Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gemorphology."" "subject:"asmorphology.""
1161 |
Gender and Number in Tunisian Arabic: A Case of Contextual AllosemyDali, Myriam 26 June 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, I investigate the distribution and function(s) of gender in Tunisian
Arabic. Based on the observation that gender can ll multiple functions and hence
receive different interpretations in TA, I consider gender in this language to be subject
to contextual allosemy. Allosemy is the equivalent of conditioned allomorphy at the
level of LF (Wood, 2012; Marantz, 2013; Wood and Marantz, 2017) and is de ned as a
phenomenon in which a single morpheme can have multiple semantic realizations. My
proposal is based on the observation that the interpretation of gender is conditioned
by its syntactic environment, more speci fically, by the class of the base noun and the
function and interpretation of any node or abstract morpheme (e.g., number) that
is parasitic of the n head hosting the class feature.
The current predominant view of gender in syntactic theory is that it has a
nominalizing function (Lecarme, 2002; Kihm, 2005; Lowenstamm, 2008; Acquaviva,
2009; Kramer, 2009, 2014, 2015; Hammerly, 2018). According to this view, gender
is hosted on the n head, which selects the root, and assigns it a nominal category
(assuming DM). However, Arabic has other uses for the feminine gender, most of
them associated with number. This, I argue, originates from the diachronic trajectory
of the feminine a x -a in Proto-Semitic, where it started out as a nominalizer,
then a singulative a x, then a group marker, before finally marking feminine gender
(Hasselbach, 2014a,b; Dali and Mathieu, 2019a). These subsequent layers of meanings
associated with what is now known as gender are all present in the synchronic
picture of Arabic. Through an exhaustive inventory of data and diagnostics, I show
that the role of gender is pervasive within the Tunisian Arabic DP, and is not limited to nominalization. To account for these facts, I propose that gender is distributed
among the different functional heads of the DP: Num, Q, D (see also Farkas 1990;
Ritter 1993; Giurgea 2008; Croitor and Giurgea 2009; Steriopolo and Wiltschko 2010;
Fassi Fehri 2012, 2018b,a; Dali and Mathieu 2019a).
The present thesis also focuses on plurals. I show that plural markers can also
be distributed along the nominal spine (Acquaviva, 2008; Harbour, 2008; Wiltschko,
2008, 2012; Butler, 2012; Mathieu, 2012, 2013, 2014; Kramer, 2016), accounting for
their di erent functions (e.g., classifying, grouping, counting). These different functions
associated with Arabic plurals are, I argue, due to the existence of a singulative
operator that is not limited to the collective system, but is pervasive in Tunisian Arabic, as I show. Finally, these observations all suggest that one and the same abstract
morpheme (e.g., the feminine and the plural) can receive different interpretations
depending on the base they attach to and on their syntactic level, which motivates
the allosemic analysis put forward in this thesis.
1162 |
Taxonomy and Phylogenetics of Island Damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae: Vanuatubasis)Saxton, Natalie Anne 16 June 2021 (has links)
Odonata is an order of charismatic insects, commonly called dragonflies and damselflies, that provide a rewarding study system to answer questions such as those related to diversity and biogeography. Despite being relatively well-studied compared to other insect orders, odonates have suffered from inconsistencies and disagreements about proper morphological terminology that provide barriers to incoming workers. These disagreements have subsequently led to confusion and the incorrect application of terms. Here, we clarify the terminology and propose standard terminology for terminal appendages. This terminology is employed in a taxonomic revision of Vanuatubasis Ober & Staniczek, 2009. This endemic genus of damselfly found on the island archipelago of Vanuatu and was previously only known from three species. Here, we formally describe and treat all known species of Vanuatubasis including the association of females for known species. We also describe new species Vantuatubasis evelynae sp. nov., V. insularivorum sp. nov., V. kapularum sp. nov., V. nunggoli sp. nov., V. punicea sp. nov., and V. xanthochroa sp. nov. from material collected in Vanuatu. An illustrated key to both males and females of all species within Vanuatubasis is provided as well as distributions for all known species. Finally, we explore the biogeographical patterns in Vanuatu using this genus. We reconstruct a phylogeny of Vanuatubasis, in the context of its two sister genera, to begin unraveling the complex biogeography of this lineage. We test hypothesis of dispersal from Fiji, routes of colonization across the archipelago, and how relationships reflect geographic proximity in the genus. The results provide a vital first step in understanding the faunistic patterns within Vanuatu, as well as broader patterns across the Pacific.
