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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évolution spatio-temporelle du pergélisol alpin marginal au mont Jacques-Cartier, massif des Chic-Chocs, Gaspésie (Qc)

Davesne, Gautier 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’acquérir une connaissance détaillée sur l’évolution spatiale de la température de surface du sol (GST) au mont Jacques-Cartier et sur la réponse thermique de son îlot de pergélisol alpin aux changements climatiques passés et futurs. L’étude est basée sur un ensemble de mesures de température (GST, sous-sol) et de neige, ainsi que des modèles spatiaux de distribution potentielle de la GST et des simulations numériques du régime thermique du sol. Les résultats montrent que la distribution de la GST sur le plateau est principalement corrélée avec la répartition du couvert nival. Au-dessus de la limite de la végétation, le plateau est caractérisé par un couvert de neige peu épais et discontinu en hiver en raison de la topographie du site et l’action des forts vents. La GST est alors couplée avec les températures de l’air amenant des conditions froides en surface. Dans les îlots de krummholz et les dépressions topographiques sur les versants SE sous le vent, la neige soufflée du plateau s’accumule en un couvert très épais induisant des conditions de surface beaucoup plus chaude que sur le plateau dû à l’effet isolant de la neige. En raison de la quasi-absence de neige en hiver et de la nature du substrat, la réponse du pergélisol du sommet du mont Jacques-Cartier au signal climatique est très rapide. De 1978 à 2014, la température du sol a augmenté à toutes les profondeurs au niveau du forage suivant la même tendance que les températures de l’air. Si la tendance au réchauffement se poursuit telle que prévue par les simulations climatiques produites par le consortium Ouranos, le pergélisol pourrait disparaître d’ici à 2040-2050. / The objective of the study was to acquire detailed knowledge of the spatial evolution of the ground surface temperature (GST) on Mont Jacques-Cartier and the thermal response of its marginal permafrost body to the past and future climate changes. The study is based on temperature (GST, underground) and snow measurements, and spatial modeling of the potential GST distribution and numerical modeling of the ground thermal regime. The result showed that the spatio-temporal variability of the GST over the summit is mainly correlated with the snowpack distribution. On the wind-exposed plateau, the snowpack is thin and discontinuous. The GST is thus closely connected to the very cold air temperature in winter. In the krummholz patches and in the topographic depression on the leeward slope, drifted snow accumulation is significant leading to surface condition warmer than over the wind-exposed plateau. Because of the near snow-free condition of the plateau summit and the highly conductive nature of its bedrock, the response of the permafrost to the climate signal is rapid. From 1978 to 2014, the ground warmed at all depths. If the recent trend continues as predicted by the climate simulations provided by the Ouranos consortium, the complete disappearance of the permafrost body at Mont Jacques-Cartier could occur around 2040-2050.

Vliv vlastností povodí vysokohorských jezer v Tatrách na chemizmus vody / Influence of catchment characteristics of high-mountain lakes in the Tatra Mountains on water chemistry

Hynštová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with catchments of the alpine lakes in the High Tatra Mountains. The lakes were subject of a long-term monitoring to detect changes of chemical and biotic composition of lake water induced by acid atmospheric deposition and by its decline. The studied processes required a quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of the catchments. The definition of new catchment parameters or the refining estimated parameters was not allowed without current technical and computing equipment because of the complexity of mountainous terrain. The morphological parameters for 26 catchments were obtained by analysis of the created digital elevation model (DEM) using tools of geographic information system (GIS, software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2). The land cover was detected by Google aerial map (2014). The links between chemical composition (NO3⁻, Σ(Ca2+ +Mg2+ )) and catchment properties based on the specified or refined catchment parameters (slope, portion of an area with a slope <26 ř in the catchment, proportion of different land cover types to the real catchment area) were analysed between the years 1993 and 2012 (respectively 2006). New morphological parameters were derived for the defined catchments. The catchments on the northern and the southern slope were distinguished by...

Komparace tradičního transportu materiálu v horském hospodářství Krkonoš a Šumavy / The Comparison of the Traditional Material Transport in the Mountain Economy of the Krkonoše and Šumava Mountains

Smrčka, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis The Comparison of the Traditional Material Transport in the Mountain Economy of the Krkonoše and Šumava Mountains introduces the traditional forms of material and goods transport in the Krkonoše Mountains (the Giant Mountains) and the Šumava Mountains (the Bohemian Forest). The way of life in the highland area of Giant Mountains was significantly affected by the Alpine colonization in the second half of the 16th century. The Alpine colonists brought knowledge of logging, mountain economy and transport equipment into the mountains. Inhabitants of the Giant Mountains used water power, skids, later sledge called "rohacky" for bundles of wood. They also used backpacks, textile "loktuse", baskets, wheeled means of transportation and animal skid for the transport of other goods and materials. The comparison shows that the Bohemian Forest unlike the Giant Mountains was populated by gradual colonization of woodmen from the surrounding regions. Various forms of traditional vehicles were applied in this area. Unlike the Giant Mountains there was increasingly developed timber transport on the canals and rivers. The thesis maps the traditional modes of material transport in both regions, highlightes their differences and records their transformation in the present. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Ikonografický program jezuitů v barokní sochařské výzdobě Svaté Hory u Příbrami / Iconographic programme of the Jesuits in the Baroque sculptural decoration of Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain) near Příbram

