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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Horský hotel v Jeseníkách / The mountain hotel in Jeseníky

Holub, Radim January 2013 (has links)
Design of timber structures of mountain hotel is performed. The building is slab-on-ground, three – storeyed, plan size axially 36×15 m. Total build up area is about 567 m2. It’s constructionally timber skeleton structure of modern construction that consist of supporting members and joists in several meter grid. Wall and floor frames, that provide object stability, consist of components of elementary frame structure. The roof of building is designed as plate girder in modul grid with lengthwise purlin.

Horský penzion / Mountain pension

Soukupová, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with a design of an energy-efficient hotel in the Jeseníky mountains. Main parts of the project are to be found in folder C, containing the drawings including five technical details, technical report with attached list of compounds, thermal assessment and fire safety project. The work also contains a study in folder B, which represents the initial version of the project, including the evolution of the project, staircase calculation and simple visualization. This thesis can be used as project documentation for actual building operation.

Horský hotel / Mountain Hotel

Surala, Václav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of a mountain hotel in the village of Loučná nad Desnou. The building has a four floors and a basement. Rooms for technical support and fitness center are situated on he basement. On the first floor are reception, restaurant and shop with sports equipment .On the second floor are rooms for guests, multifunctional room and utility room. On the third floors are only rooms for guests and utility room. There is a posibility to visit a green flat roof from the fourth floor. Object of mountain hotel is designed from permanent formwork and sand-lime blocks and floors structures are designed of lightweight concrete. Mineral wool is used for thermal insulation of the facade. Roof is designed as a green warm flat roof.

Horský penzion / Mountain guesthouse

Pischl, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The theme of diploma thesis is a new building of the mountain guest house with restaurant. The location of object is quiet part of village Lipová-lázně – Dolní Lipová, district Jeseník. The building has two floors, a partial basement and an attic. Accommodation is designed for 31 hotel guests. In guest house is also private accommodation for employers. The main material of bearing walls are ceramic fittings. The building is based on the passports of plain concrete. The roof is gabled with a dormer window in all of attic rooms.

Horský hotel / Mountain hotel

Chrobočková, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The topic of dissertation is project of two- storey mountain hotel in Horní Bečva. Mountain hotel will be used for accommodation and STRAVOVÁNÍ. In basement are four hotel rooms connected by corridor with access to clubroom, fitness room, lounge, sauna and staircase, which is connecting basement and ground floor. In the basement are also rooms for employees, which are office, laundry storage room and cleaning room. In ground floor are rooms for guests, as restaurant, bar, conference room, WC and bicycle and ski room. There are also rooms for employees with separate entrance, which are dressing rooms for men and women, kitchen with storage space. In first floor are hotel rooms, laundry storage room and cleaning room. Mountain hotel has rectangular plan. It has saddle grinder roof.

Aplicación de un método de determinación y validación de altura de isoterma 0°C en el territorio chileno, a partir de datos de radiosonda en el período 1973-2017

Miranda Cepeda, Bastian January 2019 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geógrafo / El planeta se enfrenta a nuevos escenarios climáticos, y Chile no se encuentra ajeno. Aumentos de temperatura y disminución en las precipitaciones son algunos de los fenómenos que se están dando con mayor frecuencia, en donde la isoterma 0°C toma un rol importante al encontrarse vinculado estrechamente con las variaciones de temperatura. Es así como se propone un método de determinación de isoterma 0°C mediante datos de radiosonda lanzados en territorio chileno, así como también una validación de sus resultados. Los datos de radiosonda son limpiados y llevados a una macro, en donde se automatiza el cálculo de la altura de la isoterma 0°C mediante una regresión polinómica, cuyos resultados son espacializados en el territorio chileno a nivel estacional. Por otro lado, estos datos son analizados temporalmente según Makesens y contrastados con resultados arrojados por un modelo alternativo, utilizando datos de una base mundial denominada Terraclimate. La isoterma 0°C se ubica principalmente en la cordillera de Los Andes, abarcando mayor superficie en la zona norte y centro del país. A grandes rasgos, las tendencias señalan un aumento en la altura de isoterma 0°C en la zona norte, centro y sur, siendo en los meses de verano en donde existe un mayor grado de significancia. La altura de la isoterma 0°C en días de precipitación presenta un alza en la zona norte y centro del país, mientras que en la zona austral se destaca la tendencia negativa. / The planet is facing to new climate stages, and Chile isn't so far of that. Temperature increase, decrease in rainfall, are just some of the phenomenon that happens more frequently, where 0°C isotherm takes an important role to be closed linked with temperature variations. This Is how a 0°C isotherm variations method is proposed using radiosonde data launched in Chilean territory, as well as a validation of their results. The radiosonde data are cleaned and taken to a macro, where the calculation of the 0°C isotherm height is automated by a polynomial regression, the results of which are spatialized in Chilean territory at the seasonal level. On the other hand, these data are temporarily analyzed according by Makesens and contrasted with results produced by an alternative model, using data from a global database called Terraclimate. The 0°C isotherm is located mainly in the Andes mountain range, covering a larger area in the northern and central part of the country. Broadly speaking, the trends indicate an increase in the height of 0°C isotherm in the north, center and south zone, being in the summer months where there is more significance. The height of the 0°C isotherm on rainy days shows an increase in the north and center of the country, while in the southern zone the negative trend is noted.