1163 |
Using Morphological Analysis in an Information Retrieval System for Résumés / Användning av morfologisk analys i ett informationssökningssystem för CVnNorrby, Sara January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the usage of an information retrieval system among résumés in Swedish and how the usage of morphological methods, such as lemmatization, affects the results. In order to investigate this, a small information retrieval system was built using lemmatization and compound splitting. This thesis also discusses how the relevance of a résumé can be decided and evaluates the information retrieval system in terms of precision, recall and ranking ability. The results show that using morphological analysis had a positive effect in some cases, especially when the query contained more Swedish words than names of skills. In the cases where there were mostly technical skills in the query it proved to have a negative impact. Lemmatization was the method that had a small positive effect on ranking ability but the compound splitting had a negative impact regardless on the queries' features. / I detta examensarbete undersöks hur användning av morfologisk analys, så som lemmatisering, påverkar prestandan hos ett informationssökningssystem för CV:n på svenska. Det tas också upp hur relevans hos ett CV kan bedömas och informationssökningssystemet utvärderas utifrån precision och täckning men även ''discounted cumulative gain'' vilket är ett mått på rankningsförmåga. Resultaten visar att morfologisk analys ger positiva effekter i de fall då frågan till söksystemet innehåller många svenska ord. När frågan innehöll många namn på olika tekniker så visade det sig vara negativt att använda morfologi, framförallt när det gäller uppdelning av sammansatta ord. Lemmatisering var den metod som hade positiv effekt i vissa fall medan uppdelning av sammansatta ord endast hade en negativ effekt.
1164 |
Quantitative Genetic Analyses of Postcanine Morphological Crown VariationStojanowski, Christopher M., Paul, Kathleen S., Seidel, Andrew C., Duncan, William N., Guatelli-Steinberg, Debbie 01 March 2019 (has links)
Objectives: This article presents estimates of narrow-sense heritability and bivariate genetic correlation for 14 tooth crown morphological variants scored on permanent premolars, first molars, and second molars. The objective is to inform data collection and analytical practices in dental biodistance and to provide insights on the development of molar crowns as integrated structures. Materials and Methods: African American dental casts from the Menegaz-Bock collection were recorded for the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System. Estimates of narrow-sense heritability and genetic correlation were generated using SOLAR v.8.1.1, which included assessment of age, sex, and birth year as covariates. Both continuous scale and dichotomized estimates are provided. Results: Heritability estimates were nonsignificant for the majority of variables; however, for variables yielding significant estimates, values were moderate to high in magnitude and comparable to previous studies. Comparing left and right-side heritability estimates suggests directional asymmetry in the expression of environmental variance, something not seen in anterior tooth traits. Genetic correlations were moderate among antimeres and metameres and low for different traits scored on the same tooth crown. Although several negative correlations were noted, few reached statistical significance. Results affirm some of the current data cleaning and analytical practices in dental biodistance, but others are called into question. These include the pooling of males and females and combining left and right-side data into a single dataset. Conclusions: In comparison to anterior tooth crown traits, postcanine heritabilities were more often non-significant; however, those traits with significant heritability also tended to produce higher estimates. Genetic correlations were unremarkable, in part, because they were underpowered. However, M1 results may provide insight into the complex relationship between genes, environment, and development in determining ultimate crown form.
