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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Isaacs, Kathy B. 01 January 2013 (has links)
When a woman discovers that she is pregnant, she begins a process of internal work to develop her mother role. This process has been outlined in the literature for the delivery of a healthy full-term baby, however little is known about the process for mothers of medically fragile babies. A threatened pregnancy and subsequent delivery of a medically fragile baby involves a different process of internal work by the mother to prepare for her role. Mothers with a baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) experience stress, uncertainty, and anxiety potentially causing a permanent impact on the successful development of her role. It is the purpose of this dissertation to explore the process of mother role development among those first-time mothers having a baby in the NICU. This study was conducted using a qualitative grounded theory method. Data collection consisted of personal journals, in-person interviews, researcher notes and observation. The specific aims include (1) describing the disruption in the individual’s preconceived idea of being a mother, (2) exploring specific strategies that support the mother in the development of her role while in the NICU, (3) describing the mother’s perception of her role during physiologic changes in her baby, (4) examining the mother’s evaluation of her mother-role success, (5) developing a deeper understanding of the process of developing the role of mother while in the NICU, and (6) constructing a theoretical model to illustrate the process of becoming a mother while in the NICU.

Ett liv i balans : En kvalitativ studie om förstagångsmödrars upplevda aktivitetsbalans

Strålman, Johanna, Jonsson, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Inledning och bakgrund: Att bli mamma för första gången innebär en stor livsomställning med förändringar i aktivitetsmönstret och antagandet av en ny roll. Forskning visar att kvinnor skattar sin aktivitetsbalans lägre än männen de lever tillsammans med. Förekomsten av upplevd god aktivitetsbalans kan utgöra förutsättningar för individens hälsa. Aktivitetsbalans definieras som den subjektiva upplevelsen av rätt variation och antal göranden i det individuella aktivitetsmönstret. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva förstagångsmödrars, som lever i en parrelation, upplevda aktivitetsbalans under de första 6 till 18 månaderna efter förlossningen. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade frågor och  innehållsanalys genomfördes. Informanter rekryterades via bekvämlighetsurval och snöbollsurval. Resultat: Resultatet presenterades utifrån fyra kategorier: Tidens betydelse för förstagångsmödrars upplevda aktivitetsbalans, Aktiviteter av betydelse för upplevelse av aktivitetsbalans, En personlig inställning till livsomställningen och Omgivningens betydelse för aktivitetsbalans vilka bildade åtta underkategorier.  Slutsats: Återhämtande aktiviteter, aktiviteter som gav en känsla av identitet utanför modersrollen, upplevelse av god fördelning i av hushållssysslor, fritid och barnskötsel partner emellan samt engagemang i arbete och studier var av vikt för upplevelsen av god aktivitetsbalans. / Introduction: Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience that causes changes in the occupational pattern and the adoption of a new role. Research shows that women rate their occupational balance lower than the men they live with. The presence of occupational balance can create good conditions for the experience of health. Occupational balance is defined as the subjective experience of the right variation and amount of occupations in the occupational pattern.  Aim: The aim of the study was to describe how new mothers, in a relationship, experienced occupational balance during the first 6 to 18 months postpartum. Method: The study was a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews and a content analysis was applied. The informants were recruited through convenience- and snowball selection. Results: The result was presented through four categories: The meaning of time for first-time mothers experienced occupational balance, Occupations of significance for experienced occupational balance, A personal view on the change of life and The significance of the social surroundings for occupational balance. These created eight sub-categories.  Conclusions: Activities that created a sense of recovery, identity besides the role as a mother, experiences of a satisfying distribution of housework, leisure, childcare and engagement in work or studies wereas important for the experience of occupational balance.