Černý, Libor January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the iconographic programme of the Jesuits in the baroque sculptural decoration of Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain). The first chapter is devoted to the literature, which has been written about Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain) near Pribram. The next chapter talks of the history of the pilgrimage site before the Society of Jesus became active there, after its arrival in 1647 until its suppression in 1773. It was also opportune to deal with the history of Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain) during the period of the provosts in the years 1773 - 1861. I also dealt at least in outline form with the years 1871-1950, when the Redemptorists administered Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain) and made significant changes to the iconography of the compound. In the following chapter, I devoted myself to the building and artistic activities during the time of the priests of the Society of Jesus. A separate chapter is dedicated to the illustration and veneration of Our Lady of Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain). In another work, I focused primarily on the individual sculptural decorations of the pilgrimage site and its iconographic illustrations. Individual sub-chapters deal with the Marian Pillar, the Calvary statue, the Upper Terrace inside the ambit, the Prague and the Breznice Gates. In the last chapter, I dealt with the...

Záchranné nezdravotnické služby / Non-medical Rescue Services

Němcová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the subject of non-medical rescue services. The main purpose is to analyze medical services provided by non-medical rescue services - especially Mountain Rescue Service and Mining Rescue Service. The theoretical part introduces the reader the activity of these two services provided in the Czech Republic from the perspective of organization, history, provided services, financing, legislation, professional training of the staff, and available equipment. The research part of the thesis is created on the basis of qualitative research using the method of content analysis of the statistically validates documents. The research results inform about the real extend of provided services, and give the concise information about the frequency and reasons of emergencies. This part of the thesis is completed with the information about the real education of the staff and short interview with leading managers. KEY WORDS Mountain Rescue Service, Mining Rescue Service, competence, training, organisation, emergencies, legislation.

Études du transport de la neige par le vent en conditions alpines : observations et simulations à l'aide d'un modèle couplé atmosphère/manteau neigeux / Blowing and drifting snow in alpine terrain : observations and modeling using a snowpack-atmosphere coupled system

