount Hood, Oregon

Jones, Nadia Sittara 15 August 2012 (has links)
This research documents the Holocene glacial history of Mount Hood, Cascade Mountains, Oregon by analyzing a set of three lateral moraines abutting Eliot Glacier, the largest glacier on the mountain. This study seeks to: 1) establish the relative ages of these lateral moraines and 2) determine if these features represent distinct glacial advances. The hypothesis is that the lateral moraines for Eliot Glacier represent three distinct periods of glacial advance based on their position relative to the current glacier and other diagnostic indicators. Soil profiles of three positions (shoulder, backslope, and footslope) on the distal side of each lateral moraine were described in the field and samples were taken from each horizon for laboratory analyses of pH and particle size. The results of the soil analysis show that the soils developing on the moraine closest to the current glacier are poorly developed and significantly younger than the other two features. The closest moraine likely dates to the Little Ice Age (600-150 YBP) and has soils with an A/C profile and a classification of Andic Cryopsamment. The soils on the middle and furthest moraines from the glacier are similar in the profile sequence (Andic Haplocryepts). Silt bulges were noted in the mid-slope pits. The furthest moraine has deeper horizons and more color development than the middle moraine. Ash layers were found in the backslope soil profile (36-51cm deep) on the middle moraine. Additional lab testing confirms the ash layers originated from Mount Hood, but no date can be assigned. The eruptive history of Mount Hood points to the Timberline eruptive period (1,500 YBP) as a likely candidate for one of the ash deposits. This evidence suggests the middle moraine was actively forming during this period and is intermediate in age between the furthest moraine and the Little Ice Age Moraine; hence, this sequence of moraines indicates three distinct periods of glacial advance in the Neoglacial.

Late Pleistocene and Holocene Aged Glacial and Climatic Reconstructions in the Goat Rocks Wilderness, Washington, United States

Heard, Joshua Andrews 01 January 2012 (has links)
Eight glaciers, covering an area of 1.63 km2, reside on the northern and northeastern slopes of the Goat Rocks tallest peaks in the Cascades of central Washington. At least three glacial stands occurred downstream from these glaciers. Closest to modern glacier termini are Little Ice Age (LIA) moraines that were deposited between 1870 and 1899 AD, according to the lichenometric analysis. They are characterized by sharp, minimally eroded crests, little to no soil cover, and minimal vegetation cover. Glacier reconstructions indicate that LIA glaciers covered 8.29 km2, 76% more area than modern ice coverage. The average LIA equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of 1995 ± 70 m is ~150 m below the average modern ELA of 2149 ± 76 m. To satisfy climate conditions at the LIA ELA, the winter snow accumulation must have been 8 to 43 cm greater and mean summer temperatures 0.2 to 1.3 ºC cooler than they are now. Late Pleistocene to early Holocene (LPEH) aged moraines are located between 100 and 400 m below the LIA deposits. They have degraded moraine crests, few surface boulders, and considerable vegetation and soil cover. Volcanic ashes indicate LPEH moraines were deposited before 1480 AD while morphometric data suggest deposition during the late Pleistocene or early Holocene. The average LPEH ELA of 1904 ± 110 m is ~ 240 m and ~90 m below the modern and LIA ELAs, respectively. The climate change necessary to maintain a glacier with an ELA at that elevation for LPEH conditions requires the winter accumulation to increase by 47 to 48 cm weq and the mean summer temperature to cool by 1.4 to 1.5 ºC. Last glacial maximum (LGM) moraines are located more than 30 km downstream from modern glacial termini. They are characterized by hummocky topography, rounded moraine crests, complete vegetation cover, and well developed soil cover. Moraine morphometry, soil characteristics, and distance from modern glacial termini indicate that deposition occurred at least 15 ka BP during an expansive cooling event, the last being the LGM. The LGM ELA of 1230 m is ~920 m below the modern ELA. The climate change necessary to maintain a glacier with an ELA at that elevation for LGM conditions requires the mean summer temperature to cool by 5.6 ºC with no change in precipitation.

Petroleum Releases from Underground Storage Tanks in Northwest Indiana: Successful Remediation Techniques and Implications of Cost Effectiveness

Lenz, Richard Jason 13 December 2014 (has links)
Prior to the passage of the 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1.6 million bare steel Underground Storage Tanks (UST) were in use in the United States. Many of them were leaking. In Indiana approximately 13,000 UST remain but have been upgraded to meet current industry and regulatory standards. Cleaning up the petroleum releases from leaking UST has continued since it became evident that bare steel underground tanks leaked. In Northwest Indiana glacial moraine and outwash deposits from the Wisconsin Ice Age that retreated 10,000 years ago left 200 feet of glacial till above the underlying bedrock. Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and Air Sparging (AS) have proven to be effective and provide significant cost savings for remediation in the glacial deposits in Northwest Indiana. Indiana also has the Excess Liability Trust Fund (ELTF) to help pay for and to expedite clean-up of releases from registered UST. Cleaning up petroleum releases requires the appropriate technology for the localized geology, adequate funding, and appropriate guidance from state and federal regulations. This study discusses these issues at three sites in Northwest Indiana to demonstrate how technology, funding, and regulatory compliance must collaborate to work in the field.

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