1165 |
<p> </p>
<p>To meet the needs of the high-end electronics and energy industry, it is important to operate these devices in elevated temperatures and under high voltage. The dielectric materials for advanced capacitors must have high temperature tolerance (Tg>80C) high dielectric constant, low loss and high breakdown strength to meet the demands of the future. In order to understand fundamental relationships between the processing, structural hierarchy and electrical properties, in this dissertation we focus on slow crystallizing PET/PEI polymer blends, crystallizable Nylon 12 and noncrystallizable Polyetherimide and its chemical variants. </p>
1166 |
Fonologiese en morfologiese beskrywing van LobeduKotze, Albert Ewald 28 May 2015 (has links)
In hierdie studie word die fonologie en die morfologie van Lobedu, 'n dialek van die
Noordoostelike dialekbundel van Noord-Sotho, beskryf. Historiese gegewens, soos in
hoofstuk 1 weergegee, toon aan dat die Balobedu vroeer uitgebreide kontak met die
Bavenda gehad het.
Die vokale van Lobedu is anders as hulle standaard ewekniee op die vokaalkaart
geposisioneer. In hoofstuk 2 word aangetoon dat die vokaalsisteem in sekere opsigte
met 'n vyfvokaalsisteem ooreenstem, maar nogtans oor sewe foneme beskik. Tekens
van 'n verskuiwing in die rigting van die meer tipiese sewevokaalsisteem is opgemerk.
Die konsonante van Lobedu word gekenmerk deur veral vier a-tipiese artikulasies:
dentale klanke vervang die standaard laterale sluitklanke, retroflekse sluitklanke
vervang alveolere sluitklanke, oorwegend stemhebbende sluitklanke vervang tipiese
Noord-Sotho se geejekteerde klanke, en affriksie by die vrylating van retroflekse
plosiewe is prominent.
In hoofstuk 3 word gekonsentreer op die toonpatrone wat verskillende naamwoorde
en werkwoorde kenmerk. lnteressante verskille tussen standaard Noord-Sotho en
Lobedu is gedokumenteer, hoewel daar uiteraard ook heelwat ooreenkomste bestaan.
In hoofstuk 4 word die oorsprong van foneme diachronies nagespeur, terwyl alle
geidentifiseerde klankveranderinge in hoofstuk 5 opgeneem is. 'n Uitstaande kenmerk
van Lobedu is dat die kombinasie van labiale konsonante geheel en al anders as in
tipiese Noord-Sotho hanteer word.
In hoofstukke 6 tot 8 word die woordkategoriee morfologies beskryf en ontleed.
Kenmerke van die werkwoord in die verskillende verbale subkategoriee kom ook aan
die orde: Daar word na diachroniese feite verwys ten einde die voorkoms van sekere
allomorfe te verklaar, terwyl die herkoms van sekere morfeme na Venda en Tsonga
teruggevoer word. Hoofstuk 9 bevat 'n gedetailleerde uiteensetting van die struktuur
van die verskillende kopulatiewe.