Mateřství jako zlom v životě mladé romské matky / Motherhood as the breaking point in the life of a young Roma mother

Obručová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to look into the lives of young mothers of Roma nationality and to get better understanding of influences that affect them and their adoption and perception of their maternal role. The choice of this theme is based on experience with previous working with Roma families. For the research, it has been chosen five mothers aged under 25 years, with whom were conducted unstructured interviews. In the theoretical part, there is a discussion about motherhood in general and later about its specifics in the Roma community. The greatest emphasis is taken on the receiving parent role. Firstly, the empirical part is a discourse about the choosen method - grounded theory. Then there is detailed description of data processing and data analysis. The following chapters are devoted initially to environmental influences to motherhood and later to the concrete experience of the respondents. The experience of motherhood is viewed from several angles - the time horizon (from conception to birth and the first reaction to child) and the importance of her baby to the mother, especially in terms of commitment and in the context of plans and wishes. This work gives an insight into the lives of five Roma mothers. Mothers have the greatest influence on the upbringing of a new generation - for those who are...

Oj ska du behålla det?   : En kvalitativ studie om Tonårsmammor i ett Brukssamhälle / Oh are you going to keep it? : – teenagemothers in an industrial community

Broström, Ann-Catrin, Huttu, Eeva January 2011 (has links)
Enligt statistik föreligger det en högre frekvens av tonårsfödslar i detta specifika brukssamhälle i jämförelse med en närliggande mellanstorstad.  Det existerar ofta en speciell bruksanda i brukssamhällen där arbete många gånger föredras framför utbildning. Uppmuntrar denna mentalitet till att skaffa barn i ung ålder och vilken betydelse och påverkan har mödrarnas ålder vid barnafödande? Skapar tonårsmammorna sin identitet genom att reproducera mödrarnas livsstil? För att ta reda på detta har fem tonårsmammor blivit intervjuade och fått lämna sin livsberättelse. Intervjufrågorna var uppdelade i tematisk ordning för att få en följsam berättelse. En professionell person som är anställd i en stödgrupp på orten har blivit intervjuad för att få en nyanserad bild av tonårsmammornas situation. Analysen av intervjuerna är genomförd med hjälp av teorier av Skeggs, Angelöw & Jonsson och Giddens om respektabilitet, roller och identitet. I forskningsprocessen upptäcktes vissa tydliga mönster gällande barnafödande och utbildningsnivå. De flesta tonårsmammorna hade mödrar som skaffat barn när de var i tonåren. De flest unga mammorna och deras föräldrar saknade eftergymnasial utbildning. Kulturen och den norm som råder i brukssamhället uppmuntrar ungdomar att skaffa barn tidigt. / According to statistics, there is a higher rate of teenage births in this specific industrial community in comparison with the big city. There is often a special spirit of the mining communities where work is preferred more often than education. Does this mentality encourages having children at a young age and which meaning and influence do their mother’s age at childbirth. Creates teenage mothers their identity by reproducing maternal lifestyle. To find this out, five teenage mothers had been surveyed and they left theirs life story. The interview questions were divided into thematic order to get a smooth narrative. A professional person who is employed in a support group in the community has been interviewed to get a balanced picture of teenage mothers' situation. The analysis of the interviews implemented with using theories of Skeggs, Angelöw & Jonsson, and Giddens on respectability, roles and identity. The research discovered some clear patterns concerning child bearing and education. Most teenage mothers were mothers who had children when they were in their teens. The most of the young mothers and their parents had no post-secondary education. In the industrial community, the culture and the norms  encourages young people to have children earlier.

Sexismo durante la cobertura del asesinato de la niña Camila realizada por el Grupo ATV / Sexism during the coverage of the murder of the girl camila carried out by the atv group