Cesta - Hora k obcházení / Journey - Mountain to circumvention

Hůlová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents my personal view of the art and the world around us. Primary issue is the understanding of life and art as a journey and an infinite search. Based on this perspective, the specific topics like art, forms and means of expression, symbolism, concept of a journey, time and work of different artists are being surveyed both generally and specifically. Through the survey of those topics, connections and coherences are being found. This thesis also consists of an analysis of my own art work (painting) and my didactic praxis together with a subject of didactics. The elements of contemplation penetrate the entire thesis.

Historie horské služby / History of mauntain rescue service

Fejfar, Aleš January 2019 (has links)
Summary The aim of this thesis is to describe the history and development of the Mountain service in Czech countries as well as in available archives look for documents giving evidence of its history and development. Another target is to point out the associations connected with the mountain terrain or associated with the origin of the Mountain service. Another goal was to monitor the development of the symbol, membership cards and technology which was or stil is used by the Mountain service. The thesis also contains an overview of commencement of rescue associations in selected European countries where the organized rescue of people in mountain terrain has a similar period of origin and similar circumstances. Those organizations, which mostly helped to create mountain rescue service, were Alpine clubs, tourist clubs, conservationists or gymnastic associations. From the territorial prospective we speak about Austria, Germany, France and Italy. From the time point of view the formation of rescue service dates from the middle of the 19th century. The greatest reason for an increasing amount of people (tourists) coming to the mountain terrain in Europe was mostly the scientific-technical progress in the second half of the 19th century. Due to the construction of railways throughout Europe, development...

Sustainable Development Perspectives for Serbian Mountain Areas: Lessons from the European Context