Vionnet, Vincent 30 November 2012 (has links)
Le transport de la neige par le vent est une composante importante de l'interaction entre l'atmosphère et la cryosphère. En zone de montagne, il influence la distribution temporelle et spatiale de la couverture neigeuse au cours de l'hiver et a en premier lieu des conséquences sur le danger d'avalanche. La modélisation numérique de ce phénomène permet d'étudier les interactions complexes entre le manteau neigeux et le vent et d'en estimer les conséquences de manière distribuée. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse décrit le développement et l'évaluation d'un modèle couplé atmosphère/manteau neigeux dédié à l'étude du transport de la neige par le vent en zone de montagne reposant sur le modèle atmosphérique Meso-NH et le modèle détaillé de manteau neigeux Crocus. Le transport de la neige par le vent a été étudié sur le site expérimental du Col du Lac Blanc (massif des Grandes Rousses, France). Une base de données d'épisodes de transport couvrant dix hivers a tout d'abord été utilisée pour déterminer les caractéristiques principales de ces épisodes. Des simulations avec le modèle Crocus (non couplé à Meso-NH) ont ensuite montré qu'il était nécessaire de tenir compte des transformations mécaniques des grains de neige induites par le vent afin de simuler une évolution réaliste de la vitesse seuil de transport. Le site expérimental a également été le siège de deux campagnes de mesures en 2011 et 2012 visant à collecter de données de validation pour le modèle. Elles renseignent sur les conditions météorologiques près de la surface, sur les quantités de neige transportées et sur la localisation des zones d'érosion et de dépôt de la neige grâce à l'utilisation d'un laser terrestre. Le modèle de transport de neige par le vent Meso-NH/Crocus a été développé. Il intègre le transport de la neige en saltation et en suspension turbulente ainsi que la sublimation des particules de neige transportée. Un schéma à deux moments permet de simuler l'évolution spatiale et temporelle de la distribution en taille des particules. L'utilisation d'un schéma de couche limite de surface à l'interface entre Meso-NH et Crocus s'est révélé nécessaire pour représenter les forts gradients de concentration en particules de neige observés près de la surface. Meso-NH/Crocus est le premier modèle couplé atmosphère/manteau neigeux capable de simuler de manière interactive le transport de la neige par le vent en zone alpine. Meso-NH/Crocus a été évalué en relief réel grâce aux données collectées lors de la première campagne de mesure en 2011. La simulation d'un épisode de transport sans chute de neige simultanée montre que le modèle reproduit de manière satisfaisante les principales structures d'un écoulement en relief complexe ainsi que les profils verticaux de vitesse de vent et de flux de particules de neige en suspension près de la surface. En revanche, la résolution horizontale de 50 m est insuffisante pour reproduire avec précision la localisation des zones d'érosion et de dépôt autour du Col du Lac Blanc. La prise en compte de la sublimation réduit la quantité de neige déposée de l'ordre de 5%.Les techniques de descente d'échelle dynamique (grid nesting) ont ensuite été utilisées pour simuler un second épisode de transport avec chute de neige. L'augmentation de la résolution horizontale intensifie les contrastes de vitesse de vent entre versants au vent et sous le vent. En revanche, elle modifie peu les quantités et les structures spatiales des précipitations solides autour du Col du Lac Blanc. Lorsqu'il est activé, le transport devient la principale source d'hétérogénéités des accumulations neigeuses / Blowing and drifting snow are crucial components of the interaction between the cryosphere and the atmosphere. In mountainous areas, it affects the temporal and spatial distribution of snow depth throughout the winter season and influences avalanche formation. Numerical modeling offers a solution for studying the complex interaction between the snowpack and the wind field and to assess the related processes in a spatially distributed way. In this context, this PhD describes the development and the validation of a coupled snow/atmosphere model which is dedicated to the study of blowing and drifting snow in alpine terrain. The coupled model consists in the atmospheric model Meso-NH and the detailed snowpack model Crocus. Blowing and drifting snow have been monitored at the Col du Lac Blanc (Grandes Rousses range, French Alps) experimental site. A database consisting of blowing snow events observed over 10 years allowed us to identify the main features of these events. Numerical simulations using Crocus illustrated the necessity of taking the wind-dependence of snow grain characteristics into account in order to simulate satisfactorily the occurrence of blowing snow events. We also carried out two measurement campaigns at our experimental site in 2011 and 2012 in order to collect validation data for the model. This includes measurements of vertical profiles of wind speed and snow particle fluxes near the surface and the mapping of areas of erosion and deposition using terrestrial laser scanning. The coupled Meso-NH/Crocus model has been developed in order to account for blowing and drifting snow. It simulates snow transport in saltation and in turbulent suspension and includes the sublimation of suspended snow particles. In the atmosphere, a double-moment scheme allows the model to simulate the spatial and temporal evolution of the snow particle size distribution. The implementation of a surface boundary layer scheme at the interface between Meso-NH and Crocus turned out to be necessary to reproduce the strong vertical gradient of snow particle concentration near the surface. Meso-NH/Crocus is the first coupled snow-atmosphere model that can simulate snow transport in alpine terrain in an interactive way.Meso-NH/Crocus has been evaluated against data collected near Col du Lac Blanc during the first measurement campaign in 2011. The simulation of a blowing snow event without concurrent snowfall showed that the model captures the main structures of atmospheric flow in complex terrain, the vertical profile of wind speed and the snow particle fluxes. However, the horizontal resolution of 50 m is found to be insufficient to simulate the location of areas of snow erosion and deposition observed around Col du Lac Blanc. Blowing snow sublimation leads to a reduction in snow deposition of approximately 5%.We used downscaling techniques (grid nesting) to simulate a second blowing event with concurrent snowfall. The increase in horizontal resolution enhanced the contrast of wind speed between windward and leeward slopes. However, it only slightly affects the amount and the spatial pattern of snow precipitation around Col du Lac Blanc. When activated, blowing and drifting snow are the main sources of spatial variability of snow accumulation

Enclavement montagnard et développement : le cas de Jijel , Algérie / Mountain enclosing and development : the Jijel case, Algeria