In die finale hoofstuk word tot die slotsom gekom dat Lobedu wel as 'n dialek van
Noord-Sotho beskou moat word, ten spyte van aansienlike Venda-beinvloeding. Die
voorkoms van a-tipiese kenmerke diskwalifiseer Lobedu nie as 'n Noord-Sotho dialek
nie; indien wel, moat die status van verskeie ander Noord-Sotho dialekte ook
bevraagteken word. Die Balobedu beskou hulleself as Noord-Sotho manse, en die
effektiewe kommunikasie tussen die Balobedu en sprekers van Noord-Sotho bewys
dat onderlinge verstaanbaarheid 'n werklikheid is / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikatale)
1167 |
Revising the Taxonomy and Biology of Ornamental Worms (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) around the Arabian PeninsulaBrown, Shannon 04 1900 (has links)
Polychaetes are among the most abundant and diverse groups in the benthic environment; however, the diversity of marine polychaetes remains underexplored. On coral reef ecosystems, scientists predict 80-90% of species are still undescribed due to low sampling efforts in certain regions and the understudied nature of smaller invertebrates, such as polychaetes. Sabellidae, a prominent family of polychaetes, are known for their widespread distribution and are recognized as an ornamental worm due to their feather-like appendages. Here, we detail the diversity of Sabellidae around the understudied Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula is surrounded by diverse marine ecosystems (e.g., coral reefs, seagrass beds) occurring in extreme environmental conditions (e.g., higher seawater temperature and strong seasonal variation). Our samples included 178 sabellids from the Saudi Arabian Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Arabian Gulf. Collected from February 2019 to February 2020, these sabellids were sampled from hard and soft substrate on coral reefs and their associated habitats. We used two molecular markers, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S ribosomal DNA alongside an array of morphological analyses, including widely used characters, meristic counts, and morphometric measurements, to identify seven morphotypes. Environmental and biological information was also recorded to understand more about the ecology of these relatively understudied polychaetes. Our combined morphological and genetic analyses acknowledge the presence of six species from the genera Sabellastarte, Bispira, Branchiomma, and Acromegalomma. Our study identified the existence of potential undescribed species in the region and proposed expanded geographic ranges for three accepted species, Sabellastarte sanctijosephi, Branchiomma luctuosum, and Acromegalomma nechamae. The present work increases the current knowledge about the overall systematics of marine polychaetes in the Arabian Peninsula and ultimately contributes to the reassessment of the family’s biogeography.
1168 |
Ultrastructural analysis of platelets and fibrin networks in stroke patientsDe Lange, Albe Carina 18 April 2011 (has links)
Ischaemic stroke represent more than 80% of the total stroke instances. The location of the occlusion and the amount of brain tissue involved determines the effect of the stroke. Stroke can result in paralysis, memory loss, speech impairment and even a “lock-in” state. The amount of neuronal damage will determine whether these symptoms will be temporary or permanent. Stroke is deemed the second leading cause of death for individuals over the age of 60. According to the World Stroke Organization (WSO) every six seconds stroke claims a life, regardless of age or gender. Stroke is a global burden and the medical costs and disability related to stroke in America for 2010 was projected at almost $73.7 billion. The morphology of platelets, fibrin networks and erythrocytes as well as the differential white blood cell counts of 20 thrombo-embolic ischaemic stroke patients were investigated. Internal and external alterations were revealed in the platelets of stroke patients when compared to healthy controls. The decreased numbers of alpha granules in the platelets of the stroke patients indicated these platelets to be activated. Substances released by activated platelets promote fibrin network structure, specifically the formation of fibrin strands and accumulation of additional platelets. The fibrin network of healthy individuals consists of major, thick fibers with minor, thin fibers distributed between them. The fibrin network of stroke patients exhibited an abnormally layered and matted ultrastructure comprising of mainly thin, minor fibrin fibers packed closely together. An uncharacteristic circular morphology was also observed. These alterations in the fibrin network indicate the activated platelets to be actively involved in the thrombotic event. Neuronal damage related to stroke is also advanced by the vasoactive substances released by activated platelets. It can therefore be deduced that the morphology of the fibrin network is altered long before the concrete thrombotic event transpire. Large numbers of abnormal erythrocytes were distinguished in the blood of stroke patients. Among these abnormal forms of erythrocytes specifically codocytes, knizocytes, stomatocytes and echinocytes were identified. Abnormal erythrocyte forms were significantly increased in hypertensive patients and females independently. Alterations in the ultrastructure of erythrocytes disturb blood flow in the microcirculation and could possibly augment the ischaemic event. Inflammation is closely related to ischaemic stroke. An increased monocyte count and a reduced number of neutrophils were a significant feature among all the stroke patients of this study. Patients with hypertension as well as patients consuming aspirin on a daily basis showed the greatest influence on the observed differential white blood cell counts. These morphological alterations observed in the platelets, fibrin network and erythrocytes as well as the differential white blood cell count could be incorporated in an analysis regime that could probably indicate an impending thrombotic event. Therefore treatment could be initiated before the ischaemic event to possibly prevent the stroke. For future studies a larger study population, a more refined patient enrolment as well as the analysis of follow-up blood samples from patients could substantiate the above-mentioned findings and provide additional information concerning the thrombotic event and the effectiveness of treatment procedures. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Anatomy / Unrestricted