Pantić, Marijana 04 March 2014 (has links)
Starting from the hypothesis European countries have more experience in addressing problems in their mountain areas, the research was designed as a cross-country study mixed with a casestudy approach. Major European mountain massifs were embraced within the first phase of the research (exploratory-descriptive), indicating how similar problems in Serbian [SMA] and other European mountain areas [EMA] are and how their countries address them. The next task was to present how sustainable development of SMA alone can be enhanced, which was done in the explanatory phase. Multiple source analysis, also known as the triangulation method, enabled evidence cross-checking. In the case of SMA, data was collected from both available sources and interviews conducted in three rounds with experts, authorities and the local population (in four municipalities), while data for other EMA was obtained solely from written sources. Both qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. The research led to identification of five categories of problems: environmental, demographic, infrastructure, economic and management. In this regard, SMA have been shown to be similar to other EMA in terms of environmental and demographic issues, while differing from them in matters of the economy, physical accessibility, infrastructure endowment and management. The Balkan Mountain Massif and the Carpathians showed the greatest similarity to SMA. In contrast, the Alps showed a considerably lower extent of problems because of the length of time already spent on finding solutions for them. The identified problem categories in mountain areas Serbia has been dealt for the shortest period of time, including defining and promotion of principles, instruments and measures. The issues stressed are: Serbia lacks decision-making power below the national level, explicit measures for mountain area problems and their implementation. The greatest gap between EMA and SMA appeared to be in the sphere of management, where Serbia has done the least. The last part of the research argues and suggests the prospects for the sustainable development of SMA, split into three main fields of action - management, infrastructure and the economy, and additionally a couple of actions valuable for all the fields simultaneously – urban-rural dependences and activation of the civil sector and volunteers. Within the management field, active local population participation, responsible realisation of the full cycle of decision making - from research to evaluation – and the special status for SMA are highlighted as inevitable in the enhancement process. In the field of the economy, the suggestions made are economic diversification and the improvement of products and job attractiveness, which are expected to positively affect the dissemination of knowledge, product marketing and accessibility to the market. Finally, the sustainable development perspectives aligned in the field of accessibility and infrastructure are the endowment of roads, modernisation of education and ICT endowment. / Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass europäische Länder bereits vielfältige Erfahrungen mit der Bewältigung von Problemen in ihren Berggebieten haben, ist die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit als länderübergreifende Fallstudie angelegt worden. In einem ersten, exploratorischdeskriptiven Teil der Forschungsarbeit werden die größten europäischen Gebirgsmassive vorgestellt. Es wird herausgearbeitet, wie sich Probleme in serbischen [SBG] und anderen europäischen Berggebieten [EBG] ähneln und auf welche Art und Weise sich die einzelnen Länder mit ihren Berggebieten auseinandersetzen. Dies geschieht in der Absicht, Wege aufzuzeigen, wie eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der Berggebiete in Serbien angegangen werden könnte. Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen sind zu diesem Zweck ausgewertet worden, wodurch auch die Prüfung der Daten, d.h. ihre Triangulation möglich war. Im Falle der SBG wurden Daten aus zwei verfügbaren Quellen herangezogen. Außerdem sind Interviews mit Fachexperten, Behörden und den Bewohnern in vier Gemeinden geführt worden. Zu den EBG sind verfügbare Daten aus der Literatur genutzt worden. Sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Daten sind in die Analyse einbezogen worden. Fünf Kategorien von Problemen konnten auf diese Weise herausgearbeitet werden: ökologische, demographische, infrastrukturelle, wirtschaftliche und administrative Probleme. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die SBG und die EBG vor allem in Bezug auf die Umwelt und die Demographie Ähnlichkeiten besitzen. Unterschiede zeigten sich vor allem in Bezug auf Fragen der Wirtschaft, der physischen Zugänglichkeit, der infrastrukturellen Ausstattung und der Verwaltung. Das Gebirgsmassiv im Balkan und den Karpaten besitzt die größte Ähnlichkeit mit den SBG. Im Gegensatz dazu, zeigten die Alpen wesentlich geringere Probleme, da diese seit einem längeren Zeitraum angegangen werden. Im darauffolgenden, analytischen Teil der Arbeit werden zu jeder der identifizierten Problemkategorien in Serbien kurzfristig umsetzbare Entwicklungsprinzipien, Instrumente und Maßnahme vorgeschlagen. Herausgestellt werden folgende Aspekte: Serbien braucht mehr Entscheidungsbefugnis unterhalb der nationalen Ebene, es braucht besondere Instrumente zur Bewältigung der Probleme seiner Berggebiete sowie eigene Ansätze zu deren Umsetzung. Der größten Differenzen zwischen EBG und SBG werden im Bereich der Verwaltung gesehen, da Serbien hier bisher die wenigsten Anstrengungen unternommen hat. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit werden Perspektiven für die nachhaltige Entwicklung der SBG aufgezeigt, aufgeteilt in drei mögliche Haupthandlungsfelder– Verwaltung, Infrastruktur und Wirtschaft. Außerdem werden Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen, die alle Problemfelder übergreifen. Dazu gehören die Bezugnahme von Stadt und Land sowie die Aktivierung zivilen und ehrenamtlichen Engagements innerhalb der SBG. Für den Bereich der Verwaltung werden die aktive Einbeziehung der lokalen Bevölkerung, die verantwortungsvolle Umsetzung planerischer Entscheidungsprozesse – von der Forschung bis hin zur Evaluierung – sowie die Einrichtung eines besonderen Status für die SBG als notwendig für deren nachhaltige Entwicklung erachtet. Für den Bereich der Wirtschaft werden Diversifikation, die qualitative Verbesserung von Erzeugnissen sowie die Steigerung des Angebotes attraktiver Arbeitsplätze als Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten vorgeschlagen, da diese voraussichtlich positiv auf die Verbreitung von Wissen, Produktmarketing und die Zugänglichkeit zu den Märkten wirken. Darüber hinaus werden für nachhaltige Entwicklungsperspektiven der SBG in Bezug auf die Erreichbarkeit und die Infrastruktur die Einrichtung von Straßen, die Modernisierung von Bildungseinrichtungen und die Einrichtung von Informations- und Kommunikationswegen angeregt.

Horské chaty a trvale udržitelný cestovní ruch / Mountain chalets and sustainable tourism

Nagyová, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is sustainable tourism in the mountainous environment. Alpine habitats include a valuable natural environment where tourism can leave lasting effects. Research focuses on the operation of mountain chalets in the High Tatras and the influence of alpine tourism on the environment in terms of three pillars of sustainable development using qualitative methods, namely the triangulation method. Key words: sustainable tourism, mountain chalets, alpine tourism, High Tatras

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