Abdelaziz, Salah 23 April 2012 (has links)
Dans beaucoup de pays du continent africain l'enclavement physique se pose encore aujourd'hui comme une contrainte majeure au développement. La région de Jijel après avoir longtemps joué un rôle de premier plan dans l'Algérie du Nord, se retrouve à un certain moment de l'histoire dans une situation d'isolement et de déclin par rapport à son environnement relativement dynamique. Est-ce un espace périphérique ? Ce n'est donc pas le cas, et ce n'est surement pas sa situation qui est mise en cause puisqu'elle fait partie de l'espace central de l'Algérie d'aujourd'hui. Mais l'opposition mer/montagne qui confère une singularité à ce territoire semble avoir donné l'avantage aux territoires voisins plus accessibles et propices au développement des communications ainsi que des échanges en tous genre. Les interventions des pouvoirs publics inscrites dans un contexte d'économie planifiée et dans une approche sectorielle, n'ont pas pris en charge l'ensemble de l'espace de la wilaya en se concentrant sur la zone de plaine côtière et en isolant davantage l'espace montagneux, déjà lésé, qui continu aujourd'hui de former une barrière qui bloque ce territoire par le sud. La dynamique animée par les acteurs locaux montre de son côté le chemin d'un développement en cohérence avec les potentialités et les aptitudes locales. Mais l'une comme l'autre initiative se trouvent confrontées à l'isolement de la région et doivent donc s'appuyer inévitablement sur l'ouverture de ce territoire sur le reste du pays. / In many countries of Africa, the geographical enclosing represents a major constraint for development. Although it played a foreground role in North Algeria for a long time, the Jijel area is nowadays found to be isolated and declining compared to its relatively dynamic environment. As it is clearly not a peripheral place, its location can't be blamed since it belongs to the center of Algeria today. However the sea/mountain opposition, which is singular on this territory, seems to have logically promoted more accessible territories with the development of communications as well as exchanges of all kind. In a context of planned economy and a sector-based approach, the authorities did not consider the whole wilaya place, focusing on the coastal plain zone, and isolating the already injured mountainous space that keeps on forming a barrier, blocking this territory by the south. On the other hand, the dynamics powered by the local actors show a way of a development in coherence with the local potentialities and aptitudes. However, each initiative is confronted with the enclosing of the area and will inevitably depend on the opening of this territory to the rest of the country. Its opening towards the South could also guarantee the opening to the North, and reconcile this place with the sea-side, so that it finds back its past role of “transit zone” between North and South Mediterranean.

Charakteristika společenstva hub na opadu smrku ztepilého kultivací a analýzou T-RFLP / Characterization of fungal community in spruce (Picea abies) litter using cultivation and T-RFLP

Kolářová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Fungi have a key role in the decomposition of coniferous litter and affect nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on exploring the diversity of these organisms. The aim of this thesis was to describe fungal diversity in spruce litter and revealed temporal development of this community in a forest regenerating after bark beetle outbreak. Another objective was to compare sites with different length of bark beetle damage. The study area was located in the Bohemian Forest mountain range. Litter bags with spruce needles were placed on the forest soil and several samplings were performed in the course of three years. Diversity of fungi and changes in the fungal community were assessed by two methods: cultivation of needles on 2ř MEA and fingerprinting method T-RFLP. In total 71 fungal species were obtained from needles during a three-year succession by cultivation approach. Using T-RFLP 122 different fragments were generally recorded. The dominant species were Scleroconidioma sphagnicola, Thysanophora penicillioides, Hormonema dematiodes, Ceuthospora pinastri, species of genus Chalara, Trichoderma polysporum, Mycena galopus and unknown species Helotiales sp. 1. Primary saprotrophs occured in the community mainly in first 8 months and then were replaced by basidiomycetes....

Aspekty pohybu ve vysokohorském prostředí, s důrazem na výškovou nemoc / Aspects of the movement in the alpine environment, with emphasis on altitude sickness

Szotkowská, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on aspects of mountains activities as a ski touring, hiking and mountaineering. This field of sports are associated with the risk of altitude sickness. The thesis examines key parameters that contribute to the emergence of altitude sickness. The other examinees parameters are weather conditions, influence of high altitude, physical training and physiological manifestations of individual person. The aim of this thesis was find out which sports are the most affected by high altitude sickness. And what are the most common symptoms of altitude sickness. It was based on the literature and questionnaire.

Přechodníky a dialektismy v časopise Krkonoše - Jizerské hory / Transgressives and Dialectisms in Krkonoše - Jizerské hory Magazine

Praisler, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the developmental dynamics and the current state of two language means found on the periphery of use (not only) in the media - transgressives and dialectisms - in the Krkonoše - Jizerské hory magazine. In the theoretical part, the issue of transgressives and Czech dialects, in more detail the dialect of Podkrkonoší region, is described. The thesis does not systematically address dialectisms that do not meet the criteria of dialect of Podkrkonoší region. Part of the theoretical part is also a short chapter briefly introducing the monitored periodical. The methods used in the practical part are qualitative and quantitative analysis. The transgressives and dialectisms found in the magazine are analyzed in detail in terms of their kind, normality, functional use, or their separation by punctuation marks (only the use of quotation marks in dialectisms). The final chapter then interprets the developmental dynamics of the observed phenomena, including an outline of possible reasons behind the occurrence of the monitored elements on the pages of the monitored periodical at present. So far, the literature has not dealt with the emergence of dialectisms of Podkrkonoší region (and dialectal elements in general) in the media, also for this reason, this work can be...

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