1169 |
Intra- and inter-population variation in the bladder grasshopper Bullacris unicolorSathyan, Rekha January 2014 (has links)
Masters of Science / Although the processes that promote biodiversity and speciation remain poorly understood, ecological factors are thought to be one of the causal agents responsible for promoting variation. Bladder grasshoppers (Orthoptera; Pneumoroidea) are a group of endemic southern
African insects that provide an ideal model system to study the role of ecology in speciation. All species rely on acoustic communication for mate location, with males producing an extremely loud advertisement call that is highly species specific. Any alteration to the male
call would thus likely have implications for species integrity. In this study, I examined geographic variation as well as potential ecological drivers of biological diversity within Bullacris unicolor, a variable and wide-ranging species of bladder grasshopper. The main
aims of the study were to characterise the extent of acoustic and morphological variation among individuals sampled from five geographic locations and to correlate this variation with environmental data and host plant use. At the inter-population level, I found significant differences between populations with respect to both morphological and acoustic characters. Results of multivariate analyses showed
significant differences in the body length, pronotum length and head width of males and in the pronotum length, abdomen width and head width of females. Similarly, the acoustic signals of males from the five populations differed significantly in both temporal and frequency components, with all but one variable (peak frequency of the introductory syllables) showing a significant difference. However, there was no correlation between morphological and acoustic variables among populations, and acoustic characters showed far greater divergence among populations than did morphology. In both males and females, the morphological variables that differed among populations were negatively correlated with mean annual temperature, indicating that grasshoppers are larger in areas with lower temperatures. Also, some of the call characteristics of males were correlated with temperature, precipitation, altitude, and slope. Although grasshoppers were observed feeding
on a range of host plant species, neither morphology nor signal characteristics were found to vary according to host plant. At the intra-population level, multivariate analyses revealed that all acoustic characters differed significantly among individuals. Morphology may be influencing signal properties within a population to some extent as there were significant correlations between some of the call characters and both abdomen width and tibia length, with lengths of these two morphological variables being positively correlated with temporal components of the call and abdomen width being negatively correlated with frequency components. I also found a significant difference in the carrier frequency of male calls, as well as in some of the morphological characters of males and females, according to host plant. This indicates that host plant use has a greater effect on variation at the intra-population level than at the interpopulation level. In conclusion, the results of my study reveal significant variation in the morphology and acoustic signals of B. unicolor, both within and among populations, and suggest that this variation is at least partially related to ecological factors.
1170 |
Rheological, mineralogical and strength variability of concrete due to construction water impuritiesAwoyera, Paul O., Awobayikun, Oyinkansola, Gobinath, Ravindran, Viloria, Amelec, Ugwu, Emmanuel I. 01 January 2020 (has links)
Various national and international standards recommend potable water for mixing concrete; however, the availability of potable water is virtually a daunting task in some developing communities. Concrete workers in such environments tend to utilize any available water for mixing concrete, and this may be detrimental to the quality of the concrete being produced. This study investigates the rheological, mineralogical and strength variability of concrete due to construction water impurities. Water samples were collected from four different construction sites within Southwestern region of Nigeria for production of concrete. The physical and chemical properties of the waters were determined so as to measure their rate of contamination, prior to their use for mixing concrete. The rheological properties of the fresh concrete, compressive strength, split tensile strength, and microscale features of hardened concrete, that were produced with each water sample were determined. From the results, the rheological features of concrete were found not to be affected by water impurities, however, the mechanical test results revealed about 10% reduction in strength between concrete made with water having least and higher concentration of impurities. Also, it was evident from the microscale tests that the water impurities do alter the hydration rate of concrete, which results in strength reduction. The study suggests pretreatment of concrete mixing water before use in order to avoid its damaging effect on concrete life. / Revisión por pares
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