Rojas Arroyo, Camila Abigail 07 December 2020 (has links)
El 01 de marzo, Camila de cuatro años, junto a su hermana de dos y su prima de nueve fueron a buscar a su madre que se encontraba en una fiesta patronal, a unas cuantas cuadras de su casa. En el camino, un sujeto de 15 años intervino a las niñas y secuestró a Camila, para luego violarla y asesinarla. Esto ocurrió en el distrito de Independencia. Tras el asesinato de la niña Camila los programas: Al Estilo Juliana, ATV Matinal y Día D, pertenecientes al Grupo ATV cubrieron la noticia involucrando en el crimen a la madre de la víctima, Mirella Huamán Santiago, de 22 años. Este trabajo identifica la imagen que este medio televisivo quiso construir de la madre, en base a los comentarios realizados por los conductores de cada programa, los testimonios, relatos y titulares de los informes. Los cuales culpabilizaron a la madre por lo sucedido, dando a entender que ella orilló a que su hija fuera raptada y posteriormente, asesinada. De la misma manera, se juzgó la acciones que tomó previo al crimen de Camila y también el comportamiento que tuvo al enterarse que su hija se encontraba desaparecida. Asimismo, se sostuvo comentarios agresivos y denigrantes hacia Mirella Huamán, desacreditando su rol de madre, aparte de exponer parte de su vida privada. De esta manera, su imagen fue vulnerada publicamente, lo que causó que muchas personas la criticaran deliberadamente en las redes sociales. Un caso constroversial, donde estos programas dirigieron parte de su enfoque en Huamán Santiago, cuando el verdadero asesino fue un joven de 15 años. / On March 1, Camila, four years old, along with her two-year-old sister and her nine-year-old cousin, went to look for her mother who was at a patronal party, a few blocks from her house. Along the way, a 15-year-old man intervened with the girls and kidnapped Camila, then raped and murdered her. This happened in the district of Independencia. After the murder of the girl Camila, the programs: Al Estilo Juliana, ATV Matinal and Día D, belonging to the ATV group, covered the news involving the mother of the victim, Mirella Huamán Santiago, 22 years old. This work identifies the image that this television medium wanted to build of the mother, based on the comments made by the hosts of each program, the testimonies, stories and headlines of the reports. Who blamed the mother for what happened, implying that she led her daughter to be kidnapped and later killed. In the same way, the actions she took prior to Camila's crime and also the behavior she had when she found out that her daughter was missing was judged. Likewise, aggressive and degrading comments were made towards Mirella Huamán, discrediting her role as a mother, apart from exposing part of her private life. In this way, her image was publicly violated, which caused many people to deliberately criticize her on social networks. A constroversial case, where these programs directed part of their focus on Huamán Santiago, when the real murderer was a 15-year-old boy. / Trabajo de investigación

Proměny časopisu Vlasta v letech 1988-1991 / Tranformation in Vlasta magazine 1988-1991

Kozáková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
In the 70-year history of the weekly magazine Vlasta, there were three main divisions that fundamentally influenced the personnel department, as well as the choice of topics. This diploma thesis is focused in the years 1988-1991. That is, before and after the Velvet Revolution. After 1989 there were changes in the editorial office, changes in the topics of articles (influenced by propaganda) and changes in advertising and graphic design. This thesis deals with these three lines. The main goal is to find out how the working environment in the weekly magazine Vlasta has changed during the years under review and how did the content changed. The first part deals with the functioning of the editorial office two years before the change of régime and the subsequent change in the magazine environment after 1989. The thesis is focused on the work of individual editors, but also on what topics they chose and why.

Postavení profesionální pěstounky v SOS dětských vesničkách / The Position of Profesional Foster-mather in The SOS Children's Villages

Grosmanová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the position of foster-mother in SOS children's villages. The first part focuses on the legislative background of the operation of these facilities for foster care in the context of the development organization SOS Children's Villages in the Czech Republic and the international organization SOS Kinderdorf International. It discusses the problem of Czech SOS Children's Villages, when foster-mother is responsible for the child entrusted to foster care, which is the difference from the Czech villages than villages in the other countries. The second part analyzes the role of the SOS foster-mother. It offers a reflection on the meaning of the concept of the archetypal mother and changes of maternal role. The dissertation maps a question of motivation and readiness for fostering.Step by step are described SOS foster-mothers's career stages and are development cycles of SOS families. The work deals with the controversial topic, such as support for an SOS foster-mother. It introduces the concept of an integrated following educational community youth, boarding facilities for teenagers and young adults from the SOS villages. Work thinks how sustainability cyclic replenishment of children and families in the SOS families and possibilities and individualized needs of clients in the SOS...

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